Installation of Software gives multiple Icons? - JAM, MDA Compact, S100 General

I hav had trouble with installation of software creating multiple icons. The following
- ADBTransit
- ADBWeather
- Xconverter
All of these created TWO isons when I ran the install, but only one of their icons worked. Then when I uninstall, it left BOTH icons there and I can't remove them. Tried soft reset and that didn't help. Nor did syncing help either.
Anyone had this problem before?

This problem is easily fixed without the need for even a soft reset.
1) Open the file explorer
2) Go to \Windows\Start menu\Programs (or whatever it is called - my Magician speaks German)
3) Delete the shortcuts you want to get rid of
Yes, it's really that easy


Help: can't uninstall programs from jasjar

I am unable to uninstall programs from my jasjar. When I try to remove programs from activesyn there is no response. When I try to remove programs directly from jasjar with "remove programs" I get the response that the program was not removed and would I like to remove the name of the program from the list of installed programs. Either way my programs cannot be removed. Can anyone help me with this problem?
Softreset first then uninstall... Some times you can not uninstall two apps after each other. You have to softreset before each removal...
I tried your suggestions several times but it does not work for me. Any other thoughts?
WM5 doesn't flush the registry until the device is powered off. You should either use a software based reset button - such as from SPB PocketPlus, or turn the device off (this is better), wait 10 seconds and then press the reset button.
Still no luck
I tried resetting after leaving the jasjar shut for more than 10 seconds and still I have no luck removing programs either directly or via activesync. I would still appreciate any suggestions otherwise it looks like a hard reset is unavoidable.
Thanks, a
Other way to remove programs?
Is it possible to effectively remove programs by using resco explorer? And if so, how can you ensure a clean remove?
I have the same problem, I always have to remove manually. I can not install overwrite any software, and when I want to upgrade a new version, I have to find its old cab files to see the list of files to find them and delete. Any suggestion? Thanks in advance.
Still no solution to removing programs
I was wondering if anyone has found a solution to our problem of not being able to remove programs.
Also, as we cannot remove programs via activesync or the standard remove programs from the pocket pc (Jasjar), what are the steps to thoroughly remove files manually?
I found some beta WM5 apps cannot be removed even using Remove apps from the control panel or even the "delete" function from the File explorer! In the end I had to hard reset my JJ to get rid off two apps. I have also been told to use the Resco Explorer to delete programs from the directory directly.
Thanks. When you delete with Resco is it enough to remove folder with application or should you also clear things from registry?

How do I remove from Program list?

Hi I installed a program that did not work with WM5, I subsequently removed it using the Remove Program amplet.
However it still shows on the Program page.
How do I remove it from there?
Don't install non-WM5 compatible apps - it could seriously harm your blood pressure when you find you machine no longer works!
Look here for apps that should work:
Thanks for the help?
The program was reported as working on wm5.
The list does answer the question does it
Try a soft reset.
I had to do a hard reset once because I found apps were removed from the Programs list but were not really removed from the device.
Soft reset does not clear it
So will have to 2wait until I completly mess it up and have to do a Hard reset :lol:
Have you tried:
open file explorer
windows - start menu - programs
and deleted the shortcut from there?
this has happened to me when I have removed some apps and it has left the shortcut in programs
Codiac said:
Have you tried:
open file explorer
windows - start menu - programs
and deleted the shortcut from there?
this has happened to me when I have removed some apps and it has left the shortcut in programs
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
New there had to be a simple way!!!
Work ok

how do i remove programs like "HotSpots" from Star

any 1?
I have programs like: Email Setup, O2active...
1) how do i remove them so that after a HR they will return ??
2) i managed to find Email setup - but after deleting the files - i still have blanc shortcut in Start>Programs saying email-setup (with empty icon).
can i remove only shortcuts but keep the program?
These things you wanna remove are installed everythime you hard reset. THey are programs in the extended ROM. These are customizations to WM5 that the retailer (imate, o2,qtek, t-mobile) put on the device.
If you don't want to install any of these do the following:
1. Hard Reset Device.
2. you'll go thru a series of screens:
2.1 Welcome Message
2.2 Align Screen
2.3 Tap and Hold tutorial
2.4 Password Configuration
2.5 Ending Screen that asks you to press screen to continue.
3. RIGHT AFTER step 2.5 (after you tap the screen) press the RESET hole.
This will bypass installing all the files in extended ROM which normally shown by a progress bar at the bottom everytime you do a normal hard reset.
4. Now you can Install the stuff in the extended ROM one at a time. Only the ones you need to install. To access the ExtendedROM (it is hidden) download Total Commander (search thru google) and type \EXTENDED_ROM in the navigation window and it will display the contents of the extended ROM.
I don't have O2 so i cannot explain to you what each individual .CAB file does. Just use a little guess work. THe O2Active, i believe is easily spotted. It's the biggest CAB file. Don't click on it so it won't install.
Tell me if this helped you out or if you need more clarifications.
Hola Jorge
First of all - Thanks for the great explanation !!
Although I do want most of the stuff, i already tried corporate mode (clean install) but I missed a lot of things.
therefor I installed Basic mode. (which hasnt got ALL the features)
But - some of the features i DO want to take away.
only for now... programs in the Start>Program>
Lets say I wanna take the games away...
where are all the programs installed TO ??
I found some of them. but when I deleted the email setup for instance -
I still have an empty Email Icon in START>PROGRAMS>
(again i remind U - I wanna leave the ext rom as it is)
10x again !!
Some features in the ExtROM are installed in Corporate mode too, the sure way to customize is to bypass ExtROM, then install one-by-one the .CAB files you want.
Anyway regarding the Games, etc. they are part of the OS so cannot be uninstalled unless they came with the extended ROM like Backgammon that came with the JASJAR ExtROM.
To delete the ICON that is blank but still has text, go to \WINDOWS\START MENU\PROGRAMS\GAMES
You'll find the shortcut there. Or just to \WINDOWS\START MENU to see all the oter shortcuts in case you wanna remove other stuff.
The games are installed in WINDOWS and a shortcut is created to the Star Menu Directory. Just delete the shortcut.
What does "10x again !!" mean?

Problem with pre-installed soft

Does anyone have ideas about following subject: Word Mobile and Media Player (that preinstalled) do not work properly. Word refuses to open any doc file, even create a new one saying "cannot open the document because of the problemt with it" (or someting like this), mediaplayer simply does not start saying nothing at all and, of course, does not open files, associated with it.
That situation apeared after soft reset, when both applications were running. (Reason of the reset is - IE hang up).
Please help me to find any way to make that progs work without hard-resetting the system.
Maybe there are any common for that progs registry entries or smth like this?
Did u tried another soft reset?
Of course! Soft reset, turning off and on! Nothing happens. The problem remains unsolved.
Does anybody have any other ideas? Please, help!!!
word seems to keep a record of previously opened files...and if u move the templates (in my documents folder) word also gives the same error...i dunno exactly what i did to solve it but now is working in my case...i did 2 things and it started to work, dunno exactly wich one solved it or in what order i did it:
- copied a .txt from desktop and tryed to open it with pocket word edited it and saved it...
- tryed to open my docs\templates\blank from within total commander...

Help, newly installed programs not displayed in "Add/Remove Programs"!

This problem has happened to me a few times with different ROMs but I haven't be able to find the pattern nor the solution!
Basically everything starts very well, when I install a new program it appears in "Add/Remove Programs" in Settings. Then at some point strange thing happens, when I install a new program (any program, not specific) it no longer appears on the list! However, I can see it as installed and it actually appears on the "Add/Remove Programs" of ActiveSync(v4.2)! I can remove it by using ActiveSync but not on the device because I can't select it!
And the other strange thing is, I can see the program's folder under "\Windows\AppMgr\" (every program installed manually should has its folder in here as I understand). And I can also see it under the registry "\HKLM\Security\AppInstall\". It just DOES NOT appear on the device "Add/Remove Programs" list! This happens to all programs after the problem starts but those installed before that point are still displayed!
I am wondering if anyone knows the reason why this happens and if there is any solution like registry hack anything like? Although this is not the end of the day as I can still remove them via ActiveSync, it does annoys me because of the fact that I can't remove it directly from the device.
Thanks in advance!!
Try sk tools software , it has a detailed info for add or remove prog.
I have the same problem, not certain what caused it, but you can get items back in the list by following the steps below:
Get programs back into uninstall list:
1) go to..
2) Select the application directory that is not showing up in the list
3) Change the DWORD Role data from 40 to 24
4) Now the application will show up in the list.
Thanks a lot for the advices guys!!
I will try Rowan's suggest first because it is easier and sounds good to me! Only thing is I have flashed my Universal so currently the problem is gone. I will try it if it happens again or I may try it on my Windows Mobile Device Emulator later on.

