Start up of programs in on the Xperia - XPERIA X1 General

Hello my fellow Xperia lovers......and some haters! lol
Simple there a way to remove a program upon a soft reset? I ask this because, i uninstalled the Inhand catolog thing, and when i do a soft reset, it comes up that the program InHandGo.exe could not be found and did not start up....which i don't really care, but i dont want to see that message every time i need to do a soft reset ><. So is there a way to either get rid of that message when soft reset is done, or just some how, fully and cleanly remove that program? I dont really see the point in having it....

andyboo said:
Hello my fellow Xperia lovers......and some haters! lol
Simple there a way to remove a program upon a soft reset? I ask this because, i uninstalled the Inhand catolog thing, and when i do a soft reset, it comes up that the program InHandGo.exe could not be found and did not start up....which i don't really care, but i dont want to see that message every time i need to do a soft reset ><. So is there a way to either get rid of that message when soft reset is done, or just some how, fully and cleanly remove that program? I dont really see the point in having it....
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The shortcut to InHandGo.exe remains in the startup folder after an uninstall. Just remove this shortcut and you won't get that error message again.

yup just remove that shortcut in \Windows\Startup and you are good to go!
That's also the program I have uninstalled first thing. Useless piece of crap!

How do i get into the \windows\ startup sorry? Im pretty much lost at this point...
EDIT:No i figured it out...

Use the file explorer and go to \my device\windows\startup. It is just so simple!

Interestingly, I'm still experiencing the same behavior after I "uninstalled" that app and yet, when I went and check the Startup directory, there was no entry to In HandUpdater.
The error message I'm getting is "The file 'InHandUpdater' cannot be opened. Either it is not signed with a trusted certificate, or one of its components cannot be found. If the problem persists, try reinstalling or restoring this file."
What am I doing wrong? Seeing the startup sequence halted because of this makes me want to go back and reinstall the darn thing - just so that I no longer see it.
Please advise. Thanks.

Have you tried installing the application again and then uninstalling. And then you have this program. Cleartemp is the name. It might help with cleaning all stuff left behind.

Same problem here :-(.
There is no shortcut for it in \windows\ startup and the message still comes up whenever I do restart the device!
How to re-install it?

OK, I reinstalled it and the message disappeared ;-)
To install go to "My Device/Program files/Handango Inhand/catalog" and run the file ""


Uninstalling the O2 UI of XDA II

I have from O2 the device XDA II. I want to uninstall the O2 UI called
V2R o2ActiveUI. When I try to uninstall it, I get the error, that the
program is used. How can I uninstall it?
Best regards,
Volkan Arslan
try removing it from autostart dir and softreset
Rudegar said:
try removing it from autostart dir and softreset
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Thanks for the hint, but in the autostart directory, there is no file called o2ActiveUI.exe or Connections.exe.
but there is a link called Active ;-)
that's it...
Deleting the link will not delete the program but will stop it loading when you reset your device.
Depending on how you use your device it may be better to keep it installed but not running. I occasionally find I have to run it to reestablish my settings for WAP and GPRS when they give me grief.
To remove the program completely, you would have to hard reset, stop the auto-setup from running, install extended_rom cab and then open the config.txt file from the extended rom. Then one, by one chose the programs you want to install but avoid the o2 active one.
I just clicked remove programs on mine and it worked no problem. Certainly didn't require a hard reset. A friend of mine had a problem with the program saying that certain files were in use. He renamed the files that were supposed to be in use, soft reset, then remove, then delete the renamed files.
Hope that helps.
isnt it a today plugin? if so maybe it's just a matter of disabling it then uninstalling.
if not then i'd go with the startup folder and take out the lnk or whatever that makes it run on a soft reset . . . THEN uninstall.
I dont think you have to resort to a hard reset just yet since the issue is simply not being able to delete a locked (running) file, so if you figure the way to NOT make it run, then uninstalling should be easy.

prob uninstalling software

hey guys. i seem to be havin a wierd problem. when ever i try to uninstall a program from my exec i get a msg that it could not be completely removed. i tried to uninstall the o2 active interface and a pocket divx player and both gave the same prob. any suggestions on wat i might be doin wrong? also can u suggest sme place i can get good games for my exec
i have had this problem, nothing I could do about it, exept to manually delete the stuff, but obviously registry is still a problem.
also, it appears if you restore from a backup, then the remove programs doesnt work, something to do with the installed apps in windows directory and the registries
sorry, no help, only confirmation and acknowledgement of the problem....
Worth looking into SKTools....It properly uninstalls things where the installer fails...I have found it invaluable when trying out software that is 'not quite' WM5 compatible!
This generally works for me:
- Uninstall program.
- If it complains about being unable to uninstall, click "No" when you're asked if you want to remove from Remove Programs list.
- Now do a soft reset with a utility such as Tweaks2k2
- When pda is ready to be used, try to run Uninstall Program again.
This should work for all but the most tenacious of programs. If this still doesn't work, check if the program has a stub running in the Windows\Startup folder. Remove it, and then try the above again.
Things that work for me.
1) Do not have a shortcut on the today screen to a program you wish to un-install, remove it first from here and the Start (menu). Make sure that part of it is not started automatically in /Windows/StartUp folder, if it is delete it.
2) Do a soft reset.
3) Do not go to Start (menu) | Programs. (Do not display it's icon in anyway. See step 1 above.
4) Go at once to Start (menu) | Settings | System | Remove Programs and un-install it.
This generally works for me. Hope it helps.
i agree with dah54 and snorbaard. That usually works for me almost everytime. If it doesn't check running processes and stop the one you are trying to uninstall and then follow their instructions and if all else fails, use SKTools or something similar.

Help! Can't install or uninstall any apps on WM5

Help is needed. I tried to install PocketStocks this morning. It would not install and now I can not install or delete anything from my 8125. I can run what is on it, but I can not add or remove anything. I have soft reset and tried multiple times to connect by USB but it will not sync. But it will let me "Explore" my hardware.
The Microsoft Active Sync troubleshooter is no help at all.
Any ideas?
jschaff said:
Help is needed. I tried to install PocketStocks this morning. It would not install and now I can not install or delete anything from my 8125. I can run what is on it, but I can not add or remove anything. I have soft reset and tried multiple times to connect by USB but it will not sync. But it will let me "Explore" my hardware.
The Microsoft Active Sync troubleshooter is no help at all.
Any ideas?
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Hi i am familiar with pocketstocks but it looks like it buggered your device. What error message came up and how far into the install did it get? Just wondering are there any residual files to remove - check program files and windows\startup and registry if you are used to doing that. What error comes up when you try to install anything? You may need to backup important files and do a hard reset to solve this.
I had tried to install Pocket Financial Analyzer just before it, and that did not complete the install. So when I did the Pocket Stocks, it finished up by saying that PFA install was unsuccessful. I have had this happen before but a soft reset and reinstall usually made it work. I kind of do not think Pocket Stocks is the culprit.
I suspect that there is a corrupted system file, and maybe if I knew which one it was, I could delete it and a soft reset would rebuild the file.
Or like you said, I may have to do a hard reset and start all over. And that is OK. I have done this about five times before, but everything is working so good on the phone right now, that I hesitate to mess that up. I just can't add or delete any programs.
Its so weird, at first the name of my phone would not come up. Then I deleted Active Sync 4.1 and installed AS 4.2 beta. Now I can get the device name to show up, but still the list of installed programs does not show and I can't sync it.
Help is needed.
I had tried to install Pocket Financial Analyzer just before it, and that did not complete the install. So when I did the Pocket Stocks, it finished up by saying that PFA install was unsuccessful. I have had this happen before but a soft reset and reinstall usually made it work. I kind of do not think Pocket Stocks is the culprit.
I suspect that there is a corrupted system file, and maybe if I knew which one it was, I could delete it and a soft reset would rebuild the file.
Or like you said, I may have to do a hard reset and start all over. And that is OK. I have done this about five times before, but everything is working so good on the phone right now, that I hesitate to mess that up. I just can't add or delete any programs.
Its so weird, at first the name of my phone would not come up. Then I deleted Active Sync 4.1 and installed AS 4.2 beta. Now I can get the device name to show up, but still the list of installed programs does not show and I can't sync it.
Help is needed.
I agree there probably is a corrupt file somewhere - I would do all the checks I said and notification queue for good measure - but it looks like hard reset time. Recommend you invest in spb backup or sprite backup - then it all becomes so easy! Everybody that joins this forum should have to buy one - before entering the forum - lol!
I had SPB Backup trial. But everyone was saying that the ROM upgrades made the backup invalid since there were registry changes that may not correspond with the new registry.
So I did not use it again. I heard that SKTools has a backup built in. NO?
Which one is the best to use?
I had SPB Backup trial. But everyone was saying that the ROM upgrades made the backup invalid since there were registry changes that may not correspond with the new registry.
So I did not use it again. I heard that SKTools has a backup built in. NO?
Which one is the best to use?
Sktools has a limited backup, so its not that useful. Sprite backup is good as you can use it even with a rom upgrade and is now wm5 compatible.

Annoying Problem with removing programs (google navigator)

I have a problem that is completely driving me crazy....whenever i remove any program on my xperia ....there is always some files remaining in the program files, and being a perfectionist i always try to delete them, but get an error reporting that the file is in use, which annoys me even more because it means some process is still running
p.s up till now this happened with google navigator, and a tweak tool i downloaded from here before....plz help me , don't want to hard reset every time i want to uninstall a program !
why is it o body want's to help me ??
a) have you thought other people might have a reallife(tm) and not be on here 24hrs 7days per week ?
you asked less than 4hours before you post moaning?
b) this is not a support forum
c) you need to give more information
how did you install the programs?
how did you remove the programs?
what files are left?
have you soft reset after uninstalling the progs?
what software are you using to see the folders?
if you have files that are in use you need to soft reset.
I humbly ask sorry.....
Well to view the folders i use the normal file explorer....i did a soft reset but still on deleting the program folder it tells me it is in use....tried installin and uninstalling again google navigator (trial) but nothing, it also gives me an error on start up telling me the process could not be this normal.....
P.S: again i ask sorry for stressing so much to get a reply
i had the same problem. to solve it, use file explorer and go to: My Device-Windows-Startup, from there delete the file which have Agent written (something like GAgent, i forgot). After deleting it, restart (soft reset).
Then use file explorer to delete the google navigator folder
ok i deleted gagent and this solved the problem....bu there is another file....i don't remember its name precisely i guess sth like "GNagent" ....should i delete this one ... I tried to but i cannot .....and i accidently renamed it ....can you tell me its correct name ?, cause i'm afraid it's a system file :s
darkhalf520 said:
ok i deleted gagent and this solved the problem....bu there is another file....i don't remember its name precisely i guess sth like "GNagent" ....should i delete this one ... I tried to but i cannot .....and i accidently renamed it ....can you tell me its correct name ?, cause i'm afraid it's a system file :s
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That's not a system file.
Also find, download, install and use total commander, there's either lots of cabs onthis forum for it, or search for the manufacturers website.
It's a Free file manager that's much better than the built in one. It allows you to overwrite files in rom amongst other things. It may well delete the file for you.
Total Commander would help at deletting softwares? that could be nice, for example, I installed the mtoday, and, I am not able to uninstal it...I do understand waht is a hard reset, but the soft one, sorry, this is still not very clear for me...If I would guess, would we need to make a soft reset, each time, we uninstall a software? does would help to clean after?
thanks you
Xperrier said:
Total Commander would help at deletting softwares? that could be nice, for example, I installed the mtoday, and, I am not able to uninstal it...I do understand waht is a hard reset, but the soft one, sorry, this is still not very clear for me...If I would guess, would we need to make a soft reset, each time, we uninstall a software? does would help to clean after?
thanks you
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soft reset is when you stick the stylus in the whole in the back, or turn the device completely off and on again.
If there's processes still in use on the phone then a soft reset will stop them being used, (unless they are set to start-up again automatically)
for example, if you install a dialler skin then want to get rid of it. After uninstalling you'll need to soft reset to make sure the dialler is not locking the files so they can be deleted.

Completely Uninstalling programs

Sorry if there is an answer somewhere already, but I have been looking around for 20 minutes and I'm giving up and posting a thread. I have like five programs that won't uninstall when I go into the settings-->remove programs application. It comes up with a message that says "XXXX was not completely removed. Do you want to remove it from the list of installed programs?"
Has anybody had this also? How do I get it completely off my phone/get the memory back?
One more thing, I have a program called "AA AA" and I know for sure that I didn't install a cab with that name, so what the hell is it? I'm a noob with WinMo so sorry if it's simple **** haha.
Thanks in advance
Caribeanbreeze22 said:
Sorry if there is an answer somewhere already, but I have been looking around for 20 minutes and I'm giving up and posting a thread. I have like five programs that won't uninstall when I go into the settings-->remove programs application. It comes up with a message that says "XXXX was not completely removed. Do you want to remove it from the list of installed programs?"
Has anybody had this also? How do I get it completely off my phone/get the memory back?
One more thing, I have a program called "AA AA" and I know for sure that I didn't install a cab with that name, so what the hell is it? I'm a noob with WinMo so sorry if it's simple **** haha.
Thanks in advance
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For programs that say they didn't uninstall completely, the method I use to get them out is this:
1) run the cab again, the same one you used to install a/the app in the first place
2) when it gives you option or error dialogs, just click "ok" or "yes" to all of them, to allow it to go through what looks like another complete install process (yes, it's odd, but this is how to do it).
3) when it's done, soft-reset, and then you should find that there's no more trace of the app in your uninstall list.
Don't ask me how/why that works, but I've used it in many instances for just that reason, and it's worked every time I tried it.
As for that "AA AA" app, I've certainly never seen a cab that used that name (fyi, the name in the uninstall list doesn't necessarily match the name of the cab file...only if the person creating it set it up that way). So...I'd just say uninstall it, and see if any apps/links are missing then.
This thread is closest to my problem,so I'm asking here.
I cant uninstall ANY of my programs, I have tried the usual method from the remove programs section in Settings. I get same error as OP.
When that failed I then try to just delete the program folder from program files, using file explorer, but get an error saying 'Access is denied. Be certain the folder isn't in use and not write protected'
At first I thought I had a memory card problem, but its the same regardless of where the program is installed.
I also tried to re-install the programs from their cab files as described above, but get an 'unsuccessful' message.
I cant rename any files anywhere on my device either.
I know a little about write protection, but cant figure out what my problem is or how to fix it.
I hope I explained properly for someone to help.
It looks like that the installer process "wceload.exe" was not correctly quit and is still in the memory. Terminate the process wceload.exe with a task manager and try again.
Thanks ElectronX.
I did a search on my HD2 for the file you mentioned and couldn't find it. I have Duttys task manager installed and after a soft reset, the problem still remains. The task manager is empty of processes when I start the device.
Im sorry that Im a bit clueless to how to achieve what you suggest.
I have discovered that the problem extends beyond removing and installing programs. I cant do anything in file explorer other than open documents. If I want to move, delete, rename any file on the device I get the 'write protected' error message. I cant do it via active sync either..I connected to the computer and could browse my device, but if I tried deleting, moving or renaming, the message said it didn't have permission to do it.
Last resort is a hard reset, but hopefully someone will be able to help.
Use sktools to uninstall when windows fails. Best program ever...
Good luck
Thanks, but I cant install anything on my device...can sktools be run from my computer to fix the device?
Unfortunately not...
Good luck though..
sirphunkee said:
For programs that say they didn't uninstall completely, the method I use to get them out is this:
1) run the cab again, the same one you used to install a/the app in the first place
2) when it gives you option or error dialogs, just click "ok" or "yes" to all of them, to allow it to go through what looks like another complete install process (yes, it's odd, but this is how to do it).
3) when it's done, soft-reset, and then you should find that there's no more trace of the app in your uninstall list.
Don't ask me how/why that works, but I've used it in many instances for just that reason, and it's worked every time I tried it.
As for that "AA AA" app, I've certainly never seen a cab that used that name (fyi, the name in the uninstall list doesn't necessarily match the name of the cab file...only if the person creating it set it up that way). So...I'd just say uninstall it, and see if any apps/links are missing then.
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Holy crap, this works.

