Can't send Yahoo email from my O2 device - JAMin, XDA Neo, S200 General

Hi Gurus,
I have a major problem and am tearing my hair out. I've searched this forum as much as I can, and followed as many instructions as possible, but am still no closer to resolving.
I have an Orange SPV M600, which I've unlocked and have out an O2 online sim only in it - all fine so far.
I have deleted all gprs/wap setings for orange
I have set up O2 gprs settings as per the thread - just the gprs and MMS part though (not wap) submitted by s_h_a_h_i_d (many thanks for your info).
I've then gone to messaging, and have attempted to get my UK yahoo mail coming down to the phone. I can receive everything, but whenever I try and send email from the account, i get the "Mesages cannot be downloaded to your mobile device. Make sure you are connected and that your email account settings are correct. Then, try to download messages again". I let the phone get the settings from yahoo, and everywhere I've looked, the settings are definitely and with a blank domain.
Someone please help. This is insane

Javi said:
Hi Gurus,
I have a major problem and am tearing my hair out. I've searched this forum as much as I can, and followed as many instructions as possible, but am still no closer to resolving.
I have an Orange SPV M600, which I've unlocked and have out an O2 online sim only in it - all fine so far.
I have deleted all gprs/wap setings for orange
I have set up O2 gprs settings as per the thread - just the gprs and MMS part though (not wap) submitted by s_h_a_h_i_d (many thanks for your info).
I've then gone to messaging, and have attempted to get my UK yahoo mail coming down to the phone. I can receive everything, but whenever I try and send email from the account, i get the "Mesages cannot be downloaded to your mobile device. Make sure you are connected and that your email account settings are correct. Then, try to download messages again". I let the phone get the settings from yahoo, and everywhere I've looked, the settings are definitely and with a blank domain.
Someone please help. This is insane
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very normal, not your machine problem. If you know which ISP are you connecting to by WIFI, use the smtp server of that ISP. It will be okay.

If you're using a GPRS connection then you need to change the outgoing server to

thanks for the reply guys. worked. Happy holiday season


How to set up GPRS/MMS on Virgin Network

For all of you who have had difficulty setting up GPRS and MMS for the Virgin network then the comprehensive instructions in the attached document should put you on the right track.
MMS Virgin
Thanks for your help. Its now all working
It was the bit in MMS Composer causing the problem
it was trying to use the wrong connection
Now works Great
Thanks Once Again
Best Regards
I read the PDF on setting up with Virgin.
Any chance of getting a document on setting up with Cingular? I have a XDA IIs activated with Cingular and need help getting GPRS and MMS to work.
Sorry but I don't think that I can help as I have no details for your network. More importantly, as I'm not a Cingular customer, I wouldn't be able to test that I was setting up and documenting the connections correctly. I was only able to produce this document because I'm on the Virgin network and it took a fair bit of trial and error to get the connections right.
Thanks a million
Unbelievably helpful - thanks! I too have been playing with the settings provided by Virgin, but the GPRS/MMS combination was proving tricky! Would you perhaps be willing to give this to Virgin for others to get easier access to (if they're interested) - they tried to help but in the end said 'we don't support your phone so you're on your own'...? Thanks again for a BRILLIANT help file. Keith.
Glad you found it useful.
I've sent a copy of the document to Virgin and they said they'd pass it on to the relevant department so that they can check it for correctness! It remains to be seen whether they'll actually use it officially or not.
just bumping this as it's a really useful document!
does anyone know how we can create a CAB file from this?
Just bought myself a "touch" and had a hell load of trouble getting gprs to work for Virgin. This actually got me up and running, thanks.
Thanks for the link just set up all my connections. It seems Virgin hasn;t taken up your offer of letting peeps know about your instructions.
Virgin had no clue at all
I followed this, and bang - connected
1 note: If you get "could not connect for an unknown reason" just reset your phone
Thx for this
Just wondering if Virgin Network lets HTC Home Weather update over GPRS?
With O2 at moment, they don't! Home phone through Virgin so it could be cheaper.
I have just set up my MDA Vario following your easy to use instructions, and I can now connect to the internet on Virgin (I have moved from T-Mobile). However, I cannot send an MMS message even though I have double checked the settings. Can you tell me if there is anything else that may need to be done, or have others had any similar problems?
great.....for the first time i could send/receive MMS
sbgorner said:
For all of you who have had difficulty setting up GPRS and MMS for the Virgin network then the comprehensive instructions in the attached document should put you on the right track.
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it work for me...T-mobile (USA)
eten M700 (had it 6months ago)
WM6 latest ROM
good to go here
I have done all of this and keep getting the message gateway timeout
A big thanks for this post, it saved me a lot of grief, as mentioned earlier Virgin were worse than useless.
Newbie question
Thanks so much sbgorner - I'll show my ignorance here ! I have been able (when a signal is available) to connect via wifi which is, generally free. I have now, thanks to you, managed to set up a gprs connection (which costs via virgin) - I want to be sure that I ONLY use the gprs when i really have to - I've had a pretty good look but am not sure how I can tell which connection settings I'm using and how I can make sure the gprs is turned off when I don't want it. Thanks for your help. regards Roger
Hi me again - Happy new Year everybody. Another little problem - I can get on internet with these settings and RECEIVE emails but not SEND emails or MMS. Any suggestions much appreciated. Roger
Thank you
Thank you very much for the advice. Excellent website I will donate
settings required for htc s710(vox) wm6 on virgin payg
I tried following the pdf but I dont know where any settings go as my settings all look different.
Could someone please help me.
Both the GPRS and MMS settings in Connections->GPRS need the following:
Connects To:
Access Point:
User Name:
Authentication Type:
Primary DNS
Secondary DNS
IP Address:
Ok, the MMSC settings needed in the Messaging->MMS are as follows:
WAP gateway:
Connect Via:
Max sending size:
WAP version:
Any help would be most greatfully appreciated.
UPDATE: I perservered for hours and hours and hours and hours and I finally sorted it!
Hi, first off, thanks for the PDF. Brilliant, both MMS & GPRS working now. Something Virgin were not very helpful about.
I am trying to set up my email which is an NTL account but keep getting a message saying that it can't connect.
Any ideas if it is possible to set up email with Virgin?

Problems using GPRS

I have an o2 XDA Exec, o2 ROM
I don't apear to be able to download email to my XDA using GPRS, I can using WIFI, or through the USB cable.
I have set up a number of different e-mail accounts including using Authenticated (and non) e-mail servers from different providers.
I can connect to the internet on internet explorer, but when I try to access my e-mail at the same time, I get no joy. The message from my inbox is always "Messages cannot be downloaded to your mobile device. Make sure you are connected and that your e-mail account settings are correct. Then, try yo download messages again."
I have set an account up to connect using Work, and another account setup to connect using The Internet, but none work
I have tried leaving the GPRS connection permanently open as suggested elsewhere, but that has failed to work also
Hi mate,
Your on O2 right?
This will download any network updates and settings to your handset.
If you are struggling, call o2 one of the staff will do it from their end, then switch your Xda off after an hour and the changes should have been made.
Hope this helps
I tried the update service by text, but no joy. I have contacted the operator, so I will let you know how I get on.
Thanks for your help
Still no joy. Spoke to o2 Customer Services (Data Management), very helpful people.
I can make the XDA pickup e-mail from an o2 test account, but not from my mail accounts. I even put the same sim card into an XDA II and it collected the e-mail fine. I can still collect e-mail from my WiFi connection, so the account settings are correct on the Exec. I am completely stumped. If anyone can work out a solution for these, then a Blue Peter badge will be sourced and shipped to them!! :lol:
in my mms settings for o2 i have
server name - O2UK
gateway -
port no - 9201
server address -
wap version WAP 1.2
outgoing email should be
Listen do you have a 3 g SIM from o2?
let me know how you get on with these....cheers, Nep :wink:
Hi Nep,
I do not currently have a 3G sim, but one is on its way to me, should hopefully arrive in the morning. The MMS settings don't relate to GPS do they? Looking at my o2 Active settings for the GPRS connection, they read
Connection Name O2 Active
Modem Cellular Line (GPRS, 3G)
Access point name
username o2wap
password asterisked out
domain blank
Afdvanced settings
TCP/IP = Server-assigned ip addresses, no options selected
Servers = Use server-assigned addresses
As always, yuor time and efforts are greatly appreciated
All sorted
Sorted it....
I set up a new GPRS connection using (some of) the settings roughly laid out here PC manual set up instructions.pdf
Changed the access point to MOBILE.O2.CO.UK and Voila, I have a happy GPRS connection.
Thanks for your help Nep,
Excellent news, great job all round.
How do you find your connection to your PC, is activesync working ok for you?
No real problems with ActiveSync once I got it setup, which was most of the problem. I ad to get the very latest (but hardly greatest) version from MS.
Now, so long as I don't have ZoneAlarm running, I can synchornise with issue
cool will re-install and drop mcafee to see what's what.
Cheers again...

O2 XDA Mini S with vodafone MMS problems

I've recently acquired an xda mini s from 02 as a free upgrade, however i want to put a vodafone sim card in it.
I've got the gprs working, but the mms isnt at all.
I've tried numerous cab files, can anyone help? maybe typing the settings in by hand?
sounds like you've done a soft reset after a hard reset bypassing the extended rom install? The only way to get the MMS application is to hard reset and do a "Basic" install then remove the O2 stuff from the Windows startup folder. Once you've done this you'll have the MMS app with O2 settings that you can just change to Vodafone settings.
Ok, tried this and still not workin.
What is going on here?!
do you meand MMS isn't working still or you still don't even have MMS in Pocket outlook
Do a search for removing the O2 stuff, there are many topics with the cab files to install to recover the MMS inbox
If however you have the inbox, just not the settings call vodafone and get them to tell / e-mail you
or go here
I managed to fix this problem finally.
The problem was that the MMS software was trying to connect using the vodafone Live access point, which isn't correct. had to set up a whole new connection for the MMS settings, it is now working fine.
Any chance you could post those settings here as I'm having exactly the same problem?
SMS is fine it's just the MMS I cant get working, Inbox is there just the setting that seem to be wrong.
This helped me out:
I can now send, but not receive MMS with my voda sim on my mini-s
Perfect Thanks,
I can now send and recieve MMS, SMS and Surf the "world wide wait"
Not sure why you cant recieve MMS though, I followed your instructions to the letter and all worked straight away, albeit a bit slow but then I think that's a tarrif thing with Vodafone. (I'm on a corporate contract with my own unlocked Mini-s)
I dont suppose you know the URL to access the Vodafone live site as well do you?
Hello, I have the same issue. But l'm on O2 , using o2 mini S , device. I can receive and download MMS , but I can't send MMS to another person. Is the any thing I miss? l'm using corporate mode.
Not sure about the corporate mode but I do know that unless you have the settings in exactly the right places you will have problems.
This link from earlier in the post should help you solve your problem though.
The second link is for Vodafone but use it to give you an idea of where you should be setting up the various elements.
You could also try searching for "O2 MMS Settings"

Vodafone V1640

Im having problems connecting to Outlook web access, using a V1640.
Basically i can log in and view emails, but i cant send them. I have recently upgraded from an O2 xda that worked fine.
Does anybody have any idea what could be the problem?
Thanks in advance.
If this Vodafone nr. is the same as my VDA-IV (HTC Universal from Vodafone) then this is an answer to your question, though not a big help I think.
Had the same problem with 2 of my 3 mail-addresses I'd like to check.
1st, was solved when I entered that the outgoing server needs authentication (go to options in the 4th screen of setting up an account) (2nd screen of options), tagged the "use seperate settings" button and gave the same settings in the outgoing server as I had for the incoming, except for the Require SSL, this one is needed for gmail
2nd, same like above, except they did not need the SSL, so no double settings needed, they needed the authentication though
3rd mail is having the same problems You have. No settings I can think of solved the problem, sorry.
Hope it helped a little

Settings for pop3 email (Sky/Vodaphone)

Hi All,
Anyone know the settings for sending email from my HD2. I have got incoming and outgoing set as my sky account, it receives fine but will not send. I seem to remember when I was on Orange outgoing had to be set to their address.
My local Vodaphone shop are about as much use as a chocolate teapot!
Thanks in advance......
THere is a chance that sky wont let you send unless you are connected to their network (i.e wifi)
This is to prevent people that are not sky customers using their email servers. (Same for most home broadband providers)
Firstly try ticking the 'outgoing server requires authentication' and tick same username and password. (I forget the actual wording, and i'm currently flashing a new rom so cant check it)
However, i suspect this wont work because it doesnt on my virginmedia email account, unless i'm using wifi on my virginmedia broadband at the time.
I get around this by using virginmedia for incoming., and my o2 email account for outgoing, because the o2 network DOES allow me to send from any network, so it works when on wifi or mobile.
So long as you put your sky email address in the 'your email' box the receiver will never know, and when they click reply their response will still arrive in your sky inbox.
samsamuel said:
THere is a chance that sky wont let you send unless you are connected to their network (i.e wifi)
This is to prevent people that are not sky customers using their email servers. (Same for most home broadband providers)
Firstly try ticking the
(I forget the actual wording, and i'm currently flashing a new rom so cant check it)
However, i suspect this wont work because it doesnt on my virginmedia email account, unless i'm using wifi on my virginmedia broadband at the time.
I get around this by using virginmedia for incoming., and my o2 email account for outgoing, because the o2 network DOES allow me to send from any network, so it works when on wifi or mobile.
So long as you put your sky email address in the 'your email' box the receiver will never know, and when they click reply their response will still arrive in your sky inbox.
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Thanks mate, clicked on 'outgoing server requires authentication' and ticked same username and password. Sends and receives now through my sky account.
kjt57 said:
Hi All,
Anyone know the settings for sending email from my HD2. I have got incoming and outgoing set as my sky account, it receives fine but will not send. I seem to remember when I was on Orange outgoing had to be set to their address.
My local Vodaphone shop are about as much use as a chocolate teapot!
Thanks in advance......
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Hi, glad you got your problem sorted. I use Sky and it took me a while to figure it out ; )
Just in case you have more problems, my emails got in a complete mess using POP3. I've no idea why, but at the time I was using Outlook on my desktop as well as accessing via my Touch Pro. Just in case you encounter the same problems, I found changing over to IMAP on both my desktop and phone solved the problem : )

