New WM5 user-problems with Activesync - Networking

I just switched to the Cingular 8525 from a Nokia E61.
On the Nokia, I had mail for Exchange set up and it was working perfectly with my office Exchange server, syncing up email, calendar, contacts, etc.
I set up Activesync on the 8525 using the same server settings and certificate as on the Nokia but I can't get the device to sync.
I am now getting an error telling me that I have an incorrect SSL certificate common name in the Host Name field.
I had not received this error with the E-61.

make sure you have the latest activesync

I have 4.2


sync diary etc with exchange server

Hi, I've got an Xda IIs and i'm thinking about introducing acouple into my workplace, but i was wondering if it is possible to sync them with the exchange server here..
What i'd be wanting to do, is to log in either via gprs or a wi-fi hotspot, connect thru a vpn connection to our local network, and be able to change diary entries, access email, etc. on our exchange server.
Has anyone been able to do this?
How is it done?
Works beautifully for mail, diary, and contacts.
Connect your XDA to your desktop then got to activesync.
Check "Enable Sync with server"
Setup synced data as required
then click "connection" fill out all fields.
Remember that if you are using ssl you will need to install the appropriate certificate on each XDA.
PS Server Sync works over WLAN/BT PAN/Activesycn/and GPRS
Fantastic! Thanks!
Just wondering now, I suppose I have to run activesync on a non-NAT IP computer - ie one of our servers, yes? (for a/s via GPRS to work)
so... how does that work? forgive my newbieness... I've only ever a/s'ed via my usb cradle....
no, when you do server syncing, the exchange server 2003! speaks OMA (outlook mobile sync) an http connection to your mda/xda.
cool - thanks. One last thing - the calender that will be syncing is NOT the user's calendar, but a public calendar. can A/S sync this instead of the user's calendar?
EDIT: and we use exchange 5.5 - does outlook mobile sync work with that?
just wondering if anyone has had any luck with this.. it has been about 4 months... thought there might have been some new software that would do it...

Configure Outlook Email to work with Pop3 account

I apologize for my ignorance regarding Pop3 email as all I use is corporate email. I setup an activesync partnership on a laptop that only has EarthLink email. I kind of expected to be able to configure the 8125 to send / receive EarthLink email from it's Outlook E-Mail but it seems that I need to create an separate Pop3 account for EarthLink on his PDA?? I'm sure I'm missing something extremely simple but my searches have been fruitless.
Feel free to blast me into oblivion ( after pointing me in the right direction of course!)
Fire when ready Gridley!
Assuming you wish to get your pop3 email on your PDA whilst it is not connected to your laptop (GPRS or WiFi) you wll you need to create a new email profile on the PDA using your existing email settings. If you just want to syncronise your email between the laptop and PDA then just set up this relationship in Activestink. If you want to use your PDA as the medium over which your laptop will connect to your email account then you will need to configue your PDA as a modem.
Let me know if I am way off in uderstanding your problem...
So my understanding is that even though the client has one email account with EarthLink and he'd like to synchronize his contacts, calendar and email with his PC he has to create a new Pop3 account on his PDA that retrieves his email while he's on the golf course or wherever that is completely separate from his Outlook E-Mail? (and this guy wonders why I'm trying to push him into a corporate email account!)
Thanks for the help!
Yep. Thats how I do it. My POP3 account is duplicated on my PDA and laptop. I use the T-Mobile web push service to shove the emails to the PDA just like text messages. I can't see why a corperate email account would be any better or different. I also have my corperate email on my PDA and corperate laptop. Same process....
Thanks for your help regarding this but now I'm confused. With my corporate I have one and only one account on my PDA which synchronizes with my Exchange server. My question is ... can my client's EarthLink email be downloaded to his PDA's main Outlook E-mail which was configured when I created the AS partnership? Or does he have to have new emails delivered to his EarthLink profile and use his PDA's Outlook profile only to review old emails when his PDA is on the road? This makes absolutely no sense.
There is a major difference between this then and Exchange email.
Sorry to be so boneheaded but I really can't believe that this is supposed to work like this!
Goodness your starting to confuse me :? AFAIK the Outlook email profile on your PDA is purely there to act as a syncronised copy of the email client that you configure AS to work with. If you look in your PDA email options you do not get the opportunity to configure this profile. In effect this profile only gives the user the ability to store on his PDA those emails that already exist on the partner PC. In addition he will be able to edit these emails (Reply, delete, file and create new) whilst the PDA is disconnected from the PC. Upon the next AS syncronisation any ammendments or new emails created on the PDA will be sent using the PC communication path and any new emails receievd into the main PC (Exchange) account will be updated to the PDA. This functionality is desgined for all PDA's BUT remember most PDA's don't have the phone built in so this is exactly the functionality they need.
If you want your clients coperate email to be updated "live" to his PDA (Phone Edition) there are three ways to do it:
1 Configure a POP3 or IMAP4 account on his corperate network with suitable dial-up access - This will be dog slow as the PDA will have to use the GSM (NOT GPRS) network to access.
2 Configure his MS exchange server to handle the new "push" email service available with Exchange 2003 SP2. A relationship is set up between the PDA and the Exchange server and the connection is made over the internet which will allow his GPRS/EDGE connection to be utilised which will be miles quicker than GSM dial-up. This method allows emails to be "pushed" to the PDA in a similar way to text messages rather than the client having to make a connection every 30 mins or whatever. The PDA software will need to be WM5 AKU2.
3 Use a 3rd party relay system such as Goodlink from Good technologies. The PDA can be WM2K3 and does not require AKU2 functionality as a client app will be installed on the phone. This works by having a secure connection between his corperate network and the Good Technlogy service centre which will then link to the PDA in a very similar way to option 2.
Any other email accounts will have their own profile configured on the PDA.
I sure hope this is of some help to cause my fingers are sore typing this out on my Wizard :wink:
Thanks for the info but I'm quite aware of and have been utilizing the corporate methods of PDA email for a number of years. Unfortunately all my clients have Exchange servers so I haven't had to deal with Pop email in quite a number of years. This particular client is a friend that insists on living with his Earthlink email. I'm just so used to having my email synced without having to work so hard!
I appreciate your effort !
Steven Putnam
(not that letters mean anything)
No probs Steven, the only thing I would add is POP3 accounts on a mobile device will normally fall foul of useable SMTP gateways. I'm not sure what earthlink use but if you run into difficulties trying to send emails you'll know where to look. An SMTP relay server that accomodates user validation is required when your "off the ISP network"

Multiple Exchange Servers

Hi All
One of the main problems I face in IT is having multiple exchange server mail accounts on Windows Mobile. However today I have finally solved the problem using my Shift... here's how.
The problem stems from the simple fact that you must only have ONE ACTIVESYNC partnership, and use IMAP4 for all other Exchange accounts.
Using IMAP4 is problematic. The protocol is not fully implemented and followed by IMAP on Exchange 2000 or Exchange 2003. Exchange 2007 finally follows the IMAP4 standard and thus allows it's use here.
The additional problem with IMAP4 (and this affects most WM5 and WM6 devices and the iPhone), is to do with deleting emails on your remote device.
Emails that are deleted either....
a. Remain in your mailbox so when you connect say at work or home using a full Outlook client the mails still appear,
b. they remain but also are 'deleted' in your Deleted Items.
This forces you into a manual DOUBLE DELETE and is a real pain to do every time every day.
The problem is with how mobile devices use the EXPUNGE command under the IMAP protocol. EXPUNGE must be issued to FORCE Exchange to remove the deleted items. It now appears that the Shift correctly follows the use of EXPUNGE and in conjunction with Exchange Server 2007 this now works like a dream.
etc for all other exchange mail accounts.
The servers you use IMAP4 on MUST BE EXCHANGE 2007....
Here is a link to enabling IMAP4 on Exchange 2007 as by default it is disabled.
I have upgraded one of my exchange servers to Exchange 2007 and now do the following;
EXCHANGE SERVER 2007 mail account - IMAP4
This now correctly works, allows me access to both my mail accounts and the Shift properly issues EXPUNGE and my IMAP4 mailbox is updated correctly for when I then use my full Outlook client.
Hope this helps everyone, as this has been my biggest headache using Windows Mobile and multiple mail accounts in the Corporate World....
But this isn't a real solution as I still can't sync 2 calendars/list of contacts and IMAP doens't support push-mail as far as I know...
Yes, what about contacts and calendars? How do you handle those?

Syncing and Exchange Server

Since I've had this phone I've failed to sync with the Sync Centre. It just results in errors every time.
However, because I will be syncing everything that will be on my exchange server, how can I set up this exchange server on the X1? I don't mean the email address only, I need it to connect to my exchange calender, contacts, mail - everything.
I sync to my exchange server via mail2web with no problems - keep in mind if you are syncing to a pc as well you need to select only one location for calendar & contacts.
Isn't it possible to put in the exchange server details directly into teh phone without using 3rd party software?
Is it true that vodafone have removed the exchange feature from their handset?
I'm getting this error.. 0x85010014
Jammy2 said:
Isn't it possible to put in the exchange server details directly into teh phone without using 3rd party software?
Is it true that vodafone have removed the exchange feature from their handset?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
you don't need 3rd party to set up exchange activesync, it's out of the box.
Jammy2 said:
I'm getting this error.. 0x85010014
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
this is relating to the SSL. Either you have setup an activesync w/o SSL connection, or your PDA clock might be wrong that makes the SSL certificate invalid.
That's assuming your exchange server side is okay.
I've just discovered that everything part from mail will sync if I don't specify my exchange in Vista. When I do that's where the errors show up.
As for exchange on the phone, I will get "network waiting" when I disable SSL. This actually appears to be an issue with many WM devices. What do you mean when you say my clock might be wrong?
The simple Version:
Authentication inside of Active Directory runs over "Tickets" for every User. If the clocks between 2 Ressources are too tifferent, the Ticket becomes invalid, cause the time is an important component of the encryption.
The savest way is to let the phone sync its clock with the exchange server - after Active Sync configuration
For doing this you only need working SSL-encrypted "Outlook Web Access" and your Exchange account have to be "Active Sync"-enabled (an admin has to do this).
Windows Mobile shows you all information yout need to set Active Sync up.
Ah, so the exchange server needs to be active sync enabled?
At the moment I am syncing everything from outlook on my pc, not directly to the server as the device was designed to do
Mine works with my Exchange 2007 server without a problem, out of the box. I just entered my server address, my domain username and password.
Are you sure the server is set up correctly. The exchange server has to have OMA (Outlook Mobile Access) set up. Are there any other devices syncing with the server correctly? Is port 443 open?
Something to note I had to install the security certificate of the server on my phone before it could sync.
I use mine with an Exchange 2007 too. After installing the server
all the necessary features are turned on automatically:
- OWA (Outlook Web Access - website)
- Active Sync user role for every account
The OWA-website has to be accessible for public. And the server certificate (for SSL) has to be installed if it is selfsigned
(it is if your browser shows a certificate warning on computers
outside of the company network). Copy it from the browser to
your phone and (double)click it for install. Alternativly ask your network administrator for help.
If the cert is bought from an official worldwide trusted cert
seller like thawte or verizon this should not be neccessary.

Activesync problem with MS exchange

Device: HTC S620 (Tmobile Dash)
OS: Windows Mobile 6.5
Rom: 3VO.2.50.080809
Problem: Email messages does not download to the phone from my company's MS Exchange server. During sync phase, the device 'sees' the messages on the server but it does not download to my phone, no error message. It was working fine but all of a sudden it did not. I checked the setup such as server address we use, SSL enabled, login, password nothing has changed. I deleted the server from Activesync and setup again still no go. My other Hotmail, Gmail, calender (sync via usb to my pc) works fine. Few of my fellow workers with iphones and other WM phones also have problem downloading, only the blackberry folks had no problem. My IT guy said he didn't change anything (I am not sure I believe it). If anyone can help shed light on this problem I can finally get some sleep trying to debug this .
*** New Update ***
I was able to download my messages if I config my Outlook to keep emails on the exchange server and not download to my local PC. There seems to be some conflict.

