K-JAM Bluetooth - no COM5 after Hard Reset - 8125, K-JAM, P4300, MDA Vario General

I recently received a K-JAM from Dubai where it had been picked up at GITEX. It has the Arabic keyboard and customizations. It worked fine, Bluetooth sync with PC (IBM X41 with IBM Bluetooth IV, Ver via COM5 which is the Bluetooth Serial Port on the PC.
I did a hard reset (default Arabic ROM ExtROM, used the Cancel option when asked to choose from a list of Middle Eastern operator customizations, and used the Decline option to avoid installing the Imaginet Custom Arabic software which I don't have any use for.
After that, everything works perfectly EXCEPT that I can no longer do a Bluetooth sync - on the K-JAM, after pairing, when I try to assign a COM port by clicking New Outgoing Port, where earlier (before hard reset) I had the option of COM5, COM6 or COM7, I now have only options for COM6 and COM7.
I setup a second serial port on the PC under Bluetooth Local Services, on COM7, in addition to the first on COM5 and set ActiveSync to use COM7 and the K-JAM to use COM7, but ActiveSync keeps saying "Cannot find an existing Bluetooth partnership with a PC that supportsActiveSync. Would you like to set up a partnership now? Yes No", and no matter how many times I repeat the pairing, it keeps on saying the same thing.
Infrared sync and USB sync continue to work perfectly.
What has happened during the Hard Reset that takes away the option to use COM5 with the New Outgoing Port?
Is there a Registry entry somewhere that I can tweak to allow this? All suggestions to fix this are welcome.

Problem solved by riDuh7
See http://www.howardforums.com/showthread.php?t=755265 for details


Bleuttoth activesync since new O2 ROM upgrade...

Hi all,
Since upgrading to the recently released O2 ROM I can no longer get my activesync to work over bluetooth. I have reinstalled the bluetooth module on the PC and tried many many times to connect - without sucess.
Usually I just make sure of the following:
XDA2 paired with laptop (Dell D600).
ActiveSync BT profile installed and set to COM4 (in this case)
Activesync itself has COM4 in its settings.
Then usually, I go to activesync on the XDA2, hit sync over bluetooth and hey-presto! But since the upgrade I get nothing...no messages, no failure, no connection....just nothing.
Has anyone seen this and found a way out? I have trawled the forum but nothing seems to help.
Cheers - Rich
It is very odd. I know and this happen to three XDA II devices in our office after the upgrade. If you experiencing the following.
1) Go the ActiveSync of XDA and select Tools and then Connect Via Bluetooth. Nothing happens. None of the usual dialog box saying "Opening Port".
This is how I got it working again for all three devices.
1) Uninstall the bluetooth application and driver from your PC and reboot.
2) Reistall the bluetooth application and driver.
3) From the XDA II.
a) Remove any previous pairing that you may have made before.
b) Go Start -> Settings -> System -> Bluetooth Settings
c) Click the "Start" Button
d) Select the Bonded Devices Tab
e) Select "New" and go through the pairing process.
4) Now the bluetooth via ActiveSync should work.
Note:. Check on bluetooth settings the comm port setting used and make sure that ActiveSync is using the same comm port. Also upgrade to the latest ActiveSync version 3.7.1 Build(4034).
Hope this helps.
Hi There.
I had this problem also.
All I did was go into ActiveSync on the PC and deleted the bonding between the two devices. (Its in the file menu somewhere). Then on the PPC, go to Start, Settings, System, Bluetooth Settings, then click on the ActiveSync setup and start a fresh.
Good luck, hope it all works.
Many thanks - in my rush I had forgotten to tell it to start the bluetooth activesync setup as described in your mail.
Many thanks - R

About BTTools

Hello. My question is very simple.
What is BTTools, what is usefull, and where can I download it? :?:
Solve it Bluetooth problems?
Thanks in advance :wink:
Yes it solves some problems, but you get new ones for free :?
OK, I have downloaded and installed BTTools on my XDA-II device but I have a problem with a BlueTooth device.
The device is a portable bar-code scanner of the trademark Baracoda.
The model is BL1000: http://www.baracoda.com/baracoda/products/p_2.html
I have installed BTTools cause this device works with bateries and have power save: past one minute it disconnect the BlueTooth connection with PDA and once started again not comunicate the bar-codes with PDA but is present.
The problem is that not works with BTTools.When I discover new devices through BlueTooth it discover the device but the selector screen of COM only I have as selection COM7.
I have tried before install BTTools and the device only works using the default COM5 port of Outbound COM port (BlueTooth Configuration). I think to work with BL1000 and BTTools I need that this port it be COM7 or instead that BTTools allow me select COM5 as COM port for comunication. Is it possible?
This device has an auxiliar program for translate the information of the BL1000 to PDA. http://www.baracoda.com/baracoda/products/p_9.html called Kemul.
Inside it you can configure a virtual port of Master device and Slave device but not work. If I use BTTools I select:
Slave: COM8
Master: COM7 (the COM assigned by BTTools)
This configuration not work
If I uninstall BTTools the device works and comunicate with XDA-II but the net time that the device switch off automatically not works.
I donĀ“t understand what is happened or how I have to configure to work with BTTools.
Thanks in advance

Can't set up bluetooth activesync on O2 mini

Hi all,
I'm running 1.12.00 WWE after upgrade from O2's German firmware, and all was good. I also gave the new BCHS bluetooth patch a try, didn't seem to have any benefits though.
My problem is that the bluetooth setup in my software looks different from that detailed in all the online help documentation, so I can't follow the instructions to set up activesync via bluetooth.
In 'Settings', I have a 'Bluetooth Setting' item, which in turn has a 'Press Start to setup' activesync option, but all that does is ask me to start bonding with other bluetooth device which supports serial port or activesync profile as your activesync partner.
I can't get past that, as my phone is already paired with my laptop.
Any suggestions on how I can either get this to work as-is, or what I need to do to get the neccessary bluetooth settings software back on the Magician?

Blusoleil Bluetooth Syncronization Problem

Hi, All. For a couple of days now I am trying to synchronize my O2 Neo with my PC per bluetooth. I am using a cheap bluetooth dongle, which comes with BlueSoleil software. When the devices find each other, the Prothet only recognizes a Serial Port connection. Than I assign outgoing port on the Prophet (I think COM6), I include COM 6 in the ActiveSync (4.2 by the way) settings and map COM6 to my prophet in the Bluesoleil settings. When I refresh the services on my Prophet I can again only see the Serial port connection. Can someone give a hint?

Setting up BT services on different ports

I have two services on my windows computer that I would like to use simultaneously. One is my bluetooth-connected GPS and one is a handsfree profle (using phoco) from my Cingular 8525 (factory rom).
Unfortunately both of these devices set up on COM9 and give me no options for anything else. To connect to one, I must disconnect from the other.
I have tried adding available ports on my 8525 both through the bluetooth preferences (new outgoing port...) and by the registry hack described here: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=261844
in HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Bluetooth\Serial\Ports\SupportedPorts I added every port I could think of but see no difference in the behavior of the phone. Ihave unpaired and re-paired the device and always only get the single option for the COM port to use.
Do you guys have any ideas how I could get another port to work with my 8525? Currently COM8 is set for activesync and COM9 for serial connection, but I cannot change either of these.
I am running the default BT stack on the 8525 and would like to avoid the Widcomm stack if possible. I am running the widcomm stack on the windows PC.

