New: Quick access to backlight brightness - JASJAR, XDA Exec, MDA Pro General

Hi folks,
When I'm using my PDA at night, I turn the backlight right down, so it doesn't wake the girlfriend (and blind me!) This requires many steps: Start->Settings->System->Backlight->Brightness->Grab stylus->Drag on screen.
I've written a simple little util which pops up a backlight brighness trackbar, plus 2 buttons to instantly minimize/maximize. You can download it from here. There's no installer - just drag the exe to your device, then create a shortcut to your Start Menu / Programs folder. Only tested on my Universal under WM6 - should work on any HTC (non-phone) device AFAIK.
Personally, I've attached it to the backlight button on the front of the universal, so to minimize backlight brightness I just tap that button, then tap the left softkey button.
Hopefully some of you find this useful - if so, lemme know! If you have any problems with it, I'll try to sort them out.
I've also made the source code available. It's a little C# class. Feel free to use it for whatever you want.

I was looking something like that. But when I tested at my PPC, HP 6815, it did not work? Could you please help me ?

Great work, jp_howard!
Very useful. I'm sure it may also run on many other mobile devices.
Will have a closer look at the sources
Thanks for this nice tool!

hi jp_howard,
pls allow me a couple things:
1. it does not work while my o2 atom is cradled. maybe it will work if on battery power. let me test later, once i disconnect then get back here to update.
2. would it be possible to map it to the volume keys? this is useful for me because one of the major problems of o2 atom is the battery life, so i am force to always set the backlight its minimal setting to converse power. the problem is when i'm outdoor, i would not see the screen anymore due to the low brightness i mentioned, so it would be great if i could access the brightness level by the use of only the volume keys. anyway, i don't change the volume that often during calls...
3. lastly, i would also like to start programming in c# like what you did here. would it be too much too ask, if you point me in the right direction, so i could start programming too? btw, i'm basically a web developer, with formal training in c# windows programming as well, but not very well verse with CE programming. i've tried the hello world in vs2005 already but i'm still far from mobile programming. thanks.


How to stop screen on when new sms arrives?

Hi every one.
So i set "button lock" and also disable mainly all notifications but every time a new sms arrives,the screen goes on.I will like to keep the screen off because if you carry your magician in your pocket and after that sms arrives,you can accidentaly press any button or even touch the screen.
I been checking every thing i could check but i can´t find the answer about this problem.
Thanks in advance.
Third party software Pocket Zen Phone or phoneAlarm.
Ok i´ll check it and see what i can do.
Cheers mate.
User22 said:
I will like to keep the screen off because if you carry your magician in your pocket and after that sms arrives,you can accidentaly press any button or even touch the screen.
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There are many occasions the Magician turns on its screen. Rather than trying to find and disable all these, I copied TPDisable.exe and TPEnable.exe from the original Extended ROM into my Program Files folder, and then assigned them to a hardware key (using Hotbutton, so that I can use the same key for both).
As the name implies, TPDisable disables the touchscreen (not the display!), and TPEnable re-enables it. So, before I put my Magician into my pocket, I now disable the touchscreen (one press of a button). That still leaves the keys active, true, but I found that normally the touchscreen is much more likely to be the culprit when strange things happen on your Magician while it's in the pocket, and turned itself on.
@ tadzio
Well,that is a very interesting solution,but i can´t find TPDisable.exe
or TPEnable.exe inside my magician.I need a bit more info from you
Thanks a lot for your replies.
What happens if you hold down power button for 2 seconds to switch off backlight? Does the light still illuminate on receipt of sms?
@ cruisin-thru
I can´t see the point of your question,mainly because the thing i am looking for is to "switch off" my Qtek like a normal mobile phone,i mince buttons locks and screen off when a new sms or incoming call arrives and when you push power button for example,then screen go on and also release the lock of the buttons.
Any one can say that then i can use deltalock.I did it but the battery live is going down very quick.
Screenlock is not working properly also,i will say that Deltalock is 95% a lot better than Screenlock.
And finally,why microsoft is developing this OS without fully screen off selectable option???. Who knows!!!
User22 said:
Well,that is a very interesting solution,but i can´t find TPDisable.exe or TPEnable.exe inside my magician.I need a bit more info from you Daniel.
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Both programs are in the Extended ROM. Most users have made this visible (though not writable) by performing a Hard Reset, and immediately after completing the initial screen adjustment and mini-tutorial and before the device starts installing programs, a Soft Reset.
If you do not want to do a Hard Reset, search this site's FTP server for Magician Extended ROM downloads. There were a few there last time I looked.
Well,after config hotbutton to TPDisable and TPEnable i can´t enable the screen and hardware buttons.
TPDisable is disablind the screen but also all the hardware buttons ( with and without button lock at settins),even the power button.
I use same hardware button for TPDisable and TPEnable ,is that correct or i am doing silly things?
If I arrive an sms the screen is switching on and after a few seconds switching off again if I don't press any key or tap the screen!
It's a changeable registry key:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE / System / CurrentControlSet / Control / Power /
WakeupPowerOff =12 (the default is 180)
DisableGwesPowerOff=0 (the default is 1)
If you switch on the Jam (power button) need to press some other key too, because it switches off after 12 seconds!!!
by Avers
Well that is another solution but i insist that there should be an easiest way to keep the screen fully off when a new sms or what ever arrives,including hardware buttons off ofcourse.
Any suggestion more?, perhaps at the end and betwen all of us ,we can find the solution.
I think the best solution is third party software like PHONEALARM,
it's easiest way to get main tweaks of Pocket Windows.
get it there
Well my friends,pocketzenphone is not doing what i am looking for.
Next step is to try phonealarm,but probably will work the same way as pocketzenphone,leting the screen to go on every time a new sms arrives.
Sorry for my languaje but F... microsoft and F... devil gates.
As you can read on this post ,phonealarm IS NOT doing it.
phonealarm has option named "Don't activate backlight on alarm"
ALARM there means any event, that needs notification.
now i am understanding, that it is some differ that you need.
also i advice you make some registry tweaks to make a very short backlite time when sms arrives.:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Power\WakeupPowerOff = 10
this timeout in seconds. is used when our device self power on, when SMS arrives or we push the POWER button and do nothing anymore
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Power\DisableGwesPowerOff = 0
this key is enables this power control system (necessarily change it, or first key will not work)
after the editing registry you need to reboot PDA.
sorry for poor english, i translate text from russian.
if you want to use online translator i can give you original URL
Thank you for your reply i will try like you and others point out and also will keep looking for that utopic soft.
deltaLock locks the screen and buttons even if you get sms or calls. I use it on my JAM and it works so far.
bnycastro said:
deltaLock locks the screen and buttons even if you get sms or calls. I use it on my JAM and it works so far.
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If you read one of my post ,you will see that i allready said that Deltalock is working but it is KILLING the battery live very fast and when i say VERY FAST it mince that you will get almost 6hours against the normal live (more than 15hours).
Cheers mate.
I think if you keep your ppc on all the time you will get this battery life. Anyway I think deltaLock is for keeping your PPC on and having screen and button lock, not having it in suspend mode and not allowing the screen to power up. Sorry about that, seem to have misunderstood your post.
Don´t worry mate, at the end we are all together trying to find a solution to this microsoft silly programing, any comment and any new idea is wellcome.

How to make buttons in place of menus

how to add a button like the 'Up' button in explorer? I think that they are called soft-key buttons. so how to add them? and are they supported in WM2003?
I also see Resco explorer implements them.
Ok, maybe I havent clarified things so I post a picture of what I want. hope you will help me
You can't.
The soft keys are a feature of WM5. They are actually regular menus. If you create an app with just two menus it will display like that on WM5 device and in the normal fashion on WM2003.
The only thing you can try is covering the menu bar and simulating the soft keys and the SIP button. Read about SHFullScreen on MSDN.
levenum said:
You can't.
The soft keys are a feature of WM5. They are actually regular menus. If you create an app with just two menus it will display like that on WM5 device and in the normal fashion on WM2003.
The only thing you can try is covering the menu bar and simulating the soft keys and the SIP button. Read about SHFullScreen on MSDN.
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This is not quite true, you can have the same behaviour in WM2003SE, the only difference is that you have to do everything by your own.
In both OS, the so called menubar is in fact a toolbar. So in WM2003SE, if you want to have the same effects as in WM2005, you have to subclass the toolbar and use custom drawing. You also need to handle the SIP window, if you want to place it in the center. Of course, this is not straight forward...
ok. now I know its possible. but can anybody provide some relevant links?? Thanks
mohgdeisat said:
ok. now I know its possible. but can anybody provide some relevant links?? Thanks
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Sorry I don't think you will find a lot on this matter on the net, I already made a dig, but not much found.
1) try, especially the forums and look for toolbar, commandbar and shmenubar
this article will give you some hints:
2) read msdn about toolbar subclassing and NM_CUSTOMDRAW handling
3) read msdn about shmenubar api
3) use Spy++ or related application to hook the menubar in wince and see what you get
4) make some tests and you will have something like that (full image in zip):
I have searched too much but found almost nothing about this issue. Please anybody has any article, link or sample project?? I need it very much.
mohgdeisat: what do you really need to know?
Start by making a project, and cosmetically program a custom menu bar/button bar to emulate the WM5 menu bar. It's not impossible, it's actually quite easy, but it is tedious.
Once you can do that, come back and show us.
Next step will be to patch it into your target app.
Realistically this is quite a tough task, at least if you want to generically patch soft keys into the whole OS, because softkeys (and menu bars) and prepared on a per app basis - the menu bar on the Today screen in Wm2003 is different to WM5 for example. You would have to parse in the WM2003 menu into your emulated WM5 softkeys, per app, and even then it would still not match WM5, because the WM5 menus have been reordered from wm2003 apps to match the Microsoft design guidelines for softkeys.
But start by emulating the softkeys in a standalone app, before thinking about the next task.
Yes VJ, I really need to make my first step to learn this stuff, and I will do it soon with god's willing.
I have First exams this week so I might start it next week and I will post what I get here to have your feedback.
Thanks all and good luck

Pedometer using Diamond's built in Accelerometer

3/14/2009 Pedometer 1.42 is released.
What's new:
--Fixed "InvalidCastException" error for non-english regional setting.
1) If you want to keep your old jogging data, and customized sound file and background file, you need to save the "pedometer.sdf", "background.jpg", and "StepSound.wav" files, install the new version, then copy back these files to \program files\elitemway\pedometer folder.
2) !!! The pedometer is designed to count relatively accurately when you carry the phone vertically or horizontally around you left or right side of your waist belt. It may give you wrong result if carry your phone otherwise. Step detection algorithm that can handle all carrying position and walking/running conditions is very complicated and is beyond my knowledge. Step length and Calories conversion are unique for each individual and walking condition. There is no way that this can be very accurate. You may adjust these values in the "Setting" screen. The application is not globalized yet. Like all other xda developers, I have to find spare time working on this project. Thank you for your understanding!
3/12/2009 Pedometer 1.41 patch is released.
What's new:
--Fixed the version number.
--When you set the distance unit to "mile", it still displays the distance value as km. This bug is fixed in the patch.
Copy the attached zipped exe to elitemway\pedometer folder, override the existing one.
12/25/2008 Pedometer 1.4 is released. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
What's new:
--The pedometer should also work when carrying in horizontal position. Please report if the counting is accurate enough.
--Added "Show toolbar" setting so that you can choose whether to show the toolbar on the main screen.
12/16/2008 Pedometer 1.3 is released.
What's new:
--Added battery threshhold setting. The program will pause pedometer, automatically save the current progress and then allow device to go into standby mode based on the Power setting when battery level falls below a certain value.
--Relocate the buttons from the main screen to menu.
--Display battery status on the main screen.
--You can change the background by replacing the default "Background.jpg" file.
12/15/2008 Pedometer 1.2 is released.
What's new:
--Step detection is a little bit better. It still has a lot of room for improvement though.
--While Pedometer is running, the screen will dim, but will not standby.
--The "Hide" button not only turns off the screen, it can also prevent the device from going into stanby mode. So you can let it run in the background for a long time. If you want to keep it running, do not use the Power button, instead using the Hide button.
--Pause button stops both time and step count. It will also stop the timer. So when it is paused, the device can be in the standby mode to save battery.
--I let it run around 7 hrs in office environment with fully charged batterry (1350mAh), with Blackberry connect and a few emails, no step sound, I still had about 45% left at the end.
--You can mute the step sound from the main screen.
--Now it has the HTC Diamond black transparent background. See the screenshot.
--The default step sound is shorter and "big foot" like. You can customize the sound by replace the default "StepSound.wav" file (do not use anything above 0.2 sec). Nero 8 wave editor and other tool is good for sound editing.
--Added error handling for possible decimal conversion error due to different regional setting. As a workaround, you can probably change you regional setting to English, then run the application, finish the setting, then change it back.
12/13/2008 Pedometer Release 1.0 summary
I searched extensively for a pedometer application that works on Diamond, but could not find anything. So I created one.
--It uses HTC Touch Diamond's built in Accelerometer.
--Only .Net CF 2.0 is required (comes with Diamond).
--You can pause and reset the step counter.
--It displays steps, distance, calories and time duration.
--You can use the Hide button to save battery.
--You can set the step length and calories per mile value.
--You can save, delete and view the historical data.
--The historical data is stored in Microsoft SQLCe compact database.
--It can play the sound when the step is detected.
--It can sound an alarm when the set distance is reached.
--Briefly tested with the US unlocked version of the Diamond and Sprint version of the Diamond.
--The sensor.dll is from
--First, verify and set your preferred setting from the menu item.
--Find the best carrying position with the "Play step sound" option on.
--Use the Hide button to save battery.
--You can install on storage card, but it can break the application if you use the storage mode while the Pedometer application is running.
Known Issues:
--Step detection is not accurate sometime. The algorithm needs improvement.
--Hide mode does not prevent from going into sleep mode.
--After changing the setting, you need to close then reopen the application for teh new setting to take effect.
--It only works if the diamond is in the vertical position.
nice work buddy
Looks promising, thanks for the work!
any chance this would work on a touch pro? Also, if i wanted to leave it on all day just to basically see how many steps i'm getting in on a typical day, does that basically mean i'll have to recharge my phone everyday or is the battery footprint very low?
this could be pretty useful. thanks
Nice work, I just came on here to look for one of these, thanks for the convenience haha
Thx for the ap, i was working on my one some time ago but stop after having bad etection when running, im going to test yours and given a feedback.
work well on Touch HD and Diamond but... i run for twenty steps but... it counted only nine.. (bouth diamond and touch HD was in vertical position)...
thank you
Step detection algorithm is hard to do. I will see if it can be improved.
fadywwf316 said:
any chance this would work on a touch pro? Also, if i wanted to leave it on all day just to basically see how many steps i'm getting in on a typical day, does that basically mean i'll have to recharge my phone everyday or is the battery footprint very low?
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Not sure if it will work on TouchPro. It should work though. This utility is still in early development stage. I do not have battery consumption data yet. The key is to find a reliable step detection algorithm. Thanks.
On my Touch Pro, RomeOS 1.51 :
When I try to run this APP.
Conversion from string "0.235" to type "Decimal" is not valid.
try changing your language options, there where any option to change the symbol of , to . or what else
Pedometer version 1.2 is released
Hi, All:
After some intensive efforts, the Pedometer version 1.2 is released. The HTC touch black transparent looks much better. Please post all questions in this thread.
I found this doc. It may be of interest to you in regards to your algorithm? Excellent work in any case.
Great App
thanks for great app. What would be really cool is if it would have its own TFlo3D tab.
doey_28 said:
I found this doc. It may be of interest to you in regards to your algorithm? Excellent work in any case.
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I will look at at the paper closely when I get a chance.
Is there a message/signal that is sent out when Windows Mobile is about to die due to lack of power? Because twice now, while hiking and while on the tread mill, my phone happened to be on it's last legs WRT power, unknown to me. In the middle of the workout/hike the phone died due to lack of power thus losing the progress so far. Could pedometer instead be notified of pending death of the phone due to power and "save itself"
before all power is gone?
Either that or how about a resume feature where ever minute (5 minutes or whatever) pedometer saves the current progress such that if the phone died for any reason and pedometer was restarted, it would sense that it was in the middle of a recording and offer to resume where it left off of start anew.
It seems to me that either solution would solve my problem.
defaria said:
Is there a message/signal that is sent out when Windows Mobile is about to die due to lack of power? Because twice now, while hiking and while on the tread mill, my phone happened to be on it's last legs WRT power, unknown to me. In the middle of the workout/hike the phone died due to lack of power thus losing the progress so far. Could pedometer instead be notified of pending death of the phone due to power and "save itself"
before all power is gone?
Either that or how about a resume feature where ever minute (5 minutes or whatever) pedometer saves the current progress such that if the phone died for any reason and pedometer was restarted, it would sense that it was in the middle of a recording and offer to resume where it left off of start anew.
It seems to me that either solution would solve my problem.
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In next release, I can add battery alert threshold, play the sound, then, save the progress automatically and allow device to go to standby mode.
Lightsailpro, any plans to make this a GPS-assisted app? I realize that once you introduce GPS, you're taking away from the entire purpose of using the accelerometer to measure actual steps, however, I would love to have an app that I could choose on a given occasion whether it uses acc. to measure steps, or GPS to measure actual distance.
Currently, I run with my Diamond (for music) and a GPS watch (to track my progress and calories). How great it would be to ditch the watch and combine all the functionality into the Diamond!
lightsailpro said:
In next release, I can add battery alert threshold, play the sound, then, save the progress automatically and allow device to go to standby mode.
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Sounds great! Thanks.
Now, it it's not too much to ask, a little better graphical design... I know, I'm no graphic artist either but I can steal with the best of them!

Can I keep a program going while turned "off"?

This may be more of a question specific to WM 6.1 than the Treo Pro itself. I really enjoy using a program that acts as a client to control and listen to my police scanner called Win500. (Main reason for buying Treo Pro with WM). It's a program that uses a custon TCP port via either wifi or evdo. My problem/goal is... I want to turn off the backlight and keep this app running.
I have played with what I think are all my options. Telling the device to turn off backlight after 30 seconds only dims the backlight but it does stay on. I am looking for one of two fixes. Either to be able to keep this program running and passing the audio to the speaker after hitting the top 'off' button. Or somehow have the backlight completely shut off after 30 seconds. Ideally it would be the first option so I could lock the key pad/touchscreen and have the clock screensaver. Possible Registry hack? Could a I make shortcuts with options specific to this program? I see you can turn the backlight all the way off in the settings.. I am a new with WM. So don't know if any of this is possible?
You should search for a registry hack to keep WiFi turned on while the device is in standby. If I'm correct this setting is available in Diamond Tweak, and HD Tweak...
The description for this tweak is: "Keeps WLAN online/connected in standby mode."
The values on the HTC Diamond used are:
I checked this on my Treo Pro. The values are the same.
So just download Diamond Tweak and apply the tweak on your TP.
Don't mess around with other tweaks! Mind that the application is not written for the TP. There are a lot of tweaks that should work since it's both WM6.1. But better safe than sorry Backup your device before applying any tweaks!
Okay thanks I will try that. I do want more than just to keep the wifi running. Also, will need to keep the program running and have it pass audio to the speaker. Plus I use the evdo data more than the wifi. But I will give it a shot.
Use this - works great. I have it set to my HOLD side button.
Here is the Readme for it.
davidck65 said:
Use this - works great. I have it set to my HOLD side button.
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Thanks a bunch! exactly what I was looking for.
Finally got to try the program and it does work great

two little apps: automatic rotation & wifi/display stay active - update 28/12

The Mega is my first smartphone, and thanks to xda I found lots of usefull info and apps to customize it just like i want
I think now it's time to share some apps I did mostly for my own use, but maybe usefull for some other people.
Well, here are two simple applications:
- The first, "rotatemon" (stupid name I know... ) is designed to run invisible in background and simply rotate the screen to landscape if one the following apps are launched: sms /mms ; opera mobile 10 and notes (notes.exe)
When you exit the app, the screen is restored to previous orientation. (meaning if you already are in landscape, you will stay in landscape)
I did this app because i couldn't found something doing this the way i want. I know there are mortscript scripts to do this, but not exactly like this. (and there's a problem with tmail.exe with this method, because mortscripts checks if a windows exist, but sometimes tmail.exe runs in background with the same window title "SMS / MMS" as the active window, so we must check if it is really active or in background...)
I know it's possible too to assign a long key press to the action "rotate sceeen", but I was tired of long pressing this key everytime i launched opera or the sms program...
Well just try it if you want, and let me know what you think about it, it's very usefull for me, maybe for you too
You can launch it at startup like I did (for example with sktools or something equivalent).
Please understand that I did it for myself, so it's "customized" for me (the apps that are monitored to trigger the rotation). If it is usefull for someone else I'll be happy to provide a more "user friendly" version (with the ability to configure what apps are monitored for example). Don't hesitate to ask
StayAlive -update 28/12/2010: now with a nice interface, install cab, more user friendly -
Another very simple program, designed to keep wifi "alive" even when the device is in sleep mode. It's a simple switch: ON/OFF, based on the registry key Comm\BCMSDDHD1\Parms\HTCKeepWifiOnWhenUnattended , you can switch the "StayAlive state" when wifi is on or off, doesn't matter, and the state is keep after a soft reset.
This tool can the display alive too, it provides a simple switch On/OFF to keep the display alive (doesn't prevent locking, well sometimes it locks and sometimes not, don't really know why..., but the screen stay on). Please note that the screen will not stay on at full backlight level, it will stay on at the "lower" backlight level (to prevent too much power drain...)
Ps:Sorry for my poor english
how to remove this software from phone?
Mobtel063 said:
how to remove this software from phone?
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You just have to delete the program folder. If it's running, kill it with a taskmanager before of course (or soft reset). If you put it in your startup, remove it before, then kill the process or soft reset, then delete the folder.
No modifications are made to the system
seb3773 said:
Please understand that I did it for myself, so it's "customized" for me (the apps that are monitored to trigger the rotation). If it is usefull for someone else I'll be happy to provide a more "user friendly" version (with the ability to configure what apps are monitored for example). Don't hesitate to ask
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Hi seb3773 I like you rotatemon very much. It is what I need, but since I have used Swype I had to turn it off. When the screen rotate my swype keyboard don't rescale well and the screen is cut out on te right side.
I would be grateful if you could disable sms rotation in your program?
or maybe some "user friendly" version above-mentioned?
I'm proud if it is usefull for you too A more user friendly version is coming soon, as i'm actually unemployed , i've plenty of time to do it. I intend to program a configuration interface with some nice features. It will be ready in 1/2 days
Great work
good works, man.
I wonder whether you can add-in one more switch not to connect 3G or smthng.
I'm having problem with that. When i accidentally press on browser icon, it start connecting to 3G network and i got to pay data charges.
It would be good if we can turn off. Thanks

