HELP: Blackberry on TMO MDA for T-Mobile USA - 8125, K-JAM, P4300, MDA Vario General

Hope someone can help me with this.
Many folks on the forums ave managed to get the Blackberry connect software to work on their PPC. From the postings, many of us got it to work in Germany, UK on wizard and plenty did too on the Universal platform.
So far I have been unsuccesful in doing so with T-Mobile US and my Wizard (original TMO MDA). From the symptoms and postings on the forums, it seems related to my ROM or Radio version.
If anyone got their wizard to work wit the BB Connect client on TMO USA, can you please post in reply your ROM version and Radio version.
On my end, I tried
- BB Connect client
- enterprise BES server
- Radio 2.25.11
Thanks for any help!

BB Mail Running on T-mobile MDA HTC Wizard)
Did you ever get it working?
What was the fix?


BB Connect on XDA Exec??

Has anyone set the XDA Exec up to work with Blackberry yet?
Is the BB Connect software available for Universal users to download?
tonyb15re said:
Has anyone set the XDA Exec up to work with Blackberry yet?
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Surely we need to be waiting for AKU2 for push email?
Yeah, my company has Exchange 2003 and BES, so I would prefer to be spoiled for choices.
I really just asked the question because:
- Sometime before the Universal launched, HTC & RIM announced that BB connect could be used on their devices (I assume that's if operators wanted to support it).
- Since then I have not heard one thing about BB Connect running on an HTC PPC.
BillB said:
Yeah, my company has Exchange 2003 and BES, so I would prefer to be spoiled for choices.
I really just asked the question because:
- Sometime before the Universal launched, HTC & RIM announced that BB connect could be used on their devices (I assume that's if operators wanted to support it).
- Since then I have not heard one thing about BB Connect running on an HTC PPC.
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This of course is in the ideal world, we already have BES in place which works well, I had a BB7100V before I foolishly bought the XDAIIS with its poor Bluetooth but reasonable BBConnect software, my only choice for corporate email is BB.
Will the BlueAngel Cab work on the Universal? I know the OS is different but surely the underlying code is not too dissimilar. The reason Im looking for the Universal is for a better BT stack to work with all my devices e.g. car kit, phone headset, activesync.
Almost working, but not quite
I managed to get the T-Mobile BB Connect software installed on my Qtek 9000 using the current ROM (AKU1). I also installed the desktop software and got it talking to the device and synched (desktop). All policies and services got loaded from our BES server.
The only remaining "minor" problem is that it won't connect online to the UK RIM servers. Can't find a log file with enough info, so I'm not sure of the cause. Over in the Wizard forum people have mentioned that RIM may block certain IMEI/PIN combinations.
Since this is a German Qtek updated with the generic English Qtek ROM, running T-Mobile BB Connect software, connecting to my BB account with Swisscom, can't say as I'm shocked. :?
I've got a call in to see if we can fix it, though.
Ever optimistic....
ok I now have this working with a Tmobile UK Rom as the base and Tmobile BBconnect software, works very well, you will get the PIN from the service you will however not get an IP address, I spent over a week trying to debug this, it appears that theres something hardcoded somewhere that requires the match between the ROM and the BB software before it will work. Dont ask me what as I have no idea, I'm now hoping that O2 bring out a version soon as the Tmobile UI sucks with its gay pink logos and buttons....
BB Connect up and running with Swisscom
With help from tonyb15re, I was also able to get Enterprise BB working. It took a very specific ROM which appears to be matched to the BB Connect package. The device is a generic Qtek, the carrier is Swisscom, all the ROMs are T-Mobile UK.
The ROM which works is (from the FTP site):
Other T-Mobile ROMs and the latest generic Qtek ROM did not establish a connection.
Thanks again to tonyb15re for the help.
Where did oyu get the T-mobile BB connect software from?
In the Wizard forum, they mentioned that the files were supposed to be on the XDA FTP server. But when the server got trashed a bit ago, the files disappeared. Therefore, I picked them up from T-Mobile Germany. Look here:
The first two links under "Software Updates" are the BB Connect client and the Desktop program respectively. They are language aware, so the program will run in English, even if the installer is German.
Best regards,
bassettg said:
In the Wizard forum, they mentioned that the files were supposed to be on the XDA FTP server. But when the server got trashed a bit ago, the files disappeared. Therefore, I picked them up from T-Mobile Germany. Look here:
The first two links under "Software Updates" are the BB Connect client and the Desktop program respectively. They are language aware, so the program will run in English, even if the installer is German.
Best regards,
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Hi, Can u confirm the following works fine on Universal or Universla clones
Thanxs cheer, Taurus
Yes. If you use the exact T-Mobile ROM together with the Vario BB Connect package, it works properly on my Qtek 9000 in Enterprise mode. I cannot verify the Internet mode.
Good luck,
bassettg said:
In the Wizard forum, they mentioned that the files were supposed to be on the XDA FTP server. But when the server got trashed a bit ago, the files disappeared. Therefore, I picked them up from T-Mobile Germany. Look here:
The first two links under "Software Updates" are the BB Connect client and the Desktop program respectively. They are language aware, so the program will run in English, even if the installer is German.
Best regards,
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I just re-uploaded the files again (and fixed the thread in the Wizard forum)
I currently have a Blue Angel running 2003 and a Tmob uk rom 112 and the BB connect software, the BES works really well. To answer some questions I have some info that you may need. My company runs BES over voicestream (Tmobile USA) in the service contract it only provisions for the BES push mail on the server (linked to voicestream) Sooo what I am getting at is this, if your company only signed up for the BES push that is all you are going to get. If your company signed up for the BES and internet then you will be able to use the blackberry server and the mobile telephone companies wap or web client ip address.
In other words unless your plan includes web access via the internal modem you are not going to be able to get to the internet via the cell phone.
You will be able to get to the internet via the wireless lan card tho!
Also just another note,, when you connect to the BB client you get your corporate mail but if you enable the wifi then it disconnects from the BES, you have to then reconnect to the BES after you are done with the wifi session.
Some of my findings -
The BBConnectt from T-Mobile works ONLY with the
It works using ANY BB service provider.
The biggest problem is that the ROM UNI_TMUK_12032_120_10600.exe
is damn old, slow, the RAM is leaking and it is not stable at all.
Otherwise this is all ok. Today i will try to run BBConnect on my Universal using latest QTEK ROM and RADIO + TMO Extended ROM. I do not really beleive that BBConnect software is sticked to the EXACT TMO ROM. Will keep ypou informed.
I've tried it on the older O2 ROM, spent days trying to get the TMO BB Connect working on that, it didnt work, I even downgraded the radio to 1.06 which didnt work, the only combination I could get to work was the latest Tmob rom. works well for me, was going to upgrade to the latest O2 but cant be bothered..
I managed to get BB connect working on optus australia by installing the T Mobile UK rom as mentioned above... but then I went and upgraded the radio to 1.09 and everything stopped working from there.....
thats because for some obscure reason it needs 1.0.6 radio.. Try downgrading the radio..
I can't seem to get this to work, I have the right ROM and BB connect software in my Exec and the BB service is running but it will not do lookups and I am not getting mail....
Could someone post the right rom and bb software again to make sure I have the right one?
Many thanks...
New QTEK Radio 1.11 works
Just to share (apologies if someone else has already shared)...
I have the "standard" T-Mobile AKU1 ROM (vodafone SIM on a O2 Exec) and just tried upgradding the radio to to the new QTEK 1.11 radio......and it WORKS!
QTEK Radio rom is on the FTP site. Looks like we are no longer stuck with Radio 1.06.
I had to install the standard ROM Package first, then just upgrade only the radio (after BB connect was installed) - all connected perfectly.

Need Help!! Blackberry client on X01HT

I have problem getting blackberry client to work on X01HT that I had bought last week.
Currently I owned a dopod 838 pro and X01HT. I had no problem installing and getting it to work on dopod 838 pro but when I install the client on X01HT, the blackberry service will show "not connected" then "stopped". No matter how many time I restart the service / reset/ flash the unit to other carrier's rom or different bootloader version. It just doesn't work.
The X01HT has Supercid and are able to flash to any rom without problem. Just could not get the BB client working.
I had tried using different version of BB client and
Wonder is there is anything different hardware wise btw 838pro and X01HT apart from the keypad layout.
Both 838pro and X01HT has dopod English 1.23.707.4 bootloader 1.04.
I had also test flashing the 838pro and install the same BB client and it works on every single rom that I flash to including HTC, Cingular, Imate..
Can someone please help me. Thanks.
What airtime provider were you using on your dopod? I know that bb connect only works if the phone / pda you are using it on has the stock rom installed for the airtime provider that you have your BB contract with.
For example, I have a Vodafone BB contract. If I put a Cingular or O2 ROM on my pda and try and re-install BB connnect I will get the same error as you. The carriers tend to block devices that dont have the correct ROM installed.
They might be true, but I have a Treo 750v (Vodapone ROM) on a Cingular network and BB Connect works fine.
Thank you for your kind input. I am using the same sim card swapping between the 2 units when I am testing. As mentioned, both 838pro and X01ht are using the same rom, both are supercid. The only difference is Hermes 100 / 200 which hardware specifications are the same.
Do you think if flashing the MDA Vario II rom on X01HT might make it to work?
i.e. At least get the PIN being register on the BES server, coz right now, after I install the BB client on X01HT, not only it didn't connected, when I look @ the PIN is said "Pending".
By the way, I am using T-mobile carrier in US.
X01HT Blackberry issues
Hi Mate, I have the same problem, ROM 1.23.707.4, Radio, 1.06.. did you ever find a solution?

Blackberry connect - service won't start

Please forgive me if this has been covered. I have scoured the forums with no avail. I am trying to get Blackberry connect to work on Cingular. I am using a Cingular 8525 latest Cingular rom unlocked with the blackberry connect unlimited plan. During installation of the bbc client, the service drop down box is grayed out. Once installed, the service shows stopped, pin pending, ip address not connected. Any ideas? I have tried the latest HTC South African rom, all different versions of the bbc client software, and various apn settings ( It seems like the bbc client is locked to specific roms. Any help is greatly appreciated.
I had the same problem, never solved it, therefore I sold my Tytn.
I believe the version 100 (XDA Trion) doesn't work with BB.
I have bbconnect running on latest HTC ROM on Vod V1605, works very well.
dropped in first time, this is a corporate account connected to our BES server not a Provider BB Service. I do however have a BB account through Vodafone to access the corp BES.
mras said:
I had the same problem, never solved it, therefore I sold my Tytn.
I believe the version 100 (XDA Trion) doesn't work with BB.
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I have the same problem with two MDA VARIO II (T-Mobile (Germany) Version of Hermes device):
I called T-Mobile and got the information that HTC changed something on there device so that the Blackberry Software client will not work any longer.
This problem is very new and T-Mobile works with RIM and HTC to solve this problem.
The problem is that the Protocol version will not displayed on the last page of the Blackberry client and the client will not create a blackberry pin.
The very friendly T-mobile guy (Blackberry support line) explained my that there will be a new blackberry client or a rom / radio update to solve this problem.
For me I gave back both devices and will wait some time until the problem will be solved.
Perhaps someone here has another solution.

T-Mobile (UK) BB Connect

Hi Guys,
I have upgraded to the WM6 LVSW OS and have uploaded the T-Mo BB Connect with Instant E-Mail. The problem I am having is that the BB PIN is always pending (was the same with WM5 and after handest exchange). Does anyone know how to resolve this??

New Member questions

Hi guys spent last few weeks reading the forums since I got my T-mobile branded MDA plus (touch dual?) I use a couple of GPS programs on it and messenger. So far I'm managed to change the registry settings as suggested on this site. However I seem to have a really unstable 3G system, now this might be t-mobile (I'm in Glasgow Scotland) or phone problem. My old MSN client worked great so not sure if it is Live mobile that's at fault, although downloaded lastest version from here.
Now I'm considering Flashing it, it was bought from ebay to replace a stolen Vario 3 (Tytn 2) so no real contract with it. It appears to be NIKI100 from
sticker with following roms
Rom version
Radio version
Protocol version
Can anyone tell me what else I need to find out to decide which ROM's are applicable? And which would people suggest to replace present ones with? Any help appreciated

