Installing applications over BT not possible with Universal? - JASJAR, XDA Exec, MDA Pro General

Hi fellas,
Was wondering if you guys are able to install applications on your Universal via AS (activesync) over BT.
I have a Billionton BT Dongle and was able to install applications earlier on my PDA2k but for some odd reason, am unable to do so on the Universal (i have a Jasjar). The installation process begins on my desktop but halfway through i get a message saying that it cannot connect to the device and i should reconnect the device and begin installation again. This happens inspite of the fact that AS is running fine and i am even able to sync without reconnecting as it asks me to.
What do you guys suppose the problem is?

Get the latest active sinc. (microsoft just came out with one a week ago) then turn off all your firewalls. It should work no problem

I don't mean to hi-jack your thread, but I too have a similar question about BT.
Is it possible to transfer files like MP3 music without active sync using BT?

Yes you can transfer files from PDA to PDA (mp3's, pictures, contacts, notes, ect..) I do that a lot between my fiance's treo and my Jasjar

I have no problem with install or transfer file from my desktop to my Xda Exec.
The Activesync that I use is version 4.1 the very latest and to transfer files I use the Window Explorer.


Going crazy with ActiveSync via bluetooth

I've got problems tu configure my MDA2 to use ActiveSync via bluetooth.
Is somewhere a step-by-step instruction or can someone tell me, wich steps a necessary to establish this connenction ??
After I upgraded the rom and after about 20 hours trying, I was able to synchronize via bluetooth. Yesterday, I have to reset my device (complete) and installed everything again...but now, I'm not be able to get activesync via bluetooth working...
please help...
I was having difficulties as well. I wanted to Sync using Bluetooth because that way I can leave the unit in the leather case and just plug in a charge cable instead of cradling it.
I did the following:
In 'Settings/System/Bluetooth Settings' I pressed the start button underneath "Bluetooth ActiveSync Setup". I then paired with my PC. Then I could start ActiveSync on the device, and by selecting 'Tools/Connect via Bluetooth' it would connect. By setting it to not release the connect after it's done synchonising, I can even network over it.
However, after going to sleep and waking back up the connection is gone. Reconnecting won't work because something in the XDA still thinks it's connected, so it needs a soft-reset before connecting again.
This is on a device with ROM 1.52 though, will test on 1.60 later on. It's a pain that just pressing 'Sync' will not work, and that you have to manually select the option from the tools menu.
I'm not even able to start the connection to my PC.
When I use ActiveSync and say "Connect via Bluetooth" on the O2, it does nothing.
I'm able to use bluetooth to exchange files and that's barely all.
I have an ActiveSync profile in my bluetooth manager on the PC (WidCOMM stack) and can affect a COM Port but that's all...
Can anyone help ?
@ Peter Poelman,
thankf for your reply. The way you described is exactly what I have done the last 2 days (about 500 times :shock: )
Now I know, where the problem was. I had the same behaviour like Murcielago. AciveSync did'd do anything, when I tryed to connect via bluetooth (of course, tha PDA and the PC were paired).
I remeber, as I set up the connection the first time (some weeks ago as it works), after pairing the device with the PC I got a messagebox on the PDA , which said that ActiveSync-Setup is now finished (or configured or something like that). I didn't get that yesterday.
I had installed a Bluetooth-GPS-Serial-Driver (from Towa) and it seems, that this one made the trouble. After I had removed the driver, the connection works great again. It seems, that removing the GPS-Driver is only necessary for the first setup of the connection...after the connection was made, I have installed the GPS-Driver again and now both works...
thanks a lot
I uninstalled the Towa patch this morning but nothing changes.
It's as if pressing Connect via bluetooth doesn't even answer.
When I try, connect via IR, I get a box telling me "Connecting to host".... but nothing like this with Connect via Bluetooth.
I really don't understand that ****ing bluetooth. It's not a intuitive technology.
I bought a WiFi module for my PC and I'll receive it today. I think I won't have to bother with that crazy bluetooth anymore.
The Towa patch is the culprit. It is not enough to uninstall it. You have to hard reset your device to really undo whatever it does. I had the same problems you describe. After a cold boot, I could successfully initiate the bluetooth active sync and I could then install the patch which worked and allowed the bluetooth sync (if the activesync cluetooth bond was created before installing the Towa patch). Now, however, I upgraded to the 1.60 ROM which fixes the bluetooth serial driver issue and no longer needs the Towa patch.
After all that work, I generally still sync in the cradle, because I like to charge the battery in the cradle. Go figure.
I've the same problem,
when I try to connect trough bt I recive a popup saying "status: connecting to host".
I've an xda II with rom v. 1.52.00wwe and BT fix by towa.
Is anyone so gentle to send me (or post a link) the widcomm stack?
[email protected]
I hope it could resolve the problem.
thank you so much,
His last version of the bluetooth patch is incredible and activesync via bluetooth worked in less time then it took me to install the patch.
I now have ActiveSync via bluetooth and internet access via activesync.
Take it there :
I think he really did a tremendous job and the rest is coming (network access, etc...)
Can't get Bluetooth and Active Sync to work (1.60 ROM)
Hi !
I've also upgraded my device with the new 1.60 ROM, but I'cant get Bluetooth to work with active sync.
I've selected the "Inbound COM port 4" under Bluetooth Settings. After the device is bonded and I search for services my Logitech bluetooth device display the COM 4 serial port. But when I try to connect it display the following error: Could not establish connection with the remote device. I think it maybe is my settings on the PC.
Hope for some guidance :wink:
Panabax said:
The Towa patch is the culprit. It is not enough to uninstall it. You have to hard reset your device to really undo whatever it does. I had the same problems you describe. After a cold boot, I could successfully initiate the bluetooth active sync and I could then install the patch which worked and allowed the bluetooth sync (if the activesync cluetooth bond was created before installing the Towa patch). Now, however, I upgraded to the 1.60 ROM which fixes the bluetooth serial driver issue and no longer needs the Towa patch.
After all that work, I generally still sync in the cradle, because I like to charge the battery in the cradle. Go figure.
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Newbee: How to install WidComm? And dose it work?

Now I have been looking for 2 days on this forum, and I cant find it anywhere!!
Okay, I would like to be in my bed with my PDA, and surf the internet.
I dont have a Bluetooth dongle my self, by the guy next to me has. And I have permision to use his internet connection. (Less than 10 meters away, it about 3-4 meters).
So one problem is that I cant use the BT Active Sync, to surf the internet (I dont know if this is how it is done), like you can surf while the XdaII is in the cradel.
So I have been surfing around, and I think I need the WidComm BT stack to be able to surf the internet over BT. But how is this done. I have downloadet files, and read alot on this forum, but I cant seem to find any install guide those cab files and other thing to the PDA.
And then I have read about alot of users that has had problems with the WidComm stack, and say that the M$ BT stack can do the same in the latest update, but I cant find the settings, it all looks the same.
So if any one can help a XdaII (or PDA) newbee, with an install guide and some of your sugestions for the networking, then I would be realy happy.
BTW, if you also know how to set up an audio gateway on the PDA (for my head set) then that wold be great as well. And maby to get the button on the headset to do M$ voice command (if you have it install), then that would be fantastic.
Try downloading bluetooth tools and see if that works for you.
I did that, but it did not change to much, it only gave me a "call last number" function in the head set, but not any thing with the network
BT and COM
i am having a hard time with it as well, I have win XP pro, and a sitecom USB BT dongle, the drivers for the dongle dont seem to work, it is has if the XP drivers have taken over, all the guides seem to use settings that are not available to the Windows XP BT drivers,
at one point i thought i got it, instead of connecting my XDA to the PC i did it the other way about. This time windows detected and setup some COM ports, although at the moment its at com 13 and 14
(this can be changed by doing to Device manager, selecting the port, properties, advanced, and changing it to whatever you want, it will say the port is in use, but none of the other ports 1-12 are infact in use (although it says they are) not sure if this will generate further problems?
So i think thats the PC side sorted?
now the PDA side, just before i updated PPC2003 i tried this and it didnt work, i then installed those BT tools and it came up with the cool servies page right at the end of setting up a link.
But didn't work, with hindsight i believe it would work if i had connect as i explained above, adding the XDA to the PC.
I then updated PPC2003 useing o2's updater.
setting up a link using the BT settings right after the update did have some extra settings to do with com ports but it still doesnt work and the connect via BT on activesync isnt there.
Then i tried those BT tools everyone is going on about
i get the BT icons on the desktop but thats it, nothing else happens. The cool services screen fails to pop up after setting the link and the connect via BT in sync is also missing.
this might be of no use but at one point useing standard drivers from XP and PPC2003 SP1 i did get a message saying it couldnt connect because it might not be a smart phone or PPC or somthing like that. im totally stuffed with this.
oh it does connect in that i can transfer files TO the XDA but not the other way about.
Hello folks!
This is how I've done it...
1- I installed Widcomm version (on the PC) (BTW I use a Cheap-o-Epox USB dongle)
2- I Downloaded BT Tools (
3- I established an Activesync connection through Bluetooth (this is done on the PocketPC by using the Activesync/Tools/Connect via 'computername')
4- I configured Widcomm to always trust the incoming MDA2 Bluetooth connection.
5- That's it, works every time... (well actually sometimes works on the second try but works nonetheless)
Good luck!
I've also had some success with the Widcomm stack, but I have one problem.
In order for the bluetooth connection to work, I need to log into an account on the XP machine. If someone else then comes along and logs into another account, then my bluetooth connection is dropped. Also, if I don't log into an account, then I can't use bluetooth.
Basically, it seems to be the case that instead of running as a service, the bluetooth stack is running in user accounts. Anyone else got experience with this? Is there a way to configure the installation so that it runs as a service?
Hi Guys,
I have a similar question... is there a release due / tools available to fully utulise the bluetooth stack like the ipaqs for example. Ipaqs can locate and connect to devices as a 'hunter' but the XdaII just seems to be the 'hunted' when it comes to establishing a connection. Is there any way to make my otherwise excellent XdaII a bit more agressive when it comes to seeking out bluetooth connections??? I have already installed the Bluetooth tools v1.01 but this doesn't help the actual 'seeking' connectivity part of things
Can any of you bright sparks out there help ???? If enough people wanted this functionality, what would it cost to develop if it is not available maybe ???
just a thought. Cheers all.
Technoas said:
Now I have been looking for 2 days on this forum, and I cant find it anywhere!!
So I have been surfing around, and I think I need the WidComm BT stack to be able to surf the internet over BT. But how is this done. I have downloadet files, and read alot on this forum, but I cant seem to find any install guide those cab files and other thing to the PDA.
So if any one can help a XdaII (or PDA) newbee, with an install guide and some of your sugestions for the networking, then I would be realy happy.
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I found the answer to how to install the .cab file, just copy it to your device and select it in file manager, it then install's itself.
If I manage to connect my GTek 2020 to my BT AP with this I'll let you know!

Bluetooth GPRS on PC

I'm trying to use my XDA2 to provide Internet Access (GPRS) via BT to my portable PC.
I'm using my PCs built-in Bluetooth-module (running on WIDCOMM 1.4.1 Build 6)
I have no problem synchronizing my XDA2 with Outlook using BT (since this is a connection initiated by the XDA2) but if I "browse" the services on my XDA2 from my PC I only get OBEX Object Push.
I know from previous occations that you should be able to see Serial Ports etc.
My XDA2 is running on the following version:
R: 1.06.01
G: 1337.16
D: 1.60.00WWE
And Pocket Bluetooth Tools
Can anyone tell me what to look for?
Thanx in advance
You can try using the XDA II in the wireless modem mode... See your program files for this application. Works for me.
There's your problem... You need to uninstall Pocket Bluetooth Tools; it removes your SSA service (which you need for BT Wireless Modem)
Hmm I also do use the Bluetooth Tools so I doubt you need to remove this very handy app. ?
Well, I had to hard-reset my PDA in order to remove Pocket Bluetooth Tools (PBT), so I don't know if it was the hard-reset or PBT that did the works, but now I get the SSA profile and can connect to it without any problems.
Unfortunatly I lost the option to sync my PDA via Bluetooth, since Active Sync cant find any ports. So I'll give PBT another try, otherwise I'll just use the FIR-port to sync.
Thank you for your help. I'll let you know how things work out, when I re-install PBT.
Best regard,
What ROM you running? With the 1.72, you have the options of enablign outgoing and incoming COM ports in the settings menu (Start --> Settings --> Bluetooth Settings)
Before installing Bluetooth Tools, I've got: Serial, SSA, Object Push, and one more.
After installing: I've only got Serial and the other one that I cannot remember.
For me, it was the Bluetooth Tools that was holding me back. I've emailed the author to see whether he can add the SSA port.
Well, first of all, I was thrilled to find out that I no longer have to start the Wireless Modem-app to use the GPRS-connection on my laptop. Apperantly a modem-emulator runs in the background, so my XDA2 stays fully functional while its forwarding GPRS traffic. (Though I think it's strange that theres no indication what-so-ever that the GPRS is in use - normally you get a different icon at the antenna)
Anyways, I installed the latest version af Pocket Bluetooth Tools (PBT). And the SSA-profile was still there and working. Then I paired my laptop using the ActiveSync profile in PBT - and wupti: Both the GPRS "dial-through"/SSA and ActiveSync is working - at the same time.
Now, all thats left is to pair it with my BT GPS receiver. Can't do it at moment since it's at home - I don't expect any problems with it though. Usually works without problems.
Thank you again for your input.
hmm... that's awesome. I'll install Pocket Bluetooth again and see whether it works.
Can you answer these:
1. Which ROM you using (ie. O2 1.60)
2. Which version of Pocket Bluetooth Tools?
Thanks... That's awesome news though. I love how it turns the Bluetooth on and off automatically.
I'm using ROM 1.60.00WWE (QTek) and the latest version of PBT (
It works like a dream
I guess it's possible that Pocket Bluetooth is conflicting with 1.72
I know for a fact, that ver. is conflicting with 1.72 - my friend tried to use this.
He then installed a previous version of PBT, but still can't see the SSA-profile, but the ActiveSync profile now works.
He will try to uninstall PBT and see if the SSA appears.
oh okay... I might have to downgrade to 1.60...
What's the main difference between 1.60 and 1.72?
I just talked to my friend again. Seems I misunderstood him the first time. The reason he uses an older version of PBT is that with the new version his headset-profile is not supported.
Apparantly the biggest advantage of the 1.70 is the improved battery lifetime. He says he only charges his battery twice as often now. I'm sure there are other improvements - I just can't find 'em in the Upgrade 'n Modifying-forum right now.
I did the downgrade to 1.60 last night and I noticed something weird about PBT... After bonding with a device, you need to leave that last screen (the one that PBT created) unchecked and all will work fine.
Not sure if I tried this workaround with 1.72; but non-the-less, seems to be working. I did however lose the Audio Gateway after installing PBT. But no biggie, don't want to listen use my PDA as an audio gateway for my PC.
Hmm. I checked the Active Sync-box, otherwise I couldn't connect via Active Sync over BT, since it wasn't in the menu.
But I don't remember if I paired it from the PDA or the PC. But everything works - also the GPS - so I guess it's simply a question on fidling with it.
Exactly... I'll play with it and see how to get the most out of it without messing it up.

activesync via bluetooth

hey all, i'm having some difficulties getting my jam to sync with active sync! both laptop and jam have bluetooth and can see each other but the problem is everytime i click sync via bluetooth my jam does nothing!
i've download both bluetooth patches on this foru and neither have helped?!
can anyone help or at least tell me where im going wrong
thanks in advance!
You should try downloading Pocket bluetooth Tools version
Install this program on your jam. After that you should see to it that the comport active sync wants to use is free (set the port in active sync/connection settings). Remove all pairs. Pair again using your jam to find the laptop. After filling in the passwords for pairing a screen should pop up on your jam with a few profiles, there you should select Active Sync, and it will work hopefully. It is possible that I have made a mistake since it has been a long time since I've done this. Goodluck!
If you don't explain the actions you have taken in your attempts to sync your
device via bluetooth, only a psychic wil be able to tell you where you went wrong.
But have a look at the following link, it might be of help to you since the Active sync BT settings are everything but intuitive:
If you don't explain the actions you have taken in your attempts to sync your
device via bluetooth, only a psychic wil be able to tell you where you went wrong.
But have a look at the following link, it might be of help to you since the Active sync BT settings are everything but intuitive:
boh113 said:
hey all, i'm having some difficulties getting my jam to sync with active sync! both laptop and jam have bluetooth and can see each other but the problem is everytime i click sync via bluetooth my jam does nothing!
i've download both bluetooth patches on this foru and neither have helped?!
can anyone help or at least tell me where im going wrong
thanks in advance!
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I found 'bluetooth com port' in this forum & it helps in doing Sync via BT. Do a search. I'll suggest you to read the manual. if you don't have 1 search in or from your phone manufacturer site. I'll read the FAQ or Knowledge base before seeking for help in the event i don't understand the 'manual/FAQ'

Missing Sync 2.5.1 and TyTN

hallo. please other mac users, let me know your experience:
ROM date 07/22/06
Model Number HERM200
Missing Sync 2.5.1 and OSX 10.4.7 on Powerbook 17"
even if I completely uninstalled old Missing Sync apps in a very accurate way, deleting all Missing Sync files on the TyTN and re-installing 2.5.1 on the Mac, I still can't sync (it has synched just 1 time not completely). It starts, and after a few contacts Missing Sync crashes... any troubles for you?
Thank you,
no problem for me . Just a crash one time , need to reboot tytn and my macbook.
did you try to sync with the bluetooth ?
yes, it's impossible to sync via BT. is your device with same ROM as mine? I've also serial HT628xxx
I'm going crazy, the TyTN works great except for the sync... and for wififofum and wifitunes (even if wifitunes is excused: my itunes library is veeeeery large, 22000 songs)
could the device be defective, even if it works perfectly?
I'm really struggling to sync my device using activesync (I just can't seem to get connected).
I'm currently using Yahoo! Go! Mobile for calendar pim and address syncing (absolutely brilliant), and installing applications from CAB files on the memory card (luckily I had installed total commander while activesync seemed to be working.
Will probably try setting it up on another computer, but I prefer syncing to yahoo than using outlook, and most of the need is removed with this application.
jasjar said:
yes, it's impossible to sync via BT. is your device with same ROM as mine? I've also serial HT628xxx
I'm going crazy, the TyTN works great except for the sync... and for wififofum and wifitunes (even if wifitunes is excused: my itunes library is veeeeery large, 22000 songs)
could the device be defective, even if it works perfectly?
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I am using Missing Sync 2.5.1 on my Mac Mini running OS X 10.4.7.
My TYTN syncs Contacts, Calander, and Time successfully over bluetooth. I haven't tried syncing any other way.
My TYTN is serial HT627... using the latest iMate ROM.
serial HT630 ...
is it possible that the TyTN works perfectly, the Mac works perfectly, and the devices can't sync neither with USB nor BT? The only problem seems Missing Sync that crashes
the best for you it' s to try with another mac if you can .
nothing, nor with my G5... on the device, under "settings" -> i find an app called "USB to PC", where is possible to select a check box that in english could sounds like "active advanced net functions"... does it need to be checked?
why my tytn is absolutely invisible by bluetooth? i paired the devices without problems, but missing sync doesn't find the tytn...
Pair from TYTN
jasjar said:
why my tytn is absolutely invisible by bluetooth? i paired the devices without problems, but missing sync doesn't find the tytn...
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Did you try pairing from the TYTN device only?
I have heard and seen issues when pairing the devices from within OS X.
My advice; unpair them and them pair them again using the TYTN to discover the MAC.
done that procedure with BT, also followed the terminal procedure suggested my markspace on their support pages. nothing, i can pair the mac but it don't sync. the only difference is that appears the transparent window that indicates a BT connection, but it fails cause missing sync don't connect to the device... i also tried "usb switch" to switch to serial mode. nothing... i sent tenth of emails to markspace with logs and
problem description but they don't contact me...
i changed devicce, it was serial 628... everything was amazingly perfect but... the connection. it seems it was an hardware problem. the new one 630 sync correctly except for the ical events, I've a "null" event and another "unknown event" that causes problems. i can't find them in ical, so do you have any idea on how to eliminate this issue? thanks,

