Setting up BT services on different ports - 8525, TyTN, MDA Vario II, JasJam General

I have two services on my windows computer that I would like to use simultaneously. One is my bluetooth-connected GPS and one is a handsfree profle (using phoco) from my Cingular 8525 (factory rom).
Unfortunately both of these devices set up on COM9 and give me no options for anything else. To connect to one, I must disconnect from the other.
I have tried adding available ports on my 8525 both through the bluetooth preferences (new outgoing port...) and by the registry hack described here:
in HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Bluetooth\Serial\Ports\SupportedPorts I added every port I could think of but see no difference in the behavior of the phone. Ihave unpaired and re-paired the device and always only get the single option for the COM port to use.
Do you guys have any ideas how I could get another port to work with my 8525? Currently COM8 is set for activesync and COM9 for serial connection, but I cannot change either of these.
I am running the default BT stack on the 8525 and would like to avoid the Widcomm stack if possible. I am running the widcomm stack on the windows PC.


Bluetooth Tools for XDA2i WM2003SE?

I've been using the Pocket Bluetooth Tools ( for the XDA 2 and it's great--in particular because it allows you to specify the com port used by bluetooth devices to something other than 5 or 6 (I've found 7 works well with our application). However, I just upgraded to an XDA2i with windows mobile 2003SE and although the pocket bluetooth tools install, you no longer get the option after bonding a device to specify the com port. This is causing all kinds of grief.
So, does anyone know if there is an update to the Pocket Bluetooth tools which allow this functionality to work with WM2003SE? Is there another utility out there which will allow the same funcitonality??
BT tools work only with MS BT stack. IIi has Widcomm. And Widcomm BT has a built-in functionaity to map COM-ports.
"And Widcomm BT has a built-in functionaity to map COM-ports."
Where is this? I am bonding a fortuna pocket XTrack bluetooth GPS device, it selects SPP device, and sets com port to 5 / 6 with no possibility to change as they are greyed out. How can I change this to com 7? Is there a utility?
The COM ports can be setuped by editing registry, as usual. HKLM\Drivers\builtin\...
Can you be more specific? Not familiar with doing this on PPC devices. Is editing the registry straightforward or does one need a utility to do this? Also, what exact keys need changing? Finally, can I set a single com port 7 (I noticed that by default it splits incoming and outgoing)....
Cheers for the help
Which Keys?
I've found a utility to edit the registry easily
But I am not sure which keys to edit to change the ports used by bluetooth--as I don't see anything which has ports 5 and 6 specified in the first place!
Re: Which Keys?
Index value is the number of a COM port.
Used COM ports are: 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 9
So you have only 0 and 7 free COM-port numbers.
Can you use the same values for incoming and outgoing? Ie can I put 7 for both?
Changed devicearrayindex and index to 7 on both serial5 and serial6. However, it doesn't appear to be working.
Under bluetooth Serial Port settings it still says inbound COM port 5, outbound COM port 6. Although I can connect manually from bluetooth manager by double clicking the SPP icon, no applications can see the devices on COM 5, 6 or 7.
What have I done wrong?
Hi Killerbunny, i have an xdaIIi too, (named 2020i ) and i have an other serial port problem; when i make a new modem bluetooth connection it tells me "there isn't any bluetooth hardware".
I'm desperately looking for a bluetooth tool for broadcom stack; Infact i wrote an email to htc support but they didn't answered me
I think broadcom is not so great, and we can resolve all problems whit the old microsoft stack

K-JAM Bluetooth - no COM5 after Hard Reset

I recently received a K-JAM from Dubai where it had been picked up at GITEX. It has the Arabic keyboard and customizations. It worked fine, Bluetooth sync with PC (IBM X41 with IBM Bluetooth IV, Ver via COM5 which is the Bluetooth Serial Port on the PC.
I did a hard reset (default Arabic ROM ExtROM, used the Cancel option when asked to choose from a list of Middle Eastern operator customizations, and used the Decline option to avoid installing the Imaginet Custom Arabic software which I don't have any use for.
After that, everything works perfectly EXCEPT that I can no longer do a Bluetooth sync - on the K-JAM, after pairing, when I try to assign a COM port by clicking New Outgoing Port, where earlier (before hard reset) I had the option of COM5, COM6 or COM7, I now have only options for COM6 and COM7.
I setup a second serial port on the PC under Bluetooth Local Services, on COM7, in addition to the first on COM5 and set ActiveSync to use COM7 and the K-JAM to use COM7, but ActiveSync keeps saying "Cannot find an existing Bluetooth partnership with a PC that supportsActiveSync. Would you like to set up a partnership now? Yes No", and no matter how many times I repeat the pairing, it keeps on saying the same thing.
Infrared sync and USB sync continue to work perfectly.
What has happened during the Hard Reset that takes away the option to use COM5 with the New Outgoing Port?
Is there a Registry entry somewhere that I can tweak to allow this? All suggestions to fix this are welcome.
Problem solved by riDuh7
See for details

GPS in settings, tomtom problem

I am trying to set up tomtom 5.21 with my BTGPS74 receiver but cant get the two to communicate. I know there is some settings you can change in settings/system/gps but the problem I have is I dont have the gps option in settings anywhere. Am I missing something? Does any on know what I should do. Tomtom wants me to use port 3 or 7 but when I try to set them in bluetooth settings it says its not possible check your settings. Any suggestions would b welcome. Thanks.
P.S I know the receiver works as it still works well with my N70. should've gotten a GPS icon if software GPS recognized.
In rgister you can force simulation.
delete redirect and add 'group' with dword=2
Then GPS icon will appear.
I gave it programport 7,hardware 6, baudrate=57600
gps auto checked
I'm not sure about the settings...
I had to create incomming and outgoing com ports on my 3100 (not sure if you need both)??
TomTom used com port 9 and works like a dream
as soon as you start the programme it connects automatically as long as my receiver is on.
It even connects when the BT on the 3100 is turned off - it starts the BT automaticlally when tomtom runs!
Yeah i agree all you need to do is set up the com ports, then fire up tomtom and select the com port you just set up and away it goes
Thanks for the replies guys. I know I have to set the com ports but the problem I have is there is nowhere for me to do this. For some reason the gps settings is missing from the system/settings. I am going to try to reinstall tomtom to see if it helps. Tomtom has ports 3 and 7 showing but they seem to be taken by something else so I cant configure my receiver on either of them.
I have a slightly different problem... my TyTn can connect to the BT GPS reciever, but as soon as TomTom tries to calculate a route, or I click the GPS signal icon it crashes back to the Today screen...
I've got TomTom installed with 5.21 update, anyone had any problems like this?
you just need to pair your bluetooth device go to settings connections and bluetooth and add new device, let your tytn search and it will find a new device when you have paired it select new comm port outgoing
I have no gps setting in control panel either
i have a strange problem with my BT. I cant create a incoming or outgoing BT port. I dont know why but it wont let me create any ports.
Anyone with the same odd problem?
I had a similar problem, Tytn would only let me choose COM0 (Zero) as outgoing port, and TT works fine with it. However, I would like to add Mapking for Asia, and this navi soft will not accept a GPS on COM0. Anybody understands why Tytn is only offering COM0 as outgoing ports for GPS?
I have set the com4 as outgoing port and now tomtom seems to work fine.
thanks for that info.
I don't know why only port 0 and all other ports are blocked but TT works for me now. I only need to wait for a better ROM and i can leave my Wizard home
I have written to a good contact at HTC since I need COM ports other than 0 for Asian Mapking navi soft (in add. to TT) . Will keep you posted.
Answer from HTC:
"As my testing, the Outgoing port is not limited with COM0. PaPaGo can accept with COM0, COM2, COM4, COM8, and COM9. I think the limitation of COM0 is the software limitation of TOMTOM, So if the user wants to use Mapking that only support COM1~7, he need delete the outgoing port COM0, and reassign another COM port for the BT GPS."
I imagine the problem lies between the Tytn and TomTom only, and other navi soft would find other COM ports. But I am kind of hesitant to interfere with a working TomTom, and go through the outgoing COM port game again...
I'm using Navigon and set up an outgoing Connection on com2 and it works fine for me.
sounds like TT is the problem ...
Guys, let me try to help you a little bit, as I work in navigation software development (Destinator).
1. The COM ports has nothing to do with the actual software you are running. This is pre-defined in the ROM you are using. That is also the reason why we see variations here - we use different ROMs.
2. In order of enabling a COM port, you do NOT need to discover the GPS icon on the settings. It is quite useless unless you wish to work simultaniusly with more than one software.
3. To enable a COM port, after you pair the GPS, look down for the tab COM Ports in the BT settings Manager. You only need to create Outgoing COM.
4. Strange but usually you will only be able to choose between 2 COM ports. The rest are hidden by the OS. MAKE SURE that you disabled the "Secure Connections". Default key for all the GPS receivers is "0000" and for Globalsat 308 is "2003". The last is AKA HP GPS.
5. If you cannot enable any other COM port than COM0, this is a ROM problem and you should contact your ROM provider like the mobile carrier. You can also try to enable other COM ports with the attached CAB file. Simply run it, it will expose all COM ports for you and now you should start trying. I reccomend to test COMs 4-8 first, normally, it will solve your problems. (Note: I got this file previously here and did not create it myself).
There have been may posts about TomTom not recognising B GPS's.
One solution that doesnlt seem to be mentioned here id to ensure that the name of the GPs in BT connections actually ends in "GPS"..
If it doesn;t renove the pairing and re-pari , but change the name this time to something that ends in "GPS"...
good luck
Charlie Grillo
Thanks guys, found another solution that works for me now:
1) Set your Bluetooth GPS to another COM port than 0 (TomTomĀ“s standard port 6 was not available, so I choose 2)
2) open Programs/Navigator/navigator.cfg with a text editor, change COM0 to COM2
3) start TomTom - working on COM 2!
Started Mapking, found COM 2 - working now.
hello fellas,
as you can see im new here. im thinking of buying the TYTN, a sector which i have never explored before (pda sector).
it sounds great with the applications and due to my work, a need for a pda is becoming bigger.
i posted in this message due to the GPS topic.
i got a very stupid question which you may recieve occasionally if i buy the tytn.. :twisted:
why do a person need BT enabled GPS? i read you can connect it to your PDA but for what reason?
thanks in advance and apologies for any inconvience..
@D_G - welcome to this board
In order to run navigation software on your Tytn you need a external GPS connected to it. Easiest solution is a external GPS connected via Bluetooth.
Another solution would be to buy a PDA phone with a GPS receiver on board, for example the ETen G500.
Of course we would all be interested in a UMTS PDA with integrated GPS, with acceptable battery life, but that will take some time...
thanks lucas for the answer. but why would you need a navigation software if you have a GPS device? in either case you will need to have both devices in a particula blue tooth range. right?
this means you will need your handheld device + the GPS to activate the navigation software, or dd I miss something?!

Blusoleil Bluetooth Syncronization Problem

Hi, All. For a couple of days now I am trying to synchronize my O2 Neo with my PC per bluetooth. I am using a cheap bluetooth dongle, which comes with BlueSoleil software. When the devices find each other, the Prothet only recognizes a Serial Port connection. Than I assign outgoing port on the Prophet (I think COM6), I include COM 6 in the ActiveSync (4.2 by the way) settings and map COM6 to my prophet in the Bluesoleil settings. When I refresh the services on my Prophet I can again only see the Serial port connection. Can someone give a hint?

Step by Step - Using Xperia as a BT Modem

Can someone explain this?
It would be appreciated!
Want to know that too!
I had the option to use use my HTC TyTN II as a modem, in the default Comm Manager.
Can we use the same Comm Manager from HTC? And thus get the opportunity to use X1 as a USB or Bluetooth modem?
It's built into the ROMs look for 'Internet Sharing' ... It's an application
Since it's a WM6.1 phone, I'm sure this has been covered many many times. Google it.
Guys, I am trying to connect via Bluetooth, not usb cable. Usb cable is trivial, you just connect the cable and hit internet connection. However, it isn't that easy with BT. Does my pc need any special BT software? How do you pair it and then what do you do to use the internet? I have ATT so do I need to create a modem? etc. Thanks.
you can use this one aswell.
not bluetooth but will do.
Many PC bluetooth implementations whether built-in or add-on will come with their own software. The bluetooth stack that was introduced for XP with SP2 will, generally not be as comprehensive as the bluetooth stack shipped with your bluetooth device.
Not all bluetooth devices come with their own bluetooth software, some rely on that which MS added to XP with XP SP2.
The X1 (like all WM5+ WM phones) supports Bluetooth PAN. There are several steps to perform before this will work.
1) On The X1 turn on bluetooth and make it discoverable.
2) On the X1, start up 'Internet sharing', select the internet connection, i.e: 'contract internet', and select bluetooth as the connection medium. Tap 'Connect'
3) Pair the X1 with the PC: On the PC, use your bluetooth software (or that which comes with XP) to search for a bluetooth device. Once its found, enter the same pass key on both ends (aaaa is fine, since its only a temporary key), and complete the paring process. You should then end up with a list of services that the device (the X1) offers. One of these should be 'Network Access' or 'Bluetooth PAN', choose this.
4) You should get a shortcut to the connection you just set up above in the bluetooth software on your PC, double clicking it should make it connect.
5) In future, to connect, you start up 'Internet Sharing' on the X1, select bluetooth as the connection method and 'Contract Internet' (or similar) as the connection, then hit connect. On the PC, you click the shortcut that you ended up with in (4).
6) I **don't use** the bluetooth support built into XP SP2, but rather the bluetooth stack supplied with my laptop. I have never tried to get bluetooth PAN working with the generic bluetooth support that shipped with XP(SP2) - i.e I am not 100% sure that the above will work with it.
The following url might help:

