Problem with pre-installed soft - 8125, K-JAM, P4300, MDA Vario General

Does anyone have ideas about following subject: Word Mobile and Media Player (that preinstalled) do not work properly. Word refuses to open any doc file, even create a new one saying "cannot open the document because of the problemt with it" (or someting like this), mediaplayer simply does not start saying nothing at all and, of course, does not open files, associated with it.
That situation apeared after soft reset, when both applications were running. (Reason of the reset is - IE hang up).
Please help me to find any way to make that progs work without hard-resetting the system.
Maybe there are any common for that progs registry entries or smth like this?

Did u tried another soft reset?

Of course! Soft reset, turning off and on! Nothing happens. The problem remains unsolved.

Does anybody have any other ideas? Please, help!!!

word seems to keep a record of previously opened files...and if u move the templates (in my documents folder) word also gives the same error...i dunno exactly what i did to solve it but now is working in my case...i did 2 things and it started to work, dunno exactly wich one solved it or in what order i did it:
- copied a .txt from desktop and tryed to open it with pocket word edited it and saved it...
- tryed to open my docs\templates\blank from within total commander...


Installation of Software gives multiple Icons?

I hav had trouble with installation of software creating multiple icons. The following
- ADBTransit
- ADBWeather
- Xconverter
All of these created TWO isons when I ran the install, but only one of their icons worked. Then when I uninstall, it left BOTH icons there and I can't remove them. Tried soft reset and that didn't help. Nor did syncing help either.
Anyone had this problem before?
This problem is easily fixed without the need for even a soft reset.
1) Open the file explorer
2) Go to \Windows\Start menu\Programs (or whatever it is called - my Magician speaks German)
3) Delete the shortcuts you want to get rid of
Yes, it's really that easy

Program Installation Problem

I have had many pocket PC's and the Universal w/WM5 is the only one that gives me consistant installation problems. I had listpro 3.0 installed in program memory. I uninstalled it with the intent of re-installing it on the SD card. Unchecking it from activesync did nothing. Removing from the ppc directly told me that all of the file were not removed. I saw the the folder still existed in program files, do I deleted the directory and shortcuts pointing to it. I have had this exact same problem MANY times
Am I the only one with this problem? I don't find any messages like this.
Next, I try to reinstall listpro and it won't reinstall :x I get a message cannot be installed, try another location (which does not work). Do I need a hard reset? I tryed installing another program and I can still install other stuff, but the removal did not work again.
GaryK2 said:
I have had many pocket PC's and the Universal w/WM5 is the only one that gives me consistant installation problems. I had listpro 3.0 installed in program memory. I uninstalled it with the intent of re-installing it on the SD card. Unchecking it from activesync did nothing. Removing from the ppc directly told me that all of the file were not removed. I saw the the folder still existed in program files, do I deleted the directory and shortcuts pointing to it. I have had this exact same problem MANY times
Am I the only one with this problem? I don't find any messages like this.
Next, I try to reinstall listpro and it won't reinstall :x I get a message cannot be installed, try another location (which does not work). Do I need a hard reset? I tryed installing another program and I can still install other stuff, but the removal did not work again.
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Hi Gary!
I have a lot of experience in this sh*t. WM5 cannot uninstall or install in a lot of cases. Usually if you still have some files or folders which are on the same location than with the installation, installer says: cannot install. In that case you have to delete (or rename) the folder left, and then you can install it. In other cases installer stays in a loop install condition, and cannot continue. In that case try to install another application to finish somelooped order. I realised another thing, which is very interesting: when you want to uninstall a program, and your pda says it cannot be removed - or something -, if I run Vijay555 killphone application in 98% of the cases after it I can uninstall the same.
I hope this wil help!
Perhaps I have been lucky but I havent had any issues with regards to installing or uninstalling programs.
I do make sure that I soft reset before and after - so maybe thats a golden rule!
Yes, softreset would be a good tip in more cases, but it wouldn't solve the problem when you want to install a program which needs a place what exists.
I did find some files in the windows directory and deleted them. That WORKED. Just doing program files is not enough. In this case, the file name was the same as the program. I don't expect to be that lucky all the time.
I have done soft-resets when it does not work. I do a number of trial programs and tend to forget prior to removal. What a apin
Got to love Microsoft - reboot is the answer to everything.
Installation problems.....
I am having the same problem too.
Even after a hard reset when I try and install Sprite Backup & Agenda Fusion I keep getting the install error: 'cannot be installed, try another location'
It's driving me up the wall! I would have thought after a hard reset this wouldn't be an issue. I'm now the proud owner of an MDA Pro (Universal) that I can't use because the software I want to install won't install.
Can anyone help me please?

Help, newly installed programs not displayed in "Add/Remove Programs"!

This problem has happened to me a few times with different ROMs but I haven't be able to find the pattern nor the solution!
Basically everything starts very well, when I install a new program it appears in "Add/Remove Programs" in Settings. Then at some point strange thing happens, when I install a new program (any program, not specific) it no longer appears on the list! However, I can see it as installed and it actually appears on the "Add/Remove Programs" of ActiveSync(v4.2)! I can remove it by using ActiveSync but not on the device because I can't select it!
And the other strange thing is, I can see the program's folder under "\Windows\AppMgr\" (every program installed manually should has its folder in here as I understand). And I can also see it under the registry "\HKLM\Security\AppInstall\". It just DOES NOT appear on the device "Add/Remove Programs" list! This happens to all programs after the problem starts but those installed before that point are still displayed!
I am wondering if anyone knows the reason why this happens and if there is any solution like registry hack anything like? Although this is not the end of the day as I can still remove them via ActiveSync, it does annoys me because of the fact that I can't remove it directly from the device.
Thanks in advance!!
Try sk tools software , it has a detailed info for add or remove prog.
I have the same problem, not certain what caused it, but you can get items back in the list by following the steps below:
Get programs back into uninstall list:
1) go to..
2) Select the application directory that is not showing up in the list
3) Change the DWORD Role data from 40 to 24
4) Now the application will show up in the list.
Thanks a lot for the advices guys!!
I will try Rowan's suggest first because it is easier and sounds good to me! Only thing is I have flashed my Universal so currently the problem is gone. I will try it if it happens again or I may try it on my Windows Mobile Device Emulator later on.

Start up of programs in on the Xperia

Hello my fellow Xperia lovers......and some haters! lol
Simple there a way to remove a program upon a soft reset? I ask this because, i uninstalled the Inhand catolog thing, and when i do a soft reset, it comes up that the program InHandGo.exe could not be found and did not start up....which i don't really care, but i dont want to see that message every time i need to do a soft reset ><. So is there a way to either get rid of that message when soft reset is done, or just some how, fully and cleanly remove that program? I dont really see the point in having it....
andyboo said:
Hello my fellow Xperia lovers......and some haters! lol
Simple there a way to remove a program upon a soft reset? I ask this because, i uninstalled the Inhand catolog thing, and when i do a soft reset, it comes up that the program InHandGo.exe could not be found and did not start up....which i don't really care, but i dont want to see that message every time i need to do a soft reset ><. So is there a way to either get rid of that message when soft reset is done, or just some how, fully and cleanly remove that program? I dont really see the point in having it....
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The shortcut to InHandGo.exe remains in the startup folder after an uninstall. Just remove this shortcut and you won't get that error message again.
yup just remove that shortcut in \Windows\Startup and you are good to go!
That's also the program I have uninstalled first thing. Useless piece of crap!
How do i get into the \windows\ startup sorry? Im pretty much lost at this point...
EDIT:No i figured it out...
Use the file explorer and go to \my device\windows\startup. It is just so simple!
Interestingly, I'm still experiencing the same behavior after I "uninstalled" that app and yet, when I went and check the Startup directory, there was no entry to In HandUpdater.
The error message I'm getting is "The file 'InHandUpdater' cannot be opened. Either it is not signed with a trusted certificate, or one of its components cannot be found. If the problem persists, try reinstalling or restoring this file."
What am I doing wrong? Seeing the startup sequence halted because of this makes me want to go back and reinstall the darn thing - just so that I no longer see it.
Please advise. Thanks.
Have you tried installing the application again and then uninstalling. And then you have this program. Cleartemp is the name. It might help with cleaning all stuff left behind.
Same problem here :-(.
There is no shortcut for it in \windows\ startup and the message still comes up whenever I do restart the device!
How to re-install it?
OK, I reinstalled it and the message disappeared ;-)
To install go to "My Device/Program files/Handango Inhand/catalog" and run the file ""

Annoying Problem with removing programs (google navigator)

I have a problem that is completely driving me crazy....whenever i remove any program on my xperia ....there is always some files remaining in the program files, and being a perfectionist i always try to delete them, but get an error reporting that the file is in use, which annoys me even more because it means some process is still running
p.s up till now this happened with google navigator, and a tweak tool i downloaded from here before....plz help me , don't want to hard reset every time i want to uninstall a program !
why is it o body want's to help me ??
a) have you thought other people might have a reallife(tm) and not be on here 24hrs 7days per week ?
you asked less than 4hours before you post moaning?
b) this is not a support forum
c) you need to give more information
how did you install the programs?
how did you remove the programs?
what files are left?
have you soft reset after uninstalling the progs?
what software are you using to see the folders?
if you have files that are in use you need to soft reset.
I humbly ask sorry.....
Well to view the folders i use the normal file explorer....i did a soft reset but still on deleting the program folder it tells me it is in use....tried installin and uninstalling again google navigator (trial) but nothing, it also gives me an error on start up telling me the process could not be this normal.....
P.S: again i ask sorry for stressing so much to get a reply
i had the same problem. to solve it, use file explorer and go to: My Device-Windows-Startup, from there delete the file which have Agent written (something like GAgent, i forgot). After deleting it, restart (soft reset).
Then use file explorer to delete the google navigator folder
ok i deleted gagent and this solved the problem....bu there is another file....i don't remember its name precisely i guess sth like "GNagent" ....should i delete this one ... I tried to but i cannot .....and i accidently renamed it ....can you tell me its correct name ?, cause i'm afraid it's a system file :s
darkhalf520 said:
ok i deleted gagent and this solved the problem....bu there is another file....i don't remember its name precisely i guess sth like "GNagent" ....should i delete this one ... I tried to but i cannot .....and i accidently renamed it ....can you tell me its correct name ?, cause i'm afraid it's a system file :s
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That's not a system file.
Also find, download, install and use total commander, there's either lots of cabs onthis forum for it, or search for the manufacturers website.
It's a Free file manager that's much better than the built in one. It allows you to overwrite files in rom amongst other things. It may well delete the file for you.
Total Commander would help at deletting softwares? that could be nice, for example, I installed the mtoday, and, I am not able to uninstal it...I do understand waht is a hard reset, but the soft one, sorry, this is still not very clear for me...If I would guess, would we need to make a soft reset, each time, we uninstall a software? does would help to clean after?
thanks you
Xperrier said:
Total Commander would help at deletting softwares? that could be nice, for example, I installed the mtoday, and, I am not able to uninstal it...I do understand waht is a hard reset, but the soft one, sorry, this is still not very clear for me...If I would guess, would we need to make a soft reset, each time, we uninstall a software? does would help to clean after?
thanks you
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soft reset is when you stick the stylus in the whole in the back, or turn the device completely off and on again.
If there's processes still in use on the phone then a soft reset will stop them being used, (unless they are set to start-up again automatically)
for example, if you install a dialler skin then want to get rid of it. After uninstalling you'll need to soft reset to make sure the dialler is not locking the files so they can be deleted.

