ROM update.... get me outta here!! - MDA, XDA, 1010 Software Upgrading

hi xda worldwide people,
i have updated my o2 xda with a Rom version 4.00.01 ENG and Radio Version 4.21.00, everything seemed to be working fine (finally i can even see the number of word i write in a sms...yahooo!!), BUT after a while of perfect functionning (to good to stay good...) I noticed that now i cannot acced anymore to the phone of the device. I cannot make any call!! :shock:
tried with a soft and full reset but dosent get any better..

I would try an upgrade to 4.00.11, and it that doesn't help you it's probably not the ROM but something wrong with the phone. You didn't mess with your Radio Stack did you?

...ops! tricky one!i hope there any way that i can find out if there is anything wrong with my radio stack? by the way is there also an ftp or web address where i can download the upgrade you say?
This info forum is great!!


radio downgrade needed

can anyone help please?
I have updated my UK O2 Xda to radio version 4.21 and am having the same problems some of the members are posting about.
loss of signal, not searching when reset, etc
can i downgrade?
and if so, does anyone have and older UK O2 radio version i can downgrade to ?
Thanks in advance
Chris (Species)
radio downgrade update
Thanks for the many replies
update as follows
i found an old radio stack update and rom.
back flashed the rom, but the radio stack downgrade fails every time.
please has someone any ideas on how to downgrade the radio stack
this loss of signal and poor reception is annoying to say the least.
thanks in advance.
Chris (species)
species_8472 said:
can anyone help please?
I have updated my UK O2 Xda to radio version 4.21 and am having the same problems some of the members are posting about.
loss of signal, not searching when reset, etc
can i downgrade?
and if so, does anyone have and older UK O2 radio version i can downgrade to ?
Thanks in advance
Chris (Species)
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Sorry to say that a lot of user is stuck with this RSU 4.21 including me, Which can't downgrade back to older version. You might need to wait for newer version.
Friendly speaking only saw a post from this forum that ONE person manage to revert back the RSU. :wink:
On my xda (MDA from T-Mobile Germany) I made a complete update with RUU & RSU from this file "4.00.10 - official-tmo2003.rar". After that I experienced same probs as any (?) other European user. So I decided to switch back: I downloaded my old 3.23 RSU from T-Mobile Germany ( and installed it. While installing to my desktop I ignored an error that says I am trying to install an older version and I should not do that blablabla. It automatically installs (copies) every needed file to the xda via ActiveSync add/remove software dialog.
The updateprogram starts automatically on the xda. It goes slowly to 100% without any error but after a self-performed soft reset it starts again?! So I looked in the StartUp folder and there it was: the program rsuupdate... Incorrectly it was still there, so I deleted it myself.
Now I have a RUU V 4.00.10 ENG with PW10B1 (on my german PW10A1) and a RSU V 3.23. It's running more stable than everytime before.
Thanks for the post Chris, I just tried that solution but my O2 Xda just hangs when trying to install the T-Mobile upgrade with an error message in german. it was worth a try though.
error message
The error says "Wenn ein Upgrade durchgefuhrt wird mussen sie das Gerat vom Strommetz trennen"
just sussed the error. it must mean take the pda out of the cradle .... doh
its upgrading now. ill let you know it its fixed the prblem. cheers
looks like it worked it logged onto the network straight away. ill keep an eye on it, and keep you updated.
Thanks for the info your a STAR.
Chris (species)
I just came back in from garden, where I were lying in the sun and planning the barbecue for tonight. 8) Great weather here but unfortunately today is my last day of holiday
Yes, the error message says " While upgrading you must disconnect your device from the power line."
Thanks for the info your a STAR.
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I'm glad I could help you. And some others too?! Thanks to! :lol:
new problem.
After turning the phone part off, I find that I cant turn it back on again. if I reflash with 4.21 the phone turns on but again the no signal problem comes back
When I say phone part, what I mean is the pda works fine just the phone connection
glad the weather is nice for you .. here in the UK North East coast we are having heavy rain and thunder storms. its nice n cool though and gives me an excuse to sit here and check out the new threads.
here in the UK North East coast we are having heavy rain and thunder storms
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Uh, that sounds not good.. We have 30 °C (86 °F) and a lot of sun.
Which RSU did you use? The german one from I suppose it is optimized in any way. Try the English one at
Chris (meanwhile outside in the sun with laptop and WLAN)
T-Mobile versions don't have GPRS 4+1 AFAIK...
yep I used the T-mobile one in your origional post and it works fine until you turn of the radio part on the pda. The alternative link you suggested is the one that has the big problems radio stack v4.21 from O2 Uk.
no worries, ill just have to wait until O2 uk sort out the bugs
thanks for all the advice much apreciated
Chris (species)
RSU problems...
I also had some problems after upgrading to 4.21 (including not seeing my home network!!!).
I went into the bootloader and siwtched to DualBand GSM 900/1800, and then everything worked again. BUT then you NEVER go anymore in the menu BAND of your settings or it will switch you back to old config.
Give it a try,
Thanks Ill give that a try and keep everyone posted on the situation
Chris (species)
Still the same im afraid,
looks like I will be waiting for O2 to do some bug fixing and releasing an update. Unless anyone knows better ?

Which is a recent / suitable ROM and Radio upgrade for QTEK

Hello folks,
QTEK 1010 bought from Dubai
Model PW10A1
ROM version 3.16.52 ENG
ROM Date 03/10/03
Radio version 3.19.01
Protocol version 32S54
My questions: -
For me, which is a suitable upgrade...
ROM version 3.20.06
Radio version 4.21
CE Upgrade File : RUU_CEv3.18.04wwe_Qtek_SHIP.exe
Radio Upgrade File : RSUv1.15_(GPRS_T32500_ENG).exe]
Re: Which is a recent / suitable ROM and Radio upgrade for Q
faisal said:
Hello folks,
QTEK 1010 bought from Dubai
Model PW10A1
ROM version 3.16.52 ENG
ROM Date 03/10/03
Radio version 3.19.01
Protocol version 32S54
My questions: -
For me, which is a suitable upgrade...
ROM version 3.20.06
Radio version 4.21
CE Upgrade File : RUU_CEv3.18.04wwe_Qtek_SHIP.exe
Radio Upgrade File : RSUv1.15_(GPRS_T32500_ENG).exe]
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You may use any ROM Updgrade, you may even want to cook your own ROM, but please do not think of performing a radio stack upgrade if your present radio is working well and giving you a trouble free service.
Hi guys,
I 'm in same situation but with higher versions, and can hardly wait to get a new 2003 ROM.
I can't just play with my XDA as I use it all the time for work and it's pretty stable so far. I just also can't tell that the ROM is 'totally' separate from the RUU in WM2003.
So the question is: is there any one here who has gone through a 2003 upgrade for Qtek 1010 to tell us his thoughts after the upgrade ?
I read a lot about the stability of 4.00.16 ENG, but all been written was for O2 R4.21 or T-Mobile R6.xx. Did any one in this region (Mid East) with R 3.2x went into this upgrade ? and what is the current status ?
Thanx all ....
Latest ...
I tried upgrading to 4.00.11 ENG from the kitchen ... no matter how many trys it just restarts and gives the same error message "Can't open USB/com port ..." ...
Do I miss anything ??
more update ...
Tried to cook the new ROM as .nb1 file and used Xdatools from the kitchen to flash my device .... same result :? :evil:
Is it possible that there is a ROM protection on my XDA ??? :shock:
Biso007 said:
more update ...
Tried to cook the new ROM as .nb1 file and used Xdatools from the kitchen to flash my device .... same result :? :evil:
Is it possible that there is a ROM protection on my XDA ??? :shock:
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Hi Biso007,
Look at the IDIOTS GUIDE at:
and follow the instructions thoroughly one by one and you can't go wrong, it did work for me, I was in the same situation.
Samohile - Thanks. It is good advice to not mess with the radio if you can help it.
My only problem is that my device periodically shuts off. Then pressing the power button soft boots it. I cant tell for sure but it seems that this happens after an incoming or missed call. It seems that other friends using ROM 3.18.04 and Radio 3.25.01 (like our friend biso007 here) seem to have very stable systems.
I can try upgrading the ROM only and see what happens but the information at seems to imply that both ought to be upgraded at the same time. I notice it is an Australian site. Does that matter? Also, the version of the radio upgrade is a bit confusing, at least from its name. (Radio Upgrade File : RSUv1.15_(GPRS_T32500_ENG).exe] ). I wonder what this RSUv1.15 translates into since the name of the exe file for the ROM is nicely descriptive of the version (3.18.04).
Any advice in this would be very welcome..
Well i am using WM2003 4.00.11 and its working fine for me no problem i cooked in the kitchen you just need to read arround this great forum for a whgile on topics such as upgrades and ROM to know exactly what you are dealing with and then you will able to upgrade smoothly.
I read lots and lots about upgrade lessons but none of them worked for me .... I got an advice to use SD card with bootloader as it's the only working way. Now I wonder why the EXE method was created!!
I see that u got the 4.00.11 working. Did u upgrade it using EXE or SD card. Any help would be so appreciated ... thnx
Well i used the EXE methode the file i cooked in the Kitchen but i didnt change the version i left as 3 at the bottom of the page it works fine i upgraded from 3.XX to 4.XX then i downgraded from 4.00.11 to 4.00.05 then upgraded again all using EXE format so far working great.
i will be honest with you i know about the SD methode very well but never tried it so u have to make more search on this issue.
If you need anything more plz message me anytime and i will be more then whilling to help you step by step...
faisal said:
Samohile - Thanks. It is good advice to not mess with the radio if you can help it.
My only problem is that my device periodically shuts off. Then pressing the power button soft boots it. I cant tell for sure but it seems that this happens after an incoming or missed call. It seems that other friends using ROM 3.18.04 and Radio 3.25.01 (like our friend biso007 here) seem to have very stable systems.
I can try upgrading the ROM only and see what happens but the information at seems to imply that both ought to be upgraded at the same time. I notice it is an Australian site. Does that matter? Also, the version of the radio upgrade is a bit confusing, at least from its name. (Radio Upgrade File : RSUv1.15_(GPRS_T32500_ENG).exe] ). I wonder what this RSUv1.15 translates into since the name of the exe file for the ROM is nicely descriptive of the version (3.18.04).
Any advice in this would be very welcome..
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Faisal sorry for very late reply.
I have flashed my Qtek (bought in Abu Dhabi) with several versions of roms cooked in kitchens (Jeff's and Stefans's), but I have finally settled with ATT release wm2003 Siemens SX56 upgrade. It comes with most of the bugs fixed (except multiple reset bug) and is quite stable. I almost never have to reset it. You can flash the ROM only by SD card method though. You can try it. It's always a good idea to flash using SD card method. USB method using ProgramA is not very safe. I guess the network in Pakistan is compatible with the one in the UAE, so you can safely use it, if you don't mess up with the Radio Stack. My Radio is 3.23.01 and I have no problems with that.

Problems after update to PPC2003. Ghost in machine?

Hiya all,
Firstly thanks to all you guys who have spent so much time and energy on developing these great tools and apps.
I have a problem.! Updated my XDA to PPC2003 from Yorch's kitchen; fine for 2 or 3 days and then it started doing soft resets and things of its own accord.
Anyone else had the same problem; and more importantly, anyone know how I can get round the problem. I'm now back on the old rom but liked the tools that 2003 had with it. Especially the phone bits, individual ring tones etc.
Somebody please help me. I have had a good look round the forums for info but everyone seems to be either obsessed with the XDA2 (aint we all.!) or the Tmobile rom update.
Thanks in advance for your help
Cheers :?
PPC2003 Config
Radio stack version 4.21.00
Rom Version 4.00.05
Original Config (which I am back to now)
Radio stack version 4.21.00
Rom Version 3.17.03 Eng
What version and radio
Which version of ppc2003 did you cook?
I have had great experience w/4.0.16 and radio 6.24.00 TMO
The first time I loaded I had some problems but I had forgotten to do a hard reset. The really small hole on the lower right by the head phone socket. I reloaded the new rom did a soft reset then a hard and Bob's your uncle it worked great.
Hope this helps. I doubt anyone can help significantly until you specify rom and radio version
As you can see, I have a real old version of Rom and Radio Stack!
Where can I get the new PPC2003 in combination with a new RadioStack?
Where did you get it from?
That should get you what you need :wink:

2 rom upgades and still no signal .. help please !

ok fellas ...
i went from :
rom version: 3.17.03 ENG
rom date: 5/15/03
radio version : 4.17
to the upgrade :
rom version: 4.00.16 ENG T-Mobile US
rom date: 7/10/03
radio version : 4.17.00
courtesy of
however the phone still can not pick up a signal ..
with upgrade i have not been able to switch GSM band from 900/1800 to 900 or 1900 successfully through the wallaby bootloader (after changes are made i can not get out of bootloader without doing a hard reset) also note the xda developers band switch tool is also present but reads error
also note
before the upgrade
my device model no. PW10A1
after upgrade
my device model no. PW10B1
not sure if im getting any closer to the solution but im still happy at this point i havent burned up the unit ...
perhaps it is still an issue of the radio version 4.17.00 (which is the only thing i havent fooled with yet)
any thoughts on trying the radio upgrades from (under upgrades) ??
if this doesnt kill me it will surely make me stronger ... i will throw a party with beer for everyone if we can get this turkey running !!
thanks again folks !
Have you tried removing sim card prior to gsm switch in bootloader then reinserting after reboot?.
yes i have tried that as well ...
still no luck :?
eurowerks said:
yes i have tried that as well ...
still no luck :?
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I had a similar problem on one of the units I have. It ended up that I had to redo the radio to get it working again. The radio from yorch's should be fine.
TMO 4.10.00, RS 6.24.01
I upgraded my XDA I with this .exe file and everything went perfect. Search this forum on RUU or 4.10.00 and you should find the link to the file (~18M). TMO is pretty much locked on ROM4.10.00, Radio 6.24.01 still needs some work, still having problems only with NorTel Networks equipment. Hope this helps you.
Filename to look for:
TMO 4.10.00, RS 6.24.01
I upgraded my XDA I with this .exe file and everything went perfect. Search this forum on RUU or 4.10.00 and you should find the link to the file (~18M). TMO is pretty much locked on ROM4.10.00, Radio 6.24.01 still needs some work, still having problems only with NorTel Networks equipment. Hope this helps you.
Filename to look for:
TMO 4.10.00, RS 6.24.01
I upgraded my XDA I with this .exe file and everything went perfect. Search this forum on RUU or 4.10.00 and you should find the link to the file (~18M). TMO is pretty much locked on ROM4.10.00, Radio 6.24.01 still needs some work, still having problems only with NorTel Networks equipment. Hope this helps you.
Filename to look for:
ROM: 4.01.00 ENG
Radio: 6.24.01
it is my dream ... no mission at this point to find this upgrade .... can anyone point me in the right direction? :?
Your "mission"
Your mission should be to practise with the search buttom associated with the Upgrading It forum, at top of page next to FAQ button, to find what you're looking for!
thanks for the mission co ordinates .. but i have actually tried the search option believe it or not ... before i posted ... also have tried the link via the ftp that was suggested .. just cant seem to located it ...
stumped :?
Hi eurowerks !
You can download from my ftp server.
sebi ...
hello and thank you ... still cant access the folder ... it says something like windows cant access the folder ... be sure i have epermission to access ... just cant understand how ive come so far and im so close ... i am new to this so im sure im just not getting something right ... i do appreciate the offer .. thanks .. ill keep trying
Hey eurowerks you need to use a program like CuteFTP or WS_FTP LE
to get to this site as well!
CuteFTP can be found at:
WS_FTP LE can be found at:
thanks a bunch qman ...
the ftp download was a success
i am now running ..
rom : 4.01.00 eng
rom date : 10/27/03
radio version : 6.24.01
still no luck with it picking up a signal for the phone ... i have removed the sim ... and even switched between 900 and 1900 and still cant get a signal ...
any ideas? anyone ... please :?
It might be your SIM card so try it in another phone and see if it works.
If so try upgrading to the AT&T Radio stack its what I use.
i really cant believe it is the sim as it works fine in my other phone .. so i tried to do the radio uprade ...
from 6.24.01
to a.20.10
i was a bit skeptical as it is an at&t stack and i am using t mobile usa ..
dloaded it from yorch ... opened it in the windows directory of the xda as they say ... and it says something like upgrade failed.. press ok to restart
says to be sure the path is correct and none of the files are missing ... perhaps there is something i am missing ...
also wondering how dangerous this radio upgrade is ... been reading some horror stories about others that have ruined their devices trying the upgrades .. but after all this is the 3rd rom ive installed so i figured what could a radio upgrade hurt ... anyways .. still no luck ..
eurowerks said:
i really cant believe it is the sim as it works fine in my other phone .. so i tried to do the radio upgrade ...
from 6.24.01
to a.20.10
i was a bit skeptical as it is an at&t stack and i am using t mobile USA ..
dloaded it from yorch ... opened it in the windows directory of the xda as they say ... and it says something like upgrade failed.. press ok to restart
says to be sure the path is correct and none of the files are missing ... perhaps there is something i am missing ...
also wondering how dangerous this radio upgrade is ... been reading some horror stories about others that have ruined their devices trying the upgrades .. but after all this is the 3rd rom Ive installed so i figured what could a radio upgrade hurt ... anyways .. still no luck ..
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Confirming you copied all of the below files to your Windows root folder
and the upgrade still failed with a be sure path is correct and none of the files are missing? BTW your old radio stack is still in tact since it failed in
this way. Just remove any leftover upgrade links from your Startup folder.
How dangerous is upgrading the radio stack you ask? Its the most dangerous upgrade you can do in my book and should be only do as a last resort in getting your phone to work.
Also I can understand why you're skeptical as to it being an AT&T radio stack, most are but its the most powerful radio stack to date in my book and I've used them all (US that is). Your device must really be in bad shape to knock it down! :shock:
BTW what part of the US are you located?
Confirming you copied all of the below files to your Windows root folder
yes the above files were all copied to the windows folder of the xda .. not too sure about what u mean by root folder ... but they were opened within the windows folder ... :?
i did remove the files after it failed .. perhaps i should just be happy the pda works and it powers on ... :lol:
anyways im here on the east coast (nyc) .. lemme know if anyone comes up with anything else ... also wondering ... has anyone tried the upgrade from the siemens web site ?? i think it is something like A.20.17 .. im assuming it is a radio upgrade as well ?
question re. radio upgrades ..
is performing the upgrade by opening the exe file on the device standing alone the risky part? :? since upgrading the rom also has the radio upgrade within it and it is done while connected to the pc on the cradle with activsync perhaps that makes it safer ... ??
eurowerks said:
also wondering ... has anyone tried the upgrade from the siemens web site ?? i think it is something like A.20.17 .. I'm assuming it is a radio upgrade as well ?
question re. radio upgrades ..
is performing the upgrade by opening the exe file on the device standing alone the risky part? :? since upgrading the rom also has the radio upgrade within it and it is done while connected to the pc on the cradle with ActiveSync perhaps that makes it safer ... ??
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The A.20.17 upgrade contains both ROM and radio stack upgrade. The ROM is AT&T's most current Pocket PC 2002 update.
As far as the radio stack failure goes it can happen either way but its best not to have your device connected to the PC while doing it though!
Hey guys ...
The point is what is the actual type of the device A or B. Forget what's is shown in the device info as it can ve changed buy a wrong ROM or RSU upgrade. Refer to the device sticker in the device back side. If the device is A type then it's only 900 or 900/1800 type ... don't ever try to switch to any 1900 option as it may ruin the Radio part. If it's B then you can select the 1900 if your network supports this band. Don't forget also to switch it in the phone settings since now you have 4.01.00.
As Peter Poelman said, try to select the right band from the bootloader and soft reset more than once. Usually it takes many trials.
Good luck ...

****ed up VM2003. No hard reset help. HELP ME!!!!

I have the XDA II (Qtek2020) and it used to work fine... But for some reason now I can't enter my contacts and my calender. And if I'm so lucky to enter, it is all ****ed up and I can't read half of it. The buttons, text and so on is simply gone!
I was sure that a hard reset would do the trick, but that did not work Now I dont know what do do. My calender and contacts is what I'm using most on my PDA. And further more my icons are missing when I e.g. go to "System" or any other menu. Does anyone know what I can do? My XDAII is totally useless...
As far as I see it my only option is to try to install a new ROM.
I'm currently using ROM version 1.03.00 USA and Radio version 1.05.12A - VM2003
But I am a totally newbie in this upgrading thing... I know that I could (and I will) read a lot in this forum on updating it, but I know that it will confuse me too, cause there is a lot of opinions and a lot of threats...
I would like if someone would simply say:
* "This" is the best ROM you can install. There are no bugs and it runs perfectly! (ofcourse I want the BEST rom with the best radio too - I want all the best :wink: )
* This is how you upgrade - simply and easy described.
I need to have installed a ROM that allow me to use TT5 and does not freeze... Also have to work with bluetooth support...
How about the radio part? Is that included in the ROM or do I have to install that seperately?
How about updating to WM2005? Would that be a good idea or are there still too many bugs? I need to sync with my desktop. I've heard that WM2005 is having trouble doing that? And how about programs working on WM2005?
The XDAII is unlocked.
Thanks in advance!!!!
And thank to you people for reading this post and replying seriously.
I appriciate it! I really need your help
in the ftp there is a 1.75 rom which i think have radio stack 1.18
personaly i'm still using the norwegien 1.72 with 1.14
never heard about a problem such as yours
unless you restore your backup i dont really see how these issues could
survive a hardreset
the radio stack is included in the rom upgrade¨
about upgrading here is a guide
The only back up I'm restoring is my contacts and my calender from Outlook on my desktop...
ROM 1.75 ? Is that VM2003SE or WM2005? I assume that it is WM2005 when using the radio stack 1.18???
"The Norwegien 1.72 with 1.14"? Is that WM2005? Working fine? No probs?
How do I access the FTP? Excuse this newbie... :roll:
no 1.75 is not 2005 it's 2003 (not SE)
2005 dont come with a radio stack of it's own so if one upgrade to it one get what ever radiostack one already had
1.72 is also 2003 (not SE)
my reasons for not getting later editions is
the 2003SE in english are manualy translated from chinese so it's not official and some people report issues with the transscriber and dictionary i believe
the 2005 i suspect dont use the ATI chip which mean that it's GUI is slower then earlier roms some guy did some benchs which showed that it was much slower with 2005 then with 2003 when it came to graphics
imho then 2005 is reported a bit slugish speedwise
and it dont really offer something which i need so i havent taken the ride myself
my 1.72 is working just fine
If I upgrade to WM2003SE or WM2005, can I then easily downgrade if I'm not satisfied?

