Battery status indicator bug : are you affected ? - Optimus 7 General

It seems to be a problem with the battery status indicator on the LG E900.
The battery is refreshed only when the device is wake up from standby.
To know if you're affected, simply note your current battery life in settings> energy saving, use the device non-stop for say 5 minutes and check it again. Note the value again, and put the phone in standby then wake it up and check the value again. If the value is the same, no problem. If the value has completly changed, you're impacted.
Based on the comments on different blogs, it seems to affect 8 out of 10 users.

I have this problem since NODO...I can't remember if it appeared before NODO...not a huge problem for me, but, it's a ridiculous problem for Microsoft: There is a battery icon, which takes some screen space, and it doesn't work. iPhone users laugh at Microsoft when they see problems like these, and they are's stupid! MICROSOFT WAKE UP!

Please, if you're impacted, vote !

Hi guys,
Seems the bug is related to the battery, not the phone itself.
Indeed, I tried to change my battery with some I had in spare, and with one only, it's working fine.
I'll keep you informed of my tests
Edit : well, in fact it worked until the first full charge... got the bug again now.

Hi, i have this phone and i try the test...Yeap my phone is affected. One Question, this trouble is affected only in Mango update? Or stock firmware is affected too?

chokod9 said:
Hi, i have this phone and i try the test...Yeap my phone is affected. One Question, this trouble is affected only in Mango update? Or stock firmware is affected too?
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It was there before Mango, but it was more difficult to analyse because we didn't have any precise status info. Now, in the settings, we've got the percent of remaining battery and t's how it make it easier to detect

lpaso said:
It was there before Mango, but it was more difficult to analyse because we didn't have any precise status info. Now, in the settings, we've got the percent of remaining battery and t's how it make it easier to detect
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Oh! True! Well...i think that LG (Or MS) should launch an app to calibrate the in Android. For all phones was launched with Windows Phone 7.0 stock

Well, new battery does not correct the bug...
It seems the bug disappeared, but it's back again. Can't pin the reason of this.

The bug is there even with the latest LG firmware which enables internet sharing -

I'm affected too. I hate what LG is doing with their firmware many strange version numbers. And this bug is annoying too. I'm happy I orderd my Lumia 800 just yesterday!

Yep, I just flashed my phone with the Open Europe firmware and you know what ? It still bugs ! So, I see only 2 explanations :
- it's hardware, and a huge amount of devices is touched
- it's software and caused by Zune (see below)
- it's software, and the people telling that they don't have the bug just didn't test it correctly, and they are in fact impacted by the bug
What do you think ? do you see other explanations ?
For a little reminder, here's what I've tested :
- change batteries (tried 4 different) : bug
- hard reset : bug
- change firmware (OPN_NLD/OPN_NEU/ORG_FR) : bug
It also seems that the bug happens when Zune is launched, as when I reboot, and don't touch Zune at all, the bug seems to disappear. Can you reproduce it too ?

OK, more news...
Last night I tried many scenarii to try to find what is causing the battery bug, and Zune seems not guilty... When I went to bed, the battery was working fine. After the whole night and a complete charge of the phone (from bedtime to wake-up), the battery was again bugged. So, what happened in the night that can cause the battery bug ? I think at two things :
- Wireless sync
- Full charge with a long time connected to the charger with the battery full
Now, I'm trying to cause the phone to sync wirelessly to know if this is the culprit, or if the long charge can be the problem.

Things are better with last update. 14h from 100% to 19%
Better but not what is awaited.
Bug with indicator still persists

Battery meter not efficient at all.

This bug is really tricky. Sometimes the gauge is working fine (say 10% of the time) and I can't find when it goes wrong...I tried many scenarii and none where bulletproof concerning the reliability of the gauge... Just hope LG can correct this, because it really is a good phone, and I can't find any replacement to it...

Well, the only thing I can ask you is to contact your local LG after sell service about this bug. Maybe if we're enough to ask about it, they'll correct it

I have the problem too. It appeared like a week after the mango update ("official", via zune). So I can't trace anything that may have triggered the problem.
I do not only have the battery status problem, but also the fast battery draining problem. But there are related to some extent, at least for me:
When I updated to mango, the phone would tell me that the battery would last for 1 day and 12 hours (or something like that). As soon as the battery status indicator bug appeared, when I fully recharge the phone and then unplug it, it will tell me that I have 20 hours left, and 22 with battery saver mode. If I use data connection moderately (on commute to home) and wi fi for a couple hours, it will last WAY longer than 22 hours. So basically, the estimated battery time is as wrong as the indicator and doesn't accurately estimate the remaining time. A friend has a LG C900 and he's definitely not having that problem after mango.

this problem doesn't come with mango. I've it all the time since novembre 2010. But with the new battery saver mode, it's easier to "see" it because you have the exact percentage of battery remaining... Let's send massive complaint to LG customer service

Tested this without incident. Showed 97%, played Doodle Jump for 5 months and showed 95%. Put it in standby and afterwards it read 94%, which I take as being acceptable variation.
Perhaps it's dependent on firmware rather than Mango? I'm running FWIW.

PaulMdx said:
Showed 97%, played Doodle Jump for 5 months and showed 95%.
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That's an impressive battery life
Talking seriously, I don't think it's related with mango, but firmware, as some people have reported having the issue before the update.


Battery life suddenly very poor - how to identify cause?

For the first few weeks I had my HD the battery life was brilliant. With minor use it'd have high levels like 95+% when I go to bed at night, but the last week or two something has begun really guzzling power from it and I can't figure out what.
I don't think I installed anything new, so I want to find out if there is a way I can easily identify where the power is getting drained so badly. For instance, some days now it is down to about 55% by the middle of the day without even making a call or using any data services etc. I have bluetooth & wifi switched off all the time too!
Is there an app that can identify battery drain in a similar sort of way to cpu/memory use? Or does it normally follow that something using more memory/cpu will be the cause?
Thanks guys!
Cret said:
For the first few weeks I had my HD the battery life was brilliant. With minor use it'd have high levels like 95+% when I go to bed at night, but the last week or two something has begun really guzzling power from it and I can't figure out what.
I don't think I installed anything new, so I want to find out if there is a way I can easily identify where the power is getting drained so badly. For instance, some days now it is down to about 55% by the middle of the day without even making a call or using any data services etc. I have bluetooth & wifi switched off all the time too!
Is there an app that can identify battery drain in a similar sort of way to cpu/memory use? Or does it normally follow that something using more memory/cpu will be the cause?
Thanks guys!
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Try the following task manager and click on CPU Usage at the top. This should help isolate what programs are active
Thanks very much for the reply.
I did look in a task manager I already had and I found that Phonex seemed to be varying but generally using up to 10% cpu just sitting in the background so I have uninstalled it (shame - it's nice).
I'll add in the task manager you've given me and check that, and see how it behaves now PhonEx is gone.....
Thanks very much for the reply.
I did look in a task manager I already had and I found that Phonex seemed to be varying but generally using up to 10% cpu just sitting in the background so I have uninstalled it (shame - it's nice).
I'll add in the task manager you've given me and check that, and see how it behaves now PhonEx is gone.....
Here's an update - I couldn't find anything else that was really using any cpu, and the main culprits using memory seem to be important stuff (I think - shell32.exe & device.exe & cprog.exe) so I doubt I can do anything about them.
Anyway, it wasn't bad last night after removing PhonEx but this morning it had used 10% battery in half an hour without even being used at all!!!
Rebooted and it's stayed on the same battery level now for over an hour but I don't trust it - it seems very erratic and I'm really not sure the best way to find the cause still.
I'd do a hard reset but it'll be a right PITA to get everything back on it again afterwards.
Cret said:
Here's an update - I couldn't find anything else that was really using any cpu, and the main culprits using memory seem to be important stuff (I think - shell32.exe & device.exe & cprog.exe) so I doubt I can do anything about them.
Anyway, it wasn't bad last night after removing PhonEx but this morning it had used 10% battery in half an hour without even being used at all!!!
Rebooted and it's stayed on the same battery level now for over an hour but I don't trust it - it seems very erratic and I'm really not sure the best way to find the cause still.
I'd do a hard reset but it'll be a right PITA to get everything back on it again afterwards.
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I would recommend reading this thread
A number of ideas have been given including using SQTools to identify what is using up the battery.
Good luck and keep me informed
Thanks for the reply again.
Are SKtools/SQtools two different things, or is that just a typo?
Have already got SKtools installed so I'll give it some scrutiny. It's obviously behaving at present though as it's an hour since my earlier post and still on the same battery % level.
Thanks for the link to the other thread anyway. I'll obviously be keeping a close eye on this so I'll advise any findings as they come up.
I've never known anything like it with this battery - no regular pattern sometimes brilliant sometimes awful. Very sensitive to chargers and type - one person reported here that if he charged through usb on computer his battery life went down really quickly afterwards. If he charged through mains battery life was much better. I also just found my charger on my motorbike has a small amount of rust/dirt in it and is causing the device to discharge.
I am not helping but just reaffirming your findings. I did find a programme called BattLog useful to see what programmes were causing high level battery usage. I don't have the link but you can find it here somewhere using search. Another tool for your collection.
Good luck!
Battlog eh? Thanks for the suggestion - will look it up
*edit* here it is - I'll try this tonight, if only as it's quicker than going through the SKtools menus to get to the power usage:
I just began uninstalling stuff to see if it helps (seems to currently run around 106-111mah drain - no idea what might be considered 'normal' and have seen other posts questioning this but no real answers - yet).
Uninstalled Memmaid, and the wedge 18 tab action screen, and also Singh's 15 tab thingy. Have also turned off Handy Switcher as I had that running from startup. It's still drawing 106mah after all that!
One side effect though after removing those, was the weather applet appeared on S2U2 when I unlocked it - first time it's worked! It did disappear again though so there's still a problem with that too.
I've seen many posts where people blame software they have installed and the developer denies it is the software etc.... I think in the end it comes down to the device/battery or manila/TF3D. I may be wrong of course and will be interested to see how you go with it all.
I think it must be software since I have a lot on there and it was fine for the first few weeks I owned it and then suddenly began losing LOADS of power.
For some reason my data connection is not working now either! Might be time for a hard reset I guess.
If you are getting ~150mah consumption when the unit is in use, then with a standard 1350mah battery the lifetime should be 9 hours per charge.
If your battery dies in 1 day, then the unit is consuming the same amount of power almost all the time, even when it's locked or sleeping and this is not normal, unless you want it this way.
Some software, in particular lock managers and button managers are believed to be causing battery drain as they prevent the device from entering deeper sleep states where power can be conserved.
There's software floating on this forum that enables wi-fi and wave audio drivers to remain active in unattended mode (when your backlight is off) too, battery is drained a lot faster when any of these are installed.
Good points
I doubt there's any way of monitoring what power is being used in standby mode is there?
For instance, would an app be possible so that when sync'd and usb charging turned off the app on your desktop could run the same power monitoring process that you find in the likes of SKtools? That would answer a lot of questions I think!
I used PowerGuard, when I was troubleshooting my battery problems ... and you can run the monitor and put it in standby mode, backlight off etc. I used to consume ~180maH when on, no calls no bluetooth and ~96mAh when backlight off/standby.
For me the culprits were S2U2 and Enable HSDPA in the phone settings. I cant get 3G cause im in the US, but it was alwys searching for a signal... after disabling those two.. im at 115mAH when on and 33mAh when standby and back to an ~18 hour battery life.
Oh dear, I just made a new thread with the same question really Silly me.
What version of S2U2 are you using? Did you upgrade that recently? I moved up to 1.5 and I think that might be the culprit, but I've uninstalled it and still having poor battery problems.
**EDIT** Okay, so I have Battlog installed, the drain sometimes shows as -330ma, but how do I see what is causing that drain?
My battery was lasting 2 days on the standard rom, using S2U2 and with HSDPA enabled.
I then upgraded to the Davideuck V-1 HP, and changed the radio from 1.09 to 1.12. Again I did have SU2U installed.
The battery then lasted about 6 hours, and the unit shut down before the ending of my day at work. I can only assume that the pda was consuming too much power even when switched off.
After two frustrating days, I gave up last night, and installed Davideuck V6 and changed the radio to 1.10, and now the pda battery is lasting for ages. It's only dropped from 100% to 99% after 5 hours.
OK, I know I should have changed things one step at a time, but I must assume that either the 1.12 radio or the V-1 rom is causing the problem.
I don't think S2U2 is the culprit here. But I do suspect that it might be the V-1 rom, as I believe that some folk have a similar problem with the new Dutty rom too. However, other users of the V-1 rom assure me that they don't have such a problem, so I'm confused!
Hmm, Dutty's 2.0 is using radio 1.09. Maybe I should try 1.10? Where can I get it from?
AndyCr15 said:
Hmm, Dutty's 2.0 is using radio 1.09. Maybe I should try 1.10? Where can I get it from?
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Follow link in my signature below. Has all Radios
AndyCr15 said:
**EDIT** Okay, so I have Battlog installed, the drain sometimes shows as -330ma, but how do I see what is causing that drain?
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There should be for example "Active Application=ThumbcalStart" just above the temp/ma figures in the log file like in this screen shot post 17.
I am guessing 330ma does not sound too excessive for an open application as long as it is not running all the time.
So, idle it's at around 90-100. When I turned it off and S2U2 didn't start, it dropped down to 33 fairly steady. When I locked S2U2 and then turned it off, it stayed around 80, dropped to 50 for a little while and then came back up to 99...

FIX and INVESTIGATION: Android OS (battery drain) problem on Gingerbread

CASE CLOSED!!! Please read bottom part or flash stock GB 2.3.4!
I have posted this already on another thread (almost word for word) but I just really want you guys know and not panic about this problem and avoid going through difficult fixes like deleting system apps, recalibrating battery or even resetting your phone.
Since JVK was released, many observed that Android OS sometimes get hungry and devours battery. For some reason it is triggered to go berserk. Others say that the main culprit is the Auto update app. But other apps like Google Maps, Latitude and even just in a place where there is very low network signal or Wifi reception could also trigger this problem.
Now, I have a very simple solution: Turn off device, remove battery for a minute, put it back then turn it ON. Yes it is just that simple, REBOOT YOUR DEVICE.
Yeah after you turn on your device Android OS is still on the top of the list with high percentage but I believe it is just as it is because it previously consumed a lot of battery. All you have to do is observe again for an hour if your battery is dropping again, look into the graph and see if it is still steeping to the bottom. If it is dropping like Mt Everest, do the procedure above again.
If not, you will observe that after a couple of hours Android OS's percentage is getting low. Problem is fixed, (temporarily though).
Why go through deleting apps, recalibrate battery etc when you could just turn off your device for a minute?
I have experienced it a lot of times already (one of the first users who upgraded to JVK) but it doesn't bother me anymore. Turning off then on your device is very simple ain't it?
I highly advise that you do not touch anything on the sensitive part of your phone as there is no known single root of this problem. Just like I told you, many situations or apps could trigger Android OS to go berserk. Until there is no definite solution to this problem, I suggest you do the above procedure and save yourself from going through the pain of removing system apps, battery calibration or even hard reset.
By the way my battery usually lasts 3-4 days unless I made Android OS angry again.
INVESTIGATION CLOSED!!! The culprit is caught. But the fix is not so simple. Only Samsung and genius devs (apparently the fix requires closed source modification) could fix this. If the problem occurs on your device, just do the temporary fix above. Please do not try to mess with your device for now.It is now fixed in XXJVP 2.3.4!
Click HERE and read the bottom part for more details.
All this is due to Tatsuya who pointed us to the right direction. A big thanks to him for helping us in this investigation. CASE CLOSED
Tatsuya79 said:
Ok thanks for the credits.
This previous link I gave explains how you can use watchdog to alert you when this bug triggers, so you know when to reboot your phone to stop this leakage (if you really want to stay on gingerbread until a fix is made by Samsung).
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Guys if you want to help out please please please dial this *#*#4636#*#* and check "Usage Statistics" and let us know the top 3 items on the list! (highly suggested by {Angel}).
Below are some of the possible culprits currently pointed out by some users (I will update the list based from your feedback):
1. Software Update service
2. Google Maps
3. Latitude
4. Low network signal
5. Very low WIFI reception
6. Auto updates in Market
If this helps, a simple thanks is enough
This is a post coming from Angel:
{Angel} said:
Those of you with high drain, you can also check battery history through *#*#4636#*#* and see what you have under other usage 'running' and see if your phone as not been sleeping lately. I get this occasionaly with froyo and I suspect many people do also. A reboot fixes it for me, after that my battery usage is superb, but it's annoying as hell.
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And this is my post somewhere:
jbdroid said:
Yes just like I said in the first post, this is just a temporary fix. But I think users should just do this rather than touch anything on their phone unless they really know the source of the problem.
That is why I suggested that they report what could be the possible triggers, like apps or situations, that make Android OS to awake and gobble up the battery. If we could just pinpoint those triggers maybe we can now figure out the root of the problem. Your fix of removing a system app, the auto update app, is not even the single source of the problem. We just do not know if that app is an essential app or not. Sooner or later you will have that problem again.
I am not saying we should just sit and wait. All I am saying is if you are a plain user and you do not know the exact root of the problem, then just do what I suggested. But if you are a dev and is exploring the root of the problem, then do as you like and we will be most thankful if you find out the answer.
People are mislead about what works and what is not. I just want to help.
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Rebooting works, and it seems to be working until you start some apps again. I have the same apps installed as I had on JPY, but JVB drains my battery dead in half a day.
luci.pacurar said:
Rebooting works, and it seems to be working until you start some apps again. I have the same apps installed as I had on JPY, but JVB drains my battery dead in half a day.
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Could you pinpoint some apps? I will update the OP to keep track of possible culprits so that others will avoid triggering this problem. Thanks!
I once saw that the battery drain from 95% to 9% after one night, and the android os used most of it. I rebooted my phone, and the problem has gone away, since. Happy with Gingerbread!
I'll give it a go! thnx
Active Widgets: WeatherBug Elite, 3G Watchdog, BatStat and Calendar.
Apps: All from above plus Twitter, Titanium Backup, Facebook, Twitter, Tapatalk, Camera360 Ultimate, Root Explorer, Foursquare.
Mostly I use the Twitter client and the browser. Location services are disabled.
It is hard to figure out from the above apps or which is the most probable suspect. Just incase the problem recurs on your phone, dial this: *#*#4636#*#*, Go to Usage statistics and Battery Information and please report back (include also information on the Battery Use in Settings).
I hope we can help others avoid having this problem until there is a fixed solution.
Did what you suggested and pulled the battery at 30% waited 5 minutes and put it back in.... 1hr later it was at 35% (WTF!) and 30min later it was at 38% (WTF!)
im assuming its recalibrating?
Not necessarily. Maybe the battery meter is anticipating the fast consumption rate of Android OS that is why when it got fixed, the meter is able to readjust the readings based from the current consumption rate of your phone. Good to know it helped
Maybe use the 'forbidden' task killer? Works for me... Maybe im imagening it but works.
Btw my battery goes quickly down after getting below 25%. My battery not calibrated? Should i.calibrate it? I have this program to do it but am afraid that calibration goes wrong. (example what if my battery is 95% and will calibrate to 100. What if.i charge my battery higher than this.. Will it show 104%? Or will android stop working for it cannot be displayed in the notificationbar.
Using cm7.
Sent from my HTC Desire using XDA App
You do not have to recalibrate. Cm7 has a known issue about battery. I think you cannot charge past 94 or 95 percent and battery usage is a bit terrible. Please refer to cm7 thread for possible fixes, (the last time I checked their thread, they say it is probably kernel related).
Just turning off, pulling the battery and turning on does do a lot for me! i went from 10% per hour to only 1%! great thnx!
About battery drain in gb, once fixed the wifi sleep policy issue ( by setting it to "never") u shouldn't have batt drain, but i've installed green power ( juice defender do the work too i think) to get some wifi management possibility back and it improuved my batt life.
But never the less, my battery won't last more than one day of hard usage ( being hanged on xda all day long, for instance ;-)
Sent from my GT-I9000 using XDA App
Guys, just turn off the task killer, it helped in my case. looks like its not working well on ginger
Rebooting works just temporarily.
It will come back the next day or so.
This is not a solution at all tbh.
Yes just like I said in the first post, this is just a temporary fix. But I think users should just do this rather than touch anything on their phone unless they really know the source of the problem.
That is why I suggested that they report what could be the possible triggers, like apps or situations, that make Android OS to awake and gobble up the battery. If we could just pinpoint those triggers maybe we can now figure out the root of the problem. Your fix of removing a system app, the auto update app, is not even the single source of the problem. We just do not know if that app is an essential app or not. Sooner or later you will have that problem again.
I am not saying we should just sit and wait. All I am saying is if you are a plain user and you do not know the exact root of the problem, then just do what I suggested. But if you are a dev and is exploring the root of the problem, then do as you like and we will be most thankful if you find out the answer.
People are mislead about what works and what is not. I just want to help
Guys, on Gingerbread I've had battery drain two times:
1. Had about 14% drain in 3 hours all of a sudden, without doing anything at all. Just started going down for some reason.
2. This morning, saw about 40% drain in 7 hours..
And, both time I solved it by Clearing Memory from the Task Manager.. Went back to normal 2-3% drain per 6-7 hours after that..
So this might also be a solution. Go to Task Manager, RAM tab, and Clear Memory..
i'm on ginger also and my battery acts weird. 2 days ago i charged my phone over night while it was closed. the battery holds for 15 hours with massive use.
last night i did it again, but today it went from 98% to 80% in about an hour !
this is really weird.
addicted2088 said:
Guys, on Gingerbread I've had battery drain two times:
1. Had about 14% drain in 3 hours all of a sudden, without doing anything at all. Just started going down for some reason.
2. This morning, saw about 40% drain in 7 hours..
And, both time I solved it by Clearing Memory from the Task Manager.. Went back to normal 2-3% drain per 6-7 hours after that..
So this might also be a solution. Go to Task Manager, RAM tab, and Clear Memory..
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Did you manage to check first what is running on your device by looking into Battery Usage settings? I think you have a case of rogue application running in the background.
If you have not rebooted yet could you please attach a screenshot of the battery usage list and graph? In that way we might possibly identify the app running prior to the clearing of memory. Thanks!

[Q}Lollipop Yotaphone 2 battery life - any fixes?

Hi all,
Having just bought a Yotaphone 2, latest model 801 processor and with Lollipop installed, I was impressed with it... lovely screen, sharp response, great display on the back ....until I realised that battery life on the EPD or indeed doing nothing was (and is) terrible.
This somewhat negates the point of having the EPD. Because whether you use the EPD or not, as others have found, the processor seems to be spending 100% of the time doing something like trying to connect to Google headquarters to report my unethical swearwords as I look at the battery level heading south.
To try and make sure the phone was using the least power, I went through all the running apps and services and terminated as many as I could, turned off things like Yotafit tracking, turned off the service that sends all your contact details to the Kremlin, and so on... then, I turned on the Yotaenergy mode and despite that, we are at less than 24 hours with virtually no phone usage at all. Fully 50% of all the energy according to the battery stats is being used by Android System and Android OS processes when the system is in standby. And the historic battery screenshot shows that the processor is active 100% of the time., even though the phone has not been touched. (sorry, not attached, I'll post at some point, but its not very interesting)
So, does anyone have any clues about how this can be fixed? I have seen screenshots where people have shown that their processors are not active the whole time, and I imagine they have Lollipop? I have heard Lollipop has got some kind of bug which means that data connections are live the whole time, not sure if this is related.
(This might explain the sudden appearance of half price devices on eBay around six months after launch in the UK.)
Many thanks in advance!
YotaDevices has acknowledged the problems on Lollipop battery life, which is the reason they won't be shipping devices coming to USA preinstalled with Lollipop, but with KitKat. Now that I've played around with the EPD and created some widgets/applications for it, I can spot many places where things can go wrong in maintaining battery life and still keep things working.
Personally I've been lucky with the battery life on all versions of Android. When I updated to the last version of Lollipop (firmware 1.44), the phone did show poor battery life for hours after the installation was finished, before calming down to the promised 5 days stand by. Are you on the very last firmware? (Settings - about phone - build number)
As a last resort if your device won't settle down, I guess you could roll back to Kitkat, which had a very good battery life for pretty much everyone. You can install it with Yota's flasher tool:
Just carefully select your own region and then the last version of KitKat (4.4.3) they offer. As you are rolling back from one major version to another, I would suggest flashing pretty much everything. You will lose your data.
Yota has said that they are working on bringing Lollipop 5.1 or 5.2 to Yotaphone 2. Let's hope that that works better.
Thanks that was very useful. The question is, will Yota do another build ... or build another device? I'm hoping the Y2 has a bit of life left in it yet and they do launch in the US - it can only help the development community!
I reset back to factory/Lollipop last night as it was eating battery so fast I could not believe it, and I am on the latest build 1.44EU (and was before). Since then.. it doesn't seem to be misbehaving so much, but it does seem to insist that the WIFI is on (when it is switched 'off' in the settings) by 'on' I mean the battery usage recorder... I wil take your advice and 'take it slow' for now, but may flash back to Kitkat if necessary. It is a bit tedious having to reinstall all your apps by hand but this seems to be the only way to ensure it is relatively clean.
The screengrabs below show the phone doing nothing at all in Yotaenergy mode - per first post.
ridgemagnet said:
Thanks that was very useful. The question is, will Yota do another build ... or build another device? I'm hoping the Y2 has a bit of life left in it yet and they do launch in the US - it can only help the development community!
I reset back to factory/Lollipop last night as it was eating battery so fast I could not believe it, and I am on the latest build 1.44EU (and was before). Since then.. it doesn't seem to be misbehaving so much, but it does seem to insist that the WIFI is on (when it is switched 'off' in the settings) by 'on' I mean the battery usage recorder... I wil take your advice and 'take it slow' for now, but may flash back to Kitkat if necessary. It is a bit tedious having to reinstall all your apps by hand but this seems to be the only way to ensure it is relatively clean.
The screengrabs below show the phone doing nothing at all in Yotaenergy mode - per first post.
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I am quite confident that they will release updated Lollipop sooner or later. They don't have the resources to piss off all their customers just yet.
Your Wifi still does some scans on its own for Google's location service, even if it's not enabled. You can disable this feature in the advanced wifi settings. But that is not the cause of your battery problem. Basically your device is awake all the time, meaning something is holding a wake lock. And by something I mean one of Yota's EPD compoments, which are counted as part of "Android OS" and "Android System" - your biggest battery hogs. It could be one of the EPD widgets that is misbehaving, or it could be some specific combination of them, or just something out of your control.
You could try removing ALL the widgets from the rear screen from Yotahub, then restart the device, and then let it run for an hour with the screen off. Then check the detailed battery log if the device went to sleep or if it was awake. If it went to sleep, you can try adding widgets back one at a time, and then check again if the device sleeps. Basically all the widgets which update periodically hold a wake lock momentarily (time, battery, calendar, weather etc). Of course if the problem lies on Yota's EPD framework, then this wont help at all.
Jeopardy said:
I am quite confident that they will release updated Lollipop sooner or later. They don't have the resources to piss off all their customers just yet.
Your Wifi still does some scans on its own for Google's location service, even if it's not enabled. You can disable this feature in the advanced wifi settings. But that is not the cause of your battery problem. Basically your device is awake all the time, meaning something is holding a wake lock. And by something I mean one of Yota's EPD compoments, which are counted as part of "Android OS" and "Android System" - your biggest battery hogs. It could be one of the EPD widgets that is misbehaving, or it could be some specific combination of them, or just something out of your control.
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Agreed, I suspect the YotaFit app going bonkers despite my efforts to kill it.... or the Yotagram service, the thing is, looking at the Yota specific apps, you don't really need them, as you can flip the screen with the Yotamirror, and then use any Android app. Sure it would be nice to have notifications on the EPD, but my main focus for this phone is use in bright daylight, and long battery life, not to actually look at the thing 24x7 so I can respond to emails every 30 seconds.
At this point though I'm just trying to determine how bad the underlying hardware is. The GPS on this phone seems to a bit flaky, as does the basic reception of mobile signal. (And I'm not using a metal bumper.) So, I'm happy to flash back to KitKat 4.4.3 to try and give it the best chance..
So, any clues/links about the Yota flash tool? I've put the phone into USB debug mode, installed the flash tool on my windows 7 desktop, and installed ADB/Fastboot as well, but at this point I'm having a bit of an android driver problem, and ADB can't see the phone so that probably explains why the Flashtool says 'waiting for device' when I fire it up. I will go digging to fix that, but I assume that the Flashtool will do all the stuff like putting the phone into bootloader mode, unlock etc...
ridgemagnet said:
Agreed, I suspect the YotaFit app going bonkers despite my efforts to kill it.... or the Yotagram service, the thing is, looking at the Yota specific apps, you don't really need them, as you can flip the screen with the Yotamirror, and then use any Android app. Sure it would be nice to have notifications on the EPD, but my main focus for this phone is use in bright daylight, and long battery life, not to actually look at the thing 24x7 so I can respond to emails every 30 seconds.
At this point though I'm just trying to determine how bad the underlying hardware is. The GPS on this phone seems to a bit flaky, as does the basic reception of mobile signal. (And I'm not using a metal bumper.) So, I'm happy to flash back to KitKat 4.4.3 to try and give it the best chance..
So, any clues/links about the Yota flash tool? I've put the phone into USB debug mode, installed the flash tool on my windows 7 desktop, and installed ADB/Fastboot as well, but at this point I'm having a bit of an android driver problem, and ADB can't see the phone so that probably explains why the Flashtool says 'waiting for device' when I fire it up. I will go digging to fix that, but I assume that the Flashtool will do all the stuff like putting the phone into bootloader mode, unlock etc...
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The widgets I'm running at the moment without any problems are Time, Mini Calendar, weather, battery, and communications (the small widget which shows phone calls, notifications and sms). And of course my own widget.
The best way to make sure there are no useless services running is to root the device and uninstall them completely, but that's another story.
For the flashtool to detect the device, you need to boot it into download mode manually. The easiest way is to turn off your device and plug the usb in while holding volume down -button. The screen will show "download" or something in very small white text. After that the flashtool should find the device. You probably don't have to flash the user partition (it asks for it separately), i.e. the simulated sdcard section which holds all your photos, documents and music.
Edit. And when you have kitkat installed, the first thing you might want to do is to disable automatic system updates. Otherwise it will nag you about the Lollipop update all the time.
I've been facing similar issues and am considering a downgrade when I have the time. I'm really disappointed in yota and won't be buying their next device.
I have found this thread useful, you may too.
thanks gents, oddly, the advice to let the phone 'calm down' seems to be working. I decided not to revert to KitKat (yet), as every day I use the phone the battery life seems to improve. Yesterday it was down to 40%, today 60% after about a days use. I'm thinking a week of running in will give it time to stabilize. I would love to root the phone but I want to use the Good app, and that doesn't run on rooted phones... (shame but I guess that's the flipside of working for a big corporate for you!)
ridgemagnet said:
thanks gents, oddly, the advice to let the phone 'calm down' seems to be working. I decided not to revert to KitKat (yet), as every day I use the phone the battery life seems to improve. Yesterday it was down to 40%, today 60% after about a days use. I'm thinking a week of running in will give it time to stabilize. I would love to root the phone but I want to use the Good app, and that doesn't run on rooted phones... (shame but I guess that's the flipside of working for a big corporate for you!)
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Try putting the battery widget on your epd. If it shows 5 days remaining when you are above 85% and you don't use the phone, then the device works as advertised.
That Good app sounds like a real killjoy. There seems to exist some Xposed modules to disable the root check, but they seemed to be rather finicky to setup and very easy to mess up.
I was suffering from terrible battery life after the lollipop upgrade and the EPD battery widget was never showing much above 1d anymore. After much research and tinkering, it has now improved and I am seeing greater than 3d again. I think the culprits were maybe google fit tracking which I have now turned off and I also de-installed and re-installed the google play services updates which is a tip I saw in an android forum. I also over the last two days have received several yota widget updates which may have also helped. At least for now I am seeing a comfortable day's use again!
I experienced poor battery life out of blue again. I went through all the settings, cleared dalvik-cache and cache partition, tried disabling everything, but nothing helped. It only showed <1 day battery life at 100%.
But then I went to mess around in the developer settings, and when I set the animation scales from 1x to 0.25x and enabled "Force GPU rendering", the battery life returned instantly to 5 days.
Just thought I'd add this to the list of things to test out if someone's experiencing poor battery life. The forced GPU rendering might have some unexpected effects on some software rendering based games.
dont know if this will help but just seen some of the new features of android m "marshmallow" one of which is doze and there is a separate app available on play store for this. i have installed and it has helped battery life !!!
I was going through terrible battery life after Lollipop as well. Suffered, tinkered, tried various things. Eventually I just said screw it, backed everything up and factory reset it from recovery. Since then it seems like it's almost back to it's old self. Obviously having root and using some kernel control apps, greenify and some other things helps it but It will happily do at least a couple of days with little-normal usage. Still don't think it's as good as KitKat but it's not too far off. The EPD really does help spread battery out too.
I did the same thing but a 3 weeks on, the battery is as shocking as ever.
Today, on battery since 0730, now @ 1115 51% and 3hrs left!??
No obvious apps causing battery drain, just google services!
Rarelyamson said:
I did the same thing but a 3 weeks on, the battery is as shocking as ever.
Today, on battery since 0730, now @ 1115 51% and 3hrs left!??
No obvious apps causing battery drain, just google services!
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I have had the phone nearly a week, and these are similar figures I experience. What's the point of the epd if my battery dies by lunch!
Sent from my YD201 using Tapatalk
I think it is something with Android 5.0 that is causing the drain issues. I can go anywhere from half a day to a week with good batteyr life and then it will randomly start draining again. Some background activity seems to hold a permanent wakelock and will not let go of it. I am unable to pinpoint what app is creating the wakelock with better battery stats or wakelock detector since there isn't access to kernel wakelocks in either of the apps for our phone. A restart always fixes things though, so I have a tasker script now that lets me know when idle battery drain exceeds a threshold for too long so I know to do a restart, it's not elegant, but my battery life is exponentially better and gives me enough battery life to make it through the day without a recharge and leave the eink screen on all night as a tv remote.
I got a new phone
sportsfan986 said:
I think it is something with Android 5.0 that is causing the drain issues. I can go anywhere from half a day to a week with good batteyr life and then it will randomly start draining again. Some background activity seems to hold a permanent wakelock and will not let go of it. I am unable to pinpoint what app is creating the wakelock with better battery stats or wakelock detector since there isn't access to kernel wakelocks in either of the apps for our phone. A restart always fixes things though, so I have a tasker script now that lets me know when idle battery drain exceeds a threshold for too long so I know to do a restart, it's not elegant, but my battery life is exponentially better and gives me enough battery life to make it through the day without a recharge and leave the eink screen on all night as a tv remote.
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In the end, I got a new phone after my Yotaphone decided to brick itself. Its a Zopo Speed 7, Octacore, dual SIM, nice screen, and does 4G very well in my part of the world. It is also around $200 at time of writing. Its a Chinese phone typical of the genre, Zopo seem to be moderately responsive to bugs compared with Yota... This Zopa phone is running 5.1 Android and I can tell you that Lollipop is not the problem...
That's after charging the phone and leaving it overnight, with the battery saver mode on... not too shabby. Of course it won't actually last 28 days, but this phone is nothing special and it is capable of running without all those services running that the Yota has.
The Yota spent its entire time when I had it trying to contact Moscow with that dodgy 'dictionary app'. What (honestly) is the point of the e-ink display if it doesn't save power...
If you are experiencing "always awake" and wifi always on despite your settings saying otherwise it may be worth going into your advanced wifi settings and changing "wifi frequency band" from "auto" to "2.4 GHz only. I remember reading this tip somewhere else for an Android 5.0 phone that was having battery issues similar to this. I made this change about 24 hours ago and have noticed a dramatic difference in battery drain when the screen is off. When I look at my battery stats I am no longer seeing a solid bar for both wifi and awake. Worth trying.
For what it's worth, I have had fairly light use today, some checking of emails and facebook, 40 mins or so of music via bluetooth (with screen off). Total screen on time of 35 mins. The phone has been off charge since 06:30 this morning. It is now 17:00 and is showing battery of 71% with an estimated 2d and 8h left. Better battery stats show deep sleep of 71% whereas previously it had shown awake at 100%. Far better than I had before.
stapo101 said:
If you are experiencing "always awake" and wifi always on despite your settings saying otherwise it may be worth going into your advanced wifi settings and changing "wifi frequency band" from "auto" to "2.4 GHz only. I remember reading this tip somewhere else for an Android 5.0 phone that was having battery issues similar to this. I made this change about 24 hours ago and have noticed a dramatic difference in battery drain when the screen is off. When I look at my battery stats I am no longer seeing a solid bar for both wifi and awake. Worth trying.
For what it's worth, I have had fairly light use today, some checking of emails and facebook, 40 mins or so of music via bluetooth (with screen off). Total screen on time of 35 mins. The phone has been off charge since 06:30 this morning. It is now 17:00 and is showing battery of 71% with an estimated 2d and 8h left. Better battery stats show deep sleep of 71% whereas previously it had shown awake at 100%. Far better than I had before.
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Have you tried using the setting so Wifi is only on while screen is on? (Unless on charge...)
I think I found the issue, at least with my phone.
I was syncing with exchange, and there is a nasty bug with android 5.0 and exchange sync. The sync is taking forever and doesn´t sync everything. Calendar and contacts missing.
Then I removed the ActiveSync connection on my phone and set up the app Nine to sync instead.
After that I got much better battery. This may help for others as well. The phone is just hammering the exchange server all the time and this takes up a lot of power.

i9505 Battery Problem

I have quite an unusual problem - haven't found anyone having similar problem online.
I bought this phone used off a friend, who had this problem on stock as well, I flashed custom 5.1.1 and the problem persists (I thought that custom ROM would help).
I am really happy about this phone, it's just that one battery bug, which does bother me - bothers me to the point that I'm thinking of getting rid of this phone.
Basically, the when the battery is discharging, say it goes down to 95%, stop using my phone, switch off the screen.
Then after a couple minutes the battery goes up to say 97%. It's happening all the time until the phone is discharged.
Looks like the battery is miscalibrated and it doesn't read the % properly.
Although if it was really not calibrated properly, then the % wouldn't go up after a couple minutes, it would just discharge and things like that would probably happen at 10%-20%
Things that did not help:
- Discharging it from 100%-0%, recharging etc.
- Battery Calibration from Play Store
- New Battery - I bought a new, original battery for 100% (NFC works on it)
- Reflash
If someone has any idea on to fix that - I would really appreciate it.
xike said:
I have quite an unusual problem - haven't found anyone having similar problem online.
I bought this phone used off a friend, who had this problem on stock as well, I flashed custom 5.1.1 and the problem persists (I thought that custom ROM would help).
I am really happy about this phone, it's just that one battery bug, which does bother me - bothers me to the point that I'm thinking of getting rid of this phone.
Basically, the when the battery is discharging, say it goes down to 95%, stop using my phone, switch off the screen.
Then after a couple minutes the battery goes up to say 97%. It's happening all the time until the phone is discharged.
Looks like the battery is miscalibrated and it doesn't read the % properly.
Although if it was really not calibrated properly, then the % wouldn't go up after a couple minutes, it would just discharge and things like that would probably happen at 10%-20%
Things that did not help:
- Discharging it from 100%-0%, recharging etc.
- Battery Calibration from Play Store
- New Battery - I bought a new, original battery for 100% (NFC works on it)
- Reflash
If someone has any idea on to fix that - I would really appreciate it.
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It can't be fixed because it's not a problem.
Happens to me all the time. If I use my phone intensively, then leave it idle, it can charge itself up to 10% without it even being plugged in.
This happened on my old LG and it happens on the S4, and it probably happens on other phones too.
I don't think the percentage is an accurate representation of the battery level, it's more of an estimation.
GDReaper said:
It can't be fixed because it's not a problem.
Happens to me all the time. If I use my phone intensively, then leave it idle, it can charge itself up to 10% without it even being plugged in.
This happened on my old LG and it happens on the S4, and it probably happens on other phones too.
I don't think the percentage is an accurate representation of the battery level, it's more of an estimation.
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Okay, I see.
Although I've had HTC HD2, S2, S3, and I've never experienced something like that. Never.
If something similar happened, there was an easy fix for it - new battery or recalibration.
Nothing worked for me just yet this time.
I am that kind of person that needs everything working 100%, that's why I am really annoyed with this problem.
xike said:
Okay, I see.
Although I've had HTC HD2, S2, S3, and I've never experienced something like that. Never.
If something similar happened, there was an easy fix for it - new battery or recalibration.
Nothing worked for me just yet this time.
I am that kind of person that needs everything working 100%, that's why I am really annoyed with this problem.
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As I was saying, it is not a problem per se, just an annoyance for you.
The only way to fix this would be to turn off the percentage display
GDReaper said:
As I was saying, it is not a problem per se, just an annoyance for you.
The only way to fix this would be to turn off the percentage display
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Well, that's one way to fix it I guess, haven't thought about that.
Too bad it doesn't make it go away

Samsung S8 Oreo - Battery Drains FAST

My Samsung S8 since last upgrade to Oreo was a complete disaster. Just to be clear battery life during Android Nougat was good and it was the first thing ive noticed that samsung completely stepped up their game since their battery disaster on their certain phone model. Battery life would run at least from a day to 2 before recharging. Ive noticed there are other threads similar to these so i knew im not the only one affected, my colleagues also experience similar issues since upgrading to oreo so this is not something isolated to my s8 phone.
Few key points that ive noticed since upgrading to oreo:
1. Going to settings then battery usage. Screen would be the foremost battery hog at 26%, followed by Android System at 13%, then Device Idle at 9-8%. Cell Standby and Android OS remains normal.
2. Go to Settings then App. Ive noticed by checking each one of the apps that beaming services, device maintenance, settings, gear vr services were among the ones that took up most of the battery usage this is excluding system apps like AASAservice, etc.
3. Go to settings then data usage. The Android OS is sending or receiving 100MB of data (still counting). I wanted to know what are these data that is worth 100MB.
4. Device easily gets hot even light use of facebook, ig or 7 minutes of youtube video.
5. It sometimes restart, this is rare but ive noticed it since fingerprint cannot be used initially when there's a restart.
Now what ive done so far:
1. Cleared partition cache by holding bixby btn, volume up and power.
2. Disabling unused apps, even certain bixby services, etc.
3. Went to developer option and disable always on mobile data.
4. Factory reset device hoping it would go back to nougat but it did not. With a mint condition reset, it still drain too much battery. (without any third part apps or data restore)
5. Called up samsung customer service but was told to go to service center. Went to service center they check the ASOC of battery (which i think is unrelated) and according to them reprogram oreo. which did not help. wasted my time.
Now what is the implication?
1. I need to charge my phone at LEAST twice a day.
2. It heats up the phone which would definitely have negative impact on the longevity of this device one way or another.
3. It drains too much battery, with the amount of charge discharge multiplied at least by 2, this will literally messed up the battery life in the long run.
4. Im currently using 2 phones and my samsung s5 which is a 4 year old phone had better battery life. lol. Since in just 3 hours it consume almost 40% of battery.
There are tons of related post like these on different forums and on reddit but i surmise i should dig more on this problem before writing a more concrete post. At this point, i can only see 2 remaining options: 1. There is a step online that would revert the OS back to nougat but this would involved third party apps like odin, there are risk involved like phone brick, etc. Im not sure if it will void the warranty. OR i can just wait for a patch from samsung.
Now SAMSUNG NEED TO FIX THIS ASAP or provide us a way to revert back to nougat. With the s9 just available at the market, this terrible oreo release could not come at better time. I know there are several issues like the battery issues with their previous note model and Apples intentionally slowing down their phone, Samsung got to fix this fast before this issue becomes a blowout and many people will start to notice.
There are several threads about this:
On what version of Oreo are you? Since CRC7 batterylife is great.
Android 8.0.0
on SM-G950FD
update_king said:
Android 8.0.0
on SM-G950FD
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What security patch do you have and what can you see under "Baseband"? Everything will be fine with latest March security Patch and CRC7 Baseband. Just be patient, if you do not have it, yet.
Marvinho+ said:
What security patch do you have and what can you see under "Baseband"? Everything will be fine with latest March security Patch and CRC7 Baseband. Just be patient, if you do not have it, yet.
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I have the same issue but thanks for the info as I'm still on the February security patch
I have to agree CRC7 shows good improvement with battery life
Marvinho+ said:
What security patch do you have and what can you see under "Baseband"? Everything will be fine with latest March security Patch and CRC7 Baseband. Just be patient, if you do not have it, yet.
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Its February Security Patch Level
Man, i´m totaly on same boat!
In CRC7, i'm experiencing terrible battery life. Max 2.00 to 2.30 Screen on time in one charge. Now, for the first time, i have to recharge my phone befoure dinner.
Wifi , Bluetooth, Aod On, location history Off.
It´s the worst experience on any phone that i had in the past.
Like you, already disabled some apps, clear cache and already done a fresh install. Nothing works, nothing improved my battery.
I´m thinking send it to warranty, but it´s probaly not worth the time...
Maybe it´s time to forget about Samsung phone and move on. P20, or even iPhone X...
After updating to OREO and updating all galaxy apps, "beaming service" was draining my battery (67% of the battery actually). After uninstalling the updates on beaming service, the phone seems fine now. Maybe uninstalling the updates of which apps are draining the battery could help you guys as well.
XyByDy said:
After updating to OREO and updating all galaxy apps, "beaming service" was draining my battery (67% of the battery actually). After uninstalling the updates on beaming service, the phone seems fine now. Maybe uninstalling the updates of which apps are draining the battery could help you guys as well.
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ive tried that before but after fresh install. beaming service could no longer be disabled, nor its updates uninstalled.
Besides other apps are also draining battery like AASAservice, settings, device maintenance, etc.
I received an update yesterday for the CRC7 March security patch.
Battery life aint any better
update_king said:
ive tried that before but after fresh install. beaming service could no longer be disabled, nor its updates uninstalled.
Besides other apps are also draining battery like AASAservice, settings, device maintenance, etc.
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You're right, that can't be disabled but I was simply able to uninstall the updates by clicking three dots top-right corner of app info screen. I've the latest version CRC7 on the phone by the way.
Hello !
I've been s8 for three months and I've never had any particular problems, I've upgraded to CRC7 (second update of Oreo) and I've already got twice the phone with a flat battery:
last week in the morning I found it at 1% from 35% the night before (during the night only the gsm network was active, everything else off); when in doubt I did a factory data reset by installing only minimal applications (FB, whatsup and little else) and I installed the Accubattery application to monitor the battery.
Last night put away (active gsm only) at 65% of residual charge and this morning after 10 hours it was 5%: 60% of charge consumed in one night.
Android does not report any abnormal consumption of any application .... it seems an anomalous battery drain
I enclose battery data screenshots; is not that the new Oreo update is buggy? or could the battery or the phone power circuit or the radio part that consume excessively might have a problem? Before bringing it to service I wanted your opinion and in case I wanted to try to put back the CRB7 version of Oreo .... how do I do it? do I lose the guarantee in this case?
i'vre tried with beaming service but clicking three dots top-right corner of app info screen not available for this app : three dots top-right corner are for all the apps
Do you have a drain simillar to mine ? Help me please !!
timo74 said:
Hello !
I've been s8 for three months and I've never had any particular problems, I've upgraded to CRC7 (second update of Oreo) and I've already got twice the phone with a flat battery:
last week in the morning I found it at 1% from 35% the night before (during the night only the gsm network was active, everything else off); when in doubt I did a factory data reset by installing only minimal applications (FB, whatsup and little else) and I installed the Accubattery application to monitor the battery.
Last night put away (active gsm only) at 65% of residual charge and this morning after 10 hours it was 5%: 60% of charge consumed in one night.
Android does not report any abnormal consumption of any application .... it seems an anomalous battery drain
I enclose battery data screenshots; is not that the new Oreo update is buggy? or could the battery or the phone power circuit or the radio part that consume excessively might have a problem? Before bringing it to service I wanted your opinion and in case I wanted to try to put back the CRB7 version of Oreo .... how do I do it? do I lose the guarantee in this case?
i'vre tried with beaming service but clicking three dots top-right corner of app info screen not available for this app : three dots top-right corner are for all the apps
Do you have a drain simillar to mine ? Help me please !!
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I have the exact same problem as you and many others. I have tried various things to solve it and I concluded on that the modem firmware has a serious bug . airplane mode consumes more battery than on cellular. To make sure we are talking about the same thing please try removing your SIM card and let it all night . By the morning you have to be -2% of the battery . With the SIM inside now you have to drain 15-20% . If thats the case for you , you make sure that its not a faulty device and there is no drain from your setup (like an application draining etc .. in this case factory reset should fix it).
Cinfirm your findings and lets hope they will release update soon.
Vagosd said:
I have the exact same problem as you and many others. I have tried various things to solve it and I concluded on that the modem firmware has a serious bug . airplane mode consumes more battery than on cellular. To make sure we are talking about the same thing please try removing your SIM card and let it all night . By the morning you have to be -2% of the battery . With the SIM inside now you have to drain 15-20% . If thats the case for you , you make sure that its not a faulty device and there is no drain from your setup (like an application draining etc .. in this case factory reset should fix it).
Cinfirm your findings and lets hope they will release update soon.
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he doesn't do it every night, but random : in a week it happened twice
It's not in airplane mode, modem is switched on only for phone line (LTE off) ; I already tried two factory reset
Yours is affected only in airplane mode ?
Tonight , my s8 have to drain 60 % in 9 hours !
timo74 said:
he doesn't do it every night, but random : in a week it happened twice
It's not in airplane mode, modem is switched on only for phone line (LTE off) ; I already tried two factory reset
Yours is affected only in airplane mode ?
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It drains in general but while in cellular it's difficult to distinguish if it's a bug or bad signal . Each ones phone may consume different amounts of energy depending on coverage etc. But in airplane mode you can be sure it's a bug because antenna transmission should be off and therefore not consuming energy . Just try as I said just to be sure we have the same issue . One night with airplane mode and SIM card in and another night airplane without SIM. You should see great difference .
Vagosd said:
I have the exact same problem as you and many others. I have tried various things to solve it and I concluded on that the modem firmware has a serious bug . airplane mode consumes more battery than on cellular. To make sure we are talking about the same thing please try removing your SIM card and let it all night . By the morning you have to be -2% of the battery . With the SIM inside now you have to drain 15-20% . If thats the case for you , you make sure that its not a faulty device and there is no drain from your setup (like an application draining etc .. in this case factory reset should fix it).
Cinfirm your findings and lets hope they will release update soon.
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Tonight ( gsm on ) have no drain : 0,3 % / h. ( 3 % in 10 hours ).
if it is faulty the battery should always do it?
Did you try to see if it drains, leaving the radio part active?
timo74 said:
Tonight ( gsm on ) have no drain : 0,3 % / h. ( 3 % in 10 hours ).
if it is faulty the battery should always do it?
Did you try to see if it drains, leaving the radio part active?
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This will not help determine the bug because as I told you it's signal dependant. It's 3% in 10 hours because you probably had good signal . Else it could be more and even if you contact a service they will say it's not a bug but the signal . Anyway if you were with data on and 4g seems more than fine to me . Now if you try this night airplane mode for 10 hours it could drop 15-20% ... is this reasonable ?
Vagosd said:
This will not help determine the bug because as I told you it's signal dependant. It's 3% in 10 hours because you probably had good signal . Else it could be more and even if you contact a service they will say it's not a bug but the signal . Anyway if you were with data on and 4g seems more than fine to me . Now if you try this night airplane mode for 10 hours it could drop 15-20% ... is this reasonable ?
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in airplane mode is a bug, but a 60% night-time consumption with active gsm?
0.3% / h. the device was in the same position the night before when it consumed 60% in 9 hours
timo74 said:
in airplane mode is a bug, but a 60% night-time consumption with active gsm?
0.3% / h. the device was in the same position the night before when it consumed 60% in 9 hours
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Your case seems more like a random application wakelock . Did you do a reboot between the 2 nights?
To distinguish better the cause of the drain , when you see an abnormal consumption try removing your SIM card for a while . If this fix the drain it's the buggy modem/radio firmware ...

