Help - Restore SO and Spl from SD Card - Touch HD General

good night
my hd failed to connect to the PC, when connecting the USB cable the charging light does not turn orange.
Windows does not detect the device, but charge the battery, Strangely
can i restore the OS and the SPl without USB port
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dopod838, lost USB connection. URGENT !!!

Anyone can help? URGENT !!!
The usb connection is lost in my dopod838, even can not charge the device. Stupid.
I tried to replaced the radio rom via the usb, then there was no reponse for around 25 mins, then i reset the device. At the start-up screen, there is no radio version shown, and finally, i can no aysc the device to my desktop.
What I can do without USB connection and mini SD card ??
Give me a hand please.
Is your device now in bootloader mode as in do you see a number on the bottom of the screen? If you do, then it means you are in the bootloader model. All you need to do now is re-install your ROM and everything should be back to normal.
Have you tried a/c charger and usb cable?
If there is nothing either way (no orange light) then it may be a hardware fault.
Also try a hard reset again just in case...else it's a warranty job I reckon.
Thanks for your kindly replies.

Prophet does not start

I have a new Prophet (JAMin) and it does not start, even when charged. All that happens is the lights at the top flash, the screen blinks and then no more.
Any ideas, as I need the device later!!!
Does it show any serial number on the bottom of the screen or does it just show a blank screen.
What you could do is remove the battery, SD card out and leave the device like that for about an hour or so. After an hour just insert the battery (not the SD card) and then try charging again. Let it charge for about half n hour and then try switching on the device. Most likely, your device will now wake up, if it doesn't then you will probably need to wait till the amber light turns green indicating a full charge. Try switching on the device again, if still no luck, then you will need to take it down to a service centre.
It works when using power adapter, but not on usb
The prophet does start up when using the power adapter, but not when on the USB. Have left it 'charging', but the charge light is not on.
USB only provides a trickle charge and hence is not the best solution for "waking up" a device. Always make sure that you charge your device through the provided AC adapter. Only in cases of emergency or when synchronisation allow USB charging.
No charge light
No charge light is on. Is that right?
If there is no charge light, that means its not charging to begin with. Can you check if the USB port you are charging from is functional by attaching another device to it. Incase the USB port is fine, try charging from a different USB port; if it still behaves the same way, i suggest you take it down to a service centre. Its quite possible that the charging port on the Prophet is damaged.
sam_sykes said:
I have a new Prophet (JAMin) and it does not start, even when charged. All that happens is the lights at the top flash, the screen blinks and then no more.
Any ideas, as I need the device later!!!
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Mine used to be like that after I installed spb plus previous version, it wont start at all...I had to switch to a new machine (for free) coz it was only day-2 after i bought the device (nice service btw).
I Have an SPV M600 which when switched on the screen blinks and then powers off, no charging light will only power up with the charger plugged in not with the usb data cable, i used a file called hard_SPL-G4 since then this error occured i think its the software program loader.
I cant reflash via active sync because the device powers off without the AC charger. i do have SD cards, but im unsure how to flash from SD i want my original spl version back and a better OS.
IPL 2.21.0001
SPL 2.21.01ip
GSM 02.69.21
I can get to the tricolour screen bootloader with charger plugged please help any advice?
these are the original settings i think
IPL 2.10.0001
SPL 2.10.0001
GSM 02.07.20
Once it is in bootloader, can you switch it to the USB cable?
Q: Once it is in bootloader, can you switch it to the USB cable?
A: no it switches the power off when i unplug AC but i can get to the windows OS if i power on with AC..? but flash via activesync no AC on reset.
I do have two SPV M600s im not touching the working one. but would like to fix the other one. SD Flash would help possible corrupt OS or SPL i think?
i can gain access to bootloader but i dont know how to initialize the NBH rom,
i could start the extrom cabs which had an autorun with a list of execution
i updated the rom Mysterious_1.0 all went ok i think
then i ran hard_SPL-G4 i had a lot of errors about sleep4.exe not win32 i think.
i am running x64 pro and upon reset all i had was an occasional screen blink and weak flashing orange and blue led.
ive tried different battery and a different USB to miniUSB. the active sync does take long time looking for changes on OS.
from usb i hold camera button and click reset switch it goes to USB bootloader for a second then off
if theres anyone out there who knows how to reflash the SPL version and a new OS for an SPV M600 english lang from an SD card please link files and explain the process in as much detail please? thankyou!
i did also update the radio version GSM could that be a cause!
The radio version should have nothing to do with it...
I am fairly sure there is something on the wiki about flashing from a storage card, but you need to make the dump of the ROM from the working device, so not much help there...
If you can get into bootloader whilst it is plugged into your computer, it's a very easy problem to fix...
I have decided to find the pinouts for a 4.5V charger (it should be 5V but im not destroying original) and a spare USB-miniUSB attach the power terminals from the charger replacing the miniUSB charge terminals, which should allow me to go to bootloader with USB present. i will post my results in here soon
about accessing bootloader
Hi i have just executed the jump spl files on my problem device and its taken me to a white screen with usb data cable, which i heard is the bootloader really and used tera term pro to dump rom etc. its seems to of hanged at the minute does it take a while to write?
im guessing i could go into the white screen mode and reflash an original orange rom?
New Original OS installed
Hi ive successfully installed a new OS so i presume the white screen is a bootloader. still my problem of powering off upon boot exists, so using this method i want to change the details below
IPL 2.21.0001
SPL 2.21.01ip
GSM 02.69.21
IPL 2.10.0001 check
SPL 2.21.01ip SPL 2.10.0001 wanted
GSM 02.69.21 GSM 02.07.20 wanted
OS check
Can i reinstall the wanted SPL/GSM from the white screen loader? does anyone know where i can get the files. SPV M600
Repaired 100%
I did it, its fixed charges now from USB data cable. and can enter tricolour bootloader. the problem was something wrong with the spl flash process ive redone that no errors excellent. im happy now
Will a ROM flash now?

Flash uspl via bluetooth

Is it possible, device gives nothing anymore when connected to pc.
still charges though.
But computer makes no sound, no popup from new hardware found absolutly nothing. tried sd card flashing but obiviously failed cause of uspl
will try another computer
and try to hard reset ur mobile or flash ir with the original rom by SD method
but via bluetooth i think it's impossible cuz the bluetooth will be of in the bootloader and before the device woke up

Dead Uni

I have universal and a few days ago i accidently flashed radio rom 1.18 into it. Now when you try to turn it on it just shows startup logo sayng NO GSM and radio rom version. When i start it in bootloader it says SERIAL, and when i connect usb cable it still says SERIAL, it doesn't switch to USB? I found out that if you have already connected the cable BEFORE you go into bootloader, it will change to USB, but the pc doesn't seem to recognise it. Instead it says UNKNOWN USB DEVICE? Please help me, i have tried almost everything, but no succsess. Is there some serial cable schematics or something like that? I tried connecting COM cable to mini USB connector, and when i go to bootloader mtty gives me phone info {phone type, lcd display type blah blah} but i can't write anything, like my keyboard is disconnected. Or maybe my com cable was broken, i don't know?
Welcome to forums
Have a read here:
Try to reinstall another ROM
Hope it helped,
i had the same problem. Flashed a Radio. Though i'd Bricked my uni.
The problem i found was i left my SD-Card in, After taking it out. I re-Flashed, And the ROM re-installed XD
So my adive is. Try taking out ur SD Card

HD2 USB Not being recognised

Hey, small problem here. I was charging my HD2 earlier today with no problems at all, I flashed the 1.72 stock ROM back onto my phone, and it seemed to be charging fine for a small while after that. But now, after I tried charging my phone, it doesn't seem to recognise there's a USB connection at all. The LED at the speaker-grille isn't doing anything, and the the phone tells me it isn't connected by USB when it's plugged into a computer.
I tried a tonne of things, checked the cable and switched it, soft-reset it, took the battery out, hard reset it, and even blown inside the socket to try and get rid of anything that might be blocking it, but it just isn't showing it's plugged in AT ALL any more... and now the battery is dead, so I can't do anything with it now to try and help it. :/
The only sign I have that the phone realises it has any sort of USB connection, is when I tried to hard reset the device, (I used the hold volUp+volDown+Power method) and it shows the message 'press volUp to hard reset,' usually when I do this, pressing volume up doesn't do anything when the phone is connected by USB for some weird reason - and I have to disconnect USB for the phone to hard reset. I figured this wouldn't happen if the phone doesn't realise it has a USB connection, but when the cable was plugged in, it still wouldn't hard reset until I took it out. So it shows there must be some way the phone knows it's connected.
I'm running the WWE 1.72 ROM with radio 2.10. 50.08_2 if it helps.
Any suggestions?
Sorry for the bump, but it would really help if anyone could help explain this.
I think a bit of trial and error would be best here to establish whats at fault.
phone, cable, or usb port.
-try plugging into a different usb port
-try a different cable (if you have one)
appologies if you have tried these allready.
Tried another cable again just incase, still nothing though. My iPods connected via that USB port I tried using, and that's working fine, so it doesn't seem like that's it, either...
I'm having a similar problem. I had plugged in a new retractable usb cable, and when I did, the phone shut off. I rebooted, and tried my original cable, but the phone doesn't charge or sync. I've also tried hard/soft reset, wall charger, usb charger, and none of that seems to work.
Any suggestions?
No idea if this is related or not but my USB connection stopped working after I got the "bttrayce.exe is not a valid pocket pc application" problem (Thanks TomTom! ) so it would appear the USB port has some weird dependencies!
Fixed it by renaming the windows\btsdkce30.dll file (added "[temp]" to the name just in case!) and soft-resetting.
Might be worth a try?
r u using activsync or windows mobile centre ???
USB Issue
I've got exactly the same issue, running HyperROM 3.01.405.T1 and Radio
Suddenly USB isn't working, tried various cables and I suspect it's a software issue somewhere.
Charging isn't a problem at the moment, I have a charging station (ebay from Hong Kong) so I can access the phone and try and resovle this.
I'm going to go back to the stock rom (I assume I'll find that somewhere on XDA) and upddate the Radio version and see if that sorts it.
If anyone has worked out what's casuing this generally let me know as I can imagine this will take a lot of trial and error to solve!
have you fixed it?
i am having a similar issue:
I have recently updated my HTC HD2 rom to version 3.14.410.2.
After that i have installed tomtom navigator, but when i turn on the device it returned a message 'BTTRAYCE' is not a valid Pocket PC application'.
I looked at the forums and it was recommended to delete files Windows\BtSdkCE30.dll and
\Windows\BtCoreIf.dll, so i did.
Unfortunately my usb connection is now not working, and i think it could be related to the deletion of those 2 files.
I made a hard reset, but the problem still persists.
can anyone help me please?
My problem solved
Hi i got the same problem , i use ARTEMIS 48 rom 3.14. so my phone suddenly droped to the ground last night but i was charging after that .... next days morning i wanted to connect it to my pc via activesync but it dose not connect .... even disk drive did not work and i could not charge it via AC CHARGER and PC , i toyed around with it here is what i did
1- tried on another pc (result wass the same it did not worked)
2-i hard reseted it (result = the problem was not solved )
3-i went to setting>>>>system>>>power>>>battery and unchecked the option "when phone is on , do not charge ...."
4- i connected it to pc it was not recognozed by pc but it was charging !!!!!!
5-after that i connected it to AC ADAPTOR and it was charging !!!!!!
6- i decided to flash my rom and do a HSPL so my phone will not brick so i connected it to activesync via bluetooth and it was as sucess
7-mean while i was searching this forums
8- i checked my SPL ver
9- i soft-reset and stuning it was recognized by pc and everything was back to normal
in my XP i think it was due to BAD ASS ANDROID ROM and some custom roms bugs....
fpcraveiro said:
have you fixed it?
i am having a similar issue:
I have recently updated my HTC HD2 rom to version 3.14.410.2.
After that i have installed tomtom navigator, but when i turn on the device it returned a message 'BTTRAYCE' is not a valid Pocket PC application'.
I looked at the forums and it was recommended to delete files Windows\BtSdkCE30.dll and
\Windows\BtCoreIf.dll, so i did.
Unfortunately my usb connection is now not working, and i think it could be related to the deletion of those 2 files.
I made a hard reset, but the problem still persists.
can anyone help me please?
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Uninstall TomTom and the problem goes away.
You can download versions on TomTom Navigator 7 with the Bluetooth files removed - like * HERE *
I don't have an OS installed...
This is due to aMAGLDR being installed and when I had the device open.. I created a 'temp' folder and my next task was to create a 'create_to_sd_root', well I renamed the temp folder to that... bad move? I think so. My system acknowledges the device, however I'm unable to access it. I.e. my computer(no icon), windows mobile center(not connected), etc. Please help! I need my phone!
MrHellas said:
This is due to aMAGLDR being installed and when I had the device open.. I created a 'temp' folder and my next task was to create a 'create_to_sd_root', well I renamed the temp folder to that... bad move? I think so. My system acknowledges the device, however I'm unable to access it. I.e. my computer(no icon), windows mobile center(not connected), etc. Please help! I need my phone!
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I you were trying to flash Android you just need to flash Clock Work Mod (CWM) and then place the .zip file for the Android ROM on your SD card and use CWM to flash the Android ROM. It is links to Youtube videos in the OP of the thread showing you how to flash CWM and the ROM.
Are you could flash back to Win MO through USB and bootloader or SD card and bootloaderr.. If you go for USB and bootloader make sure you see USB in the white bar of bootloader befor tryng to flash the ROM. Also thew SD card metrhod will remove HSPL if you use a Official and not a custom ROM.
Well I've figured out how to get the android os on there, however I'm unable to locate the drivers for AD8? I'm still unsure about what folder/files need to be on my microSD if I'm running the Desire HD Froyo(current) I cannot access any internal/external(microSD). Help?
MrHellas said:
Well I've figured out how to get the android os on there, however I'm unable to locate the drivers for AD8? I'm still unsure about what folder/files need to be on my microSD if I'm running the Desire HD Froyo(current) I cannot access any internal/external(microSD). Help?
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You have to use MAGLDR's mass storage option to get access to your SD card, or use the mount storage option in Clock Work Mod. I recomemd usingvthecnass storagecin MAGLDR though as I have had trouble gettingvthecdrivers for mount storage in CWM to install but have never had a problem with the mass storage option in MAGLDR.
T-Macgnolia said:
You have to use MAGLDR's mass storage option to get access to your SD card, or use the mount storage option in Clock Work Mod. I recomemd usingvthecnass storagecin MAGLDR though as I have had trouble gettingvthecdrivers for mount storage in CWM to install but have never had a problem with the mass storage option in MAGLDR.
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How do I get back the loader without booting up? Obviously haven't been able to copy the rar files. Could this be why my GPS and other functions could not be working properly?
imanh said:
3-i went to setting>>>>system>>>power>>>battery and unchecked the option "when phone is on , do not charge ...."
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Thanks this sorted my problem!
imanh said:
Hi i got the same problem , i use ARTEMIS 48 rom 3.14. so my phone suddenly droped to the ground last night but i was charging after that .... next days morning i wanted to connect it to my pc via activesync but it dose not connect .... even disk drive did not work and i could not charge it via AC CHARGER and PC , i toyed around with it here is what i did
1- tried on another pc (result wass the same it did not worked)
2-i hard reseted it (result = the problem was not solved )
3-i went to setting>>>>system>>>power>>>battery and unchecked the option "when phone is on , do not charge ...."
4- i connected it to pc it was not recognozed by pc but it was charging !!!!!!
5-after that i connected it to AC ADAPTOR and it was charging !!!!!!
6- i decided to flash my rom and do a HSPL so my phone will not brick so i connected it to activesync via bluetooth and it was as sucess
7-mean while i was searching this forums
8- i checked my SPL ver
9- i soft-reset and stuning it was recognized by pc and everything was back to normal
in my XP i think it was due to BAD ASS ANDROID ROM and some custom roms bugs....
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I did the same but no work. I have issue #USB not recognized# after installed Android Transformer SD ver.
In three color screen I have USB connection working fine. I could install HSPL4, update Radio, but Win 6.5 has a USB problem.
I don't think this is a hardware issue or I am wrong?
Still confused. Should I take my phone to service?
I have the similar problem with my hd2, but worse. Out of 3 different comouters I tried none can see the phone connected and gives me the error saying one of the USB device connected to this computer has malfunctioned and cannot be recognized. I have tried two different cables. I cannot connect my phone through latest magldr using USB flasher or USB mass storage modes. Moreover, when I connect my phone in rainbow screen (hspl screen where you install magldr), it should change to USB from serial but even that does not happen. ANy solutions?? I think its my phone.... Is there any way to revert this back to normal. I don't want a brick.
mcdoc said:
I did the same but no work. I have issue #USB not recognized# after installed Android Transformer SD ver.
In three color screen I have USB connection working fine. I could install HSPL4, update Radio, but Win 6.5 has a USB problem.
I don't think this is a hardware issue or I am wrong?
Still confused. Should I take my phone to service?
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Your USB drivers for the defualt bootloader (multicolor screen) seem to be working fine, so no you do not have a hardware problem. You might want to uninstall Windows Mobile Device Center or Active Sync, which ever one your computer uses. Then re install it. Also go to device manager in your comtrol panel while you have hour HD2 booted up and connected via USB and clck on update drivers for hour phone, it should be listed in device manager.
kushki said:
I have the similar problem with my hd2, but worse. Out of 3 different comouters I tried none can see the phone connected and gives me the error saying one of the USB device connected to this computer has malfunctioned and cannot be recognized. I have tried two different cables. I cannot connect my phone through latest magldr using USB flasher or USB mass storage modes. Moreover, when I connect my phone in rainbow screen (hspl screen where you install magldr), it should change to USB from serial but even that does not happen. ANy solutions?? I think its my phone.... Is there any way to revert this back to normal. I don't want a brick.
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When you say your Serial in boorloader does not change to USB this tells me you are having driver issues or hardware issues with your micro USB port on your HD2. My bet is it is just driver issues. I sugest you uninstall and rei nstall Wimdows Mobile Device Center or Active Sync which ever one your computer uses. These programs contain the USB drivers for the HD2 and MAGLDR partialy relies on those drivers to. So maybe that will solve your problem.

