T-Mobile (UK) BB Connect - 8525, TyTN, MDA Vario II, JasJam General

Hi Guys,
I have upgraded to the WM6 LVSW OS and have uploaded the T-Mo BB Connect with Instant E-Mail. The problem I am having is that the BB PIN is always pending (was the same with WM5 and after handest exchange). Does anyone know how to resolve this??


Downgrading Wizard to WM2003 and Blackberry Client?

One of the major issues facing with with the Wizard is no BB client so I connect to my works Bes server. Anyway - wondering - has anyone downgraded to WM2003 and installed the BB client and seen if that works?
Then - when BB for WM2005 comes out - I can then upgrade it.
Is this possible, any driver issues etc or anyone care to try it?
AFAIK, since Wizard was designed from the start as a WM5 device, there is no WM2003SE ROM available for it.
Yeah, you won't find a WM2003SE ROM for the Wizard.
If a BB client was availble I'd buy a Wizard tomorrow. But it isn't, so I won't! Waiting for thr RIM 8700 to come out on O2 early next year and will go for that I think.

HELP: Blackberry on TMO MDA for T-Mobile USA

Hope someone can help me with this.
Many folks on the forums ave managed to get the Blackberry connect software to work on their PPC. From the postings, many of us got it to work in Germany, UK on wizard and plenty did too on the Universal platform.
So far I have been unsuccesful in doing so with T-Mobile US and my Wizard (original TMO MDA). From the symptoms and postings on the forums, it seems related to my ROM or Radio version.
If anyone got their wizard to work wit the BB Connect client on TMO USA, can you please post in reply your ROM version and Radio version.
On my end, I tried
- BB Connect client
- enterprise BES server
- Radio 2.25.11
Thanks for any help!
BB Mail Running on T-mobile MDA HTC Wizard)
Did you ever get it working?
What was the fix?

Blackberry connect - service won't start

Please forgive me if this has been covered. I have scoured the forums with no avail. I am trying to get Blackberry connect to work on Cingular. I am using a Cingular 8525 latest Cingular rom unlocked with the blackberry connect unlimited plan. During installation of the bbc client, the service drop down box is grayed out. Once installed, the service shows stopped, pin pending, ip address not connected. Any ideas? I have tried the latest HTC South African rom, all different versions of the bbc client software, and various apn settings (blackberry.net). It seems like the bbc client is locked to specific roms. Any help is greatly appreciated.
I had the same problem, never solved it, therefore I sold my Tytn.
I believe the version 100 (XDA Trion) doesn't work with BB.
I have bbconnect running on latest HTC ROM on Vod V1605, works very well.
dropped in first time, this is a corporate account connected to our BES server not a Provider BB Service. I do however have a BB account through Vodafone to access the corp BES.
mras said:
I had the same problem, never solved it, therefore I sold my Tytn.
I believe the version 100 (XDA Trion) doesn't work with BB.
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Click to collapse
I have the same problem with two MDA VARIO II (T-Mobile (Germany) Version of Hermes device):
I called T-Mobile and got the information that HTC changed something on there device so that the Blackberry Software client will not work any longer.
This problem is very new and T-Mobile works with RIM and HTC to solve this problem.
The problem is that the Protocol version will not displayed on the last page of the Blackberry client and the client will not create a blackberry pin.
The very friendly T-mobile guy (Blackberry support line) explained my that there will be a new blackberry client or a rom / radio update to solve this problem.
For me I gave back both devices and will wait some time until the problem will be solved.
Perhaps someone here has another solution.

BlackBerry Connect problems with latest HTC ship ROM

Hi folks,
I have just got myself an HTC TyTN and found this forum. I have been reading it for
a couple of days and managed to update the ROM on my phone to the latest HTC WWE version
on the wiki.
Loving the phone so far but I cannot get BlackBerry Connect to work.
I am running BlackBerry Connect and using my UK O2 3G SIM which was previously
working great for BBConnect on my Nokia E61, so I know I am OK from the network side of things.
BBConnect installs OK, gives me a PIN OK, but when it tries to connect I get:
"Network Available" followed by
"Data Tunnel Available" followed by
"Not Connected"
I should mention that I am only using BlackBerry Internet Service, not the full-blown
BlackBerry Enterprise Service, so I have not installed the desktop part of the software,
only the client for the mobile.
I even tried to downgrade the ROM to the 1.35 version last night but the 1.35 updater
refused to let me.
Has *anyone* got BBConnect to work on the latest shipping ROM? Anyone have any details
about upcoming new versions of the BBConnect s/w?
Reg hacks?
I would be very grateful for any advice, will post back results.
PS: Is there any way to turn off the green flashing network status LED? It drives me crazy
PPS: If nothing will get BBConnect to work, anyone know of another solution to get my POP3
Yahoo mail pushed to my phone (I am UK based if that matters)?
I would appreciate some help with this same problem, but on Cingular USA.
New 8525, updated AT&T ROM, Cingular's Blackberry Personal data plan.
I was told by RIM they don't support Cingular and 8525, but I see many
users in this forum do have it working.
Have tried various version of BB Connect on my 8525, but they
all point to a blackberry.net IP address that ends in .189.
Some threads say it needs to be .192 for USA - is that my problem?
Thanks for your help !
I had Blackberry working fine on a T-Mobile Vario II, but last month that went back faulty (the dreaded lock-ups) and was replaced with a new unit.
I was unable to connect to Blackberry, getting the same response as Charlie. After much investigation TM were about to exchange the handset again when I received a call from TM saying that there was a known problem with a certain range of IMEI numbers on new handsets that were not able to connect with Blackberry. After checking we found that the IMEI of this new handset fell within the affected range.
I was told that it was a Blackberry problem, and that TM were expecting RIM to issue an update or patch to cure the problem. I decided then to remove the blackberry from my account and use other methods, so haven't pursued it.
So it seems there is a known problem with some HTC handsets, but as usual there's little being done about it!
bbc does not work with the new rom. to roll back, use the sdcard upgrade method in the wiki under rom updating for beginners.
this will take you back to 1.34..... sux.
Can anyone else confirm that Blackberry Connect requires the original ROM?
As the previous poster said, that would sux.
Has anyone else been able to get the following to work?
1. Cingular US
2. Blackberry Connect Client (ver 2.1, not 4.0?) loaded onto 8525, running WM5
3. Get Client to generate a PIM
4. Use "Change Handheld" option on mycingular website to enter the new IMEI and PIN
5. Sucessfully access BIS
Please let me know which version of the 8525 ROM and BB Connect you used.
Thanks for your help!
Here's my setup:
1) Cingular 8525 SIM/CID unlocked (HardSPL 7)
2) Elf's 2.1 Crackberry ROM (WM6) - very nice stable build.
3) BBConnect CAB
4) Cingular Blackberry Tethered Unlimited (both BIS and BES enabled)
Make sure you have a data connection working first.
BBConnect will issue you PIN after you click the Register button - you can see this in the BB Connect utility on your handheld.
You can then use this PIN and your phone IMEI on Cingular's BB site:
Don't forget to download the Service books.
If your company has Outlook Web access for Exchange Server you can avoid BES.
BBConnect only allows 3 email boxes on a non-BB device.
Everything works fine except that the BB Service hogs the wireless connection so that I sometimes have problems with other services require internet connection.
Toss that Cingular ROM (even the latest 2.15 update) - it's worthless and a real headache - very unstable
I'm getting ready to install this, can you explain this comment:
If your company has Outlook Web access for Exchange Server you can avoid BES.

office mobile upgrade problems

i'm using o2 xda orbit on o2 network and have upgraded to WM6 about a week ago from http://www.my-xda.com/xdaOrbitSoftware.html.
i am unable to sync office 2007 documents from my computer to my xda, it makes me change them into 2003 version.
has anyone else had this problem? if so has it been corected? and how?
any help would be most appreciated

