Atom Life restarting on incoming calls - iPAQ rw6828, XDA Atom General

Weird thing: Every now and then my Atom Life reboots when I get an incoming call. It rings for around 2 seconds and reboots. Any idea what that may be? I have no other problems at all, it never restarts when anything else happens!

that happens to me as well. ****s me to know end... I think the battery charge may have something to do with it. ie if my atom life is fully charge i don't think it happens? it just seems to be when it gets lower... great to know i'm not the only one with this problem though.

the same happens all the time when the battery is at 40% or less.

I think you're right. I changed to another battery I have, and that seems to have fixed it. Strange thing is that the battery I have used so far has been between 70 & 80 % when it's happened, and it dies at around 40 %. Probably a faulty battery. Thanks!

you mean your phone works fine now,even on 20%?

Actually, i've read on several forum that Atom, watever model it is comes with a battery that is somewhat faulty. Changing to another battery other that the default one actually solves the problem of it shutting down @ 40%..

Bikiapo, unfortunately, no. I thought I had fixed it, but I hadn't.
Lann_78, that doesn't surprise me! These units have a few problems that are really annoying, but for me the postivies (fast CPU, good connectivity, small size) makes up for it in my book. I have a few no original batteries laying around from my previous Atom, so I'll try with those. Thanks!

im wondering what O2 says about all of this.because im sure they know.we bought our devices with money not with nuts.all over the internet they talk about this devices with the worst words.O2 MUST DO SOMETHING!!!

Well, since I changed the battery I haven't had any problems. I guess it's a subcontractor that cut corners on the battery. I guessing that they simply can't keep the voltage at the necessary 3.7 Volts when they fall below 50 %, or whatever the real percentage it is, and there's a surge in power usage, like a call coming in.

i just buy a battery 3550 mAh.till now was 1530 you think it will fix the problem?

Probably. Those batteries are very thick, so you need another backplate. But you probably got that as well in the package, right?

yes there is one in the package.have you ever saw a battery like this one? is it much bigger than the original battery?and the weight...?

I have no idea, I have only seen it in the eBay auctions, and I know that if a battery has that much more capacity and has a new backplate, it must be bigger. Which is why I don't buy one, I like my aluminum case too much.

same problem
Hey i was under the impression that aftr i dropped my O2 Atom life a couple opf times the batery has started behaving erratically.....good to know that others are also facing the same my case the phone goes off and then i need to put it it the same what everyone else goes trhough...i too feel that only when it is below 40% mark this problem happens that an incoming call rings for a few seconds and then the phone goes off...

visit the site and you will see thar we are not alone.many owners of atom life with the same problems.

I've got the same problem. But it solved now.
Just change the CPU profile to best Power. It works on Me

Strange. I always had the CPU profile set like that. It didn't do any good for me. But what did help was to use another battery. I haven't had the problem since I stopped using the batteries that came with the thing.

Mastiff said:
Strange. I always had the CPU profile set like that. It didn't do any good for me. But what did help was to use another battery. I haven't had the problem since I stopped using the batteries that came with the thing.
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It's true the battery that came with the package didn't fit excatly in the device, the battery size a bit smaller than the slot. So i try to put some paper so the battery could fit in.

The fit isn't the problem. The problem is that if it's below 50 % charge the voltage sinks so low that a call will make the phone restart. And even turning on the WiFi can reboot it.

hey there. new in the forum, new atom life for me..
but i had the same problem as you guys.
the thing is that atom not only restarted, the device couldnt boot at all. after several tries i had to do hard reset... twice in 3 days.. and thank god i didnt have any important data to lose at the moment, but who knows in the future?At the beggining i thought that some programm crashed but now i see there is something more serious here...
All we have to do is send our complaints to O2 about all this. if this is a manufacter problem then they have to solve it for us... dont you think?


MDA Pro - Phone/Radio cutout at 70% battery

First off, I have seen many threads on the MDA PRO (and all its variants) cutting out at high battery power levels and from what I can see there doesn't seem to be any concrete resolution. But here is my situation.
I bought a new sealed MDA Pro and immedialy flasshed to the latest T-Mobile rom. Thats where the problems began. I seem to be plagued by the MDA cutoff at 60-70% problem.
The way it manifests is the radion loses signal and cannot locate the carrier at or below 70%. At this stage a reset of the device and it reboots but as soon as you use the phone or wifi it crashes .. black screen.
As with others if I connect the USB cable and charge by PC or mains everything returns to normal. Not a very mobile solution!!
I have tried every variant of ROM out there and the problem remains. I have charged the battery for 16 hours etc etc. I have tried phone in Auto, GSM modes .. same problem :!:
The only thing I haven't done yet is buy a new battery and hence my post.
Will the purchase of a new battery solve the problem? As with other threads it would seem this came along with the latest roms. Does flashing a ROM when the battery is less than fully charged cause problems?
On a final note, if after the radio loses signal it is turned off I have been able to run the device down to 20% running videos and MP3. Is this a probem with radio levels above1.09.00 (Just thinking out loud)
HELP: This device is perfect for my daily use and having purchased a less than mobile device I am now close to getting rid .. but I dont want to
Any advice greatly appreciated... expecially from those who have fixed the problem.
I had this problem and a new battery fixed it.
Thanks. Look slike a new battery
There seems to be different speculations on what causes the battery problem on the Universal: the power charge cable quality theory, one idea about the battery level stored inside the batter which some claimed to registry heck could change and another idea about the battery 500 charges limitations.
But if yours is brand new, then none of the above applies... So the refresh to a new Rom definately must have something to do with it. Wonder anybody who had bought a new replacement battery after the power drop had done another rom refresh and whether the same problem returns?
I have just bought a replacement battery (1800m Ah at standard size by MoMax which gives me another 30% more power everyday which is something good I got from paying for a new battery) yesterday to change the old one out for the same reason. Looks like until someone found the real cause, I am keeping the old one for my next rom refresh...
New Battery ... problem resolved.

mda restarts while im on the web, then says no battery

my mda says that it has like 93% battery life and while im scrolling around on the web after 15 minutes the phone just automatically SHUTS OFF and restarts saying low battery life and then it dies again. whats the deal with that? what do i have to do to fix this? its sooo annoying. any help will be greatly appreciated!
you might be out of RAM..
close some apps that are running..
IE eats up a bunch of RAM..
Looks more like a faulty battery to me! OUT OF RAM or LOW RAM never will give out the message: LOW BATTERY.!
If you have the chance to try another battery (maybe you own a second one or a friend might have the same device) just give it a shot ...
i tried with a different battery. the phone still reboots if your on the phone or interenet for longer than 10-15 mins. whats up with this?
I have EXACTLY the same problem with my phone. This phone is onlt 1 month old and was a replacement for a previous MDA that had SD card problems...
I have the exact same problem. When I don't use WiFi the battery lasts for several days. But when I use Wi-Fi in 10-15 minutes it restarts and shows battery very low.
I have noticed that if I connect and immediately disconnect the charger, it shows that there is a lot of power left in the battery and the phone will actually last a while. It definitely can't charge it so fast, so somehow its getting confused about how much battery is left.
Can anyone help with this, please?
I just did a clean install of the official T-Mobile Rom, and the problem is still there. The phone keeps restarting.
Help please.
right there with you guys. ihave and 8125 and they same thing happens i am just glad i have a spare phone. Bad very BAd.
Junner2003 is right. The problem is a failed cell in the battery. If you don't put the wizard under any load it will last for a while however as soon as you ask it to do something (like use the internet) it dies real quick.
Get a new battery (not a second hand one that you know nothing about) and the problem will go away. I had the same problem a few months ago and went through all the same issus mentioned on this forum but a new battery solve the issue once and for all.
Thanks for the input, jt_armstrong. I'll replace the battery and report back here. I am thinking I about getting a high capacity one like this one
Hey everyone. jt_armstrong and Junner2003 are right. At least in my case changing the battery seems to have solved the problem.
I got the high capacity one from ebay, and so far it has been working perfectly.

Unidentified issue after Reassembling

Hello i got an unidentified issue with my Touch after reassembling it.
I bought a White Cover for my Touch and everything worked fine on disassemble and reassemble it. But now i got this crazy issue with my batterylife. It is not normal, the life is so shorten up to some hours without doing anything.
When the mobile phone is just idling the battery life is after 2 hours from 100% to 60% down and after 6 hours my battery is empty. I don't understand why this happen.
Could i do anything wrong on the assemble? The other thing is, that my camera stops also working after this reassemble. I can start the program but nothing happen. Tried many reboots and also formating system and installing it again.
Camera is still not working and something eats my battery
Does anyone have ideas? Thanks in advance.
When you try to start the program, does anything happen? Does it launch the program and display a black screen as if the lens was blocked, or the camera chip is not plugged into the main board? It may have become disconnected during the case swap.
As to the battery, it could be linked, it may not - I don't know I wonder if something could be shorting internally afterwards, but I wouldn't be too sure!
How old is the battery as well - it may well just be coincidence that it has come when you changed the case (although I doubt it!)
When i try to launch the program nothing happens. It doesn't show anything just idle, like i would have never clicked to open it.
I will check today again the camera at the mainboard, when i will arrive at home after work. Maybe it is this problem, that camera tries to connect and can't and eats my batterylife.
The battery is about 2 1/2 years old but worked fine before i changed the cover my phone was many days on before it gone empty. It's just curious
Now i need always the charger for my phone every some hours
Damn, i tried reassembling it again but it didn't solve my issue. My Battery is still shorten empty and camera is also not working after reseating it.
Hey stu any other ideas? I have to recharge my phone 4-6 times a day, this sucks really.
Do you think it could be caused by the cover? That maybe a piece of metal is sucking my battery out?
Recharging of my battery is also low now, it need soooo long. Please need help.
I really am still tempted to say the battery is dead.
it could be worth installing HomeScreen++ (UI) so you can see how much charge is being drained, and also how much goes in when charging.
it may be possible, on a long shot, that the battery is not passing enough power to boot the camera - who knows.
Is your battery slightly buldging as well? This is something I have noticed at my work that happens when batteries are coming to end of life - they also tend to be rather erratic and do not maintain a charge or take a charge (these are 4400mah batteries that cost £100 as well :/)
Have you read the thread in rom development as well about battery conditioning? That may help, anything is possible, right?
I took my devices apart yesterday to see if I could find something that may be shorting - but I was unsuccessful
So okey i have downloaded this HomeScreen UI and my Battery is draining 326mA/1305mW and Device is 36°C or 97°F hot. Is this okey? How much should it be?
At charging my Battery it shows +265mA/1008mW.
Battery is not bulging its ok like always.
Maybe i should buy new better battery on ebay?
Sweet jesus, my batery drain is 79mA/331mW
Something is causing some massive battery drain - What apps are you running/installed?
Stu i have normal installed programs of my ROM Onyx Ultimate 4.1.6. But it can't be any program installed, i did a hardreset and it was before the reset too like that.
It happens after i changed my Cover to White with everything except the digitizer, Speaker and LCD display them were okey.
Could this issue be caused of my Speaker? On putting it out from old Cover i broke it a little bit with a screw driver i push it to get it out and now the sound is weird the bass is warped. I ordered a new one, it still works but ****ty.
But who knows, if its not this Speaker drain so much, but why it should I am so helpless
Be interesting to see what happens with the replacement to be honest - I am really intrigued!
Not a lot more I can suggest for now - I'd still try a new battery after the speaker if there is no improvment.
How do the connections look on the speaker? Are they all clear and not touching anything else as well?
Okey i will buy a new battery for my phone, maybe its the issue, but i don't think so.
Today it is curious my phone just drain 650mW not 13xxmW anymore. But when i charge my phone, its increase again to 980mW
I will disassemble my phone today again at home and check if some metal is not correctly in the cover.
Okey i tested my phone again without the cover. I disassemble it and powered it without cover on and my battery was draining same about 1169mW.
So it is not the cover, maybe i should really buy a new battery.
Ok it did not help with the new battery. Still the same issue like before.
I bought a new mobile phone HTC desire and I am so happy about that. There is no compare with the old touch
Hmm, still trying to figure out what would be wrong if it was not related to the battery - possibly what controls it - but then that is a hardware fault.
I'll do some more thinking and see what I can come up with.
The desire is an awesome phone - one of the ones I am looking at getting soon. (Currently have a Hero as my main device and my Elfs as my spare/mess around phones)
yea desire is really awesome, i like to browsing through the market place
i think the elf has problems with the camera and this the issue for sucking battery out.
because it doesn't work anymore. when i press on the camera button, nothing happes.
no sandclock is showing up. just idle like never clicked on the button.

Anyone else with this problem...?

Hello all,
I bought the HD a couple of months after it first was released and have never had this problem until about 3 days ago, where my phone has started to suddenly "die" even with ample battery life in it. When I reboot it, it simply starts to reboot then dies again as if the battery is dead, however, when I plug it into the charger, it shows that it has over half to almost full battery life. So the problem can not be that the battery is simply dying. What could be causing this problem? I have ample free main storage and program memory and it occurs even when there is only one program running or even when I'm just in the middle of a call.
Can anyone help me solve this problem? I have tons of medical programs in my phone which took forever to install and don't want to hard reset the phone, especially if that is not even the solution to the problem. Help?
Same thing happened to me, but my phone gets some water. I had to dry it and wait a month. Then it worked fine. If your phone hasn't took any water the problem must be elsewhere.
One question, it dies even if attached to the power? or only on battery?
If it dies only on battery then could be the battery not working properly.
Batteries do weird stuff when they're dead. If it works OK on power but not on battery, chances are the battery is indeed on its way out. If you don't want to do a hard reset, a replacement battery on ebay is cheap and worth trying.
I have exactly the same behavior. I changed of Rom, different build, each time running Task29, but it is always the same thing :
- when charged, phone never dies
- when on battery, it randomly dies but always when phone is awake
I think too it may come from the battery, so I just ordered a new one, and I'll keep you up to date.
Yea, so far it has occurred about 4 times, always when it's not plugged in however the battery meter shows alof of battery time left. I'm thinking it's the battery too, it just sucks to have to pay so much for an OEM battery. Oh well, thanks for the help everyone.
so I received my new battery this morning.
After some phone calls and some far so good ! I'll tell you if something's change in the next days, but it seems changing the battery is the solution.
Mine started doing similar things. Guess I will order a battery too. Which one did you get?
Well I got the exact same one I had previously : an official htc touch hd battery.
Part number : 35H00120-01M.
I hope this one will last until I really want to change my phone .
Any more issues since replacing the battery?
still no issues so far. I am really happy because as the battery is new, my phone last much longer than before.
Same here. Got the new battery yesterday and it's back to it's old self. Now it should last me until the dual core processor Android devices come out next year.
Well it would be nice if my pnone only turned off when it wasnt on charge but it seems to just reset itself whenever it wants. it will simply turn off and start right back up sometimes not even reaching the rom load before it turns off again. It does this for a while or just simply once. I tried erasing all data off it and hoping it was something i uploaded but it could be that my battery is just no good anymore.
Any suggestions? ive been dealing with this for 6 months
I don't know about you, but I played quite a lot with my phone, trying a lot of ROM, for a while, even beta ones, and I tried to overclock it. Often the phone would heat up a lot. It may have be hard on the battery.
Right now I am using a stable rom of NRG from last month, with the new battery, and everything is fine. The phone never heat, and I happy for now.
Like Marksm, I am waiting for Android dual core phones or at least based on Tegra 2.
ANTO_AN said:
Well it would be nice if my pnone only turned off when it wasnt on charge but it seems to just reset itself whenever it wants. it will simply turn off and start right back up sometimes not even reaching the rom load before it turns off again. It does this for a while or just simply once. I tried erasing all data off it and hoping it was something i uploaded but it could be that my battery is just no good anymore.
Any suggestions? ive been dealing with this for 6 months
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As pointed out in above posts, a change in battery appears to have rectified issue
been there done that. Didnt work, i got a new phone but i would really like to keep this.

i9505 Battery Problem

I have quite an unusual problem - haven't found anyone having similar problem online.
I bought this phone used off a friend, who had this problem on stock as well, I flashed custom 5.1.1 and the problem persists (I thought that custom ROM would help).
I am really happy about this phone, it's just that one battery bug, which does bother me - bothers me to the point that I'm thinking of getting rid of this phone.
Basically, the when the battery is discharging, say it goes down to 95%, stop using my phone, switch off the screen.
Then after a couple minutes the battery goes up to say 97%. It's happening all the time until the phone is discharged.
Looks like the battery is miscalibrated and it doesn't read the % properly.
Although if it was really not calibrated properly, then the % wouldn't go up after a couple minutes, it would just discharge and things like that would probably happen at 10%-20%
Things that did not help:
- Discharging it from 100%-0%, recharging etc.
- Battery Calibration from Play Store
- New Battery - I bought a new, original battery for 100% (NFC works on it)
- Reflash
If someone has any idea on to fix that - I would really appreciate it.
xike said:
I have quite an unusual problem - haven't found anyone having similar problem online.
I bought this phone used off a friend, who had this problem on stock as well, I flashed custom 5.1.1 and the problem persists (I thought that custom ROM would help).
I am really happy about this phone, it's just that one battery bug, which does bother me - bothers me to the point that I'm thinking of getting rid of this phone.
Basically, the when the battery is discharging, say it goes down to 95%, stop using my phone, switch off the screen.
Then after a couple minutes the battery goes up to say 97%. It's happening all the time until the phone is discharged.
Looks like the battery is miscalibrated and it doesn't read the % properly.
Although if it was really not calibrated properly, then the % wouldn't go up after a couple minutes, it would just discharge and things like that would probably happen at 10%-20%
Things that did not help:
- Discharging it from 100%-0%, recharging etc.
- Battery Calibration from Play Store
- New Battery - I bought a new, original battery for 100% (NFC works on it)
- Reflash
If someone has any idea on to fix that - I would really appreciate it.
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It can't be fixed because it's not a problem.
Happens to me all the time. If I use my phone intensively, then leave it idle, it can charge itself up to 10% without it even being plugged in.
This happened on my old LG and it happens on the S4, and it probably happens on other phones too.
I don't think the percentage is an accurate representation of the battery level, it's more of an estimation.
GDReaper said:
It can't be fixed because it's not a problem.
Happens to me all the time. If I use my phone intensively, then leave it idle, it can charge itself up to 10% without it even being plugged in.
This happened on my old LG and it happens on the S4, and it probably happens on other phones too.
I don't think the percentage is an accurate representation of the battery level, it's more of an estimation.
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Okay, I see.
Although I've had HTC HD2, S2, S3, and I've never experienced something like that. Never.
If something similar happened, there was an easy fix for it - new battery or recalibration.
Nothing worked for me just yet this time.
I am that kind of person that needs everything working 100%, that's why I am really annoyed with this problem.
xike said:
Okay, I see.
Although I've had HTC HD2, S2, S3, and I've never experienced something like that. Never.
If something similar happened, there was an easy fix for it - new battery or recalibration.
Nothing worked for me just yet this time.
I am that kind of person that needs everything working 100%, that's why I am really annoyed with this problem.
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As I was saying, it is not a problem per se, just an annoyance for you.
The only way to fix this would be to turn off the percentage display
GDReaper said:
As I was saying, it is not a problem per se, just an annoyance for you.
The only way to fix this would be to turn off the percentage display
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Well, that's one way to fix it I guess, haven't thought about that.
Too bad it doesn't make it go away

