Problems with - MDA II, XDA II, 2060 General

I'm having problems with audible books from Specifically, the audible ppc software won't load on my i-mate ppc pe because it claims that it is having problems connecting to the device. Audible's help (such as it is) seems to think that the problem is with activesync 3.7.1 and that installing the old v.3.7 will solve it. Though it sounds to me like audible is just too lazy to support it's product, I tried. Loading v.3.7 doesn't make bit of difference.
Has anyone gotten audible content to work on an XDA II/i-mate/MDA II?

Audible works fine with my i-mate. Are you having problems installing the software or activating it? Personally, I haven't had a problem with either, except the software (upon install) occassionally complains it can't find the device. I find if I try to close the install it will let me install then... or I install via the CAB file.

Thanks for the help!
Seems that if you close the box which opens when the install program "tries to connect to the device," then the install program continues to work properly and successfully installs version 3.5 onto the pda. After this, the pc-based software recognizes the pda and transfers programs to it which are usable.
Activation occurs normally for both the proprietary program and MS's Reader. would be wise to recognize this situation and take note for tech support purposes.


Newbee: How to install WidComm? And dose it work?

Now I have been looking for 2 days on this forum, and I cant find it anywhere!!
Okay, I would like to be in my bed with my PDA, and surf the internet.
I dont have a Bluetooth dongle my self, by the guy next to me has. And I have permision to use his internet connection. (Less than 10 meters away, it about 3-4 meters).
So one problem is that I cant use the BT Active Sync, to surf the internet (I dont know if this is how it is done), like you can surf while the XdaII is in the cradel.
So I have been surfing around, and I think I need the WidComm BT stack to be able to surf the internet over BT. But how is this done. I have downloadet files, and read alot on this forum, but I cant seem to find any install guide those cab files and other thing to the PDA.
And then I have read about alot of users that has had problems with the WidComm stack, and say that the M$ BT stack can do the same in the latest update, but I cant find the settings, it all looks the same.
So if any one can help a XdaII (or PDA) newbee, with an install guide and some of your sugestions for the networking, then I would be realy happy.
BTW, if you also know how to set up an audio gateway on the PDA (for my head set) then that wold be great as well. And maby to get the button on the headset to do M$ voice command (if you have it install), then that would be fantastic.
Try downloading bluetooth tools and see if that works for you.
I did that, but it did not change to much, it only gave me a "call last number" function in the head set, but not any thing with the network
BT and COM
i am having a hard time with it as well, I have win XP pro, and a sitecom USB BT dongle, the drivers for the dongle dont seem to work, it is has if the XP drivers have taken over, all the guides seem to use settings that are not available to the Windows XP BT drivers,
at one point i thought i got it, instead of connecting my XDA to the PC i did it the other way about. This time windows detected and setup some COM ports, although at the moment its at com 13 and 14
(this can be changed by doing to Device manager, selecting the port, properties, advanced, and changing it to whatever you want, it will say the port is in use, but none of the other ports 1-12 are infact in use (although it says they are) not sure if this will generate further problems?
So i think thats the PC side sorted?
now the PDA side, just before i updated PPC2003 i tried this and it didnt work, i then installed those BT tools and it came up with the cool servies page right at the end of setting up a link.
But didn't work, with hindsight i believe it would work if i had connect as i explained above, adding the XDA to the PC.
I then updated PPC2003 useing o2's updater.
setting up a link using the BT settings right after the update did have some extra settings to do with com ports but it still doesnt work and the connect via BT on activesync isnt there.
Then i tried those BT tools everyone is going on about
i get the BT icons on the desktop but thats it, nothing else happens. The cool services screen fails to pop up after setting the link and the connect via BT in sync is also missing.
this might be of no use but at one point useing standard drivers from XP and PPC2003 SP1 i did get a message saying it couldnt connect because it might not be a smart phone or PPC or somthing like that. im totally stuffed with this.
oh it does connect in that i can transfer files TO the XDA but not the other way about.
Hello folks!
This is how I've done it...
1- I installed Widcomm version (on the PC) (BTW I use a Cheap-o-Epox USB dongle)
2- I Downloaded BT Tools (
3- I established an Activesync connection through Bluetooth (this is done on the PocketPC by using the Activesync/Tools/Connect via 'computername')
4- I configured Widcomm to always trust the incoming MDA2 Bluetooth connection.
5- That's it, works every time... (well actually sometimes works on the second try but works nonetheless)
Good luck!
I've also had some success with the Widcomm stack, but I have one problem.
In order for the bluetooth connection to work, I need to log into an account on the XP machine. If someone else then comes along and logs into another account, then my bluetooth connection is dropped. Also, if I don't log into an account, then I can't use bluetooth.
Basically, it seems to be the case that instead of running as a service, the bluetooth stack is running in user accounts. Anyone else got experience with this? Is there a way to configure the installation so that it runs as a service?
Hi Guys,
I have a similar question... is there a release due / tools available to fully utulise the bluetooth stack like the ipaqs for example. Ipaqs can locate and connect to devices as a 'hunter' but the XdaII just seems to be the 'hunted' when it comes to establishing a connection. Is there any way to make my otherwise excellent XdaII a bit more agressive when it comes to seeking out bluetooth connections??? I have already installed the Bluetooth tools v1.01 but this doesn't help the actual 'seeking' connectivity part of things
Can any of you bright sparks out there help ???? If enough people wanted this functionality, what would it cost to develop if it is not available maybe ???
just a thought. Cheers all.
Technoas said:
Now I have been looking for 2 days on this forum, and I cant find it anywhere!!
So I have been surfing around, and I think I need the WidComm BT stack to be able to surf the internet over BT. But how is this done. I have downloadet files, and read alot on this forum, but I cant seem to find any install guide those cab files and other thing to the PDA.
So if any one can help a XdaII (or PDA) newbee, with an install guide and some of your sugestions for the networking, then I would be realy happy.
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I found the answer to how to install the .cab file, just copy it to your device and select it in file manager, it then install's itself.
If I manage to connect my GTek 2020 to my BT AP with this I'll let you know!

Magneto and I: The first week

The following should give users an idea what they are in for if they decide to take the plunge...
It happened again. Out of the blue, my XDAII froze, then turned itself off. I closed my eyes and there it was, this terrible electric 'bling bling' sound. I didn't have to open my eyes to confirm that another hardreset had just happened on my XDAII. No particular reason. As if my XDA wanted to tease me, it had just decided to clear everything in its memory, all installed programs. And now? installing everything again? when there was no insurance that it wouldn't hardreset itself again?
No, I said to myself, not this time. I opened the file explorer on my PC and did what I thought I would never do: I started the upgrade to install Magneto or better known as Windows Mobile 2005 on my XDAII.
When I downloaded the Magneto files, I thought to myself that I would just keep them for storing. You never know. One hardreset later and suddenly Magneto sounded like a godsent to me.
The upgrade went smooth, very smooth in fact. Before the upgrade I deleted the extended rom files and storage files. Maybe that helped.
All OK? Not quite. I could not connect to my PC and activesync via USB. Everything worked well via Bluetooth, but USB? No chance. I found out that it had something to do with XP and not having the servicepack 2 installed. Well, no choice. Goodbye USB sync. I could live with that since I still had bluetooth.
Once I had Magneto running, I started installing my standard programs. Most of them worked. The only one that did not was WorldMatePro. OK, I tried to live without it.
I installed most of the programs into Storage. They all worked. I even tried to install some of them into Buzz' RAM disk. A few worked as well, some couldn't be installed there. Well, I anyway planned to use the RAm disk for storage.
I was actually surprised that XCPU_Scalar worked. Well, even Magneto is now overclocked to 530 MHZ on my XDAII.
I also installed PocketZenPhone and Pocketbreeze. Somewhere I had read that these programs would not run on Magneto. But no issues on my machine! They both worked. The only issue I have with Pocketbreeze is that the category icons & colors are gone. Pocketweather also worked fine. Again, I was surprised that Magneto was so compatible.
Unfortunately, PocketContacts was a dead-end. "No contacts found" was the only message I ever got from it. Goodbye PocketContacts.
I had a few more programs in my folder on the PC, but the memory on my XDAII with Magneto is limited. Very limited. Very very limited in fact. But for me not such a big issue as I do not have too much necessary software on my XDA. I could live with this limitation for time being.
Anyway, I wanted to try Magneto for a week and see if I stayed with my new friend.
After I made the first few phone calls with Magneto I was impressed with the dialer. Nice interface. Also, it seems to me that the phone connects much quicker to the provider than before.
But why didn't they include something like the intellidialer? Well, the new contacts application is quite nice, so I will use the contacts instead. Not too bad.
Then, on day three, the disaster. Suddenly, the screen stopped reacting. Well, it actually didn't stop, it just didn't react to the places where I touched it with the pen.
I was already thinking about "hardreset", when it came to me that the screen orientation was wrong.
I had installed Vitobuttonmapper and mapped <rotate screen> to the record button as press and <start bluetooth> as press & hold. I figured out that I must have pressed the record button not long enough, therefore the <rotate screen> command was executed. But somehow, the screen orientation remained in Portrait but the touch screen was now in landscape.
I managed to fix this problem by changing back to Portrait and making a softreset. Then I tried to repeat this error. Yepp, the <rotate screen> was the culprit.
Consequently, my Magneto has no screen rotation anymore. But I can also live with this.
The rest of the week went fine. Magneto is stable and smooth.
Now the final question: Will I stay with Magneto? Yes, I will. I am often travelling and therefore I need a device that I can rely on. If I'm on the road and my XDA hardresets, I'm dead. Therefore Magneto is the solution for me. No hardresets, and even if the battery goes dead, I'm safe.
But one thing is clear to me. When the first Magneto devices come out, and hopefully there will be the Magician with Magneto, I will immediately retire my XDAII and buy one of these devices. Magneto is the future. No doubt about it.
What do I like the most about it besides the "goodbye hardresets"? for sure the softbuttons. Just great!
I hope this was useful.
Hmmm.... Interesting.... Very, very interesting!!!!
I think I'll try Magneto real soon... However, I have a question: Is it possible to return to 2.06.00WWE just in case?
Thanks for such detailed story!
Best regards,
return to 2.06.00WWE
pschoch said:
I could not connect to my PC and activesync via USB
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I have the same problem. But let me just say that I have 2 harddrives on my PC. Both with Win XP + SP2. I tried to synch Magneto on the harddrive I frequently use but it DOESN'T work... So I tried booting my 2nd harddrive. This 2nd harddrive has a fresh installation of Win XP + SP2 and other essential utilities like Office suite, WinZIP, etc.
And guess what...activesync 4.0 using USB WORKED using my 2nd harddrive. Very ODD...
Rayan said:
I have a question: Is it possible to return to 2.06.00WWE just in case?
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YES it is possible to return to 2.06.00WWE...I have done exactly that.
I have been running Magneto for about 1.5 weeks. And I must say it's GREAT! But as you know it's just a leaked version so it has a LOT of bugs. So I've decided to go back to 2.06.00WWE until Magneto is more stable/reliable.
How to configure Connect via bluetooth ?
I done the WM2005 installation and i manage to connect via USB with everthing sync. But i like to know how you can setup the activesyc via bluetooth ? I own a Level One bluetooth dongle and i did try to connect via bluetooth in WM2003 before i upgrade to SE. Now in Wm 2005, i still have no luck to get it work. Help !!!
I m using Windows 2003 and had configure Comm 5 in ActiveSync 4.0, added bluetooth serial port 5 in widcomm drivers. And also i pair my XDA2 with my machine several time to make sure it is paired. I try everthing include try to do file transfer from my deskop also no luck.
Btw, i can't discover any ActiveSync service in "My Bluetooth Places", i can only see "Dial up networking, Push Object". I do c actvesync in WM 2003.
Everytime i choose "Connect Via Bluetooth", will get this message "Cannot find an existing Bluetooth partnership with a PC that supports ActiveSync. Would you like to set up a patnership now ?" Yes/No button. But i had done the pairing before that ?
please help.
Change "Secure Connection" to "Not Required"?
Works for me, without Magneto (yet)
pschoch said:
It happened again. Out of the blue, my XDAII froze, then turned itself off. .........another hardreset had just happened on my XDAII. No particular reason.
I was actually surprised that XCPU_Scalar worked. Well, even Magneto is now overclocked to 530 MHZ on my XDAII
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well... think I know why you're xda froze... I overclocked the cpu on xda and when the speeds are 2 high the device will hardreset!!
p.s. magneto rulez! tnx buzz!
I've got the same problems with activesync via Bluetooth. My device doesn't seem to recognise the Activesync service on my Sitecom Bluetooth device.
With 2003SE I didn't have any problems. Madkat's proposal didn't work.
Update to WM5
You are lucky, I was tryed whole last night but fail, it always give me the message "Error 101 - Connection error". USB connection is very good, I could do everything with cable :shock:
Re: Update to WM5
I have got the same problem connecting bluetooth adaptor D-Link DBT-120 with o2xda2 running on 2k3 not se. Anybody help?
Hello amigos!
On this page you can find a possible solution for the Bluetooth/ActiveSync problem.
Best regards,
Re: How to configure Connect via bluetooth ?
clementluy said:
I done the WM2005 installation and i manage to connect via USB with everthing sync. But i like to know how you can setup the activesyc via bluetooth ? I own a Level One bluetooth dongle and i did try to connect via bluetooth in WM2003 before i upgrade to SE. Now in Wm 2005, i still have no luck to get it work. Help !!!
I m using Windows 2003 and had configure Comm 5 in ActiveSync 4.0, added bluetooth serial port 5 in widcomm drivers. And also i pair my XDA2 with my machine several time to make sure it is paired. I try everthing include try to do file transfer from my deskop also no luck.
Btw, i can't discover any ActiveSync service in "My Bluetooth Places", i can only see "Dial up networking, Push Object". I do c actvesync in WM 2003.
Everytime i choose "Connect Via Bluetooth", will get this message "Cannot find an existing Bluetooth partnership with a PC that supports ActiveSync. Would you like to set up a patnership now ?" Yes/No button. But i had done the pairing before that ?
please help.
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Try this link
Re: How to configure Connect via bluetooth ?
Thanks everyone for the solution. I had to revert back to 2003SE by Xdajojo version, because 2005 did not connect with usb or bluetooth adapter. activesync 4.0 does not seem to work properly on my device (O2 XDA2). I changed back to activesync 3.8 and worked properly with 2003SE. I can even go on internet using activesync. Also I have TOMTOM 3.0 Bluetooth version wich did not install on 2005. I will wait until proper stabilised version of 2005 is released by xda-developers team.

Installing applications over BT not possible with Universal?

Hi fellas,
Was wondering if you guys are able to install applications on your Universal via AS (activesync) over BT.
I have a Billionton BT Dongle and was able to install applications earlier on my PDA2k but for some odd reason, am unable to do so on the Universal (i have a Jasjar). The installation process begins on my desktop but halfway through i get a message saying that it cannot connect to the device and i should reconnect the device and begin installation again. This happens inspite of the fact that AS is running fine and i am even able to sync without reconnecting as it asks me to.
What do you guys suppose the problem is?
Get the latest active sinc. (microsoft just came out with one a week ago) then turn off all your firewalls. It should work no problem
I don't mean to hi-jack your thread, but I too have a similar question about BT.
Is it possible to transfer files like MP3 music without active sync using BT?
Yes you can transfer files from PDA to PDA (mp3's, pictures, contacts, notes, ect..) I do that a lot between my fiance's treo and my Jasjar
I have no problem with install or transfer file from my desktop to my Xda Exec.
The Activesync that I use is version 4.1 the very latest and to transfer files I use the Window Explorer.

WM6 issues with OMAPClock and ActiveSync in Vista

Hey all,
I have been running the underground crossbow rom for a week or so, and I must say that I like it a LOT. For those that have a Cingular 8125, I would greatly recommend this rom.
I have noticed a couple quirks, and wondered if anyone has experienced them as well. First of all, OMAPClock isn't retaining its setting. I check it every once in a while to make sure it's still running at 252, and it's back at 180. I verified this speed in TCPMP. I decided to try the OMAPClockPlus helper, and when I registered it as a notification, it seemed to be fine until I did a reset, in which it wasn't registered anymore. I couldn't even find the notification it was supposed to create. So that did absolutely nothing for me.
Next I tried manually making a notification in memmaid that pointed to the /windows/startup/omapclock.lnk that I made that has the -clock 252 parameter after it. Even though this is set to run at wakeup and still appears in my notification queue, I check it and often it's back to 180. Any ideas?? Do I have a bum version of OMAPClock? It's the one that came with the rom. Oh, forgot to mention. I commented out the line in the smartskey ini that calls omapclock since I made a notification. It works fine for a while after resetting, I assume until it goes asleep. This tells me that the notification works as it is set to 252 when I reset, but that something is failing later. Maybe some of you that know more about omapclock and how it works can shed some light.
My next issue is with Windows Mobile Device Center (ActiveSync Replacement in Vista) and bluetooth. Has anyone successfully set this up in Windows Vista? I don't like WMDC, activesync was easier to set up. basically with wmdc you can't choose which BT port to allow, you can only choose "use bluetooth." This being said I can never get "ActiveSync" to show up as a service when pairing my phone. I tried installing AS 4.5 beta and WMDC wouldn't allow me to even install it. I'd like to get it working with BT, so if anyone has a success story, would you mind sharing it?
I am hoping the omapclock issue isn't related to the rom, as I really like it so far. I used it with no problems on every other rom I've had so far. Thank you for reading this short novel, and thank you also in advance for any expertise you can share!
Sorry, I cannot help you with you Omapclock issue, but I can provide some insight to your WMDC and bluetooth issue, because I ran into the same problems.
My computer shipped with the Toshiba bluetooth stack, and that automatically installs a port for ActiveSync on Comm 7. However, after switching to the default bluetooth stack in Vista, I was able to add an Incomming Port (ended up being Comm 4), and then ActiveSync showed up as a service on my fone. I have read places that people cannot get WMDC and Bluetooth to work if they are running the Widcomm stack, and I can personally say it was impossible with the Toshiba Stack. I guess because the built-in bluetooth stack is Windows made, WMDC knows where to look to get the incomming port, becuase as you stated, you cannot specifiy it. My advise, therefore, would be to use the default windows stack, and add an incomming port, which hopefully will solve your problem.
The problem with the default bluetooth stack in Vista is that it doesnt support some key profiles, A2DP being one of them. To me, bluetooth connectivity with my phone was more important than wireless headphones, so I switched to the default stack.
Let me know if this works out.

InfoGation Odyssey GPS Navigation 4.0

Has any one tried this on the wizzard. I just installed and it takes over the device. Can't even recieve a phone call. I installed on the SD card and was wondering if moving to the device memory would do better. I tried to do this but the program will not run on reinstall. I suspect this is due to the trial version controls even though my 3 days are not up yet. If anyone has any ideas or recomendations on another software package that would allow you to use the phone at the same time I would be very greatfull.

