Can I keep a program going while turned "off"? - Palm Treo Pro

This may be more of a question specific to WM 6.1 than the Treo Pro itself. I really enjoy using a program that acts as a client to control and listen to my police scanner called Win500. (Main reason for buying Treo Pro with WM). It's a program that uses a custon TCP port via either wifi or evdo. My problem/goal is... I want to turn off the backlight and keep this app running.
I have played with what I think are all my options. Telling the device to turn off backlight after 30 seconds only dims the backlight but it does stay on. I am looking for one of two fixes. Either to be able to keep this program running and passing the audio to the speaker after hitting the top 'off' button. Or somehow have the backlight completely shut off after 30 seconds. Ideally it would be the first option so I could lock the key pad/touchscreen and have the clock screensaver. Possible Registry hack? Could a I make shortcuts with options specific to this program? I see you can turn the backlight all the way off in the settings.. I am a new with WM. So don't know if any of this is possible?

You should search for a registry hack to keep WiFi turned on while the device is in standby. If I'm correct this setting is available in Diamond Tweak, and HD Tweak...
The description for this tweak is: "Keeps WLAN online/connected in standby mode."
The values on the HTC Diamond used are:
I checked this on my Treo Pro. The values are the same.
So just download Diamond Tweak and apply the tweak on your TP.
Don't mess around with other tweaks! Mind that the application is not written for the TP. There are a lot of tweaks that should work since it's both WM6.1. But better safe than sorry Backup your device before applying any tweaks!

Okay thanks I will try that. I do want more than just to keep the wifi running. Also, will need to keep the program running and have it pass audio to the speaker. Plus I use the evdo data more than the wifi. But I will give it a shot.

Use this - works great. I have it set to my HOLD side button.

Here is the Readme for it.

davidck65 said:
Use this - works great. I have it set to my HOLD side button.
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Thanks a bunch! exactly what I was looking for.
Finally got to try the program and it does work great


How to stop screen on when new sms arrives?

Hi every one.
So i set "button lock" and also disable mainly all notifications but every time a new sms arrives,the screen goes on.I will like to keep the screen off because if you carry your magician in your pocket and after that sms arrives,you can accidentaly press any button or even touch the screen.
I been checking every thing i could check but i can´t find the answer about this problem.
Thanks in advance.
Third party software Pocket Zen Phone or phoneAlarm.
Ok i´ll check it and see what i can do.
Cheers mate.
User22 said:
I will like to keep the screen off because if you carry your magician in your pocket and after that sms arrives,you can accidentaly press any button or even touch the screen.
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There are many occasions the Magician turns on its screen. Rather than trying to find and disable all these, I copied TPDisable.exe and TPEnable.exe from the original Extended ROM into my Program Files folder, and then assigned them to a hardware key (using Hotbutton, so that I can use the same key for both).
As the name implies, TPDisable disables the touchscreen (not the display!), and TPEnable re-enables it. So, before I put my Magician into my pocket, I now disable the touchscreen (one press of a button). That still leaves the keys active, true, but I found that normally the touchscreen is much more likely to be the culprit when strange things happen on your Magician while it's in the pocket, and turned itself on.
@ tadzio
Well,that is a very interesting solution,but i can´t find TPDisable.exe
or TPEnable.exe inside my magician.I need a bit more info from you
Thanks a lot for your replies.
What happens if you hold down power button for 2 seconds to switch off backlight? Does the light still illuminate on receipt of sms?
@ cruisin-thru
I can´t see the point of your question,mainly because the thing i am looking for is to "switch off" my Qtek like a normal mobile phone,i mince buttons locks and screen off when a new sms or incoming call arrives and when you push power button for example,then screen go on and also release the lock of the buttons.
Any one can say that then i can use deltalock.I did it but the battery live is going down very quick.
Screenlock is not working properly also,i will say that Deltalock is 95% a lot better than Screenlock.
And finally,why microsoft is developing this OS without fully screen off selectable option???. Who knows!!!
User22 said:
Well,that is a very interesting solution,but i can´t find TPDisable.exe or TPEnable.exe inside my magician.I need a bit more info from you Daniel.
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Both programs are in the Extended ROM. Most users have made this visible (though not writable) by performing a Hard Reset, and immediately after completing the initial screen adjustment and mini-tutorial and before the device starts installing programs, a Soft Reset.
If you do not want to do a Hard Reset, search this site's FTP server for Magician Extended ROM downloads. There were a few there last time I looked.
Well,after config hotbutton to TPDisable and TPEnable i can´t enable the screen and hardware buttons.
TPDisable is disablind the screen but also all the hardware buttons ( with and without button lock at settins),even the power button.
I use same hardware button for TPDisable and TPEnable ,is that correct or i am doing silly things?
If I arrive an sms the screen is switching on and after a few seconds switching off again if I don't press any key or tap the screen!
It's a changeable registry key:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE / System / CurrentControlSet / Control / Power /
WakeupPowerOff =12 (the default is 180)
DisableGwesPowerOff=0 (the default is 1)
If you switch on the Jam (power button) need to press some other key too, because it switches off after 12 seconds!!!
by Avers
Well that is another solution but i insist that there should be an easiest way to keep the screen fully off when a new sms or what ever arrives,including hardware buttons off ofcourse.
Any suggestion more?, perhaps at the end and betwen all of us ,we can find the solution.
I think the best solution is third party software like PHONEALARM,
it's easiest way to get main tweaks of Pocket Windows.
get it there
Well my friends,pocketzenphone is not doing what i am looking for.
Next step is to try phonealarm,but probably will work the same way as pocketzenphone,leting the screen to go on every time a new sms arrives.
Sorry for my languaje but F... microsoft and F... devil gates.
As you can read on this post ,phonealarm IS NOT doing it.
phonealarm has option named "Don't activate backlight on alarm"
ALARM there means any event, that needs notification.
now i am understanding, that it is some differ that you need.
also i advice you make some registry tweaks to make a very short backlite time when sms arrives.:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Power\WakeupPowerOff = 10
this timeout in seconds. is used when our device self power on, when SMS arrives or we push the POWER button and do nothing anymore
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Power\DisableGwesPowerOff = 0
this key is enables this power control system (necessarily change it, or first key will not work)
after the editing registry you need to reboot PDA.
sorry for poor english, i translate text from russian.
if you want to use online translator i can give you original URL
Thank you for your reply i will try like you and others point out and also will keep looking for that utopic soft.
deltaLock locks the screen and buttons even if you get sms or calls. I use it on my JAM and it works so far.
bnycastro said:
deltaLock locks the screen and buttons even if you get sms or calls. I use it on my JAM and it works so far.
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If you read one of my post ,you will see that i allready said that Deltalock is working but it is KILLING the battery live very fast and when i say VERY FAST it mince that you will get almost 6hours against the normal live (more than 15hours).
Cheers mate.
I think if you keep your ppc on all the time you will get this battery life. Anyway I think deltaLock is for keeping your PPC on and having screen and button lock, not having it in suspend mode and not allowing the screen to power up. Sorry about that, seem to have misunderstood your post.
Don´t worry mate, at the end we are all together trying to find a solution to this microsoft silly programing, any comment and any new idea is wellcome.

New: Quick access to backlight brightness

Hi folks,
When I'm using my PDA at night, I turn the backlight right down, so it doesn't wake the girlfriend (and blind me!) This requires many steps: Start->Settings->System->Backlight->Brightness->Grab stylus->Drag on screen.
I've written a simple little util which pops up a backlight brighness trackbar, plus 2 buttons to instantly minimize/maximize. You can download it from here. There's no installer - just drag the exe to your device, then create a shortcut to your Start Menu / Programs folder. Only tested on my Universal under WM6 - should work on any HTC (non-phone) device AFAIK.
Personally, I've attached it to the backlight button on the front of the universal, so to minimize backlight brightness I just tap that button, then tap the left softkey button.
Hopefully some of you find this useful - if so, lemme know! If you have any problems with it, I'll try to sort them out.
I've also made the source code available. It's a little C# class. Feel free to use it for whatever you want.
I was looking something like that. But when I tested at my PPC, HP 6815, it did not work? Could you please help me ?
Great work, jp_howard!
Very useful. I'm sure it may also run on many other mobile devices.
Will have a closer look at the sources
Thanks for this nice tool!
hi jp_howard,
pls allow me a couple things:
1. it does not work while my o2 atom is cradled. maybe it will work if on battery power. let me test later, once i disconnect then get back here to update.
2. would it be possible to map it to the volume keys? this is useful for me because one of the major problems of o2 atom is the battery life, so i am force to always set the backlight its minimal setting to converse power. the problem is when i'm outdoor, i would not see the screen anymore due to the low brightness i mentioned, so it would be great if i could access the brightness level by the use of only the volume keys. anyway, i don't change the volume that often during calls...
3. lastly, i would also like to start programming in c# like what you did here. would it be too much too ask, if you point me in the right direction, so i could start programming too? btw, i'm basically a web developer, with formal training in c# windows programming as well, but not very well verse with CE programming. i've tried the hello world in vs2005 already but i'm still far from mobile programming. thanks.

Profiles + TF3d/Sense UI

Hello People,
I would like to hear what software you are using to handle profiles.
I find the options offered by TF3D/Sense UI, very basic and unsatisfactory.
So far I have heard of:
Phone Alarm
Problem is that, with the exception of phoneweaver, these apps don't integrate well with graphic shells.
Advice is most welcome.
I use Second Today, with it you can get second today screen and put all today-plugins there and still have TouchFlow on.
I use 2today with PhoneAlarm and it works just fine. I assigned 2today to send button. PhoneAlarms latest beta can operate Touch pros 2 bluetooth stack. There is 7 diffrent setting at bluetooth and mine device worked with setting BluetoothFix=5. Itried Phone Weaver, but it crashed sometimes with 2Today, and it cannot handle BT toggle.
I havent test G-Profile, but i read at they forum that its not fuction good with Touch Pro 2.
I used a long time Phone Suite 1.3 and that worked good with profiles, but it cannot handle BT toggle. And its version is rather old and it hasnt been updated for long time.
So im very happy with 2today with phonealarm, when im in car and put BT handsfree i can set a profile to that, and my volumes go up to 100%.
Sorry for my english
I had the same question. Ultimately, I am back with PhoneAlarm. Nothing beats it, functionally, and there's now a solution to specifically support TF without needing a second today screen. Installing the latest version allows an icon on the taskbar using the new "paHost" mode. Try it.
I'm using the "FlippedOutV_B_w" skin to get all kinds of neat switches available at the touch of a button. Added a row of apps to launch and a row of folks to call and it's pretty slick. I just wish I could change the icon to a clock with a date or something like that.

Few gripes with the HD2, can they be fixed?

Only had my HD2 for a couple of days having come from iphone and have a couple of gripes with it. Maybe it's just me though as never had a windows phone before.
When using opera internet browser you have to zoom in quite a bit to press links, which I find a little annoying. I've tried skyfire which is much better, but you can't use pinch/zoom. Is there a browser that has the best of both worlds?
Is there a quick way to turn bluetooth on/off without having to go into settings?
Is there a quick link to profiles? I know if you hold the end call button you can select between vibrate or ringer, but not silent. I must admit, this is one thing I liked about the iphone, there was a simple switch to change from silent/ringer without having to turn the phone on and press buttons.
When making/receiving calls sometimes the screen comes back on and my ear presses other functions, or disconnects the call. Has there not been a fix for this issue yet?
The call quality isn't great, sometimes the caller distorts on certain words/letters
And finally, is there any way to change the vibrate? Can it be set to 'pulse' rather than just a continous vibration. Can it be set just to give one or 2 pulses when receiving a sms/mms message, rather than vibrating for the full length of the message alert? (I've personalised mine and goes on for about 10 seconds)
I think the phone is great, and these niggles aren't the most major of things (accept the screen turning back on during calls) but it would make the phone more of a pleasure to use.
There are fixes or programs for most of your niggles, but they may not integrate with the HTC Sense interface! That's one downside of such a deeply coded front end, and one reason why I personally have stopped using it!
There is a file available which can allow links in Opera to be clicked when zoomed out- sorry, but I don't have time to link to it at present!
For profile and radio (BT/WiFi/Phone) switching, I'd recommend SBSH Phoneweaver . OK, it costs $15 but you can set any number of profiles with switching based on time, location, busy status etc, or manually. The pop-up menu also has a set of switches for the various radios. It can be launched via one of the 3 Program buttons on the front page of Sense, or via a small icon in the Taskbar. I'm, not sure if it can have the vibrate times defined or not!
NeilM said:
There are fixes or programs for most of your niggles, but they may not integrate with the HTC Sense interface! That's one downside of such a deeply coded front end, and one reason why I personally have stopped using it!
There is a file available which can allow links in Opera to be clicked when zoomed out- sorry, but I don't have time to link to it at present!
For profile and radio (BT/WiFi/Phone) switching, I'd recommend SBSH Phoneweaver . OK, it costs $15 but you can set any number of profiles with switching based on time, location, busy status etc, or manually. The pop-up menu also has a set of switches for the various radios. It can be launched via one of the 3 Program buttons on the front page of Sense, or via a small icon in the Taskbar. I'm, not sure if it can have the vibrate times defined or not!
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Thanks for your response. What are you referring to when you say radios? Please forgive my ignorance, I'm still learning
You say that you have stopped using the HTC sense interface so what do you use instead?
Just having a look at the phoneweaver, can this be used with the sense interface? Does it overide the phone settings?
Radios = WiFi, Bluetooth and Phone Radio. These are the things you see in the Comm Manager with the little green On/Off sliders
I'm now using a 'Light' custom ROm without the HTC Sense stuff. I prefer to use a plain 'Home Screen' (which you can achieve by going into Settings/Home (or Today) and selecting the Items tab. From there you can turn on or off any of the Today items or Sense itself.
A lot of the programs I use have their own Today screen plug-ins which suits me fine- Resco Contact Manager, Elecont Weather and Chronos clock/alarms, plus I use a Launcher program called Launchpad by Panoramic Software that is opened by tapping the top left of the screen; this has 40 definable 'Favourites' links plus a full set of Programs/Settings links.
Back to work now!
snerkler said:
Just having a look at the phoneweaver, can this be used with the sense interface? Does it overide the phone settings?
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It can take over all the phone settings and can be manual or scheduled, plus some other useful switching options. You can try it free for 15 days!
NeilM said:
Radios = WiFi, Bluetooth and Phone Radio. These are the things you see in the Comm Manager with the little green On/Off sliders
I'm now using a 'Light' custom ROm without the HTC Sense stuff. I prefer to use a plain 'Home Screen' (which you can achieve by going into Settings/Home (or Today) and selecting the Items tab. From there you can turn on or off any of the Today items or Sense itself.
A lot of the programs I use have their own Today screen plug-ins which suits me fine- Resco Contact Manager, Elecont Weather and Chronos clock/alarms, plus I use a Launcher program called Launchpad by Panoramic Software that is opened by tapping the top left of the screen; this has 40 definable 'Favourites' links plus a full set of Programs/Settings links.
Back to work now!
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Cheers for your help
If you read this sticky thread you will find the answers to all of your questions:
It should be pretty obvious since its the first and most talked about topic.
lorin.bute said:
If you read this sticky thread you will find the answers to all of your questions:
It should be pretty obvious since its the first and most talked about topic.
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Thanks for that thread, the trouble is I'm not a real computer/phone buff (yet) and so a lot of it goes right over my head. I don't even know what registry's are, and wy you need to edit them???
Ok, the concept of registry is quite simple. I'll put in a way so anyone can understand. Its a repository of stored key/value pairs.
Imagine a folder like structure, when you open a folder you will find a series of keys which, when opened, reveal the value.
Every key/folder is used by the OS or by some application. Its where all the back door settings are stored. So if you wanna make an app or the OS behave in a way you need to change the settings.
Using the registry is easy, but you have to make the first step... so what are you waiting?
lorin.bute said:
Ok, the concept of registry is quite simple. I'll put in a way so anyone can understand. Its a repository of stored key/value pairs.
Imagine a folder like structure, when you open a folder you will find a series of keys which, when opened, reveal the value.
Every key/folder is used by the OS or by some application. Its where all the back door settings are stored. So if you wanna make an app or the OS behave in a way you need to change the settings.
Using the registry is easy, but you have to make the first step... so what are you waiting?
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Can I bugger up the phone if I don't know what I'm doing?
You can always make a backup of the registry you are changing. In resco registry editor tap and hold and press export. If the changes you made are not good, go to the folder where you exported the backup and open it. It will automatically imported and problem solved. But if you follow the instructions you won't have any problems, just don't change the registry for something you don't know or never seen in any tip/suggestion.
You could affect stuff if you dont do it right... but if you follow the instructions carefully without any typing errors, you will be fine...
Use this to Turn off BT easily.... it also does a lot of other stuff... basically, your bottom left softkey will become an "action" button... prssing that will bring up the screen shown in the screenshots. Works really well for me... also give you soft reset options without opening the back cover or powering off

Phonealarm and HD2-crashing! alternatives?

Dear friends,
I just got my HD2 yesterday, and was configuring everything on it - touchflo detacher and Pocketbreeze - and everything worked fine. But then, I tried to install the Phonealarm which I use in combination with Pocketbreeze on my primary (alternative) homescreen, and when installing it the phone asked for a restart... never to come back again.
I had to hard reset! I tried again this time without installing anything prior to the phonealarm, and again a hard reset was required. It seems that the phonealarm does not work well with my HD2 (i am using phonealarm 2.14 but also tried 2.31).
So I need an alternative for phonealarm which workd on HD2 - I would need it to display a clock and missed calls and messages... anything you are using? Or maybe an alternative to get phonealarm working? (the problem is the phone immediately locks up after restart...)
You may try SBSH Phone Weaver. This software can work well with Sense and you can see the active phone profile at the task bar. Most of the profile switching is finger friendliness but the confriguration setting will be update later for more finger friendliness as per the developer.
I'm using 2.31b and it works's ALWAYS the very first app I put on my phone as I can't live without it!!
you can get the latset version from the support forums
I don't have an HD2, but I know there are several folks using HD2 with PhoneAlarm without issues. I'm using the just released version 2.31 and it works great.
You may need to totally uninstall 2.14. It may leave a registry key to enable PA in your Today settings, which can cause problems. 2.31 does not do that and defaults to Host mode.
you can try g-alarm.. it works great on my phone and it really does the job (i am a heavy sleeper)
Me using phonealarm 2.30 without any issues whatsoever.
I am using phonealarm in the pahost mode, i.e. where the skin is called by pressing an icon which I have placed on my homescreen shortcuts.
srmz said:
Me using phonealarm 2.30 without any issues whatsoever.
I am using phonealarm in the pahost mode, i.e. where the skin is called by pressing an icon which I have placed on my homescreen shortcuts.
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You should try 2.31, which was just released last week. It has a more stable PAHost and it also includes some programming that will allow you to use Kisja's tweak to access PAHost and show your current profile on the Sense titlebar (replaces your carrier info). I don't have a link for that tweak, but there is some info on it in the PhoneAlarm skins forum.
vi_rus said:
you can try g-alarm.. it works great on my phone and it really does the job (i am a heavy sleeper)
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Two totally different products...
GAlarm is an alarm program.
PhoneAlarm is a full-featured phone profile program, which can control almost every aspect of your phone, managed by customizable profiles which can be switched on and off by various events (time, location, connection status, etc.) or individually through the skin. The interface is fully customizable and skinnable too. It's always the first thing I install on my WM devices.
PhoneAlarm/PocketShield Problem
Thought i'll post a PhoneAlarm problem here instead of starting a new thread.
I am using HD2/PhoneAlarm/PocketShield.
The problem is,PhoneAlarm fails to switch profile based on location while the screen is locked.But as soon as i unlock the screen,phonealarm changes profile if i am in a new location.
It looks like screen lock is disabling phonealrm.
I tried adding phonealarm to authorized programmes list in pocketshield but it is not listed there.
Any solution friends?
nessqn said:
Thought i'll post a PhoneAlarm problem here instead of starting a new thread.
I am using HD2/PhoneAlarm/PocketShield.
The problem is,PhoneAlarm fails to switch profile based on location while the screen is locked.But as soon as i unlock the screen,phonealarm changes profile if i am in a new location.
It looks like screen lock is disabling phonealrm.
I tried adding phonealarm to authorized programmes list in pocketshield but it is not listed there.
Any solution friends?
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The screen lock should not disable phoneAlarm, but it can hinder profile switching if it is going to sleep. I'm curious though, are you using it in PAHost mode?
In the phoneAlarm power user options (phoneAlarm_User.cfg), there is a setting called "forceLocationWakeup". Do you have that set to "1"? Allso, make sure the comment hash (') is removed from the beginning of that line. Setting "forceAutoProfileWakeup" to "1" might also help.
hefman said:
The screen lock should not disable phoneAlarm, but it can hinder profile switching if it is going to sleep. I'm curious though, are you using it in PAHost mode?
In the phoneAlarm power user options (phoneAlarm_User.cfg), there is a setting called "forceLocationWakeup". Do you have that set to "1"? Allso, make sure the comment hash (') is removed from the beginning of that line. Setting "forceAutoProfileWakeup" to "1" might also help.
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Yes,the host mode is on by default.
I also did the tweaks u mentioned.
There is no problem in profile switching unless "location" is introduced.
May b i am using wrong settings.These are the changes i require;may b u can help me with the settings:
10.30AM:change to HOME(from SILENT)
change to CAR(based on location:Leave Home location group):Not changing unless i unlock screen
change to OFFICE(based on location:Office location group)Not changing unless i unlock screen
change to CAR(based on location:Leave Office location group)Not changing unless i unlock screen
change to HOME(based on location:Home location group)Not changing unless i unlock screen
3.00AM:change to SILENTNot changing at all
nessqn said:
Yes,the host mode is on by default.
I also did the tweaks u mentioned.
There is no problem in profile switching unless "location" is introduced.
May b i am using wrong settings.These are the changes i require;may b u can help me with the settings:
10.30AM:change to HOME(from SILENT)
change to CAR(based on location:Leave Home location group):Not changing unless i unlock screen
change to OFFICE(based on location:Office location group)Not changing unless i unlock screen
change to CAR(based on location:Leave Office location group)Not changing unless i unlock screen
change to HOME(based on location:Home location group)Not changing unless i unlock screen
3.00AM:change to SILENTNot changing at all
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A couple of quick questions:
When you say it works when you unlock the screen, is the device in standby or just locked when you test this?
You do have Location Service enabled in your settings, correct?
What are you using in settings for location (wifi, towers, etc.)?
What lock are you using? WM default, S2U2, etc.?
Also, which version of phoneAlarm are you using?
It's been a while since I used any location switching. I found using towers was sketchy and waking to use GPS was draining my battery. I don't recall it having problems like this though. You might get a little more help on the Pocketmax forum for this, but I'll see what I can figure out. I may test this later today...
hefman said:
A couple of quick questions:
When you say it works when you unlock the screen, is the device in standby or just locked when you test this?
You do have Location Service enabled in your settings, correct?
What are you using in settings for location (wifi, towers, etc.)?
What lock are you using? WM default, S2U2, etc.?
Also, which version of phoneAlarm are you using?
It's been a while since I used any location switching. I found using towers was sketchy and waking to use GPS was draining my battery. I don't recall it having problems like this though. You might get a little more help on the Pocketmax forum for this, but I'll see what I can figure out. I may test this later today...
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I'm using pocketshield.The device is locked.
I do have Location Service enabled in settings.
I' usin cell towers.
If the location based profile is active,time based change isnt happening.For eg:
My profile changes to HOME based on location at night.But HOME wont change to SILENT based on time at 3.00 AM even if i unlock the phone,
if i am staying at same location.
Similarly,CAR profile gets activated at 1.00PM,based on time(I have changed it to time based instead of location as i park my car very near to my house).But it wont change to WORK based on location unless i unlock the phone,after i reach office(the office os 25 kms away).I mean,the profile changes immediately as sn as i unlock the phone.(from pocketshield lock screen).I'd mailed pocked shield n they replied to contact phonealarm.
The phoneAlarm is 2.4.
I did post it in pocketmax forum n got the reply to send them the log file:;boardseen#new
nessqn said:
I'm using pocketshield.The device is locked.
I do have Location Service enabled in settings.
I' usin cell towers.
If the location based profile is active,time based change isnt happening.For eg:
My profile changes to HOME based on location at night.But HOME wont change to SILENT based on time at 3.00 AM even if i unlock the phone,
if i am staying at same location.
Similarly,CAR profile gets activated at 1.00PM,based on time(I have changed it to time based instead of location as i park my car very near to my house).But it wont change to WORK based on location unless i unlock the phone,after i reach office(the office os 25 kms away).I mean,the profile changes immediately as sn as i unlock the phone.(from pocketshield lock screen).I'd mailed pocked shield n they replied to contact phonealarm.
The phoneAlarm is 2.4.
I did post it in pocketmax forum n got the reply to send them the log file:;boardseen#new
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I'm running the 3.0beta and it has some new logic for profile switching. It works well for me.
Anyway, sending log files to Bruce is the way to go. He's very quick in figuring problems out and very helpful.
