Any one Can Helpe - JAMin, XDA Neo, S200 General

Please i Have Jamin when i but it to bootloader and i connection with USB it Cloos but if i but the charger it open and show the bootloader But without USB Just in the top RUU


?? and help

How do i Unlock my cingular 8125 w/o a sync cable is there any way to do it manually without connecting to the comp. Please can anyone help me + can someone give me a link to upgrading to WM 6.1
abidin786 said:
How do i Unlock my cingular 8125 w/o a sync cable is there any way to do it manually without connecting to the comp. Please can anyone help me + can someone give me a link to upgrading to WM 6.1
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Nopes !
You got to have physical connection between phone and pc via usb cable and Active synchronize. Although,you can establish and active sync through BlueTooth,but its not possible to flash a Rom with BT,coz Rom is flashed in Bootloaders mode,where BT looses its connection in bootloaders,therefore,only usb cable maintains the connections in bootloaders.Just buy a compatible usb data cable from any Mobile repair shop,its not much expensive or borrow it from a friend.
Btw,how do you charge your phone,do you charge it through Wall charger or also with usb cable and pc ?
First, CID unlock the phone,only then it'll upgrade to any wm6 or 6.1 latest Roms.You'll find all the latest wm6.1 roms in the 'Wizard mobile 6' forum.

CID --> LOCK <-- without USB possible !! HELP PLEASE

Help please!
It seems my USB on my o2 wizard is bricked. Cannot get any connection to any PC anymore (although charging is working). I got SD flash with the original Rom working but to ship it for warranty-repair there is still CID lock necessesary (correct me if I am wrong).
Is there a way to CID lock the device without USB connection?

Stuck in Bootloader

Help, purchased Hermes off of eBay, stuck in Bootloader screen, was unable to connect to usb originally, did flash from SD to OEM WM5. Have been able to connect to usb since will flash ok, get successful flash screen on computer but Phone screen reverts back to bootloader. SPL is 2.03 1PL is 1.04. Using XP. Thought may have been attempt to flash different ROM w/o unlocking CID/SIM, tried to run Hermes SIM_CID_Unlock_v3a stops at 7% reverts back to bootloader and usb disconnects until I uplug usb cord and reattach. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Dead Uni

I have universal and a few days ago i accidently flashed radio rom 1.18 into it. Now when you try to turn it on it just shows startup logo sayng NO GSM and radio rom version. When i start it in bootloader it says SERIAL, and when i connect usb cable it still says SERIAL, it doesn't switch to USB? I found out that if you have already connected the cable BEFORE you go into bootloader, it will change to USB, but the pc doesn't seem to recognise it. Instead it says UNKNOWN USB DEVICE? Please help me, i have tried almost everything, but no succsess. Is there some serial cable schematics or something like that? I tried connecting COM cable to mini USB connector, and when i go to bootloader mtty gives me phone info {phone type, lcd display type blah blah} but i can't write anything, like my keyboard is disconnected. Or maybe my com cable was broken, i don't know?
Welcome to forums
Have a read here:
Try to reinstall another ROM
Hope it helped,
i had the same problem. Flashed a Radio. Though i'd Bricked my uni.
The problem i found was i left my SD-Card in, After taking it out. I re-Flashed, And the ROM re-installed XD
So my adive is. Try taking out ur SD Card

Help - Restore SO and Spl from SD Card

good night
my hd failed to connect to the PC, when connecting the USB cable the charging light does not turn orange.
Windows does not detect the device, but charge the battery, Strangely
can i restore the OS and the SPl without USB port
send to guarantee

