MDA Vario Rom Update ?? - 8125, K-JAM, P4300, MDA Vario General

I've had my T-Mobile MDA Vario for around 5 months now, and its OK, but it does crash about once or twice a week (needing a soft reset), which makes it unreliable (I can't receive calls until I reset, and I don't know its crashed till I try to use it).
I also have a problem after soft resets with the alarm.
It is also a bit slow when I have a few apps running, such as Pocket Streets and Word Mobile.
Due to the crashing, it's time for a Rom update, but I'd like to stick with T Mobile for warranty reasons if I can.
Des anyone know if T-Mobile are planning on releasing an updated improved Rom for download ?
If not, what is the best Rom download recommended ?
Best Regards,

When you say it crashes, what exactly does it do? I've had mine from T-Mobile for about the same time, a little longer maybe, and the only trouble I have is sometimes after the sync it becomes very slow, I soft reset, then it's fine, but that's it. If you're experiencing something more serious and regulalry, I'd say try to get it replaced on warranty. Maybe you're running low on memory? (if that's th case you can move a lot of stuff onto a memory card rather than keeping it on the main ram).
Regarding a ROM update, contacted them a couple of months ago and I was told that this would be announced if and when... so no set date yet it seems

kkhalil76 said:
When you say it crashes, what exactly does it do?
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It just freezes (normally it is off in standby at the time, and refuses to restart or do anything - occasionally the screen is on and freezes).
When I try and use it, nothing happens (the green phone light continues to flash, but no calls are actually received).
I got the phone unlocked through T Mobile, so I don't want a replacement (from the Carphone Warehouse), as this won't be unlocked, and I'll have all sorts of problems trying to convince T mobile to unlock it.

Vario ROM Upgrade
This will make some laugh...
I receently emailed T-Mobile customer support asking where their latest ROM upgrade for the Vairo was located..
The answer I got was "I have read your manual ... and ROM upgrades are not possible".... what a lot of use they are !
Just have to keep my eyes peeled in here...

Re: Vario ROM Upgrade
cgrillo said:
This will make some laugh...
I receently emailed T-Mobile customer support asking where their latest ROM upgrade for the Vairo was located..
The answer I got was "I have read your manual ... and ROM upgrades are not possible".... what a lot of use they are !
Just have to keep my eyes peeled in here...
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Send them a reply e-mail with this link :lol:
No OFFICIAL rom eh? :wink:


XDAII Critical Crash

I have been using the new XDAII for about three weeks or so and already I have experienced over 6 times critical crashes that caused the device to not even be able to restart after reseting. Even more troubling is that even when pressing the on/off button and hard reseting, the problem still cannot be solved. The only way I got around it is by actually removing the battery and letting it sit for a few minutes, put in the battery and then performing the hard reset. Of course, then I lose all data that was previously on the device. Right now, what I do is use the xBackup program to back everything to SD card and just wait for the device to crash. Then ultimately recovering. I can get around, but this is really quite annoying.
I have written to O2 about it and they said something about a radio version 10513A0, and that if this is the version (and it is), then I need to either register (which I did and wait for some upgrade), or send it in to O2 collection point for repairs. I really don't want to send it in because then I would have nothing to use (since its both phone and PDA). I just don't see why O2 could not just simply fork over the upgrade software. Also, I have experienced twice that the device would suddenly no longer be recognized by Activesync (newest version). It would automatically connect as GUEST and nothing could be done about it. No shuting down Activesync and restarting, or rebooting computer or/and xdaII, or even removing and reinstalling Activesync could solve the problem. Again, the only solution I have is to perform the infamous full reset, wipe out the whole xdaII and then everything works again.
Anyway, all of this is really killing me here, just wondering if anyone has experienced this kind of situation and maybe have some advise.
By the way, the Bluespoon Digital seems to work fine with the XDAII although sometimes it does crash and a pairing must be done again, but definitely not like the Jabra 200 problem.
I had the same sort of problems with my first XDA-2 and as time pasee the problems got worse, So i returned it to o2 and got another one, same software and hardware versions, but this time with no real problems
XDA II Critical Crash
I have had the exact same problems as you experienced and was about to throw that gadget out the window... but then
Following advice received from an XDA II owner I tried the following:
I hit soft reset each time upon seeing the red text in the lower right corner 5 consecutive times. Then I waited and my XDA II came back to life effectively performing a soft reset rather than having to do a hard reset. Fascinating, let's see whether you have as much success !!!!
Thanks for the tip... I'll try it next time it happens again! However, I'm still wondering about the ROM v 1.06 and that Radio software upgrade. Thanks!
I'm also finding the XDAII needs a hard reset more often than the XDAI (although fewer soft resets). Had to do it twice last night, very annoying. Interesting tip about the soft reset at the boot screen, will give that a try next time.
O2 really should do something about it!
Ya, I totally agree. All this reseting and crashing and recovering is really not acceptable. The product features are definitely good and they did make some improvements, but this kind of quality is a definite downgrade. Even O2 admits that if your radio number is 10513A0 then you should send it in to a collection point for a software upgrade. They also insisted on registering which I did, but I just don't understand why they could not just simply post a downloadable software upgrade or ROM upgrade so that we don't have to be without a device. After all, we are talking about something that is both your PHONE and your PDA.
The ROM upgrade is definately necessary. I sent mine in and after that, no hangs whatsoever. No more hard/soft resets at all either. :lol:
if only it was so easy
I would have sent it in, but since I am traveling and don't live in HK, there is just no way to send it in. Besides, it takes about a week, which means nothing to use during the time. O2 really should be more considerate about this. If this was just a functionality upgrade or a boost in bells and whistles, waiting is reasonable. However, we are talking about crippling disfunctionality in a US$800+ device, they should atleast have the sense to post a fix to solve the problem. I heard something will be released in January, I wonder if this is confirmed. I am really sick of waiting. After all, MDA and T-Mobile supposedly already have something out. If they don't do something soon, I would really reconsider anything from O2 next time.
I have experient the same problem on my XDAII, and after 7 times hardreset during 14 days business trip in USA. I send it back to O2 and wait for the solution(already 1 week pass). And even a hardreset sometime could hardly be reached. You need to try 6-10 times. I think it should be a hardware problem because I acutrally upgrade my rom to a newer one(and not the english version), and after two days, I lost my phone function again. I have faced the same problem on my older PPC phone once(LENOVO ET180) and after I send it back to the vendor, they said the mainboard has failure, need to be replaced. After doing so, it works 6 months without a hardreset. I saw the same issue on PPCSG and, they all send their PDA+Phone back to the service. I think you better do it now as maybe there is no a ROM upgrade could solve the problem.
Goog luck. and if without those issues, it is really a perfect PDA+Phone. I love it. When I faced those ****, the only thing I could think is to buy another XDAII
I've the same problem
I've tried your tip to restart my Mda2 with XDA2 rom, and it works!!!!!!!!!!
Now I'm looking for a new Rom upgrade to change my radio version...
Still I think it's the solution and not to replace the radio hardware...
Cant Trust My XDA II
Well it's now Dec 2004 and I ALSO have the same problem.
I've only had my XDA II a couple of months and already I'm quickly loosing my patience with it!!
It crashes at least TWICE a week causing me major headaches.
If I was abroad and it did this I would be in severe trouble.
I brought this as a business tool and I'm afraid it is to unreliable to place
my trust in...
I have the latest ROM update installed
I can ill afford to send it in because it holds my customer base,
day to day stuff, Navigator and many other stuff I use on a daily basis.
"O2, what can you do for me?"
Topdog38uk, what software have you installed - especially any today plugins?
sigh... i haven't had such a problem since i bought it..... till i update the new rom from O2 uk site... now i feel like throwing to on the ground lolz. anyway i just installed WM2003 SE upgrade mysterman from the forum and 1 crash so far.... :roll:

MDA Vario - Worst phone ever or just needs flashing??

Hi all,
After spending 2 days with my vario my dreams of a half-decent smartphone are shattered.
I've got a C500 which hasnt really caused me any problems in over a year, now 2 days after having a vario i'm almost pulling my hair out.. can this phone possibly have been released in such a bad state or is it just mine?
For starters it crashes, not now and then, but like it's a hobby of the vario's, i dont think i can leave it for an hour, come back and find it hasn't hung in some form.
Sometimes i have to do a soft reset, sometimes, i can press the power button, get the screen to light up but can't do anything. Sometimes I get icons but when I click them i'm told the shortcut doesnt exist.
Ooh another thing it seems to like doing is randomly going into flight mode, and one really good crash was when i called it and the source phone could hear the ringing but the vario was just sitting there doing nothing.
So is it just mine or is this the most unstable phone the UK has ever seen? Is it worth me asking for a replacement, or just flashing the k-jam/qtek rom over the t-mobile one? Is there a way to backup my t-mobile rom and flash it back should i find the qtek/kjam rom does the same?
I've tried hard-resetting then cancelling all the t-mobile gubbins that loads from extended rom, but that didnt make any diference.
Any advice gratefully appreciated
Personally, I'd say get T-Mobile to replace it! Unless you've installed a buggy piece of 3rd party software (but if you did, you wouldn't on here complaining about the phone you'd be complaining about the software, right?).
I also have an MDA Vario. I haven't touched the Extended_ROM (was going to, had a look and decided it was running fine so don't mess with it).
It's solid as a rock. As per a thread on howardforums asking how many times per day have I soft-resetted the phone and my answer was an average of zero.
I hard reset it on the day I bought it (after installing GPRS Monitor which knackers the backlight turning back on after sleep) and took the battery out after T-Mobile decided to disconnect me from their network (at their support line's request).
Anyway, it's on 24/7, never needs a reset of any kind, gets mobile emails via ActiveSync and is generally a wonderful piece of kit!
List what apps you've installed (even if they're T-Mobile supplied ones from CD) since buying the phone as there may be something buggy there. If not, definitely get T-mobile to replace it as it's certainly not a crap model (mine is absolutely fantastic).
Thanks Andy,
I've literally not installed anything, i'm just about to install pocketcommander but that will be the first thing i've actually installed. I've hard reset the phone this morning and it's already hung once on me (
I'll give tmob a call and see if they can send me another out today or something
Yeah, then you've definitely got a knackered phone. They should replace it (how long have you had it) without problems.
Hope you enjoy the replacement, they really are a great bit of kit
Well just had my first ever dealings with tmobile supoprt and it's as bad as the phone
They say because my contract/phone is only 3 days old i need to go back to the people i bought the phone off to get a replacement, problem is they'l want me to send the whole boxed thing uip and all the box etc is at home since i work away during the week
That's got to be faulty, like others have said.
WHen I bought mine, (T-Mobile shop in Leeds), I was told that if it was faulty within the first 28 days, there'd be a straight replacement issued immediately.
Don't accept anything less.
For what it's worth, I always try to be exceptionally pleasant when returning things rather than going in "all guns blazing"; it gets results a lot more often than the "I know my rights" approach. Of course, when it all comes down to it, the "i know my rights" approach might be necessary, but hopefully it shouldn't be.
The phone is superb, so stick with it even tho it is a bit of hassle for you.
good luck!
hi there no problems with my vario either. seems to work fine. no soft/ hard resets needed so far. have had it for 10 days. only thing is after the xteended rom instals there is a file called canned text in words which opens up in a crazy language. does not go on hard resets. but does not cause a problem either. any ideas on what this file is. have othar vario users noticed this file. please help.
_Belial said:
Thanks Andy,
I've literally not installed anything, i'm just about to install pocketcommander but that will be the first thing i've actually installed. I've hard reset the phone this morning and it's already hung once on me (
I'll give tmob a call and see if they can send me another out today or something
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may not be relevant to your problem, but if skype is installed on yours from the hard reset install, it may be worth removing, on the k-jam as soon as i removed skype, reseting stopped happening

O2 XDA Orbit and new ROMs

Im interested in upgrading my Orbit ROM as its a little slow. Having scoured through these forums Ive seen some reports of successful Artemis upgrading, and some unsuccessful Orbit reports. I just want to ask:
1) Firstly before thinking of flashing, can I backup my PPC (kinda like ghosting/imaging on a PC) incase something goes drastically wrong.
2) Has anyone got definate proof of an Orbit being flashed with a good ROM (with GPS / WiFi / most apps working)
3) If so, where would one obtain this ROM
4) (probably a question worth a hounding) Where might I find step by step instrustions on how to: a) backup my PPC fully for safety net
b) flash my ROM. including links to needed software
5) After flashing ROM, I take it no info (contacts, messages, programs,etc.) are stored on the PPC and will need to be painstakingly put back on ??
Many thanks, and my apologies if this has been asked a thousand times> I have sifted the forums but cnt seem to find definitive answers.
One last thing, I just got my Orbit few weeks ago and is my first PPC and being quite techy-minded, would like to learn more about the whole process so if anyone knows of any good guides/info with explainations of acronyms and what have ye,t'would be much appreciated.
First thing you could do is put a question mark after what is a question cause my heart just cant take the excitement.
O2 XDA Orbit and new ROMs?
Secondly this is such a hot topic there are lots of threads and the reason you can not find a definitive answer is because at the moment there is none.
so answers to your question
1 At the moment there is no way to make a backup of the ROM.
2 There are people who this has worked for but do you want to be in the percentage that has a bricked Orbit...... just wait for the new O2 ROM (ETA unknown)
3 There is a PDAMobiz rom that can install on a CID Locked phone floating around but I would not recommend it to you cause its more trouble then it is worth.
4 When its ready.... arvind09 says that they are going to have something really soon.... Look, nothing is going to make it so you dont have to check the forum everyday. Welcome to the club enjoy your stay (at least it is not the club with a bricked Orbit).
5 Use Activesync and Outlook to store your contacts and everything will be automated.
Check the Wiki for information about the whole PDA scene.
P.S. PDAs can be fun but please dont rush into upgrading your ROM on this baby unless you have CIDUnlocked it from ( or unless you have £47 to get it repaired after you have bricked it.
BTW Welcome to the wonderful world of XDAs
Head on over to
This site is dedicated to your new toy
yeah what he said
bdangol said:
PDAs can be fun but please dont rush into upgrading your ROM on this baby unless you have CIDUnlocked it from ( or unless you have £47 to get it repaired after you have bricked it.
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jamin100 said:
Head on over to
This site is dedicated to your new toy
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Already registered, though cant seem to findanything there about working ROMs
that is cause like i said there is not one.
hold on mate just hold on.
BTW over clock your Orbit that you can do.
Use Omapclock
just search for it
that will speed it up
yeah already got that sorted. Just hopin O2 get it into gear n release a FREE WM6 upgrade. I read somewhere that HTC are releasing a FREE upgrade, justhope O2 dnt all business conscious n try to charge for any mods they make lol. Thanks for the quick responses anyhow chum
I have fixed *all* my problems with the O2 Orbit just by installing Battery Status 1.04
Now I am not normally the kind of person who will just go and install some random free software from a site that barely even mentions the software, but this is great.
Before installing, I had these problems:
1. Quite often my phone would completely lock up when I got an incoming call, but the ringer would keep ringing and I'd have to take the battery out. This was rather embarassing after I'd previously told my friends about all the things the phone could do.
2. GPS took forever to get a fix - maybe up to 10 minutes. I would often arrive at my destination before the phone knew where I was. This was despite regularly updating QuickGPS
3. The phone would randomly lock up and/or stall for no apparent reason, and then catch up with itself after a couple of minutes and run all the things I'd launched because I pressed all the buttons while it was locked up.
4. I tried playing an mp3 once. It took about 45 seconds of stuttering and bad playback as if I was streaming a HD video on a 9600 baud modem. When it finally started playing smoothly, nothing else would work.
I had tried uninstalling the o2 software, and I run spb mobile shell and pocket plus but I'd tried removing them too but it was useless. What was really annoying was that I switched to an 18 month contract on o2 for this, but the phone ran more slowly and with more bugs than my old SPV m500!
This one little utility has fixed it all. Now I can use GPS while playing mp3 files and surfing the internet over wifi all at the same time as being on activesync. It's great. It's almost as though the phone is supposed to use the xscale function but o2 have disabled it...
Anyway, download the software from the link - no need to upgrade ROMs or anything. Just make sure you take a backup of your phone before you install it
Now to find a way to get it to default to letter recogniser after a soft reset. I'm sure I saw a post about this somewhere!

Clockwork like problems with Services.exe

Recently my HD has developed an annoying little fault. I'v done a search and a few people had this fault but there were no real replys.
After i power on my HD or do a soft reset, within 15 minutes without fail, services.exe will crash. No matter what i do with the phone, even if i switch it on and let it idle.
I'v removed just about every program on the phone and been through HD tweak and no joy...
The crash doesn't seem to affect how the phone runs, i just wanted to see if there was a known solution i'd missed or at least know if i should be worrying about this process crash if it performs a useful function to the phone.
Many thanks guys!
Have you tried hardresetting your phone? To me it seems that you have installed something that runs as a service and that software crashes. Also you may try to remember when the crashes began and uninstall anything that could be responsible for them.
tkolev said:
Have you tried hardresetting your phone? To me it seems that you have installed something that runs as a service and that software crashes. Also you may try to remember when the crashes began and uninstall anything that could be responsible for them.
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I wanted to try to avoid hard resetting. I have un-installed just about every program on there, certainly anything that could cause this that i can think of.
Ok i just did a hard reset, within 5 minutes of the phone being on services.exe crashed again. This is without the storage card in as well...
I have the same problem on my Orange HTC Touch HD from day one (11/05/09) and so fair been unable to find any info on it in connection to Windows Mobile platform. I am already on my second phone, sim card and I only had the contract two weeks. The phone will not run Orange maps as it refuses to complete install on the 1st start. Wish i never got it now to be honest, but what phone to have instead as I hate the iPhone
[email protected] said:
I have the same problem on my Orange HTC Touch HD from day one (11/05/09) and so fair been unable to find any info on it in conuction to Windows Mobile platform. I am already on my second phone, sim card and I only had the contract two weeks. The phone will not run Orange maps as it refuses to complete install on the 1st start. Wish i never got it now to be honest, but what phone to have instead as I hate the iPhone
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From browsing on here there are a few people with this issue with services.exe so we are not alone.
I've just done about 4 hard resets trying differeny suggestions from previous threads and nothing worked. Really annoying as surely since im using stock ROM and even after a hard reset it's doing it, it has to mean there is a glitch with the core software.
As for orange maps... my HD from Orange didn't come with any mapping software i i just downloaded a googlemaps cab.
Are U on an orange ROM??
If so try setting date and time to a month earlier after hard reset at setup - just for testing for a day.. Mostly they (orange) have used some trialware software/extension which is expiring of it's free trial and sending the device to Reset. I know some one who flashed a custom ROM later due to this..
Freypal said:
Ok i just did a hard reset, within 5 minutes of the phone being on services.exe crashed again. This is without the storage card in as well...
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crajee said:
Are U on an orange ROM??
If so try setting date and time to a month earlier after hard reset at setup - just for testing for a day.. Mostly they (orange) have used some software/extension which is expiring and sending the device to Reset. I know some one who flashed a custom ROM later due to this..
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Mmm interesting, I am on a stock WWE (11/25/08) Orange ROM yes. If this is true then i guess it gives me a good excuse to flash a cooked ROM. Been toying with the idea...
I take it after your mate flashed a new ROM the problem disappeared?
Yes, but he was not tied to Orange network..
Some ppl have reported connectivity probs with orange with custom ROM and some have not. Your mileage might vary.
If doesn't work you can always go back to Stock Orange ROM.
BTW I heard this is one of the s'kiest ROM
If you want Orange Maps you can have it free for normal version, just make sure you have a data package and just text:
Orange Maps to 247
I am also with Orange device but it is unlocked. However I flashed the ROM on the first day because it is my second HD after an unfortunate incident involving a set of keys thrown at me in the dark an my first HD in my hand... my point is - you should definitely try a new ROM, however I suggest using USPL and flashing an older cooked ROM (not 1.56 based), so you don't have to update the SPL and make reverting back to stock much easier, should you decide to make use of the warranty, because many people here are complaining about HTC returning their devices because of 'illegal firmware'.
tkolev said:
I am also with Orange device but it is unlocked. However I flashed the ROM on the first day because it is my second HD after an unfortunate incident involving a set of keys thrown at me in the dark an my first HD in my hand... my point is - you should definitely try a new ROM, however I suggest using USPL and flashing an older cooked ROM (not 1.56 based), so you don't have to update the SPL and make reverting back to stock much easier, should you decide to make use of the warranty, because many people here are complaining about HTC returning their devices because of 'illegal firmware'.
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As long as the returning isn't involved with lack of screen or input to the screen (touch pad not working) then you are alright? My personal dread would be flashing the phone have it working great for months then something goes wrong only to find out you cannot revert it then you have no come back at all.
Well - with your screen not working you can still flash a new ROM if you know the procedure. There is no touch input involved in the procedure, so you should be fine with it and you can alway claim that you had to hard reset (the phone after flashing will appear like after hard reset - time/date not set etc.) before returning for repair because of the corporate information stored in it.
Still everyone should be aware that flashing the ROM and/or SPL can void the warranty and decide for themselves.
So what is the deal with returns?
I have Orange care insurance on my contract and in the past with other handsets if i've had a problem i've just sent it off and had a new handset the following day by courrier.
If i was to flash a cooked rom and then have the screen smashed. It would be a replacement under insurance, not warranty so i would still be sent a replacement handset and i guess that would be the end of it ?

T-Mobile UK another provider to let the side down

I made a big big mistake, just before Christmas...... I moved providers from o2to T- Mobile UK.
In my haste to be one of the first to own the HD2 I abandoned o2 because they were not getting thier stock til later on.....what a mistake!!!
T-Mobile customer service is pants....they have an automated service that takes about 10 minutes to get to where you want to be and then you get some bird who hasn't actually got a clue about the problem that you are enquiring about and then says she has to ask someone in tech support (when she is supposed to be tech support) she goes away for 10 minutes and then comes back and says that she can't help.
Now if you XDA chaps can assist
T-Mobile tech support say that they are currently testing a ROM update is this true or False?
T-Mobile instant messeging doesn't work....Why?
Sound is very crackly during calls... Why?
Cannot stream video....Adobe flash player for mobiles doesn't work and everytime I try to run a youtube video it says that it isn't available...should I be able to play streaming media on this phone?
Keyboard is hyper sensitive and often double taps...any way to prevent this?
I have an HTC leather flip case for this phone but whenever i turn off the power (required for my job) and slide the phone into my inside jacket always turns itself back on....I am worried that it will could cost me my job.
Hotmail account won't configure
Takes ages to connect to a contact....Why?
I read the post that Vodaphone are not issuing an update for this phone.... are T-Mobile? and if not, is it legal?
The staff at T-Mobile were very unhelpful and quite far as they are concerned they have got me locked into an 18mth contract and thats all they care about
Timax_50 said:
I have an HTC leather flip case for this phone but whenever i turn off the power (required for my job) and slide the phone into my inside jacket always turns itself back on....I am worried that it will could cost me my job.
Hotmail account won't configure
Takes ages to connect to a contact....Why?
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Sounds like your a train driver, and my windows live has a problem too! Poxy thing!
MOst of these issues have LOADS of threads about them, so i'll be brief,
1 - many people have reported sms problems, read the LOTS of threads about it. I dont have this problem so cant offer any help, though tere is an update on the HTC website which could be your first stop.
2 - As above with sound, , read the threads
3 - TMobile set the hd2 up with a proxy server set. Go to the settings tab, click menu, all settings, connections, set up my proxy server and untick this connection uses a proxy. (again, dozens of threads about this)
4 - Lots of threads about the sensitivity, have a look at, for example, BSBtweaks, it can reduce the sensitivity, amongst other handy things.
5 - Sounds like the case is pressing against the power button, have a look and see if this is the case, maybe adjust the positioning of the hd2 in the case?
6 - Again, loads of threads about this.
7 - Not sure what you mean about 'connect to contact'
Sorry if i'm not answering very well, just wanted you to know there are loads of threads about most of your issues.
Happy reading!
Timax_50 said:
I have an HTC leather flip case for this phone but whenever i turn off the power (required for my job) and slide the phone into my inside jacket always turns itself back on....I am worried that it will could cost me my job.
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Obvious answer, but set the phone to silent before you turn it off. That way, even if it does power on and ring, you just won't know.
Timax_50 said:
I made a big big mistake, just before Christmas...... I moved providers from o2to T- Mobile UK.
In my haste to be one of the first to own the HD2 I abandoned o2 because they were not getting thier stock til later on.....what a mistake!!!
T-Mobile customer service is pants....they have an automated service that takes about 10 minutes to get to where you want to be and then you get some bird who hasn't actually got a clue about the problem that you are enquiring about and then says she has to ask someone in tech support (when she is supposed to be tech support) she goes away for 10 minutes and then comes back and says that she can't help.
Now if you XDA chaps can assist
T-Mobile tech support say that they are currently testing a ROM update is this true or False?
T-Mobile instant messeging doesn't work....Why?
Sound is very crackly during calls... Why?
Cannot stream video....Adobe flash player for mobiles doesn't work and everytime I try to run a youtube video it says that it isn't available...should I be able to play streaming media on this phone?
Keyboard is hyper sensitive and often double taps...any way to prevent this?
I have an HTC leather flip case for this phone but whenever i turn off the power (required for my job) and slide the phone into my inside jacket always turns itself back on....I am worried that it will could cost me my job.
Hotmail account won't configure
Takes ages to connect to a contact....Why?
I read the post that Vodaphone are not issuing an update for this phone.... are T-Mobile? and if not, is it legal?
The staff at T-Mobile were very unhelpful and quite far as they are concerned they have got me locked into an 18mth contract and thats all they care about
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It also sounds like you have a crap phone! I would be screaming the house down and quoting the sale of goods act etc to initially either get a replacement or if that doesn't please you cancel the contract. Saying that I have been with them for my 3rd 18 month contract now - I upgraded in late December - and everything worked fine and I have none of your issues. I also recently upgraded the ROM to one on here because to be honest the "official" ones are crap anyway!
I will admit their customer serice is shockingly ****e, although I had similar experiance with O2 and Vodaphone. You would not believe the conversations I had when I was enquiring about upgrading to the HD2! Eventually I got hold of someone who could not have been more helpful and I had the device within 24 hours. No regrets since...
3 - TMobile set the hd2 up with a proxy server set. Go to the settings tab, click menu, all settings, connections, set up my proxy server and untick this connection uses a proxy. (again, dozens of threads about this)
I use T-mobile UK as my provider and, after checking the connections -> proxy tab the connection settings already installed does not have the use proxy server box ticked.
Old versions of the HTC connections setup utility used to install the wrong settings the stock uk T-mobile rom (version 1.43) doesnt have this problem.
If you have connection problems I would put them down to poor signal strength or the radio rom used.
Timax_50 said:
Keyboard is hyper sensitive and often double taps...any way to prevent this?
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Did you apply the protection screen on ?
In my case it reduced the screen sensitivity
You can find sth with good quality for 3 pounds (set of 3). Check in HD2 Accessories section on forum, I`ve seen about 3 topics about protective screens (films).
TonyJ999 said:
It also sounds like you have a crap phone! I would be screaming the house down and quoting the sale of goods act etc to initially either get a replacement or if that doesn't please you cancel the contract. Saying that I have been with them for my 3rd 18 month contract now - I upgraded in late December - and everything worked fine and I have none of your issues. I also recently upgraded the ROM to one on here because to be honest the "official" ones are crap anyway!
I will admit their customer serice is shockingly ****e, although I had similar experiance with O2 and Vodaphone. You would not believe the conversations I had when I was enquiring about upgrading to the HD2! Eventually I got hold of someone who could not have been more helpful and I had the device within 24 hours. No regrets since...
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So Tony, I guess you Gold carded your phone to be able to use an XDA ROM?
I am a little worried about doing this as it would invalidate my warranty if It screwed up.
T-Mobile tech support say that they are currently testing a ROM update is this true or False?
No idea.
T-Mobile instant messeging doesn't work....Why?
No idea, I don't use it, sorry. There are workarounds tho, there always are.
Sound is very crackly during calls... Why?
Turn the volume down.
Cannot stream video....Adobe flash player for mobiles doesn't work and everytime I try to run a youtube video it says that it isn't available...should I be able to play streaming media on this phone?
I can, install the youtube for full access.
Keyboard is hyper sensitive and often double taps...any way to prevent this?
Practice !
I have an HTC leather flip case for this phone but whenever i turn off the power (required for my job) and slide the phone into my inside jacket always turns itself back on....I am worried that it will could cost me my job.
As advised, switch phone to silent or put it into flight mode before going to work !
Hotmail account won't configure
It will if you follow the instructions given here abouts.
Takes ages to connect to a contact....Why?
Signal issues ?
I read the post that Vodaphone are not issuing an update for this phone.... are T-Mobile? and if not, is it legal?
Quite legal.
The staff at T-Mobile were very unhelpful and quite far as they are concerned they have got me locked into an 18mth contract and thats all they care about
Quite reasonable given the erratic nature of your questions here ! Imagine you on the phone
Calm down, get into the phone, use the forums, read them a lot, section by section and you'll see that most of the issues with the phone are in fact user error !
Timax_50 said:
So Tony, I guess you Gold carded your phone to be able to use an XDA ROM?
I am a little worried about doing this as it would invalidate my warranty if It screwed up.
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no need to gold card. install hspl through pc, this then lets you install any rom, official or cooked. should you then need to revert back to stock rom just copy the nbh file to sd card (no need to be gold) and it will not only flash back to stock rom but overwright hspl to default too, thus restoring the warranty.
the important part is making sure there is a stock rom available for your phone + network as backup.(go read the "official roms"thread to see... i don't think theres a t mob stock rom up there yet, but im sure there will be before long, or you could be the hero who dumps a stock tmob rom and be hailed as a god by all the tmo users!)
also since there isn't a t mob up there, gold card still wouldn't help because there is no official one to flash back to for warranty purposes.
With regards to the youtube issue, you may find you have to phone up customer services to get content lock turned off.
They put this on to stop children etc watching inappropriate content.
It took me a few mins on the phone to get this done.
I have found the T-mobile Customer support to be very good. If ever you've been with Three you will have nothing but praise for T-mobile staff.
samsamuel said:
no need to gold card. install hspl through pc, this then lets you install any rom, official or cooked. should you then need to revert back to stock rom just copy the nbh file to sd card (no need to be gold) and it will not only flash back to stock rom but overwright hspl to default too, thus restoring the warranty.
the important part is making sure there is a stock rom available for your phone + network as backup.(go read the "official roms"thread to see... i don't think theres a t mob stock rom up there yet, but im sure there will be before long, or you could be the hero who dumps a stock tmob rom and be hailed as a god by all the tmo users!)
also since there isn't a t mob up there, gold card still wouldn't help because there is no official one to flash back to for warranty purposes.
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Thanks for the info Sam
I am still only 50% the say that hspl would enable me to use an Stock or cooked Rom but you say I have to use a stock Rom but there isn't one so what benefit is there to me if I can't install one because there isn't one? I might have some of the terminology wrong so please don't be too hard on me
compact_bijou said:
T-Mobile tech support say that they are currently testing a ROM update is this true or False?
No idea.
T-Mobile instant messeging doesn't work....Why?
No idea, I don't use it, sorry. There are workarounds tho, there always are.
Sound is very crackly during calls... Why?
Turn the volume down.
Cannot stream video....Adobe flash player for mobiles doesn't work and everytime I try to run a youtube video it says that it isn't available...should I be able to play streaming media on this phone?
I can, install the youtube for full access.
Keyboard is hyper sensitive and often double taps...any way to prevent this?
Practice !
I have an HTC leather flip case for this phone but whenever i turn off the power (required for my job) and slide the phone into my inside jacket always turns itself back on....I am worried that it will could cost me my job.
As advised, switch phone to silent or put it into flight mode before going to work !
Hotmail account won't configure
It will if you follow the instructions given here abouts.
Takes ages to connect to a contact....Why?
Signal issues ?
I read the post that Vodaphone are not issuing an update for this phone.... are T-Mobile? and if not, is it legal?
Quite legal.
The staff at T-Mobile were very unhelpful and quite far as they are concerned they have got me locked into an 18mth contract and thats all they care about
Quite reasonable given the erratic nature of your questions here ! Imagine you on the phone
Calm down, get into the phone, use the forums, read them a lot, section by section and you'll see that most of the issues with the phone are in fact user error !
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Thanks for the feedback Compact, you are right I do tend to lose it a bit on the phone because the staff are obviously not trained on this phone and as they say time is money and I don't have hours to while away on the phone getting nowhere.
Timax_50 said:
Thanks for the info Sam
I am still only 50% the say that hspl would enable me to use an Stock or cooked Rom but you say I have to use a stock Rom but there isn't one so what benefit is there to me if I can't install one because there isn't one? I might have some of the terminology wrong so please don't be too hard on me
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Installing a HardSPL will unlock your phone so that you can install any ROM onto it - that includes stock HTC ROMs, cooked ROMs, or anything else.
Using HardSPL and/or installing a ROM other than the type was designed for (e.g. from your carrier if it's a carrier-branded phone) will void your warranty.
However, if your phone does develop a fault, then (assuming it is still functioning well enough that you can still flash it) you can use a stock ROM of the appropriate type to put both a legal ROM and a legal SPL back onto it, and leave your phone in a state where they can't tell it was ever flashed with anything naughty, and will thus have to honour your warranty after all.
hehe, its a minefield of confusion.
you can run any rom you like if you instal hspl (I'm) currently running a cooked rom on my o2 locked phone.... BUT ...should I need to send it back I have a copy off the official o2 rom as backup.
if I flash the o2 rom from the pc, it doesn't remove hspl, but if I flash it from the sd card it DOES remove hspl.
your problem is that there currently isn't a tmob rom for you to keep for backup to remove hspl (flashing from sd card the phone does id checks on the rom, hspl it doesn't)
with a gold card it lets you flash any official rom BUTT of course that doesn't help either because there still isn't a tmob for if you need to send it back.
hope that explains it better !do ask again if still confused.
samsamuel said:
with a gold card it lets you flash any official rom BUTT of course that doesn't help either because there still isn't a tmob for if you need to send it back.
hope that explains it better !do ask again if still confused.
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I believe there are two official t-mobile roms to download - links can be found in the ROM forum.
I downloaded
as a backup before flashing. I think the other version is 1.43.<something else>
I've not actually tried it but i'm pretty sure you can trust it is what the uploader says it is.
josep54 said:
I believe there are two official t-mobile roms to download - links can be found in the ROM forum.
I downloaded
as a backup before flashing. I think the other version is 1.43.<something else>
I've not actually tried it but i'm pretty sure you can trust it is what the uploader says it is.
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Ahhh I didnt look that hard, my o2 one is in the first link, never had to, , hehe.
@Timax_50 - there you go, to see if it works, download that, extract the exe file to a folder (dont run it) find the RUU_signed.nbh file (about 200 meg size) copy it to your sd card (fat 32 recommended) rename it leoimg.nbh, reset your phone to boot mode (vol down + tap power) and IF its the correct one, it will let you flash back to factory default. If it fails, its not the correct stock rom and it will stop.
If its good, you can hspl and if you ever need to remove the hspl, just do that sd card flash with that file.
If you run the update from the pc, even though it is a stock rom, it will NOT remove hspl, only if you do it sd card.
My O2 HD2, setup with t-mobile UK has the proxy setting ticked and works fine....
Yeah as someone else said... stick with the phone... as you get into it you'll find ways to do things. I still have the 1.43 ROM on my T-Mobile HD2 but I now have the phone doing most of what I want.

