Do you have the HTC Wizard ? Click here ! - 8125, K-JAM, P4300, MDA Vario General

Please help a possible future HTC Wizard owner ! I want to be part of the club ! It's as easy as clicking "reply":
I have tried the Treo and I appreciate it's one-handed use.
Since there is no "windows" and "ok" buttons on the HTC Wizard, I assume people will remap them (either to Messages, IExplorer, or the Send button)
Do you feel that you can navigate with one hand without worrying about dropping it, since your thumb is at the bottom instead of the middle ?
If you remapped your buttons, you'd have to click on one button at the top for Start, then slide your thumb back down to select the menu item, then slide your thumb back up to click OK every time you need to close a window... it seems like a work-out !
How do you dial a number you've never dialed before when you can't look at the screen ?
I love the Treo's form factor, but the old OS, lack of multi-tasking, lack of real bluetooth and WiFi are holding me back...
Please enlighten me !

Please help a possible future HTC Wizard owner ! I want to be part of the club ! It's as easy as clicking "reply":
Always room for one more
I have tried the Treo and I appreciate it's one-handed use.
Since there is no "windows" and "ok" buttons on the HTC Wizard, I assume people will remap them (either to Messages, IExplorer, or the Send button)
I remapped the Voice Button (and set Voice Command to the IE button) and the Comm Manager button to start menu.
Do you feel that you can navigate with one hand without worrying about dropping it, since your thumb is at the bottom instead of the middle ?
I dropped it yesterday because someone bumped into me (fortunately the device survived with only a few scratches), so I don't walk around using it onehanded anymore. I hold it with one hand and push the buttons with the other. no stylus needed.
If you remapped your buttons, you'd have to click on one button at the top for Start, then slide your thumb back down to select the menu item, then slide your thumb back up to click OK every time you need to close a window... it seems like a work-out !
I haven't had a problem, but as I said above, now I use both hands for safety.
How do you dial a number you've never dialed before when you can't look at the screen ?
You can't Or you can used Voice Command (sold separately) to say "Dial" then the number
I love the Treo's form factor, but the old OS, lack of multi-tasking, lack of real bluetooth and WiFi are holding me back...
Go the Wizard!! I saw a Treo 650 in the shops yesterday, and had a hold (had no battery so I couldn't play) and the keyboard on the Wizard is much better, but the Treo's kb can be used onehanded farely easiler. It definately beats the Wizard in onehandedness, but I would pick the Wizard because of the reasons you stated, plus the use of Windows Mobile (Palm is too simple).
Please enlighten me !
You should now feel (somewhat) enlightened!


Does ur space button click twice when pressed in the center?

Hi all,
I need some urgent feedback from you good folks as I have been given until tomorrow to decide whether to send back my T-Mobile MDA Vario.
On the slide out keyboard, if I press the space/sym button lightly in the center it clicks once and if i press slightly harder it clicks a second time...
Is this meant to happen? Does anybody elses do this?
PS. If I press the button on either side there is only one click
Mine makes a sound like it's clicking twice but actually only does one click.
Thanks for the prompt reply sunseaker!
When you say 'does' one click, do you mean in the software? So you only get 1 space in Word even though you're hearing/feeling 2 clicks?
Yeah,so do I.I feel it was twice.But actually,it's only one space appeared in word.
That's what's happening with me, you can feel two clicks in the center but one if you press on either side, just one is showing in word.
So all Wizard Keyboards behave like this? At first I thought it may be something like a two function button ie. light press for normal space harder press for something else.
I looked in the manual for some kind of explanation but there's no mention of it...
If they really are all like this (keep the feedback coming pls) don't people find it really annoying to feel a double click happening on a frequently used button when all the other buttons function normally? (ie. click once)
The reason you get two clicks is because there's two of those little contacts below the space key - the reason for that, in turn, is that the key is pretty wide. These two contacts are on the same 'paths', though, so there's no differentiating a spacebar press on the left from one on the right.
The reason you only get 1 space is because, normally, if you press in the center in such a way that you happen to 'click' both left and right, it will be in such a short interval that the repeat is ignored. Try pressing any other key, such as a letter key, really fast (so not 'click click', but rather 'c-click') twice - it will also only enter the letter once.
It's not too annoying for me, as I either press it on the left or on the right, depending on which thumb happens to be nearest the key
Cheers Ze!
I thought it might be something to do with 2 contacts under the space bar.
Since this is not a fault (design fault maybe ) I'm happy to aim my thumbs to the corners and will rest assured that I don't have a dodgy Vario
Thanks to all that replied - I can keep my new toy! :wink:

Blackberry/Treo-like numbers in Wizard keyboard

I'm sure the question has been asked 10,000,000 times already, but neither the search function nor a general Google are returning a solution.
I love my 8125, really I do, all except for numeric entry, which I do just often enough to hate the horizontal number arrangement.
Someone somewhere has to have written a little hack to add a numbers mode. Does anybody here happen to know who and where?
I dont have a Wizard but let me guess..
The easier way is to use your on screen keypad input. Im not sure how you are using your phone, probably landscape, but if you were to use potrait mode, the on screen keypad is really good.
That really isn't very practical in my case. I need to use the hardware buttons. I bought a Wizard because it had a real keyboard, it just isn't very good for numbers.
Is this really something that cannot be done? I guess the TyTn does it right from the pictures, but my Wizard is like three weeks old, and I really am having a very hard time entering numbers here.
You can't enter numbers on the onscreen keypad if you can't see it. The assumption made by MobileSpeak Pocket is that if you have a lot of data entry to do that you will buy a Bluetooth keyboard. I bought my Wizard so I wouldn't need to carry one.
i been tryin to find this as well.. similar to the hermes numeric layout. i would like the fact that i can answer and end phone calls by using the sliding keyboard. but that not happening on our wizard yet.
anyway i kinda hav a partial solution to what you want which i hav implemented at the moment.
you need both software vito quick contact (latest) and pqzII wizard version. first use the code menu in pqzII to map ur alt + Y U I as 1 2 3 and H J K as 4 5 6 and so on. and alt+space as return.
now to dial normal numeric number jus open up vito quick contact hold ur alt button to toggle alt button and press those buttons above and press space twice to dial.
it may not be convenient but once u get the hang of it you can even dial with your eyes close literaly. well say like when you are driving you can dial it and use bluetooth headset or handsfree speaker. i know you all gonna say voice dial is better. but i dreaded voicedial and physical button never fails me.
just hopes some one will come out with the sliding answering method.
Okay, I am a little confused here (and maybe this is just PQII and maybe it's not..)
The keyboard has a shift and a dot. In addition to these, Mobile Speak Pocket remaps hardware buttons as Control, Alt, Shift, and Tab. I wonder if these are the same buttons that PQII uses. In the event that they are, PQII will do exactly what I want sinze Alt is sticky in MSP.
Ideally though, I want to basically change the layout of the symbols when you press the dot, and just use double-dot to put my phone into the appropriate mode.
uummm i uses caps/shift for my alt button in pqzII, i dun use control. maybe thats why it didnt work. u can try the windows key or the ok key if other software remaps your cap/shift and dot button.
remember this can only work in vito quick contact as the our normal dialer cant detect those other symbols button. basically after i play around with the wizard too much =P, i found out that it is in the double dot format when you are in dialer but pressing the symbols wont work other than the normal numbers and * and #. so thats why you need vito quick contact

I went from a Treo 700wx to HTC Mogul & am missing some niceties--any registry hacks?

I went from a Treo 700wx to HTC Mogul & am missing some niceties--any registry hacks?
Hey All;
After having Treos since the 600 up to the 700wx, I finally decided to make the jump to a "full" WM Pocket PC rather than wait for the next Treo and picked up an HTC Mogul instead. Aside from getting used to the roomier keyboard, I love the bigger screen, faster/wider web browser & wi-fi, there are a couple of "niceties" missing that helped cut down on screen taps, and I don't know if it's because it's Palm thing, or a Windows Mobile thing (that HTC decided to configure differently)... any help figuring out how to enable the following would be most appreciated, even if it means a 3rd party program or registry hacks:
The *big* one:
List of last 10 called dialed when you hit the "send" key:
On my 700wx, all I would have to do is tap the "send key" when the screen was active (or twice if the screen was off), and a list of the last 10 numbers I dialed would pop up. Since 80% of my calls are to a list of a about 10 numbers, this cut down on key presses since all I'd have to do is use the "up" or "down" button after hitting "send" and select one of the last 10 numbers. The Mogul only lists the last number you dialed, and then dials it if you hit "send". There is a "call history" button on the screen, but that was on the Treo as well--and you have to tap the screen to open it up. I have probably made 10 calls by accident in the last day since I had the Mogul because I am so used to having that menu pop up when I hit "send" twice.
The smaller ones:
The end button turning the screen on and off:
I always liked being able to turn the screen on and off by hitting the "send" and "end" button. I'd hit the "end" button 2 times at the end of a call and the phone would go off. On the Mogul I have to hit a button on the side to turn it on or off. Can this be changed in the registry to make the "end" button turn the phone on and off?
Battery meter with the clock:
Whats with the battery meter being a third party plugin--the "HTChomeplug". I've tried the registry hacks to get the battery meter up by the clock like it was on my Treo, but it just screws up the top menu on the Mogul. If I can't get the battery meter up there I'd like to at least get rid of the other 3 things on the HTChomeplug (doing some research it looks like that's a registry hack of some kind--they don't even provide a menu to customize it). I generally kept a very uncluttered "today" screen.
Those are the main 3... other than that I love the phone--and it gets MUCH better RF than my 700wx did (the driving force for me getting it in the first place). Any help guys?
Also if these are "Palm" written features for Windows, has anyone tried to get them out of a 700wx and load in a different phone?

Highlighting Item in List w/o Software Arrow Keys

I've come across some situations where I'm at a loss on how to navigate without hardware keys. For example selecting bookmarks to edit on the Internet tab after displaying all bookmarks. Am I missing something?
I usually try one of the following:
Click and hold - depends on applications, you might see pop up window that lets you delete, or edit the item just selected.
Click, move away while keeping the finger in contact with the screen to avoid firing up that item. Depends on application, sometimes this start to highlight more than the item that I want. Then I move my finger back to the first item to result in the selection of only that item.
Lack of hardware keys especially the D-pad is the worst thing in Touch HD
I either use as said the click and hold option or bring up the keyboard as that has arrows built in. Not really had a prob so far.
Carty said:
Lack of hardware keys especially the D-pad is the worst thing in Touch HD
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I'm startig to nearly agree with this statement, i haven't missed the Dpad yet or any extra hardware keys but this device is living on the edge not having a dpad or hardware keys and also not supporting multi touch.
I think that a few months down the line the lack of multi touch support might become an issue!
Like i said before, so far i really haven't missed the Dpad, I think the HD does prove WM can be soley touch operated.

How dows one add/change a hardkey?

Hi, I did a lot of searching for this but I can't come up with any solution (which is odd as it strikes me to be a problem).
I bought voice commander yesterday as I'm on the road for my company a lot and all that works perfectly. So then I tried assigning it to a hardkey (is that the right word?) on my Touch HD (uk).
Apparently some incompetent interaction designer must have thought that it was a brilliant idea to only have one hardkey and bind that hard to making calls as well. Result? Me accidentally dialling 6 people out of the 7 times that I tried using it. I can only imagine what a horror it must be when I'm driving.
So here is the question; how do I add hardkeys to the buttons menu in the settings so I can assign stuff to those buttons? Any button really, preferably the 'hang up' button. Currently there is only 'button 1' but there must be a way of tapping into those other buttons.
I'm not shy of reg editing (it has to be a key or something in the registry) or anything like that but I can't seem to find a regeditor.
I'd try the HTC helpdesk but they don't know anything really beyond the standard questions (at least not the last 3 times I tried).
Zeus2.0 said:
Hi, I did a lot of searching for this but I can't come up with any solution (which is odd as it strikes me to be a problem).
I bought voice commander yesterday as I'm on the road for my company a lot and all that works perfectly. So then I tried assigning it to a hardkey (is that the right word?) on my Touch HD (uk).
Apparently some incompetent interaction designer must have thought that it was a brilliant idea to only have one hardkey and bind that hard to making calls as well. Result? Me accidentally dialling 6 people out of the 7 times that I tried using it. I can only imagine what a horror it must be when I'm driving.
So here is the question; how do I add hardkeys to the buttons menu in the settings so I can assign stuff to those buttons? Any button really, preferably the 'hang up' button. Currently there is only 'button 1' but there must be a way of tapping into those other buttons.
I'm not shy of reg editing (it has to be a key or something in the registry) or anything like that but I can't seem to find a regeditor.
I'd try the HTC helpdesk but they don't know anything really beyond the standard questions (at least not the last 3 times I tried).
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Click to collapse
Have you tried AEBPlus?
That requires me to run the program in the memory constantly doesn't it (and it's not freeware iirc)?
Zeus2.0 said:
That requires me to run the program in the memory constantly doesn't it (and it's not freeware iirc)?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Yes, it does takes some resources, but it gives a lot more functionality and improves the phone greatly.
For example,
You could ingle press to forward/repeat songs or change channel in FM radio, and long press to change volume.
You could single press the green button to either do nothing or start your VOIP phone if you have one, and double press to run the regular phone. (this prevents accidental dialing the last number)
Double press the back key to close active application
Hmmm, it's a last option solution for me. It's more a matter of principle. When I buy a phone like this, I expect to be able to have access to all buttons, not just one. It's a bit stupid that I need to run an extra app to actually use my phone properly. I mean; didn't anyone at htc think that just having one button is stupid and then assigning it to the dial button is just braindead thinking?
Right, gave that program a go but it doesn't seem to be working for me.
Zeus2.0 said:
Right, gave that program a go but it doesn't seem to be working for me.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
That's because you're not familiar with how to use it yet, I think.
This is how yo use that software:
Say, you want to reassign the up volume button. First you might note that the initial defaultsetting is "do not touch button".
press and HOLD the up volume entry until
the screen for altering the setting appear.
Once that happens, the rest should be intuitively enough.
Remember later to save and exit. No need to soft reset.

