How to Repair Dead wallaby - MDA, XDA, 1010 Software Upgrading

How to Repair dead wallaby without boot. (Probably dead during rom update cause of low battery).
Now the set cant enter boot mode. When Connecting charger the Yellow led light up and thats the only sign that tells me it still have some life left in it.
I need some experts help in this matter.

same problem
I tried to hard reset my XDAIIs to reinstall every thing as normal.
But I was stuck with a boot lock! the screen just stays withought loading the OS.
I tried to get the lates update from, install it succesfully, but still .. looked at boot!!!
Any help will be appreciated.
Thanks in advance

I had a similar problem in that there was an error during flashing. With the expert help of Lumpistefan, I was able to revive my dead Wallaby!! If you can get to the bootloader screen and it says GSM ok, I believe you can save it. You have to download XDATools as well as the ROM version you want to run. (I chose the special developers ROM as it had the auto sim unlock feature during cold boot). Once you have the ROM saved somwhere on your PC then you open the XDA tools (OSI Image tool) and use the .NB or .NB1 file as your source and select your SD card as the destination. Select copy. Once the files have been copied insert the SD card into your wallaby perform a soft reset (power button+soft reset button) and if everything went well you will be prompted to upload the rom. press the action button or center of the key and you should be good to go. Hope this helps and once again very, very special thanks to Lumpistefan for his patience and help!!
Mike A

teambutter said:
I had a similar problem in that there was an error during flashing. With the expert help of Lumpistefan, I was able to revive my dead Wallaby!! If you can get to the bootloader screen and it says GSM ok, I believe you can save it. You have to download XDATools as well as the ROM version you want to run. (I chose the special developers ROM as it had the auto sim unlock feature during cold boot). Once you have the ROM saved somwhere on your PC then you open the XDA tools (OSI Image tool) and use the .NB or .NB1 file as your source and select your SD card as the destination. Select copy. Once the files have been copied insert the SD card into your wallaby perform a soft reset (power button+soft reset button) and if everything went well you will be prompted to upload the rom. press the action button or center of the key and you should be good to go. Hope this helps and once again very, very special thanks to Lumpistefan for his patience and help!!
Mike A
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Click to collapse you have any idea how can I pass the error 1% when I'm upgrading the RS?

As I see, there's no answer to this problem yet.
Yesterday I fell in the same case!
Please, somebody say something hopefully!


Cincular 8525 stuck in Bootloader

I have a Cingular 8525 running WM5 that is stuck in bootloader screen. I have tried to soft and hard reset ... just boots back to the same screen, I can't turn it off once in the screen and when i sync via usb to the pc i get the message that the "usb device that is connected is malfunctioning" I have not done any upgrading at all and the phone worked perfectly right up till the time i powered it down and restarted into the bootloader screen.
Please can someone out there help me with this issue?
Zulu137 said:
I have a Cingular 8525 running WM5 that is stuck in bootloader screen. I have tried to soft and hard reset ... just boots back to the same screen, I can't turn it off once in the screen and when i sync via usb to the pc i get the message that the "usb device that is connected is malfunctioning" I have not done any upgrading at all and the phone worked perfectly right up till the time i powered it down and restarted into the bootloader screen.
Please can someone out there help me with this issue?
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same problems, run perfect before with schaps wm6 rom then flash to faria wm6.1... not feel good with faria. try to flash with other rom then the problem start ..
how to recover ....... please help
Asfarizal said:
same problems, run perfect before with schaps wm6 rom then flash to faria wm6.1... not feel good with faria. try to flash with other rom then the problem start ..
how to recover ....... please help
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Manage to solve the problem ...thanks WIKI !!
Go to Bootloader mode: Hold side OK and POWER buttons together and reset with stylus
Then Flash to any ROM you want !!
Thanks .... But
Thanks for the reply ... but i have no idea how to do what you tell me, I am new to all this phone "stuff" as a matter of fact this is the first time that i am ever using one of these forums. I have read till i am cross eyed but dont actually understand what you are talking about ... now don't let that scare you away as i am willing to learn and i am not braindead ... you all had to start sometime in this, not so. I get that i need to try and reflash my rom...
so is there some type of rom update software that i need? ... what is a hard SPL?? ... and who is Schaps?? .. sorry guys to do this to you but i would like to get into this game and i need some ( well maybe a lot ) of pointers.
Thanks for your time.
1. Search for "mr vanxs guide" so you have an idea on what you're doing.
2. OK, as Asfarizal said "Go to Bootloader mode: Hold side OK and POWER buttons together and reset with stylus". If you cant work out what the buttons are, go to the manual. it will tell you.
3. type in "hard SPL" in search on the forum & download the .zip or .rar file. this should have 2 files inside when opened,
a). RUUWrapper.exe and
b). RUU_signed.nbh
sync Hermes and double click .exe file. follow prompts.
4. find a rom that you want (would suggest TNT SE as a fairly good rom for noobs... good and stable, no problems...) Again download, then (and this is personel preference) format an sd card fat 32 and copy RUU_signed.nbh into root directory. Rename it Hermimg.nbh. Put into Phone and put into bootloader(make sure the battery is more than 50%) follow prompts. This should get you out of trouble. You can also sync your Phone and double click on the RUUWrapper.exe HOWEVER, if you should reset your computer, pull out the usb cable or have anything else happen to the computer that interrupts the flashm, you could end up with a worse brick than you have now. try to read up on flashing (search for "mr vanxs guide") and this should help you a lot if you have other questions. Good luck and happy flashing......
Thank You
I will follow the instructions you gave and try to get it going this weekend.
Thank you so much for your time
Zulu137 said:
Thanks for the reply ... but i have no idea how to do what you tell me, I am new to all this phone "stuff" as a matter of fact this is the first time that i am ever using one of these forums. I have read till i am cross eyed but dont actually understand what you are talking about ... now don't let that scare you away as i am willing to learn and i am not braindead ... you all had to start sometime in this, not so. I get that i need to try and reflash my rom...
so is there some type of rom update software that i need? ... what is a hard SPL?? ... and who is Schaps?? .. sorry guys to do this to you but i would like to get into this game and i need some ( well maybe a lot ) of pointers.
Thanks for your time.
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Looks like you've got a lot of reading to do, and a problem to sort out. Firstly a couple of answers...
Schaps is a Rom Cooking guru (makes custom versions of WM5, WM6 etc). When you get your phone sorted out I'd recommend trying one of his roms.
Hard SPL. The SPL is part of the bootloader which effectively dictates how a rom is flashed and what roms can be flashed. HardSPL is a custom version of this which allows you to flash any rom from any carrier. It also protects against a bad flash in many cases. It is recommended before you try flashing any new roms or radio roms. Use Hard-SPL-V7 at the bottom of the first post here.
The Rom upgrading software is contained in any of the cooked or carrier supplied roms. It is normally a .zip file which cotains 2 files: xxxxxRUU.exe and RUU_signed.nbh. You run the .exe file from your PC when connected to your phone via USB. More details of how to do this are in MrVanx's guides. Also other resources here.
Now to try to sort your phone out...
What is displayed on your screen when in bootloader mode? It should be something like this:
SPL-2.10.Olipro (This is HardSPL V7)
If you don't have an Olipro SPL then you need to get HardSPL onto your phone. If you haven't done any upgrading and have had the phone from new then I guess you don't have hardSPL.
Now you need to fix your USB Malfunctioning problem. I can't help too much here except to suggest trying a different cable, different USB port or different PC. Also, if you are running Vista try an XP maxhine. When you connect to the PC does your phone show Serial or USB on the screen? If you can't get a USB connection, all is not lost - you can re-flash your rom using an SD card, method here.
There is a thread about un-bricking phones which may help.
There are various diagnostic tools (which can also screw your phone if used incorrectly). The favourite of these is MTTY but you need a USB connection to use this.
If your phone is in warranty I'd recommend getting your supplier to sort it out, but if not I'd try to re-flash an ORIGINAL supplier rom (Cingular I guess). You can get links to the official supplier roms here.
I think (might be wrong) that sometimes when stuck in bootloader you need to flash an official rom, not a cooked one to recover your phone - then you can run HardSPL and then flash cooked roms again.
Cingular 8525 stuck in bootloader
Thanks for the reply ... lots of great input.
Now to answer some of your questions.
1) When I power up the phone (only pushing the power button ) it goes straight into the bootloader screen without pushing any other buttons, and it displays
Then at the bottom in the white bar it says "Serial"
The only way that i have found to power it down again is to remove the battery, there is no response from any single buttons after it is in bootloader
the soft reset and hard reset work but it just goes right back to the bootloader screen after.
2) The USB malfunction. This only started after the phone "crashed" and before that it worked great ... well i only used it to sync up to my work pc for the contacts and to get pictures onto my hard drive.
all the PC's that i use are running XP. I have tried my home PC and my Laptop
and the work PC and all of them have their own cables and they all say the same thing ... "the USB device is malfunctioning"
I am sure that when i get the phone going again the USB will start to function again.
3) Phone warranty ... I bought the phone off e-bay from a store in new york about 10 months ago as a "new unlocked cingular 8525" it was new and unlocked, but i have no idea how they unlocked it. I would assume that there would be no warranty now and in any case i live in Canada and would have to ship it down to the states to an AT&T repair center and that sounds like a nightmare to me with the customs and so on.
I will give you a little more background on the problem. the phone worked like a charm without any problems at all for the 10 months that i had it, then the morning of the crash the phones alarm did not go off in the morning and i was almost late for work ... i did not pay it any further attention untill at 3:26pm
that afternoon the alarm went off ??????? (it was set for 6:05am) so i checked the main clock time, it was right. I then checked the alarm time, it was right ??? So i figured that something must have just got confused, so i powered down the phone with the power button to just restart it and while it was powered down i removed the battery to take the oportunity to to clean all those fuzzies and dust that collect in the battery compartment out and put it all together and powered it up again (just by pushing the power button) and this wierd red, green, blue and white screen appeared and that is all that i have seen since ???
I hope that answers your questions and i will start going through the links that you sent and get to reading ... will there be a pop quiz ... lol
Thanks again for your time and i very much appreciate all the time that all of you have spent on me and my phone ..... I know that you all just feel bad for me because i now have to use a Motorolla V551 ... lol
Great Work
ultramag69 said:
1. Search for "mr vanxs guide" so you have an idea on what you're doing.
2. OK, as Asfarizal said "Go to Bootloader mode: Hold side OK and POWER buttons together and reset with stylus". If you cant work out what the buttons are, go to the manual. it will tell you.
3. type in "hard SPL" in search on the forum & download the .zip or .rar file. this should have 2 files inside when opened,
a). RUUWrapper.exe and
b). RUU_signed.nbh
sync Hermes and double click .exe file. follow prompts.
4. find a rom that you want (would suggest TNT SE as a fairly good rom for noobs... good and stable, no problems...) Again download, then (and this is personel preference) format an sd card fat 32 and copy RUU_signed.nbh into root directory. Rename it Hermimg.nbh. Put into Phone and put into bootloader(make sure the battery is more than 50%) follow prompts. This should get you out of trouble. You can also sync your Phone and double click on the RUUWrapper.exe HOWEVER, if you should reset your computer, pull out the usb cable or have anything else happen to the computer that interrupts the flashm, you could end up with a worse brick than you have now. try to read up on flashing (search for "mr vanxs guide") and this should help you a lot if you have other questions. Good luck and happy flashing......
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Thanks a lot man & great work i unbricked my Herm100 with method u mention above thanks a lot & great job keep it up
I also have this problem.
I d/l Hard-SPL-V7
and when i run RUUWrapper.exe
I get an error saying the application failed to initialize properly (0xc0000135)
What's going on?
How do i fix this?
this happened when i was trying to unlock the phone.
need help
when i switch on my orange herm100 it shows On the bootloader screen is displayed:
I PL-1.01
history : i buy unlocked orange phone
fewdays back i found no imei ,
yesterday i try to flash by micro sd but in gsm stage its gets hang no progress after extrom stage
OS -
i tryed several time no action, i cant connect by mini usb.
PLEASE help me
tell me which it the right rom to chose? step by step procedure..
how to rectify imei?
thanks and regards
kirtibas, sorry it took so long to reply, 1st thing I'd do is upgrade to SPL 2.10 olipro. This is safer to use than others. then I'd suggest reflashing a stock rom to see if that works. After stock rom works then use a cooked rom as your heart desires... Cheers...

sos!!my Polaris can't upgrade,even hardspl V2 doesn't works

my Polaris SPL-1.52.0000
when i flash hardspl ,it stops at 0%,and screen of the Polaris remain in bootloader mode(screen in three color) ,and the PolarisUnlocker doesn't works too.
anyone who can tell me why,i'm really appreciate!
Try POWER + CAMERA + SOFTRESET (this enter the bootloader mode) and then install the ROM you like ... you will get no errors !!!
nightfear said:
Try POWER + CAMERA + SOFTRESET (this enter the bootloader mode) and then install the ROM you like ... you will get no errors !!!
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thx for your answer,the same ,ERROR 262
try replacing the data cable and reinstalling the activesync;
then enter bootloader
see that you get "usb" and then try to upgrade.
first thing i would do is reinstall the activesync (sometimes bad drivers get registered in windows)
cwb1230 said:
when i flash hardspl ,it stops at 0%,and screen of the Polaris remain in bootloader mode(screen in three color)
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Did you follow instructions and unplugged and then replugged your Polaris when it told you to on the bootscreen?
operating system?
do you use windows XP? if vista you should try on XP..
Remove your SD card before flashing !
Unplug and replug your device when you see 'Replug device'
thanks you !!my computer is xp,i have three data cable,none works!enter bootloader or Remove SD card doesn't works too!
Now i'm try to reinstall my computer system......god bles me!
I've got the same problem, different computer, windows xp, sd removed, camera+power+reset the update stay at 0%.
Does someone got another idea ?
Same for me. No updates can be done....
Indicator stuck on 0% no matter what I'm trying to update.
Any1 pls????
Same thing happens to me. I am stuck on bootloader with official SPL, and i can only flash Official rom, nothing else works. Not even HardSPL. V2.
How can i try to flash HardSPL from SD card ? any instructions ? please ?
goranapo said:
Same thing happens to me. I am stuck on bootloader with official SPL, and i can only flash Official rom, nothing else works. Not even HardSPL. V2.
How can i try to flash HardSPL from SD card ? any instructions ? please ?
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you should go here to get a tutorial Flashing Via MicroSD Card
Hakim Rahman said:
you should go here to get a tutorial Flashing Via MicroSD Card
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Thanks but that thread is for HTC LEO, ?!!?
goranapo said:
Thanks but that thread is for HTC LEO, ?!!?
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Well, this
- Get a MicroSD card that is formatted as Fat32. The card must be formatted as Fat32 otherwise it will not work. It doesn't need to be blank or freshly formatted (but it wont hurt if it is)
- Find the ROM image you would like to use, normally named RUU_Signed.nbh, and rename it to "POLAIMG.nbh". Depending on the source of your ROM file, it may not be named RUU_Signed.nbh, but just rename the nbh file you obtained to POLAIMG.nbh
- Copy the file POLAIMG.nbh to the root of your microSD card
- Plug the card into the phone, then enter boot loader mode by pressing down the Camera button, then using the stylus, press and hold the RESET button at the bottom of the phone. Release both buttons once the bootloader screen appears.
- You will first see a tri-color screen then the information on the card. Press power button to start flashing.
- After all these are done, press the reset button located at the bottom of the phone to reset the device.

HTC hangs in bootloader after attempt to flash rom

I have a HTC P3300.
I bought a 4Gb SDHC card, and it won't work. I read at the forum that I would need a different rom, so I downloaded "Artemis_Touch_4.02_Full_with_no_cube", which would have sdhc-support.
Then I executed "STEP 1 - activesync then uspl cid unlocking.bat", that finished ok, and then "STEP 2 - activesync then flash artemis touch rom.bat", which stopped with an error 302.
After a restart all that came up was the boot loader. I then tried to flash the original rom (HTC WM6 Dutch) from the computer, but that ended also in an error.
I tried the SD upgrade (rename .nbh file to ARTEIMG.nbh, put it on a formatted sd-card and load it in my phone), and it finished without errors, saying I should press any key.
After pressing a key, the bootloader popped up again.... :S
Can anyone help me? I have been searching the forum and trying to get my phone to work since 21:00 and I haven't got any progress at all!
well sorry for that
did you tried to make hard reset?
and once i had a completely dead artemis.. no sign of life..but it fixed by the following..(and maybe this may help you cuz the flasheng goes not like usual)
while your mobile is off.. press the record botton and the camera and it should starts with usual sd card flashing.
for me this what happens.
the setup was in three phases as i saw... and it took about 30 mins .
maybe it will works for you
I also tried a hard reset, wouldn't work.
I pressed and hold the camerabutton, but nothing happend...
Maybe the battery is empty, so I pressed and hold the camera button while plugging in the usb-cable.
It started the SD-upgrade, and is still busy.
The update ended with a "press any key to continue".
But when I pressed a key, the boot loader popped up :S
When I tried to flash another rom (NLD-FINAL), an error occurred (I believe it was error 270, not sure).
But then the normal startup screen appeared!
I don't know how, but the problem seems to be fixed!
sorry i mentioned the wronge button before..
try to start flashing by pressing the RECORED button and the power.. while your mobile is off.
and be sure that you copied the original shipped ROM to your device (NOT elese)
As you can see in my previous post, I managed to flash the original rom.
I'm gonna try to upload an other rom some other time...
And with a patch I got the SDHC working too!
Thnx for your help!
y_bother said:
sorry i mentioned the wronge button before..
try to start flashing by pressing the RECORED button and the power.. while your mobile is off.
and be sure that you copied the original shipped ROM to your device (NOT elese)
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Hey, thanks a lot, I tought, my HTC-Cruise is ready for sending to repair, but with your info, it works again. I could install the WM 6.1 again, after System hangs up while booting every time. He found USB connection on a colored sreen. Thank you very much.

SD Card Flashing Question!

Hello to everyone,
i have a problem with flashing.
First i had a WM2003 OS on the T-Mobile MDA. Then i tried to flash the WM2003SE with a romkitchen rom.exe over active sync.
The whole upgrade process worked well, but now it don't boots.
The booting procedure hangs on the welcome screen.
Now i am trying to flash a PPC2002 OS with SD Solution. (Because i have no activesync connection)
I have downloaded a *.nb1 rom from romkitchen and make copied it to SD with OS Image Tool.
But i don't know what to do now. When i insert the SD in the PPC it says only "The Card is not readable do you want to format it".
PLZ help!
Best regards
never heard about the bootloader saying that only a device saying it when it's booted into wm???
one way you can verify that the rom is flashed to the sdcard using the tool
the pc is no longer able to read the card
so that way you can verify that you did it correctly
Well, i did it by the same way (yesterday) ok, we can say you already have your SD card with your ROM ready for the instalation, so your put your SD car inside, then press the power button on top and press the hard reset button (you know it's down the earphones hole) it will apears the bootloader screen and the it will says press action to start or recort to exit, press the action button and it will start to donwload, it will finish saing COOLD RESET and something like that, take out your SD CARD and make a soft reset (the little hole at the other side of the hard reset) and that's it !!! i hope so jejejej let me know
thanx a lot. This worked for me!!

ive broke it....

Ive just installed V10.2 ROM and im stuck on the Sony Ercisson Screen...what now?
Hard reset?
How? Thats not the little reset button on the back i guess?
OK, found procedure for hard reset. BRB...
You can always do a reflash with microsd method so don't worry
x1fan said:
Ive just installed V10.2 ROM and im stuck on the Sony Ercisson Screen...what now?
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Have you hardSPL'd your phone before?
If not you will have to flash a generic rom via microSD method (or put your phone into boot loader mode and connect via usb) and then hard spl your phone.
If you have already hardSPL'd your phone, reflash the rom using microSD method.
EDIT: from
Recovering from a bad flash
If you have forgotten to hardspl your x1 before flashing a rom or are getting an error when attempting to flash a rom (260-262) and can not get your x1 to boot then this might help:
1. Take the MicroSD card out of your phone and put it in to a MicroSD to SD card converter and insert it to your card reader.
2. Format the MicroSD card in to FAT32 format.
3. Download this ROM
4. Extract the .ZIP file and rename the .NBH file to 'kovsimg.nbh'
4. Copy this file to the freshly formatted MicroSD card (VISTA OR XP THIS DOESNT MATTER FOR THIS)
5. Take the memory card out of your PC/Laptop and place it back in to your Xperia
6. Remove the battery and replace it after 5 seconds. (dont replace the back cover)
7. The press the Volume Down key located on the right hand side of the phone and the power key keep them both pressed and then with the stylus press and hold down the reset button for three seconds.
8. You will then be presented with a Tri-Colour screen to begin with then the bootloader will load the kovsimg.nbh file.
9. Once loaded follow the on-screen instructions and your done, be patient the process does take a while about 10mins in total, BUT DO ENSURE YOU HAVE YOUR PHONE ON CHARGE, you dont want the power to die on you half way through, it would just be a waste of time.
awww man, x1fan, YOU'RE the one who "broke" it?!
let me know of the instructions above helped you out...
Cheers for all your help with this guys, all it needed in the end was a hard reset and some time to warm up i think, all is good as gold now..apart from the fact that it goes to xpanel screen prior to loading the home screen but the procedure above worked a treat so thank you all....YET AGAIN lol

