SOLVED: Cing 8525 cannot send mail via OptOnline Account - 8525, TyTN, MDA Vario II, JasJam General

OK...I got a resolution to this last night on the Cingular forum.
Quick answer is that OOL's SMTP Server is locked down. I needed to change the outgoing server to Cingular's (
Thanks to anyone who took the time to click-in on this thad.
Happy New Year, all!
Hi all, OK, this marks my first post on this board. I've been a lurker for a few months, and have settled into a Cingular 8525 as my first Pocket PC Phone.
I noticed a few days ago that I could not send mail via my OptOnline Account, unless I was using WiFi or the 8525 was tethered to my home PC via ActiveSync. I was thnking all along that it was probably due to some piece of third party software that I installed over the past few weeks (a hearty thanks to all on these forums who develop and/or market their wonderful wares, btw).
But today, for a lack of anything else to do, I hard reset and tried simply setting up that one account to try my machine out in its pure form. Lo and behold, I still get the same error, 'Messages cannot be downloaded to your mobile device. Make sure you are connected and that your e-mail account settings are correct. Then, try to download messages again.'
As a matter of fact, it seems this message itself is in error, since it happens when I try to SEND a message, not when I try to receive them. I have even received emails in this account at the same time this error message appears, but at any rate, messages in my outbox do not get sent.
As far as I can tell, all the settings are correct. I have played with them, and tried all the permutations I can think of, but this baby will not send mail via this account. My XpressMail and Hotmail accounts work fine, both sending and receiving, and I can browse the web fine via My ISP or WiFi.
I have spent a lot of time searching the web for an answer to this problem, but it seems it's been quite prevalent with WM5.0 devices for well over a year, and still does not have an answer.
So ... my first post ... which should have been a thank you all, and Happy New Year, has turned into a request for the talents of you folk who know so much more than I regarding these devices.
Can anybody please lend a hand? Thanks so much to anyone for any suggestions.
-Paul Slabowski (a.k.a. pvs)


Only 1 out of my 2 email accts retrieves new email messages?

Hello guys,
Currently I have an HP Ipag h6315 running Windows Mobile 2003. I have setup 2 emails account on my PDA ( Gmail & Bellsouth ).
I set both accounts to connect and retreive new messages every 2 minutes; however, only the account "checked" under ACCOUNTS will be the one that connects and retreive the email messages.
Shouldn't both accounts connect every 2 minutes and get new messages?
for example:
- If i go to inbox, it'll default to the inbox of whatever account i have checked under "accounts". if i check bellsouth, i'm able to see my messages from my bellsouth email address; however, after i close it and go back to the today screen, then only "Bellsouth" will connect and get new emails every 2 minutes.
- If i want Gmail to be the one to connect the every 2 minutes then i would have to go to inbox and check Gmail in order to gmail to be the one to connect every 2 minutes.
I dont know if that's the way its supposed to be, since i have set the option to connect every 2 minutes on both accts.
If anyone knows of this issue and happens to have a solution for it, i really appreciate it. Or perhaps is just a non-fixed bug.
thank you in advance,
Will V.
Unfortunately I think it's a bug in the Universal. I've been dealing with this problem since I got my Universal several months ago. Originally I thought it was a Windows Mobile 2005 problem, but I've had confirmation from several Wizard users (which is also WM2005) that their devices will check multiple accounts automatically.
For the time being I've gotten used to making sure my universal is always on my most important account and simply switching to my other account and manually checking it periodically. I'm hoping that this will be fixed in the next ROM upgrade.
Same problem for me in my Qtek 9000. Only the "active" account cheks mail automatically, no the others accounts. I´m asking for the solution in several forums but no possible. I think is a problem on WM5.
Actually it might be a problem with both WM3 (what i'm using) and WM5 (what you guys are using) kind of sucks to be having to switch in between accts in order get your new messages... if that's the case, that's a quality that the blackberrys will always outperformed the Windows mobile devices.
I'm sorry Will, I misread your first message. I believe it's a known issue in WM2003... it was supposed to be fixed in Wm2005, but there are still problems with the universal, at least.
I have the same issue.
Its a Pocket Outlook issue, as when I bought and switched to WebIS Mail, there wasnt an issue anymore. Works like a dream, no issues w/ it EVER and wil try to use wifi instead of gprs if you are on a wireless network, giving you a good speed burst w/ the universal...
Still on Pocket it possible to have a 'replay to' address specified for an e-mail account?
I can see that webIS Mail has the opiton but couldn't find it on Outlook.

Clubimate and DirectPush....possible?

hello everyone!
I just flashed my device with the latest jasjar rom available. Small changes, but nonetheless exciting ;-)
I desparately find great advantage in using direct push...and was wondering how i could get it working. I have a couple questions, and would really appreciate it if someone could help me through
1. Is it possible to use the account which is free from
2. How do i configure direct push to work?
3. Is it really instantaneous, if so, would my device constantly keep pinging or something to report being live and ready?
4. How is it when compared to blackberry? Afaik, i think bberry integrates with the cell phone provider, and an sms-like alert wakes the device for recieving the mail through gprs mode of data transfer. I might be halucinating here with my own theories ;-)
What would be great, is an idiots guide to getting it up and running!!!
Thanks for your time!
come on!!!!!! someone must have tried it :-(
i dont think imate have done the exchange sp yet, is now what im using with my normal pop account.
4$ a month on the lowest setup, easy to setup, and works great.
@dreamtheater, suggest you look at the Clumimate site and ask i-Mate the same questions you posted here.
Use of the Exchange server is free for a year if you have bought an i-Mate device and about $69 if you have one second-hand (pre-used) device and would like to use the Exchange service.
edit: also look at this thread on AK2U which covers battery impact of Push email
Thanks Carnivor & Jah!
I have another Imate device (a hima) i have an exchange account created at clubimate...
I tried getting it to work, and these are the problems that i face currently...
1. There is a constant problem with authentication. It syncs successfully, give it a couple minutes, and on the next sync it asks for the password. When i enter the correct pass, it says its wrong and keeps asking...and theres nothing that i could do. I have to manually log in to my web access through my laptop, hit on "log off", and then retry on my ppc for it to work. This is frustrating
2. I havent found a way to configure it to use my exisiting mail account. Is it possible to do it with other providers ( for instance?). I would typically like to provide my pop3 and smtp details to transact with!
Thanks again, i'll be looking into and seeing if it fits my needs, thanks again so very much!
im using 4smartphone, to push mail my regular pop account, so much less hassle that having yet another email address to deal with
Carnivor said:
im using 4smartphone, to push mail my regular pop account, so much less hassle that having yet another email address to deal with
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I just got a trial account up and running with 4...
It works good, and i'm just checking around to see if its a practical solution from MS...
I'm not too concerned about higher data transfers (i dont think it does anyway...its just a heartbeat packet sent out once in a while), but i'm definitely worried about my battery life. I'll see how it goes, and write back! Otherwise, it looks like a good solution for thanks for the suggestion m8!
I'm however contemplating which solution to go for, the $4 or the $6!

Hotmail notification

Hi guys!
Nice skille community you've got here, I'm still browsing through all your previous posts, but I can't wait to ask you this:
I have long been looking for a solution (tweak or software) that would allow me to schedule an automated send/receive on my Hotmail account just the way it works on my regular POP accounts.
Any hints?
So far, I have kept MSN Messenger always on, which allows real-time e-mails reception. But I don't really like this workarround as it drains both my battery and my monthly data transfer allowance (don't know the word for that...).
However, if you were to tell me that this is indeed the only workarround, I would appreciate the answer to this: what are the parameters that would make my Wizard ring or vibrate, depending on which mode it's in, upon reception of a Hotmail e-mail? It does that just fine for POP accounts, but not for Hotmail (although it keeps vibrating whenenver someone pops online on MSN Messenger, which is a pain in the a..).
Well that's it for now, I truely hope you guys can help me out!
I truely wish this was a feature as well. I would love at the very least to be able to set a Hotmail retreival schedule. One of my biggest complaints!
There are several programs to check your Hotmail automatically:
HTTPMail Provider:
Well I paid and downloaded HTTP Mail.
At first it seemed I had found the solution I was looking for BUT the data consumption is simply enormous.
Your average send/receive with the regular Hotmail account (the one that cannot be automatically retrieved) uses 1,12 kb when there is no new mail.
Now, the same operation, still with no new message, consistantly uses more than 700 kb! That's basically horrific...
So back to square one, but 10€ lighter :evil: !
Still, thanks very much for trying to help! But this really isn't a good solution...
Again, if anyone has another idea, please share ;-)!
I put this Pocke MSN wish list togther a while ago:
i) Allow proper notifications when new email arrives. i.e. Sound and vibrate, not just the a number of unread in the little a blue circle on the hotmail icon..
ii) Allow email to be sent immediately instead of having to got to "send and receive" each time.
iii) Allow me to send email attachments > 300K (or whatever the ridiculously small limit is).
iv) Auto sign-in for Messenger. Every time I loose my GPRS connection I have to remember to go back into messenger and sign-in again.
Original post:
Live Messenger
I learnt yesterday about the new live messenger and its push capabilities. Needless to say, I was pretty excited to finally have a reliable solution for receiving my Hotmail e-mails immediatly and being notified.
I installed the latest, seemingly non-beta version of Live messenger and began testing it.
Well I was quite disapointed, but maybe (hopefully) I am missing something.
First, the push capability (sync setting on "as item arrives") comes nowhere near a Blackberry or Emoze solution. Well sometimes it does, but in average reception needed about two minutes. Not as fast as I had hoped, but I can live with that.
The main problem, however, is that they seem to have done it again :- I cannot get any notification working. The screen turns from "0 new e-mail" to "1 new e-mail" without any notification being triggered. I played arround with the settings for quite a while but have not been able to find a solution; searching the forum was just as vain.
Anyone any idea? Am I missing something here? No idea it is relevant, but I'm running an AKU1 version of WM5.
Thanks a lot for your help guys!
___ said:
I learnt yesterday about the new live messenger and its push capabilities. Needless to say, I was pretty excited to finally have a reliable solution for receiving my Hotmail e-mails immediatly and being notified.
I installed the latest, seemingly non-beta version of Live messenger and began testing it.
Well I was quite disapointed, but maybe (hopefully) I am missing something.
First, the push capability (sync setting on "as item arrives") comes nowhere near a Blackberry or Emoze solution. Well sometimes it does, but in average reception needed about two minutes. Not as fast as I had hoped, but I can live with that.
The main problem, however, is that they seem to have done it again :- I cannot get any notification working. The screen turns from "0 new e-mail" to "1 new e-mail" without any notification being triggered. I played arround with the settings for quite a while but have not been able to find a solution; searching the forum was just as vain.
Anyone any idea? Am I missing something here? No idea it is relevant, but I'm running an AKU1 version of WM5.
Thanks a lot for your help guys!
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Receiving text messages related to ALL of my email accounts

My MDA is set up to grab my exchange email, etc over the air through activesync. When I set up the account on the MDA, the setup wizard told me that I could set the account to grab new messages as they arrive. That of course sounds great so I chose that option.
Anyway, occasionally (not always) when I receive a new message on the exchange account, I get a text message silmultaneously with the same from address and subject as the new exchange email that arrived. I assume that "directpush" works by sending out these texts to trigger an activesync. However, as I mentioned, i don't ALWAYS get these texts. Also, it appears that I occasionally get texts a day after the message arrives in my inbox and even after I know I've read and deleted the message from my MDA.
Regardless of the sporadic nature of the texts, shouldn't the MDA keep them hidden from me? It's a little frustrating having to go thru and delete all these erroneous messages.
Any suggestions as to how I can clean this mess up?
First you need to provide more information.
What Rom are you using?
Only AKU 2.x Roms support Direct Push and then you need to have the correct version of Exchange Server (I think 2k5 sp2).
Direct Push does not use SMS but rather a heartbeat via GPRS.
I believe the old version of AS with Exchange Server used SMS (1.x Roms).
Thanks for the response.
I'm using xelencin's rom
I have "direct push" turned on via the comm mgr. My office uses exchange 2k3, not sure what service pack. I don't believe there is such a thing as 2k5.
I might have typed the version number wrong, haven't been an exchange guy for many years. I would suggest talking to the guys responsibly for it and see if they support "MSFP".
kyphur said:
I might have typed the version number wrong, haven't been an exchange guy for many years. I would suggest talking to the guys responsibly for it and see if they support "MSFP".
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The thing is, it works. I get mesages delivered to my phone nearly instantly. However, my SMS box is full of useless crap and this dilutes the usefullness of SMS in general.
That would lead me to believe that the exchange server doesn't support the true Push and since the Rom does it isn't disposing of the SMS as that is the old method.
kyphur said:
That would lead me to believe that the exchange server doesn't support the true Push and since the Rom does it isn't disposing of the SMS as that is the old method.
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Ok, that makes sense. I'll get a hold of the exchange admin weds and see if he can do anything for me.
It's Exchange 2003 Service Pack 2...
Are you receiving these texts if you eliminate the exchange server relationship?
(domain can be case-sensitive)
This is most odd. Another strange thing is that you mentioned that you got the option to get new messages as they arrive. That would happen pre AKU2 and SP2. I'd really suspect that your IT guys haven't really gone from SP1 to SP2 as you should not get that option during the AS configuration.
Also, I know that a big concern was that originally MS was thinking of using SMS which was a major pia as we have to purchase that "add-in" from Cingular and get charged for any SMS over our limit. In other words, you might want to see if you're getting charged by T-Mobile....
pmow said:
It's Exchange 2003 Service Pack 2...
Are you receiving these texts if you eliminate the exchange server relationship?
(domain can be case-sensitive)
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Interesting. I removed the relationship from activesync (activesync basically now asks me to set up sync with a pc or exchange server), but I'm still getting the texts. Sometimes, I'm getting duplicate texts. They're all coming from "701" if that helps.
Dr Puttingham said:
This is most odd. Another strange thing is that you mentioned that you got the option to get new messages as they arrive. That would happen pre AKU2 and SP2. I'd really suspect that your IT guys haven't really gone from SP1 to SP2 as you should not get that option during the AS configuration.
Also, I know that a big concern was that originally MS was thinking of using SMS which was a major pia as we have to purchase that "add-in" from Cingular and get charged for any SMS over our limit. In other words, you might want to see if you're getting charged by T-Mobile....
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Is there anyway for me to check the version of exchange as a user?
Ya, the SMS thing is a concern for me. I had to sign up for a text plan on tmobile so that I don't end up oweing a fortune at the end of the month!
That's a good question, determining Exchange SP level remotely. I just tried my OWA but it tells me nothing. I'll keep looking.
Also, I just re set up my exchange OTA active sync. I get a "pop up" saying that I can synch as items arrive. When I go into "schedule", there's a link there to set that up which then asks for "Text messaging address for this device". Previously, I put in [email protected] which seems to work, but maybe I need to enter it differently some how?
That's a good question, determining Exchange SP level remotely. I just tried my OWA but it tells me nothing. I'll keep looking.
I have an idea.
It appears that even the new versions of exchange have the feature "AUTD" which does the SMS message triggered update. I set up the exchange account for "auto update" 2 times now, but haven't set it up a 3rd. Is it possible that when the user configures the auto update feature, it triggers the AUTD sms messaging bit on the server? Since I've done it twice, I'm now getting two sms messages per incoming email. However, previously, when i had pocket outlook configured to handle the auto-update bit, it was concealing one of the two identical SMS's, but not the other.
I'm sure I explained this horribly, but it was worth a shot.
Not sure why I didn't notice this earlier...
I'm getting texts related to ALL of my email accounts configured on the device. This includes the exchange account mentioned earlier, but also two GMAIL accounts. For what it's worth, I set these two gmail accounts up through the tmobile set up wizard and later deleted the accounts from the device in an attempt to test things out. When the accounts were setup, they seemed to be grabbing the mail through a tmobile proxy or something instead of directly from the gmail servers.
No idea why I'm getting these messages, but this is getting crazy!
Stranger and stranger! I think that I would contact T-Mobile asap and cancel that SMS. I personally have never had any need for Texting, etc but people have different needs.
What I would start out with is to hard reset the phone after syncing it. Then I'd delete the partnership with AS. I'd setup my Exchange by installing your Exchange server's Security Certificate on your device(which you should keep on your SD card), configuring the AS on the device, never connecting to the PC. Wait a while to setup your GMail accounts, etc. ... one step at a time.
Good luck!
Ok, I think I figured it out.
T-mobile apparently uses these text messages to trigger email synchs.
I logged into my tmobile account and decided to pay attention to the "t-zones" section for the first time. "Setup My E-Mail" takes you to a page that allows you to configure email accounts for your device. It also allows you to check your email for those accounts. Anyway, there's an "Alerts" section that you can configure and it appears to relate to these texts that I've been receiving. Even my exchange account was configured here and was setup to send the text messages.
Additionally, it appears that I wasn't being charged for the texts. None of them have shown up in my online bill.
I believe that ALL of this was the result of using the tmobile email setup wizard that's included on the phone xelencin's cooked rom.
Whew, I feel like I've solved a puzzle.
Good for you! Makes sense now...
I've never run that email wizard myself, always manually create the accounts.

Push Mail (GRPS/UMTS)/ WM 6.1 / Exchange Problem

Hey guys,
I've searched the web and this forum but wasn't able to find an answer to my question.
I own a jade since 10 month and since 2 weeks I have a data flaterate due to my job. Since then I'm using push mail to sync my phone with our Exchange Server (push elemets if they arrive).
However, it's not working well and I'm not sure if it's a wm6.1 or jade problem.
- Sometimes my phone does not receive Emails, even if push mail is actived. I think sometimes it tells me that it is connected to the server and does not deliver emails anyway.
- The connection to the server inactive for a very long time, i. e., sometimes for hours! I only receive new mails after a reboot. This really sucks 'cause I need some mails quite quick and I don't want to sync manually all the time.
- My phone crashs, i. e., I see the green light flashing but the display is staying black or it is frozen.
- When turning on WiFi additionally, it's even worse. My jade turned off for 3x times last week at one day.
Has anyone the same problems? Is there anything I can do about it? Updates for wm 6.1, does wm 6.5 solve the problem? Or is it the jade hw?
Btw, at my company blackberry is not supported, so I need a solution working with exchange. so this is not an option. ...there doesn't seem to be many people outside using the jade like I do.
ratsche said:
Btw, at my company blackberry is not supported, so I need a solution working with exchange. so this is not an option. ...there doesn't seem to be many people outside using the jade like I do.
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This is a problem because most people use blackberry in your situation.
I also have no experiences with push-mail and so I can not help you, sorry.
One solution might be to use a web-based email client that allows your email to be viewed via the web. Some corporate and government servers allow users to get their email that way. Basically, you would login to the appropriate server and see your email just like you would at Yahoo, Google or Hotmail. It becomes a question of whether your IT department wants to support a web service like this.
BTW, I know that with Yahoo Mail, it can be "forced" to a push/pull type service. You have to google how it's done and set up some things on your computer and Yahoo.
Another possibility may be to forward your business mails automatically to such an web-based service.
I was thinking about forwarding email as well. But I like to receive mails automatically and to get a notification.
But I'm still ****ed up about the push-mail solution. Can't believe that it is not working properly. I mean I can live with it, but is sucks...
Thanks for your answers anyway!
I thinks it's very much dependant on the Exchange Server (at source) and connection band status as opposed to Jade's capability. My experience is the same. I do not rely much on direct push, but more on ActiveSync by scheduling (Menu - Schedule) more frequent, e.g. every 20 - 30 minutes or so.
it is working on mine....
My Jade running on 6.1 is synching fine with the companies exchange. No problems at all.
When the synchronissation is not working, is the internet connection ok? (can you open any webpage?)
Regards and good luck,
I have no idea about the Exchange configuration, have to ask our IT guys about it. I'm usting using the outlook-web-access adress to connect with my jade.
I just don't understand why the connection is sometimes interrupted for hours and sometimes only for a few minutes.
Has anyone experince with wm6.5? Is it better for push-mail?
I have a similar problem. I have this phone too due my job, htc brand its more like a work-phone. I can recieve hotmail and outlook emails without problems. but can't refresh and sync my contacts!!! It sucks! Because I constantly get new contacts, but exchange server doesn't work! how is it possible?
I mean, its not a phone for kids or gamers, its made for a reason, and that reason seems not to work! can sobody help me out?
XxAndrexX said:
I have a similar problem. I have this phone too due my job, htc brand its more like a work-phone. I can recieve hotmail and outlook emails without problems. but can't refresh and sync my contacts!!! It sucks! Because I constantly get new contacts, but exchange server doesn't work! how is it possible?
I mean, its not a phone for kids or gamers, its made for a reason, and that reason seems not to work! can sobody help me out?
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I have no problem synchronizing my emails and contacts either way, phone to server or server to phone. Logically if you can receive outlook email, synchronizing should not be a problem.
I can confirm that the Jade 3G (WM6.1 & 6.5) works a treat with exchange 2003. Besides, configuring the Jade for exchange push/pull is absolutely no different from any other phone running 6.1 & above.
From what you've said, it sounds more like you phone has a fault on it. I can't remember the last time my phone crashed and it's running a cooked 6.5 rom.
i've been wanting to get that to work with my UniSA (University of South Australia) email. But doesn't seem to work, if anyone can help me would be a great help.
xtremez said:
i've been wanting to get that to work with my UniSA (University of South Australia) email. But doesn't seem to work, if anyone can help me would be a great help.
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You need to be sure of the UniSA server name (usually And you need to get the certificate (filename.cer) in order synchronise.
xtremez said:
i've been wanting to get that to work with my UniSA (University of South Australia) email. But doesn't seem to work, if anyone can help me would be a great help.
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You'll have to get your IT dept to assist in setting it up. There's more to it than just configuring your actuall phone.
Similar Prob
I have a similar issue but not with Outlook\Exchange. I have setup with gmail for IMAP and pull every 5 minutes using 3g operator connection. My problem is, which I guess is where issue is similar, when my phone in sleep mode I can wait anything from 30 minutes to 2 hours for the pull process to kick in and download mail (notification alert tells me). Now, if I turn phone on within that time, bingo, sync's and pulls. So seems the process isnt working as should when in sleep mode.
Any idea's or is this the norm? Again, I been thinking about flashing to 6.5 cooked ROM just to test. I know my mate has a Palm with Windows 6.1 and he has no trouble so seems Jade build issue.
Opinions welcome!
I have exchange working well syncing contacts, mail, notes etc and it pushes as soon as I get a maiil (infact faster than my pc when i am infront of my desk) and use the JADE for my company emails. I had the stock rom and now 6.5 and both work without an issue. It sounds to me like you have some software issue or conflict in your device that is causing it to crash. I would hard reset and perhaps install a stock rom to make sure its clean. Have you got your server address as If you set up exchange its not an IMAP or POP service so you should not see that option.

