[HELP] HTC HD2 cant boot after hard reset or hard reset failed - HD2 General

hi guys..
please help me .. i flash my HTC HD2 with a MAGDLR111 and after it doesnt continue to boot and only stock in boot image. i try to use Hard Reset (holding down the up and down botton and tapping the power button), it response very quick but it says the "restore completed and press up botton to reboot" and so i did but still, it still stock up in boot image forever.. please help me, what should i do..thanks

Possibly a radio problem. Boot pressing volume down button to get into bootloader and flash a radio WITHOUT .51. in its name....
Sent from my Nexus One using XDA App

thanks, already did... and it works.. )))

hey i have that same problem now can you help me get a radio so i can download it or can even help me through the steps to get back my phone to normal plzzz.? thank you

Any new user most definitely has a lot of questions...
Here is a thread you should carefully check - it explains some basic stuff, and it offers links to many other specific threads, incl. Radio ROM.
To return to "normal" ROM, please just check the standard flashing process. You can flash via USB or SD card, whatever ROM you like, stock or custom.

Hey man thanks for all that but i really don't want just any rom, i wanna know if anyone can get me the rom that comes with the phone for windows mobile 6.5, you know with the orange load screen etc, i really dummy in this thing and i should not of even played fast to go try flashing my HTC HD2 with a MAGDLR111.

so i've tried various roms and everyone of them was going great unitl step 2 in the upgrade process, it kept saying error filr open, check update rom utility. where do i go from here?

It is quite difficult to help if there is so little basic information available.
The error you mention can have a simple reason. Usually, the ROM image file name is simply not correct.
To flash via USB:
There are 2 options:
First, you can take an original RUU of your network operator (in case you have a branded phone) or HTC, put the phone into boot loader mode (see below), start the RUU.exe on your PC.
Second, you can extract the original RUU.exe with WinRar or a similar program, take the .nbh file and rename it to leoimg.nbh.
Once you take an image of the ROM, you have to put it into the very same folder where your ROM update software is (LeoCustomRUU, SSPL, whatever). One more time, please check the suffix, it should be .nbh, as in "leoimg.nbh".
Keep in mind: Do start the RUU software as "Admin" - whichever you choose.
Instead of the original ROM, you can flash custom ROMs, too - since your device must have HSPL installed when you used WP7 or Android before.
If you´ve got issues (because of Win 7 on your PC or such), please try to put your device into bootloader mode before connectint it to the PC (turn off the device, push vol. down and power at the same time, the multi color bootscreen should appear, only now connect it to the PC).
To flash via SD card:
Re-format your SD card FAT32. Don´t put anything else on it. Copy the ROM image file with the exact naming as above on the SD card.
To start the flash process, do the same as above, go into bootloader mode, the flash process will start - just follow the on-screen instructions.

i have this same problem only it happened without me flashing anything or something like that. i dont have custom rom or hspl. everything is stock. what should i do?

bump ^^
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[GUIDE] Step by step instruction to install/flash a custom rom.

Hello all,
There are many new users who want to install/upgrade to a custom rom but totally don't know from where they should start. So, they ask the same question again and again in irrelevant threads. Here is a very short guide which will help you to install/upgrade to a custom rom and will hopefully prevent newbie's from asking the same question.
@All New users: There is no problem in asking question and everybody is ready to help you but many ppl just don't go through the pages even tho the question has been answered several times in a single thread.
Things to be known:-
1. Flashing The term flashing means installing or upgrading. When we say Flashing a rom that simple means we are installing the rom. But sometimes you would have seen in forums ppl saying flash Hard spl or so. Here too flashing simply means installing.
2. Basic information On powering up your phone the basic information displayed on the screen are: ONBL version, SPL version, GSM or Radio version and OS version.
For flashing a custom rom we only need to know about SPL for now.
3. SPL Here is the description of SPL by krazy_about_technology,
SPL or Second Program Loader is a part of your phone's firmware. Its responsible for both loading of operating system and it is also used by operating system for some low level tasks. By Default, HTC and Other Manufacturers too, design it in such a way that it does not allows custom ROMs to be flashed in the phone. It does no by checking for the Digital Signature of HTC on roms. So it need to be patched in order to flash custom ROMs made by chefs in this forum.
4. H-SPL As you can see in the above description that SPL are designed in such a way that it doesn't allow you to flash custom roms. So we need a H-SPL ( Hard SPL). When we flash a HSPL it simply patches the current SPL or in other words it unlocks the device for flashing custom roms.
The flashing process
1. Flashing HSPL First flash HSPL, head over to this thread ( here ) for all the instructions and downloads of HSPL.
2. ROM Now after flashing HSPL choose a custom rom. Almost all the custom roms are compressed commonly with winrar or 7zip.
So, if you dont have winrar or 7zip to uncompress the package get any one of them. My suggestion is get 7zip from here.
After uncompressing the custom rom package there are two cases,
Case 1: There is a single *.nbh file, generally the rom file is named as RUU_signed.nbh ( but remember it may be of any other name too, just it will be of *.nbh format ). In this case you need some additional tools to flash this file into ur device.
How to flash the nbh file (this only guides you to flash nbh not unlocking ur device (hspl)​
Here is a short method.
1. Download this Installation package (295 kb). here
2. Extract the above downloaded package anywhere on pc (say desktop)
3. Copy the downloaded nbh to the extracted folder. (Here the extracted folder name is Installation package)
4. Double click on ROMUpdateUtility.exe
5. Follow the onscreen instructions.
Thats it!
Case 2: After uncompressing the custom rom package you will see there are additional files with the rom file. These additional files are nothing but the tools required to flash the rom into your device. So in this case you don't need any additional files and you can directly for for flashing.
Flashing the rom:
For XP
1. Download and install Microsoft Activesync 4.5 (the latest) if you don't have it in your pc. It can be downloaded from here.
2. Connect your Device with PC via USB cable. As soon as you connect you would see a pop up window on your device. Probably there will be three options, you have to select the option which is Activesync.
Now you should see in your PC Activesync connected, if it didn't sync open Activesync go to connection setting and select the port through which your device is connected. Now re plug-in your device.
3. Run the ROMUpdateUtility.exe remember the flashing tool should be in a folder where the rom file is also present. Follow the on-screen instructions. Thats it.
For vista/windows 7
1. Download and install Microsoft Device centre from here.
2. Connect your Device with PC via USB cable. As soon as you connect you would see a pop up window on your device. Probably there will be three options, you have to select the option which is Activesync.
Now you should see in your PC Device center is connected, if it didn't sync open Device center go to connection setting and select the port through which your device is connected. Now re plug-in your device.
3. Run the ROMUpdateUtility.exe remember the flashing tool should be in a folder where the rom file is also present. Follow the on-screen instructions. Thats it.
Essential thing to be known:-
1. Bootloader mode Knowing how to enter into Bootloader mode is one of the most essential thing to be known for a opal user (windows mobile users).
How to enter?
There are two way to enter into bootloader mode.
1. If you device is on, open your device's back cover. Press the soft reset button ( red button ) using stylus. As soon as you press it, immediately press the volume down button and keep holding it until you see a tri-color screen on your device's screen.
2. If your device is off, press the power button as soon as the device vibrates immediately press volume down button and keep holding it until you see a tri-color screen on your device's screen.
If you flashed a damaged rom, you would be no longer able to use your device. In that case enter into bootloader mode. And flash a different rom.
Explain the excellent and easy to understand, good work Thank you
Iam glad that you liked it. I hope now ppl will refer this thread and not rom threads. Ppl can ask all the question that they ask on other threads here.
Nice Guide
You've done a great job with this guide. Thanks. I've already referenced it on another post.
i have hard spl my device...i've instales the rom from this: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=680164
after that i;ve tried to unlock my phone...is from austria t-mobile...
when i've tried to use some programs to unlock the phone, the progress bar went to 7% and the a windows pups and said that there is a 260 error...
the i instaled again the 6.1 rom froms here: http://ptxserver.net/blog/?page_id=37
the i've tried again to unlock the phone but same error...
but when i started to put the first rom on mi device...opal v 6.5..i have the same problem...can someone explain how to unlock the phone and to have the first rom on my device(opal version 6.5 d25)...pls...
Ruch0 your question is not at all clear, if you want someone to help you then please make it little more clear.
Is your phone sim locked, if so then it is always said not to flash a custom rom.
According to ur question u say u have done hspl and installed a rom then trying to unlock the rom. Here by unlocking do you mean sim unlocking?
to make a better point i want to get rid off the 260 error...because i have found a lots of programs that will sim unlock the phone...
know i am trying to use this:
1. download hardspl v7 from the first post.
2. extract ruu_signed.nbh and rename it to HERMIMG.nbh
3. copy it to a microsd card, make sure the card is formatted as fat32
4. download sspl-herm from here
5. extract SSPL-HERM.exe and copy it to your phone.
6. insert sd card and run sspl-herm.exe on the phone.
7. you should see the tri-color screen and then it should change to this
8. press power button to start flashing
9. reset when you get the msg that its done.
but i cant start the sspl-herm.exe from my mobile...
LOL, that really made be to laugh. First of all are you sure that you have a HTC Touch Viva (opal) because from your description it is clear that you are using herms and having some probs. Well, my friend this section is ONLY for the device called HTC Touch Viva (opal). So asking here is a total wastage of time.
You should immediately head over to herms section and ask the ppl over there. Visit here.
do i need to install h-spl on my windows seven before flashing or not????
sanchitgrover said:
do i need to install h-spl on my windows seven before flashing or not????
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After you have connected your device to pc and it is showing connected in Device centre (Windows 7), follow the below step
1. Flashing HSPL First flash HSPL, head over to this thread ( here ) for all the instructions and downloads of HSPL.
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yes yes yes work fine and was very easy to do all the job 10q
Hi, friends
maybe not to post it, but,
so want to flash my device, but don't, when I start de hspl flash not appear de bar, (0%), then show [202] connection error, maybe the hspl? or my device not supported? original spl 1.52.000 / F256?
thank you, if some one can help me
caioofaria said:
hey, jagan2, ok,
but, I'm working tomorrow, and the firewall, will not able to receive a remote access, but to explain, i connected my device, then I tried to run opa_hspl_v2, then it go so the bar of progresse, but in few seconds appears the error [202] connection error, I've tried in windows vista, xp, seven, all with net.framework working, maybe the my spl version? my is 1.52.0000 and ONbl 1.52.0000, gsm 1.52.0000,
I'm waiting to use your Evo 2.5A, really amazing with the features and look
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The main thing you have to check is whether your phone is synced with ur PC via activesync/windows mobile device centre. If you are sure that it is synced then also not working then there might be some other problem.
About remote access don't worry there is a software called Team viewer it will bypass all firewalls.
Yeah, Jagan sorry, I know the team viewer, tomorrow we can use this,
thank you for ur help.
Can u help me today?
Need Help
Hi Jagan
I have HTC Touch Viva purchased recently in India.
Software : Win Mobile 6.1 Professional Build : 19971.1.2.6
ROM Version : 1.35.720.2 WWE
Radio Version : 03.37.90
Protocol Version :
I tried to update its OS to Win Mobile 6.5 first time.
I followed your instruction in Post 1. But I am unable to do that.
First I tried HSPL 2, but it didn't work. I got 202 error.
I downloaded the ROM from the following Link.
ROM update also failed.
While updating, it showed the message like
Current ROM Version 1.35.xx...
New ROM Version : 1.27.xx...
To update the OS to 6.5, I need to do any thing else? Where I am going wrong? Plz help.
ivk: caioofaria has too similar problems that is error 202, its like in some pc its not coming and in some its coming. I will check that out again today in caioofaria's pc.
I will post result of my testing today, if anyone has a suggestion post it here.
For now iam assuming that ivk and caioofaria is not able to flash hspl because of there new default os. I will try to get a solution for this,
But if anyone has suggestion be sure to post it here.
Need Help - Update
Hi Jagan,
Little bit improvement in my problem.
The HSPL completed. Now the spl version :
Again when I try to update the ROM, getting Update Error 270.
Tried on different laptops(win 7). But getting the same problem.
No the spl version should be something like this 2.00 cmonex
That means you have done hspl yet. Actually i think i got the prob of the error, when you u try to do hspl and ur screen goes tri color then your pc will or i should say must install a driver it will be something like "Pocket pc syn" if its not doing then hspl will not get flashed. Just one again try to do hspl in windows 7 then when you are in tri color screen see in ur notification area below that some driver is getting installed.

[Q] Help!

Hey guys,
Sorry to be a burden but I'm having a few issues with my hd2, and being a noob I didn't really know where to turn except this forum.
Basically my dad bought the hd2 from the UAE early this year and it all worked fine on stock settings for about 6 months. In the last few months, however, the phone started to lock up, and it got to the point where it wouldn't even boot properly.
In an effort to fix the problem I went with a hard factory restore, however, this seems to have caused more problems as now the phone is stuck in the bootloader.
I've been searching for hours, and have come to the conclusion that I need to update the flash? and then possibly install a new rom on the phone?
My major issue in doing this though, is that I can't seem to connect to activesync while the phone is in the bootloader.
Please help me sort this out.
First of all lets make sure that your trying perform the hard reset correctly.......
You need to hold down both volume buttons whilst the phone is turned off..... Then tap the power button and keep the buttons held down.......
Release them when you see the confirmation screen.........
Powering on while holding only the vol down button will take you to bootloader....
If you need to reflash the device then have a read of this thread here....
If its a "Tmous" HD2 (green and red call/hangup buttons) then you need to read this one
When connecting to the pc in bootloader you should see the word "serial" at the bottom of the screen change to "USB".......
Might be worth checking the text on you bootloader screen for any irregular looking characters, there have a few cases of people with corrupt bootloaders, usually these will display odd looking characters at the top. This is quite rare though.
If you want to flash another stock rom then you wont need to worry about HSPL just download the appropriate ROM and follow the instructions on screen.
Start off at the HTC site and input your serial number to see which ROM is suitable for your device.....
If none of that helps then hold out for some advice here from someone with better knowledge of these things.....
Ok well I've just tried to do the hard reset in the way you've described and had no response from the phone. I had to remove the battery from the back to actually power down the thing as nothing else seemed to work. I can't actually seem to start it up again now =S
Thanks for all the info, I'll keep trying to get it started. I'm downloading the stock rom from the htc site. Hopefully I will find a way to install that.
Also, when the bootloader was up, there weren't any odd characters that I could see. It all seemed pretty standard. It had the current rom driver which was 1.42 or something and a few other lines of info.
Thanks for the post.
edit: perhaps the battery is dead?
No problem.
Is it charging when plugged in and turned off?
If so let it charge while turned off for a while and then try to boot........
If you cant get to bootloader and establish a USB connection then you could try flashing the ROM from the SD card.
rename the rom to "LEOIMG.nbh" place it on the root of a freshly formatted (fat32) sd card and turn on the phone holding vol down..
conantroutman said:
No problem.
Is it charging when plugged in and turned off?
If so let it charge while turned off for a while and then try to boot........
If you cant get to bootloader and establish a USB connection then you could try flashing the ROM from the SD card.
rename the rom to "LEOIMG.nbh" place it on the root of a freshly formatted (fat32) sd card and turn on the phone holding vol down..
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To be honest I have no idea if it is charging whilst turned off =S All I get is the bootloader when it decided to turn on and that gives no indication of power level so I really have no idea. It makes updating a rom pretty scary haha.
So I just attempted to install the default rom from teh htc site, but failed due to the lack of activesync. It was strange though because the updater managed to change the screen on the phone and get to 1%. It then crashed and I had to go through this recovery process.
I will have to try this SD card process I guess. Could you perhaps link me to a more in depth guide to how to do this?
Thanks a lot for your help I really appreciate it.
you should get a red light up near the earpiece to indicate that its charging........
try this video for flashing from sd card......
I am not getting a red light flashing? But it doesn't seem to be running out of charge. I'm still having lots of trouble
It would seem that I need to install this hspl before I do anything, however, I can't install that if I can only access the bootloader screen. Does this mean my phone is bricked?
I want to be able to set up a rom straight from SD, however, I have no idea where to start. That video just seems to send me in a big loop.
Perhaps you could link me to a simple rom that I can attempt to load via sd card?
I seem to have somehow fluked an install of HSPL 8G XE.
I have no idea how this happened or whether it is good or bad.. but at least something has happened.
installing hspl is covered here
as long as the word "serial" is changing to "USB" on the bootloader screen when you connect to the computer you should be ok.......
You dont need HSPL to flash via sd card but I think that video was directed more towards people installing cooked ROMS from XDA.
Installing a stock rom will automatically overwrite HSPL so unless your planning to flash a custom ROM then installing HSPL is pointless........
You might be better off installing a cooked rom. (Artemis, Dutty's)
They tend to run better than stock, if you get one running then it will be easier to get back to a stock rom (if you want to) than the situation your in now.....
This is from the flashing guide;
Flashing Via MicroSD Card
NOTE (PLEASE READ): If you flash a Stock Rom via microSD Card then it will overwrite your HardSPL with a stock SPL included in the nbh file. This does not apply to custom roms as they do not include an SPL. BE CAREFUL!!
1. Make sure your microSD is Formatted to fat32 (you dont have to delete all files but it is safer if you do)
2. Download your prefered Rom from the LEO Rom Develpoment Page and unzip/unrar it to your PC
3. Goto the Roms Folder and rename the .nbh file to LEOIMG.nbh
4. Copy the LEOIMG.nbh file to the root of your MicroSD Card
5. Plug the MicroSD Card into the phone
6. Reset the device while pressing the volume down button to enter the BootLoader screen, you will first see a tri-color screen with the phone and SPL Information at the top
7. Follow the On Screen instructions to start the update
8. After flash has completed, press the reset button with the stylus to reset the device.
Reckon you could link me to one of those roms? I think we're getting pretty close now.
Your help has been great I can't thank you enough.
Your welcome
You can find Dutty's ROM here
or the Artemis ROM here
Have a quick read and see which one you think you'll prefer, to be honest I think they're both pretty similar to stock but with a lot of the crap taken out....
Just follow the steps in the first link I posted and you should be good to go.
Ok new problems.. Can you believe it.
I seem to have tried everything.
Basically I can install of a sd card, but when it gets to the end of the install and I restart instead of booting into a OS it boots to the tri colour screen, and starts the install process again.
Also, I have attempted to install via usb and have had varying success.
As I have already said, I am able to install hspl, however, when I try to flash I get to varying percentages below 30% before the whole thing freezes.
I now have an error that says Upgrade Rom code error Please Try Again.
Sorry i dont mean to hijack ! but will any of you be kind enough to help me here..
thanks !
Ok so I followed the steps and still to no avail.
I am able to boot using the sd card method, however, the same problem occurs with each rom version. Basically as soon as I reset the device it pretty much switches itself off, then I can't turn it back on, once I finally do turn it on, it restarts the process like it never happened.
The other issue is again the active sync problem.
With most of the the usb connections I am able to connect and get a little way through the install (most I've got is 15%) then it just freezes up and I get the 262 error
Your best bet is to try flashing with a freshly formatted (FAT32) 4gb, class 2 card.
I know, sounds pretty specific right?
You wouldn't think it would matter?
I have tried flashing with 16 gb class 2, failed at the radio step
Tried with a 8 gb class 6, failed at the radio
4 gb, class 2, flashed successfully.
Seems our HD2's are picky about what cards they'll take a ROM from for some reason.
Alright I'll try that, my next issue is which is the stock rom for the phone =S
It was bought in the UAE and I'm currently in Australia.
edit: Also I read somewhere that the constant bootloader screen can be caused by a bent battery pin?
Edit2: I have attempted to do that, however, now the bootloader will accept the card, then just sit on loading...
I'm pretty sure this thing is bricked.
tombm said:
Alright I'll try that, my next issue is which is the stock rom for the phone =S
It was bought in the UAE and I'm currently in Australia.
edit: Also I read somewhere that the constant bootloader screen can be caused by a bent battery pin?
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I've heard of bent battery pins being a pretty common problem, causing usually just the phone not to charge properly. I've personally never heard of it causing constant bootloader, but it's definitely worth checking.
It's weird that it's such a common problem, my usb/charging port is broken, so I have to use an external charger. I change my battery on average twice every 24 hrs, and I've never bent a pin
Ok, new info, apparently because the device is for the middle east it does not support stock 3.14 roms. What does this mean for me? Am I bricked.
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That's the post I found the info in. All of that info matches up to mine except my original image was 3.142 I think =S
Firstly, your phone is not bricked - a bricked phone is responsive as a brick.
Can we start from the begining?
What does the Bootloader Moder screen say (with and without the USB cable connected)?
What ROM (and if custom ROM, what RADIO) have you flashed and are trying to flash?
fred_up said:
Firstly, your phone is not bricked - a bricked phone is responsive as a brick.
Can we start from the begining?
What does the Bootloader Moder screen say (with and without the USB cable connected)?
What ROM (and if custom ROM, what RADIO) have you flashed and are trying to flash?
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Alright from the beginning.
Basically about a month into using the phone in Australia it became very unresponsive to the point where it would not boot at all. We left the phone for a couple of months, however, after seeing a friend rom android I decided maybe it was time to attempt to fix this phone.
Some more info:
When I attempt to do any sort of ROM update there is nothing in the 'current image' part so for example it will say update to Dutty 3.6 but it's updating from nothing, does this mean there's no firmware there?
In the bootloader I have:
PB81100 HX-BC
SPL-2.08.0000 8G XE
Without USB cable in I get Serial in the white part down the bottom, with the USB cable in + plugged into computer I get USB.
Just to further clarify. In regards to the ROM I have installed. I simply don't have anything installed. There is a bootloader, no image, no bootup. It boots up to the tri colour, that's it.
For a moment we will forget about going to 3.14 ROM: I don't know if that phone is entitled to an official upgrade to 3.14, if it is locked to a particular network, if it is branded, etc. If it is not entitled to a 3.14 ROM upgrade then you will have to go through GoldCarding, so we will leave it for now.
Make sure that the battery has had a good couple of hours charge in the charger or double that if connected to the computer.
Remove SIM Card and SD Card.
Switch on to Bootloader Mode, then connect to USB.
Download and run HSPL2 - ignore the instruction about connecting to ActiveSync etc, just proceed.
Download and install the HTC 1.66 WWE ROM - again, ignore the instructions, just proceed.
The reason for HSPL is because your phone may be operator locked (not SIM locked) and you aren't entitled to run the 1.66 WWE ROM.

[Q] Flashing rom for htc touch HD

hey guys..hope to be in a good health
this is my first theard ever here.. and honstly i found xda more useful,more likly to me rather than any websits else..so i'd like to thank guys here "u rocks guys "
now i'd like to ask about flashing anew rom for my HTC touch HD t8282
running win-mo 6.1 with arabic supported language..touch flow 3d..etc
but now i'm bored with original rom and i was looking for some roms around here and i found what i excatly wanted
but..(i'm sorry for that question :$) i dun know how to flash a new rom to my blackstone..i used search fuction and dummies guide also but..rofl i didn't get what they were takin about
so i was asking if someone could provide me with smplified way to install a new rom using HSPL
Thanks in advance and sorry for z long topic ​
basically, flashing a winmo phone is an easy process:
1. bootloader mode (power on with VOL- button pressed)
2. flashing
3. hard reset
however, there are a few preparations if your device was never flashed before, you need to install hspl on your phone and make sure you have the correct driver installed on your pc. the driver for the device in bootloader mode might vary from the driver used to sync the device, when switched on.
1. the driver:
if you have windows xp, connect the phone in bootloader mode and look, whether it changes from serial to usb on the bootloader screen, you should be fine by then.
on windows vista/7 you connect the device in bootloader mode, and might actually take some time for it to download another driver from windows update. if it changes from serial to usb, first try to connect using mtty, before attempting to flash, because the connection might not yet be stable and you might want to have a look at the thread (ref updating the usb drivers).
2. hspl
to quote the dummies' guide thread:
(HSPL2a) Place your phone into its bootloader.
(HSPL2b) Run HSPLWrapper_Blackstone_156OliNex.exe from the download in step (HSPL1a) and follow it as normal.
(HSPL2c) If successful, go to step HSPL3. If the flashing process sits at 0% and you get Error [260] connection after some time, go to step (Troubleshooting).
pretty easy, in other words, just connect the device in bootloader mode and run the package on the pc, it will unlock the spl and flash hspl.
if all went well, you are ready to flash, download any rom you like from the rom development section, and flash it using the .exe file that comes with them, might be updater.exe, blackstone RUU.exe or something else. if your rom download only consists of an .nbh file, like ruu_signed.nbh or BLACIMG.nbh, download advanced RUU and use it to flash.
alternatively, if this is to complicated for you as a beginner, you can rename the rom file to BLACIMG.nbh (if it is not already named like that) and put it in the root of the sd card, by then entering bootloader mode, it should find the rom and give you detailed instructions on how to install it.
last step, hard reset, as described in the original manual, switch on, while pressing VOL- and VOL+ and follow the instructions onscreen.
Chef_Tony said:
basically, flashing a winmo phone is an easy process:
1. bootloader mode (power on with VOL- button pressed)
2. flashing
3. hard reset
however, there are a few preparations if your device was never flashed before, you need to install hspl on your phone and make sure you have the correct driver installed on your pc. the driver for the device in bootloader mode might vary from the driver used to sync the device, when switched on.
1. the driver:
if you have windows xp, connect the phone in bootloader mode and look, whether it changes from serial to usb on the bootloader screen, you should be fine by then.
on windows vista/7 you connect the device in bootloader mode, and might actually take some time for it to download another driver from windows update. if it changes from serial to usb, first try to connect using mtty, before attempting to flash, because the connection might not yet be stable and you might want to have a look at the thread (ref updating the usb drivers).
2. hspl
to quote the dummies' guide thread:
(HSPL2a) Place your phone into its bootloader.
(HSPL2b) Run HSPLWrapper_Blackstone_156OliNex.exe from the download in step (HSPL1a) and follow it as normal.
(HSPL2c) If successful, go to step HSPL3. If the flashing process sits at 0% and you get Error [260] connection after some time, go to step (Troubleshooting).
pretty easy, in other words, just connect the device in bootloader mode and run the package on the pc, it will unlock the spl and flash hspl.
if all went well, you are ready to flash, download any rom you like from the rom development section, and flash it using the .exe file that comes with them, might be updater.exe, blackstone RUU.exe or something else. if your rom download only consists of an .nbh file, like ruu_signed.nbh or BLACIMG.nbh, download advanced RUU and use it to flash.
alternatively, if this is to complicated for you as a beginner, you can rename the rom file to BLACIMG.nbh (if it is not already named like that) and put it in the root of the sd card, by then entering bootloader mode, it should find the rom and give you detailed instructions on how to install it.
last step, hard reset, as described in the original manual, switch on, while pressing VOL- and VOL+ and follow the instructions onscreen.
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thnx 4 help really usefull and easy,i apperciate it
thnx again
@ blackspyker
did you successfully flash the hspl and a new rom?
(just seeing if this thread is solved or not)
just like me dear, please help us. but mine is English version
just like me dear, please help us. but mine is English version
blackspyker said:
hey guys..hope to be in a good health
this is my first theard ever here.. and honstly i found xda more useful,more likly to me rather than any websits else..so i'd like to thank guys here "u rocks guys "
now i'd like to ask about flashing anew rom for my HTC touch HD t8282
running win-mo 6.1 with arabic supported language..touch flow 3d..etc
but now i'm bored with original rom and i was looking for some roms around here and i found what i excatly wanted
but..(i'm sorry for that question :$) i dun know how to flash a new rom to my blackstone..i used search fuction and dummies guide also but..rofl i didn't get what they were takin about
so i was asking if someone could provide me with smplified way to install a new rom using HSPL
Thanks in advance and sorry for z long topic ​
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download this, extract all the files, take micro SD out of device, connect device to active sync and then run HardSPLWrapper_Blackstone.exe on your pc, it will now start to flash a new SPL, when complete confirm you got it installed, go into bootloader mode (tricolour screen! {hold volume down and press the reset button under the back cover}) now verify the screen shows 1.56.OliNex, which is the new Hard-SPL version.
when complete you will be able to flash any rom to your touch hd/blackstone
note: if you do not flash a new rom you will have graphical issues with the current rom, however this gets fixed as soon as you flash a new rom
if you have any trouble, click me and go to the first post
good luck

[Q] Reverting back to windows 6.5

I currently have w7 on my htc hd2 and im trying to revert back to win 6.5.
ive downloaded this stock rom RUU_Leo_TMO_UK_1.43.110.2_Radio_Signed_15.26.50.07U_.
Phone booted into USB Flasher (Hold Power down, Option 5, End call Button.
But it sits at Wait Usb....USB and doesnt move.
What am i doing wrong??
Please help?
You need to enter bootloader. Shutdown phone and power on while holding volume down. It will be the tri color screen. Attach USB then run 6.5 rom update
Sent from my HD2 using XDA Windows Phone 7 App
Another option would be to flash the ROM via SD card method.
This way, everything will be set back to factory status.
tictac0566 said:
Another option would be to flash the ROM via SD card method.
This way, everything will be set back to factory status.
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indeed, you should always use SD method when going back to stock, it will correct most issues and will bring your phone back to how it was when you got it, remember to install HSPL again if you intend to tinker with it some more, SD flash will remove Magldr and HSPL and will also change the radio, spl and ROM
search the forums for how to SD flash, theres plenty of them, infact most of them would have came up in the "suggestions of previously started threads" box when you make this thread!
flashing via bootloader is more reliable, sometimes flashing via sd image is not recognised.
timmymarsh said:
flashing via bootloader is more reliable, sometimes flashing via sd image is not recognised.
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More reliable but less effective
dazza9075 said:
More reliable but less effective
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lol, says you
ive had issues previously releasing the keys at a certain time to get the "image" to be recognised, but it does work.
Call me old fashioned, but ive been flashing via bootloarder for many years, sometimes old habits are hard to beat lol
Anyway, both work, take your choice
Hi to all,
I am a noob , i tried to install Android on my HTC HD2 TMO(US) , but after all the Installation i was getting an Error 1E Fatal Error , i am trying to atleast revert back to Windows 6.5, so i downloaded the Official ROM Upgrade from the WebSite the name is T-Mobile_HD2_MR_Software_2.13.531.1.exe and it installed properly without any errors, but all i can see is White Screen Now, does this Installation include OS also or should i install windows 6.5 seperately, please help me
thank you

[Q] HTC HD2 bricked, no tri color bootscreen

Hey guys.
I have a bricked HTC HD2 here. I installed Android 2.2 on it, and it ran fine for a long time. But a few days ago, it got stuck in a bootloop. It gets stuck on the Android logo and doesn't get past that point at all.
What I've tried (in chronological order):
1. AD Hardreset from aMAGLDR: erased all data, but didn't fix the problem. Kept going in bootloop.
2. AD Recovery: Failed. Doesn't get past the "GO GO GO!!"
3. Repair aMAGLDR using HD2 NAND toolkit: tried repairing (150MB partition size) and installing Clockwork Mod (150MB). Same exact results when trying to get into AD recover. Only diffrence is that I now don't have a ROM on my NAND anymore.
4. Install a diffrent rom: Tried a few of them, but they all keep getting stuck on their bootlogo (HTC, Android, ...).
5. Restore STOCK ROM WM6.5: I'd love to, but I can't get into the three-colors-bootscreen. It goes straight to aMAGLDR, even when I boot holding the right buttons (volume down + power [both short click and long hold]). I had set up the ROM files correctly on the SD card.
6. Install the STOCK ROM using the HD2 NAND TOOL: after going to USB Flash mode and installing the default microsoft drivers (it didn't want to accept the Google Android drivers or HTC drivers I downloaded earlier), the flash utility keeps getting stuck on ERROR 264: CONNECTION. The only thing I can do in the HD2 NAND UTILITY is repair aMAGLDR. Other options result in the same error. Task29 can't find the phone either.
Bottom line, I cannot (ABSOLUTELY not) get into the tri color boot screen. It sends me straight to magldr. Also, my volume buttons are working just fine.
I really don't know what to do anymore. I hope someone can help me, any help would be greatly appreciated
Did you try this?
Download an original win 6.5 ROM for your HTC device from HTC webside.
- Take "RUU_signed.nbh" from an original ROM and copy it to your SD card.
- Rename to "leoimg.nbh"
- Reset your device while pressing the volume down button
powerofthink said:
Did you try this?
Download an original win 6.5 ROM for your HTC device from HTC webside.
- Take "RUU_signed.nbh" from an original ROM and copy it to your SD card.
- Rename to "leoimg.nbh"
- Reset your device while pressing the volume down button
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Did you even read the OP's post, clearly I think not. The OP says several times that they can not get the device to the multicolor WINCE bootloader.Without being ably to boot into the bootloader they can notflash via SD card.
At the OP you can stop trying to flash via USB flasher in MAGLDR, it is only for flashing Android RIMs, WP7 ROMs, and Custom Android recoveries. If you are positive your volume down button works then you probably have some bad NAND blocks, but that is just a guess, with out access to the bootloader you are pretty much only left with flashing Android or WP7 via USB flasher in MAGLDR.
That's problematic... The HD2 NAND utility can't flash any ROMs, since the utility can't find the device (error 264).
I've tried 8 diffrent ROMS (from http://android.hd2roms.com/) by putting them on the SD card and use the "AD SD boot" function, but none of them can get past their bootlogo... All ROMs keep hanging on HTC / Android logos. Some of them used to work in the past, I recall...
Here, try these fixes and read the WHOLE POST :
Thanks for the link. Unfortunately, none of the solutions worked. The battery pins were indeed bent, but after putting them back in place, the problem persisted.
I left my phone powered down all night and tried booting it in bootloader this morning. It didn't work. So that rules out solution 3 awell.
I've even put it in the freezer for half an hour (solution 5), but nothing changed.. Browsed through the last thread aswell, but there was no stuff I haven't tried yet. I can't even start tetris, since it keeps hanging on a blank screen aswell
The guy in solution #4 was facing the same issue (I think).
Especially the second part of the solution, where he talks to the OP. Read it carefully, and check out the post and thread he referred to.
Holy freakin..
After reading various threads through links in the one you suggested, I stumpled upon something called American Android. I was able to install it through the USB Flasher. Guess what, it booted PERFECTLY!!
My phone works again, thank you VERY much!!
Lorre851 said:
Holy freakin..
After reading various threads through links in the one you suggested, I stumpled upon something called American Android. I was able to install it through the USB Flasher. Guess what, it booted PERFECTLY!!
My phone works again, thank you VERY much!!
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horayyy for the HD2 & for the guys that gave the solutions!
need information in case of not getting into the bootloader
how can I use the american android + USB flasher method to work for my hd2 if
I am not able to boot it,
can't soft/hard reset it,
can't get into the bootloader (using volume down + end key pressed).
I used android installed on SD card.
It is totally unresponsive for now. volumn keys worked perfectly when it is was working lastly !
Please tell what can bo done to it to get it working or where does the problem lies.
check your battery pins and also battery if it is charged.
Download an original win 6.5 ROM for your HTC device from HTC webside.
- Take "RUU_signed.nbh" from an original ROM and copy it to your SD card(formatted FAT32.)
- Rename to "leoimg.nbh"
- Reset your device while pressing the volume or without press
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and then you can try an android rom again..
Another solution?
I had the exact same problem. And I am under the impression that there is no solution for every case. But for me it worked to press the volume down button very softly. I tended to push the button as hard as I could, however when I only pressed the volume down button slightly it went straight to the triboot color.
Hopefully this works for some of you.
Can someone help?
Hi,I want to refresh post, becouse i have exact same problem - can't get to serial bootloader, and in MAGLDR i can use only the USB FLASHER option. If someone could tell me how to flash any new rom only through FLASHER ? Last thing i can say: my problem started from installing this app from google Play play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=eu.chainfire.livelogcat.lite (sry for that, but I can't post URL yet) it might messed up my kernel and i have no idea what to do.

