Email dissapear after resync? - 8125, K-JAM, P4300, MDA Vario General

i've setup my gmail account on the Wizard, i can send and recieve fine, but if i download emails, and i resync then the mail box empties the previous emails i had.
any know how to fix this...

Yes I've had this too after upgrading to iMate2.16 firmware.
Then I disabled my E-mail syncronization (it's useless for me anyway).

So how come my Hotmail emails dont dissapear when i connect to gprs? all emails i've read stay in the inbox, but not on my gmail account.

empty inbox
Similar problem here. gmail and my work e-mail (read) disappear from inbox after sync. Any solutions?

I had a similar problem where less and less messages were being downlaoded when I did a send and receive over wifi. However if I did a send and receive over gprs I would get the remaining messages.
I have now got to the point where no GMail messgaes are being downloaded.
Any ideas?

Just go to the setup of the account on the wizwerd and then Options then next u will find ( only display messeages from the last ( ) Days just increase the number of dayes to eg. 365 dayes ( a year ) this will keep all the messeages in your wizwerd inbox from the last year...u will find the default is 3 dayes by the mean this will show only the messages from last 3 days.....

i had the same problem, but i have foudn a very good solution.
I created an free exchange server account on and pushed my mails from gmail to this email adress. Now i sync my Wizard over WLAN directly with the exchange account! (i have no partnership with my PC)
The second pro is, that you have a full backup of your mails and contacts, so make a hard reset on your device and sync all data back
if you leave the mails in gmail's incoming, you can download the mails to your pc too.

Good explanation but the solution is no good...
Here is a good explanation of why the emails are disappearing...
However, the problem is that after you download the headers, you have to download the messages (2 send/receives for message? stupid). Then afterwards you still have the same issue in that after you download the full message, the servers treat it as the same as before and make them disappear.

email dissapearing
Get another email client like : webIS mail / flexmail2006 and all messages will stay.

Changing the number of days to display messages form seemed to do the trick. I didn't have that box ticked so I assumed that it wouldn't affect it.
It's working now though, that's the main thing!

when u setup the email account u will find that box ....the defult of the box is 3 days this means emails from 3 days will only appears in the inbox ....if u increase this number of days for example 365 this means emails from the last 365 will be shown in the inbox.....this is the only is only the setup of email account

Another thing u will notice that emails downloaded are only the headers...if u wnat the body of the email ( not the attachments ) you have to increase the kilobites downloaded from the email ( also at the setup prosses ) from 2 kilobite to for example 20 kilobite...NOW you will have the body of the email also with the header....if u want to download the attachments just clik the last line in the email to download the attachments of the email next time u syns.....that is it SO SIMPLE

I used to have this same error when i first configured GMAIL. I'm not sure what options i selected at that time. But i did two things not sure which one fixed it but now its fixed and i have all the emails stay in my inbox until i delete them myself. here are the settings
1. On you phone open GMAIL inbox, select Menu/Tools/Options and Edit GMAIL account, on the 4th screen click options, on the 2nd screen uncheck "Only display messages from the last..." on the 3rd screen select "Get message headers only" and check "Include" and type in whatever KB you like (i have it as 512) click finish.
2. Go to your GMAIL account, select Settings/Forwarding and POP and in POP download select "Enable POP for all mail (even mail that's already been downloaded)" and click save changes.
Well this should do the trick.


Automaticly downloading emails

I just set up my email account on my XDA II.
Little question about automaticly downloading emails.
On my spv e200 (also an HTC phone) I need to have my mailbox loaded before it download emails. What I mean with this: open the inbox and than go to the email tab (not sms).
Is this the same for the XDA II?
Or can my inbox be set on sms and the emails are still downloaded?
when one set up ones mail account one have to choose if it should check mail every X minut and which connection it should use to do this so i asume very much that it'll still do it if you are in sms
Yes I did that
Just asking about the inbox.
Thanks for asking.
well i havent set that option on myself so i cant promise you anything but if it dont i would call it a bug
I have set 2 email account on my XDA2 or 1 (it s the same)
well if i programm my accounts to be checked every X mn i have to let the selector on the email account otherwise it wont connect and pop for my mails.
Of course it pop only the email account selected. so you can consider it is the same.
I can not automatically check for both of my mail accounts.
But if you let the selector on your email accout, you will also be notified for incoming SMS, whereas if you let the selector on the SMS account you will not be notified for any new incoming mail
not really a bug, but will be great from MS to correct thant in the next release

Mail disappearing...

has any experience mail disappearing? I had about 10 emails with attachments and they're all gone. I have mail deletion set to Manually so I know its not that. is there a problem with Pocket Outlook randomly deleting emails?
mine also deletes any mails older than a few days when I check for new msgs using pop3
make sure that if you are using pop3 you go to settings an advanced and select how may days emails you want to download, with push email (activesync) do the same in the activesync settings.
I have see the same thing happen a few times.
I downloaded an email that had an attachment. I then clicked the option to download the full email with attachment. I then click send/recieve and the mail had just vanished. After a soft reset its there again but with no attachment. I went around and around in a circle until eventually the email was there with the attachment, which was corrupt!
Gave up and deleted it in the end.

Gmail POP’ped to desktop and IMAP’ped to Wizard?

I would like to read my gmail email in MS Outlook on my computer, and while I am away from it, read the new only emails (the ones not yet downloaded to desktop) from my T-mobile MDA.
The way I understand it is done is to POP emails to desktop (which deletes them from the email server) and use IMAP on the mobile device to read whatever is not POPped yet. The problem is that Google’s Gmail does not support IMAP protocol. So how do I do this then, other than to change to an email provider who supports both POP and IMAP?
In gmail's POP service you can choose to either delete or archive email d/l by your device. You could read ur email from your pda then the email you just read would be archived into another folder.
I think what you need to do is change the settings in MS Outlook on your desktop to leave a copy of the email on the server for x number of days. On your PDA change the imap server settings to only download the last x number of messages or messages that were received in the last x number of days. I don't use a POP server anymore but you should be able to use the "tools" then "email accounts" then "view or change exisiting email accounts" and look for something along the lines of leave copy/copies of email on the server so that way Outlook doesn't delete them from the server.... In terms of the POP settings on the PDA make sure that it is never deleting emails off the server otherwise you are going to be faced with "dissapearing" email messages.
Hopefully this helps or someone else can be more helpful.
go to your gmail account, in the settings you can set it to be accessable through POP, do that. Dont forget to set it to leave a copy on the server
On your PDA you need to configure Outlook to accept the gmail accout.
go Start > Programs > Messaging
at bottom of screen choose Accounts
click New
enter email address click next
enter Your Name, User name, Password ( I leave the save password box ticked as I am idle ) click next
choose account type POP3
choose Name POP3 (unless you have option to choose another name you like better) click next
in server information
set Incoming as
set Outgoing as
click the options button, page 2 of 3 check Outgoing requires server auth , check box Require SSL
click next
box now shows all Accounts as New, Text Message, POP3
click the OK top right of screen
thats it, done.
Wizzer said:
In gmail's POP service you can choose to either delete or archive email d/l by your device. You could read ur email from your pda then the email you just read would be archived into another folder
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
...and hence not downloaded to the desktop if I understand correctly.
justintime07 said:
On your PDA change the imap server settings...
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Gmail does not support IMAP unfortunately. Also, I do not want to go by the number of days or number of messages because those things are not known in advance. I only want to pop email to my computer, and read whatever is not popped to the computer from the mobile device.
tbc_borg, the instructions are helpful if I only wanted to read email from the road. But after email is downloaded to the device, Gmail does not pop it to the desktop, which is not good for me.
I think I found how to do this.
I got another gmail address, set up forwarding of everything from the main email to the second one (with the original left in the main Inbox). I pop everything from the main email to the desktop and from the second email address to the Wizard. I will be receiving duplicate emails to both desktop and the mobile device, but that is better than having only half of emails on the desktop. Any better ideas? I searched extensively, found nothing smarter (well, again, other than finding an email provider that supports both pop and imap protocols).
I had the same problem. What I did was open a second relay a/c, eg [email protected]. I then added a forward on all mails from my normal gmail account to the relay account. On my phone I have my incoming mail server set to the relay account but my outgoing server set to my normal account. This means that all your mails will be forwarded to the relay account and when you want to reply to any of them on the phone it will send them from your normal account!
Bit of a roundabout way of doing things but works fine!
WOW, good hint with the different outgoing server, decmac! It works just as expected!
But I noticed something else that is wrong. I send a test email to my main email address, it gets forwarded to the relay email address. Send/receive from computer, receive the email fine. Send/receive from Wizard, receive it fine as well. So far so good. However, when I send/receive from the Wizard again, the email message that has just been downloaded gets DELETED and is nowhere to be found on the device (not even in "Deleted Items" folder.) I wonder what I have missed in the settings somewhere.
Yeah, that's a problem. It seems to only keep a current copy of your Gmail inbox on the phone so when you do send/receive it overwrites everything. What I have done to get around this is select "Get Message headers only" and select "Include x Kb of message body" Make x big enough to get all of your messages. It then keeps my messages in my inbox until I either delete it or select "Get entire message and any attachments" in the email message.
Not sure if this would work but maybe move messages into a local folder on the phone. Haven't tried this but in theory it should work! The above works perfect for me!
Perfect! It works!
Vielen Dank!
Kein Problem

problem with imap

I set up my e-mail app with my imap mail account and it recieves and shows me new mails, BUT:
- mails older then 1 week ago are not shown, I only see the mails I got last wednesday and mails I got since then, although there are a lot of older mails in my inbox
- when I delete a message it isn't shown in the mail app anymore but when I connect to my imap account from my computer the mail is still in my inbox
those are the two problems that annoy me the most with the mail app. can anybody help me sort out the problems?
d3l1 said:
mails older then 1 week ago are not shown, I only see the mails I got last wednesday and mails I got since then, although there are a lot of older mails in my inbox
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
This is a setting in the IMAP account setup. Go to your inbox, then Menu:Tools:Options, select the account from the list, "Edit Account Setup" and then click next a few times till you get to the screen with the pulldown menu for "Download Messages" and set it to "All messages"
d3l1 said:
when I delete a message it isn't shown in the mail app anymore but when I connect to my imap account from my computer the mail is still in my inbox
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
FWIW I also have an IMAP account and I'm not having this problem. You know that the phone doesn't automatically connect to your server when you delete an email?
As a test, try deleting and email on the phone and then manually doing a send/receive. THEN check your computer: the message should be gone. If it is, then all you're experiencing is normal behavior.
thanks I figured the first one out really soon after the post
to the second one, I'll have a try. the same issue is with marking mails as "read". when I connect from my computer they are still flaged as "new". will have a try your way. thanks!

Gmail emails not deleting?

Hi everyone,
I have searched the forum for similar problems but can't find anything. I have my email set to check email every 15 minutes. Even after I delete the emails from my phone, when gmail is checked 15 minutes later, the emails return once again as "new". On the computer version of gmail, the emails are still unread in the inbox.
How can I set the "delete" on the email tab to actually get rid of the email? (preferable send the email to the archive function of gmail)
Thanks in advance.
I have the save problem
Use activesync (with push) instead of POP/imap, works perfectly.
Mine did the same thing until I changed my mail settings to say "delete from server" and also "immediately" if you don't change your delete settings to immediate then it wont actually erase the mail until the next time it connects and downloads it all over again.
GMAIL not deleting - Windows Mobile 6.5
I'm running WinMo 6.5 Cell ROM on a Touch Pro 2 from HTC.
I have exactly the same problem. I delete GMAIL messages from the Inbox on my handset. Next time the phone does a Send/Receive it brings down all the new mail again from the GMAIL server. Basically the handset is not marking mail as being deleted, nor is it marking the mail as read on the server.
I'm using GMAIL in MAPI/SMTP mode on the handset as this is what is accepted by default when setting up the GMAIL account on the device.
I've no experience of using ActiveSync/PUSH for mail. How do you set it up?
GNMurray said:
I've no experience of using ActiveSync/PUSH for mail. How do you set it up?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I use activesync to download all my messages from google, It also pulled my calendar and contacts to the handset too, I found the instructions by going to: wwwDOTgoogleDOTcom/support/mobile/bin/ (wont let me post outside links, so Dot = .) Also on section 11 before syncing everything, I synced each item individually first then switched them all on as I was getting errors.
ActiveSync and PUSH MAIL for Google Mail is the best alternative for being able to hardly experience inbox and retrieval errors.
to delete emails go into your inbox and when you delete, use the left softkey (the bin icon) to delete and not the sense menu.
Gmail not syncing
I had the exact same issue. I searched forever until I found what worked for me. It appears to be an issue is you restore using nandroid. Here is the link on how to do it.
remove the () () of course.

