ROM mda pro - JASJAR, XDA Exec, MDA Pro General

hi, I bought a mda pro.
If I want can I install the rom of I-mate in english?
and where can I download?
and for unlock?
thank you

sorry for eventually beeing unpolite, but have you ever tried to read a single post in this forum ?
Here is a complete forum called "Universal upgrading" .. there you will find all the answers to your questions.
If you don´t find them within 10 seconds, try the search. If you still don´t find it .. no, you don´t have the skills to upgrade your mda, you will toast it.
- Superbowl
PS: if you still have questions AFTER you read, you are welcome to ask.

Download this file, it contains the I-Mate JASJAR Rom update with a No Device ID executable.
ftp://xda:[email protected]/Uploads/
Put the MDA in bootloader (Camera + Reset + Power)
Connect the device via USB
Run MaUpgradeUt_noID.exe
Once updated, press reset on the MDA Pro
That's it! Then you'll have a nice MDA pro with MSN, Skype and ALOT more free RAM!

MDA Pro upgading
I see that you have updated your MDA Pro with the IMate ROM Update, Im keen to do this but wanted to know what the pitfalls are?
What about connection settings? How can I get them back?
Does all the software work OK? Can you still Video call?
Ive had problems with the signal being a little poor in my area, does the radio upgrade seem to solve it or not.
Sorry for all the questions, but if I balls this up, I have no original ROM to go back to, as TMobile dont seem to release them on the net.
Any help you can give would be great

at least you should make a complete backup of your extended rom. There are all the files you may need to re-install the original customization, e.g. the original connection settings.
- Superbowl

Its academic now really as I cant complete the upgrade, it comes up with the wrong country code error.
Is there a solution to this, mine is UK TMobile?

Did my MDA pro this morning
1. Make sure you are running form the bootloader or you cannot install as the id issue comes up. If you aren't sure about accessing the bootloader- run the update first - it will fail but phone should be in bootloader.
2. Disable USB connections in Activesync,
3. Re-run update - all should work fine.
The new rom includes a prompt on set-up for your carrier settings and should work fine without having to use the files from the extended rom backup you shoud make before playing with a new rom (allows you to install the specific customisations for your device
Thanks to the poster for the link to the files
Issues solved,
MS voice command now installs
Streaming video via ORB works (a bit gimmicky though and no full screen)No more t-mobile schemes - much nicer dial skin and today themes

It works fine, the T-Mobile MMS settings are installed for you (just select the network when going through setup on the PDA after the flash).
The GPRS / 3G settings you can add manually.
Access point:
Username: t-mobile
Password: one2one
Video calls etc work fine, because its all included in the I-Mate rom. What's more, it doesn't have that horrid T-mobile dialler theme!


Unlocked O2 XDA IIi - need Orange settings please

I recently purchased an O2 XDA IIi, which is unlocked from O2 and has been hard-reset to remove O2 features.
My SIM works as much that I can make/receive calls and send/receive text messages.
But, to access Internet, Email, MMS etc etc I need the settings for Orange (Ive tried but no luck).
Does anyone have the correct settings please ?
Is there a programme I can download (the type that is pre-installed onto Orange phones) as this may be the quickest solution.
I have tried Orange support on 3 occassions now and whilst they state they dont support non-orange phones they have tried to help - but without success.
Does anyone know if the hard-reset actaully leaves various O2 settings on the phone, which still need sorting.
Thank You !!!
try removing the o2 profiles in connection
and making sure it's not set to autopick the o2 connection profile
and such
p.s. hardreset remove no o2 features as they are most likely loading in again from the extented rom when it's hardreset
guess you could try to edit the extented rom and remove the o2 stuff from it and hardreset once more
there is no sign of O2 anywhere in the connections settings.
how can i find if O2 exists elsewhere ?
should give you a menu with connections
something the line of
add a new modem connection
manage existing connections
My work network.....
if you pick manage existing connections you can see which
connections exist and edit them
RE: GPRS and MMS settings
Follow this link, Ihave uploaded all the available cab installs for UK carriers, contract and PAYG.
These are the latest version 2.0, as I have seen some earlier versions elsewhere on forum. :twisted:
cab file not recognized
1st thanks to you all for helping all us newbie's.
I've checked the threads (hopefully), unlocked the xdaIIi with itsme's fine unlocking tool, downloaded the cab file for vodafone uk. But when i browse to it in file explorer i get a icon and msg to say that the file's not recognized.
And i need to run a program to open the file.
Also the file name is; "download" and not uk *****.cab.
Any ideas or am i just missing the point ?

Upgrading Orange SPV M500

Hi All,
I'm a bit of a newbie to this. I want to upgrade the ROM/ Extended ROM on my SPV M500 the current ROM version is:
Operator Version
ROM Version 1.06.00 WWE
ROM Date 01/06/2005
Radio Version 1.05.10
Extended ROM Version 1.06.175
I have found this on the Orange website:
Is this the best one? I have seen on this forum some information about the Big Storage ROM. I hoped for a WM5 ROM but from what i have read this is not likely for the Magician.
If someone could give me guidance on what ROM to use and if there is an Idiots Guide/ How-To Guide on how to upgrade the ROM i would be very greatful.
Also, do i need to unlock my device? If so how do i do this and what tools do i need?
Idiot are your words, but a noob guide is here
The latest rom available is a 1.13WWE from T-Mobile. You'll loose all the Orange branding when you take that one. Explore the wiki for more info on backing up an existing rom & available roms etc.
Thanks for the advice.
When updating the ROM do I need to update the Radio and the Extended ROM?
OLTP - What is the A2DP BT Patch?
A shipped-rom will always update the CE image (OS part & specific HTC drivers), the EXT_ROM (branding from the provider) & the Radio (phone, BT & IR) in one go. In your case make a copy from all your Orange cab-files in your ext-rom before upgrading with a non-Orange shipped-rom. You'll loose all your Orange settings etc in the upgrade process! To prevent the ext-rom from executing perform a soft-reset just after the init process from a hard-reset is finished. You got a few seconds for this before the popup with 'customizing' starts. Now the ext-rom is visible (not writeable) & you can back it up.
The A2DP patch
allows you to stream stereo music to a stereo BT headset.
Cheers, M
Thanks for that. This may be a silly question but updating to a T-Mobile ROM won't affect my Orange SIM Card will it?
I have taken a look at the how to guide that you pointed me at, can you only backup the ROM to an SD card or can you back it up direct to the desktop? Im thinking not.
Backup is fairly simple:
- get ntrw.exe from the ftp
- get romupdate get a SD-card > 64MB
- make backup of everything you want to keep from your magician & SD-card. everything will be wiped!!
- fully charge your magician
- uncheck usb connection in Act.sync on your PC
- put your magician in Bootloader (camera & power & soft-reset at the same time for a few seconds) wait till screen fades & reads 'serial v1.0x'. Screen is very dark since backlight is of.
- connect usb, now the screen reads 'usb v1.0x'
- start romupgrade on your pc
- pick the magician connection in the listbox, wces something I belief
- now a screen pops up
- type d2s in this screen
- follow progress on pc & magician
- wait till checksum finishes
- get SD from the magician & put it into a cardreader. DON'T FORMAT!!!
- put ntrw in C:\
- start a command window
- type on commandline: ntrw read myrom.nb1 [sd driveletter]:
- follow progress
- error at the end is normal
- finished
- reset your device & restore backup
A TMO rom won't affect your sim, the lock is somewhere else. There's a strange tool on the ftp, run it on your device & the lock is gone, veeeery strange ;-) But your warrenty might be gone as well, doing that it's all up to you.
Regards, M
Thanks for that OLTP.
I have another couple of questions if that is ok. In the Orange branded ROM, there are various applications like. Pocket Word and Excel, GPRS Monitor and Clearview Sutie. Do these come in the T-Mob ROM?
Also one of my biggest bugbears with the Orange ROM is the use of the Microsoft Bluetooth Stack. Does the T-Mobile ROM also use this?
Another nice to have if any can help is would some one be able to post some screen dumps of the T-Mobile interface please.
when you make a backup of your ext-rom, you can install those cab-files again after the update. Word&Excel are in the OS-rom, gprs & clearvue are from Orange! & not included by TMO in the rom, but on CD. TMO will give you some white background with PINK accents by default on your today & dialpad. That's about it.
BT? again the M$ version. No great differnce to be expected in that.
If you ever decide to go for BS then you need the ext-rom copy as well & in your case I advice you very strong to have one.
Regards, m
Sorry to be a pain but i'm having one of those days and my brain is not working very well today. Would you explain the below????
If you ever decide to go for BS then you need the ext-rom copy as well & in your case I advice you very strong to have one
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Thanks again for all you help
It's very simple, as usual: the ext-rom on your magician contains all kind of Orange stuff. When you flash a T-Mobile rom you get an ext-rom with TMO stuff, including gprs settings you definitely don't want. All Orange stuff in the rom is lost. That's why you need to backup the ext-rom.
When you ever apply BIG Storage you append the ext-rom to your current internal storage folder, increasing it by around 19MB. The ext-rom then no longer exists & all Orange or whatever stuff is in there is lost. So if you want some of the Orange stuff preserved make a backup, before you perform any rom-flashing.
Btw @ the wiki there's also the magician rom lay-out interesting to read at least once.
Regards, M

Error while trying to updgrade to new ROM!!!

Hi all,
Im new to this Universal forum since i recently got my MDA PRO ( Universal or JASJAR) from ERA mobiles-Poland. I have a few questions and would appreciate if anyone of you masters could answer them for me.
1. Firstly why do all the programs work so slowly??? I assumed that adding some new softwares slowed the system down but did a hard reset and found that there was hardly any improvement. i previously owned a Himalaya and it was much faster with the same software as in the MDA PRO. How can i change this and make more memory for running applications??
2. Is there an option where i could answer a call via the speakers by just lifting the screen of the phone?? i often answer a call with the hood closed and have to open the hood and press the "Speaker On" function before i can use the function. Im not sure if anyone has had this thought and a solution has been found.
3. I managed to download the new ROM from this forum and tried to update it on my machine but got an error " Invalid device" - Kindly contact your operator for the right update. my question is how can I update to a new ROM when running the maching with an excisting one? my device is from an operator in Poland but i would like to upgrade to a new ROM.
4. Lastly is it true that updating the device to a new ROM will increase memory and effeciency of the device or is a ROM update only developed for certain regional functions and software setting??
5. My last question is on my device desktop i can see 8 unread emails. when i select this the machine totally hangs and i have to do a soft reset. is there some way i can change this and reset the problem. Also can anyone tell me how to uninstall a email account once it is created?
my device information is :
ROM Version : 1.20.37 WWE
ROM Date : 12/04/05
Radio Version : ------ ( No information)
Protocol Version : ------ ( No Information)
ExtROM Version : 1.20.129 WWE
Hope to hear a reply soon as i am dying to make a few changes.
1. to fix most of your problems, upgrade your ROM.
2. Might be better to get a bluetooth headset. Preferably stereo one if you listen to music.
3. If it doesn't belong to the maker of your device (like you bought a QTEK and wanna flash an IMATE ROM) go to the It is all explained there.
4. Increased efficiency. Maybe better memory handling but not necessarily more memory.
5. Upgrade the ROM and it will erase everything, even the 8 emails. Just make sure they are not there when you synchronize. Maybe the rom update will help.
P.S. Your ROM is almost 1 YEAR OLD!!!!! Pls. upgrade.
I keep on getting a country error when trying to do it, even though I've used the unlocking program on the XDA. What do I do?
trapper said:
I keep on getting a country error when trying to do it, even though I've used the unlocking program on the XDA. What do I do?
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What Unlocking program? For Country ID Errors, there is a topic on this, PLEASE USE THE SEARCH BUTTON!
Hint: Use MaUpgradeUT_NoID.exe

Can anyone help figure out how to get back smart dial?

Hi guys,
First of all, I'm really new to this(learning all the time!) as I just got my O2 mini 2days ago from ebay.
I have a problem whereby my phone doesn't have smart dial function. I've spent hours reading the threads and trying but to no avail.
Can anyone kind ppl out there help me pls?
FYI, under "device information/version/ExtROM version" section is BLANK. Is this normal?
Really appreciate anyone that can help me out. Thanks a lot!
You can download and install the cab file attached.
Thx Zerimar!!!
But I toy around more with my phone I realise that my phone doesn't even have the ExtROM installed at all! That's main culprit for those missing functions. I don't even have MMS function installed
Can you kindly share with me a complete ExtROM that has all the preloaded softwares?
And also can you give me so simple instructions on how to put back the ExtROM in the phone (I'm really new...)
Again, really appreciate your help!!! Thx man....
I suggest that you keep your Mini the way it is (with BigStorage ROM). The advantages are;
1. You can choose which customization software from O2 to install.
2. 27MB is gained for installing 3rd party software, ie. Navigationi softare, Destktop enhancements, etc.
Before you upgraded your Mini, did you keep a backup of the original ROM and/or the Extended ROM? If you have a backup of your Extended ROM then all you have to do is to copy the .CAB files you want to the SD card, main memory, or storage and to install the .CAB files just click on them from where it was copied to.
If you don't have your Extended ROM backup, then I suggest you go to this forums ftp or wiki and download what you need. I don't have the complete Extended ROM .CAB files since I only keep what I like/need. Secondly, my unit is a generic since here in Switzerland we can buy the units without any contract, or when we renew our contract, we can get a new phone but usually it is a generic model. Out of the 3 providers here, only Orange SIM locks and makes customization to the units.
If still you prefer to put your Mini back to its original form, then all you have to do is to flash your Mini with your ROM backup (if you have it), otherwise download from the ftp any of the latest ROMs available.
Very good advice here.... makes me understand more now.
Ok, I agree with you to keep it's current status now.
I did not upgrade my mini, I bought it new from ebay, thus there is no backup ROM or ExtROM available.
I'm not able to use this forum's ftp. This is how I try, I paste below link in IE,
ftp://xda:[email protected]/Magician
I'm denied access. Any idea on this?
by the way, Switzerland is really a nice & beautiful country... Love it!
In your first post you mentioned that "device information/version/ExtROM version" section is BLANK, this somehow indicates that the Mini is configured with BS.
Check using File Explorer or via Active Sync. If you see a folder called Storage from My Device via File Explorer, or My Pocket PC via Active Sync then it's configured with BS. The other way to find out is to do a hard reset by pressing (and keep pressed) the Camera+Power button while pressing the reset switch. Note: This will eventually erase all your data. Be sue to backup first. If you did a hard reset, then at some point in time you will see that something is being installed automatically, meaning no BS.
For more info and guidance, check out the following threads contributed by very generous and dedicated members.
As for downloading files from the ftp, you should be logged in. The link you attached works perfectly for me. You could also use a ftp client software like CuteFtp.
ps. yep, CH is a nice country but quite expensive. If my memory serves me right, Zurich is the 3rd most expensive city in the world. I guess the only things cheaper here are the Swiss watches, Swiss knives, Swiss cheese, and Swiss chocolates (yummie) :lol:
Hey... it's working now! Thx to you, hehehe.... :lol:
So far so good after I manage to pull out the ExtROM using cuteFTP. Now in experimental mode to try out different stuffs.... getting more interesting.
If I do encounter any problem, I'll post again and hope you can help me once more
I miss the Swiss chocs.... yummy (especially white ones)... hopefully I can go there again soon. Btw, love the Swiss army too!
You're most welcome. Whenever you need help, continue posting on this thread or pm me.

A new Universal owner

Edit: Phone flashed nicely. Did'nt want to make another post so that this would'nt be bumped to the top.
Hello everyone!
Thanks to all the users and admins for this great forum. I've found a lot of useful tips here, like getting the Scandinavian letters to work, and I look forward to be a part of this community.
I've been using PDA's for quite a while but this is the first combined PDA/phone (unless you count smartphones, and a brief encouter with the Nokia 7710 which I hated )
My list of PDA's goes something like this: Palm M100, Palm 3C - a long pause without a PDA - got a M100 again - IPAQ 3850 - Pocket Loox 710 - XDA Exec
My list of phones would be about this: Nokia NMT 101, Nokia 1611, - Nokia 6110 - Nokia 7110 - Ericsson T65 - SE T68i - trial user for a nokia 7710 with TV - Motorola MPX220 - XDA Exec. Had some other phones too, but used them for a short while or bought them as spares.
I recently bought a used XDA Exec, the rom is 1.13.48 WWE which is ancient. The Exec seems very unresponsive and slow compared to any PDA I owned earlier also it seems prone to crash. I have some warranty left, so I'd prefer to keep an O2 ROM since then I'd have less to explain if I need to get this thing serviced.
I figured my best choise would be the "Xda_Exec_Upgrade_v1.30.162.exe" with a corporate install, since I'd rather be without the clutter as I wont use any O2 services.
A few questions:
1) My boot loader says "serial v1. 00" Should I upgrade it to 1.01? Any performace imrovements or less chance of bricking if I update it?
2) I downloaded the ROM from the O2 page, although I'm not in the UK nor do I have a O2 phone number. Is it safe for me two install the firmware or will I get a locked phone or country errors (got the fix for that just incase)?
ManWithHugePhone said:
A few questions:
1) My boot loader says "serial v1. 00" Should I upgrade it to 1.01? Any performace imrovements or less chance of bricking if I update it?
2) I downloaded the ROM from the O2 page, although I'm not in the UK nor do I have a O2 phone number. Is it safe for me two install the firmware or will I get a locked phone or country errors (got the fix for that just incase)?
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1) For new ROM upgrade, bootloader v1.00 is good enough. Unless you have nothing better to do, you can play with v1.01
2) Those ROM you are talking about are grandfathers' time ROM. If you dare, try some of the ROMs cook by our fellow guys here.
- Helmi's,
- Indra's
- Ivan's
In a ROM, besides the upgrading tools, the actual software is in 3 files
1. nk.nbf (M$ Part)
2. ms_.nbf (Extended ROM, sevice providers software), do not change this, just ignore by moving to another directory.
3. radio_.nbf (UMTS/3G/GSM part)
1. Ensure your normal mode cable connected (not InfraRed) activesync works.
2. Backup you current Applications, Contacts with Outlook and whatever that is important to you!
3. You need to run/copy (exe type) or extract (zip/rar type). You will see a lot of files including the above 3 files.
4. You can upgrade all 3 or individually by moving any of the unwanted 3 files to another directory.
5. Set device to bootloader mode.
6. Use MaUpgradeUt_noID.exe (not ROMUpgradeUt.exe) to avoid country errors. Run it and just wait.
Splash screen (O2, Imate, Dopod, Qtek Logos) maybe the wrong one, but if you can live with it, it is ok. If you cannot, the is tools in this forum, use the search tool.
SIM locked is different thingy all together, have never tried unlocked tools. Use the search tool here for unlock software.
Good Luck
Thanks CWKJ for your feedback!
About the ROM, I know the one I'm thinking to upgrade to is almost a year old but as I said its mainly so that I don't get any warranty issues. I'm thinking that if I have to return the phone and it boots to a QTEK-splash screen then I would have a lot of explaining to do. The current ROM is just so slow that I can't live with it.
Once the warranty is over I'll gladly experiment some more. Especially if there are some nice crossbow components or wireless improvements.
CWKJ said:
1. Ensure your normal mode cable connected (not InfraRed) activesync works.
2. Backup you current Applications, Contacts with Outlook and whatever that is important to you!
3. You need to run/copy (exe type) or extract (zip/rar type). You will see a lot of files including the above 3 files.
4. You can upgrade all 3 or individually by moving any of the unwanted 3 files to another directory.
5. Set device to bootloader mode.
6. Use MaUpgradeUt_noID.exe (not ROMUpgradeUt.exe) to avoid country errors. Run it and just wait.
SIM locked is different thingy all together, have never tried unlocked tools. Use the search tool here for unlock software.
Good Luck
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Thanks for writing those steps to me. I did search thoroughly, and found many guides but yours is the most easy to follow. I'm having some problems with activesync on my laptop (although it works fine through bluetooth) so I guess I'll try it on my desktop, which probably is smarter anyway so that the computer does'nt go into standby or hibernate in the midst of the update
Edit: My phone is unlocked, I was just worried if the software update would lock it for me. But I guess its silly to worry in advance.
Notebook has battery and standby mode can be switch off. In case of power failure (it will be very unlucky if it happens), the upgrading still goes on. The same (continue upgrade with battery) will not happen for Desktop. LOL...
Make sure is cable connected USB activesync.
One more point to note, in Bootloader mode, it is connected, but you will not see the activesync in operation!
You can change the screen (but software version can be checked), you can flash back the old software.
You can use the free tools here to unlocked again.

