S110 sending Multiple Messages + O2 Rant - JAM, MDA Compact, S100 General

Got a s110 with o2 a couple of months ago, and I have not had really any problems with the phone. Anyway today I sent a message to multiple recipiants (10 in all). Anyway within 20 minutes some people had recieved it 4 times, when some only recieved 1. I then sent another message apologizing for the multiple messages, and some people got that 3 times!!!!! So I call up O2 to ask them how many got sent (possibly 70 my my calculations), and they told me that they could not tell for 48 hours, as it takes this long to get into their computers. I thought this was unbelievable, as I know Orange and Vodaphone are instantaneous, as you can call up and find out how many minutes are left / messages etc.
Firstly has anyone had this problem? I know for sure that O2 will blame it on the handset (even though in the sent directory there is only 1 message sent for each) It just seems really weird, especially that not everyone got the same amount of messages. I also sent one to myself, and only got 1.
Secondly does anyone lse think that O2 lacking in the Customer Services department? When (after a long wait) i get through, it is like hitting a brick wall. I get told conflicting information constantly. I then made a complaint, and the guy i spoke to told me he could only put it through as "feedback"
I am only with them, as I got a very cheap s110.
Oh I do miss Orange....... Never thought I would say that!!!!
thank you - rant over..... Anyone happy with O2?

Don't close the messaging app before you get the popup saying, "Message Sent."

I have an O2 Xda II mini on Vodafone Australia and have the exact same problem. It looks to me like the fault lies with WM2003SE.
I have found, as 6thElement suggests above, that not closing the messaging application before you get the sent confirmation bubble is the only way of stopping multiple messages from being sent.
It's a pain in the arse, but it's Micro$oft so what can we do?

yah i used to have that problem, most of the time it was from the network, but 90% it was from my phone, do you have spb pocket plus or any app that fully exits an app? if so add tmail.exe to the exception list. or just like the previous guy said dont close the app till you see the message sent confirmation.


SMS Problems

i (and it seems like others as i´ve read in a german forum do as well) have serious problems with sending sms.
- some of them arrive twice
- some of them arrive in a "scrambled" way ...like mixed up with old ones
- and sometimes old ones are being sent a second time
this does not happen all the time - and it happens with several recipients.
i´m using a "naked" o2 trion. no other software (well, total commander and a media player) installed. it also happend back in the days when i used my t-mobile card with it.
this is really pissing me off ...because some of the recipients already think that a) their mobile is the prob. b) i´m nuts or an idiot who´s too stupid to send a simple text message
and help, hint, suggestion would be greatly appreciated.
I have the same Problem (sending SMS twice) ..
but I'm not sure if it's really a Problem based on the device, cause the double SMS are only billed once! (at least on my account)
And as I have been told only people using other Providers get my SMS twice..
never heard of any fellow T-Mobile User getting my SMS twice...
so it seems to be a combine Problem of HTC Devices (got that error since MDA1) and our Providers
did you force your network to gsm or umts?
or does it auto-switch depending on where you are located?
Sending twice happened to me when I disabled the 'message sent' warning and was closing the messages program before that warning would have appeared if it were active.
It was as though the machine sent the message quickly, but when the program got shut down too soon, was not sure it had done that and just sent it again.
Since re-enabling that warning and waiting each time for it I have had no more trouble.
marisa4755 said:
Sending twice happened to me when I disabled the 'message sent' warning and was closing the messages program before that warning would have appeared if it were active.
It was as though the machine sent the message quickly, but when the program got shut down too soon, was not sure it had done that and just sent it again.
Since re-enabling that warning and waiting each time for it I have had no more trouble.
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well I think this is exactly the point...
just keep the messaging software running and you won't have any problems
Sms sending 2 or 3 times
I'm not sure that above solution is true for all. I often get a specif notification saying message cannot be sent, but in fact it has been. Tendency is to send again and again still getting not sent message. Recipient ends up with several messages. I was given number of someone at HTC who seemingly can talk through a solution for this one. Don't have number to hand but will post later, nor have I spoken to them yet.
re my last post, I was given following info:
If you call HTC support Hot line they will talk you though how to resolve this..
The number is - 0845 8900079

Missing texts

Hi first post on here so hello. I have a HTC TYTN which is on the 3UK mobile network and i notice that i dont always recieve SMS messages and in fact a collegue of mine has the Orange version (unlocked with a 3 SIM) and also gets the same problem. I used to get this on a standard build TYTN and recently upgraded the Radio ROM to 1.35 and the OS to WM6 hoping that it was software related, but i still get missing texts. I just sent 10 texts from another 3UK mobile and only recieved 2...in fact when ever i have tested this you do seem to only get 2 out of the messages sent.
I also dont get delivery notifications, but not sure if this is related.
Any ideas? I would suspect that is most likely to do with 3's Network and as the phone is not officially support doubt anything will be done about it, but i thought i would just ask and see if anyone else has had this issue and had any suggestions...
Many thanks
Drewbie said:
Hi first post on here so hello. I have a HTC TYTN which is on the 3UK mobile network and i notice that i dont always recieve SMS messages and in fact a collegue of mine has the Orange version (unlocked with a 3 SIM) and also gets the same problem. I used to get this on a standard build TYTN and recently upgraded the Radio ROM to 1.35 and the OS to WM6 hoping that it was software related, but i still get missing texts. I just sent 10 texts from another 3UK mobile and only recieved 2...in fact when ever i have tested this you do seem to only get 2 out of the messages sent.
I also dont get delivery notifications, but not sure if this is related.
Any ideas? I would suspect that is most likely to do with 3's Network and as the phone is not officially support doubt anything will be done about it, but i thought i would just ask and see if anyone else has had this issue and had any suggestions...
Many thanks
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Welcome to the wonderful world of Tytn - A rewarding if sometimes frustrating experience
I've read about folks not receiving or being able to send SMS at all, I've read about folk missing texts if the device freezes while in sleep mode, but I have not read about only receiving a proportion of texts sent. Still maybe you'll get some posts to cofirm or otherwise whether it is the three network.
As regards notifications. Normally notifications will be set to on, but perhaps not in your case. The following is taken from the wiki see brown bar near top of this page. This refers to the registry and is the change necessary to turn notifications off (as many seem to want). In your case it would be a reversal of the settings:
Disable SMS received notification
The following setting disable SMS notification and sms recieved icon on screen
HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Inbox\Settings\SMSAvailable = 0>
​To enable again
HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Inbox\Settings\SMSAvailable = 1>
Hi Mike,
Cheers for your reply, but what i meant by delivery notifications is when i send a SMS to someone and i get a sms back saying it got delivered. I think to be honest this is all part of the same problem. I know someone who works within the 3 messaging team so might ask him to trace the SMSs for me and see what happens.
Do you get a notification saying "message sent"?
I have heard of cases (not on 3) where texts have been sent, and then the messaging application closed before this notification appears, and then when the app is opened again, 2 identical texts are sent.
It seems that if the app is not left open for sufficient time after sending (ie before the 'message sent' notification appears), the device can get confused.
Having said that, on t-mob, texting to and from o2, over the past 6 months there have been 1 or 2 occasions when the text sent has not been received for about 3 hours!
Yea i have had the odd instance where friends have recieved multiple texts also occasional get the SMS was not able to be sent message.
I don't seem to get delay in recieving texts just never get some. Interesting a friend bought a newer TYTN last week (mine is august/september last year) and he doesnt have the issue and we both have same ROM versions.
Did another test today and out of 10 only got 6. Very strange, it is starting to drive me crazy LOL. Even more so that other people i know have same issue (out of the 6 people i know who have Hermes phones 5 have the issue all on the 3 UK mobile network either TYTN or Orange one unlocked). The 5 of use did buy the phones all about the same time.
I can only assume there has been some very minor change in the hardware or firmware between the earlier Tytns and the later ones.
I have logged a call with HTC Tech support europe and he said never seen this before but he will pass it to the dev team to look at...so be interesting what they come back with.

SMS Message Problem!

Hi guys,
I'm having some difficulty with sending SMS messages. Its sporadic. Sometimes they send immediately, sometimes not at all. Its very frustrating.
For example, the day I got the phone (last week) I sent 2 text messages. I didn't hear back from anyone but thought nothing off it. I checked my messages and they were time stamped with the time I sent them at so I presumed they had gone.
That evening, about 6 hours later, I got my two replies. The people had only just got them, hours later. One of them wasn't impressed because it was intructions for something they needed to do 4 hours previously!
So, I turned on delivery reports on each sent message to make sure they sent.
Over, the next two days, I had no problems, delivery reports come in immediately within seconds of me sending my SMS message.
Meanwhile, I called my network (Vodafone) to see if there were any issues with network. they reported none. I checked the message centre number and verified it against the network one. They matched, so I thought all was in order... except I would have to get annoying delivery reports cluttering up my Text message inbox until I was sure the service was working 100%.
Earlier today, I sent about 3 important text messages, got no delivery reports, so I texted my other phone to see if the messages were going through. Nada. I was annoyed.
I'm thinking.. whats going on?
So about 10 minutes ago I shut down the phone and booted up again. Within 10 minutes I was getting all my delivery reports and replies from people!
Does anyone know what I could be doing wrong, what setting needs to be activated etc?
Obviously I can't use the text messaging on the device if I can't trust it to just work like pretty much every handset I've owned since... year dot.
PS: I spoke to Vodafone care team who said my sim card must be old; newer sim cards (128k) are needed for these "high tech" phones.
But I just took my sim out of my Nokia N97 (never had a problem) last week AND messages ARE going through on the Leo occasionally and only after a reboot, which is utterly pointless.
This is the last thing I thought I'd have issues with on a device like this..
Any advice? Have I missed something?
Same here, I thought I messed up something in the sms service or so.
Done many hard resets and soft resets. But still no help.
I'm experiencing exactly the same problems. Also Vodafone and no one seems to get any sms from me.
Okay, this ain't good!!
since you both have vodafone, and I haven't seen/heard about other people having these problems, I'd say it was voda's fault
br3nt said:
since you both have vodaphone, and I haven't seen/heard about other people having these problems, I'd say it was voda's fault
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Now tell me, why? I've never had problems on my previous phones.
I don't think the vodafone on the Ireland branch is the same as the one in the Netherlands
Kinda happy to hear that you guys also having the same issue.
It can probally be patched/fixed by htc. I googled for "htc sms hotfix"
And htc is also facing sms issues on other devices.
sigh... How will I live without outgoing SMS capability? so lame... hope you guys will find a fix soon.
seems to be the same like the sms bug in previous manila 2.1 build. outgoing messages weren't send, but only on some specific providers.
How could such a fundamental and critical phone component get screwed up? That just doesn't make sense. Anyone got ideas out there for a fix or we we have to wait for HTC to patch this? What about people who purchased a Leo and have no knowledge of this site etc deal with something like this? They buy a 500+ euro phone, try to send a text message, no joy. Baffled, annoyed, frustrated. Phone would get returned right? Not happy.
I've had this same problem on ATT in the USA
mike91t said:
I've had this same problem on ATT in the USA
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Had? so it's fixed now?
Just had this problem on t-mobile UK. The thing is that if you're in conversation mode it actually gets inserted as if it's been sent. I looked in outbox and it was stuck there, even after pressing 'retry send'. I tried a reset but it was still stuck there, so i retyped the message and sent that, both ended up being sent, with the origanal sms being time stamped as if it was sent ages ago!
I sometimes have this problem too....
O2 here.
In case it helps, I'm not having any problems on 3UK. Are you all certain it's not a network issue?
Perhaps it is to be honest... and perhaps tapping 'resend' just makes it happen in the background so it just appears that it does nothing.
I still find of the most annoying things to be the fact that the auto capitalise new sentence option to not work.... it's bad for perfectionists!!
simplymee said:
I still find of the most annoying things to be the fact that the auto capitalise new sentence option to not work.... it's bad for perfectionists!!
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+1 !!
It might look like it's mainly vodafone but in the UK at least it by far the biggest network, therefore it's bound to affect more voda users. Only 15 posts and already i see vodafone, att, O2, t-mobile, different countries, different networks.
This is the same issue that I've had this week with my Touch Pro running the Leo ROM, the device seemed to be turning all my SMS into MMS and then not sending them, though the odd one would sneak through. The problem has been fixed with an update to the custom ROM I'm using. It's the Energy ROM by the way. I'll send the author a message to see if he can pop on here and offer advice on the problem.
same here O2 in my phone.. even receive some messages later.. pls help us someone
Zero Masamune said:
Had? so it's fixed now?
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No, I have not made any changes that would have fixed the problem, but it is sporadic and only occurred twice a few days ago.
unfortunately same problem on o2 uk

Text messages are coming in at wrong time

I've seen some threads about the text messages coming in at the wrong time but at XX hours behind, being like a time zone thing or something, but I have it where the texts come in 2 - 3 minutes behind when they should do.
I love the conversational text messaging, but this is really bugging me cos it's throwing the order off massively!
I've done hard resets and soft resets but it just still doesn't have the right time. HELP PLEASE!!!!
same here ...
goth_boarder said:
I've seen some threads about the text messages coming in at the wrong time but at XX hours behind, being like a time zone thing or something, but I have it where the texts come in 2 - 3 minutes behind when they should do.
I love the conversational text messaging, but this is really bugging me cos it's throwing the order off massively!
I've done hard resets and soft resets but it just still doesn't have the right time. HELP PLEASE!!!!
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Well now when I try sending texts to myself, they just don't come through. Says they're sent but they're not, and just not getting them through. I'm on O2 UK
Damn this phone sucks!! I only got it on Wednesday too.
Me too, I'm on O2, if i send one to myself i get it more or less straight away but its a hour in front. My clock is set right and it says its sent at the correct time? Is anyone else who is on O2 receiving texts at the 'correct' time?
Weird, just sent myself one and its back to the correct time!
padlad said:
Me too, I'm on O2, if i send one to myself i get it more or less straight away but its a hour in front. My clock is set right and it says its sent at the correct time? Is anyone else who is on O2 receiving texts at the 'correct' time?
Weird, just sent myself one and its back to the correct time!
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Urgh, I reckon I'm gonna do an exchange in the 28 day period when we get them back in stock and see if that sorts all, or at least most, the problems out, just having a new phone from new batch.
i had this problem.... tooo
it really terrbile as i wont able to know which is my sms with his reply
Ive got this too, i'm on O2 UK and messages i receive are all 2-3 minutes too early and so put the text conversation out of sync.
This has happened a couple of times to me, but usually leaving the SMS app and then going back in fixes it.
Either that or the person who you're texting has the time wrong on their phone.
ya they maybe set wrong timing.. but is petty hard to find ppl who had the time timing as ur hahah
so the sms should be basic on our clock
i used to have screwed up SMS conversations too. you guys can try installing the SMS fix. it is working for me for now.
SMS fix from where??
from HTC.com
i installed but it doesnt not fix for me
Any chance there's a daylight savings time mix up?
no... my time was setting correctly..
there is only one clock setting how can it mix up??
somemore is from same zone..
no fix for this?
I have had this problem too.
Try setting your clock right...
You can do something like: when receiving a message check its time and change yours to match that one...
It should solve the problem.
i just got the tmo us hd2 and it seems only after midnight some peoples texts start coming in a day previously. i just had 3 conversations and one person came at the right time, and the other 2 came as if they were 24 hours behind
I've had the same problem recently, I just assumed it was an O2UK problem, I had it very occasionally with my Diamond.
It's fine at the moment, so I just put it down to peak text time. Lol.
*edit* HA! I just got a text as a was writing this post, it's now 10:15am and the text is time stamped 08:53am, I should have touched wood!
goth_boarder said:
Well now when I try sending texts to myself, they just don't come through. Says they're sent but they're not, and just not getting them through. I'm on O2 UK
Damn this phone sucks!! I only got it on Wednesday too.
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Sorry but htis has nothing to do with the phone.
Im on O2 germany and everything works fine.
Maybe your setup was wrong or your provider has an issue.
SMS faults are mainly providerissues.
I dont know which rom you are using but i dont have any issue with the updated stock rom.

Text messages being sent to wrong people!!!

WTFF is this all about? This is a serious breach of privacy i have text messages being sent to other people now..I could deal with the 2G-3G issues and freezing but this now ...anyone having this problem?
How do i turn off sense U.I? will this fix all my problems?
Turning off Sense will not solve your problem. This is the first I heard of this happening with the HD2. When the G1 came out, this was a major problem. Messages being sent to people - from your number -whom you never sent a message to or even know. It was a system problem that T-Mobile fixed.
happened to me to me as well - twice. I called in and asked about it and they (T-mo and HTC) said they "could not duplicate the problem." A common, yet unnerving refrain.
I heard one other person complain about this issue before and I am pretty sure (for this one particular issue) it's all user error.
I watched my girlfriend send out some texts on my phone and several times she did not "tab down" to the text entry field before putting information into the send to field. This caused people to be populated in the send to box that were not intended recipients.
Also on my phone sometimes when your in the middle of sending a text the cursor will jump to the box above whatever your working in. Again this can send messages to the wrong person.
You just need to be aware of who is in the send to field before sending a message.
Disclaimer: My findings could be a completely different issue than what's actually happening so take it with a grain of salt.
This is funny. I just received a text from someone I don't know.
It's like I miss the beginning of the conversation or something. Here's what I got only:
"Sorry I have not contacted you lately. My car crapped out and I have to divert any money towards another car. I hope to be able to contact you soon. I hope all is well with you. Rob (Danny's Friend)."
I'm like WHAT???? I guess he sent it to me by mistake or something.
So this has nothing to do with the device? Its a problem at T-mobiles end?
i'm pretty sure this is a software issue and not on tmobiles end. and no it's not due to user error i can assure you only b/c i use this phone for business and i absolutely make sure im sending it to the correct contact. Honestly it's just not acceptable for something like this to be happening. i just bought this phone this past weekend and from day 1 this problem has been occuring. the phone will send your text message to an entirely different contact already on your message home screen. it will then duplicate that contact's name into both message fields. i really like the hardware on this phone. if anybody out there knows of a fix please let me know before i return this beast.
This is not a software issue. It is being cause by T-Mobile. They are in the process of upgrading towers and things are getting FUBAR.
this just happened to me twice today....... its pretty scary because i thought it was my error but it clearly wasnt..... and of course the texts went to my ex.... of all people....smh
This happened to me yesterday. I was texting a friend of mine, then my girl texted me obviously every text I get starts a new thread. well I got off the thread and then got on the thread and replied to my gf and it went to the friend I was texting before. This happened another time where I was texting my sister and my girl texted me again..i replied to her and then it went to my sister..both if the people I was texting where on AT&T and me and my girl are on T-Mobile could this be a reason>?!
I'd just like to CONFIRM that this is a a GENUINE software problem, nothing to do with your network or user error etc.
Personally I first noticed this several months back, shortly after getting my HD2 - and at first naturally assumed that *I* had made a mistake replying to the wrong person - however after it happened a few more times and I started getting friends to watching out for any unexpected/unusual messages so I could check it, I proved it to be a genuine problem.
On at least 1 occasion when I got an early indication that it was happening I managed to actively run several tests to confirm that it was definitely getting 'confused' - so I can say without a shadow of a doubt that it was not down to user error of any kind.
Whilst I can't confirm if this is the 'only' circumstances under which the problem could occur, on each occassion that I managed to definitely confirm the problem, I had 'replied' to a recent message from a contact in 'Conversation Mode' (i.e. where all the messages are grouped under a contact). Also in each case I had been in the middle of texting conversations with 2 or more people. You need to be aware that the wrongly delivered message still actually shows up under the conversation thread for the *originally* intended recepient, but as you might expect the network confirmation message (if enabled) does confirm who really received it.
My gut feeling (especially as I was on a train the first time, with intermittent signal), was that it was queuing up outgoing messages as it was waiting for a signal, but when it regained a phone signal rather than properly cycling thru all the messages and sending them to the appropriate person, it just sent them all to the same one. [And certainly as an experienced software developer myself, that would seem a 'reasonable' explanation - but that's nothing more than a hunch].
I haven't confirmed - tho that's not the same as saying it *definitely* doesn't happen - any instances of this problem since I've switched to only using the 'Traditional Mode' (i.e. standard Inbox/Outbox, not grouped by contact), and avoided sending a message to anyone until I've had a network confirmation of delivery from the previous message - but then again, as you might imagine I've been very cautious about using SMS messaging at all on this phone!
I couldn't help noticing that I spotted this problem just shortly before HTC started releasing several - evidently very rushed - patches over a period of a few days to fix an 'SMS Issue', which most people said didn't seem to work, shortly before removing them and starting to issue updated ROMs. At the time the updates were accompanied by some very vague blurb along the lines of "keeping in touch with friends and family is very important to you, and this new update aims to deliver just that with fast & reliable messaging". And whilst numerous people commented on the vagueness of the statement, most assumed it was was related to the well publisized SMS issue at the time regarding messages getting stuck in the Outbox. Perhaps I'm just being cynical, but maybe that's wasn't the real reason behind the deliberate vagueness? Consider what it would do to the sales of your new flagship product if it was publicly exposed that your customers 'personal' & 'private' messages might wind up going to your neice...your boss...your ex...(well, you get the picture!)
Apologies for the long post, but I'm hoping this might some proper light on the problem for other people - if you have further 'proof', or can shed any light on the circumstance under which this problem occurs, please respond - but to avoid confusion & speed a resolution, could you please differentiate between what you have managed to 'prove' beyond reasonable doubt, and what you just simply 'suspect'...
Of course what I'd really like is for HTC to at least confirm the problem has been *properly* fixed
Finally, FYI, my HD2 specs are:
Network:T-Mobile (UK)
ROM Ver: 1.48.405.2 (71294) WWE
Radio Ver:
(...and yes, I know this ROM can be updated now - I've just been working away the last few months and didn't want to take any risks by updating it - but hey, until the problem is acknowledged by HTC, how can we be sure it's fixed anyway?)
This has happened to me quite a few times while using this phone. Mine all seem to inadvertently go to one specific person if they don't go to their intended recipient. I don't know this person very well so it has been very awkward. Sometimes the intended recipient receives it as well, sometimes they don't. I have been very conscious of who is in the send to field of late but there seems to be no indication of a problem before the message is sent. I haven't seen a reasonable fix for this yet but I am hoping that this issue gets some scrutiny.
I am running NRG's July 17th GTX ROM BTW.
Just curious, which form of HTC Messenger is everyone using? I never had this problem until today. Yesterday I upgraded my Elegancia ROM which includes version 1.5 build 2015.3428. I'm going to switch over to SPB Shell and see if I can replicate, but perhaps it's this version from HTC...
I always thought this was user error until it started happening to me. What I did to fix it was delete all my contacts off my SIM and just use them from my phone. That fixed the problem right away.
This is interesting because it's NEVER happened to me, but all of my contacts are saved on my phone and synced through Microsoft exchange. This could be the fix for everyone.
dkb218 said:
This is not a software issue. It is being cause by T-Mobile. They are in the process of upgrading towers and things are getting FUBAR.
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I can verify that!
Ya, this happened to me too when I first got my HD2. It is quite awkward when it happens But I did do some research online about it happening to others (this was before I was here on XDA) and saw that someone said one thing that seems to fix it is copy all the contacts to your phone and delete them off your SIM card, just as TIGGAH said. Seems to work very well and I haven't noticed it happening since I started doing it.
