Battery reduces charge only by 10s% - 8525, TyTN, MDA Vario II, JasJam General

After the 1st full charge, the reported battery charge is available only in 10s%. i.e. 100%-90%-80% etc.
All the intermediate values are ommited.
Anyone with similar problem?
Any solution?

Welcome aboard, Christo...
...but please, next time, do a search in the fora before asking.
It has been discussed many times and, although [IMHO] it is indeed a problem, there doesn't seem to exist a solution -yet. Supposedly, it's just the normal behaviour...

I emailed HTC with this problem and they replied me with "this is the memory effect for batteries 6 months old or older" - Crap.
I asked them to replace the battery. :wink:
Still waiting for reply.
The truth is that after the above mentioned situation I guessed that I had a unique problem, and that's why I did not search the forum. Sorry... :?

I got HTC's reply. They claim that this is the normal behaviour. :evil:

It might be "normal behaviour", but we would still like to change it!

Mine's doing this right out of the box (from the first charge). Maybe HTC are using cheaper voltage detection circuitry... grumble

The funny thing is that I am absolutely sure that it worked normally, showing all the values, before the first charge. :?:

My Vario II (Tytn) has only ever decreased in 10 percent intervals, right from new.
I expect there is some sort of programming or hardware shortcut HTC have taken which has resulted in this as I guess they didn't think too many people would consider it a problem.
I have to say I would prefer it to measure the percentage precisely, like it used to do on my XDA Mini S (Wizard).
Hopefully, if it is software related (sorry, I am not techy enough to know whether it is most likely to be software or hardware) then may be a future update will change it back to 1 percent intervals.

I'm sure that it isnt a problem of memory effect of the battery, because my battery has one weeks and the battery meter decrease 10%s at time.
But... I'm sure... the first time I have seen the battery... charge for the 98% or 89%...
After... I have installed many software on my device... and I dont know if one of them may interfere with the battery indicator.
The strange thing is the time with the battery meter refresh when I push on my device from the stand by... each time it ask again some second to display the exact quantity of battery residual.

Isn't there any chance the next rom release might correct this 10% decay thing to a 5% decay or a realtime 1%?

I dont know... but, I would like understand if this problem affect all the Hermes200...


XDA crashes at less than 25% power after ROM upgrade

I have an XDA Exec and I have just upgraded my ROM to the newest QTEK version. Since then, I have noticed that it crashes and reboots when the power level showing on the power meter reaches about 25%. I don't believe this problem was occurring before the ROM upgrade.
Although it stops working when 25% power is showing, I do not think that the battery life is actually reduced at all. It seems to me that it is more like the guage is inaccurate now and the power is really near zero when it crashes.
I wondered if the power guage needs recalibrating in some manner after the ROM upgrade because the settings have been lost. I know that some laptop computers need their batteries to be calibrated on first use. Does anyone have any ideas or information on this?
did you ever solve this issue? I have the same problem. Thanks for anyone's help.
Have only just noticed but im having the same problem to so annoying
Bad news, I am afraid. It is a harware fault and needs a repair.
In the end I returned my Exec to O2 under warranty. I got it back last week but they had forgotten to return the battery. After a phone call they sent me a free brand new battery by next day delivery.
Unfortunatelyt this means that I can't say for sure whether it was a battery problem or the phone itself. The covering letter with the phone said they had found a fault and repaired the phone, but since it seemed to be a stock letter, I can't be sure.
Anyway, my Exec certainly works fine now. I can get down to less than 10% with no crashes. I definitely did not have anything to do with the ROM upgrade.
Bad news, I am afraid. It is a harware fault and needs a repair.
In the end I returned my Exec to O2 under warranty. I got it back last week but they had forgotten to return the battery. After a phone call they sent me a free brand new battery by next day delivery.
Unfortunatelyt this means that I can't say for sure whether it was a battery problem or the phone itself. The covering letter with the phone said they had found a fault and repaired the phone, but since it seemed to be a stock letter, I can't be sure.
Anyway, my Exec certainly works fine now. I can get down to less than 10% with no crashes. I definitely did not have anything to do with the ROM upgrade.
Thanks for the reply. That was not what I wanted to hear! I am going to continue playing around with it; I can't believe we're the only ones to have this problem. Let me know if you get any more news. I'm getting tired of sending the HTC in for repairs.
i-mate crashes with battery in less then 43%
My i-mate continues to crashes with the battery is less then 43%, apparently the problem occurred when I make the upgrade to ROM Qtek WWE_13077_130176_10900, was looked like that this version has something that change the battery configuration, since Qtek 9000 comes with 1750 battery mAh? I reinstalled the i-mate ROM 1.30.82 and the problem persists?
I made a test leaving the i-mate on, without using the radio until the battery settings showed 23%, then I made a phone call, the i-mate crashes in seconds. Somebody could inform what is the true voltage of the battery in the i-mate when it is 100% and when it is 10%, at the Main Battery settings?
Battery problem...u ccan verify this by using a differrent one may b from yr friend...
I have the same problem, its only started happening after the ROM upgrade from o2, before it would run down to 0% no problem but now it gets to 25% crashes and i have to reboot it and turn the backlight of otherwise it crashes again. Are you sure its a battery problem because ive had the same battery for 6 months and the problem only started after the upgrade.
Thanks to all of you guys for adding comments. Good to see others with the same problem. Misery loves company.
Anyhow, I can't exactly say my problems started with a ROM upgrade. I have two used universals. Here's my story:
PDA#1. Upgraded with previous Orange ROM as soon as I bought it and started having the 25% crashing problem
PDA#2. Never had crashing problem, upgraded latest Orange ROM, down to nearly dead battery today and no crash.
Hmm, to test the bad battery theory, I will swap the battery in PDA#1 with the battery in PDA #2, and if I get a crash, I can blame it on the battery. Otherwise, it's the OS. Both PDAs have EXACTLY the same programs installed from fresh ROM upgrades.
Battery test
Hi PDAholic.
Which was the result of the test with the battery.
See my previous post in this topic. I can confirm that my problem seemed to start when I upgraded to the newest QTek ROM (from original O2 ROM). However after it has been returned to O2 for a repair, I have once again upgraded to the same ROM and now it works fine.
So, it must ether be a hardware fault on the Exec or a battery fault. My evidence is not consistent with it being something to do with the ROM version.
Anyone have definitive information on this problem?
Mark: I thank you for your post--but you have to admit, there is nothing wrong with a little experimentation!
Josedias: My experiment is still underway. I will say that taking out the nearly dead battery from non-crashing pda and putting it into the crashing pda did not result in the latter pda crashing. However, I am now waiting for the battery from crashing pda (which is now in non-crashing pda) to die. If it does, the problem is the battery. I actually have another theory if none of this pans out, which I will present with my next post.
Will be good to hear what your fndings are.
I spoke to o2 today and told them about the problem with the battery they tried telling me that it was software related then i told him that i was using the latest software from there website and he was like hmmm ok let me put you through to returns. Got put through and the kind person that i spoke to there said just to pop it in the post with the returns number and will send you out a new one the same day.
So i should hopefully have a new 1 by the end of the week will let you know if i have any problems
Okay, interesting results here...
I was actually unable to reproduce the shutdown on either PDA, with either battery!
I have a theory why, and perhaps those of you with the problem could try and see if it fixes your devices.
When I started the experiment, I wanted both PDAs to be as equal (controlled variables!) as possible. So, I charged both overnight until the green light came on, then did a soft reset to both PDAs. I have a feeling this might have somehow reset the battery meters in both devices.
Pretty much all PDA manufacturers recommend when you first get a device to charge it to 100% then begin using it. I do know that when I did the ROM upgrade on the device that kept crashing, my battery was very low. So, I presume that when I started using the device, the battery calibration was way off. Say that the device thought the battery was at 100%, but it was actually only at 75%. When the battery discharged to 0%, the device thought it was at 25%, and thus did not issue any warning messages. Then, without warning, the device died and would not come on without charging (which is what mine did).
I don't know for sure if this is what has been happening, but it makes sense to me.
My next experiment would be to stick a near dead battery in a device with a fully charged battery and see what happens. Although, at this point I probably "ought to leave well enough alone."
Again, I suggest to all of you to charge the device overnight to 100% WITH THE GREEN LIGHT ON, then do a soft reset and see if your problem is solved.
I will keep you guys posted on any further problems. Good luck.
Hi everyone!
A bit out of topic but I could not find any other discusion that could relate to my problem which is also related to battery.
I've got this guy who bought a brand spankin new XDA EXEC straight from Taiwan and the lame ass used it for about 4 hours without preformating the battery until it seized on him. It happend at the time of Active Sync instalation.
It did not die out sooner because he had it connected all the time to PC via USB cable thinking that this will charge the battery.
Now all he can see is the O2 welcoming screen and the ROM initialization figures.
Any ideas guys? I feel sorry for him and am trying to help him somehow.
I presume he has tried to do a hard reset (both softkeys, reset button and power). If that doesn't work, he could put it in bootloader mode, disable USB, and try reloading the ROM. Make sure he realizes that it takes a LONG time to soft reset the Universals. A common nube mistake is to keep hitting the reset button thinking it has locked up on the splash screen. Not that I would ever have done that...
I received a T-Mobile MDA Pro on tuesday and it has the same problem - but, my battery seems to die at 50% and will only power back on when the charger is plugged (mains or usb) in?
Hi guys ive just been on the phone with o2 and i have been told that it is indeed a hardware fault and that i will be getting a new one back from them in the next few days.
Qtek 13077 ROM ????
Could somebody inform what is the true voltage of the battery in the i-mate at 100% and when it is 10%, in the miter?
I have charged the unit till 100% led = Green, then soft reset, the problem persist?
Now I am 100% certainty that the problem occurred when I made upgrade to Qteck, we needs to investigate what the the Qtek ROM this doing with the JasJar?

Atom Life restarting on incoming calls

Weird thing: Every now and then my Atom Life reboots when I get an incoming call. It rings for around 2 seconds and reboots. Any idea what that may be? I have no other problems at all, it never restarts when anything else happens!
that happens to me as well. ****s me to know end... I think the battery charge may have something to do with it. ie if my atom life is fully charge i don't think it happens? it just seems to be when it gets lower... great to know i'm not the only one with this problem though.
the same happens all the time when the battery is at 40% or less.
I think you're right. I changed to another battery I have, and that seems to have fixed it. Strange thing is that the battery I have used so far has been between 70 & 80 % when it's happened, and it dies at around 40 %. Probably a faulty battery. Thanks!
you mean your phone works fine now,even on 20%?
Actually, i've read on several forum that Atom, watever model it is comes with a battery that is somewhat faulty. Changing to another battery other that the default one actually solves the problem of it shutting down @ 40%..
Bikiapo, unfortunately, no. I thought I had fixed it, but I hadn't.
Lann_78, that doesn't surprise me! These units have a few problems that are really annoying, but for me the postivies (fast CPU, good connectivity, small size) makes up for it in my book. I have a few no original batteries laying around from my previous Atom, so I'll try with those. Thanks!
im wondering what O2 says about all of this.because im sure they know.we bought our devices with money not with nuts.all over the internet they talk about this devices with the worst words.O2 MUST DO SOMETHING!!!
Well, since I changed the battery I haven't had any problems. I guess it's a subcontractor that cut corners on the battery. I guessing that they simply can't keep the voltage at the necessary 3.7 Volts when they fall below 50 %, or whatever the real percentage it is, and there's a surge in power usage, like a call coming in.
i just buy a battery 3550 mAh.till now was 1530 you think it will fix the problem?
Probably. Those batteries are very thick, so you need another backplate. But you probably got that as well in the package, right?
yes there is one in the package.have you ever saw a battery like this one? is it much bigger than the original battery?and the weight...?
I have no idea, I have only seen it in the eBay auctions, and I know that if a battery has that much more capacity and has a new backplate, it must be bigger. Which is why I don't buy one, I like my aluminum case too much.
same problem
Hey i was under the impression that aftr i dropped my O2 Atom life a couple opf times the batery has started behaving erratically.....good to know that others are also facing the same my case the phone goes off and then i need to put it it the same what everyone else goes trhough...i too feel that only when it is below 40% mark this problem happens that an incoming call rings for a few seconds and then the phone goes off...
visit the site and you will see thar we are not alone.many owners of atom life with the same problems.
I've got the same problem. But it solved now.
Just change the CPU profile to best Power. It works on Me
Strange. I always had the CPU profile set like that. It didn't do any good for me. But what did help was to use another battery. I haven't had the problem since I stopped using the batteries that came with the thing.
Mastiff said:
Strange. I always had the CPU profile set like that. It didn't do any good for me. But what did help was to use another battery. I haven't had the problem since I stopped using the batteries that came with the thing.
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It's true the battery that came with the package didn't fit excatly in the device, the battery size a bit smaller than the slot. So i try to put some paper so the battery could fit in.
The fit isn't the problem. The problem is that if it's below 50 % charge the voltage sinks so low that a call will make the phone restart. And even turning on the WiFi can reboot it.
hey there. new in the forum, new atom life for me..
but i had the same problem as you guys.
the thing is that atom not only restarted, the device couldnt boot at all. after several tries i had to do hard reset... twice in 3 days.. and thank god i didnt have any important data to lose at the moment, but who knows in the future?At the beggining i thought that some programm crashed but now i see there is something more serious here...
All we have to do is send our complaints to O2 about all this. if this is a manufacter problem then they have to solve it for us... dont you think?

Recalibrate WM6 For Mugen 3000 mA Battery

I have recently purchased a Mugen 3000 mA battery. I am thrilled with the extended battery life after fully charging and discharging it three times as recommended by the manufacturer. What I find annoying is that WM6 no longer gives accurate information regarding remaining battery strength. If I run the battery down to 2%, remove the battery and restart WM6 says 37%. At 2% I can repeat and WM6 still says 37%. After running down to 2% a third time and repeating WM6 says around 10%. After that it varies a bit but you get the picture.
What I would like to know is if one of you geniuses out there has discovered a registry edit, hack or 3rd party software that will provide accurate battery info so I don't have to be distracted by having my battery say 2% for hours on end or repeatedly remove and restart.
BTW, BatteryStatus Ver. 1.04.200 beta2 build 0173 reports the same incorrect info and so does SPB Mobile Shell 1.5 Home Tab.
Thanks in advance for your informed guidance. OK, that is laying it on a bit thick but I always highly recommend this site to anyone I know interested in really learning how to take full advantage of that little computer in their pocket.
Take a search on XDA for Ariel monitor maybe it solves your problem.
Thanks for the suggestion. It is a nice little program but it suffers from the same problem. I suspect I need to find a way to change the mA capacity WM6 bases it's battery calculations. I don't know if that can be done with a registry edit or if there is a third party battery monitor that has an option to change the battery capacity for calculation of percentage remaining or better yet auto detects the actual battery capacity. Ideally it would be able to both accurately read remaining percentage and make reasonably accurate time remaining estimates based on current and historical battery drain data.
It is like driving a car with a broken gas gage. Sure, you can use the odometer to estimate how much gas you have left but you are always worried your estimate is off and you will be left stranded without a phone ... oops crossed metaphors.
How do the rest of the users with extended batteries handle this irritating situation?
Bump. I can't believe i'm the only one with this problem.
I know this problem also i will wait with buying a high capacy battery until i find such a hack
The Kaiser uses a smartbattery. The battery capacity is based on the information that a small processor inside the battery tells the phone's main processor. There are several things that could be the problem:
1. The small processor in the 3rd party battery is programmed with the old specs for the standard battery. The is nothing you could do about this.
2. The small processor needs to be calibrated. You would do this as follows; set your phone to never turn off no matter how low the battery got. Now, run the phone down until the thing dies from lack of power. Then charge it all the way up. This should fix that issue. I don't recomend doing it many times, because it is not good for Lion batteries to be fully discharged too often.
This is a very valid issue which I have faced many times when using a 3rd party extended battery with other phones.
Not sure how to solve it though, although I have the 3000mah on order myself.
I think the battery reading is given by the battery itself, and most of these 3rd party manufacturers don't really care to put a smart processor in the battery (to reduce costs/make it smaller/etc).
I have the exact same issue and although it is a nuisance, I have found a workaround to keep using the phone. Simply physically removing the battery and replacing it will increase your remaining battery power substantially. I normally wait till the first low battery reminder to do this. Also, how do I set the phone to never turn off no matter how low the battery gets? This would also be fine with me.
utbiglall said:
I have the exact same issue and although it is a nuisance, I have found a workaround to keep using the phone. Simply physically removing the battery and replacing it will increase your remaining battery power substantially. I normally wait till the first low battery reminder to do this. Also, how do I set the phone to never turn off no matter how low the battery gets? This would also be fine with me.
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I didn't run into this issue until I reflashed my ROM to one with W6.1. Then, rather than get 12-13 hrs with my 3amp battery, I'd get 6. I used my original battery, but when I put the 3amp back in, I still had 47% left.
It's the ROM, and until there's a fix, it would be a pain to pull and replace the battery just to work around. I've done this several times recently when I'm on battery power, but I'd rather not.
Anybody heard of any other fixes, outside monitor, or do we wait until we get a Windows Mobile 6.1 fix?
Still no luck?
Has anyone been able to find a solution for this. I am ordering the extended battery today. I will try to fully discharge it and then recharge it as was suggested and report back.
I emailed Mugen. We went back and forth with them trying to troubleshoot whether it's the battery or OS. They were clueless, but did offer an RMA to replace the battery. I pay the postage. Not sure if I'll send it back if it's the OS. I pull and replace the battery right now. It's a real pain, and I hate opening the case so much, but it's the only way I can get an accurate read.
PhoenixAG said:
This is a very valid issue which I have faced many times when using a 3rd party extended battery with other phones.
Not sure how to solve it though, although I have the 3000mah on order myself.
I think the battery reading is given by the battery itself, and most of these 3rd party manufacturers don't really care to put a smart processor in the battery (to reduce costs/make it smaller/etc).
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The processor is required for these types of lithium ion batteries because it regulates the charging of the battery. If it didn't the battery would not charge properly, or maybe not even charge at all.
There is no solution for now, people from other forums tries to patch battdrvr.dll.
But two things may help a little:
1.You may completely disable battery monitoring
HKLM\Drivers\BuiltIn\Battery rename or remove string battdrvr.dll
But you lost monitoring completely.
2. change HKLM\Drivers\BuiltIn\Battery\Order change value from 15 (in my case) to 0. - After this battery lasts longer until power off.
There is not complete hardware or software solution for this problem. We need to wait.
Low Battery warning:
By default, a PPC will sound a warning sound when the battery is running low (10%, fixed value), but there's no way to disable or change the notification. To enable this, so that it is visible in the "Sounds & Notifications" control panel, set:
HKCU\ControlPanel\Notifications\{A877D663-239C-47a7-9304-0D347F580408}\Default = "Low battery warning" (REGSZ string, no quotes)
Anybody have any updates on this? I have noticed this more on WM6.1, but it was still an issue on WM6. I just find this so annoying!
Is there any radio that can fix this? I noiced that this battery reading issue only occurs when the Phone Signal is on. When off, it never happens to me. Or it seems. So it has something to do with the radio.
bump, anyone got a solution?
this is very interesting, i bought the seidio 3200 battery i am having the same problems. i just tired the
change HKLM\Drivers\BuiltIn\Battery\Order change value from 15 (in my case) to 0
i am going to see how that works out throughout the day
Tried It
I am having same issue, reset the registry key to "0" and ran for a full day, no change, still incorrect reading. I have a 2700 Mah battery and the charge indicater is completely wrong on it. I have cycled the battery as per reccoemndations, but still get wrong power remaining readings. Can remove the battery and resets itselft to a more correct reading.
I am out of ideas, guess we need someone from HTC to chime in with a hardware fix.
ms0529 said:
I am having same issue, reset the registry key to "0" and ran for a full day, no change, still incorrect reading. I have a 2700 Mah battery and the charge indicater is completely wrong on it. I have cycled the battery as per reccoemndations, but still get wrong power remaining readings. Can remove the battery and resets itselft to a more correct reading.
I am out of ideas, guess we need someone from HTC to chime in with a hardware fix.
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i have tried it too and it still does the same thing. i would still need to pull the battery and restart the device for the batt meter to get a more accurate reading. i could do it about 3 times before the battery dies completely.
is there this problem with all extended batteries or just with the larger ones?
the reason I ask is that I've got a $17 credit at Amazon and was thinking of grabbing a 1600mah battery, it's only like $22 with ship so I'll only pay a few bucks for it really...
I wanted to get the larger one but it's fat and won't fit standard carrying case, but the 1600 is slim and will fit in place a regular battery

[Q] Battery (I think) dying - what to do?

This happened a few years when I had my first battery.
When the charge gets to a certain level - in the first case, it was about 50% - the machine simply switched off and refused to boot until the battery was fully charged again. Of course, with 50% left, there should have been tons of juice to keep powering the thing.
The same is happening now - but when the charge has gone down to 70%. Why? There should be plenty of juice, but the machine once again seems to think that there is insufficient to run the machine.
I really love the Uni, of all the HTC devices I still think the world of it, and I am reluctant to waste even modest amounts of money on fake replacement batteries which only last a couple of weeks, so what do I do?
Is there some registry tweak which will stop this process happening? How do I tell the machine just to soldier on, ignore the fact that the battery may be a little weaker than before?
Any suggestions welcome,
You need to buy a new one, not much else to do. You could try battery reviving techniques (freezing etc.) but I doubt they'd be effective - I have a similar battery that dies on 85% and nothing works. It's not a software problem. I'd get a few from different sources so you'll have spares and at least one or two will work without problems.
I get what you're saying, I also love my Jasjar to death, though more as a PDA than as a phone. If only we could stick HD2's internals and screen in it
Edit : you've probably read this ,but in case you haven't :
Get a new battery 15-25US on ebay
thanks guys, it is something which seems to affect the Universal - I have never had this with other gadgets.
I am going to try to "recalibrate" the battery one last time, then if that doesn't work, off to ebay I go.
On the point of the HD2's screen - I actually like the Jasjar because it is still the old-fashioned VGA, I find some software doesn't run on the WVGA of the newer devices.
thanks again,

Battery status indicator bug : are you affected ?

It seems to be a problem with the battery status indicator on the LG E900.
The battery is refreshed only when the device is wake up from standby.
To know if you're affected, simply note your current battery life in settings> energy saving, use the device non-stop for say 5 minutes and check it again. Note the value again, and put the phone in standby then wake it up and check the value again. If the value is the same, no problem. If the value has completly changed, you're impacted.
Based on the comments on different blogs, it seems to affect 8 out of 10 users.
I have this problem since NODO...I can't remember if it appeared before NODO...not a huge problem for me, but, it's a ridiculous problem for Microsoft: There is a battery icon, which takes some screen space, and it doesn't work. iPhone users laugh at Microsoft when they see problems like these, and they are's stupid! MICROSOFT WAKE UP!
Please, if you're impacted, vote !
Hi guys,
Seems the bug is related to the battery, not the phone itself.
Indeed, I tried to change my battery with some I had in spare, and with one only, it's working fine.
I'll keep you informed of my tests
Edit : well, in fact it worked until the first full charge... got the bug again now.
Hi, i have this phone and i try the test...Yeap my phone is affected. One Question, this trouble is affected only in Mango update? Or stock firmware is affected too?
chokod9 said:
Hi, i have this phone and i try the test...Yeap my phone is affected. One Question, this trouble is affected only in Mango update? Or stock firmware is affected too?
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It was there before Mango, but it was more difficult to analyse because we didn't have any precise status info. Now, in the settings, we've got the percent of remaining battery and t's how it make it easier to detect
lpaso said:
It was there before Mango, but it was more difficult to analyse because we didn't have any precise status info. Now, in the settings, we've got the percent of remaining battery and t's how it make it easier to detect
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Oh! True! Well...i think that LG (Or MS) should launch an app to calibrate the in Android. For all phones was launched with Windows Phone 7.0 stock
Well, new battery does not correct the bug...
It seems the bug disappeared, but it's back again. Can't pin the reason of this.
The bug is there even with the latest LG firmware which enables internet sharing -
I'm affected too. I hate what LG is doing with their firmware many strange version numbers. And this bug is annoying too. I'm happy I orderd my Lumia 800 just yesterday!
Yep, I just flashed my phone with the Open Europe firmware and you know what ? It still bugs ! So, I see only 2 explanations :
- it's hardware, and a huge amount of devices is touched
- it's software and caused by Zune (see below)
- it's software, and the people telling that they don't have the bug just didn't test it correctly, and they are in fact impacted by the bug
What do you think ? do you see other explanations ?
For a little reminder, here's what I've tested :
- change batteries (tried 4 different) : bug
- hard reset : bug
- change firmware (OPN_NLD/OPN_NEU/ORG_FR) : bug
It also seems that the bug happens when Zune is launched, as when I reboot, and don't touch Zune at all, the bug seems to disappear. Can you reproduce it too ?
OK, more news...
Last night I tried many scenarii to try to find what is causing the battery bug, and Zune seems not guilty... When I went to bed, the battery was working fine. After the whole night and a complete charge of the phone (from bedtime to wake-up), the battery was again bugged. So, what happened in the night that can cause the battery bug ? I think at two things :
- Wireless sync
- Full charge with a long time connected to the charger with the battery full
Now, I'm trying to cause the phone to sync wirelessly to know if this is the culprit, or if the long charge can be the problem.
Things are better with last update. 14h from 100% to 19%
Better but not what is awaited.
Bug with indicator still persists
Battery meter not efficient at all.
This bug is really tricky. Sometimes the gauge is working fine (say 10% of the time) and I can't find when it goes wrong...I tried many scenarii and none where bulletproof concerning the reliability of the gauge... Just hope LG can correct this, because it really is a good phone, and I can't find any replacement to it...
Well, the only thing I can ask you is to contact your local LG after sell service about this bug. Maybe if we're enough to ask about it, they'll correct it
I have the problem too. It appeared like a week after the mango update ("official", via zune). So I can't trace anything that may have triggered the problem.
I do not only have the battery status problem, but also the fast battery draining problem. But there are related to some extent, at least for me:
When I updated to mango, the phone would tell me that the battery would last for 1 day and 12 hours (or something like that). As soon as the battery status indicator bug appeared, when I fully recharge the phone and then unplug it, it will tell me that I have 20 hours left, and 22 with battery saver mode. If I use data connection moderately (on commute to home) and wi fi for a couple hours, it will last WAY longer than 22 hours. So basically, the estimated battery time is as wrong as the indicator and doesn't accurately estimate the remaining time. A friend has a LG C900 and he's definitely not having that problem after mango.
this problem doesn't come with mango. I've it all the time since novembre 2010. But with the new battery saver mode, it's easier to "see" it because you have the exact percentage of battery remaining... Let's send massive complaint to LG customer service
Tested this without incident. Showed 97%, played Doodle Jump for 5 months and showed 95%. Put it in standby and afterwards it read 94%, which I take as being acceptable variation.
Perhaps it's dependent on firmware rather than Mango? I'm running FWIW.
PaulMdx said:
Showed 97%, played Doodle Jump for 5 months and showed 95%.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
That's an impressive battery life
Talking seriously, I don't think it's related with mango, but firmware, as some people have reported having the issue before the update.

