HD2 USB Not being recognised - HD2 General

Hey, small problem here. I was charging my HD2 earlier today with no problems at all, I flashed the 1.72 stock ROM back onto my phone, and it seemed to be charging fine for a small while after that. But now, after I tried charging my phone, it doesn't seem to recognise there's a USB connection at all. The LED at the speaker-grille isn't doing anything, and the the phone tells me it isn't connected by USB when it's plugged into a computer.
I tried a tonne of things, checked the cable and switched it, soft-reset it, took the battery out, hard reset it, and even blown inside the socket to try and get rid of anything that might be blocking it, but it just isn't showing it's plugged in AT ALL any more... and now the battery is dead, so I can't do anything with it now to try and help it. :/
The only sign I have that the phone realises it has any sort of USB connection, is when I tried to hard reset the device, (I used the hold volUp+volDown+Power method) and it shows the message 'press volUp to hard reset,' usually when I do this, pressing volume up doesn't do anything when the phone is connected by USB for some weird reason - and I have to disconnect USB for the phone to hard reset. I figured this wouldn't happen if the phone doesn't realise it has a USB connection, but when the cable was plugged in, it still wouldn't hard reset until I took it out. So it shows there must be some way the phone knows it's connected.
I'm running the WWE 1.72 ROM with radio 2.10. 50.08_2 if it helps.
Any suggestions?

Sorry for the bump, but it would really help if anyone could help explain this.

I think a bit of trial and error would be best here to establish whats at fault.
phone, cable, or usb port.
-try plugging into a different usb port
-try a different cable (if you have one)
appologies if you have tried these allready.

Tried another cable again just incase, still nothing though. My iPods connected via that USB port I tried using, and that's working fine, so it doesn't seem like that's it, either...

I'm having a similar problem. I had plugged in a new retractable usb cable, and when I did, the phone shut off. I rebooted, and tried my original cable, but the phone doesn't charge or sync. I've also tried hard/soft reset, wall charger, usb charger, and none of that seems to work.
Any suggestions?

No idea if this is related or not but my USB connection stopped working after I got the "bttrayce.exe is not a valid pocket pc application" problem (Thanks TomTom! ) so it would appear the USB port has some weird dependencies!
Fixed it by renaming the windows\btsdkce30.dll file (added "[temp]" to the name just in case!) and soft-resetting.
Might be worth a try?

r u using activsync or windows mobile centre ???

USB Issue
I've got exactly the same issue, running HyperROM 3.01.405.T1 and Radio
Suddenly USB isn't working, tried various cables and I suspect it's a software issue somewhere.
Charging isn't a problem at the moment, I have a charging station (ebay from Hong Kong) so I can access the phone and try and resovle this.
I'm going to go back to the stock rom (I assume I'll find that somewhere on XDA) and upddate the Radio version and see if that sorts it.
If anyone has worked out what's casuing this generally let me know as I can imagine this will take a lot of trial and error to solve!

have you fixed it?
i am having a similar issue:
I have recently updated my HTC HD2 rom to version 3.14.410.2.
After that i have installed tomtom navigator, but when i turn on the device it returned a message 'BTTRAYCE' is not a valid Pocket PC application'.
I looked at the forums and it was recommended to delete files Windows\BtSdkCE30.dll and
\Windows\BtCoreIf.dll, so i did.
Unfortunately my usb connection is now not working, and i think it could be related to the deletion of those 2 files.
I made a hard reset, but the problem still persists.
can anyone help me please?

My problem solved
Hi i got the same problem , i use ARTEMIS 48 rom 3.14. so my phone suddenly droped to the ground last night but i was charging after that .... next days morning i wanted to connect it to my pc via activesync but it dose not connect .... even disk drive did not work and i could not charge it via AC CHARGER and PC , i toyed around with it here is what i did
1- tried on another pc (result wass the same it did not worked)
2-i hard reseted it (result = the problem was not solved )
3-i went to setting>>>>system>>>power>>>battery and unchecked the option "when phone is on , do not charge ...."
4- i connected it to pc it was not recognozed by pc but it was charging !!!!!!
5-after that i connected it to AC ADAPTOR and it was charging !!!!!!
6- i decided to flash my rom and do a HSPL so my phone will not brick so i connected it to activesync via bluetooth and it was as sucess
7-mean while i was searching this forums
8- i checked my SPL ver
9- i soft-reset and stuning it was recognized by pc and everything was back to normal
in my XP i think it was due to BAD ASS ANDROID ROM and some custom roms bugs....

fpcraveiro said:
have you fixed it?
i am having a similar issue:
I have recently updated my HTC HD2 rom to version 3.14.410.2.
After that i have installed tomtom navigator, but when i turn on the device it returned a message 'BTTRAYCE' is not a valid Pocket PC application'.
I looked at the forums and it was recommended to delete files Windows\BtSdkCE30.dll and
\Windows\BtCoreIf.dll, so i did.
Unfortunately my usb connection is now not working, and i think it could be related to the deletion of those 2 files.
I made a hard reset, but the problem still persists.
can anyone help me please?
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Uninstall TomTom and the problem goes away.
You can download versions on TomTom Navigator 7 with the Bluetooth files removed - like * HERE *

I don't have an OS installed...
This is due to aMAGLDR being installed and when I had the device open.. I created a 'temp' folder and my next task was to create a 'create_to_sd_root', well I renamed the temp folder to that... bad move? I think so. My system acknowledges the device, however I'm unable to access it. I.e. my computer(no icon), windows mobile center(not connected), etc. Please help! I need my phone!

MrHellas said:
This is due to aMAGLDR being installed and when I had the device open.. I created a 'temp' folder and my next task was to create a 'create_to_sd_root', well I renamed the temp folder to that... bad move? I think so. My system acknowledges the device, however I'm unable to access it. I.e. my computer(no icon), windows mobile center(not connected), etc. Please help! I need my phone!
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I you were trying to flash Android you just need to flash Clock Work Mod (CWM) and then place the .zip file for the Android ROM on your SD card and use CWM to flash the Android ROM. It is links to Youtube videos in the OP of the thread showing you how to flash CWM and the ROM.
Are you could flash back to Win MO through USB and bootloader or SD card and bootloaderr.. If you go for USB and bootloader make sure you see USB in the white bar of bootloader befor tryng to flash the ROM. Also thew SD card metrhod will remove HSPL if you use a Official and not a custom ROM.

Well I've figured out how to get the android os on there, however I'm unable to locate the drivers for AD8? I'm still unsure about what folder/files need to be on my microSD if I'm running the Desire HD Froyo(current) I cannot access any internal/external(microSD). Help?

MrHellas said:
Well I've figured out how to get the android os on there, however I'm unable to locate the drivers for AD8? I'm still unsure about what folder/files need to be on my microSD if I'm running the Desire HD Froyo(current) I cannot access any internal/external(microSD). Help?
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You have to use MAGLDR's mass storage option to get access to your SD card, or use the mount storage option in Clock Work Mod. I recomemd usingvthecnass storagecin MAGLDR though as I have had trouble gettingvthecdrivers for mount storage in CWM to install but have never had a problem with the mass storage option in MAGLDR.

T-Macgnolia said:
You have to use MAGLDR's mass storage option to get access to your SD card, or use the mount storage option in Clock Work Mod. I recomemd usingvthecnass storagecin MAGLDR though as I have had trouble gettingvthecdrivers for mount storage in CWM to install but have never had a problem with the mass storage option in MAGLDR.
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How do I get back the loader without booting up? Obviously haven't been able to copy the rar files. Could this be why my GPS and other functions could not be working properly?

imanh said:
3-i went to setting>>>>system>>>power>>>battery and unchecked the option "when phone is on , do not charge ...."
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Thanks this sorted my problem!

imanh said:
Hi i got the same problem , i use ARTEMIS 48 rom 3.14. so my phone suddenly droped to the ground last night but i was charging after that .... next days morning i wanted to connect it to my pc via activesync but it dose not connect .... even disk drive did not work and i could not charge it via AC CHARGER and PC , i toyed around with it here is what i did
1- tried on another pc (result wass the same it did not worked)
2-i hard reseted it (result = the problem was not solved )
3-i went to setting>>>>system>>>power>>>battery and unchecked the option "when phone is on , do not charge ...."
4- i connected it to pc it was not recognozed by pc but it was charging !!!!!!
5-after that i connected it to AC ADAPTOR and it was charging !!!!!!
6- i decided to flash my rom and do a HSPL so my phone will not brick so i connected it to activesync via bluetooth and it was as sucess
7-mean while i was searching this forums
8- i checked my SPL ver
9- i soft-reset and stuning it was recognized by pc and everything was back to normal
in my XP i think it was due to BAD ASS ANDROID ROM and some custom roms bugs....
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I did the same but no work. I have issue #USB not recognized# after installed Android Transformer SD ver.
In three color screen I have USB connection working fine. I could install HSPL4, update Radio, but Win 6.5 has a USB problem.
I don't think this is a hardware issue or I am wrong?
Still confused. Should I take my phone to service?

I have the similar problem with my hd2, but worse. Out of 3 different comouters I tried none can see the phone connected and gives me the error saying one of the USB device connected to this computer has malfunctioned and cannot be recognized. I have tried two different cables. I cannot connect my phone through latest magldr using USB flasher or USB mass storage modes. Moreover, when I connect my phone in rainbow screen (hspl screen where you install magldr), it should change to USB from serial but even that does not happen. ANy solutions?? I think its my phone.... Is there any way to revert this back to normal. I don't want a brick.

mcdoc said:
I did the same but no work. I have issue #USB not recognized# after installed Android Transformer SD ver.
In three color screen I have USB connection working fine. I could install HSPL4, update Radio, but Win 6.5 has a USB problem.
I don't think this is a hardware issue or I am wrong?
Still confused. Should I take my phone to service?
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Your USB drivers for the defualt bootloader (multicolor screen) seem to be working fine, so no you do not have a hardware problem. You might want to uninstall Windows Mobile Device Center or Active Sync, which ever one your computer uses. Then re install it. Also go to device manager in your comtrol panel while you have hour HD2 booted up and connected via USB and clck on update drivers for hour phone, it should be listed in device manager.
kushki said:
I have the similar problem with my hd2, but worse. Out of 3 different comouters I tried none can see the phone connected and gives me the error saying one of the USB device connected to this computer has malfunctioned and cannot be recognized. I have tried two different cables. I cannot connect my phone through latest magldr using USB flasher or USB mass storage modes. Moreover, when I connect my phone in rainbow screen (hspl screen where you install magldr), it should change to USB from serial but even that does not happen. ANy solutions?? I think its my phone.... Is there any way to revert this back to normal. I don't want a brick.
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When you say your Serial in boorloader does not change to USB this tells me you are having driver issues or hardware issues with your micro USB port on your HD2. My bet is it is just driver issues. I sugest you uninstall and rei nstall Wimdows Mobile Device Center or Active Sync which ever one your computer uses. These programs contain the USB drivers for the HD2 and MAGLDR partialy relies on those drivers to. So maybe that will solve your problem.


critical problem in jamin for help please

My friend's jamin when he tried upgrading with smart1 wm6
after the flashing process finished it gives the 3 colors of boot loader
the screen flickers continously with the 3 colors
no way to hard reset the device
and activesync doesn't feel it
I searched all the forum for a problem like this but I didn't find any
any suggestion please, or any help?
Flash NVID Rom and try Smart again. Read WM6 upgrade Manuel and readme for the ROM.
NetrunnerAT said:
Flash NVID Rom and try Smart again. Read WM6 upgrade Manuel and readme for the ROM.
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Please how can i flash with the activesync doesn't notice my device and where's NVID Rom
Ok. I'll search for it but please help how can I flash it to the device which doesn't recognized or felt by PC
If your device is in bootloader mode, activesync cannot recognize it but this is normal. Jamin is recognize only as a usb device and you can downgrade it to NVID rom easly.
Then you could upgrade your favorite rom, I suggest PDAVIET
Bye for now
divxmaniak said:
If your device is in bootloader mode, activesync cannot recognize it but this is normal. Jamin is recognize only as a usb device and you can downgrade it to NVID rom easly.
Then you could upgrade your favorite rom, I suggest PDAVIET
Bye for now
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I think I didn't discuss the problem well
The Problem is when I start to flashing a rom a message tells that check if the usb is connected and if the device is connected .
This is happen with the device is connected to the cable and the tricolor screen is flicking . and the device doesn't open doesn't flashing.
must use NVID rom. maybe qtek nvid one from here? http://wiki.xda-developers.com/index.php?pagename=Prophet_ROMs
hasanemara said:
I think I didn't discuss the problem well
The Problem is when I start to flashing a rom a message tells that check if the usb is connected and if the device is connected .
This is happen with the device is connected to the cable and the tricolor screen is flicking . and the device doesn't open doesn't flashing.
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If the problem still there, Try to release the battery for 1-3 hours and put it again to the device, go to the boot loader and pray. Hopefully it could work. Actually, this way worked on my Himalaya and Prophet.
Just run the "Step 1" component of the PDAViet ROM (http://rapidshare.com/files/32728615/Prophet_PDAViet_Step1.zip), which is just a plain AKU 2.20 NVID. This will find your device even if its in bootloader mode (it doesnt depend on activesync). Just flash it with that sucker and you should have a working phone on WM5, then you can safely upgrade it to WM6 (or leave it if you like).
ekto said:
Just run the "Step 1" component of the PDAViet ROM (http://rapidshare.com/files/32728615/Prophet_PDAViet_Step1.zip), which is just a plain AKU 2.20 NVID. This will find your device even if its in bootloader mode (it doesnt depend on activesync). Just flash it with that sucker and you should have a working phone on WM5, then you can safely upgrade it to WM6 (or leave it if you like).
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I shall try and tell you the result
error 260 this is the result
i have a slight variation problem like this...
1. i was upgrading my O2 Neo to the latest WM05 & the phone went to bootloader mode & the upgrade started searching for the phone as normal..then some error & it stopped upgrading while the phone was in bootloader mode..
2. at that time,i got an urgent call & had to leave the phone in bootloader mode...
3. when i came back..the phone was dead & now it wont startup at all.. not even in the bootloader mode.
4. Maybe the batteries dead...so i charged it (Over night)..nothing happened in the morning..
5. kept the battery removed for about 5-6hours & still nothing happens..it simply does not startup.
6.I've tried holding the camera button & resetting, but it wont go into bootloader mode.
7. i;ve tried holding the connections button + camera button _ reset but it wont hard reset...
can anyone help me here...
what can i do???
hasanemara said:
error 260 this is the result
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Error 260... If i remember correctly that's "cant find device" or something.
Few things to check:
Is the PC you are upgrading on running windows vista?
If so, use a different PC running windows XP.
Have you tried a different USB cable?
If not, do so, this tends to be the cause of problems like this.
Have you checked device manager?
Go to control panel, Administrative tools, computer management, device manager and see if you can find your device. If it has a yellow ! icon on it or is listed as "Unknown device" or anything like that then you may need to reinstall the drivers (int hsi case the easiest way to do that is to reinstall activesync). If everyhting is working properly it should show up as "HTC USB Sync", "PocketPC USB Sync" or something like that under the heading "Mobile Devices".
Have you just plain tried another computer, regardless of the OS?
I found that I could never get my phone to flash on my laptop, but it worked without a problem on my desktop. This is not to say laptop's cant do it, it simply means some computers just have problems like (in my case i believe) no USB 2.0, or too low-powered USB ports.
ekto said:
Error 260... If i remember correctly that's "cant find device" or something.
Few things to check:
Is the PC you are upgrading on running windows vista?
If so, use a different PC running windows XP.
Have you tried a different USB cable?
If not, do so, this tends to be the cause of problems like this.
Have you checked device manager?
Go to control panel, Administrative tools, computer management, device manager and see if you can find your device. If it has a yellow ! icon on it or is listed as "Unknown device" or anything like that then you may need to reinstall the drivers (int hsi case the easiest way to do that is to reinstall activesync). If everyhting is working properly it should show up as "HTC USB Sync", "PocketPC USB Sync" or something like that under the heading "Mobile Devices".
Have you just plain tried another computer, regardless of the OS?
I found that I could never get my phone to flash on my laptop, but it worked without a problem on my desktop. This is not to say laptop's cant do it, it simply means some computers just have problems like (in my case i believe) no USB 2.0, or too low-powered USB ports.
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No I didn't change any and I can connect my o2 xda mini to the same cable
I want to ask few technical question
If So there will be a big problem with those types of devices
a virus for example can destroy my device's board or processor!!
Yesterday My friend went to an I-mate customer service who tel him that
the board had been destroyed by the bad software !!!!!!!!!
Please Give me technical advice about this problem
and is there a web site for him to buy this board (i-mate jamin)?
I've tried everything... even tried it on my desktop... but my phone just wont turn on now. i've kept the battery removed for more than 8hrs now... i've even charged it for more than 8hrs non-stop..nothing happens..
maybe i should get hold of a charged battery & try it with that battery...?
Any clue how to get my phone started??
got it working !!! PHEW... i used my HP battery which was charged & put it into it..now i've got my bootloader & i'm installing the new OS as we speak... 15% done.... keeping my fingers crossed
done.. got my HP Ipaq battery , which was charged & my new started up in bootloader more.. PHEW !!!
66% done... keeping my fingers crossed
ok, installed...now, one more problem..my touch screen's not working...???
Any idea what to do?
i installed "Prophet_PDAViet_Step1"

Activesync and usb mode not working...

Hi all
I can't connect my Polaris through usb anymore. Nothing happends when I connect the cable. It starts to charge but that's all.
I've flashed my Polaris twice(with 2 different roms from this forum) now since I noticed the problem, using the "micro-sd way" but nothing helps.
"Disable advanced network functionality" didn't work either.
I'm starting to think it's a hardware problem but I can't send it to warranty-repair because I don't have the original rom and I can't flash it back to the original Spl because this can only be done through usb.
But it's still chargering fine when I connect the usb cable so there is some connection still.
Btw., when I put the phone in bootloader mode it says "serial" in the bottom of the screen and it doesn't change to "usb" when I connect the usb cable but my PC pops up a message that says "Usb device not recognized" and under "Device manager" is says "Unknown device". I've tried another cable and another computer but nothing helps.
Any help???
Same happened to me!
I flashed udk r6 rom from SD card after it i could sync from USB normally,
Then i flashed the same rom second time for clean install - again using SD and now i cant sync through USB only through bluetooth...
I thinks its some bug not HW failure maybe uninstall drivers (i use vista btw) and install again?
I've tried uninstalling Activesync and download a new "setup" file and the install activesync again, but this didn't help.
I hope that the problem is software related because if it's hardware related i can't get it repaired through warranty...
Hello, it happend to me to. It just wan`t unlock. It wan`t hard spl. or go into usb mode, only soft reset works. No warrenty, so it will stay in the locker. AS don`t recognaise it. I have the Glass rom, and there where never any problem with it.
It could be a bad contact at the mini-usb connector as it happened to me. Try another cable or push firmly the connector.
maag said:
It could be a bad contact at the mini-usb connector as it happened to me. Try another cable or push firmly the connector.
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I have already tried another cable and pushing the connector firmly but nothing helps.
I don't understand it because my wall-charger works fine and my headset works fine also. The only thing that doesen't work is acticesync...
exactly the same problem here. after upgrade to r6 and a radio upgrade to murata through PDM activesync no longer works. furthermore the computer doesn't even respond to the phone being plugged in. i had the same response in bootloader mode of not being recognised, but try as i might it will not respond when turned on!
Very frustrating as cannot connect to pc (xp) in anyway.
ICS will not engage as it says "check usb cable connection"
Has anyone moved any further with this issue? i had some issues with the phone being stuck in a bootloader cycle after a radio upgrade but after much angst a Hard reset (and removal of the presumed offending microsd card) solved this!
Read a kaiser thread on possible failure of the microusb connection, specifically the 'B' connectio but elevation of this pin proved fruitless. anyone have any pearls of wisdom on this one?
Try this and it might work...
Start -> settings -> system -> USB to PC
Disable "Enable advanced network functionality".

[Q] HD2 and ActiveSync.

Hi all.
I just a got a HD2 today. And the first thing that came in my mind was "Let's go to xdaDev to get a nice custom rom". I downloaded one.
After that I put the usb and try to make it syncronize. And the problem is here : ActiveSync dont reconize the phone. I spent the last 4 hours to google why it shall not work. I tried to unstick option at "Start=>Settings=> Usb to PC" but it dont work. Nothing more after perfoming a hard reset and reinstall ActivSync.
But something is strange : When I go in the bootloader, there is the 3 color screen and the phone Display "Serial" at the bottom of the screen ; and when I start it again with USB plugged, it doesnt display "USB" instead of "Serial" it's just void and if I remove the USB "Serial" is displayed.
Plz help me to make the phone syncronize .
I use Windows XP (no firewall, no antivirus) and an official Orange Rom. My SPL is 1.42.0000. I just hope there is no hardware problem ...
Some news ...
The HD2 isnt detected on 2 other PC (Both Win XP). I managed to syncronize my old Diamond too, and it worked well. Same with a HTC Touch and a Touch Cruise, the 3 ones works.
I also tried to use Bluetooth to get an Activesync connection and this time, it noticed the HD2 but no way to get a synchronization.
Any ideas ?
Try this: goto Settings, Other (Miscellaneous settings), USB to PC, Enable faster data data synchronization. Try to tick and untick the last setting.
It doesnt work . I'm trying to follow a "GoldCard" tutorial to flash to an official HTC rom. Maybe it's Orange operator rom ... But if you have any other suggestion, let me know
I can't believe that it's such a s*** to just connect the last HTC phone to a computer. The tutorial need ActiveSync to get the SD card ID so I will not succes in this way.
Is there another software that can be used instead of ActiveSync ?
Did you flash any rom at all or are you still stock?
If you have flashed already, Have you tried to go back to the default shipped rom using sd card (not goldcard)?
Find the rom that shipped with your device, extract the RUU_Signed.nbh file from it, copy it to your fat32 formatted sd card, rename leoimg.nbh, put card in phone, boot phone with down volume held, hopefully you get the message on the three colour screen saying something like 'press volume up to start' or somesuch.
THis should not only flash the rom, but also fix spl if it has become corruptted(which appart from hardware errors is the only reason i can see that it wouldn't recognise a USB connection)
Make sure it is the correct rom for your phone, though, correct vendor and region id.
I must say if you havent flashed yet it sounds like a hardware fault with teh usb cable/connector
I'm currently running a stock Rom from a french operator nammed "Orange". I haven't flashed anything since ActiveSync just dont want to know anything about my HD2.
Maybe I shall send it back to the seller. That's so frustating ...
If i dont find a way to solve this problem until the end of the day, I will return the phone.
Anyway thx for trying to help me
To me either the cable or the phone is faulty. Try another cable if you have one, if not just have the phone exchanged.
Phoque_You said:
I'm currently running a stock Rom from a french operator nammed "Orange". I haven't flashed anything since ActiveSync just dont want to know anything about my HD2.
Maybe I shall send it back to the seller. That's so frustating ...
If i dont find a way to solve this problem until the end of the day, I will return the phone.
Anyway thx for trying to help me
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Ah in that case then i'd seriously consider taking it back /sending it back. Especially if you have tried more than one computer, sounds to me like faulty cable or USB socket.
kilrah said:
To me either the cable or the phone is faulty. Try another cable if you have one, if not just have the phone exchanged.
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You must be right. I tried everything and I never had so much pain with my others HTC to get syncronization
I had the same problem not beeing able to connect to the internet via computer. After playing with the activesync settings on the Computer -> conection settings-> ticking on and off some of the boxes->ok, it worked again.
I have connected to three of these phones ( 2 french 1 english) and no problem whatsoever, everything happens without needing to touch any of the settings...is your pc even recognising that something is being plugged in on the USB?
Have you installed the latest version of activesync?
If you have done all the obvious things and it still does not work, the phone or the cable is defective...It should connect straight out of the box with a standard, un changed version of activesync.
Send it back!

PC doesn't recognize (see) my phone

I have a problem, when I connect my phone with the USB cable to my computer, it doesn't do anything. He don't recognize the phone, doesn't make any connection nor see the SD card.
I've already tried to clear the box: Enable faster data synchronization, and tried to choose Disk Drive (Faster file transfer), it all doesn't do anything.
Tried different PC's, with WMC and Active Sync 4.5, with different OS's.
The cable isn't broker or something because the only thing that happens when I connect the phone with my PC is that the orange light (battery charge) is on.
I've installed Shadowline ROM, but it did work with that rom (active sync and disk transfer).
I think it is a problem of the ROM tho, so is there any way to flash my ROM without using a PC?
Answers would be realy appreciated.
Thank you.
nzane said:
I have a problem, when I connect my phone with the USB cable to my computer, it doesn't do anything. He don't recognize the phone, doesn't make any connection nor see the SD card.
I've already tried to clear the box: Enable faster data synchronization, and tried to choose Disk Drive (Faster file transfer), it all doesn't do anything.
Tried different PC's, with WMC and Active Sync 4.5, with different OS's.
The cable isn't broker or something because the only thing that happens when I connect the phone with my PC is that the orange light (battery charge) is on.
I've installed Shadowline ROM, but it did work with that rom (active sync and disk transfer).
I think it is a problem of the ROM tho, so is there any way to flash my ROM without using a PC?
Answers would be realy appreciated.
Thank you.
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You can flash from the storage card, just rename the .nbh file to TOPAIMG.nbh and put on the root of your storage card, go to bootloader mode and it will flash.
Your cable can be bad and still charge. I would try a different cable.
Also try deleteing the partnership in Active Sync and try to reestablish it.
I assume you hard reset after you flashed the ROM.
I do not think its a ROM issue.
Ok thanks for your reply.
I did what you sad but when I loaded the TOPAIMG.nbh in the bootloader, it came up with an error and freezes on: Loading ...
When I restarted it It Only shows:
TOPA100 32M
MicroP-Topaz (LED) v10
510,547 180,883
177,209 842,207
844,844 Calibrated
Upgrade ROM code Error
Please try again
And then he goes to the white screen with the blue letters saying: Loading...
(I waited many times, one time for 2 hours but nothing happend).
When I put out my SD-card and the battery and connect the phone with the USB (my pc still don't see recognize anything) it will boot to the exact same screen as I typed here above but then he stays at that one.
I can't do anything, already tried to hard reset him but that also didn't work.
It feels like im pretty screwed..
Please help!
Maybe you have a problem with the mini USB.
Happen to me with Touch HD.
If so take it to a reppair shop.
Well, I borrowed and USB cable from my friend and now he indeed makes an connection. But no active sync connection. I also can't see my SD card in My Computer. He still only shows the screen that I typed here above, but then under in the white area a little text: USB
What do I have to do next to fix it,
please help
nzane said:
Well, I borrowed and USB cable from my friend and now he indeed makes an connection. But no active sync connection. I also can't see my SD card in My Computer. He still only shows the screen that I typed here above, but then under in the white area a little text: USB
What do I have to do next to fix it,
please help
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I am concerned that you screen shot shows SPL 1.83.00, but you have flashed Shadowline's ROM.
It should say SPL: 1.83.00Olinex which would mean you have HSPL installed which is absolutely required to flash a custom ROM.
Did you have that ROM operational and just couldn't sync, or has the device not worked since you flashed this ROM?
Yes, I had the shadowline ROM, and it al worked good. I also could connect my mobile to my pc with the USB cable.
I don't know what happend, I didn't install any other program or something else but I suddently couldn't connect my mobile phone to my pc anymore.
But I wanted another ROM because I noticed that the Shadowline ROM feld a little bit laggy, so I found out that you can do that by your booting with the SD card.
And I know that you have to install hardSPL first, so I downloaded that one from the big post in this ROM forum from Topaz.
Booted with the SD card, and then when I started to flash the ROM he gave an error and now I have to problem that I can't do anything anymore.
nzane said:
Yes, I had the shadowline ROM, and it al worked good. I also could connect my mobile to my pc with the USB cable.
I don't know what happend, I didn't install any other program or something else but I suddently couldn't connect my mobile phone to my pc anymore.
But I wanted another ROM because I noticed that the Shadowline ROM feld a little bit laggy, so I found out that you can do that by your booting with the SD card.
And I know that you have to install hardSPL first, so I downloaded that one from the big post in this ROM forum from Topaz.
Booted with the SD card, and then when I started to flash the ROM he gave an error and now I have to problem that I can't do anything anymore.
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I guess my point was if you had Shadowlines ROM, you were already HSPL'd, no need to do again.
Hard reset the phone and try to install ROM from SD.
i had once the same problem. No connection with PC anywhere. I couldnt do nothing with that and was quite desperate about that.
But once suddenly it came to work again. I am not sure what made it work again but the only thing I can guess was that I took out and gave back the memory card with the turned on phone. Since then I have never had this problem again.
I wish you that this taking out of memory card helped you too.
Well, If I'm hard resetting, the only thing he does is show the percentages, then he says completed, then he reboot en I'm back at the tri-color screen again.
And I can't enter the bootloader, so I also can't install the ROM from the Sd-card.
And taking out the memory card while the phone is on also dont work
Any other options what maby will work?
nzane said:
Well, If I'm hard resetting, the only thing he does is show the percentages, then he says completed, then he reboot en I'm back at the tri-color screen again.
And I can't enter the bootloader, so I also can't install the ROM from the Sd-card.
And taking out the memory card while the phone is on also dont work
Any other options what maby will work?
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Just some points;
Make sure the .nbh file is named excatly TOPAIMG.nbh paying attention to the case of the letters.
When you attempt to go into Bootloader, Holding Voume Down and Power buttons at the same time when phone is off, what screen appears?
[Q] my handset doesn´t recognize sd apps
I had the same problem as well, so I deactivated and reactivated the SD card from the phone, actually I cant take out the sd with the turned on phone. It worked once, but it happened again so i tried to the same but know the deactivate function in settings doesnt worked. Now i dont know what to do. if anyone could help me i would be very thankful.
My handset is a xperia x10 with 2.1 generic flashed bb 2.1.54, and 2.2 wolbreak gingerbread rom.
eiffeltom said:
i had once the same problem. No connection with PC anywhere. I couldnt do nothing with that and was quite desperate about that.
But once suddenly it came to work again. I am not sure what made it work again but the only thing I can guess was that I took out and gave back the memory card with the turned on phone. Since then I have never had this problem again.
I wish you that this taking out of memory card helped you too.
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ROM code error and unrecognised USB connection...urgent help!

im in extremely deep **** now.I accidentally tried flashing a stock ROM via SD card and now ive gt a ROM code error and 00028002 'Not Allow" error.What makes this worse is that my Vista computer is not recognizing any USB connection when i connect my HD2 to the computer.If i need to flash a stock rom via RUU wrapper to get through this stupid ROM code error, i need a USB connection on the first place...which IS NOT WORKING NOW!!!...im using a 512MBLeo,which is now stuck at SPL-1.42(previously HSPL)...im sitting duck here guys...i really really need your help on this one.i cant boot normally into 6.5,i cant flash a new ROM,i cant use bootloader and flash a LEOIMG using SD card cus it returns the above errors and i cant use my PHONE!!!...im extremely frustrated and helpless.please help guys...thanks alot...
If I understand you can still get to bootloader correct?
Exactly what official ROM did you try to flash?
Where did you get the ROM from?
Just so you know you can still flash HSPL with the 1.42.0000 SPL you have.
ROM code error usually means that official ROM is not for that HD2.
I flashed '1.48.405.2' which i downloaded from the net(http://theunlockr.com/2010/04/22/how-to-get-the-htc-hd2-back-to-stock/)...I tried flashing LEOIMG(SD card method) from Elegancia GTX v5.0 ROM,but thats returning the same error plus...it gets stuck on the white 'loading screen'.I know i can flash HSPL or any other stock rom with my current SPL,but my USB connection is not working...thats exactly the problem now...any idea where to get the actual stock ROM for my HD2?...Maybe that might prevail...Thanks.
kawshigan said:
I flashed '1.48.405.2' which i downloaded from the net...I tried flashing LEOIMG(SD card method) from Elegancia GTX v5.0 ROM,but thats returning the same error.I know i can flash HSPL or any other stock rom with my current SPL,but my USB connection is not working...thats exactly the problem now...any idea where to get the actual stock ROM for my HD2?...Maybe that might prevail...Thanks.
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Yes go to htc.com amd enter the serial number of your HD2 (can be found under the battery) and it will only let you download the ROMs that are for your HD2. Also make sure the HTC site you go to is for your part of the world, It has links on the site to go to HTC sites for other countries.
As for your no USB go to your device manager in control panel and find your HD2 ther while it is connected via USB it will be listed as unknown, mobile device, or something like that but it will be there. Just click on it once to get it to drop down to the actual device and then right click it and select update drivers and then select from internet. If this does not work download the latest version of Windows Mobile Device Center (WMDC) and install it to your computer and this should give you the drivers you need.
Alright ill try all that and get back to you.Thanks alot for your advice!
Error Resolved
First,i would like to say thanks to you, T-Macgnolia.The ROM downloaded from the HTC website, which i flashed via sd card worked like a dream...However, the same cant be said for my USB connection though(I tried everything you said).My computer still keeps dropping USB connections intermittently...i miraculously managed to flash HSPL 3 on my HD2 just before the USB connection dropped.I was running WM 6.5 and android previously and i want to dual boot wp7 and android...which needs a USB connection(for MAGLDR and WP7)...Charging works fine via AC charger and via USB port(its just USB connection itself...any ideas where the fault lies?).i personally think the problem lies with my USB cable(as other devices work fine with the USB ports in my laptop). Guess i just have to buy a new micro usb cable(...thanks for your advice again.
kawshigan said:
First,i would like to say thanks to you, T-Macgnolia.The ROM downloaded from the HTC website, which i flashed via sd card worked like a dream...However, the same cant be said for my USB connection though(I tried everything you said).My computer still keeps dropping USB connections intermittently...i miraculously managed to flash HSPL 3 on my HD2 just before the USB connection dropped.I was running WM 6.5 and android previously and i want to dual boot wp7 and android...which needs a USB connection(for MAGLDR and WP7)...Charging works fine via AC charger and via USB port(its just USB connection itself...any ideas where the fault lies?).i personally think the problem lies with my USB cable(as other devices work fine with the USB ports in my laptop). Guess i just have to buy a new micro usb cable(...thanks for your advice again.
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Yeah buy a new cable and see if that helps. If the problem pursists then you probably have a problem with the pins in your micro USB port of your HD2 that are randomly loosing connection to the main board because the solder points for the USB port is become cracked, loose, or just seperating for some reason. You might can find a cell phone repair shop that can resolder the connections for you are just Chang the intierior main board out for you ifcthis is the problem.

