two little apps: automatic rotation & wifi/display stay active - update 28/12 - Touch2 General

The Mega is my first smartphone, and thanks to xda I found lots of usefull info and apps to customize it just like i want
I think now it's time to share some apps I did mostly for my own use, but maybe usefull for some other people.
Well, here are two simple applications:
- The first, "rotatemon" (stupid name I know... ) is designed to run invisible in background and simply rotate the screen to landscape if one the following apps are launched: sms /mms ; opera mobile 10 and notes (notes.exe)
When you exit the app, the screen is restored to previous orientation. (meaning if you already are in landscape, you will stay in landscape)
I did this app because i couldn't found something doing this the way i want. I know there are mortscript scripts to do this, but not exactly like this. (and there's a problem with tmail.exe with this method, because mortscripts checks if a windows exist, but sometimes tmail.exe runs in background with the same window title "SMS / MMS" as the active window, so we must check if it is really active or in background...)
I know it's possible too to assign a long key press to the action "rotate sceeen", but I was tired of long pressing this key everytime i launched opera or the sms program...
Well just try it if you want, and let me know what you think about it, it's very usefull for me, maybe for you too
You can launch it at startup like I did (for example with sktools or something equivalent).
Please understand that I did it for myself, so it's "customized" for me (the apps that are monitored to trigger the rotation). If it is usefull for someone else I'll be happy to provide a more "user friendly" version (with the ability to configure what apps are monitored for example). Don't hesitate to ask
StayAlive -update 28/12/2010: now with a nice interface, install cab, more user friendly -
Another very simple program, designed to keep wifi "alive" even when the device is in sleep mode. It's a simple switch: ON/OFF, based on the registry key Comm\BCMSDDHD1\Parms\HTCKeepWifiOnWhenUnattended , you can switch the "StayAlive state" when wifi is on or off, doesn't matter, and the state is keep after a soft reset.
This tool can the display alive too, it provides a simple switch On/OFF to keep the display alive (doesn't prevent locking, well sometimes it locks and sometimes not, don't really know why..., but the screen stay on). Please note that the screen will not stay on at full backlight level, it will stay on at the "lower" backlight level (to prevent too much power drain...)
Ps:Sorry for my poor english

how to remove this software from phone?

Mobtel063 said:
how to remove this software from phone?
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You just have to delete the program folder. If it's running, kill it with a taskmanager before of course (or soft reset). If you put it in your startup, remove it before, then kill the process or soft reset, then delete the folder.
No modifications are made to the system

seb3773 said:
Please understand that I did it for myself, so it's "customized" for me (the apps that are monitored to trigger the rotation). If it is usefull for someone else I'll be happy to provide a more "user friendly" version (with the ability to configure what apps are monitored for example). Don't hesitate to ask
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Hi seb3773 I like you rotatemon very much. It is what I need, but since I have used Swype I had to turn it off. When the screen rotate my swype keyboard don't rescale well and the screen is cut out on te right side.
I would be grateful if you could disable sms rotation in your program?
or maybe some "user friendly" version above-mentioned?

I'm proud if it is usefull for you too A more user friendly version is coming soon, as i'm actually unemployed , i've plenty of time to do it. I intend to program a configuration interface with some nice features. It will be ready in 1/2 days

Great work
good works, man.
I wonder whether you can add-in one more switch not to connect 3G or smthng.
I'm having problem with that. When i accidentally press on browser icon, it start connecting to 3G network and i got to pay data charges.
It would be good if we can turn off. Thanks


disallow screen rotation

I need to write software that disallows any screen rotation on my Wizard.
How can I do it? I didn’t found any registry settings for this. The best way
that I see is hooking ChangeDisplaySettingsEx. But unfortunately, SetWindowsHookEx
doesn’t works on WM 5.0, at least it said on some topics. Please, give me any solution for this problem or example code to hook some API function.
wm5: [HKLM\System\GDI\Rotation]
00000000 portrait
0000005a righthanded landscape
0000010e lefthanded landscape
then RegistryNotifyCallback will do
tanks a lot
I will try this way.
But I afraid it will be notified after screen rotation starting.
Adjusting this registry value in regedit tool did't help.
So I suppose this value is changing after rotation is done.
You can delete the start up service of ScreanRotate.
Go to HKLM/Services/ScreanRotate and delete it.
I think before you doing this,you can export it to a reg file
It's not bad idea.
but delete this key leading to system restart for apply
I just try to stop this service.
Not luck : (
This key not present in the registry storage.
I am under WM 5.0
Maybe you talk about some early system.
Hi hoblano, I'm experiencing the same problem, did you find a solution ?
use task manager 2.7 and stop service...if you know it is service...
same way to stop kbd lights...btw,
I tried, but the result is the same as the one obtained by manually deleting the Screen Rotate voice within the services voices in the registry: avoiding the load of the service providing the icon on the task bar enabling the user to rotate the sceen one or more times by tapping on it.
I still don't understand ... at this point the most probable thing is that the service that rotate the OS screen when rotating by hand the HW screen, is invisible with respect to registry voices and to applications like Task Manager 2.7 or MemMaid. Apart from criticizing the constructor choice (why didn't they thought that someone should have been more comfortable using only one view mode ? e.g. landscape one), is there a way to obtain a list of core services and to avoid one of those to be loaded ? or, otherway, is there a way to intercept the event thrown when manually rotating the screen of the terminal ?
By the way, I'll have to do it with Java ...
thanks all

Speaking Clock with Chime & Signal Strength detector

## TamerSpClock v1.4 ##
Last update 13 Dec 2008
"TamerSpClock" is a Windows Mobile 2003/5/6 software which lets you take hand over your time to the max. It is a fully customizable speaking clock & a chimer.
- you can choose a THEME of time intervals of 1 ,5 ,15 ,30 or 60 minutes ,Then you can choose actions to be done on these choosen theme intervals.
- you can adjust when to speak time or chime and when to mute in a way that differs from other programs by means that you can set multi portions (intervals) of time that mute the program automatically for daily use. you can access the file "Validity.ini" found in the folder named "settings" inside the program installation path. this file can be edited by any notepad or word (pocket or pc word) then you can specify at what hours to work on and what to mute (just Change validity = 0 corresponding to hours that needed to be muted & Change validity = 1 to the rest of the hours).
- The program can wake up the device without waking up your screen conserving your battery life and will chime even if the ppc is sleeping or in a deep sleep, The software have a feature that can force the screen not to wakeup (BlackMe feature) at chiming times or (if you choose to) to leave it to the current windows mobile configurations (settings) to decide ,this is useful for some ppc that wakeup the display on every chime which may have negative results on battery life.
- you can put your own wav files to be chimed ,just insert them in folder "Wav" found inside installation directory but use the same names of course.
- This software differs from other similar products in that if you choose for example 15 minute iterval for speaking the clock ,it wll activate itself and speak time on whole miute numbers like 15-30-45-60 and will not just repeat the choosen interval starting from the time you switched it on which results in speaking times like 4:52 and 7:27 etc.
- you can choose or omit salutations like "the time is" & "Am ,Pm" & saying "Oclock" at the whole number hours. this can be customized using the provided links to enable and disable the action features.
- you can choose whether to use vibration or no with the chiming process.
- you can stop all software processing events by one finger click.
- Software will automaticaly activate itself and work again after any restart of the device.
- you can set an action like signal check to work with Themes (feature to check signal strength every x time) if the signal drops ,it will announce you with an alarm ,this feature only works if the phone is on and the signal is less than 40%.
- you can set an action like Zekr which can help Muslims remember their Lord every 5 minutes with a low volume sound saying God is the most Great. This option acts solely without dependency of the choosen theme interval since it have a fixed firing every 5 minutes (take it or leave it).
# How to install Cab file of TamerSpClock:
1- For versions prior to v1.4 you must download MortScript from the following link
(Version v1.4 & above already have it embedded inside software)
This software acts like an environment for "TamerSpClock" to work. please note that "TamerSpClock" cannot run without installing this software.
2- Transfer cab to any place on your ppc using active sync or any other communicating software.
3- Choose whether to install to Device or to MemoryCard ,It is very important to choose the installation target location during the setup process corresponding to the version you downloaded whether it is on memory card or on phone. Note that program is hard coded ,this is why this point is very important for the program to work.
4-For Version v1.4 & above before running program ,press the icon named "RunFirst" prior to run the program (This acts as if MortScript Cab is installed)
This software had been tested on HTC Tytn & found stable ,Also can work on any windows mobile device.
I have been looking for an hourly chimer that does not wake up the screen. The disappointing thing about this one it it is hard coded to run from the storage card. Can this be modified to use variable paths?
One issue I have with installing to the storage card is Windows Mobile unmounts the card to save power on some devices. I also change my card based on what I am doing. I keep my maps on one card and my MP3s on another.
painter_ said:
I have been looking for an hourly chimer that does not wake up the screen. The disappointing thing about this one it it is hard coded to run from the storage card. Can this be modified to use variable paths?
One issue I have with installing to the storage card is Windows Mobile unmounts the card to save power on some devices. I also change my card based on what I am doing. I keep my maps on one card and my MP3s on another.
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Added 2 versions ,one if you want to setup on the Phone Main Memory & the other for Storage Card.
This really sounds great - but how to use it?
I am no expert in programming or in mort scripting.......
I would like to use this feature: "you can set an action like signal check to work with Themes (feature to check signal strength every x time) if the signal drops ,it will announce you with an alarm ,this feature only works if the phone is on and the signal is less than 40%."
But no speaking clock, only those alert, when signal drops.
It should check every minute.
What do I have to enable/disable for that?
And how to let it run, when my touch is sleeping?
I'm using a TyTN II. Great software.
Like to feedback that when I was using my bluetooth headset, when the phone is off (no display), announcing (audio) could be heard and vibration. When I don't use the bluetooth headset (bluetooth is off), and phone is off (no display), I don't hear any announcement and there is vibration only. If I turn on the phone now, I will hear the end part of the time announcement.
Is this normal?
zard said:
I'm using a TyTN II. Great software.
Like to feedback that when I was using my bluetooth headset, when the phone is off (no display), announcing (audio) could be heard and vibration. When I don't use the bluetooth headset (bluetooth is off), and phone is off (no display), I don't hear any announcement and there is vibration only. If I turn on the phone now, I will hear the end part of the time announcement.
Is this normal?
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Zard .. if you enable the black me feature the speaking clock can be capable of walking up the device to say time at chosen theme points without walking up the screen. So i advice you to enable the blackme feature as long as the phone is in your pocket. if you are using the phone for an instance or a period of time you can disable the blackme feature since when you are using the phone the feature will be annoying.
in some devices (devices differ in reaction to wakeup) the phone cannot wake up to say the time if it is sleeping ,this is why i made the blackme feature. So the solution is to enable it.
Also if you go to programs menu in the start button you will see a pack on enable & diable features. you can choose what ever you like to enable and what to diable.this features can be clicked (enabled or disabled) & once confirmed you will notice that it will be active wherever any theme is choosen. iam sure that the blackme feature is able to walking up the device to say the time whether your device is in sleep or deep sleep.
kino-kino said:
This really sounds great - but how to use it?
I am no expert in programming or in mort scripting.......
I would like to use this feature: "you can set an action like signal check to work with Themes (feature to check signal strength every x time) if the signal drops ,it will announce you with an alarm ,this feature only works if the phone is on and the signal is less than 40%."
But no speaking clock, only those alert, when signal drops.
It should check every minute.
What do I have to enable/disable for that?
And how to let it run, when my touch is sleeping?
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Kino-Kino .. first of all open the start menu programs ,you will find 2 folders ,one is named enable & the other named disable. now you are ready to open each and click what ever features you like to be enabled and whatever to be disabled.
At this time you are ready to go for the Theme selection which means at what intervals you want the choosen features to fire ,you can try the "01M" which means that the software will fire every 1 minute to execute the selected feature (or features if you choose others).
For example ,if you want only the signal detection feature ,go to disable folder and click all features to disable them all ,then go to enable and only click the shortcut named "Signal".
Once done .. every 1 minutes (since we choosed "01M") the phone will execute the selected feature (or features). in some phones the system cannot walkeup itself to execute the so called notification tasks at given times if it was in "Sleep" or "Deep Sleep Mode". So you can check your phone reaction to such notification tasks.
To make sure we are ready to go ,you must check first that your phone registry key when the phone is on and receiving signal looks like this :
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\State\Phone] the value of "Cellular System Available" must be 65
to do this test just download Fred Taskmanager free from this link
once downloaded install it ,open it and go to RegEdit tab and go to [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\State\Phone] & check for "Cellular System Available" number .. it must be (65) i mean the number between brackets.
If this is the case ,the program will correctly do the job. but if it isnt (may vary from phone to another) ,then this number must be modified in the software to read correctly ,Go to program installation folder " \Program Files\TamerSpClock\Data\Signal.mscr " rename the file "Signal.mscr" to "Signal.txt" then open it by any notepad or word ,then check the line "if(%PhoneActive% = 65)" and change the 65 to be like the number that you found for your phone in the normal signal state. Do not forget to rename it back once finished to "Signal.mscr".
Thanks going to test on my lovly hima.
Thank You for Your reply!
I think, there could be a problem:
The reg key, You mentoned, does have different values.
If I am connected to a "GPRS" network, it is "1".
If I am connected to an "EDGE" network, it is "8".
And if only phone is active, but no internet-connection, it is "1".
So what should I take?
Thank You!
EDIT: There is another key called "Radio ready state" with the value "31".
And all value are "0" when radio is off.
kino-kino said:
Thank You for Your reply!
I think, there could be a problem:
The reg key, You mentoned, does have different values.
If I am connected to a "GPRS" network, it is "1".
If I am connected to an "EDGE" network, it is "8".
And if only phone is active, but no internet-connection, it is "1".
So what should I take?
Thank You!
EDIT: There is another key called "Radio ready state" with the value "31".
And all value are "0" when radio is off.
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The reply is that you take the number between brackets on the idle state without conecting to any network ,because the idea as you can see from the code that there is 2 conditions must be fullfilled to fire the signal alarm which is 1- if the signal in the idle state be so and so and 2- in the same time signal drops to so and so ... Bingo ... fire
So ,now you got the idea of the code & can now modify it to fullfils your needs ,and you are ready to put your constants that reflects the state where you want spclock to fire. wishing this could help .....
timoz73 said:
Zard .. if you enable the black me feature the speaking clock can be capable of walking up the device to say time at chosen theme points without walking up the screen. So i advice you to enable the blackme feature as long as the phone is in your pocket. if you are using the phone for an instance or a period of time you can disable the blackme feature since when you are using the phone the feature will be annoying.
in some devices (devices differ in reaction to wakeup) the phone cannot wake up to say the time if it is sleeping ,this is why i made the blackme feature. So the solution is to enable it.
Also if you go to programs menu in the start button you will see a pack on enable & diable features. you can choose what ever you like to enable and what to diable.this features can be clicked (enabled or disabled) & once confirmed you will notice that it will be active wherever any theme is choosen. iam sure that the blackme feature is able to walking up the device to say the time whether your device is in sleep or deep sleep.
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Thanks, with Blackme, it works now.
dont work with my diamond
great sharing.
Dynomite232 said:
dont work with my diamond
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Dynomite232 ,Kindly feedback whether the mortscript program didnt run on diamond or the TamerSpClock itself. i didnt expect this to happen from the Diamond of a VGA screen since my software didnt realy have a User Interface Menu ,its only shortcuts. In addition that Mort do support any windows mobile device.
Thanks again helping me, I think, I start to understand what Your mortscripts are able to do!
But I have to ask once more:
So I have three different scenarios, when I would get that signal-alert:
1 If Cellular Systam Available is "8" AND signal drops to less than 40%
2 If Cellular System Available is "1" AND signal drops to less than 40%
3 If Cellular System Available is "0" WITHOUT checking the signal strength
So would it be possible to edit the Mortscript this way?
Thank You!!
Reply to Kino-Kino
kino-kino said:
Thanks again helping me, I think, I start to understand what Your mortscripts are able to do!
But I have to ask once more:
So I have three different scenarios, when I would get that signal-alert:
1 If Cellular Systam Available is "8" AND signal drops to less than 40%
2 If Cellular System Available is "1" AND signal drops to less than 40%
3 If Cellular System Available is "0" WITHOUT checking the signal strength
So would it be possible to edit the Mortscript this way?
Thank You!!
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Kinio-Kino for your described situation the case will be as follows (copy & paste what is below between the # signs to replace what is inside Signal.mscr ,you can find this file inside a folder called Data inside the program folder inside Program Files)
ErrorLevel ("syntax")
SignalStrength = RegRead("HKLM", "System\State\Phone", "Signal Strength" )
PhoneActive = RegRead("HKLM", "System\State\Phone", "Cellular System Available" )
if(%PhoneActive% = 0)
PlaySound "\Storage Card\Program Files\TamerSpClock\Wav\Signal.wav"
if(%PhoneActive% = 8)
if (%SignalStrength% < 40 )
PlaySound "\Storage Card\Program Files\TamerSpClock\Wav\Signal.wav"
if(%PhoneActive% = 1)
if (%SignalStrength% < 40 )
PlaySound "\Storage Card\Program Files\TamerSpClock\Wav\Signal.wav"
You can now Download the latest version v1.03 ,I build a new user interface for this software instead of the icons .Before Uninstalling Do the process of "StopingAll" feature then make a new Install to v1.03.
first, thank You again, its working now as expected, great!!
The new Version 1.3: Both cabs get installed to the main memory, maybe something went wrong with one of them?
And one more question:
When my phone is sleeping, I dont get those signal-alerts.
So You have Your blackme-feature:
How could I handle that, to get the hardware-buttons locked, when blackme is active? I have a HTC Touch.
Thank You!
kino-kino said:
first, thank You again, its working now as expected, great!!
The new Version 1.3: Both cabs get installed to the main memory, maybe something went wrong with one of them?
And one more question:
When my phone is sleeping, I dont get those signal-alerts.
So You have Your blackme-feature:
How could I handle that, to get the hardware-buttons locked, when blackme is active? I have a HTC Touch.
Thank You!
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kino-kino ,Welcome again & thank you for your feedback. The Cab file targeting the storage card have been updated in the main thread page.
you are asking now about 2 subjects ,the first one concerning the signal alert didnt fire during deep sleep of the phone ,i think you might try to make the speaking clock feature active along with the signal alert feature ,maybe it will wakeup your device to fire at the specified times, of course if its voice is annoying to you can try deleting the clock wav files but leave of course the signal.wav without deleting. I wonder this happens to you although my Htc Tytn wakeup and fire Signal Alerts at specified times.
The second question can be solved simply by downloading "HomeScreenPluPlus" from the following link:
This software is free and have a feature in the second UI page of options that lock your device when the screen is off and vice versa ,see this pic for explanation.
Thanks for your great app, but I have troubles with BlackMe feature. If this feature is disable, my phone doesn't speak, vibrate only. But if it's enable, it turn off the phone screen when speaking time. That's annoy when I'm doing something on my phone, especially while downloading a large file, it interrupts the wifi connection and I have to re-download from beginning. Any solution for that?
hung_ng said:
Thanks for your great app, but I have troubles with BlackMe feature. If this feature is disable, my phone doesn't speak, vibrate only. But if it's enable, it turn off the phone screen when speaking time. That's annoy when I'm doing something on my phone, especially while downloading a large file, it interrupts the wifi connection and I have to re-download from beginning. Any solution for that?
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yes i know hung_ng ,i made the blackme feature as a separate item in folder links so that you can assign its icon to a hardware button to be easily accessed so that when you are using your phone you can easily deactivate BlackMe.
This annoying feature (from my point of view as you eaxactly) is essential in many phones ,as the system cannot wakeup the device from a deep sleep to do the choosed actions. the blackme feature (also known as "ToggleDisplay=1") force the phone to wakeup to fire the action. if it is disabled many devices will fall in deepsleep without being able to wakeup. the last version 1.3 have this separate shortcut that i explained.
Another idea i made in my Tytn and made me feel comfortable is that i made my telephone sense when a specific window is open ,the blackme is disabled automatically and when i close this window it reverts automatically to be enabled. for example i made RescoExplorer2007 window when it is opened the blackme is disabled & serving me while i work ,and once i finish i close Resco and automatically blackme returns active and conserving my battery life.
Sorry for being long in my explanation but if you are interested in the idea ,i can make a version for you that is capable of deactivating BlackMe once a specific window is opened. i am not a programer ,i am an Architectural Engineer that once upon a time needed this software and didnt find a really satisfying one available all over the internet ,so i decided to learn Mort Script and i write a one satisfiying my needs and by the way i think that it might help other people who might need it as me.

[APP] SensorScroll v0.7.1 beta [updated 20 May 2009]

SensorScroll uses the HTC Touch Diamond/PRO Gesture Wheel to scroll up and down inside windows which allow scrolling (has a scroll bar). It can also emulate key pressing instead of scrolling.
It is in beta stage, please use carefully. All bug reports, fresh ideas and recommendations are welcome.
1. Install the application. It adds shortcut in Programs and in \Windows\Startup folders!
2. Right after installation you can run the application from Programs shortcut to start using it. There is no need for soft reset to have it running for the first time!
3. To use the application open a Window with a vertical scroll bar like Programs or File Explorer and try rotating the scroll sensor clockwise for scroll down and counter clockwise for scroll up. Don't forget to try the touch action too (double tap on the central button to switch on/off and touch the direction keys)
4. To fine tune the application behavior use the SensorScroll Settings application
5. Have fun!
6. To stop, run it again and you will have an option to stop it.
Inside installation folder there is a file named no_process.txt. The file contains a list of process names which will not be affected by the application (or by SensorScroll Settings). It already has some entries like opera, teeter, etc.
The application is freeware (and will always stay free)
Known issues:
* Does not work with GScroll ! Both programs act like they have disabled each other.
* Clear the source code and add some comments
* Open the source code if i consider it good enough to be open
Search for new ideas:
We can do something with the rest of the touch sensitive area. I'm collecting ideas. We can use single, double or triple click. Known limitation: you could track press and release coordinates, but cannot track finger movement (at least I don't know how). If you come with a good idea please share it and post a reply. Thanks in advance!
* v0.7.1 (20.05.2009)
- Fixed a nasty bug resulting in SensorScroll working with all programs including those who needs to be ignored
- Temporary removed windows enumeration in SensorScroll Settings. I'll try to put some more complex code to handle poorly working API functions in the next version.
* v0.7 (17.05.2009)
- Fully changed working principles. Should be much more stable and compatible now.
- Added support for screen rotation. Read the manual about the 3 key screen rotation.
- Added support for process identify. Read the manual.
- Added handling of power notifications. Now it should consume almost no CPU when suspended.
- Added support for preventing the device to go to suspended state while using the d-pad
- Added support for vibrate feedback for "touch gestures switch", "screen rotation", "process identify"
- Fixed problem with saving/loading settings with non english versions of windows mobile
- Fixed problem with double tap working not only for the center button, but also in other areas (home, back, call, end call)
- Removed process enumeration in SensorScroll Settings. This caused more problems then it solved.
Full version history can he found here
Old version 0.6 can be found here
Thanks. Works well so far. One early issue I noticed upon installing your .cab is my device freezes for no apparent reason. I am also running GScroll, may have something to do with that. I'll try disabling it and report back.
Great app...props already
mr.jcarter said:
Thanks. Works well so far. One early issue I noticed upon installing your .cab is my device freezes for no apparent reason. I am also running GScroll, may have something to do with that. I'll try disabling it and report back.
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Confirmed.... Does not play nice nice w/GScroll. After disabbling GScroll it works great unfortunately I need GScroll so I can have the double tap functionality to bring up SecondToday
Randomly the program will stop working (not sure if it completely shuts down or if its actually running, but not working). Instead of scrolling the page, it will start to scroll by each item. For example, in the Program menu it will go from app to app.
Works Perfectly for me.
The Mobile Spoon
Working perfect - thank you!
edit: after testing as already pointed out seems to turn off.
How does this compare with the cabs already out? I mean does it work in EVERY app? I mean I use RRE's Smart Touch Wheel, but I'll try this one and see if there is any difference.
Kraize - this works in far more applications. It's really an expansion because you can set it to leave the defaults in place that Diamond Tweaks puts in. The only problem appears to be that it turns off at some points. Not sure what is causing the behavior.
Great App!!! is there any way you could make this scroll through touchflo? Like left 2 right? Always wanted sorry . Anyways thank you!
AT&T FUZE Touch Pro unstable
Awesome idea! Installed it on my 1 day old AT&T FUZE and crashed a few times and rebooted the phone once. Hopefully will be fixed soon. HAve the feeling AT&T touch flow 3D is causing the issue.
Nice app any way to get this to work with S2U2?
Thank you for sharing, I will give it a try
Works fine on my Touch Pro. Tnx mate for this!
the program chashes at my touch pro after a few minutes and doens´t scoll anymore so i have to exit and restart it again.
why runing additional app when this should be integrated just need to tell registry
check this -
i don't have stability problems, but the app doesn't survive the first suspend
sheitan said:
why runing additional app when this should be integrated just need to tell registry
check this -
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it's still better to import dozens of reg files after each hard reset + it works with ALL toolbar-scroll windows ^^
hello, is it possible for you to make a version wich moves LEFT <> RIGHT instead of UP <> DOWN ?
I mean to scroll tabs on manilla, to change word when typing a sms cause may big fiingers are to dummy to easily use the left right keys
PS : excuse my english, i'm french
It works fine on my device
Thank a lot man
Thank you for your replies! I'll check the application with GScroll. I've never used it so far. I hope it will be possible to fix the problem.

User interface yrgo 2.3 beta 5

Hi guys,
I have released new yrgo 2.3 beta 5 so you can check it out on my forum here.
If you are new in yrgo - yrgo is highly customizable User Interface Shell written for Windows Mobile 5/6 Professional devices. It allows much more that any other Shell and goes more deep into the system - the memory footprint is also held low.
I highly recommend to see the presentation video (the video was recorded with older version - doesn't have as nice graphic as it is there now and it has much less functionality, but it is good to understand yrgo's concept).
So let me know what do you think .
UPDATED: There's a bug in the version I linked to my forum - it has only Czech version. Please scroll down the thread there, download a follow the instructions in the post to get the English version working. Sorry for that.
Oh yes,
the gadgets for almost all resolutions are not arranged properly - it is still the beta version and I will work on this this week.
But you can of course easily re-arrange it however you want very easily (just check the video I have mentioned above).
it is really nice and fast. on start up there was too much gadgets on screen, I would say try to make the desktop really clean aligned properly on startup. but it's a good work you're doing.
I'm not sure if this is a bug: using the file manager to explore my windows directory seems to hang the app, or maybe my windows directory is just really big. after it hanged and I terminated it manually, the app still populated my top and bottom bar, and half my screen, I had to soft reset.
plus how to change background?
thanks for your feedback. I'll check out the problem with Windows folder.
To change the background image, just find such image in the yrgo's file explorer and use Context menu and scroll down to get ability to use such image as a desktop background.
I really like your app. your design mode is very innovative, resizeable icons, etc.
*why the "hide" button? after going deep in the settings and want to go back to the home screen I had to click back button all the way back to home. it is possible to make the hide button "home" button so one click will bring me back to home? I know I can click on an empty spot and it will bring me to home, but I don't think everyone will know that.
*when not in full screen mode some of the icons/info is cut off at the bottom because the icons\layout doesn't resize accordingly.
*is it possible to add the "running applications" button as a gadget?
*also could there be some transition effect from desktop to desktop?
know I'm asking for a lot but I wouldn't be saying anything if I didn't like the app.
thanks for your feedback. It's ok, your questions are really relevant and helpful for me.
Yes, you're right. It makes more sense to have button "Home" instead of "Hide". I'll change it.
I know about the problem when switching off the full screen mode. The previous version had auto-rearraning the gadgets but it made a big mess when you switched from landscape/portrait mode so I temporarily removed it.
Yes, running appliactions can be add to the desktop easily - as any other item in yrgo - just 'tap and hold' on the Running application icon a use "Add to desktop"
Yep, some transition effect would be nice - but at this moment it is not my priority. I need to release current 2.3 as soon as possible. After that I'll start to think about new feature.
Again, thanks a lot for your feedback- it was very helpful.

Few gripes with the HD2, can they be fixed?

Only had my HD2 for a couple of days having come from iphone and have a couple of gripes with it. Maybe it's just me though as never had a windows phone before.
When using opera internet browser you have to zoom in quite a bit to press links, which I find a little annoying. I've tried skyfire which is much better, but you can't use pinch/zoom. Is there a browser that has the best of both worlds?
Is there a quick way to turn bluetooth on/off without having to go into settings?
Is there a quick link to profiles? I know if you hold the end call button you can select between vibrate or ringer, but not silent. I must admit, this is one thing I liked about the iphone, there was a simple switch to change from silent/ringer without having to turn the phone on and press buttons.
When making/receiving calls sometimes the screen comes back on and my ear presses other functions, or disconnects the call. Has there not been a fix for this issue yet?
The call quality isn't great, sometimes the caller distorts on certain words/letters
And finally, is there any way to change the vibrate? Can it be set to 'pulse' rather than just a continous vibration. Can it be set just to give one or 2 pulses when receiving a sms/mms message, rather than vibrating for the full length of the message alert? (I've personalised mine and goes on for about 10 seconds)
I think the phone is great, and these niggles aren't the most major of things (accept the screen turning back on during calls) but it would make the phone more of a pleasure to use.
There are fixes or programs for most of your niggles, but they may not integrate with the HTC Sense interface! That's one downside of such a deeply coded front end, and one reason why I personally have stopped using it!
There is a file available which can allow links in Opera to be clicked when zoomed out- sorry, but I don't have time to link to it at present!
For profile and radio (BT/WiFi/Phone) switching, I'd recommend SBSH Phoneweaver . OK, it costs $15 but you can set any number of profiles with switching based on time, location, busy status etc, or manually. The pop-up menu also has a set of switches for the various radios. It can be launched via one of the 3 Program buttons on the front page of Sense, or via a small icon in the Taskbar. I'm, not sure if it can have the vibrate times defined or not!
NeilM said:
There are fixes or programs for most of your niggles, but they may not integrate with the HTC Sense interface! That's one downside of such a deeply coded front end, and one reason why I personally have stopped using it!
There is a file available which can allow links in Opera to be clicked when zoomed out- sorry, but I don't have time to link to it at present!
For profile and radio (BT/WiFi/Phone) switching, I'd recommend SBSH Phoneweaver . OK, it costs $15 but you can set any number of profiles with switching based on time, location, busy status etc, or manually. The pop-up menu also has a set of switches for the various radios. It can be launched via one of the 3 Program buttons on the front page of Sense, or via a small icon in the Taskbar. I'm, not sure if it can have the vibrate times defined or not!
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Thanks for your response. What are you referring to when you say radios? Please forgive my ignorance, I'm still learning
You say that you have stopped using the HTC sense interface so what do you use instead?
Just having a look at the phoneweaver, can this be used with the sense interface? Does it overide the phone settings?
Radios = WiFi, Bluetooth and Phone Radio. These are the things you see in the Comm Manager with the little green On/Off sliders
I'm now using a 'Light' custom ROm without the HTC Sense stuff. I prefer to use a plain 'Home Screen' (which you can achieve by going into Settings/Home (or Today) and selecting the Items tab. From there you can turn on or off any of the Today items or Sense itself.
A lot of the programs I use have their own Today screen plug-ins which suits me fine- Resco Contact Manager, Elecont Weather and Chronos clock/alarms, plus I use a Launcher program called Launchpad by Panoramic Software that is opened by tapping the top left of the screen; this has 40 definable 'Favourites' links plus a full set of Programs/Settings links.
Back to work now!
snerkler said:
Just having a look at the phoneweaver, can this be used with the sense interface? Does it overide the phone settings?
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It can take over all the phone settings and can be manual or scheduled, plus some other useful switching options. You can try it free for 15 days!
NeilM said:
Radios = WiFi, Bluetooth and Phone Radio. These are the things you see in the Comm Manager with the little green On/Off sliders
I'm now using a 'Light' custom ROm without the HTC Sense stuff. I prefer to use a plain 'Home Screen' (which you can achieve by going into Settings/Home (or Today) and selecting the Items tab. From there you can turn on or off any of the Today items or Sense itself.
A lot of the programs I use have their own Today screen plug-ins which suits me fine- Resco Contact Manager, Elecont Weather and Chronos clock/alarms, plus I use a Launcher program called Launchpad by Panoramic Software that is opened by tapping the top left of the screen; this has 40 definable 'Favourites' links plus a full set of Programs/Settings links.
Back to work now!
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Cheers for your help
If you read this sticky thread you will find the answers to all of your questions:
It should be pretty obvious since its the first and most talked about topic.
lorin.bute said:
If you read this sticky thread you will find the answers to all of your questions:
It should be pretty obvious since its the first and most talked about topic.
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Click to collapse
Thanks for that thread, the trouble is I'm not a real computer/phone buff (yet) and so a lot of it goes right over my head. I don't even know what registry's are, and wy you need to edit them???
Ok, the concept of registry is quite simple. I'll put in a way so anyone can understand. Its a repository of stored key/value pairs.
Imagine a folder like structure, when you open a folder you will find a series of keys which, when opened, reveal the value.
Every key/folder is used by the OS or by some application. Its where all the back door settings are stored. So if you wanna make an app or the OS behave in a way you need to change the settings.
Using the registry is easy, but you have to make the first step... so what are you waiting?
lorin.bute said:
Ok, the concept of registry is quite simple. I'll put in a way so anyone can understand. Its a repository of stored key/value pairs.
Imagine a folder like structure, when you open a folder you will find a series of keys which, when opened, reveal the value.
Every key/folder is used by the OS or by some application. Its where all the back door settings are stored. So if you wanna make an app or the OS behave in a way you need to change the settings.
Using the registry is easy, but you have to make the first step... so what are you waiting?
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Can I bugger up the phone if I don't know what I'm doing?
You can always make a backup of the registry you are changing. In resco registry editor tap and hold and press export. If the changes you made are not good, go to the folder where you exported the backup and open it. It will automatically imported and problem solved. But if you follow the instructions you won't have any problems, just don't change the registry for something you don't know or never seen in any tip/suggestion.
You could affect stuff if you dont do it right... but if you follow the instructions carefully without any typing errors, you will be fine...
Use this to Turn off BT easily.... it also does a lot of other stuff... basically, your bottom left softkey will become an "action" button... prssing that will bring up the screen shown in the screenshots. Works really well for me... also give you soft reset options without opening the back cover or powering off

