Can't set up bluetooth activesync on O2 mini - 8125, K-JAM, P4300, MDA Vario General

Hi all,
I'm running 1.12.00 WWE after upgrade from O2's German firmware, and all was good. I also gave the new BCHS bluetooth patch a try, didn't seem to have any benefits though.
My problem is that the bluetooth setup in my software looks different from that detailed in all the online help documentation, so I can't follow the instructions to set up activesync via bluetooth.
In 'Settings', I have a 'Bluetooth Setting' item, which in turn has a 'Press Start to setup' activesync option, but all that does is ask me to start bonding with other bluetooth device which supports serial port or activesync profile as your activesync partner.
I can't get past that, as my phone is already paired with my laptop.
Any suggestions on how I can either get this to work as-is, or what I need to do to get the neccessary bluetooth settings software back on the Magician?


Bleuttoth activesync since new O2 ROM upgrade...

Hi all,
Since upgrading to the recently released O2 ROM I can no longer get my activesync to work over bluetooth. I have reinstalled the bluetooth module on the PC and tried many many times to connect - without sucess.
Usually I just make sure of the following:
XDA2 paired with laptop (Dell D600).
ActiveSync BT profile installed and set to COM4 (in this case)
Activesync itself has COM4 in its settings.
Then usually, I go to activesync on the XDA2, hit sync over bluetooth and hey-presto! But since the upgrade I get messages, no failure, no connection....just nothing.
Has anyone seen this and found a way out? I have trawled the forum but nothing seems to help.
Cheers - Rich
It is very odd. I know and this happen to three XDA II devices in our office after the upgrade. If you experiencing the following.
1) Go the ActiveSync of XDA and select Tools and then Connect Via Bluetooth. Nothing happens. None of the usual dialog box saying "Opening Port".
This is how I got it working again for all three devices.
1) Uninstall the bluetooth application and driver from your PC and reboot.
2) Reistall the bluetooth application and driver.
3) From the XDA II.
a) Remove any previous pairing that you may have made before.
b) Go Start -> Settings -> System -> Bluetooth Settings
c) Click the "Start" Button
d) Select the Bonded Devices Tab
e) Select "New" and go through the pairing process.
4) Now the bluetooth via ActiveSync should work.
Note:. Check on bluetooth settings the comm port setting used and make sure that ActiveSync is using the same comm port. Also upgrade to the latest ActiveSync version 3.7.1 Build(4034).
Hope this helps.
Hi There.
I had this problem also.
All I did was go into ActiveSync on the PC and deleted the bonding between the two devices. (Its in the file menu somewhere). Then on the PPC, go to Start, Settings, System, Bluetooth Settings, then click on the ActiveSync setup and start a fresh.
Good luck, hope it all works.
Many thanks - in my rush I had forgotten to tell it to start the bluetooth activesync setup as described in your mail.
Many thanks - R

Is Bluetooth Tools still needed?

Like on subject: is Bluetooth Tools needed anymore with the new ROM 1.66ITA?
I use the 1.6 WWE ROM on my O2 XDAII and can get ActiveSync etc working fine without installing the BLuetooth tools software. I had a few problems to begin with though after the upgrade, but solved them by removing all the bondings and partnerships between XDA and PC. After that, go through the ActiveSync setup wizard in Start, Settings, System, Bluetooth settings. When you are there, note the serial COM ports that the Bluetooth connection will use, as mine changed after the upgrade and had to be changed to reflect that in ActiveSync on the PC.
Hope that helps,

BT Activesync problem

I used to be able to connect to activesync via bt. But after a recent hard reset, when I tap on bt in ActiveSync in my PPC, it just does nothing. No response, no error message, just nothing happens.
However BT headset works fine.
Can anyone help? Thanks.
I got the same problem with ActiveSync via Bluetooth after I upgrade my Xda II from ROM version 1.52 to 2.06. Transfering files via BT works fine, but not activesync.
I keep searching the posting for solving the problem
Maybe a stupid question, but did you re-create the ActiveSync bluetooth bond on your XDA2 before trying to use AS? I made this mistake after a ROM update a while ago.
After the ROM upgrade, don't just create a new bond to the PC through the Bluetooth page. You must go to Start -> Settings -> System -> Bluetooth Settings and then tap the 'Bluetooth ActiveSync Setup' button, which creates a bond ready for BT ActiveSync.
Of course, you may know this so this may seem like a silly suggestion, but this is the mistake I made after a ROM upgrade... :roll:
BT ActiveSync Problem on XdaIIs Solved
Hi SiliconS,
Thank you very much for your suggestion. My Xda can ActiveSync via Bluetooth now. I am very happy with it.
It was 3 weeks after upgrading, I searched thru the posting on the Internet. I share my problem and request help. Almost everyday looking the site waiting for the reply.
Tonight is my great night, you came with suggestion and solve my problem.
After I removed bonding device, I performed Soft Reset. On Bluetooth Setting, I unchecked Passkey Require, uncheck Inbound and Outbond Com Port, then select Start and continue rebounding device.
<Abah – XdaII WM2003SE, Upgrade with Asian Version>
SiliconS, Wrote : <<Maybe a stupid question, but did you re-create the ActiveSync bluetooth bond on your XDA2 before trying to use AS? I made this mistake after a ROM update a while ago.
After the ROM upgrade, don't just create a new bond to the PC through the Bluetooth page. You must go to Start -> Settings -> System -> Bluetooth Settings and then tap the 'Bluetooth ActiveSync Setup' button, which creates a bond ready for BT ActiveSync.
Of course, you may know this so this may seem like a silly suggestion, but this is the mistake I made after a ROM upgrade.>>

Bluetooth Network Access, Please, Please, please Help....!!!

Hi there,
I have an Qtek 2020 and I've installed WM2005.
ROM version 1.60a.00WWE
Radio Version: 1.14.00
Protocol version: 1337.24
I want to use newtwork access service but I cant.
when I want to setup this service in My Bluetooth places. it sais no Device found. and when I find manually it sais that your device has not network access profile.
I tried to install WIDCOMM BTW-CE but it didnt installed. it sais that no bluetooth radio found!!
I really need network access. Please help me!!!!!
if you can sync with activesync using bluetooth then you can connect
not sure if 2005 BT stack support the bluetooth PAN profile
and not sure if there are any widcomm out for 2005 yet
I had this problem also before I install WM2005 with the same error.
I thaught maybe I should upgrade my radio versio !!!!
the radiostack is only related to GSM not bluetooth
these are guides as to how you activesync with bluetooth
Most of the time.. its more acurate when you connect from PC to PPC not PPC to PC.
I think my English is very bad
I can connect to ActiveSync without any problems.
My problem is to use Network Access service.
I have no problem with other services sych as Audio Gateway, Headset, Ativesync, Serial port and...
when you are connected with activesync then you have network access!
if you minimize activesync while it's connected then you can just open IE or messenger or what ever
that is unless you disabled it in activesycn on the pc or the firewall on the pc block it
or if you have set it to use your isp network insted of your my network in connections on the pocketpc
No... you didn't understand me.
I want have an IP address for my pocket PC as you connect with WiFi.
And explore the shared folder of the network PCs with Resco File Explorer.
Wee this picture.
When I connect with USB my pocket PC get and IP address and I can ping it.
I want to do this also when I connect via bluetooth.[/img]
oh dident know that activesync using bluetooth did not assign an ip to the xda2
well then there are 2 options i guess
1 find a widcomm or another bluetooth stack that works on 2005 which support the PAN profile (pan is network over bluetooth as in not using activesync)
2 downgrade to 2003SE or 2003 and get the widcomm stack which works for it and support PAN
I've installed the WIDCOMM. but the previouse BLutoth stack did't remove. and now I have too icons of bluetooth!!!
but widcomm did't work properly and it sais that: "The Bluetooth radio failed to turn ON due ro insuffivent driver menory available. [!!!] you must perform a normal reset before you can turn ON the Bluetooth Radio.
eAfzali said:
I've installed the WIDCOMM. but the previouse BLutoth stack did't remove. and now I have too icons of bluetooth!!!
but widcomm did't work properly and it sais that: "The Bluetooth radio failed to turn ON due ro insuffivent driver menory available. [!!!] you must perform a normal reset before you can turn ON the Bluetooth Radio.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Try to use PocketLanCe:
I have the same problem... htc p4350, wm5 aku3/3.5 the wm device doesn't see the Network Access bluetooth service which the PC is running. (pocket pc doesn't seem to support Bluetooth PAN correctly). This is crap. In the year 2007, simple things like bluetooth pan shouldn't go unimplemented in an operating system built by the richest software company in the world. on a device i paid $500 for. i could implement this stuff myself in less than a week if the code weren't closed source. gosh i hate hate HATE our world.
also the pocketlance website is password protected..

Step by Step - Using Xperia as a BT Modem

Can someone explain this?
It would be appreciated!
Want to know that too!
I had the option to use use my HTC TyTN II as a modem, in the default Comm Manager.
Can we use the same Comm Manager from HTC? And thus get the opportunity to use X1 as a USB or Bluetooth modem?
It's built into the ROMs look for 'Internet Sharing' ... It's an application
Since it's a WM6.1 phone, I'm sure this has been covered many many times. Google it.
Guys, I am trying to connect via Bluetooth, not usb cable. Usb cable is trivial, you just connect the cable and hit internet connection. However, it isn't that easy with BT. Does my pc need any special BT software? How do you pair it and then what do you do to use the internet? I have ATT so do I need to create a modem? etc. Thanks.
you can use this one aswell.
not bluetooth but will do.
Many PC bluetooth implementations whether built-in or add-on will come with their own software. The bluetooth stack that was introduced for XP with SP2 will, generally not be as comprehensive as the bluetooth stack shipped with your bluetooth device.
Not all bluetooth devices come with their own bluetooth software, some rely on that which MS added to XP with XP SP2.
The X1 (like all WM5+ WM phones) supports Bluetooth PAN. There are several steps to perform before this will work.
1) On The X1 turn on bluetooth and make it discoverable.
2) On the X1, start up 'Internet sharing', select the internet connection, i.e: 'contract internet', and select bluetooth as the connection medium. Tap 'Connect'
3) Pair the X1 with the PC: On the PC, use your bluetooth software (or that which comes with XP) to search for a bluetooth device. Once its found, enter the same pass key on both ends (aaaa is fine, since its only a temporary key), and complete the paring process. You should then end up with a list of services that the device (the X1) offers. One of these should be 'Network Access' or 'Bluetooth PAN', choose this.
4) You should get a shortcut to the connection you just set up above in the bluetooth software on your PC, double clicking it should make it connect.
5) In future, to connect, you start up 'Internet Sharing' on the X1, select bluetooth as the connection method and 'Contract Internet' (or similar) as the connection, then hit connect. On the PC, you click the shortcut that you ended up with in (4).
6) I **don't use** the bluetooth support built into XP SP2, but rather the bluetooth stack supplied with my laptop. I have never tried to get bluetooth PAN working with the generic bluetooth support that shipped with XP(SP2) - i.e I am not 100% sure that the above will work with it.
The following url might help:
