Phantom SMS inbox messages - MDA II, XDA II, 2060 General

This might be a bit long winded so my apologies in advance.
My XDA11 dumped itself and did a hard reset a couple of days back.
Luckily I had an oldish backup.stg file and was able to restore virtually everything to it's prior, if a bit old, state by restore via active sync.
However I discovered that my SMS and e-mail inboxes were full of messages which were niether readable or deletable.
Interestingly none of them have the envelope icon beside them.
Tapping a message produces a screen activity as if opening the message but nothing appears.
Similarly, tapping and attempting to delete a message results in nothing happening.
However any new SMS messages and e-mails react as usual.
I was able to remove all the 'ghost' messages for my e-mails by deleting all the accounts and then reinstating them however it appears this can't be done for the SMS account.
Through file explorer I deleted all the .mpb files in the /windows/messaging folder. This did not remove the ghosts either.
I have spoken unsuccesfully with O2 who merely think I should hard reset again and then reinstall everything from the ground up. This seems a bit screwy as there has to be folder/file in which these headers are held. They were also apparently unaware that activesync to a hard reset XDA requires I establish a new partnership which wont allow access to the old data (OK I can get round that but that's not the point....)
So has anyone else had this problem and sorted it I wonder?
I can live with these headers but it would be nice to lose them.


Messaging shows 10 deleted messages, but folder is empty

In the Messaging app, the "Deleted Items" folder of my Text Messages has (10) after its name in the Show menu to indicate that there are 10 unread items in the folder. When I open the folder, there are no messages there, although at the bottom of the screen it sais " Text Messages 0 Items, 10 Unread". Whatever I try, I cannot clear that and make that 0 Items, 0 Unread, like it should show, since the folder is empty.
I tried the tools-> Empty Deleted Items option, but the problem remains. Does anyone know how to get rid of the message that there are 10 unread messages in th folder, although it is actually empty?
Do you use Sprite Backup? Sometimes a restore can cause that to happen. They have a utility that worked for me:
Thanks the link you suggested worked, the count is now 0 like it should be. It even worked too good, it also erased my email and mms accounts, which I now cannot get to work again... Well, just have to install them again I guess, at least that annoying faulty sms count is gone now.
Glad it worked. The included .txt file does say that it will wipe everything clean and to be sure you're backed up with whatever's needed.
Hope you're back up and running.
Yeah, I read the .txt file. The app itself showed what items would be deleted, but never mentioned that it would delete all the mail settings and accounts as well. As it turns out, I couldn't get my MMS composer to work after I ran the program, so I hard reset the device and runned my backup on it. Now my MMS composer is back, my mail accounts and settings are back, but the annoying corrupt sms count is back as well off course. I plan to hard reset and reinstall all my apps manually anyway, since I am having more trouble at the farm, so I will then as a side benefit also be rid of the corrupt sms counts. But thanks anyway for your help.
Koksie said:
Yeah, I read the .txt file. The app itself showed what items would be deleted, but never mentioned that it would delete all the mail settings and accounts as well. As it turns out, I couldn't get my MMS composer to work after I ran the program, so I hard reset the device and runned my backup on it. Now my MMS composer is back, my mail accounts and settings are back, but the annoying corrupt sms count is back as well off course. I plan to hard reset and reinstall all my apps manually anyway, since I am having more trouble at the farm, so I will then as a side benefit also be rid of the corrupt sms counts. But thanks anyway for your help.
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I have the same problem after apply the patch of the Sprite. I make a hard reset but when I restaure again I disable 2 directory UAContents and folder of MMS. Now it works perfectly
That sounds as the thing I have been looking for. How did you disable the folders in your restore? When I restore, I cannot disable any folders, Sprite just puts back all my apps, folders, settings etc. Can you tell me how exactly did you leave out those folders? Should I do this when making a back up ( thereby losing the folders after the hard reset) or when restoring ( can you show me how to leave them out when restoring?). Can you tell me where the folders are located on my Compact?
It's necessary to exit of elementary mode. You can find it in Option. I don't arrive to understand in English, look here and here
Ok, thanks! I did the restore from my desktop PC, but I see that from my SD card I can choose to leave some folders out of the restore. Thanks for your help!
After applying the patch, when MMS composer dissapeares, you can install it again from Extended ROM. For me it was OK.
P/S/ To make ExtROM visible run LoadVDisc program from Windows folder

Help! SMS can't be deleted or moved from Inbox!

I can't delete or move to archieve the sms at Inbox. I tried soft reset but it wont disappear. Tried to send it so it will go to Sent Items but still wont budge. The receipient of the undeleted sms receives nothing!
Please, help. It is annoying.
If you post to the forum, maybe you should articulate a bit more on what the problem truly is. What you wrote makes absolutely no sense (at least to me anyway).
Please describe the problem in a bit more detail.
This has almost no information:
"I can't delete or move to archieve the sms at Inbox."
If you post to the forum, maybe you should articulate a bit more on what the problem truly is. What you wrote makes absolutely no sense (at least to me anyway).
Please describe the problem in a bit more detail.
This has almost no information:
"I can't delete or move to archieve the sms at Inbox."
ppc4 said:
If you post to the forum, maybe you should articulate a bit more on what the problem truly is. What you wrote makes absolutely no sense (at least to me anyway).
Please describe the problem in a bit more detail.
This has almost no information:
"I can't delete or move to archieve the sms at Inbox."
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Sorry for that ppc4,
I forgot to tell you that our country (Philippines) is a "Text Messaging Country" where most people communicate by Text instead of a call (Speak by phone). Text Messaging is technically called the "Short Messages" or SMS for brevity. While "Multimedia Messages" are called MMS for brevity.
Now here we go with the problem:
Text Messages (SMS for brevity) are automatically saved at the folder called Inbox of a Program called Messaging (with an envelpe logo). You can delete these SMS or saved them in the archieve folder. The problem is that i can not delete those SMS. I can't even move them to another folder which is, normally, not a problem.
We usually delete the SMS when it takes too much space in the memory or folder. In my case, i don't delete but move the SMS in the archieve folder for future reference.
Now, how can i delete them? Resgistry Tweak or something?
Please help.
PS. I hope these clears the doubts. If it does not, then i can't help it anymore.
hey emil:
I've experienced this before I think it happens when the messaging database is corrupted or something to that effect. Only happened once and I haven't been able to replicate it.
Try smsbackup v1.2 it's freeware and can backup messages to your storage card. then do the hard reset and fresh install. I know it's kinda brute force but I'm sure this will clear it up.
Thanks for the clarification on the problem.
I agree that the mail db's have become corrupt. Follow the suggestion of backing up all the sms messages but before you do a hard reset, try this little attached program first to clean up the mail databases. Sprite software originally wrote it to clean up a problem where the deleted items folder showed a count of messages but there was nothing there to even delete. It should take care of your problem without having to do a hard reset and reinstall. Just make sure you save all those messages first.
Thank you for this reply.
I will try tommorow and post the result for everyone to know.
More power man.
I've used it before. Be forewarned that any accounts that you have created on your ppc will be deleted. After the program is run, only the default email accounts will remain intact (ie. sms, mms, outlook). Any pop or exchange accounts that you created will go away and will have to be recreated.
It's a whole lot easier than doing a hard reset though!
ppc4 said:
I've used it before. Be forewarned that any accounts that you have created on your ppc will be deleted. After the program is run, only the default email accounts will remain intact (ie. sms, mms, outlook). Any pop or exchange accounts that you created will go away and will have to be recreated.
It's a whole lot easier than doing a hard reset though!
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Your warning was noted when cleaning. Thanks.
But the problem is when i tried to "restore" the Text Messages from "backup" through Sprite Backup, all Text Messages that were restored are corrupted (they can't be read anymore). Have you encounterred the same problem?
Your prompt reply is highly appreciated.
Haven't seen that problem but I don't keep sms messages. I know the mail db's on the ppc get messed up from time to time and I've learned to not really trust them when it comes to saving actual messgaes.
Did you try that smsbackup instead of Sprite to try and get the messages saved off somewhere? You may also want to try looking for a program that can read the databases on the ppc to see if they can parse the messages out again.

SMS msgs getting wiped after SOFT reset

Only recently got my T-Mobile branded Vario direct from them brand new and I've noticed that after I perform a soft reset all my messages, regardless of whether they have been read or not, get wiped.
I've checked Deleted Items, Drafts, Inbox, Outbox and Sent Items folders and they are all empty! I can absolutely assure you that I did not delete any of the messages myself.
Thinking that I might of had some conflict with another piece of sofware I had installed I decided to perform a hard reset and get everything set back to T-Mobile factory defaults. After all the Extended-Rom branding stuff got installed I decided to leave the phone exactly as it was, no tweaking of any settings, no installing any extra apps, no active-syncing, no nothing - a fresh factory reset!
Then, I sent another text message to the Vario. It arrived and after I read it and confirmed that it was indeed in the Text Message Inbox folder I quit out of the message app and perform a soft reset. Guess what happened after it restarted? Yep, the text message has miraculously disappeared
Anybody else seen this happen?
Anyone care to comment? Please reply even if your text msgs DON'T get wiped as I'd like to find out whether it's normal or not.
not got a T-mobile ROM, i'm using the O2 one (and now the updated version) and have never lost text messages from a soft reset (only a hard reset)
Sry i cant help further
just started happening to me and i been using the 2.17 rom.. i noticed this yesterday it deleted like 5 msgs but i got my other ones there so i was like WTFD?
I've just had this on a Universal (Orange M5000) with the latest Orange ROMs.
Prior to this, I suddenly had days and days of delivery notifications come flooding in, although this may have been an issue with either Orange or another network provider.
hi for me its not the txt messages but all new files that is created on the sd card gets deleted an all deleted files reappears after a soft reset
m really bugged
if ne 1 knows whats the problem pls help me
Loosing SMs messages.
If you have received a SMS message and soft reset before closing POutlook then I have found that you do loose the message.
By closing, I mean really closing it - not just pucsing the X button.
Likewise if you have deleted a message or moved it then the message(s) come back.
It seems to be that POutlook doesn't commit the changes to it's database until you close the app - or switch accounts.
Charlie Grillo
That certainly seems to be the case with me, I was having trouble syncing with activesync, just dying each time I tried so in the end I hit the soft reset, I'm fairly certain that I still had outlook running at that point.
Actually, thinking about it, there were two batches of sms msgs, and I did end task on outlook after the first, so I can maybe understand that the second lot could be lost, but not the first?
Is there any way of validating the system databases?
The problem that I was having, disappearing SMS msgs, seems to have gone away and everything is still intact now even after multiple soft resets.
In case anyone else gets this strange behaviour, I can indeed confirm that POutlook.exe was indeed closed as I had also double checked the running programs list * to ensure no other processes were open that could conflict.
( * Start -> Settings -> System -> Memory ->Running Programs )
bbut also make sure tmail.exe is closed to.. get memmaid ull be suprised at all whats running.. the best thing to do is to use SmartSKey and make that close ur txt message app completelty!
poutlook.exe tmail.exe and sMSNserver.exe/pMSNserver.exe ...if these are open chances are ur sms/mms may be wiped after a soft-reset i make sure to sync my phone to pc and use jeyo outlook companion b4 a soft-reset

Storing SMS to storage card, help needed

After my Vario II gradually slowed to a halt and stopped receiving calls or sending text messages, I finally had to admit defeat and do a hard reset (not bad going though, I managed 4 months without hard resetting)
I am now going through the long process of getting everything back the way I like it (I stupidly didn't have a backup program installed!). I am sure I found a registry tweak to store, by default, all of my SMS text messages to my storage card and looking at the contents of my card, I do have a folder which seems to agree with this as it does look like it is full of my most recent SMS messages, but I can not, despite searching for a few hours, find the tweak to do this again.
Can anyone help? I have found something about temporary internet files but nothing about SMS/text messages.
Thanks in advance for any help.
I am just bumping this in the hopes that someone may be browsing who knows the answer .. I shall keep my fingers crossed. Thanks.
first post virgin
One I usually do when I want to preserve my SMS messages is use SPB backup, and select just the emails/messages to be backed up, this will back em up to the memory card as an exe.
when your happy with your new "build" on your phone simply run the exe and the messages are back.
Hope that helps?
Thanks for that Craig. I will give SPB Backup a go, it really would make sense for me to install a backup program, it would have made the recent hard reset less painful as far as reinstalling stuff was concerned
I am still interested in knowing where the registry entry is for the sms storage location because I would like to be able to access the various messages I appear to have on my storage card ... I can't for the life of me remember how I managed to change the location to get them on there in the first place, it was several months ago and I have't bothered to save the post/webpage I got the info from .. silly me!
Check out Jeyo mobile extender for outlook, everytime you sync with your ppc via activesync and outlook it will back up your sms to outlook.
Not quite the same, but efficasoft Mobile express will allow you to send messages from your PC through a connector when the PPC is connected to active sync.
You can see your messages in the softwares in box, and export them to a text file thus backing them up but you cant import them back into the phone unfortunatly

[Q] Strange SMS problem; messages continuously multiplying... HELP!

I recently reset my DHD to factory settings, due to an SMS error, (messages wouldnt send, would send multiple times) and before doing so i backed up my SMS using 'Backup to Gmail' (the pay one, cause it was important to me that it worked properly, which it did)
Upon complete system reset, by about 2 hours later, ALL of my texts had re-appeared, (had logged into exchange server for gmail, google for contacts / calander and facebook/twitter ONLY) i had not even signed in to 'Backup to Gmail' and DEFO had not restored any messages.
Ever since, my texts have been multiplying, so automatically the old messages are duplicating themselves growing from what started as 100/150 to most recently about 2,780 (for the same contact) when max 10/20 new messages were actually sent.
It is so odd, i can open the message application (stock HTC one) and just watch the numbers increasing!?
I have since unsynced and uninstalled backup to gmail app, but i can still clearly see that the numbers of messages are increasing.
1) Where / what service backs up all text messages? If any?
2) How on earth do i stop it? I can happily reset again, but i think it will do the same unless i can work out how it is doing it? i.e. where they are being restored from?
I would really appreciate any help or suggestions anyone can give...
Thank you so much in advance... hopefully i can fix it before my messages multiply sooo much that it just fills the full memory???

