Pedometer using Diamond's built in Accelerometer - Touch Diamond, MDA Compact IV Themes and Apps

3/14/2009 Pedometer 1.42 is released.
What's new:
--Fixed "InvalidCastException" error for non-english regional setting.
1) If you want to keep your old jogging data, and customized sound file and background file, you need to save the "pedometer.sdf", "background.jpg", and "StepSound.wav" files, install the new version, then copy back these files to \program files\elitemway\pedometer folder.
2) !!! The pedometer is designed to count relatively accurately when you carry the phone vertically or horizontally around you left or right side of your waist belt. It may give you wrong result if carry your phone otherwise. Step detection algorithm that can handle all carrying position and walking/running conditions is very complicated and is beyond my knowledge. Step length and Calories conversion are unique for each individual and walking condition. There is no way that this can be very accurate. You may adjust these values in the "Setting" screen. The application is not globalized yet. Like all other xda developers, I have to find spare time working on this project. Thank you for your understanding!
3/12/2009 Pedometer 1.41 patch is released.
What's new:
--Fixed the version number.
--When you set the distance unit to "mile", it still displays the distance value as km. This bug is fixed in the patch.
Copy the attached zipped exe to elitemway\pedometer folder, override the existing one.
12/25/2008 Pedometer 1.4 is released. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
What's new:
--The pedometer should also work when carrying in horizontal position. Please report if the counting is accurate enough.
--Added "Show toolbar" setting so that you can choose whether to show the toolbar on the main screen.
12/16/2008 Pedometer 1.3 is released.
What's new:
--Added battery threshhold setting. The program will pause pedometer, automatically save the current progress and then allow device to go into standby mode based on the Power setting when battery level falls below a certain value.
--Relocate the buttons from the main screen to menu.
--Display battery status on the main screen.
--You can change the background by replacing the default "Background.jpg" file.
12/15/2008 Pedometer 1.2 is released.
What's new:
--Step detection is a little bit better. It still has a lot of room for improvement though.
--While Pedometer is running, the screen will dim, but will not standby.
--The "Hide" button not only turns off the screen, it can also prevent the device from going into stanby mode. So you can let it run in the background for a long time. If you want to keep it running, do not use the Power button, instead using the Hide button.
--Pause button stops both time and step count. It will also stop the timer. So when it is paused, the device can be in the standby mode to save battery.
--I let it run around 7 hrs in office environment with fully charged batterry (1350mAh), with Blackberry connect and a few emails, no step sound, I still had about 45% left at the end.
--You can mute the step sound from the main screen.
--Now it has the HTC Diamond black transparent background. See the screenshot.
--The default step sound is shorter and "big foot" like. You can customize the sound by replace the default "StepSound.wav" file (do not use anything above 0.2 sec). Nero 8 wave editor and other tool is good for sound editing.
--Added error handling for possible decimal conversion error due to different regional setting. As a workaround, you can probably change you regional setting to English, then run the application, finish the setting, then change it back.
12/13/2008 Pedometer Release 1.0 summary
I searched extensively for a pedometer application that works on Diamond, but could not find anything. So I created one.
--It uses HTC Touch Diamond's built in Accelerometer.
--Only .Net CF 2.0 is required (comes with Diamond).
--You can pause and reset the step counter.
--It displays steps, distance, calories and time duration.
--You can use the Hide button to save battery.
--You can set the step length and calories per mile value.
--You can save, delete and view the historical data.
--The historical data is stored in Microsoft SQLCe compact database.
--It can play the sound when the step is detected.
--It can sound an alarm when the set distance is reached.
--Briefly tested with the US unlocked version of the Diamond and Sprint version of the Diamond.
--The sensor.dll is from
--First, verify and set your preferred setting from the menu item.
--Find the best carrying position with the "Play step sound" option on.
--Use the Hide button to save battery.
--You can install on storage card, but it can break the application if you use the storage mode while the Pedometer application is running.
Known Issues:
--Step detection is not accurate sometime. The algorithm needs improvement.
--Hide mode does not prevent from going into sleep mode.
--After changing the setting, you need to close then reopen the application for teh new setting to take effect.
--It only works if the diamond is in the vertical position.

nice work buddy

Looks promising, thanks for the work!

any chance this would work on a touch pro? Also, if i wanted to leave it on all day just to basically see how many steps i'm getting in on a typical day, does that basically mean i'll have to recharge my phone everyday or is the battery footprint very low?

this could be pretty useful. thanks

Nice work, I just came on here to look for one of these, thanks for the convenience haha

Thx for the ap, i was working on my one some time ago but stop after having bad etection when running, im going to test yours and given a feedback.

work well on Touch HD and Diamond but... i run for twenty steps but... it counted only nine.. (bouth diamond and touch HD was in vertical position)...
thank you

Step detection algorithm is hard to do. I will see if it can be improved.

fadywwf316 said:
any chance this would work on a touch pro? Also, if i wanted to leave it on all day just to basically see how many steps i'm getting in on a typical day, does that basically mean i'll have to recharge my phone everyday or is the battery footprint very low?
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Not sure if it will work on TouchPro. It should work though. This utility is still in early development stage. I do not have battery consumption data yet. The key is to find a reliable step detection algorithm. Thanks.

On my Touch Pro, RomeOS 1.51 :
When I try to run this APP.
Conversion from string "0.235" to type "Decimal" is not valid.

try changing your language options, there where any option to change the symbol of , to . or what else

Pedometer version 1.2 is released
Hi, All:
After some intensive efforts, the Pedometer version 1.2 is released. The HTC touch black transparent looks much better. Please post all questions in this thread.

I found this doc. It may be of interest to you in regards to your algorithm? Excellent work in any case.

Great App
thanks for great app. What would be really cool is if it would have its own TFlo3D tab.

doey_28 said:
I found this doc. It may be of interest to you in regards to your algorithm? Excellent work in any case.
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I will look at at the paper closely when I get a chance.

Is there a message/signal that is sent out when Windows Mobile is about to die due to lack of power? Because twice now, while hiking and while on the tread mill, my phone happened to be on it's last legs WRT power, unknown to me. In the middle of the workout/hike the phone died due to lack of power thus losing the progress so far. Could pedometer instead be notified of pending death of the phone due to power and "save itself"
before all power is gone?
Either that or how about a resume feature where ever minute (5 minutes or whatever) pedometer saves the current progress such that if the phone died for any reason and pedometer was restarted, it would sense that it was in the middle of a recording and offer to resume where it left off of start anew.
It seems to me that either solution would solve my problem.

defaria said:
Is there a message/signal that is sent out when Windows Mobile is about to die due to lack of power? Because twice now, while hiking and while on the tread mill, my phone happened to be on it's last legs WRT power, unknown to me. In the middle of the workout/hike the phone died due to lack of power thus losing the progress so far. Could pedometer instead be notified of pending death of the phone due to power and "save itself"
before all power is gone?
Either that or how about a resume feature where ever minute (5 minutes or whatever) pedometer saves the current progress such that if the phone died for any reason and pedometer was restarted, it would sense that it was in the middle of a recording and offer to resume where it left off of start anew.
It seems to me that either solution would solve my problem.
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In next release, I can add battery alert threshold, play the sound, then, save the progress automatically and allow device to go to standby mode.

Lightsailpro, any plans to make this a GPS-assisted app? I realize that once you introduce GPS, you're taking away from the entire purpose of using the accelerometer to measure actual steps, however, I would love to have an app that I could choose on a given occasion whether it uses acc. to measure steps, or GPS to measure actual distance.
Currently, I run with my Diamond (for music) and a GPS watch (to track my progress and calories). How great it would be to ditch the watch and combine all the functionality into the Diamond!

lightsailpro said:
In next release, I can add battery alert threshold, play the sound, then, save the progress automatically and allow device to go to standby mode.
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Sounds great! Thanks.
Now, it it's not too much to ask, a little better graphical design... I know, I'm no graphic artist either but I can steal with the best of them!


Speaking Clock with Chime & Signal Strength detector

## TamerSpClock v1.4 ##
Last update 13 Dec 2008
"TamerSpClock" is a Windows Mobile 2003/5/6 software which lets you take hand over your time to the max. It is a fully customizable speaking clock & a chimer.
- you can choose a THEME of time intervals of 1 ,5 ,15 ,30 or 60 minutes ,Then you can choose actions to be done on these choosen theme intervals.
- you can adjust when to speak time or chime and when to mute in a way that differs from other programs by means that you can set multi portions (intervals) of time that mute the program automatically for daily use. you can access the file "Validity.ini" found in the folder named "settings" inside the program installation path. this file can be edited by any notepad or word (pocket or pc word) then you can specify at what hours to work on and what to mute (just Change validity = 0 corresponding to hours that needed to be muted & Change validity = 1 to the rest of the hours).
- The program can wake up the device without waking up your screen conserving your battery life and will chime even if the ppc is sleeping or in a deep sleep, The software have a feature that can force the screen not to wakeup (BlackMe feature) at chiming times or (if you choose to) to leave it to the current windows mobile configurations (settings) to decide ,this is useful for some ppc that wakeup the display on every chime which may have negative results on battery life.
- you can put your own wav files to be chimed ,just insert them in folder "Wav" found inside installation directory but use the same names of course.
- This software differs from other similar products in that if you choose for example 15 minute iterval for speaking the clock ,it wll activate itself and speak time on whole miute numbers like 15-30-45-60 and will not just repeat the choosen interval starting from the time you switched it on which results in speaking times like 4:52 and 7:27 etc.
- you can choose or omit salutations like "the time is" & "Am ,Pm" & saying "Oclock" at the whole number hours. this can be customized using the provided links to enable and disable the action features.
- you can choose whether to use vibration or no with the chiming process.
- you can stop all software processing events by one finger click.
- Software will automaticaly activate itself and work again after any restart of the device.
- you can set an action like signal check to work with Themes (feature to check signal strength every x time) if the signal drops ,it will announce you with an alarm ,this feature only works if the phone is on and the signal is less than 40%.
- you can set an action like Zekr which can help Muslims remember their Lord every 5 minutes with a low volume sound saying God is the most Great. This option acts solely without dependency of the choosen theme interval since it have a fixed firing every 5 minutes (take it or leave it).
# How to install Cab file of TamerSpClock:
1- For versions prior to v1.4 you must download MortScript from the following link
(Version v1.4 & above already have it embedded inside software)
This software acts like an environment for "TamerSpClock" to work. please note that "TamerSpClock" cannot run without installing this software.
2- Transfer cab to any place on your ppc using active sync or any other communicating software.
3- Choose whether to install to Device or to MemoryCard ,It is very important to choose the installation target location during the setup process corresponding to the version you downloaded whether it is on memory card or on phone. Note that program is hard coded ,this is why this point is very important for the program to work.
4-For Version v1.4 & above before running program ,press the icon named "RunFirst" prior to run the program (This acts as if MortScript Cab is installed)
This software had been tested on HTC Tytn & found stable ,Also can work on any windows mobile device.
I have been looking for an hourly chimer that does not wake up the screen. The disappointing thing about this one it it is hard coded to run from the storage card. Can this be modified to use variable paths?
One issue I have with installing to the storage card is Windows Mobile unmounts the card to save power on some devices. I also change my card based on what I am doing. I keep my maps on one card and my MP3s on another.
painter_ said:
I have been looking for an hourly chimer that does not wake up the screen. The disappointing thing about this one it it is hard coded to run from the storage card. Can this be modified to use variable paths?
One issue I have with installing to the storage card is Windows Mobile unmounts the card to save power on some devices. I also change my card based on what I am doing. I keep my maps on one card and my MP3s on another.
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Added 2 versions ,one if you want to setup on the Phone Main Memory & the other for Storage Card.
This really sounds great - but how to use it?
I am no expert in programming or in mort scripting.......
I would like to use this feature: "you can set an action like signal check to work with Themes (feature to check signal strength every x time) if the signal drops ,it will announce you with an alarm ,this feature only works if the phone is on and the signal is less than 40%."
But no speaking clock, only those alert, when signal drops.
It should check every minute.
What do I have to enable/disable for that?
And how to let it run, when my touch is sleeping?
I'm using a TyTN II. Great software.
Like to feedback that when I was using my bluetooth headset, when the phone is off (no display), announcing (audio) could be heard and vibration. When I don't use the bluetooth headset (bluetooth is off), and phone is off (no display), I don't hear any announcement and there is vibration only. If I turn on the phone now, I will hear the end part of the time announcement.
Is this normal?
zard said:
I'm using a TyTN II. Great software.
Like to feedback that when I was using my bluetooth headset, when the phone is off (no display), announcing (audio) could be heard and vibration. When I don't use the bluetooth headset (bluetooth is off), and phone is off (no display), I don't hear any announcement and there is vibration only. If I turn on the phone now, I will hear the end part of the time announcement.
Is this normal?
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Zard .. if you enable the black me feature the speaking clock can be capable of walking up the device to say time at chosen theme points without walking up the screen. So i advice you to enable the blackme feature as long as the phone is in your pocket. if you are using the phone for an instance or a period of time you can disable the blackme feature since when you are using the phone the feature will be annoying.
in some devices (devices differ in reaction to wakeup) the phone cannot wake up to say the time if it is sleeping ,this is why i made the blackme feature. So the solution is to enable it.
Also if you go to programs menu in the start button you will see a pack on enable & diable features. you can choose what ever you like to enable and what to diable.this features can be clicked (enabled or disabled) & once confirmed you will notice that it will be active wherever any theme is choosen. iam sure that the blackme feature is able to walking up the device to say the time whether your device is in sleep or deep sleep.
kino-kino said:
This really sounds great - but how to use it?
I am no expert in programming or in mort scripting.......
I would like to use this feature: "you can set an action like signal check to work with Themes (feature to check signal strength every x time) if the signal drops ,it will announce you with an alarm ,this feature only works if the phone is on and the signal is less than 40%."
But no speaking clock, only those alert, when signal drops.
It should check every minute.
What do I have to enable/disable for that?
And how to let it run, when my touch is sleeping?
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Kino-Kino .. first of all open the start menu programs ,you will find 2 folders ,one is named enable & the other named disable. now you are ready to open each and click what ever features you like to be enabled and whatever to be disabled.
At this time you are ready to go for the Theme selection which means at what intervals you want the choosen features to fire ,you can try the "01M" which means that the software will fire every 1 minute to execute the selected feature (or features if you choose others).
For example ,if you want only the signal detection feature ,go to disable folder and click all features to disable them all ,then go to enable and only click the shortcut named "Signal".
Once done .. every 1 minutes (since we choosed "01M") the phone will execute the selected feature (or features). in some phones the system cannot walkeup itself to execute the so called notification tasks at given times if it was in "Sleep" or "Deep Sleep Mode". So you can check your phone reaction to such notification tasks.
To make sure we are ready to go ,you must check first that your phone registry key when the phone is on and receiving signal looks like this :
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\State\Phone] the value of "Cellular System Available" must be 65
to do this test just download Fred Taskmanager free from this link
once downloaded install it ,open it and go to RegEdit tab and go to [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\State\Phone] & check for "Cellular System Available" number .. it must be (65) i mean the number between brackets.
If this is the case ,the program will correctly do the job. but if it isnt (may vary from phone to another) ,then this number must be modified in the software to read correctly ,Go to program installation folder " \Program Files\TamerSpClock\Data\Signal.mscr " rename the file "Signal.mscr" to "Signal.txt" then open it by any notepad or word ,then check the line "if(%PhoneActive% = 65)" and change the 65 to be like the number that you found for your phone in the normal signal state. Do not forget to rename it back once finished to "Signal.mscr".
Thanks going to test on my lovly hima.
Thank You for Your reply!
I think, there could be a problem:
The reg key, You mentoned, does have different values.
If I am connected to a "GPRS" network, it is "1".
If I am connected to an "EDGE" network, it is "8".
And if only phone is active, but no internet-connection, it is "1".
So what should I take?
Thank You!
EDIT: There is another key called "Radio ready state" with the value "31".
And all value are "0" when radio is off.
kino-kino said:
Thank You for Your reply!
I think, there could be a problem:
The reg key, You mentoned, does have different values.
If I am connected to a "GPRS" network, it is "1".
If I am connected to an "EDGE" network, it is "8".
And if only phone is active, but no internet-connection, it is "1".
So what should I take?
Thank You!
EDIT: There is another key called "Radio ready state" with the value "31".
And all value are "0" when radio is off.
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The reply is that you take the number between brackets on the idle state without conecting to any network ,because the idea as you can see from the code that there is 2 conditions must be fullfilled to fire the signal alarm which is 1- if the signal in the idle state be so and so and 2- in the same time signal drops to so and so ... Bingo ... fire
So ,now you got the idea of the code & can now modify it to fullfils your needs ,and you are ready to put your constants that reflects the state where you want spclock to fire. wishing this could help .....
timoz73 said:
Zard .. if you enable the black me feature the speaking clock can be capable of walking up the device to say time at chosen theme points without walking up the screen. So i advice you to enable the blackme feature as long as the phone is in your pocket. if you are using the phone for an instance or a period of time you can disable the blackme feature since when you are using the phone the feature will be annoying.
in some devices (devices differ in reaction to wakeup) the phone cannot wake up to say the time if it is sleeping ,this is why i made the blackme feature. So the solution is to enable it.
Also if you go to programs menu in the start button you will see a pack on enable & diable features. you can choose what ever you like to enable and what to diable.this features can be clicked (enabled or disabled) & once confirmed you will notice that it will be active wherever any theme is choosen. iam sure that the blackme feature is able to walking up the device to say the time whether your device is in sleep or deep sleep.
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Thanks, with Blackme, it works now.
dont work with my diamond
great sharing.
Dynomite232 said:
dont work with my diamond
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Dynomite232 ,Kindly feedback whether the mortscript program didnt run on diamond or the TamerSpClock itself. i didnt expect this to happen from the Diamond of a VGA screen since my software didnt realy have a User Interface Menu ,its only shortcuts. In addition that Mort do support any windows mobile device.
Thanks again helping me, I think, I start to understand what Your mortscripts are able to do!
But I have to ask once more:
So I have three different scenarios, when I would get that signal-alert:
1 If Cellular Systam Available is "8" AND signal drops to less than 40%
2 If Cellular System Available is "1" AND signal drops to less than 40%
3 If Cellular System Available is "0" WITHOUT checking the signal strength
So would it be possible to edit the Mortscript this way?
Thank You!!
Reply to Kino-Kino
kino-kino said:
Thanks again helping me, I think, I start to understand what Your mortscripts are able to do!
But I have to ask once more:
So I have three different scenarios, when I would get that signal-alert:
1 If Cellular Systam Available is "8" AND signal drops to less than 40%
2 If Cellular System Available is "1" AND signal drops to less than 40%
3 If Cellular System Available is "0" WITHOUT checking the signal strength
So would it be possible to edit the Mortscript this way?
Thank You!!
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Kinio-Kino for your described situation the case will be as follows (copy & paste what is below between the # signs to replace what is inside Signal.mscr ,you can find this file inside a folder called Data inside the program folder inside Program Files)
ErrorLevel ("syntax")
SignalStrength = RegRead("HKLM", "System\State\Phone", "Signal Strength" )
PhoneActive = RegRead("HKLM", "System\State\Phone", "Cellular System Available" )
if(%PhoneActive% = 0)
PlaySound "\Storage Card\Program Files\TamerSpClock\Wav\Signal.wav"
if(%PhoneActive% = 8)
if (%SignalStrength% < 40 )
PlaySound "\Storage Card\Program Files\TamerSpClock\Wav\Signal.wav"
if(%PhoneActive% = 1)
if (%SignalStrength% < 40 )
PlaySound "\Storage Card\Program Files\TamerSpClock\Wav\Signal.wav"
You can now Download the latest version v1.03 ,I build a new user interface for this software instead of the icons .Before Uninstalling Do the process of "StopingAll" feature then make a new Install to v1.03.
first, thank You again, its working now as expected, great!!
The new Version 1.3: Both cabs get installed to the main memory, maybe something went wrong with one of them?
And one more question:
When my phone is sleeping, I dont get those signal-alerts.
So You have Your blackme-feature:
How could I handle that, to get the hardware-buttons locked, when blackme is active? I have a HTC Touch.
Thank You!
kino-kino said:
first, thank You again, its working now as expected, great!!
The new Version 1.3: Both cabs get installed to the main memory, maybe something went wrong with one of them?
And one more question:
When my phone is sleeping, I dont get those signal-alerts.
So You have Your blackme-feature:
How could I handle that, to get the hardware-buttons locked, when blackme is active? I have a HTC Touch.
Thank You!
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kino-kino ,Welcome again & thank you for your feedback. The Cab file targeting the storage card have been updated in the main thread page.
you are asking now about 2 subjects ,the first one concerning the signal alert didnt fire during deep sleep of the phone ,i think you might try to make the speaking clock feature active along with the signal alert feature ,maybe it will wakeup your device to fire at the specified times, of course if its voice is annoying to you can try deleting the clock wav files but leave of course the signal.wav without deleting. I wonder this happens to you although my Htc Tytn wakeup and fire Signal Alerts at specified times.
The second question can be solved simply by downloading "HomeScreenPluPlus" from the following link:
This software is free and have a feature in the second UI page of options that lock your device when the screen is off and vice versa ,see this pic for explanation.
Thanks for your great app, but I have troubles with BlackMe feature. If this feature is disable, my phone doesn't speak, vibrate only. But if it's enable, it turn off the phone screen when speaking time. That's annoy when I'm doing something on my phone, especially while downloading a large file, it interrupts the wifi connection and I have to re-download from beginning. Any solution for that?
hung_ng said:
Thanks for your great app, but I have troubles with BlackMe feature. If this feature is disable, my phone doesn't speak, vibrate only. But if it's enable, it turn off the phone screen when speaking time. That's annoy when I'm doing something on my phone, especially while downloading a large file, it interrupts the wifi connection and I have to re-download from beginning. Any solution for that?
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yes i know hung_ng ,i made the blackme feature as a separate item in folder links so that you can assign its icon to a hardware button to be easily accessed so that when you are using your phone you can easily deactivate BlackMe.
This annoying feature (from my point of view as you eaxactly) is essential in many phones ,as the system cannot wakeup the device from a deep sleep to do the choosed actions. the blackme feature (also known as "ToggleDisplay=1") force the phone to wakeup to fire the action. if it is disabled many devices will fall in deepsleep without being able to wakeup. the last version 1.3 have this separate shortcut that i explained.
Another idea i made in my Tytn and made me feel comfortable is that i made my telephone sense when a specific window is open ,the blackme is disabled automatically and when i close this window it reverts automatically to be enabled. for example i made RescoExplorer2007 window when it is opened the blackme is disabled & serving me while i work ,and once i finish i close Resco and automatically blackme returns active and conserving my battery life.
Sorry for being long in my explanation but if you are interested in the idea ,i can make a version for you that is capable of deactivating BlackMe once a specific window is opened. i am not a programer ,i am an Architectural Engineer that once upon a time needed this software and didnt find a really satisfying one available all over the internet ,so i decided to learn Mort Script and i write a one satisfiying my needs and by the way i think that it might help other people who might need it as me.

Customize your Jade Clone - The Clone Wars (have started). . .

Okay, there is one thread devoted to Jade Clone phones and while it does address a serious need or issue, it hasn't really evolved beyond its title. With the creation of this thread, which I paraphrased Yoda, I Obi-Ron Kenobe propose that we Clones develop tips and customizations that will advance our phones' capabilities.
With that in mind and like other new threads, I will reserve the first two threads as the thread's creator for future developments that I feel are key or that the Mods might wish to use.
"I have a good feeling about this. . .(paraphrasing what Obi-Wan says usually when the action is going to pick up)"
Reserved Second Thread
Reserved for future usage.
Top ten things that should be done to your jade clone before putting the sim card in
1. Build an SD card prior doing an ActiveSync connection with CAB files that is a back up of the SD card of the one sent with your Jade Clone. You can do this on your PC. I did this prior to getting my Clone because I had an idea which programs I wanted to install due to having a PDA. When the phone arrived, I removed the original SD card and examined it on my PC. I then copied the ROM file to a new card where I had my CAB files stored.
2. On this new SD card, which I recommend be at least 4Gb or 8Gb in size, have a directory with the CAB files you will need to set up your smartphone. I called my directory CABS and have placed the following files in it.
3. Get a good back up program and install it. Sprite or SPB Backup are good commercial software programs that will you to make a back up of your Clone. Every time I install new software, I back up my Clone so that if the installation does not work or I do like the program, I can go back to a good SAFE condition my phone was in prior.
4. Download GPSToggle into your CAB directory and install it.
5. Go to your Today screen, activate GPSToggle and turn it on. I cannot stress how important it is to get your GPS up and running. Let GPSToggle get at least four satellite lock-ons before you turn it off.
6. Install Quick Menu as per this thread.
7. Install iPhoneToday as per this thread. In my humble opinion, iPhoneToday makes use of TouchFlo 3D, is finger friendly and gives your Clone a cool screen that others will notice. My avatar shows what my public iPhone Today home screen looks like.
8. Get a good Explorer like program like Total Commander.
9. Get PHM Registry Editor but be very careful with its use as changes to the Registry can really affect your Clone.
10. Do a back up after installing these programs.
I really recommend having an initial back up of what your ROM looks like after you turn it on for the first time and then a second one after you have completed my TOP TEN LIST. I will admit that I did not do all these steps initially but went back and reaccomplished them after I realized how important it is to have this first back up and then a back up of what my installed program list is.
That way if I ever screw up an installation, I can go back to either the primary or secondary installations. I also keep the original SD card put away in a storage case. Yes, you can always find back up ROM file that is included on this SD card but when I need it, I don't want to have to go online to find it.
I recommend doing back ups religiously. I do one almost every day. I keep the initial two and then the last three chronological back ups (a total of five). That way in case something goes wrong and I can't identify where it went wrong, I can go as far back as necessary to get to a good configuration.
Finally, while it did not make the TOP TEN - Number 11 would be to make a back up of your SD card periodically. I have two back up cards. One is the master that never gets used. The other two get rotated. SD cards can become corrupted due to usage. Having a back up SD card will preclude you having to reformat a corrupted card and reinstalling it.
Replace your battery without loss of date or time - MikelSpikel
Part of the reason I decided to create this thread was because tonight for the upteenth time, I swapped a dead battery for a charged secondary battery. One of the better aspects of Jade Clones is that most sellers provide two batteries and a secondary charger that hooks into the wall or can be connected to a USB port.
Well, if you remove the battery on a Clone, it loses its date and time which really blows IMHO. As a Dell Axim x51V user, I remembered a utility cab program written by another user on a Mobility Site ( Yesterday before I left for an overnight trip I installed it and it works!!!
The cab, MikelSpikel, can be installed to your Clone or storage card. I installed mine to the device as it only takes 62kb. I felt that there will be a time when I might have out the SD card and would like the installed program to sit on the Clone.
Once installed as per the cited post, the cab will place an icon in your Clone's Taskbar. When you need to change out your battery, click the icon and it will ask if you need to store the date and time into flash memory.
Revised: 101009 - Included picture of Icon in lower right corner of Today screen.
QuickMenu program recommendation
Check out QuickMenu from one of xda's community:
You can see screenshots of it as a GIF here:
The most current version is 2.8 available at the first link. When you click QuickMenu's icon from within its program, you will see a Screen menu item. Clicking it, you will see H-V Switch which stands for Horizontal - Vertical Switch or rotate screen utility. The nice thing about this is the program will allow you to set up a shortcut for rotate that can be used with icon programs like iPhoneToday. However, if you remove QuickMenu, the link will become broken.
QuickMenu has a lot of other neat functions like Close Running Program. The one I like the most is that it shows all programs still running (even though you may think you have closed them). Clicking the X next to their name will shut them down. You can see the GIF example which lists programs running at its top.
Clicking the QuickMenu icon from within the program will show the Suspend feature. I use that to save my battery. The phone will "awake" when a call comes in. . . Love this Suspend feature!
As per the Mod edit on the xda link, use the Options button (get to it by clicking the QuickMenu icon) to set up a "fingerfriendly view". Go to view and set the Menu Item Edge to a number like 8 (that's where I have mine set for a T3232 clone.
QuickMenu has another feature I like - programs are running in the background undetected by WM can be closed from its main menu. I check this screen frequently because a couple of programs I have installed will self-activate and I close them whenever I see them running silent.
QuickMenu has a lot of neat features. In the Options, I have mine set to be memory resident and replace WM's lame Start Menu. When I click at the upper left hand corner, it activates. It can set up shortcut links to lots of features normal users cannot figure out how to do!
Revised: 111109 to include screen pic of View tab on Settings page.
iPhoneToday Program Recommendation
iPhoneToday will give your Clone the appearance and feel of an iPhone. Install the cab file to your device and you will have two options as how you want to execute the file.
The first option is as per the developer: your Today screen must be reset from the Settings menu to have no other items present other than iPhoneToday. In essence your Clone will still look like a Windows smartphone.
The second option, which I recommend highly, is to copy iPhoneToday's LNK file from WM Programs to Windows StartUp directory. Reboot your Clone and now iPhoneToday boots at startup with the icons have better spacing. I recommend leaving the bottom row empty so you use that space for sliding and gliding ala the iPhone.
When you see it on your Today screen (please see the attached picture for what my modified home screen looks like), you will need to reset the icons by tapping and holding them. This will bring up a context menu of several items. The one you should use all the time is Edit Icon selection.
I recommend you pick the icon you dislike the most to use as the first one you work on. At the top of the Icon Settings page you will see multiple selections. Let's go through them one by one:
Screen - Screen # is the page or tab you want the icon to be displayed at. Screen 0 is the home screen. If I remember correctly, when installed iPhoneToday comes with three pages. I banished the ugliest first one to a new page by editting Screen to Screen 4 which created the fourth page. NOTE: Screen -1 is the bottommost row of Icons ans is the Homerow. These Icons will exist on every page. You need to give careful consideration as to which Icons you want there as they should be the ones you use most often. I decided for myself that instead of four icons on the Homerow, I wanted only three Icons to highlight them. This gives me a cleaner swipe and glide as well as differentiating this from the iPhone app.
Icon - Icon # (where # can be equal 0 through 11) is where you want the Icon to sit on a particular page. Icon 0 is the first Icon. Icon 11 is the last which sits in the bottom right.
Execute - this block tells iPhoneToday which Program it will run (I lied and jumped ahead but you will soon see why). To designate which Program you wish this Icon to use, click on the small box to the right of the big left block next to the word Execute which has three dots in it. iPhoneToday will take you to your Programs directory where you can choose which Program you want the Icon to run or Execute. When you tap or choose a Program, box will pop up saying Exit and offer to "Set Icon Name?' with a Yes and No choice. For your initial Icon, please answer Yes. When you get more experience you can always go back and edit the Icons, Names, Pages, etc.
Image - most Programs have a standard PNG file that displays it as icon. In the iPhoneToday directory you will find other images or icons that can be used other than the standard icon. The reason for this is because WM does not use rounded or more stylistic icons which iPhone does. In the attached picture, you can see that I used iPhoneToday's icon for iGO8 versus the balloon tipped icon that iGO8 normally displays.
Animation - this should already be checked for you. The animation is what gives iPhoneToday that quote unquote iPhone look when an app is started.
I do not use the other blocks or choices that are on the rest of the Icon Settings page. You can test them when you are more comfortable with iPhoneToday.
Once you have set the name, click OK at the top right corner. An Exit box will appear and ask if you want to Save Changes? If you're happy with your selection, click Yes and the Icon will be created on the appropriate page.
Please note: the developer placed some Icons with Spanish titles. Please do not complain about this! Because I speak Spanish too and as a homage to him, I left my homerow in Spanish. You can always edit the Icons to your own language.
Also: some of the Icons will work automatically. Some need to be tweaked. The one I remember is FM Radio. I had to tweak its Execute to where FM Radio exists on my Clone.
The most current version is v1.3 - I use 1.2.5 because the new version just came out last week. Both versions are attached to this message. I've included them here because they are stored on Rapid$hare which is now harrassing free users with delays in downloading programs.
Last week, I showed my phone to a buddy who has a new smartphone himself. He asked when I got an iPhone. I said I had a smartphone too but had modified it with a program (iPhoneToday). When iPhoneToday is booted at Start-Up, it gives your Clone the iPhone appearance because it is full screen. He was so impressed that he asked me to modify his phone for him. Let's just say, he bought me some beers to pay for my experience. . .
Speaking of beers - if you like iPhoneToday, please donate to the developer the price of a cup of coffee or a beer!
Here is our xda link:
I could not upload 1.2.5 as an attachment and editted this post to include this link for it:
Forum Tip: Tags (in lower left corner of screen)
BTW, if you look at the left bottom of this thread, you will see that it has been tagged with several other threads. If you click on one of the tags, you will see other threads that have a Jade Clone connection to this thread.
Check them out! Not many but the Clone Wars have started. . .
GPS Toggle - Today screen app
Having problems getting your GPS to turn on and work for your GPS programs? If so, a little app known as GPSToggle may solve your problem.
Download GPSToggle CAB from this link . It is called GPSToggle and is a Today screen app. It works best when installed to main memory.
Once installed, you will need to add it to your Today screen. From your Today screen go to Settings, then choose Today settings. Go to the Items tab and you should see BAF GPS Toggle at the bottom of the list. Click the box to have it added to your Today Screen. Close the Settings screen and go back to your Today screen.
Now, a little bit of info about your GPS. It will work best when it has an unobstructed view of the sky overhead. It should stationery (not moving) and uninterrupted from the time you turn on the application.
Some people can get satellite signals inside a building. I can because I live in a one-story condo. If you can sit outside with your phone for about 30 minutes, GPSToggle should do the trick.
On your Today screen you will now see an item called GPS with the word OFF next to it. Click the word GPS and the word next to it will change to On indicating that the app has turned on your GPS.
Now sit back, be patient and wait. If you're lucky and outside, the SIRF III chip in your phone should lock on within as little as 42 seconds and as long as five minutes.
Attached to this message are four screens showing what your screen will look like:
GPSToggle 01 - Initial turn on. GPS is in search mode (no satellites detected).
GPSToggle 02 - GPS on. Communication beginning. 12 satellites possible.
GPSToggle 03 - GPS on. Four satellite bars displayed. Satnav not possible yet.
GPSToggle 04 - GPS on. Four satellites locked on. 3D satnav possible.
Note 1: I had not turned on my GPS today which meant it took about 2.5 minutes to lock on. This is not bad considering I am sitting in my front room. Normally, it takes about 60 seconds when I have turned on the GPS previously in the day and eperemis data which is satellite position and timing information is available from a previous session.
Note 2: According to most SIRF manufacturers, it takes three satellites for 2D satnav to occur. Most GPS programs can operate with that mode. Four satellites provide 3D satnav which is preferred.
See if this works for you. If it does, whenever you need to use your GPS, go to the Today screen and use GPSToggle to turn on the GPS for you which will quote warm it up for your GPS program. Once you see four green bars, you can turn on your GPS program and navigate like a champ!
You can read further about GPSToggle at this URL and thank the developer:
Good luck!
Score is Zero to Zero. . .
My old Coach used to remind us before each game that the score was Zero to Zero and that great defense would keep the other side at Zero. How does this apply to HTC Clones?
Well, it is early in the game in the development of WM6.5. Some of you might have 6.1 and feeling slightly left behind. If I was you, I would not be too worried about getting or upgrading to the "the next best ROM."
From what I have read and seen, WM6.1 is fairly stable and some users report better than 6.5. To go back to the Coach's analogy, the other side may have a slight advantage but the score still is Zero to Zero and we can narrow the gap if we keep them at Zero.
My point is that we all should be committed to do no harm to our Clones.
Get a good back up program and use it often!
Don't jump on the latest and greatest program - go with what you know and what others have reported as being steady and good!
Do these things and we Clones will win!

Great idea and I'm with you ..
I have 2 device The Clone and the original device also .
Don't like the feel of your Power Switch to awake your Clone from Suspend?
Don't know about you but I don't like how hard I have to depress the Power Switch to awaken my Jade Clone from Suspend especially if I am sitting at home next to the computer when all I want to do is add a CAB file to my SD card or make a small program adjustment. Sooner or later all that pressure could affect the Power Switch. Why give the PS abuse when a web service will do the trick for you?
Well, a useful website will awaken your Clone from Suspend or if you've misplaced and feel it is nearby. Here is the site:
wheresmycellphone dot com will place a call and ring your Clone awakening it. Or, if you've misplaced it, you can go look for a ringing phone. I like using this website and have plugged it as a Contact.
Additional Icons for iPhoneToday
Looking for some additional Icons to add to your iPhoneToday app? Well, here's some courtesy of this thread:
The current version is 1.2 but 1.3 was unofficially released in Post #74 of that thread by the developer:
You can download the Icon ZIP files from this post or that thread. They can be placed in the iPhoneToday folder or on your SD card. Enjoy!
system tray
i've installed iphone today but i cannot remove the system tray from the bottom of screen. i have searched and tried everything but no luck. did you need to remove it from your homescreen
silverback said:
i've installed iphone today but i cannot remove the system tray from the bottom of screen. i have searched and tried everything but no luck. did you need to remove it from your homescreen
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
If I remember correctly, somewhere in the iPhoneToday's thread (, removing the Taskbar is discussed. I found it much easier to display iPhoneToday full-screen as per what I originally wrote:
The second option, which I recommend highly, is to copy iPhoneToday's LNK file from WM Programs to Windows StartUp directory. Reboot your Clone and now iPhoneToday boots at startup with the icons have better spacing. I recommend leaving the bottom row empty so you use that space for sliding and gliding ala the iPhone.
While I like and use iPhoneToday, I am not a master of it - I have it tweaked to what I like as described in the iPhoneToday Program Recommendation which is Post #6 of this thread. My avatar is a picture of my homescreen and appears next to my name in each post. I only get smart enough to be dangerous with each app I recommend here but throw caution to the wind when I install programs to my Clone. Above all else, I will do no harm to my Clone.
I recommend all of you to do the same. If I recommend something here, it's because I use it and know it is safe as long as you don't do something stupid with it. Operator error cannot be accounted for by anybody but yourself!
If you want to get rid of the Taskbar, you will need to visit the developer's thread.
One of the other xda forums I visit has a thread similar to the one I created for all of us Jade Clone owners which is hyperlinked to its title:
Jade Clone Owners - Please sign in!​
Please visit that thread by clicking on it and sign in so we can get to know each other.​
Treasure Hunt
Thought I had forgotten about this thread? No way, Jose. . .
I've been working on something - not sure if it will be big or small but it's going to be a treasure hunt. Starting on Thursday, each day clues will be left in this thread to find the Easter Egg. . .
Stay tuned. Same Bat Channel. Same Bat Time!
Let the hunt begin. . .
Tick tock and it's all right;
Eastern Standard Time, it's midnight.
With this the first leg;
look for the Easter Egg.
It's on screen;
and not in between.
Its words will take you;
to what you must do!!!
Each day will find a clue to a thread you must visit to gain knowledge. I will give the clue in an obscure way. To solve the riddle of the rhyme above, look for the words Easter Egg on this screen. A hyperlink will take you to what you must do. . .
Lest we forget, one of my first posts (in this thread), I made a promise which I will keep next week.
The start of this thread to Customize your Jade Clone - The Clone Wars (have started). . . was the first part of making it good to the Forum. Next week will take it to new heights for us Jade Clone owers.
A new thread will be created and hopefully water your eyes. . .
Conclusion and reason for Easter Egg Hunt
Hello, if you followed the Easter Egg Hunt last week, you should have visited several other threads of major importantance. The first clue was Easter Egg and appears as one of the Tags in the lower left corner - does anyone remember me asking you to look at the Tags? The first clue had you go to this thread:
Jade Clone Owners - Please sign in!
where you should have signed in as a Jade Clone owner.
If you click on any of the Tags you will find similar Jade Clone, HTC Clone or other tagged articles here on xda. The Easter Egg Tag specificially takes lists this thread and the following one as being linked:
To iGO8 users
The clue in that thread led you to this thread:
HTC Clone - TouchFlo
Finally, you should have ended up at this thread:
iGO8 for Jade Clones
All these threads are hyperlinked and very important to us Jade Clone owners and should be bookmarked using the Thread Tools button for review whenever you login.
In the days ahead, each link will be explained further. Please stay tuned

[Jan-10]: [App] [G-Sensor] [Brand New] The XSense v1.2 Final

Foremost, let us all acknowledge Koushik for his brilliant "Sensors" library upon which most if not all non-HTC apps that use the G-Sensor, Light-Sensor, and Navi-Sensor are built, simply ingenious. Moreover, I would like to recognize No2chem for the NeuLed2 library which is an equally exquisite peace of code that allows access to the Diamond/Pro Leds. Without those two guys, accessing these advance interfaces on the diamond/pro would be inapproachable at best.
Reason: HTC gave these phones lots of sensors, lets give them.."Sense".
......... EXTRA-Sense ...........
* Hopefully an innovaton, though mostly an integration of RANDOM but needful features...
1. Courtesy Profiles:
- Set Volume Profiles to activate on Face-Down & Face-UP events. Choose from: None, Silent, Normal, and Vibrate. You can also choose to suspend the Phone when its facing down.
2. Notifications-Sense:
- IF there is/are any outstanding notification(s), the device will vibrate whenever you move it - at customizable intervals: Missed Call(s), Voice Mail, and SMS.
3. Stylus-Sense:- When the Stylus is in/out: Will play sound + Blink the Back button's light.
- When the Stylus is out and the device is moved: Device will vibrate faintly + blink the Back button's light to REMIND you that the Stylus has not been placed back in. This goes on UNTIL the Stylus is placed where it should be.
* Uses "in.wav" & "out.wav" files in the \XSense\ Dir; you can use whatever wave files for this. OR, use the UI to select whichever wave files you want!
4. General Settings:
- Polling Interval: From 200 to 3000 Miliseconds. This determines the rate at which the G-Sensor is polled. Lower values give higher response times and fluid operation at the cost of battery life & CPU utilization.
- Flash Navi Lights: Will blink button lights to notify you of Profile changes and Stylus In/Out.
- Vibrate on Events: Will induce very subtle vibrations to notify you of Notifications and Profile changes.
- Suspend when UP-Side-Down: ???
- Light Navi Button When Suspended: Will do just that when the Light Sensor senses Dim or Dark conditions. This is an independent setting that turns ON the Navi button's light at suspend time, and OFF at Resume time (this is Event Driven, so no polling is involved). This feature really helps if, like me, you want to see where the damn thing is in the dark - before you launch it against the floor.
5. Installs to "\Program Files\XSense", and Creates 2 shortcuts:
"Start Menu\Programs\XSense" and "Startup\XSenseSvc".
Program Settings are saved to the Registry at "HKCU\Software\XSense\".
Use of System Resources:
1. Diskspace: 162 KB RAM footprint: 374-535 KB Battery: NOT observed.
2. CPU Usage: %0.29 Average. Spikes for 2 seconds to %2.7 - %8.5.
3. Battery Impact: Neligeable if at all!
* Indicated CPU usage occurs ONLY when there is an EVENT (posture changed, stylus in/out Sounds playing,
- Vibration: The way I like it is in waves of 200 miliseconds length! I generally hate vibrations, so if you want it at 201 ms. you're welcome to make your own program and exercise your personal taste.
- This prgram Registers Event Handlers for: "G-Sensor", "Incoming Call", "Phone Call in Progress", "Stylus in/out", and Power Manager events. DO NOT move it to Internal Storage, you have been warned.
.NET 3.5 + HTC device with GSensor & Light Sensor.
Specifically designed for Diamond & Raphael, but will work fine on HD/Rhodium/Topaz/HD2 etc...
Knock yourself out...
Release Notes:
- This is the LAST revision/release/app I make; programming too much work
- Download & Install the CAB
- Run the XSense from your Start Menu\Programs, customize to taste, and enjoy!
Change Log:
- Brand New UI: VERY "finger friendly" this should be especially useful if you have a WVGA Device
i.e. HD/Rhodium/Topaz/HD2 etc...
- Revised entire code for existing & potential bugs, and Performance
tweaked to death.
- Removed various functions (auto speakerphone, car-kit options, etc...). Use "Touch InCall Screen Tweak" for these,
its handles Phone/Speaker brilliantly!
- Shortcut added to Startup for automatic launch after reboot.
- Shortcut with a nice icon added to Start Menu (Credit to VetVito).
- General Tab:
- Navi Button will only light up if the device is in a dark place, i.e. You will
always see where your phone is (before you trash it against the wall).
- Stylus Tab:
- UI elements to select & set sounds for Stylus-in/out events.
This program is provided strictly on "as is" basis. It is intended only as a proof-of-concept. Although fully functional, it must NOT be considered for daily use. This software is very likely to compromise the integrity of your data as well as invariabley cause your device to malfunction in any way, shape, or form. Therefore, the developer shall be absolved of all responsibility towards testers and/or their computers & devices. While using this software you agree to be solely liable for all and any damages you do to yourself, your device, or any damn thing you possess and care for!
Download XSense v1.2 - Final
This app sounds very interesting. Im installing it now & will report back with results. Thanks for the app.
thebigrhinoone said:
This app sounds very interesting. Im installing it now & will report back with results. Thanks for the app.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I appreciate that, Big Rhino... enjoy
Very Nice!
May I suggest if we could use a "Shake" motion to change the gesture profile?
What I want to do is...Slient mode when face down and shake for wake up.
Let´s give it a try.
And guys please don´t forget to vote for Rhodium!
mobilio said:
Very Nice!
May I suggest if we could use a "Shake" motion to change the gesture profile?
What I want to do is...Slient mode when face down and shake for wake up.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Interesting suggestion, mate; however, the battery won't take it :s I thought of it several times over and eventually settled for the overall performance. Cheer up tho, 2 newsworthy items: WM7 will have the functionality natively + there is an app that does exactly this - its in the HD2 section if you're game enough to try it
Cheers & Enjoy
orb3000 said:
Let´s give it a try.
And guys please don´t forget to vote for Rhodium!
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
A pleasure, do tell if you like or hate it
Every time I soft reset (backup app does this every night) it "loads" (top bar) even when I'd unloaded it. Would be nice if it remembered the setting I've selected
dik23 said:
Every time I soft reset (backup app does this every night) it "loads" (top bar) even when I'd unloaded it. Would be nice if it remembered the setting I've selected
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Oh boy, you are lazier than even me, ain't that something?! Dude, delete the shortcut: \Windows\Startup\XSenseSvc
Cool little app - trying it out...
shirreer said:
Oh boy, you are lazier than even me, ain't that something?! Dude, delete the shortcut: \Windows\Startup\XSenseSvc
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Thanks, had no idea that was there.
Seems a bit odd that I can start it manually and it doesn't say loaded in the top bar.
this app could be very useful to me...installing now, will report back soon
Nice little app..thx..
akademik_acheeba said:
this app could be very useful to me...installing now, will report back soon
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Lot of meetings, eh? perhaps I know how you feel... enjoy
- This prgram Registers Event Handlers for: "G-Sensor", "Incoming Call", "Phone Call in Progress", "Stylus in/out", and Power Manager events. DO NOT move it to Internal Storage, you have been warned.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
so we install this on our storage card??
Great work.
One thing I would like to remark:
The phone goes to vibration as I've set it when I turn it upside down.
However, when I turn it up again, it doesn't go back to normal unless I press one of the hard key buttons and "wake" it up.
Is this to save the battery life? If so I fully understand. I don't know if there is a solution where battery life is not affected and this can be solved.

[APP][SVC][Mar 8, 2010] BattLineSvc V2.1 / Battery Indicator Line in Title Bar

You've seen these before -- the little green line at the top of the screen that indicates the current battery level. This app is really nothing new or revolutionary. The main difference of BattLineSvc is that it's a true Windows Mobile service, so it does NOT use one of the precious few 32 slots available for processes. You can find more information about services here. This app has been tested on Windows Mobile 5, 6, 6.1, 6.5, and 6.5.3.
BattLineSvc development is hosted at Microsoft CodePlex!
Tip Jar
Like this app? Want more like it or quicker updates? Tip a buck (or Euro or Pound or whatever) or two to help the author out! Click here to make a safe donation via PayPal.
Current features
- Shows a nice bar along the top of your screen to indicate battery status.
- Color changes based on 'warning' and 'critical' battery levels, as well as when the device is on AC power (configurable).
- Immediately correctly resizes when the screen orientiation changes.
- The battery level is updated immediately when the device notifies listeners that battery status has changed (or you can specify an interval if your device isn't sending notifications.
- Can show a bar at the bottom, left, and right sides of the battery bar (if you want it).
- Can be offset from the left and right, if you need it.
- Height of the bar can be changed.
- VERY low resources used -- runs as a TRUE service and uses as close as 0% CPU as is possible by an app like this. So it's good for even older snail devices. :-D
- Has a configuration app (requires .Net CF 3.5)
- AppToDate support!
Recent Changes (See CodePlex or changelog.txt for longer changelog)
- (2.1) Fixed a bug where on system start-up, it would pop up a notification box to let you know the service started. Annoying! And fixed!
- (2.1) Fixed the styles in the notification boxes for start/stop service.
- Fixed bug where sometimes the line would not show up, even with the 90 second boot-up delay. This was due to the window being created too early (not actually delayed, even though the subclassing was properly delayed. Oops!
- Boot delay was reduced to 30 seconds from system start-up; so far no issues with it starting too early!
- Added a "right side offset" which works as the left side offset, but for the right side.
- Added a "right line" which works the same as the left line.
- Added a new color setting for when the battery is charging. (Default is a light gray-blue.)
- Battery status, by default, no longer refreshes on an interval, but instead by waiting for battery notification events. This makes BattLineSvc even more efficient! The interval timer is still there in case your device does not work with events only.
- Reduced the number of subsequent refreshes by requesting a synchronous status refresh; previously it would wait asynchronously which was less efficient since the update could take anywhere from a few milliseconds to several seconds.
- Removed a redundant battery status checking method which monitored the registry (no longer needed because the new power event-based system works better and is more efficient).
- Removed a few other old segments of code that were inefficient.
- Added user notification for starting/stopping the service with the start/stop apps.
- Added a configuration program (yay). Requires .Net CF 3.5. You can still edit the registry manually.
Look in HKCU\Software\Avian Waves\BattLineSvc
Colors are best edited as hex, using the following pattern: BBGGRR (seems backwards, but it's due to the endedness of DWORDS in CE). Your registry editor may not show leading zeros either, keep that in mind.
- TaskbarClass = (string) Don't change this unless you are 100% positive the taskbar is not named standard.
- Height = (int) Number of pixels tall for the battery line.
- LeftOffset = (int) Number of pixels from the left edge that the battery line starts.
- LowPercent = (int 0-100) What percentage of battery charged is considered low (yellow).
- CriticalPercent = (int 0-100) What percentage of battery charged is considered critical (red).
- ShowLeftLine = (bool) Show the vertical line on the left side of the title bar where the BattLine starts.
- ShowRightLine = (bool) Show the vertical line on the left side of the title bar where the BattLine starts.
- ShowBottomLine = (bool) Show a line on the bottom of the battery bar
- ColorForegroundSolidNormal = (color) For 'normal' (not low) battery charge, this is the foreground color, default is bright green.
- ColorBackgroundSolidNormal = (color) For 'normal' (not low) battery charge, this is the background color, default is dark green.
- ColorForegroundSolidLow = (color) For low battery charge, this is the foreground color, default is bright yellow.
- ColorBackgroundSolidLow = (color) For low battery charge, this is the background color, default is dark yellow / brown.
- ColorForegroundSolidCritical = (color) For critical battery charge, this is the foreground color, default is red.
- ColorBackgroundSolidCritical = (color) For critical battery charge, this is the background color, default is dark red.
- ColorForegroundSolidCharging = (color) For when the device is charging (on AC), this is the foreground color, default is light gray-blue.
- ColorBackgroundSolidCharing = (color) For when the device is charging (on AC), this is the background color, default is dark gray-blue.
- ColorLeftLine = (color) Color of the left line.
- ColorRightLine = (color) Color of the right line.
- ColorBottomLine = (color) Color of the bottom line.
- TimerIntervalSeconds = (int) How often do we look to see if the battery level has changed (in seconds)? NOTE: As of V2, set this value to 0 unless BattLineSvc is not updating on your device. Zero means disabled. This settings is no longer necessary as BattLineSvc now waits for battery notification events, instead of updating on a timer.
CAB Installer:
Source Code:
Question: My battery life seems to be draining faster after installing BattLineSvc. Is BattLineSvc causing this?
Answer: Probably not. The current version of BattLineSvc has no active polling. This means that when there is no battery status change happening, BattLineSvc is 100% idle. In Windows Mobile, applications and services are event based. You can set up a "loop" type of system (loop over and over, constantly checking for something), but that's inefficient. Even in older versions of BattLineSvc that made use of TimerIntervalSeconds to update the battery status, the updates were done a timer. So, you see, when BattLineSvc starts, it sets itself up to listen to system events, then it explicitly goes to sleep and waits until it receives a message. This is all handled in the OS and it's the way efficient apps are written in WM.
Okay, so you are wondering, well maybe a lot of events are firing and it's causing more CPU and therefore more battery drain. BattLineSvc listens for battery events and also power change events (on to idle or idle to on). None of these fire very often, unless there is something wrong with your device or your ROM. Even if they did, it wouldn't matter unless they continued to fire when the device was asleep/idle. In WM, an app must request to stay awake when the device goes idle (users presses power button). BattLineSvc is set up to use unattended mode, which is the mode where WM goes into after you press power-off to turn off the screen, but before it's fully asleep. WM gives all apps requesting unattended mode 15 seconds to complete their task. If they need more time, the app must explicitly ask WM by reseting the idle counter timer. BattLineSvc never resets the idle timer! So unless another app is doing this, the device will fully sleep 15 seconds after you press the power button, which is normal WM operation.
Okay, so that's the long winded explanation. But you want answers! Well, I always would encourage you to A/B the situation by running BattLineSvc for a few days, then uninstall it and try it a few days without. I think this will persuade you in 99% of cases. Please don't post on this thread if you have done less than a week's worth of power testing. There are so many thousands of things that can cause battery drain, you can't tell with only a few hours worth of testing.
One thing that causes power drain, which is the TRUE reason most people think a new app did it, is your cellular radio. Sometimes, for random reasons (atmospheric interference, dead zones, cell tower glitchy/busy), your radio has to work harder to get a signal. In fact, sometimes you may notice your phone is warm while its idle and you know you aren't downloading or anything. That's the radio! I've had a fully charged phone go down while it was in my pocket doing nothing in half a day due to this. The next day, all is well. Zero changes on my part. It just happens. It sucks, but, well, there's nothing you can do short of turning off your cellular radio. Luckily its rare unless you know you are driving out of coverage area or something. Which is why apps are blamed sometimes. You install an app, then the power drains and you logically conclude it was that app. You uninstall it the next day, and all seems well. This is why you need several days of testing - to rule out these random things!
Finally, you must test from a full charge. You can't install BattLineSvc when your device is half full, then see the last half of the battery drain faster than your first half and come to any conclusions. Battery drain is not linear! It's subject to the nuances of the battery. Usually the last half of your battery will drain faster than the first half, but it all depends on the detection algorithm and the battery itself. The only true test is from full charge with exactly the same operating conditions (all other apps the same, usage the same, no background tasks like downloads/refreshes happening any different from the previous charge).
Good luck in finding your power drain and I do want to know if it is BattLineSvc, so please report it if you are having an issue, but don't post anything until you've done a full week of testing with BattLineSvc installed and BattLineSvc uninstalled.
Thank you. It seems to work well on my HD2. How can I get rid of the original battery WM6 indicator?
Stephen, search for reg settings called TBOpt and ShowTitleBarClock, You'd probably get Your answer.
What I really wanted to say is that the idea is REALLY nice, although I personally dismissed all the bars and stuck with QMenu's numeric display of battery and memory on the taskbar - tho it's a bit buggy. I guess I am a numbers' freak If someone could rewrite that to a reliable, small, resource-saving service, that I would really appreciate. To date I haven't found such app...
If You need any ideas what to develop, I would be glad to present my list
Good work and respect!
nice job - try to implement "breaks" in the line - like SPB Pocket Plus bar
(so that you actually get a feel of steps)
also looks nicer and feels like it measures something, not like there is something wrong with the pixels at the top of the screen
wm 6.5.5 (build 23540) Touch HD Blackstone
Works fine on said device and build, just changed height to 1 pixel.
Attached a screen shot but can't really see it that well, it's fine in reality.
NLS said:
nice job - try to implement "breaks" in the line - like SPB Pocket Plus bar
(so that you actually get a feel of steps)
also looks nicer and feels like it measures something, not like there is something wrong with the pixels at the top of the screen
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I probably won't be doing that, at least not soon. I have too many other tasks on my plate at the moment. After creating a config app for this service, I will probably shelve it for a while. It is open source, so feel free to add that feature and I'll roll it into the next version.
Beautiful app. I always admire developers who make the effort to really optimize their application and minimize resource usage. Well done.
I was not able to find any information as to whether ibattery and lvmtopbat (which ibattery is based on), also run as a service. Anybody knows?
thx1200 said:
You've seen these before -- the little green line at the top of the screen that indicates the current battery level. This app is really nothing new or revolutionary. The main difference of BattLineSvc is that it's a true Windows Mobile service, so it does NOT use one of the precious few 32 slots available for processes. You can find more information about services here. This app has been tested on Windows Mobile 5, 6, 6.1, and 6.5, but NOT 6.5.3. (Can somebody test for me?) There's no configuration app yet, so I hope you like editing the registry if you don't like the default settings. ;-)
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Hi thx1200
No issues so far on my device
Thank you
Currently running 6.5.5 with manila2d. It seems 90 seconds is not enough on my Tilt to startup correctly. If I restart the service it is great. Maybe it can be a parameter in the registry settings.
I like it, works great on my Imagio so far. The only improvement I'd like to see would be an additional color to indicate that the battery is being charged.
Good job!
Works well on my Imate Ultimate 8502..
Good job!
good work!
gwinga said:
I like it, works great on my Imagio so far. The only improvement I'd like to see would be an additional color to indicate that the battery is being charged.
Good job!
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Yes, this would be great. Thanks for making this so lean. Apart from this request, I wouldn't add anything else as it should be kept simple to be really useful.
A really tiny little tool. Will post a screenshot from mine...
One point i have:
It will be very helpfull when there is also a right side offset.
It means with newer skins we have round corners. And with
that the left side offset is wonderfull, but i need also the
right one.
Is this possible for the next version?
Being color blind, I want to change the colors to more contrast so I found a web Hex Color Chart but when I apply a color code the bar disappears, obviously I'm doing something wrong, can someone help me with this?
Is it supposed to run on smartphones (aka "WM Standard") as well? I don't get it visible despite the service is started after reboot. Do I have to use a different class name for this?
tito12 said:
Being color blind, I want to change the colors to more contrast so I found a web Hex Color Chart but when I apply a color code the bar disappears, obviously I'm doing something wrong, can someone help me with this?
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@ tito,
you have seen the default colors after the installation and before you have changed something??? Next point from 1st posting:
as sample:
color = green
standard hex = #00FF00
BattLineSvc registry value = ff00
You have done this in this way? The leading zeros are not supported. Otherwise the light goes on now?
If you need the hex information for a color and you have further problems with your hex calculator, publish an icon 90x90 pixel and you will receive them.
i am working on a DUSK skin for your tiny app. Looks good at the moment, but not ready because the right side offset .
tobbbie said:
Is it supposed to run on smartphones (aka "WM Standard") as well? I don't get it visible despite the service is started after reboot. Do I have to use a different class name for this?
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Hi tobbbie,
i don't think that the app is running on smartphones. So far as i understand the soucre code after reading, is this app not compiled for smartphones. I also have seen for the *.exe this resourceppc.h and this Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket PC SDK (ARMV4I) and this Windows Mobile 6 Professional SDK (ARMV4I) is used. That means it is for powerpc, or i am wrong thx1200?
drfno1 said:
Currently running 6.5.5 with manila2d. It seems 90 seconds is not enough on my Tilt to startup correctly. If I restart the service it is great. Maybe it can be a parameter in the registry settings.
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I know why this is happening and it will be fixed in the next version (with a much shorter delay).

two little apps: automatic rotation & wifi/display stay active - update 28/12

The Mega is my first smartphone, and thanks to xda I found lots of usefull info and apps to customize it just like i want
I think now it's time to share some apps I did mostly for my own use, but maybe usefull for some other people.
Well, here are two simple applications:
- The first, "rotatemon" (stupid name I know... ) is designed to run invisible in background and simply rotate the screen to landscape if one the following apps are launched: sms /mms ; opera mobile 10 and notes (notes.exe)
When you exit the app, the screen is restored to previous orientation. (meaning if you already are in landscape, you will stay in landscape)
I did this app because i couldn't found something doing this the way i want. I know there are mortscript scripts to do this, but not exactly like this. (and there's a problem with tmail.exe with this method, because mortscripts checks if a windows exist, but sometimes tmail.exe runs in background with the same window title "SMS / MMS" as the active window, so we must check if it is really active or in background...)
I know it's possible too to assign a long key press to the action "rotate sceeen", but I was tired of long pressing this key everytime i launched opera or the sms program...
Well just try it if you want, and let me know what you think about it, it's very usefull for me, maybe for you too
You can launch it at startup like I did (for example with sktools or something equivalent).
Please understand that I did it for myself, so it's "customized" for me (the apps that are monitored to trigger the rotation). If it is usefull for someone else I'll be happy to provide a more "user friendly" version (with the ability to configure what apps are monitored for example). Don't hesitate to ask
StayAlive -update 28/12/2010: now with a nice interface, install cab, more user friendly -
Another very simple program, designed to keep wifi "alive" even when the device is in sleep mode. It's a simple switch: ON/OFF, based on the registry key Comm\BCMSDDHD1\Parms\HTCKeepWifiOnWhenUnattended , you can switch the "StayAlive state" when wifi is on or off, doesn't matter, and the state is keep after a soft reset.
This tool can the display alive too, it provides a simple switch On/OFF to keep the display alive (doesn't prevent locking, well sometimes it locks and sometimes not, don't really know why..., but the screen stay on). Please note that the screen will not stay on at full backlight level, it will stay on at the "lower" backlight level (to prevent too much power drain...)
Ps:Sorry for my poor english
how to remove this software from phone?
Mobtel063 said:
how to remove this software from phone?
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You just have to delete the program folder. If it's running, kill it with a taskmanager before of course (or soft reset). If you put it in your startup, remove it before, then kill the process or soft reset, then delete the folder.
No modifications are made to the system
seb3773 said:
Please understand that I did it for myself, so it's "customized" for me (the apps that are monitored to trigger the rotation). If it is usefull for someone else I'll be happy to provide a more "user friendly" version (with the ability to configure what apps are monitored for example). Don't hesitate to ask
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Hi seb3773 I like you rotatemon very much. It is what I need, but since I have used Swype I had to turn it off. When the screen rotate my swype keyboard don't rescale well and the screen is cut out on te right side.
I would be grateful if you could disable sms rotation in your program?
or maybe some "user friendly" version above-mentioned?
I'm proud if it is usefull for you too A more user friendly version is coming soon, as i'm actually unemployed , i've plenty of time to do it. I intend to program a configuration interface with some nice features. It will be ready in 1/2 days
Great work
good works, man.
I wonder whether you can add-in one more switch not to connect 3G or smthng.
I'm having problem with that. When i accidentally press on browser icon, it start connecting to 3G network and i got to pay data charges.
It would be good if we can turn off. Thanks

