All buttons on Bootloader mode NOT working ? - MDA, XDA, 1010 Software Upgrading

I did a flashing from SD-Card using XDArit with bootloader and windows CE 3.14.13 from
I upload the image many times but it said checksum is not correct.
I repeated many times the writting of SD card and now when I put in the SD card and press the power & soft reset button to enter the Bootloader mode, the screen show Bootloader v 5.15 and freeze.
If I soft boot without the SD card, the bootloader boots up and the GSM OK show, but all the buttons on my MDA is not working ?
Do u think I had overwrite the bootloader on the MDA ?
I'm upgrading from 3.13.12 Ger to english version.
Needs help very much from all the experts out there.
Many thanks

Dear XDA Developer and the Anonymous Guests,
If you had encounter this problem and has a solutions and you might not want to review openly in this forum you can reply to my email :
[email protected]
I would appreciate them very much.
Once again, manyy thanks


XDA broken,,,no more bootloader ???? :((

can someone help me please,,,i have a xda,,,i have flashed with the wrong CE i put on a 4.000.1???but it was a USA T mobile flash,,,,now my phone is a PW10B1 not a PW10A1 as it were,,,,anyways,,,i no longer get the wallaby bootloader,,,i just have a blank screen,,,,,is there any help you can give me,,,,,it charges up ,,,but doesnt turn on,,,,
Can you still use the OS, or is the whole machine dead? 4.000.1 is not valid version. Do you mean 4.00.11 ? The fact that it now reports being a PW10B is quite harmless and doesn't hurt you.
If you can still use the OS, there is a tool to re-insert a bootloader. In that case simply download and install the XDAtools from and select 'XDAtools' and then 'Fix broken bootloader' from your start menu.
cheers bro....
the phone doesnt turn on no more,,,sorry i was no fast at writing the post,,,the version is the one you said,,,,
anyways i used to get the bootloader,,,but now i dont get the bootloader,,,i remeber the battery power failing whilst SD flashing,,,
no longer does it turn on,,,before this happened i got the bootloader,,,just no CE
thanks again,,,,,
ps,,,,is there any hope or is it behond fixing,,,,
pss,,,,i think the CE rom has been totaly wiped,,,also the bootload can this be wiped???

ROM was erased

HELP.... I was unable to upload my sx56 with the new 2003. I crashed my ROM... Any ideas on how to restore.
Tell me what you see from the display.
I can help!
Froozen SX56 while upgrading the ROM
Unfortunately my system crashed when i was upgrading my ROM this is for a AT&T SX56 Pocket PC which I wanted to unlocked so that I could use it with T-Mobile SIM card. Now the screen says :
It will take about 5 minutes...
I was trying to upgrade it with the xda-developer rom verison.
I dont have any backup also for this device please help and I do have a SD card and SD card reader also.
If the bootloader not be erased, you could still use SD to restore OS.
If the bootloader already damaged, the only solution is hardware solution.
I can help you to resolve all problems
How to restore using the SD please tell me.
I do get the bootloader mode when i pressed the power , navigator and reset button on the pda
shri62 said:
How to restore using the SD please tell me.
I do get the bootloader mode when i pressed the power , navigator and reset button on the pda
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using Xdrit to write the OS to SD card via SD writer.
you can get Xdrit from (do some search).
Need real help
cgigate said:
I can help you to resolve all problems
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I had this stupid RadioStack crash that resulted in GSM ERROR that made my device unable to recharge the battery or run mobile function, so the status now is a ppc which has no phone and should always be conected to AC
when I consulted the Agent service tey claimed it's a motherboard error that would require a new baord, which'll cost me around 300$.
could you please help me!!
Cgaigate, is it possible to restore a corrupt radio stack using jtag, if you have the capability I can let people know.
Hi Smiley,
I crashed my Radio Stack, too. Has anyone an idea? Is it possible to repair? By myself?
I heard cgigate could help?
Yep - "GSM Error" in Wallaby Bootloader 5.15
Anyone got any ideas on fixing this one?

Not getting bootloader screen...

well i was following steps by ozsmac to upgrade my xda to win2k3 ,,,
finally loaded nk.nbf file to sd,
now when i press soft reset and power button together it loads previous ie current rom
and does not show the bootloader screen.
well i tried various combinations like soft reset with 1. power 2. contact button 3.appointment..
no help it does not enter into bootloader.
since initally i was installing current rom on sd and then transferred nk.nbf to sd,,,then bootloading
and it was going installing current rom again,
so i formatted my sd and then transferred nk.nbf using xdatools to sd...(so that only new win2k3 os shd be there)
and then tried to bootload,,,,
same ****!!! installing current rom(god knows how???) and not entering bootloader...
someone give suggestions.
When you switch on the xda does it load the system ok, if you have a working system but your bootloader is corrupt then you can use xdatools and choose the "fix broken bootloader" option.

How to Repair Dead wallaby

How to Repair dead wallaby without boot. (Probably dead during rom update cause of low battery).
Now the set cant enter boot mode. When Connecting charger the Yellow led light up and thats the only sign that tells me it still have some life left in it.
I need some experts help in this matter.
same problem
I tried to hard reset my XDAIIs to reinstall every thing as normal.
But I was stuck with a boot lock! the screen just stays withought loading the OS.
I tried to get the lates update from, install it succesfully, but still .. looked at boot!!!
Any help will be appreciated.
Thanks in advance
I had a similar problem in that there was an error during flashing. With the expert help of Lumpistefan, I was able to revive my dead Wallaby!! If you can get to the bootloader screen and it says GSM ok, I believe you can save it. You have to download XDATools as well as the ROM version you want to run. (I chose the special developers ROM as it had the auto sim unlock feature during cold boot). Once you have the ROM saved somwhere on your PC then you open the XDA tools (OSI Image tool) and use the .NB or .NB1 file as your source and select your SD card as the destination. Select copy. Once the files have been copied insert the SD card into your wallaby perform a soft reset (power button+soft reset button) and if everything went well you will be prompted to upload the rom. press the action button or center of the key and you should be good to go. Hope this helps and once again very, very special thanks to Lumpistefan for his patience and help!!
Mike A
teambutter said:
I had a similar problem in that there was an error during flashing. With the expert help of Lumpistefan, I was able to revive my dead Wallaby!! If you can get to the bootloader screen and it says GSM ok, I believe you can save it. You have to download XDATools as well as the ROM version you want to run. (I chose the special developers ROM as it had the auto sim unlock feature during cold boot). Once you have the ROM saved somwhere on your PC then you open the XDA tools (OSI Image tool) and use the .NB or .NB1 file as your source and select your SD card as the destination. Select copy. Once the files have been copied insert the SD card into your wallaby perform a soft reset (power button+soft reset button) and if everything went well you will be prompted to upload the rom. press the action button or center of the key and you should be good to go. Hope this helps and once again very, very special thanks to Lumpistefan for his patience and help!!
Mike A
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Click to collapse you have any idea how can I pass the error 1% when I'm upgrading the RS?
As I see, there's no answer to this problem yet.
Yesterday I fell in the same case!
Please, somebody say something hopefully!

Can MDA Vario be flashed from SD-Card?

I have flashed my MDA Vario with a WM6 rom dutch witch worked fine. After i changed my pagepool to 6 MB and soft rebooted my MDA, it stared, but without phone functionalty. every program i try to start it gives me the message that it has no memmory to start the program.
No activesync connection (or any other connection) can be established. I have found some articles on flashing xda pda's from sd card. But in these articles they talk about .NBH files. The only file i can find in the update util is an .NBF file. Can anyone help me solving this issue?
TNX in advance
Try bootloader mode?
Bijdehandje said:
. . .
No activesync connection (or any other connection) can be established. I have found some articles on flashing xda pda's from sd card. But in these articles they talk about .NBH files. The only file i can find in the update util is an .NBF file. Can anyone help me solving this issue?
TNX in advance
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Can you get into bootloader mode (tricolor RGB bands)? ("Get your phone in bootloader mode by doing this: Phone powered off, press Camera button + Power On, will enter into bootloader mode (RGB screen").
Once in bootloader mode you can reflash even though activesync says not connected - just look for little USB in corner of screen.
Tnx cushcalc for your reply.
I have tryed it just a minute ago. I can enter the boot loader but the flashing fails at starting with the message "This update utility cannot be used for your PDA Phone. Please get newer update utility". I have used the same flash tool as the rom image witch is now on the MDA.
Sounds more like CID locked after flashing the last ROM was flashed....cant u even flash any other wm6 ROM?
You should flash the original T. Mobile ROM from bootloader it should work. After you have the original running you can then re-flash WM6 using shelltool if your phone is CID locked. Try it and lets see how it goes.
You people are the greatest. I have tryed to flash my MDA Vario with the latest rom from t-mobile and now i have a fully functional mda again. BIG TNX for helping!!!

