Not getting bootloader screen... - MDA, XDA, 1010 Software Upgrading

well i was following steps by ozsmac to upgrade my xda to win2k3 ,,,
finally loaded nk.nbf file to sd,
now when i press soft reset and power button together it loads previous ie current rom
and does not show the bootloader screen.
well i tried various combinations like soft reset with 1. power 2. contact button 3.appointment..
no help it does not enter into bootloader.
since initally i was installing current rom on sd and then transferred nk.nbf to sd,,,then bootloading
and it was going installing current rom again,
so i formatted my sd and then transferred nk.nbf using xdatools to sd...(so that only new win2k3 os shd be there)
and then tried to bootload,,,,
same ****!!! installing current rom(god knows how???) and not entering bootloader...
someone give suggestions.

When you switch on the xda does it load the system ok, if you have a working system but your bootloader is corrupt then you can use xdatools and choose the "fix broken bootloader" option.


sd boot flash won't work - SOLVED!

Luckily I found ArticCat's solution in this forum... thanks ArticCat. Here's his procedure (copied on the thread he posted it, with my additions in parentheses, italicized):
Posted:Fri Jul 04, 2003 13:02
Post subject: I faced the same problem here is the solution
Look what you should do:
write the Wallaby-patched-tool.nb2 using the old xdarit (put it in the Diagnostics field on the program, and be sure to check the checkbox beside it and uncheck the other two checkboxes above it) and be sure to select Pre-5.17 before writing to your SD card
insert your card into your xda and boot into the wallaby boot loader and once you have the OK, press the "Action" key. at this point you should reach the patched menu of wallaby boot loader.
Remove your sd-card, re-write to it the PPC2003PE.nb1 file but this time make sure to select At least 5.17 bootloader, the re-insert it into your xda and select Restore
It should work fine
Hope this helps
Hi all. My device is running on WBL 5.17.
I've written nk.nbf to my sd card (via a card reader) using OSImageTool. Popped it in my xda sd slot and did a power button + soft reset to enter the bootloader. All I get is the wallaby bootloader screen with a GSM Ok message on the lower left corner. No message of any updating/upgrading appears.
Moreover, whenever I use the flash tools in the wallaby (ce rom to sd, boot to sd, ce+boot to sd, gsm rom to sd) I get the following screen:
SD Backup
I n v a l i d
Another thing, my xda doesn't boot properly. I always get the screen with garbled black and white lines and two white boxes on the upper part (I think this is the indicator or the progress bar of the interrupted rsu exe upgrade I did which cause my xda inoperable). Pressing the power switch doesn't do anything.
So I have no other way to turn off my device except pressing the hard reset hole. But when I do this, doing the power swith + soft reset combination won't work because I need to press the hard reset hole again to turn on my device and I'll be back again on the garbled screen with no way of turning off my device normally.
I read somewhere in this forum that you the xda must be off before entering the wallaby (doing the power switch + soft reset combination). I did the power + hard reset combination but it still gives me the wallaby screen and the flash tools error mentioned above.
What do you think should I do now to have my xda flashed using the sd card method successfully? I can't use the cradle because my xda won't boot even run the os, it just shows the garbled screen with the two boxes mentioned above.
I got the patch (nb2) file onto my sd card succesfully as you describe, but when i run the bootloader, I dont see the new 'patched' menu. Just a diagnostics menu. if i press the "contacts" but when the bootloader starts i see the standard 5.17 image copy menu which doesnt let me go from SD card to Rom
How can get the file Wallaby-patched-tool.nb2 ?
The patch is here:
I and many others never got it to work. My wallaby never did what others describe this patch is supposed to make it do. I tried the 1k and 3.5k options too.
I ended up changing my bootloader to 5.15 using bootloaderfix.bat in the binaries folder of XDAtools. Worked fine, just make sure you have the wallaby connected via activesync before you run bootloaderfix.bat

How to Repair Dead wallaby

How to Repair dead wallaby without boot. (Probably dead during rom update cause of low battery).
Now the set cant enter boot mode. When Connecting charger the Yellow led light up and thats the only sign that tells me it still have some life left in it.
I need some experts help in this matter.
same problem
I tried to hard reset my XDAIIs to reinstall every thing as normal.
But I was stuck with a boot lock! the screen just stays withought loading the OS.
I tried to get the lates update from, install it succesfully, but still .. looked at boot!!!
Any help will be appreciated.
Thanks in advance
I had a similar problem in that there was an error during flashing. With the expert help of Lumpistefan, I was able to revive my dead Wallaby!! If you can get to the bootloader screen and it says GSM ok, I believe you can save it. You have to download XDATools as well as the ROM version you want to run. (I chose the special developers ROM as it had the auto sim unlock feature during cold boot). Once you have the ROM saved somwhere on your PC then you open the XDA tools (OSI Image tool) and use the .NB or .NB1 file as your source and select your SD card as the destination. Select copy. Once the files have been copied insert the SD card into your wallaby perform a soft reset (power button+soft reset button) and if everything went well you will be prompted to upload the rom. press the action button or center of the key and you should be good to go. Hope this helps and once again very, very special thanks to Lumpistefan for his patience and help!!
Mike A
teambutter said:
I had a similar problem in that there was an error during flashing. With the expert help of Lumpistefan, I was able to revive my dead Wallaby!! If you can get to the bootloader screen and it says GSM ok, I believe you can save it. You have to download XDATools as well as the ROM version you want to run. (I chose the special developers ROM as it had the auto sim unlock feature during cold boot). Once you have the ROM saved somwhere on your PC then you open the XDA tools (OSI Image tool) and use the .NB or .NB1 file as your source and select your SD card as the destination. Select copy. Once the files have been copied insert the SD card into your wallaby perform a soft reset (power button+soft reset button) and if everything went well you will be prompted to upload the rom. press the action button or center of the key and you should be good to go. Hope this helps and once again very, very special thanks to Lumpistefan for his patience and help!!
Mike A
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Click to collapse you have any idea how can I pass the error 1% when I'm upgrading the RS?
As I see, there's no answer to this problem yet.
Yesterday I fell in the same case!
Please, somebody say something hopefully!

SD Card Flashing Question!

Hello to everyone,
i have a problem with flashing.
First i had a WM2003 OS on the T-Mobile MDA. Then i tried to flash the WM2003SE with a romkitchen rom.exe over active sync.
The whole upgrade process worked well, but now it don't boots.
The booting procedure hangs on the welcome screen.
Now i am trying to flash a PPC2002 OS with SD Solution. (Because i have no activesync connection)
I have downloaded a *.nb1 rom from romkitchen and make copied it to SD with OS Image Tool.
But i don't know what to do now. When i insert the SD in the PPC it says only "The Card is not readable do you want to format it".
PLZ help!
Best regards
never heard about the bootloader saying that only a device saying it when it's booted into wm???
one way you can verify that the rom is flashed to the sdcard using the tool
the pc is no longer able to read the card
so that way you can verify that you did it correctly
Well, i did it by the same way (yesterday) ok, we can say you already have your SD card with your ROM ready for the instalation, so your put your SD car inside, then press the power button on top and press the hard reset button (you know it's down the earphones hole) it will apears the bootloader screen and the it will says press action to start or recort to exit, press the action button and it will start to donwload, it will finish saing COOLD RESET and something like that, take out your SD CARD and make a soft reset (the little hole at the other side of the hard reset) and that's it !!! i hope so jejejej let me know
thanx a lot. This worked for me!!

ive broke it....

Ive just installed V10.2 ROM and im stuck on the Sony Ercisson Screen...what now?
Hard reset?
How? Thats not the little reset button on the back i guess?
OK, found procedure for hard reset. BRB...
You can always do a reflash with microsd method so don't worry
x1fan said:
Ive just installed V10.2 ROM and im stuck on the Sony Ercisson Screen...what now?
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Click to collapse
Have you hardSPL'd your phone before?
If not you will have to flash a generic rom via microSD method (or put your phone into boot loader mode and connect via usb) and then hard spl your phone.
If you have already hardSPL'd your phone, reflash the rom using microSD method.
EDIT: from
Recovering from a bad flash
If you have forgotten to hardspl your x1 before flashing a rom or are getting an error when attempting to flash a rom (260-262) and can not get your x1 to boot then this might help:
1. Take the MicroSD card out of your phone and put it in to a MicroSD to SD card converter and insert it to your card reader.
2. Format the MicroSD card in to FAT32 format.
3. Download this ROM
4. Extract the .ZIP file and rename the .NBH file to 'kovsimg.nbh'
4. Copy this file to the freshly formatted MicroSD card (VISTA OR XP THIS DOESNT MATTER FOR THIS)
5. Take the memory card out of your PC/Laptop and place it back in to your Xperia
6. Remove the battery and replace it after 5 seconds. (dont replace the back cover)
7. The press the Volume Down key located on the right hand side of the phone and the power key keep them both pressed and then with the stylus press and hold down the reset button for three seconds.
8. You will then be presented with a Tri-Colour screen to begin with then the bootloader will load the kovsimg.nbh file.
9. Once loaded follow the on-screen instructions and your done, be patient the process does take a while about 10mins in total, BUT DO ENSURE YOU HAVE YOUR PHONE ON CHARGE, you dont want the power to die on you half way through, it would just be a waste of time.
awww man, x1fan, YOU'RE the one who "broke" it?!
let me know of the instructions above helped you out...
Cheers for all your help with this guys, all it needed in the end was a hard reset and some time to warm up i think, all is good as gold now..apart from the fact that it goes to xpanel screen prior to loading the home screen but the procedure above worked a treat so thank you all....YET AGAIN lol

[HELP] HTC HD2 cant boot after hard reset or hard reset failed

hi guys..
please help me .. i flash my HTC HD2 with a MAGDLR111 and after it doesnt continue to boot and only stock in boot image. i try to use Hard Reset (holding down the up and down botton and tapping the power button), it response very quick but it says the "restore completed and press up botton to reboot" and so i did but still, it still stock up in boot image forever.. please help me, what should i do..thanks
Possibly a radio problem. Boot pressing volume down button to get into bootloader and flash a radio WITHOUT .51. in its name....
Sent from my Nexus One using XDA App
thanks, already did... and it works.. )))
hey i have that same problem now can you help me get a radio so i can download it or can even help me through the steps to get back my phone to normal plzzz.? thank you
Any new user most definitely has a lot of questions...
Here is a thread you should carefully check - it explains some basic stuff, and it offers links to many other specific threads, incl. Radio ROM.
To return to "normal" ROM, please just check the standard flashing process. You can flash via USB or SD card, whatever ROM you like, stock or custom.
Hey man thanks for all that but i really don't want just any rom, i wanna know if anyone can get me the rom that comes with the phone for windows mobile 6.5, you know with the orange load screen etc, i really dummy in this thing and i should not of even played fast to go try flashing my HTC HD2 with a MAGDLR111.
so i've tried various roms and everyone of them was going great unitl step 2 in the upgrade process, it kept saying error filr open, check update rom utility. where do i go from here?
It is quite difficult to help if there is so little basic information available.
The error you mention can have a simple reason. Usually, the ROM image file name is simply not correct.
To flash via USB:
There are 2 options:
First, you can take an original RUU of your network operator (in case you have a branded phone) or HTC, put the phone into boot loader mode (see below), start the RUU.exe on your PC.
Second, you can extract the original RUU.exe with WinRar or a similar program, take the .nbh file and rename it to leoimg.nbh.
Once you take an image of the ROM, you have to put it into the very same folder where your ROM update software is (LeoCustomRUU, SSPL, whatever). One more time, please check the suffix, it should be .nbh, as in "leoimg.nbh".
Keep in mind: Do start the RUU software as "Admin" - whichever you choose.
Instead of the original ROM, you can flash custom ROMs, too - since your device must have HSPL installed when you used WP7 or Android before.
If you´ve got issues (because of Win 7 on your PC or such), please try to put your device into bootloader mode before connectint it to the PC (turn off the device, push vol. down and power at the same time, the multi color bootscreen should appear, only now connect it to the PC).
To flash via SD card:
Re-format your SD card FAT32. Don´t put anything else on it. Copy the ROM image file with the exact naming as above on the SD card.
To start the flash process, do the same as above, go into bootloader mode, the flash process will start - just follow the on-screen instructions.
i have this same problem only it happened without me flashing anything or something like that. i dont have custom rom or hspl. everything is stock. what should i do?
bump ^^
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