Unlocked O2 XDA IIi - need Orange settings please - Networking

I recently purchased an O2 XDA IIi, which is unlocked from O2 and has been hard-reset to remove O2 features.
My SIM works as much that I can make/receive calls and send/receive text messages.
But, to access Internet, Email, MMS etc etc I need the settings for Orange (Ive tried http://forum.xda-developers.com/viewtopic.php?t=7306 but no luck).
Does anyone have the correct settings please ?
Is there a programme I can download (the type that is pre-installed onto Orange phones) as this may be the quickest solution.
I have tried Orange support on 3 occassions now and whilst they state they dont support non-orange phones they have tried to help - but without success.
Does anyone know if the hard-reset actaully leaves various O2 settings on the phone, which still need sorting.
Thank You !!!

try removing the o2 profiles in connection
and making sure it's not set to autopick the o2 connection profile
and such
p.s. hardreset remove no o2 features as they are most likely loading in again from the extented rom when it's hardreset
guess you could try to edit the extented rom and remove the o2 stuff from it and hardreset once more

there is no sign of O2 anywhere in the connections settings.
how can i find if O2 exists elsewhere ?

should give you a menu with connections
something the line of
add a new modem connection
manage existing connections
My work network.....
if you pick manage existing connections you can see which
connections exist and edit them

RE: GPRS and MMS settings
Follow this link, Ihave uploaded all the available cab installs for UK carriers, contract and PAYG.
These are the latest version 2.0, as I have seen some earlier versions elsewhere on forum. :twisted:

cab file not recognized
1st thanks to you all for helping all us newbie's.
I've checked the threads (hopefully), unlocked the xdaIIi with itsme's fine unlocking tool, downloaded the cab file for vodafone uk. But when i browse to it in file explorer i get a icon and msg to say that the file's not recognized.
And i need to run a program to open the file.
Also the file name is; "download" and not uk *****.cab.
Any ideas or am i just missing the point ?


need help after installing xda developers ROM

I installed the XDA developers ROM, and everything is ok except the internet connection through GPRS. I wrote he APN that my provider gave me, (Orange-Isral) is "internet.orange.net.il". No other settings. I can connect to the internet and send and receive emails, but I can't browse in internet explorer neither in the ftxpbrowser. Before the upgrade it worked fine. Also before the upgrade, every time I click on an internet link the QTEK eould connect to the ne. Now it doesn't. Any idea what am I doing wrong? Someone had experience similar probems? Thanks.
Connection settings didn't worked for me too after I flashed the original developers ROM. Even worse after the second and the third re-flashing - autoconfig just wouldn't work at all.
I "fixed" the problem simply removing "operators" section from the mkrom shell script and configured everithing manually then. Of course you'll need to build the ROM yourself. But it's also a great fun.
One problem with the current version of mkrom, is that it may put the operator rom after 81bc0000 if you have too many files in 'files1' ( and then autoconfig.exe cannot find it anymore ).
the lost connection settings probably have something to do with 'defaultconfig.xml' ( which I currently ignore ). I have to fix our own welcome.exe to process that too.
expect an update with many problems fixed soon.
If I reflash the original qyek version or the 4.17 UK O2, would zi be able to connect again?
I flashed the devolopers rom but cant browse the internet...My email and msn are fine just no web access i am on vodafone and i configure my own settings.
Have just used adaptrom to flash back to 3-17-03 awaiting any updates on devolepers rom, It was very good to say the least just i need mobile ie.
I will have a play at the weekend.
Same here. I flashed the ROM on a US T-Mobile unit, and can't surf with ie. Thunderhawk works, but ie is crippled. That defaultconfig.xml file needs to be executed. Is ther any way to execute it manually :?
Have you execute autoconfig.xml file??
I have the same problem, I have put my autoconfig.xml file on the ROM but don't update nothing....
have any one try it....to set connection, favorites on Internet Explorer etc...
I have found defaultconfig.xml file on my Qtek 2020 on \Windows
directory but If I change file for example to add favorites to Favorites Explorer this don't appends ..
anyone have the solution for this problem???

How t remove T-Mobile colours from your device

So here is the procedure of getting rid of T-Mobile's customization:
The whole proccess means you will do a hard reset and you will be installing everything from the beggining! So if you don't want that to happen you have to stay with T-Mobile's customization!
Step 1
Hard reset your MDA Compact (power+soft reset). Do all the neccesary steps (choosing your country and timezone) and when you get in the screen that tells you to tap the screen in order to start working have your stylus at the soft-reset hole tap the screen with your finger and do a soft reset IMMMEDIAELY AFTER YOU TAP THE SCREEN!
Step 2
Your MDA compact will restart without any customization it will be a clean Windows Mobile 2003SE. With the file manager go to the Extended ROM folder that is now visible and install the following files:
MMS_Settings_WWE_NL.CAB (This file will install the settings of T-Mobile NL but if you don't install it and then change the settings to your providers settings most probably will end up with MMS that does not work. So install those settings and change them accordingly to your providers settings)
Those are all the files you need to install. For those who need intellipad and intellidialer they will also have to install the 2 files for those programs.
GPRS Settings
I did all the above!!
But now I can't use Internet Explorer anymore.
I don't have te right settings!!
I'm using a O2 card in the phone!!
Can someone help me???
Re: GPRS Settings
zanders77 said:
I did all the above!!
But now I can't use Internet Explorer anymore.
I don't have te right settings!!
I'm using a O2 card in the phone!!
Can someone help me???
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Download the 02 settings from clubimate.
intellidialler does not work
I have a T-mobile MDA Compact in the UK.
If I follow these instructions it works fine - thanks. (SOme of the CAB files are UK versions or have later version numbers.
1. Is there a list anywhere of what each of these CAB files does?
2. The Dialler becomes crappy (formatting numbers in the US way, and not searching for contacts). The default microsoft colours are much more intuitive for showing missed calls/received calls etc in the recent calls list than the T-mobile palette, but i can't make the dialler search the address book in the very clever way it usually does. The intillidialler won't install either.
Any ideas?
Has anyone found decent versions of intellipad and intellidialler to install after doing the debrand on a UK Compact?
Quick question, i did all this and it worked fine for me, orange sim is working happily away when i unlocked the device via IMEI check and installed the orange rom but i've lost the clearvue products suite. I've looked in the extended rom partition but i can't find it
love this thing tho...still fiddling with it 2 months down the line
and how do i get the default microsoft colours?
27 said:
MMS_Settings_WWE_NL.CAB (This file will install the settings of T-Mobile NL but if you don't install it and then change the settings to your providers settings most probably will end up with MMS that does not work. So install those settings and change them accordingly to your providers settings)
Those are all the files you need to install. For those who need intellipad and intellidialer they will also have to install the 2 files for those programs.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Can you tell me where can i find all those CAB's and intellipad and intellidialer CAB's. Please because I'm a new about this stuff :lol:

GPRS/MMS settings for Virgin network from a CAB file?

I currently have GPRS and MMS fully operational using a Virgin network Pay as you go SIM on my M1000. If I have to do a hard reset then I have to manually enter all the connection settings manually.
I know that most network providors have CAB files in the extended ROM which usually set these up, mine used to set up the Orange ones before I upgraded to WM2003SE.
I'm no expert on CAB files so does anyone have an idiots guide to how I can produce one for my GPRS/MMS settings?
Bringing this one back to forefront...
Did anyone manage to do this?
Many thanks
Please see the following link for a suitable CAB file:

ROM mda pro

hi, I bought a mda pro.
If I want can I install the rom of I-mate in english?
and where can I download?
and for unlock?
thank you
sorry for eventually beeing unpolite, but have you ever tried to read a single post in this forum ?
Here is a complete forum called "Universal upgrading" .. there you will find all the answers to your questions.
If you don´t find them within 10 seconds, try the search. If you still don´t find it .. no, you don´t have the skills to upgrade your mda, you will toast it.
- Superbowl
PS: if you still have questions AFTER you read, you are welcome to ask.
Download this file, it contains the I-Mate JASJAR Rom update with a No Device ID executable.
ftp://xda:[email protected]/Uploads/MDA_PRO_JASJAR_ROM_UPGRADE_WWE_11353_137_10301.zip
Put the MDA in bootloader (Camera + Reset + Power)
Connect the device via USB
Run MaUpgradeUt_noID.exe
Once updated, press reset on the MDA Pro
That's it! Then you'll have a nice MDA pro with MSN, Skype and ALOT more free RAM!
MDA Pro upgading
I see that you have updated your MDA Pro with the IMate ROM Update, Im keen to do this but wanted to know what the pitfalls are?
What about connection settings? How can I get them back?
Does all the software work OK? Can you still Video call?
Ive had problems with the signal being a little poor in my area, does the radio upgrade seem to solve it or not.
Sorry for all the questions, but if I balls this up, I have no original ROM to go back to, as TMobile dont seem to release them on the net.
Any help you can give would be great
at least you should make a complete backup of your extended rom. There are all the files you may need to re-install the original customization, e.g. the original connection settings.
- Superbowl
Its academic now really as I cant complete the upgrade, it comes up with the wrong country code error.
Is there a solution to this, mine is UK TMobile?
Did my MDA pro this morning
1. Make sure you are running form the bootloader or you cannot install as the id issue comes up. If you aren't sure about accessing the bootloader- run the update first - it will fail but phone should be in bootloader.
2. Disable USB connections in Activesync,
3. Re-run update - all should work fine.
The new rom includes a prompt on set-up for your carrier settings and should work fine without having to use the files from the extended rom backup you shoud make before playing with a new rom (allows you to install the specific customisations for your device
Thanks to the poster for the link to the files
Issues solved,
MS voice command now installs
Streaming video via ORB works (a bit gimmicky though and no full screen)No more t-mobile schemes - much nicer dial skin and today themes
It works fine, the T-Mobile MMS settings are installed for you (just select the network when going through setup on the PDA after the flash).
The GPRS / 3G settings you can add manually.
Access point: general.t-mobile.uk
Username: t-mobile
Password: one2one
Video calls etc work fine, because its all included in the I-Mate rom. What's more, it doesn't have that horrid T-mobile dialler theme!

o2 exec extened rom change

is it possible to change my extened rom so my exec will install the o2 3g gprs settings and mms i have upgraded to the latest rom and have no mms now i have no idea what to do
same here, same problem, done lots of searches and installed the connections only cab file, and the contract cab file, afterwards it shows all the settings in the connections tab, but still no sign of MMS OPTION in the messages, only TEXT and E-MAIL options available

