XDA broken,,,no more bootloader ???? :(( - MDA, XDA, 1010 Software Upgrading

can someone help me please,,,i have a xda,,,i have flashed with the wrong CE i put on a 4.000.1???but it was a USA T mobile flash,,,,now my phone is a PW10B1 not a PW10A1 as it were,,,,anyways,,,i no longer get the wallaby bootloader,,,i just have a blank screen,,,,,is there any help you can give me,,,,,it charges up ,,,but doesnt turn on,,,,

Can you still use the OS, or is the whole machine dead? 4.000.1 is not valid version. Do you mean 4.00.11 ? The fact that it now reports being a PW10B is quite harmless and doesn't hurt you.
If you can still use the OS, there is a tool to re-insert a bootloader. In that case simply download and install the XDAtools from http://xda-developers.com/XDAtools and select 'XDAtools' and then 'Fix broken bootloader' from your start menu.

cheers bro....
the phone doesnt turn on no more,,,sorry i was no fast at writing the post,,,the version is the one you said,,,,
anyways i used to get the bootloader,,,but now i dont get the bootloader,,,i remeber the battery power failing whilst SD flashing,,,
no longer does it turn on,,,before this happened i got the bootloader,,,just no CE
thanks again,,,,,
ps,,,,is there any hope or is it behond fixing,,,,
pss,,,,i think the CE rom has been totaly wiped,,,also the bootload can this be wiped???


XDA manipulator

where do i get the XDA manipulator
Thank you very much LumpiStefan for your timely response and for the link to get the XDA manipulator, i have been looking for it for so long. THANKS DEVELOPERS
I too appreciate the link, I have been searching for this for ages. Cheers.
.......Ib a n e
I really appreciate the link thanks
wallaby usb flashing
hi there ,,can anyone tell why when i enter usb flash mode i cant flash via it wheni try to run a upgrade program it says plug in yor pda and on the pda screen all i get is usb flash mode,,connect usb cable now... but it is lso in my device manager i see my pda as a windows ce devices so what the hell is going on ?
pls dont tell me only way is via sd card surely it can be done via usb lead if so please can some post a step by step on how to flash via usb as i did so already from pc2002 to win2003 using the rom from xda developers and now i get a logo Ozup and underneath says ,,this os image is meant for microsoft employees or technicians bla bla bla
but i can enter boot loader fine access all the menus in bootloder my bootloder version is v5.15
pleaaaase someone help me
There are two possibilities to flash a device:
1. In Bootloader via SD Card
2. Normal booted device via Active Sync
But i do not know what you mean with USB Flash Mode
thanks for replying back now i have new problem
i have a big problem and i think your the only person who can help me my problems occured when i went to flash my wallaby device with this rom ftp://xda:[email protected]_ENG.exe/
i wish i never bothered the device was perfectly running fine until i flashed it with this via usb it all was a succes when i done a hard reset i got a screen with a oz up logo and underneath it says "microsoft internal use only" this operating system image is meant for use only by microsoft employees and contractors ,,and the crazy thing is i cannot enter my bootloader which was v5.15 so i can flash it via sd card its vanished no bootloader only that screen and on the bottom right corner it says ,,g32s54,v4.08,3.04 when i plug it in usb all i get is a unknown device and i cannot flash it so please if there is a way even if its pretty technical i would be honoured if you can help me out i would be very grateful if u cn show me a way of getting the bootloader back many thanks
still no bootloader on my wallaby device
hi i,m really upset if i can only get acces to the bootloader i can atleast flash it via sd card so please if theres a way of getting back the bootloader or somehow flashing it back please any help would be appreciated
radio stack
had same sort of problem this is how i fixed it go here
don't use the 4.16 use the rs 4.21 when i did the upgrade i was then able to connect to active sync then changed the rom try the special rom 1.2
hope this helps
mate the problem i have is that i cant acces the bootloader for me to do anything its gone and this happened after using that dodgy rom
all i want to no is there a way of putting back the bootloader on to the device as its not there its been somehow erased after the flash i done
mate if you try what i said to try this should help you to connect your phone back to your pc then you can change the rom from there you shold get bootloader back when you put a new rom on

Cincular 8525 stuck in Bootloader

I have a Cingular 8525 running WM5 that is stuck in bootloader screen. I have tried to soft and hard reset ... just boots back to the same screen, I can't turn it off once in the screen and when i sync via usb to the pc i get the message that the "usb device that is connected is malfunctioning" I have not done any upgrading at all and the phone worked perfectly right up till the time i powered it down and restarted into the bootloader screen.
Please can someone out there help me with this issue?
Zulu137 said:
I have a Cingular 8525 running WM5 that is stuck in bootloader screen. I have tried to soft and hard reset ... just boots back to the same screen, I can't turn it off once in the screen and when i sync via usb to the pc i get the message that the "usb device that is connected is malfunctioning" I have not done any upgrading at all and the phone worked perfectly right up till the time i powered it down and restarted into the bootloader screen.
Please can someone out there help me with this issue?
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same problems, run perfect before with schaps wm6 rom then flash to faria wm6.1... not feel good with faria. try to flash with other rom then the problem start ..
how to recover ....... please help
Asfarizal said:
same problems, run perfect before with schaps wm6 rom then flash to faria wm6.1... not feel good with faria. try to flash with other rom then the problem start ..
how to recover ....... please help
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Manage to solve the problem ...thanks WIKI !!
Go to Bootloader mode: Hold side OK and POWER buttons together and reset with stylus
Then Flash to any ROM you want !!
Thanks .... But
Thanks for the reply ... but i have no idea how to do what you tell me, I am new to all this phone "stuff" as a matter of fact this is the first time that i am ever using one of these forums. I have read till i am cross eyed but dont actually understand what you are talking about ... now don't let that scare you away as i am willing to learn and i am not braindead ... you all had to start sometime in this, not so. I get that i need to try and reflash my rom...
so is there some type of rom update software that i need? ... what is a hard SPL?? ... and who is Schaps?? .. sorry guys to do this to you but i would like to get into this game and i need some ( well maybe a lot ) of pointers.
Thanks for your time.
1. Search for "mr vanxs guide" so you have an idea on what you're doing.
2. OK, as Asfarizal said "Go to Bootloader mode: Hold side OK and POWER buttons together and reset with stylus". If you cant work out what the buttons are, go to the manual. it will tell you.
3. type in "hard SPL" in search on the forum & download the .zip or .rar file. this should have 2 files inside when opened,
a). RUUWrapper.exe and
b). RUU_signed.nbh
sync Hermes and double click .exe file. follow prompts.
4. find a rom that you want (would suggest TNT SE as a fairly good rom for noobs... good and stable, no problems...) Again download, then (and this is personel preference) format an sd card fat 32 and copy RUU_signed.nbh into root directory. Rename it Hermimg.nbh. Put into Phone and put into bootloader(make sure the battery is more than 50%) follow prompts. This should get you out of trouble. You can also sync your Phone and double click on the RUUWrapper.exe HOWEVER, if you should reset your computer, pull out the usb cable or have anything else happen to the computer that interrupts the flashm, you could end up with a worse brick than you have now. try to read up on flashing (search for "mr vanxs guide") and this should help you a lot if you have other questions. Good luck and happy flashing......
Thank You
I will follow the instructions you gave and try to get it going this weekend.
Thank you so much for your time
Zulu137 said:
Thanks for the reply ... but i have no idea how to do what you tell me, I am new to all this phone "stuff" as a matter of fact this is the first time that i am ever using one of these forums. I have read till i am cross eyed but dont actually understand what you are talking about ... now don't let that scare you away as i am willing to learn and i am not braindead ... you all had to start sometime in this, not so. I get that i need to try and reflash my rom...
so is there some type of rom update software that i need? ... what is a hard SPL?? ... and who is Schaps?? .. sorry guys to do this to you but i would like to get into this game and i need some ( well maybe a lot ) of pointers.
Thanks for your time.
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Looks like you've got a lot of reading to do, and a problem to sort out. Firstly a couple of answers...
Schaps is a Rom Cooking guru (makes custom versions of WM5, WM6 etc). When you get your phone sorted out I'd recommend trying one of his roms.
Hard SPL. The SPL is part of the bootloader which effectively dictates how a rom is flashed and what roms can be flashed. HardSPL is a custom version of this which allows you to flash any rom from any carrier. It also protects against a bad flash in many cases. It is recommended before you try flashing any new roms or radio roms. Use Hard-SPL-V7 at the bottom of the first post here.
The Rom upgrading software is contained in any of the cooked or carrier supplied roms. It is normally a .zip file which cotains 2 files: xxxxxRUU.exe and RUU_signed.nbh. You run the .exe file from your PC when connected to your phone via USB. More details of how to do this are in MrVanx's guides. Also other resources here.
Now to try to sort your phone out...
What is displayed on your screen when in bootloader mode? It should be something like this:
SPL-2.10.Olipro (This is HardSPL V7)
If you don't have an Olipro SPL then you need to get HardSPL onto your phone. If you haven't done any upgrading and have had the phone from new then I guess you don't have hardSPL.
Now you need to fix your USB Malfunctioning problem. I can't help too much here except to suggest trying a different cable, different USB port or different PC. Also, if you are running Vista try an XP maxhine. When you connect to the PC does your phone show Serial or USB on the screen? If you can't get a USB connection, all is not lost - you can re-flash your rom using an SD card, method here.
There is a thread about un-bricking phones which may help.
There are various diagnostic tools (which can also screw your phone if used incorrectly). The favourite of these is MTTY but you need a USB connection to use this.
If your phone is in warranty I'd recommend getting your supplier to sort it out, but if not I'd try to re-flash an ORIGINAL supplier rom (Cingular I guess). You can get links to the official supplier roms here.
I think (might be wrong) that sometimes when stuck in bootloader you need to flash an official rom, not a cooked one to recover your phone - then you can run HardSPL and then flash cooked roms again.
Cingular 8525 stuck in bootloader
Thanks for the reply ... lots of great input.
Now to answer some of your questions.
1) When I power up the phone (only pushing the power button ) it goes straight into the bootloader screen without pushing any other buttons, and it displays
Then at the bottom in the white bar it says "Serial"
The only way that i have found to power it down again is to remove the battery, there is no response from any single buttons after it is in bootloader
the soft reset and hard reset work but it just goes right back to the bootloader screen after.
2) The USB malfunction. This only started after the phone "crashed" and before that it worked great ... well i only used it to sync up to my work pc for the contacts and to get pictures onto my hard drive.
all the PC's that i use are running XP. I have tried my home PC and my Laptop
and the work PC and all of them have their own cables and they all say the same thing ... "the USB device is malfunctioning"
I am sure that when i get the phone going again the USB will start to function again.
3) Phone warranty ... I bought the phone off e-bay from a store in new york about 10 months ago as a "new unlocked cingular 8525" it was new and unlocked, but i have no idea how they unlocked it. I would assume that there would be no warranty now and in any case i live in Canada and would have to ship it down to the states to an AT&T repair center and that sounds like a nightmare to me with the customs and so on.
I will give you a little more background on the problem. the phone worked like a charm without any problems at all for the 10 months that i had it, then the morning of the crash the phones alarm did not go off in the morning and i was almost late for work ... i did not pay it any further attention untill at 3:26pm
that afternoon the alarm went off ??????? (it was set for 6:05am) so i checked the main clock time, it was right. I then checked the alarm time, it was right ??? So i figured that something must have just got confused, so i powered down the phone with the power button to just restart it and while it was powered down i removed the battery to take the oportunity to to clean all those fuzzies and dust that collect in the battery compartment out and put it all together and powered it up again (just by pushing the power button) and this wierd red, green, blue and white screen appeared and that is all that i have seen since ???
I hope that answers your questions and i will start going through the links that you sent and get to reading ... will there be a pop quiz ... lol
Thanks again for your time and i very much appreciate all the time that all of you have spent on me and my phone ..... I know that you all just feel bad for me because i now have to use a Motorolla V551 ... lol
Great Work
ultramag69 said:
1. Search for "mr vanxs guide" so you have an idea on what you're doing.
2. OK, as Asfarizal said "Go to Bootloader mode: Hold side OK and POWER buttons together and reset with stylus". If you cant work out what the buttons are, go to the manual. it will tell you.
3. type in "hard SPL" in search on the forum & download the .zip or .rar file. this should have 2 files inside when opened,
a). RUUWrapper.exe and
b). RUU_signed.nbh
sync Hermes and double click .exe file. follow prompts.
4. find a rom that you want (would suggest TNT SE as a fairly good rom for noobs... good and stable, no problems...) Again download, then (and this is personel preference) format an sd card fat 32 and copy RUU_signed.nbh into root directory. Rename it Hermimg.nbh. Put into Phone and put into bootloader(make sure the battery is more than 50%) follow prompts. This should get you out of trouble. You can also sync your Phone and double click on the RUUWrapper.exe HOWEVER, if you should reset your computer, pull out the usb cable or have anything else happen to the computer that interrupts the flashm, you could end up with a worse brick than you have now. try to read up on flashing (search for "mr vanxs guide") and this should help you a lot if you have other questions. Good luck and happy flashing......
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Thanks a lot man & great work i unbricked my Herm100 with method u mention above thanks a lot & great job keep it up
I also have this problem.
I d/l Hard-SPL-V7
and when i run RUUWrapper.exe
I get an error saying the application failed to initialize properly (0xc0000135)
What's going on?
How do i fix this?
this happened when i was trying to unlock the phone.
need help
when i switch on my orange herm100 it shows On the bootloader screen is displayed:
I PL-1.01
history : i buy unlocked orange phone
fewdays back i found no imei ,
yesterday i try to flash by micro sd but in gsm stage its gets hang no progress after extrom stage
OS -
i tryed several time no action, i cant connect by mini usb.
PLEASE help me
tell me which it the right rom to chose? step by step procedure..
how to rectify imei?
thanks and regards
kirtibas, sorry it took so long to reply, 1st thing I'd do is upgrade to SPL 2.10 olipro. This is safer to use than others. then I'd suggest reflashing a stock rom to see if that works. After stock rom works then use a cooked rom as your heart desires... Cheers...

asking about,use the power from the USB port to charge the XDA

help me to break & solve this problem, maybe can also help the other members..
I tried to upgrade my XDA to WM2003SE everything goes right,
bootloader first time i still use v5.22
but when I soft reboot it freezes on the OZUP screen and
message ONLY FOR MICROSOFT bla bla bla....
i get this ROM from http://www.romkitchen.de/ ==> WM2003SE
then downgrade bootloader from v5.22 to v5.15,
using MMC (flash SD) continue to special rom 1.2,
and then cooked again using PC2002 by my own creation based from
romkitchen, what i want to ask is :
i cannot connect again via dekstop activesyn if i want to change
my ROM because my cradle cannot detect my charger?? but if i charge
directly, its work. What is the problem?
is my cradle/dekstop broken at the charger socket?
so what i need to do? just change the wire or socket or
i use the step like at http://wiki.xda-developers.com/index.php?pagename=WallabyCradleMod
if i prefer use the 2nd method, is that really OK? so just used cradle/deskstop, no need
power charger again if i want to change ROM to WM2003SE, because only can use via activesync?
after i change bootloader to v5.15, keep trying to change but only can via Flash SD Card,
i change to WM 2003 final, still same problem....after finish, only screen cannot enter the
menu or else, only boot screen until i am waiting for 15 minutes??? then change again to
WM2003 but using from http://www.romkitchen.de/tools, still same again....boot screen again...
haiyaaaa.....what happen?? i dont know, tired, always overtime to do this,hehehhee...
all my friends, help me...need your advice ^_^V
*now, i still used ROM from PC 2002,cooked again using PC2002 by my own creation based from romkitchen.
bootloader v5.15
Microsoft Pocket PC --> PC2002
Version 3.0.12039 (Build 11178)
ROM version : 3.17.03 ENG
ROM date : 05/15/03
Radio version : 6.24.00
Protocol version : 324e4
Model No.: PW10A1
I can not really help you, but i was also in the same situation, that i have had a device, that doesn´t work with any other ROM than PPC2002
Flashed several WM2003 ans the WM2003SE but non of them worked.
So i rest at PPC2002
ow ow...
auch.. ok, thanks for the comment, i give-up,hehehe..but only for now,
take a rest first but i dont know for t'mrow, actually from 10 flashed,
i got 1 success, can got WM2003SE but with almost empty battery,
i know the inside and already set all, including i notice bluetooth icon,hehehe..
but how? i wonder that my sx56 with fake bluetooth, only icon
but after i charge my sx56 then i soft reset, its gone, back again with only boot-screen, after that, i can't find again WM2003SE ROM only lock with boot-screen, and ONLY FOR MICROSOFT..blablabla...
and about for my cradle/dekstop? how is it? can u give me solution to fixed it??
btw,thanks for helping, tips & trick hehehe...
i will keep trying to find/solved this problem by my own way ^_^V
modify my cradle/dekstop success
its working, i try to modify my cradle/dekstop with that steps (look at the top this thread), and it's work...actually not me who did it, but my friend,hehehehe....i ask his help and he agrre to doit, but all the risk is still at me, now i can charge and also syncronized to my notebook

I think I killed my elf0100, Help ?

I don't mind paying someone who would help me revive this device
The device is a HTC ELF0100 locked to movistar spain
I tried to unlock it with the following files
I got a 8 digit code that would not work.
I then tried unlocking with ELF_USPL-v1.zip. This is where things went wrong. The device did not upgrade ok.
Now the device just shows the operator logo for a few seconds then switches off.
It sometimes goes into booloader mode. And I could gather the following information
IPL 2.20.0002
SPL 1.11.0000
Please help, I just want to revive this device now. I don't care about unlocking !
Anyone with suggestions ? I have no idea what to do next
Same happened to my phone. i had to contact HTC support. thay sorted this out for me. i think you should do the same.. but dont tell them that you tried unlocking, otherwise they wont help you..
Spain Español +34-914-146-588 Mon - Fri 9 am - 5:30 pm
Thanks bro for their contact details. Normally they are very unco-operative with phones that have been tampered with or if they know you tried to unlock it. Also we are near the weekend and I need this phone working before monday.
Now I really do not want to unlock it, just wanna revive it.
I cannot even go a hard reset now
[REF]Recover / Revive your dead / bricked HTC ELF or ELFIN[ONLINE]
silhouette said:
I don't mind paying someone who would help me revive this device
The device is a HTC ELF0100 locked to movistar spain
I tried to unlock it with the following files
I got a 8 digit code that would not work.
I then tried unlocking with ELF_USPL-v1.zip. This is where things went wrong. The device did not upgrade ok.
Now the device just shows the operator logo for a few seconds then switches off.
It sometimes goes into booloader mode. And I could gather the following information
IPL 2.20.0002
SPL 1.11.0000
Please help, I just want to revive this device now. I don't care about unlocking !
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This should help.
Ok bro, I'll try this and before that let me just thank you !
you have flashed wrong spl and ipl, let me know you want an english rom or spanish rom. you will have to flash original rom, in order to revive your device, is it with 64 mb RAM or 128 MB ram, then i will let you know what to do.
gagandeepbains said:
you have flashed wrong spl and ipl, let me know you want an english rom or spanish rom. you will have to flash original rom, in order to revive your device, is it with 64 mb RAM or 128 MB ram, then i will let you know what to do.
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Thanks bro. I need a spanish rom. I really do not know if it's 64 or 128 ram. Do I have to open the device?
go to following forum- http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=379034 and download following rom--RUU_Elfin_DOPODASIA_WWE_2.20.707.1B_4.1.13.51_03.0 7.90_BLUE_Ship_Reduced.exe, connect device to computer via usb cable and press camera button and power button together, a tricolor bootloader will appear on device screen, now run the downloaded rom. This is english rom, you can search any original spanish rom if available in above post and flash it afterwards, but initially bring your device to life with the rom i have mentioned above.
Ok, gagandeepbains. I'll be back with the results. Thanks bro!
gagandeepbains said:
go to following forum- http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=379034 and download following rom--RUU_Elfin_DOPODASIA_WWE_2.20.707.1B_4.1.13.51_03.0 7.90_BLUE_Ship_Reduced.exe, connect device to computer via usb cable and press camera button and power button together, a tricolor bootloader will appear on device screen, now run the downloaded rom. This is english rom, you can search any original spanish rom if available in above post and flash it afterwards, but initially bring your device to life with the rom i have mentioned above.
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Thanks bro that worked like a charm! Any idea how I get the spanish language back? Now the device is in english
I regret not reading before doing what I did and going through the entire mess.
Thanks again mate
you can try ROM ESN (Windows Mobile 6.1 - SO CE 19214 - Build 19214 aku 1.0.4) or any other you like at -- http://www.htcspain.com/foro-f30/guia-de-roms-para-htc-equot-touch-sequot-t4576.html , but you must cid unlock device before flashing.
Thanks for the quick reply bro. I tried Cert_SPCS.cab, EnableRapi.cab, and Touch_Unlock.zip files which gave me an incorrect code.
Any other way to unlock this? Any way to change language if I cannot unlock the device ?
go to following page http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=408637, and download file-USPL_2.28.0000.zip . Unzip this file in a folder on desktop and replace RUU_Signed.nbh file in RUU folder with that of downloaded rom's RUU_Signed.nbh file. install enable_rapi and cert_spc files already with you to device memory, soft reset device and remove its sim card and memory card. Run the elf-uspl.exe file extracted in folder on your desktop after connecting the powered on device to computer, and follow on screen instructions.
Hey I followed your instructions, I got errors on the first two occassions. Process completed successfully the third time. The handset is still locked with language english.
Rom version : 2.20.707 1B WWE
Rom date : 10/02/07
Radio version : 03.07.90
Protocol :
Extrom version : 2.20.707.101
Any way to change back to spanish ?

Major Problem!!!

I had my 8125 connected to my computer and was in disk management. I computer DELETED my HTC drives! PLEASE TELL ME THERE IS A WAY TO GET THEM BACK! PLEASE!!!! was running XDA Mobile 6 Release 5 FINAL with custom firmware ipl 2.26 and spl 2.26. It can connect to usb but is not recognized. any help. The firmware updater doesnt see it! help! please!
What do you mean "drives"? Does the phone boot into Windows?
No. it goes to the "emergency green color usb screen. the same one if u hold teh picture button on starting. It would just like deleting a harddrive partition. no more data on it. and no drive space because it needs to be re-formatted. can I reformat with some program? windows wont recognize it. any thoughts.
Everytime i try to reflash from the bootloader the program gives me an indescript error and shuts down... I need help!
It sounds very bad...
But is worst your english men...
I think mine is bad but you told me, scuse let me pass trough hahahaha
First of all (what i can understands)
You are on WM5Storage seing your Trueff disk (this cant be, ok?...) and for some reason your computer delete that disk? (imposible men... but many things happend with this devices, oneday Aliens comes to my bedroom and tooks it from my hands and then... its a joke hahaha)
You were running that custom ROM but....
I ask AGAIN and AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!
Are you cid sim unlock? what da heck is a custom firmware?
And now your phone is in Bootloader screen? what da heck is the emergency green color usb screen?
Wich one is the picture button? are you talkin about how to eneter in RED Green Blue Screen (Bootloader)?
What was the last Rom you have runing ok?
ok thanks for helping... here are the answers to your questions:
Are you cid sim unlock? what da heck is a custom firmware? Yes- its cid unlocked with updated firmware for isp/spl to 2.26. I updated them with a packed rom for windows mobile 6. Its a custom pack from XDA Mobile 6 Release 5 FINAL - Full.
And now your phone is in Bootloader screen? what da heck is the emergency green color usb screen? Yes, everytime I start it up, it goes directly to bootloader. the red,green,blue screen. it only shows the isp/spl numbers on it.
What was the last Rom you have runing ok? XDA Mobile 6 Release 5 FINAL - Full
This is what im thinking. windows erased the partitions that was the phone disk. The WM5Storage is what I was using, windows recognized and deleted the storage partition on the phone. so I need a program or a method for re-creating that partition onthe phone. is there a program or something I could use in your experience? Everytime I try to reload a rom, the programs just crash on me, I think its becaues the disk onthe phone has been 'deleted' by windows partitioning.
Thank you for your help,
iamrico00 said:
ok thanks for helping... here are the answers to your questions:
Are you cid sim unlock? what da heck is a custom firmware? Yes- its cid unlocked with updated firmware for isp/spl to 2.26. I updated them with a packed rom for windows mobile 6. Its a custom pack from XDA Mobile 6 Release 5 FINAL - Full.
And now your phone is in Bootloader screen? what da heck is the emergency green color usb screen? Yes, everytime I start it up, it goes directly to bootloader. the red,green,blue screen. it only shows the isp/spl numbers on it.
What was the last Rom you have runing ok? XDA Mobile 6 Release 5 FINAL - Full
This is what im thinking. windows erased the partitions that was the phone disk. The WM5Storage is what I was using, windows recognized and deleted the storage partition on the phone. so I need a program or a method for re-creating that partition onthe phone. is there a program or something I could use in your experience? Everytime I try to reload a rom, the programs just crash on me, I think its becaues the disk onthe phone has been 'deleted' by windows partitioning.
Thank you for your help,
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Well if you get stuck in the bootloader just flash the rom again, when it finished youll get a working WM again
iamrico00 said:
Yes, everytime I start it up, it goes directly to bootloader. the red,green,blue screen. it only shows the isp/spl numbers on it.
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This is good news. It means you don't have a brick, yet (theoretically).
If there's any way you can charge that battery before flashing (say, in a friend's phone), do it! Low battery will definitely cause a failed flash, and the battery won't charge in your phone when it is stuck in bootloader mode.
After you charge your battery, find Mun's RUU, and install Wizard Love on your phone using the Mun RUU, not the one that comes with Wizard Love. If this doesn't work, try loading the phone's original service provider ROM (if you have a G4, you must first remove HardSPL). Then, you should be able to flash back up to XDAM6 after that. Your data is history, but the phone is recoverable. Just keep trying.
I see something interesant this: line...
can I reformat with some program? windows wont recognize it. any thoughts.
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So this is the problem men! on XP the corner downright when you enter in bootloader and conect it via USB a pop up comes saying The device is not recognized please unplug and replug to bla bla bla....
I think that youu need to go here http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=276963
and try this metod but you need a clean MiniSD and a backup from another wizard the good news is that goes to bootloader and its cid unlocked and yes is truth!!!! get fully charged your battery men!!!! get a way to charge it without the phone cause it dont charge men!
Or here: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=425526 this needs somethings less than the others but is not trudly proove so lets make your wizard revives men!
Thanks guys, the last post seems to be the one that may work... but I need a backup of another wizard... could any of you guys be so kind as to upload one? Id be the most appreciative. Thanks
Got it!!! Qppc's reply worked like a charm... good stuff guys... you rule!
"OUR" pleasure men!!!
We are here to serv to y'all
Hi i also did the same thing to my wizard could someone send me a backup rom to copy to my SD card thanks
