JASJAR firmware update - due next week - JASJAR, XDA Exec, MDA Pro General

Dear All
I just spoke to imate and they confirmed that a full firmware update is due for the JASJAR next week. It will fix all acknowledged bugs and will also include Fax software

The key words being "acknowledged" bugs. It's the unacknowledged ones I'm worried about

It would be better to include a backup/restore software for restoring existing non-WM5 contacts/appointments to the JJ otherwise you would have to re-key in all the contacts/appointments

surlly activesync will just regrab them from outlook if restoring data is actually required, new memory layout is meant to prevent these kind of issues.
on my old BA i upped to wm5 back to wm2003 back to wm5 and all my info and progs was still installed.

we can only hope

jbsolutios said:
I just spoke to imate
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I want to believe this, as I have a dead JasJar and have been waiting for over a week for the rom dist.
The problem is, they (the chat support people) have been telling me it would be available in 2 days everytime I asked them (one of them even told me to check back in a few hours, and that was 3 days ago).
I hope your source is better.
Another week of looking at my poor dead JasJar.

back up appointments and contacts
see this item by toenailed on buzzdev.net

im gonna test that at somepoint, if that works its v handy to know, for a just incase im out and about i can keep a spare on SD

I hope your source is better.
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it's not really a quality of the source question
when a program get a list of bugs and have to fix them
when he's don he send the software to the Q&A department
they test it and send it back to the programmer if the bugs are
still there or if other bugs are found
so nobody in the universal knows when a piece of software
pass the Q&A
all everybody can guess untill the testing is finished


XDAII Critical Crash

I have been using the new XDAII for about three weeks or so and already I have experienced over 6 times critical crashes that caused the device to not even be able to restart after reseting. Even more troubling is that even when pressing the on/off button and hard reseting, the problem still cannot be solved. The only way I got around it is by actually removing the battery and letting it sit for a few minutes, put in the battery and then performing the hard reset. Of course, then I lose all data that was previously on the device. Right now, what I do is use the xBackup program to back everything to SD card and just wait for the device to crash. Then ultimately recovering. I can get around, but this is really quite annoying.
I have written to O2 about it and they said something about a radio version 10513A0, and that if this is the version (and it is), then I need to either register (which I did and wait for some upgrade), or send it in to O2 collection point for repairs. I really don't want to send it in because then I would have nothing to use (since its both phone and PDA). I just don't see why O2 could not just simply fork over the upgrade software. Also, I have experienced twice that the device would suddenly no longer be recognized by Activesync (newest version). It would automatically connect as GUEST and nothing could be done about it. No shuting down Activesync and restarting, or rebooting computer or/and xdaII, or even removing and reinstalling Activesync could solve the problem. Again, the only solution I have is to perform the infamous full reset, wipe out the whole xdaII and then everything works again.
Anyway, all of this is really killing me here, just wondering if anyone has experienced this kind of situation and maybe have some advise.
By the way, the Bluespoon Digital seems to work fine with the XDAII although sometimes it does crash and a pairing must be done again, but definitely not like the Jabra 200 problem.
I had the same sort of problems with my first XDA-2 and as time pasee the problems got worse, So i returned it to o2 and got another one, same software and hardware versions, but this time with no real problems
XDA II Critical Crash
I have had the exact same problems as you experienced and was about to throw that gadget out the window... but then
Following advice received from an XDA II owner I tried the following:
I hit soft reset each time upon seeing the red text in the lower right corner 5 consecutive times. Then I waited and my XDA II came back to life effectively performing a soft reset rather than having to do a hard reset. Fascinating, let's see whether you have as much success !!!!
Thanks for the tip... I'll try it next time it happens again! However, I'm still wondering about the ROM v 1.06 and that Radio software upgrade. Thanks!
I'm also finding the XDAII needs a hard reset more often than the XDAI (although fewer soft resets). Had to do it twice last night, very annoying. Interesting tip about the soft reset at the boot screen, will give that a try next time.
O2 really should do something about it!
Ya, I totally agree. All this reseting and crashing and recovering is really not acceptable. The product features are definitely good and they did make some improvements, but this kind of quality is a definite downgrade. Even O2 admits that if your radio number is 10513A0 then you should send it in to a collection point for a software upgrade. They also insisted on registering which I did, but I just don't understand why they could not just simply post a downloadable software upgrade or ROM upgrade so that we don't have to be without a device. After all, we are talking about something that is both your PHONE and your PDA.
The ROM upgrade is definately necessary. I sent mine in and after that, no hangs whatsoever. No more hard/soft resets at all either. :lol:
if only it was so easy
I would have sent it in, but since I am traveling and don't live in HK, there is just no way to send it in. Besides, it takes about a week, which means nothing to use during the time. O2 really should be more considerate about this. If this was just a functionality upgrade or a boost in bells and whistles, waiting is reasonable. However, we are talking about crippling disfunctionality in a US$800+ device, they should atleast have the sense to post a fix to solve the problem. I heard something will be released in January, I wonder if this is confirmed. I am really sick of waiting. After all, MDA and T-Mobile supposedly already have something out. If they don't do something soon, I would really reconsider anything from O2 next time.
I have experient the same problem on my XDAII, and after 7 times hardreset during 14 days business trip in USA. I send it back to O2 and wait for the solution(already 1 week pass). And even a hardreset sometime could hardly be reached. You need to try 6-10 times. I think it should be a hardware problem because I acutrally upgrade my rom to a newer one(and not the english version), and after two days, I lost my phone function again. I have faced the same problem on my older PPC phone once(LENOVO ET180) and after I send it back to the vendor, they said the mainboard has failure, need to be replaced. After doing so, it works 6 months without a hardreset. I saw the same issue on PPCSG and PCCW.net, they all send their PDA+Phone back to the service. I think you better do it now as maybe there is no a ROM upgrade could solve the problem.
Goog luck. and if without those issues, it is really a perfect PDA+Phone. I love it. When I faced those ****, the only thing I could think is to buy another XDAII
I've the same problem
I've tried your tip to restart my Mda2 with XDA2 rom, and it works!!!!!!!!!!
Now I'm looking for a new Rom upgrade to change my radio version...
Still I think it's the solution and not to replace the radio hardware...
Cant Trust My XDA II
Well it's now Dec 2004 and I ALSO have the same problem.
I've only had my XDA II a couple of months and already I'm quickly loosing my patience with it!!
It crashes at least TWICE a week causing me major headaches.
If I was abroad and it did this I would be in severe trouble.
I brought this as a business tool and I'm afraid it is to unreliable to place
my trust in...
I have the latest ROM update installed
I can ill afford to send it in because it holds my customer base,
day to day stuff, Navigator and many other stuff I use on a daily basis.
"O2, what can you do for me?"
Topdog38uk, what software have you installed - especially any today plugins?
sigh... i haven't had such a problem since i bought it..... till i update the new rom from O2 uk site... now i feel like throwing to on the ground lolz. anyway i just installed WM2003 SE upgrade mysterman from the forum and 1 crash so far.... :roll:

Please help - O2 XDA EXEC

Help me please!! The 'Phone Pad' input method will not work for my xda exec. When selecting it, it stays on keyboard method (or reverts to it if it was on, say, transcriber or block recognizer mothod) Does anyone else have the same problem? My hunch is that it's a bug which will affect some but not all, depending on the ROM version you are running. Could anyone who owns one do a quick test and let me know. I tried both soft and hard reset, no solution with either. Thanks.
Just tried it...wouldn't change to phonepad as well. But after a soft reset, it worked.
its a bug,
workaround , if all else fails soft reset.
change to portrait.
select a different keyboard option not phone one. exit app. goto app and now try - it works 6/10.
I have the same problem...
Don't want to go off on a rant here, but I have pretty strong feelings about a device that gets released with such an obvious bug with such a key piece of functionality. I'm pretty sure it's a memory issue - with a fresh personal install (i.e. with O2 active running - O2's recommended install), the phonepad works until I soft-reset the device ONCE. Then it fails to open and I can't get the work-around to work. I can reproduce this again and again.
Are there others, or is it just me who gets offended when I get charged money for something that is so obviously broken?
@daveb1976, I'm with you on this. I suspect I paid even more as I have a JJ and they are more expensive than the O2 Execs. Having used Nokia, SE and Palm devices I've got a good idea of what one should expect of new devices and I have to say the JJ reminds of the SE P800 - this was an innovative and high profile product three years ago but it was not complete in many areas (but most s/w issues were fixed after about 6 months)
Yup. I appreciate that it's a new device, and I do expect that there will be kinks. But one of 5 input methods simply not working is not a "kink". Besides, unless I'm wrong this is part of WM2005 which is version FIVE of the OS. Oh well, I bought one, so I guess I'm as guilty as the next guy when it comes to putting up with MS's rediculously low quality standards.
The workaround worked once but now I can't get it to work again. I've also noticed another strange bug. Try this....When downloading a couple of new today page themes (from the microsoft pocket pc site) and copying them into my windows folder, I was pleased to see they were available when I went to settings/today menu. However, choose any of them and the things slows up ridiculously, fails to display any contacts at all and won't select task manager (I was going there to try and shut some things down because of the speed problem).
Only a soft reset will bring things back to normal. I agree with the posts by daveb and jah, it's not acceptable to charge top notch prices for new contracts and upgrades (I was the latter incidentally, at a cool £229.99 to upgrade)
Anyway, I'm not prepared to live with it for that price so I'm calling them now. I'm on 8 days since I received it but the 14 day thing is irrelevant if the goods aren't working right? What do you guys think?
I'm looking for a hefty credit to my account to offset the upgrade price or a different handset and my 229.99 back. It's a shame as I love the 3G and wireless capabilities but it may be a case of releasing it a few months too soon, for O2 at least. They have probably been concentrating their efforts on yesterdays takeover!
Anyway, I'll post back with my result.
I got the same problem,
Beside, I can't change today backgronf theme in this Exec.
Any new upgrade for O2 Exec ?
Somebody said that "Phonepad" problem for O2 Exec is a bug and a new version will be out soon and the problem should be gone.
Anybody get the upgrade yet ?
Any new upgrade for O2 Exec ?
Somebody said that "Phonepad" problem for O2 Exec is a bug and a new version will be out soon and the problem should be gone.
Anybody get the upgrade yet ?

MDA Vario Rom Update ??

I've had my T-Mobile MDA Vario for around 5 months now, and its OK, but it does crash about once or twice a week (needing a soft reset), which makes it unreliable (I can't receive calls until I reset, and I don't know its crashed till I try to use it).
I also have a problem after soft resets with the alarm.
It is also a bit slow when I have a few apps running, such as Pocket Streets and Word Mobile.
Due to the crashing, it's time for a Rom update, but I'd like to stick with T Mobile for warranty reasons if I can.
Des anyone know if T-Mobile are planning on releasing an updated improved Rom for download ?
If not, what is the best Rom download recommended ?
Best Regards,
When you say it crashes, what exactly does it do? I've had mine from T-Mobile for about the same time, a little longer maybe, and the only trouble I have is sometimes after the sync it becomes very slow, I soft reset, then it's fine, but that's it. If you're experiencing something more serious and regulalry, I'd say try to get it replaced on warranty. Maybe you're running low on memory? (if that's th case you can move a lot of stuff onto a memory card rather than keeping it on the main ram).
Regarding a ROM update, contacted them a couple of months ago and I was told that this would be announced if and when... so no set date yet it seems
kkhalil76 said:
When you say it crashes, what exactly does it do?
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It just freezes (normally it is off in standby at the time, and refuses to restart or do anything - occasionally the screen is on and freezes).
When I try and use it, nothing happens (the green phone light continues to flash, but no calls are actually received).
I got the phone unlocked through T Mobile, so I don't want a replacement (from the Carphone Warehouse), as this won't be unlocked, and I'll have all sorts of problems trying to convince T mobile to unlock it.
Vario ROM Upgrade
This will make some laugh...
I receently emailed T-Mobile customer support asking where their latest ROM upgrade for the Vairo was located..
The answer I got was "I have read your manual ... and ROM upgrades are not possible".... what a lot of use they are !
Just have to keep my eyes peeled in here...
Re: Vario ROM Upgrade
cgrillo said:
This will make some laugh...
I receently emailed T-Mobile customer support asking where their latest ROM upgrade for the Vairo was located..
The answer I got was "I have read your manual ... and ROM upgrades are not possible".... what a lot of use they are !
Just have to keep my eyes peeled in here...
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Send them a reply e-mail with this link :lol:
No OFFICIAL rom eh? :wink:

Screen alignment problem with t-mobile

hi everyone today i have noticed screen alignment problem with my t-mob mda vario 2 , it has serial number HT632xxxxxxxxxxx . it has been almost a week since i ve got it and this is the first time i have noticed it. The only difference since last night is 2 app i have installed. one is ae button plus and other one is pocket music. now i have removed them and tsting it again. will post further.
is there any one having smilar issues?
welcome to the club....
I Just hard reset mine, did not load EXT ROMs and I'm on my 3rd day now...
I justr have my pims...
let us know your experience....
since ihave removed aebutton plus it seems fine but you know once you have seen such thing you get bit suspicious about everything.
I have also emiled developer of aeb but not sure if he will reply.
and I have also asked tmobile what would be the solution. they don't recognize screen alignmet issue as a fault yet and advised me not to belive everything on the net :S
they also won't replace device but refer me to htc. I don't know if another support guy would tell different but since I ve still got some time until free to cancel period over, if I get same problem again I will cancel my contract and stick with old wizard some time
change it.
i go back to my seller (before 15 days) dans i change it, now ht630xxx and no probleme
i have cancelled my contract with t-mobile. gprs connection was crap here
nolovelust said:
they also won't replace device but refer me to htc.
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That is illegal under the 2000 amendment to the Sales of Goods and Services Act 1982. Anything that fails within the first six months after sale will be deemed to have failed at the point of sale and you have the choice of repair, replacement or refund.
but problem is, fault is very hard to demostrate. it reminded me my sony digital camera, power button wasn't responding time to time and randomly, i have sent it to sony explained whats happening. after a week i ve got reply. they were explaining how to operate cameras power button!!!
another example is today before i have cancelled my contract i was asking customer care why its almost pain to connect to internet in my area . after sendin trace and ping results via email response i ve got was:
I have received your e-mail as re your issues I have looked in to this as the software is not supported by t-mobile you would need to contact Microsoft for further support
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nolovelust said:
but problem is, fault is very hard to demostrate. it reminded me my sony digital camera, power button wasn't responding time to time and randomly, i have sent it to sony explained whats happening. after a week i ve got reply. they were explaining how to operate cameras power button!!!
another example is today before i have cancelled my contract i was asking customer care why its almost pain to connect to internet in my area . after sendin trace and ping results via email response i ve got was:
I have received your e-mail as re your issues I have looked in to this as the software is not supported by t-mobile you would need to contact Microsoft for further support
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I think that if you look in the warranty you will find that this is incorrect. If you speak to HTC and give them the IMEI, they will be able to assist you further.
I just loaded everything on my unit... and it's back to once a day misalignmnet ...!!
It could be the digitizer driver is being allocated to unstable segment of the memory. A dopod HK technician tried to replaced the digitizer and it's no use. He is waiting for the official ROM release for HK dopod 838Pro. It is still on hold here in HK.
He even mentioned that replacing the digitizer with a less responsive one (cheaper as he said) FIXES this issue. But it would be also costly for Dopod to replaced the hundreds released in Singapore. But waiting for a fix from HTC also costing them !!!
Well, it's purely marketing !!!

Eurotwice repair service and WM6

I managed to reduce the screen-alignment problems of my TyTN using the credit card technique described in the wiki. However, it did not disappear completely.
I’m considering to send the device for repair. Repairs for Dutch customers are done by eurotwice.be
Off course like many others I upgraded my TyTN to WM6. Since the radio is also upgraded it wouldn’t make much sense downgrading the OS to WM5 because a radio-downgrade is not possible (correct me if I’m wrong here)
Furthermore: it would be a waste of time to downgrade it just for the screen (hardware!) repair, only to upgrade the OS after the hardware problem is solved.
Has anybody offered their OS (and radio) upgraded device for repair by eurotwice and –more important- did eurotwice made a problem of it?
If im thinking the same way as the service centre would, they would be more bothered about the modifications done with the credit card technique.
I sent my TyTN for repair with an updated ROM in it (and thus a newer SPL/IPL and Radio) It was a HTC ROM but not one found on thier site (there has been NO ROMS posted on thier site YET). They didnt even touch the ROM at all and fixed it no problems. Had I tried the credit card thing I think the story would be different.
mrvanx said:
If im thinking the same way as the service centre would, they would be more bothered about the modifications done with the credit card technique.
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I guess your correct.
The thing is: it did help to reduce the problem.
Just for the record: I didn't us use a creditcard but a piece of thin plastic. The kind which is used as cover when binding printouts
There's no 'outside' damage and no tampering with screws or anything else, but the probably notice something when they actually open the device?
I have contacted HTc about the screen alignment problem. they replied that i have to wait for the official wm6 rom upgrade which will be available from their website end july 2007. we r now end july and there is no wm6 download on their site! do any of u think that a rom upgrade to wm6 will help? or is this purely a hardware problem? i think that htc is pushing off the problem untill my waranty runs out!
Lio said:
I have contacted HTc about the screen alignment problem. they replied that i have to wait for the official wm6 rom upgrade which will be available from their website end july 2007. we r now end july and there is no wm6 download on their site! do any of u think that a rom upgrade to wm6 will help? or is this purely a hardware problem? i think that htc is pushing off the problem untill my waranty runs out!
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WM6 upgrade is now available (as of 31/07) for all HTC eClub members.
i'd say its safe to send for repair,i dont think they will care about wm6 and the screen will have to be seperated from the chassis anyway which will obliterate ant signs of mod/repair

