Unit keeps on freezing at start up - MDA II, XDA II, 2060 General

Any help is greatley appreciated. I just bought the xda2 a week ago and it worked fine until yesterday. At first the phone just wouldnt dial. Then it would freeez. After a soft reset, it wouldnt go past the first "o2" screen and would just hang. The blue light started flashing eventhough I never enabled Bluetooth. The system didnt start past that screen and it also wouldn't shut off. Even after a hard reset it still had the same symptoms(it froze at the bootup screen and had flashing blue light). Around 30 minutes later after trying to turn it on and off. I finally started. But then it happened again today. Thanx in advance

If it still displays these symptoms after a hard reset then it look like a hardware fault. Only other thing i can think of is if you have a memory card inserted that is upsetting the system.

It doesnt have a memory card. I was afraid it might be hardware related. Any idea on how to have it repaired from the US


Has it died??

My O2 XDAII is 10 weeks old. After using the internet and the screen freezing I SOFT-RESET it. Now the screen will only flash with the O2 logo between the backlight coming on and off and a few letters/numbers at the bottom right of the screen. Ive never had any problems before...I cant soft-reset, hard-reset or (it seems) to be able to charge it. The only way in which it stops 'flashing' is to take out the battery. Is there anything I can do at home?? (as you probably guessed Im a novice at all this!)
Any help would be greatly appreciated
Many thanks, Rob
This happened to me just yesterday, although It happened in different circumstances. Baiscally, I went to turn the phone on and it wouldn't (with any button.) I tried a soft reset and all that happened was the O2 screen appeared with the backlight flashing on and off every 10secs.
Before trying a hard reset I waited to see what would happen when i connected it to the cradle at work. Soon as I connected it. it switched back on, but it was as if it had done a hard reset (ie everything I have installed was erased. Good job I made a backup!).
Basically, it seemed to rectify the problem once connected to the cradle, which hasn't happened to you I know, but i thought I'd let you know that I got the same "symptoms".

Soft power off problem.

Morning all.
I have had my T-Mobile MDA Compact for just over a year now.. and its the first problem I have had.
Until this morning...
I got to a customers.. turned my MDA off.. and it didnt go off.. it just sat with a blank screen.. no backlight and "Start" in the top left.
After a lot of soft resetting.. nothing changed.
I have now done a Hard reset.. (lost everything) and still have the same problem.
The weird effect seems to be.. 20 seconds or so after the phone has booted and if I am not on a call.
IE.. I can call out... and turn the phone off and on as much as I like.. works fine.. as soon as I hang up and do it.. I get the same problem..
Blackight goes off and the entire unit freezes.
Very weird.. Does anyone have any ideas?
The next step later this evening will be to re-flash the phone.
Please help
Tom - www.mouselike.org
fixed - I think
Sprung to mind that I had not tried removing the SD card I had in the beast.
Removed it and it seems to behave itself.
The SD card was used early this morning in my HP iPaq to play an mp3... weird that it now causes my MDA to hang.
Presume the HP corrupted it and it needs formatting.
Tom - www.mouselike.org

Jamin Standby/Power problem ..

Hi all ,
I have searched the forum and have not found anything on this problem.
About 3 weeks ago my Jamin decided not to go into 'Standby' mode. I kept pushing the power button but it did not go into standby. Holding it down didnt turn the phone off either. The only way it went into standby mode was by setting the power options to automatically going into standby after a certain time. When this did happen I could not bring it back from Standby mode either. The only way for me to bring the phone back was by removing the SD card then the phone would light up.
Everything else on the phone works fine I can receive and make phone calls etc.
I did a hard reset and everything seemed fine for a while then it would start happening again.
I sent the phone in for a warranty repair and it came back saying there was some kind of software corruption. I thought everything was fixed until it started doing it again. I thought it may be the SD card so I formatted that as well. But to my suprise .. after a hard reset and without the SD inserted it did it again. I have taken it back to the service centre 3 times already and each time they just said it was software corruption and the same problem would occur. Initiall after the first hard reset the power button would work fine after a short period. The first time was 1 day then it would slowly shorten until it did not work after a hard reset.
I was wondering if there was anyone that has run into this problem ... or may know what the problem maybe. The phone is currently on a 'field test' as described by the technicians. I was told they would replce the motherboard if nothing else worked...
I would honestly rather have a new phone .... cause I have not had it for 3 weeks .. going onto 1 month ... and its annyoing ...
Hi dkbaj!
Are you still having this problem? I got a Wizard 4 days ago and sometimes, if it went into standby, it won't come back to me again...
Greets, Mr. Vi

blank screen - no picture

heyy everyone i have a bell vogue. It was working perfectly untill a couple of days ago when i woke up to find the screen didn't work. The phone would turn on and off, and seemed to function normally except that there was no display whatsoever. The backlight was also working, but there was nothing else. I performed a hard reset by holding the call and end buttons while soft resetting and the screen came back. Now the problem has happened again (3 days later) and neither soft nor hard reset will get the screen to come back.
does anybody have any ideas? i would guess that its a hardware issue except for the fact that it came back the first time and worked for a few days. btw i have not installed any custom roms or radios.

[Fixed] Screen white with multicolored lines

Everything works fine except that the screen is white with jumbled colored lines. I had MyMobiler running and I could see the phone perfectly from it and use it. A soft/hard reset will not work and I tried flashing back to button rom with no luck.
This happened to me before but I flashed button rom and everything went back to normal. Then it happened again 2 weeks later and this time I decided to try stuff out and discovered that putting backlight to nothing then putting it back on fixed the problem. But this time, nothing seems to work.
Any ideas? Should I try the method posted in this post? http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=424553
Aye, I posted that, and it is the fix of choice around here for that problem. Do it and all should be fine again.
Ok I will try that in the morning but I didnt think it was hardware related since I managed to fix it by flashing the first time.
Well, it seems to be a tempormental problem. Some people can "slam" their keyboard shut and it will fix it for good, while others have to take their phone apart to get it back to normal.
Thank god! I successfully fixed my display by flashing the original cingular 8125 rom !!!!
Now I have regrets about slamming the keyboard/'gently' hitting the display poor phone.
Ok I spoke too soon.. after the flash was completed, it went back to the messy display.. Well I know now that it is not hardware related.
Update: I had my phone plugged to the PC with USB and had backlight constantly on.. 3 hours later, the screen came back to normal... Hmm?
I have found a permanent solution for this. I have noticed this problem occurs when my battery is very low and my phone turns off right when I switch the phone on.
So to solve this, if powering on phone didnt restore the screen, just press the reset button until the screen fixes itself. It has worked everytime my phone had those white and colored lines.

