Major Problem!!! - 8125, K-JAM, P4300, MDA Vario General

I had my 8125 connected to my computer and was in disk management. I computer DELETED my HTC drives! PLEASE TELL ME THERE IS A WAY TO GET THEM BACK! PLEASE!!!! was running XDA Mobile 6 Release 5 FINAL with custom firmware ipl 2.26 and spl 2.26. It can connect to usb but is not recognized. any help. The firmware updater doesnt see it! help! please!

What do you mean "drives"? Does the phone boot into Windows?

No. it goes to the "emergency green color usb screen. the same one if u hold teh picture button on starting. It would just like deleting a harddrive partition. no more data on it. and no drive space because it needs to be re-formatted. can I reformat with some program? windows wont recognize it. any thoughts.

Everytime i try to reflash from the bootloader the program gives me an indescript error and shuts down... I need help!

It sounds very bad...
But is worst your english men...
I think mine is bad but you told me, scuse let me pass trough hahahaha
First of all (what i can understands)
You are on WM5Storage seing your Trueff disk (this cant be, ok?...) and for some reason your computer delete that disk? (imposible men... but many things happend with this devices, oneday Aliens comes to my bedroom and tooks it from my hands and then... its a joke hahaha)
You were running that custom ROM but....
I ask AGAIN and AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!
Are you cid sim unlock? what da heck is a custom firmware?
And now your phone is in Bootloader screen? what da heck is the emergency green color usb screen?
Wich one is the picture button? are you talkin about how to eneter in RED Green Blue Screen (Bootloader)?
What was the last Rom you have runing ok?

ok thanks for helping... here are the answers to your questions:
Are you cid sim unlock? what da heck is a custom firmware? Yes- its cid unlocked with updated firmware for isp/spl to 2.26. I updated them with a packed rom for windows mobile 6. Its a custom pack from XDA Mobile 6 Release 5 FINAL - Full.
And now your phone is in Bootloader screen? what da heck is the emergency green color usb screen? Yes, everytime I start it up, it goes directly to bootloader. the red,green,blue screen. it only shows the isp/spl numbers on it.
What was the last Rom you have runing ok? XDA Mobile 6 Release 5 FINAL - Full
This is what im thinking. windows erased the partitions that was the phone disk. The WM5Storage is what I was using, windows recognized and deleted the storage partition on the phone. so I need a program or a method for re-creating that partition onthe phone. is there a program or something I could use in your experience? Everytime I try to reload a rom, the programs just crash on me, I think its becaues the disk onthe phone has been 'deleted' by windows partitioning.
Thank you for your help,

iamrico00 said:
ok thanks for helping... here are the answers to your questions:
Are you cid sim unlock? what da heck is a custom firmware? Yes- its cid unlocked with updated firmware for isp/spl to 2.26. I updated them with a packed rom for windows mobile 6. Its a custom pack from XDA Mobile 6 Release 5 FINAL - Full.
And now your phone is in Bootloader screen? what da heck is the emergency green color usb screen? Yes, everytime I start it up, it goes directly to bootloader. the red,green,blue screen. it only shows the isp/spl numbers on it.
What was the last Rom you have runing ok? XDA Mobile 6 Release 5 FINAL - Full
This is what im thinking. windows erased the partitions that was the phone disk. The WM5Storage is what I was using, windows recognized and deleted the storage partition on the phone. so I need a program or a method for re-creating that partition onthe phone. is there a program or something I could use in your experience? Everytime I try to reload a rom, the programs just crash on me, I think its becaues the disk onthe phone has been 'deleted' by windows partitioning.
Thank you for your help,
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Well if you get stuck in the bootloader just flash the rom again, when it finished youll get a working WM again

iamrico00 said:
Yes, everytime I start it up, it goes directly to bootloader. the red,green,blue screen. it only shows the isp/spl numbers on it.
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This is good news. It means you don't have a brick, yet (theoretically).
If there's any way you can charge that battery before flashing (say, in a friend's phone), do it! Low battery will definitely cause a failed flash, and the battery won't charge in your phone when it is stuck in bootloader mode.
After you charge your battery, find Mun's RUU, and install Wizard Love on your phone using the Mun RUU, not the one that comes with Wizard Love. If this doesn't work, try loading the phone's original service provider ROM (if you have a G4, you must first remove HardSPL). Then, you should be able to flash back up to XDAM6 after that. Your data is history, but the phone is recoverable. Just keep trying.

I see something interesant this: line...
can I reformat with some program? windows wont recognize it. any thoughts.
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So this is the problem men! on XP the corner downright when you enter in bootloader and conect it via USB a pop up comes saying The device is not recognized please unplug and replug to bla bla bla....
I think that youu need to go here
and try this metod but you need a clean MiniSD and a backup from another wizard the good news is that goes to bootloader and its cid unlocked and yes is truth!!!! get fully charged your battery men!!!! get a way to charge it without the phone cause it dont charge men!
Or here: this needs somethings less than the others but is not trudly proove so lets make your wizard revives men!

Thanks guys, the last post seems to be the one that may work... but I need a backup of another wizard... could any of you guys be so kind as to upload one? Id be the most appreciative. Thanks

Got it!!! Qppc's reply worked like a charm... good stuff guys... you rule!

"OUR" pleasure men!!!
We are here to serv to y'all

Hi i also did the same thing to my wizard could someone send me a backup rom to copy to my SD card thanks


help needed on restoring/reinstalling my tmobile mda compact

please help i have the t-mobile mda compact pm200 and i was removing a cracked version on pocket dos v1.09 from the remove list and it said windows wil need to perform a soft rest yes or cancel i clicked yes and my system restarted but now it just get stuck at the t-mobile screen. i have tried doing the manufatures hard reset but no joy i have take out the battery no joy and i can't even access it through my p.c what can i do to get it up and running again i don't care about the data already on there cuz it is all backed up on my sd cad
When you took out your battery, have you been waiting til the backup battery fully drained out? It takes about 30-60 minutes, better leave a few hours. Try this and post your results...
thank for trying but unfrtunatly it had no effect i tried for two hours then reinserrted it and no joy so i waited a further day but still nothing any other ideas tnx
Is it getting into BootLoader? Then you might try Flashing a new ROM!
how would i go about doing that? my computer won't even recognis3e my phone
I had about the same problem:
I was trying to install the Pocket PC Greek language support (free trial version) from the site on my MDA Vario Tmobile when it crashed!! It shows just a white screen and does nothing at all!! I soft and hard reseted the device but after restarting it shows the Tmobile screen and after a few seconds a white screen! Actually I am not so sure that the device is hard reseting because it doesn't ask me for a confirmation of the hard reset. When I startup my device it stops on the same white screen.No windows loading, no other commands accepting, not recognized by my desktop.
Did anybody have the same problem before? Does anybody know how can i get my PPC on working condition again
Thanks dagonist.
I hope somebody can help....
See for ROM upgrades on the forum :wink: if u get some images on the mini then it's not dead! It's just stuck at the bootloader mode, meaning that the OS is somehow damaged.. To solve this prob u must plug the mini into the pc (it will be recognised as an unidentified device, don't worry), then download a ROM upgrade set (u will find these on the net or in the xda-dev ftp). Execute the prog, wait 'till it finished and voila! Ur device will come as new If u encounter problem do a simple search in the forum regards rom - bootloader - upgrade and u willl find a lot of infos :wink:
Hope this helps, MocciJ
Thanks MocciJ.....but my desktop pc doesnot "see" my pocket pc at all!!
:? then it isn't yet in bootloader, is just stuck at the beginning of a broken OS! I mean that it tries to load the OS, but then it gets stopped since he read bad ROM (probably deleted in some way since u encountered this prob removing a prog) try to get it in bootloader mode, by pressing together the camera, power and reset buttons.. U will lose all the things in the RAM memory, but in this case u really can't do anything else.. After entering in bootloader, u can easily upgrade it..
Well, I just tried the camera button+power button+reset button....and nothing happens! It reset and comes back to the same white screen...
Any other suggestions??
well, did u tried to make it correctly? I mean: for entering boot loader u havce to press camera + power, and then reset (with camera and power pressed) if u can't still enter the bootloader, then I'm out of ideas, sorry...
I amdoing it write but nothing happens....
In the screen what can u read? If u read serial (it is barely visible) then see if it turn to usb when u connect the cable: if yes, we 're at a very good point...
When it starts up it shows the Tmobile logo and then for a few seconds :
ipl 1.08
spl 1.08
gsm 01.09.10
(something else...)
after a few seconds a white screen without any letters or anything else.
But I cannot see it anywhere on my desktop pc...
:? I can't figure out how you can get it back.. If it displays images and text, then the bootloader is still alive.. It even tells u the correct version of the complete ROM.. but I wonder why it can't access to the bootloader.. u must search in the forum how to reach the bootloader, but I'm sure of the power camera reset combination; when u can read SERIAL or even better USB on the device, u probably have solved most of ur problems, but chances are that u have even bad clusters of ROM, and cannot be restored with an upgrade (it happened to the External Rom of my mini after a bad upgrade)
I suggest to send it to repairs, before doing somewhat wrong, because if there is an original ROM inside they will repair it for sure, free :wink:
Thanks. The problem is that I got the phone from ebay, from a UK seller, and it was locked to Tmobile. So I don't think that I can ask for a factory/guaranty repair....
Thanks. The problem is that I got the phone from ebay, from a UK seller, and it was locked to Tmobile. So I don't think that I can ask for a factory/warranty repair....
seee i tried all of thoose things but i found the main problem was getting the computer to recoginise the thing and the program i put on was a cracked version ( i know i am a naughty boy) so if i send it off they could cause legal problems couldn't it
it depends on what u are meaning by "not recognised" but I assume that windows dosesn't even try to recognise the device (I mean that there aren't bubbles, notifications, or any other changes on the system) for the cracked software, well if u have installed it right into any RAM folder (not in the storage memory) then u can tell the repairing center that ur unit simply doesn't power on correctly.. :wink:

Need some help... STUCK ON SPLASH SCREEN....

i dont know what went wrong at all... i was following this thread on the live messenger contacts fix..
installed... and the program asked me to restart the phone... so i did... and thats when it wouldnt come back on...
its stuck on the green windows screen... and wont move forward...
the phone is CID unlocked ... and has the WRCX3 rom installed....
anyone have any idea.... this is my first time this has happend... pretty scared now.
iv taken out the battery and kept trying... nothing
I did a little searching..... in the xda wiki...
i cant seem to do any of those 3 ways.. i think im doing something wrong....
i managed to get the bootloader screen... but i dont know how to get my active sync to recognize the phone...
and i will give the SD car option... once i find out a way to clear the card... my phone was the only mini sd card reader i had.
bigjoe87865 said:
I did a little searching..... in the xda wiki...
i cant seem to do any of those 3 ways.. i think im doing something wrong....
i managed to get the bootloader screen... but i dont know how to get my active sync to recognize the phone...
and i will give the SD car option... once i find out a way to clear the card... my phone was the only mini sd card reader i had.
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If you can get to the bootloader screen, the RUU doesn't NEED Activesync to work. But you must see the little 'USB' text in the bottom left corner of the bootloader screen. If that comes on when you plug in the USB, you're ready to-flash a ROM. If at all possible, reflash an official ROM, then proceed to your flavor-of-the-month WM6 ROM.
Word of advice, charge the battery up overnight.
joihan777 said:
If you can get to the bootloader screen, the RUU doesn't NEED Activesync to work. But you must see the little 'USB' text in the bottom left corner of the bootloader screen. If that comes on when you plug in the USB, you're ready to-flash a ROM. If at all possible, reflash an official ROM, then proceed to your flavor-of-the-month WM6 ROM.
Word of advice, charge the battery up overnight.
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joihan777 is absolutely right,as far as u can get into bootloader mode, nothing to worry. Just do as he advised. u don't need Active syn,when in bootloader,it automatically gets disconnected.just make sure u have attached usb cable and c a usb icon at the bottom of the bootloader screen.Flash official Rom if u have it with u or flash the T-mobile 2.26 rom.It will be alright.than upgrade to any rom of ur choice,Goodluck

Cincular 8525 stuck in Bootloader

I have a Cingular 8525 running WM5 that is stuck in bootloader screen. I have tried to soft and hard reset ... just boots back to the same screen, I can't turn it off once in the screen and when i sync via usb to the pc i get the message that the "usb device that is connected is malfunctioning" I have not done any upgrading at all and the phone worked perfectly right up till the time i powered it down and restarted into the bootloader screen.
Please can someone out there help me with this issue?
Zulu137 said:
I have a Cingular 8525 running WM5 that is stuck in bootloader screen. I have tried to soft and hard reset ... just boots back to the same screen, I can't turn it off once in the screen and when i sync via usb to the pc i get the message that the "usb device that is connected is malfunctioning" I have not done any upgrading at all and the phone worked perfectly right up till the time i powered it down and restarted into the bootloader screen.
Please can someone out there help me with this issue?
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same problems, run perfect before with schaps wm6 rom then flash to faria wm6.1... not feel good with faria. try to flash with other rom then the problem start ..
how to recover ....... please help
Asfarizal said:
same problems, run perfect before with schaps wm6 rom then flash to faria wm6.1... not feel good with faria. try to flash with other rom then the problem start ..
how to recover ....... please help
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Manage to solve the problem ...thanks WIKI !!
Go to Bootloader mode: Hold side OK and POWER buttons together and reset with stylus
Then Flash to any ROM you want !!
Thanks .... But
Thanks for the reply ... but i have no idea how to do what you tell me, I am new to all this phone "stuff" as a matter of fact this is the first time that i am ever using one of these forums. I have read till i am cross eyed but dont actually understand what you are talking about ... now don't let that scare you away as i am willing to learn and i am not braindead ... you all had to start sometime in this, not so. I get that i need to try and reflash my rom...
so is there some type of rom update software that i need? ... what is a hard SPL?? ... and who is Schaps?? .. sorry guys to do this to you but i would like to get into this game and i need some ( well maybe a lot ) of pointers.
Thanks for your time.
1. Search for "mr vanxs guide" so you have an idea on what you're doing.
2. OK, as Asfarizal said "Go to Bootloader mode: Hold side OK and POWER buttons together and reset with stylus". If you cant work out what the buttons are, go to the manual. it will tell you.
3. type in "hard SPL" in search on the forum & download the .zip or .rar file. this should have 2 files inside when opened,
a). RUUWrapper.exe and
b). RUU_signed.nbh
sync Hermes and double click .exe file. follow prompts.
4. find a rom that you want (would suggest TNT SE as a fairly good rom for noobs... good and stable, no problems...) Again download, then (and this is personel preference) format an sd card fat 32 and copy RUU_signed.nbh into root directory. Rename it Hermimg.nbh. Put into Phone and put into bootloader(make sure the battery is more than 50%) follow prompts. This should get you out of trouble. You can also sync your Phone and double click on the RUUWrapper.exe HOWEVER, if you should reset your computer, pull out the usb cable or have anything else happen to the computer that interrupts the flashm, you could end up with a worse brick than you have now. try to read up on flashing (search for "mr vanxs guide") and this should help you a lot if you have other questions. Good luck and happy flashing......
Thank You
I will follow the instructions you gave and try to get it going this weekend.
Thank you so much for your time
Zulu137 said:
Thanks for the reply ... but i have no idea how to do what you tell me, I am new to all this phone "stuff" as a matter of fact this is the first time that i am ever using one of these forums. I have read till i am cross eyed but dont actually understand what you are talking about ... now don't let that scare you away as i am willing to learn and i am not braindead ... you all had to start sometime in this, not so. I get that i need to try and reflash my rom...
so is there some type of rom update software that i need? ... what is a hard SPL?? ... and who is Schaps?? .. sorry guys to do this to you but i would like to get into this game and i need some ( well maybe a lot ) of pointers.
Thanks for your time.
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Looks like you've got a lot of reading to do, and a problem to sort out. Firstly a couple of answers...
Schaps is a Rom Cooking guru (makes custom versions of WM5, WM6 etc). When you get your phone sorted out I'd recommend trying one of his roms.
Hard SPL. The SPL is part of the bootloader which effectively dictates how a rom is flashed and what roms can be flashed. HardSPL is a custom version of this which allows you to flash any rom from any carrier. It also protects against a bad flash in many cases. It is recommended before you try flashing any new roms or radio roms. Use Hard-SPL-V7 at the bottom of the first post here.
The Rom upgrading software is contained in any of the cooked or carrier supplied roms. It is normally a .zip file which cotains 2 files: xxxxxRUU.exe and RUU_signed.nbh. You run the .exe file from your PC when connected to your phone via USB. More details of how to do this are in MrVanx's guides. Also other resources here.
Now to try to sort your phone out...
What is displayed on your screen when in bootloader mode? It should be something like this:
SPL-2.10.Olipro (This is HardSPL V7)
If you don't have an Olipro SPL then you need to get HardSPL onto your phone. If you haven't done any upgrading and have had the phone from new then I guess you don't have hardSPL.
Now you need to fix your USB Malfunctioning problem. I can't help too much here except to suggest trying a different cable, different USB port or different PC. Also, if you are running Vista try an XP maxhine. When you connect to the PC does your phone show Serial or USB on the screen? If you can't get a USB connection, all is not lost - you can re-flash your rom using an SD card, method here.
There is a thread about un-bricking phones which may help.
There are various diagnostic tools (which can also screw your phone if used incorrectly). The favourite of these is MTTY but you need a USB connection to use this.
If your phone is in warranty I'd recommend getting your supplier to sort it out, but if not I'd try to re-flash an ORIGINAL supplier rom (Cingular I guess). You can get links to the official supplier roms here.
I think (might be wrong) that sometimes when stuck in bootloader you need to flash an official rom, not a cooked one to recover your phone - then you can run HardSPL and then flash cooked roms again.
Cingular 8525 stuck in bootloader
Thanks for the reply ... lots of great input.
Now to answer some of your questions.
1) When I power up the phone (only pushing the power button ) it goes straight into the bootloader screen without pushing any other buttons, and it displays
Then at the bottom in the white bar it says "Serial"
The only way that i have found to power it down again is to remove the battery, there is no response from any single buttons after it is in bootloader
the soft reset and hard reset work but it just goes right back to the bootloader screen after.
2) The USB malfunction. This only started after the phone "crashed" and before that it worked great ... well i only used it to sync up to my work pc for the contacts and to get pictures onto my hard drive.
all the PC's that i use are running XP. I have tried my home PC and my Laptop
and the work PC and all of them have their own cables and they all say the same thing ... "the USB device is malfunctioning"
I am sure that when i get the phone going again the USB will start to function again.
3) Phone warranty ... I bought the phone off e-bay from a store in new york about 10 months ago as a "new unlocked cingular 8525" it was new and unlocked, but i have no idea how they unlocked it. I would assume that there would be no warranty now and in any case i live in Canada and would have to ship it down to the states to an AT&T repair center and that sounds like a nightmare to me with the customs and so on.
I will give you a little more background on the problem. the phone worked like a charm without any problems at all for the 10 months that i had it, then the morning of the crash the phones alarm did not go off in the morning and i was almost late for work ... i did not pay it any further attention untill at 3:26pm
that afternoon the alarm went off ??????? (it was set for 6:05am) so i checked the main clock time, it was right. I then checked the alarm time, it was right ??? So i figured that something must have just got confused, so i powered down the phone with the power button to just restart it and while it was powered down i removed the battery to take the oportunity to to clean all those fuzzies and dust that collect in the battery compartment out and put it all together and powered it up again (just by pushing the power button) and this wierd red, green, blue and white screen appeared and that is all that i have seen since ???
I hope that answers your questions and i will start going through the links that you sent and get to reading ... will there be a pop quiz ... lol
Thanks again for your time and i very much appreciate all the time that all of you have spent on me and my phone ..... I know that you all just feel bad for me because i now have to use a Motorolla V551 ... lol
Great Work
ultramag69 said:
1. Search for "mr vanxs guide" so you have an idea on what you're doing.
2. OK, as Asfarizal said "Go to Bootloader mode: Hold side OK and POWER buttons together and reset with stylus". If you cant work out what the buttons are, go to the manual. it will tell you.
3. type in "hard SPL" in search on the forum & download the .zip or .rar file. this should have 2 files inside when opened,
a). RUUWrapper.exe and
b). RUU_signed.nbh
sync Hermes and double click .exe file. follow prompts.
4. find a rom that you want (would suggest TNT SE as a fairly good rom for noobs... good and stable, no problems...) Again download, then (and this is personel preference) format an sd card fat 32 and copy RUU_signed.nbh into root directory. Rename it Hermimg.nbh. Put into Phone and put into bootloader(make sure the battery is more than 50%) follow prompts. This should get you out of trouble. You can also sync your Phone and double click on the RUUWrapper.exe HOWEVER, if you should reset your computer, pull out the usb cable or have anything else happen to the computer that interrupts the flashm, you could end up with a worse brick than you have now. try to read up on flashing (search for "mr vanxs guide") and this should help you a lot if you have other questions. Good luck and happy flashing......
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Thanks a lot man & great work i unbricked my Herm100 with method u mention above thanks a lot & great job keep it up
I also have this problem.
I d/l Hard-SPL-V7
and when i run RUUWrapper.exe
I get an error saying the application failed to initialize properly (0xc0000135)
What's going on?
How do i fix this?
this happened when i was trying to unlock the phone.
need help
when i switch on my orange herm100 it shows On the bootloader screen is displayed:
I PL-1.01
history : i buy unlocked orange phone
fewdays back i found no imei ,
yesterday i try to flash by micro sd but in gsm stage its gets hang no progress after extrom stage
OS -
i tryed several time no action, i cant connect by mini usb.
PLEASE help me
tell me which it the right rom to chose? step by step procedure..
how to rectify imei?
thanks and regards
kirtibas, sorry it took so long to reply, 1st thing I'd do is upgrade to SPL 2.10 olipro. This is safer to use than others. then I'd suggest reflashing a stock rom to see if that works. After stock rom works then use a cooked rom as your heart desires... Cheers...

Restore original SPL from bootloader

Does anyone know how can I restore the original SPL from bootloader ? I try to do it, the progress bar goes to 100% but when I restart it, I still have the HardSPL installed.
Any ideas ?
Use SEARCH please
ygeordy said:
Does anyone know how can I restore the original SPL from bootloader ? I try to do it, the progress bar goes to 100% but when I restart it, I still have the HardSPL installed.
Any ideas ?
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second post
Thanks for the reply.
I tried that. Unfortunatelly it doesn't work for me. The progress bar goes to 100% and after restart I still have OliNex loader. I don't have the step which says "Unplug cable".
Some other ideas maybe ?
ygeordy said:
Thanks for the reply.
I tried that. Unfortunatelly it doesn't work for me. The progress bar goes to 100% and after restart I still have OliNex loader. I don't have the step which says "Unplug cable".
Some other ideas maybe ?
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That message appears on the device (on the colored bars screen). Maybe you thought it should appear in Windows.
It worked for me
SuperJMN said:
That message appears on the device (on the colored bars screen). Maybe you thought it should appear in Windows.
It worked for me
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I know it's on the device. It did, when I did the hard spl. Now when I'm trying to get back to original spl (device stucked in windows boot screen) I don't have that message, but the process goes through. Unfortunately without any result.
ygeordy said:
I know it's on the device. It did, when I did the hard spl. Now when I'm trying to get back to original spl (device stucked in windows boot screen) I don't have that message, but the process goes through. Unfortunately without any result.
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Stucked windows screen is a different problem. This method is ok only for working device.
In this case this is the only one idea:
Originally Posted by christonge
1. Stop ActiveSync
2. Open Task Manager (press Ctrl + Alt + Delete) on your PC and
stop these two processes rapimgr.exe and wcescomm.exe
3. Plug in your device via USB. Your computer should be asking install a driver. Install and continue.
4. Now Run mtty and choose USB in 'PORT'
4. type "set 16 0" without the quotes to tell bootloader to boot the OS after reset.
5. type "task 8" to get your device formatted.
6. Now unplug your device and manually reset it.
fktsndr said:
Stucked windows screen is a different problem. This method is ok only for working device.
In this case this is the only one idea:
Originally Posted by christonge
1. Stop ActiveSync
2. Open Task Manager (press Ctrl + Alt + Delete) on your PC and
stop these two processes rapimgr.exe and wcescomm.exe
3. Plug in your device via USB. Your computer should be asking install a driver. Install and continue.
4. Now Run mtty and choose USB in 'PORT'
4. type "set 16 0" without the quotes to tell bootloader to boot the OS after reset.
5. type "task 8" to get your device formatted.
6. Now unplug your device and manually reset it.
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yeah, tried this already also. after I hit task 8 and enter, the device resets, goes to Windows startup screen, get stucked again and just turns off.
Full description off my problem here for whoever wants to help me.
I fully appreciate any kind of help.
Did you try flash back the original rom?
And I suggest rename this thread for example Stucked in windows screen...
Maybe more people will read it, and try to help you....
fktsndr said:
Did you try flash back the original rom?
And I suggest rename this thread for example Stucked in windows screen...
Maybe more people will read it, and try to help you....
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I did try to put back a french ROM. I don't know if it was the original because unfortunately when I first flashed it I was kind of beginner in flashing HTC's, but I tried with the only original french ROM that I found on this forum. The process goes through, but yet the result is the same. Is there any kind of command to fully erase (format) the memory (beside the bootloader) and then try to load a ROM ?
Same for me with restoring SPL doesn't work.
And my device is almost at the same state of damage as yours. See my thread...
Also the mtty and task8 just restarts my device. Nothing more, nothing less!
So there is no way of restoring SPL with entering the bootloader manually? Not even a mSD-Card Trick out there? I need to get it done because of warranty ;/
You stucked in Olipro hard-spl, this is why restore spl not works...
And unfortunatelly you can not flash spl with micros-sd.
But you can try to flash rom with micro-sd card.
Or ask Olipro, maybe he can help you.
Well I am able to flash my Rom the usual way with USB connection.
But no way of restoring the SPL ;(
"So there is no way of restoring SPL with entering the bootloader manually? Not even a mSD-Card Trick out there? I need to get it done because of warranty ;/"
I do not understand exactly...
Did you try restore original spl with manual bootloader?
you run SSPL from Windows Mobile, then flash a stock SPL NBH, job done.
the whole *point* of Hard-SPL is that it can't be overwritten when it performs a flash so that if anything screws up you don't end up locked out of reflashing in the event something screws up.
Olipro said:
you run SSPL from Windows Mobile, then flash a stock SPL NBH, job done.
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Sounds easy *hehe* BUT i can't access Windows Mobile anymore, that is my big problem. So my device will be picked up by O² in a few days, so i have to get the original SPL back without accessing Windows Mobile ;(
Any suggestion?
@fktsndr: no, thats why i have put a question mark behind it I just need a way of downgrading to the Original SPL without access to Windows Mobile. Maybe i should be sorry for my english
gmc said:
@fktsndr: no, thats why i have put a question mark behind it I just need a way of downgrading to the Original SPL without access to Windows Mobile. Maybe i should be sorry for my english
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You have hard-spl on your machine
You can not restore spl followed the guide in post 2 (WITHOUT manual bootloader)
You can not access your windows mobile (WM does not boot)
You freeze on startup screen
You can not start you phone with steps in post 6
Am I right?
If yes, you stucked in bootloader. And unfortunatelly I can not help you...Maybe Olipro.
fktsndr said:
You have hard-spl on your machine
You can not restore spl followed the guide in post 2 (WITHOUT manual bootloader)
You can not access your windows mobile (WM does not boot)
You freeze on startup screen
You can not start you phone with steps in post 6
Am I right?
If yes, you stucked in bootloader. And unfortunatelly I can not help you...Maybe Olipro.
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Well seems like something like this.
See I have no error because of invalid flashing. I had slight water damage. But some days later my device was working again for a whole day.
Next day it didn't work anymore.
When i startup my device and the WM-Splash shows up it makes "bring" and device turns off.
When i plug in the AC charger i can't even get beyond the O2-Splash.
But I can enter the bootloader and flash what I want, it works ;/
I am also able to connect with MTTY, maybe there is a way with repairing it through MTTY?
Full description of my problems here:
But if i cant get rid of the problems i have to send it to warranty by tomorrow or monday and i think they will notice that i don't have the original SPL on it. So they will screw me ;(((
So, as I am not a noob to computers I would try ANYTHING to get it back on my own!
Is there also no way of restoring it by using the microSD-Card? So is there no way without Windows Mobile? Not even the holy MTTY? Or any way of debugging it by MTTY to see whats going wrong?
I'm screwed!
P.s. I have also tried another battery in the o² shop....didn't fix it ;(
gmc said:
Well seems like something like this.
See I have no error because of invalid flashing. I had slight water damage. But some days later my device was working again for a whole day.
Next day it didn't work anymore.
When i startup my device and the WM-Splash shows up it makes "bring" and device turns off.
When i plug in the AC charger i can't even get beyond the O2-Splash.
But I can enter the bootloader and flash what I want, it works ;/
I am also able to connect with MTTY, maybe there is a way with repairing it through MTTY?
Full description of my problems here:
But if i cant get rid of the problems i have to send it in by tomorrow or monday and i think they will notice that i don't have the original SPL on it. So they will screw me ;(((
Is there also now way of restoring it by using the microSD-Card? So is there no way without Windows Mobile? Not even the holy MTTY? Then i'm really f***ed.
P.s. I have also tried another battery in the o² shop....didn't fix it ;(
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There is an mtty method on post 6...maybe helps start your phone...
You need working windows mobile to restore-spl.
fktsndr said:
There is an mtty method on post 6...maybe helps start your phone...
You need working windows mobile to restore-spl.
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Yes but on "task 8" my device doesn't behave as it should be. It just restarts doing nothing.
Seems like i just have to hope the guys at the service center will not recognize my "not original" SPL. 1% chance ;(
Well thanks for now fktsndr.
Seems like there is really no way of restoring it without Windows Mobile ;(
I thought there would maybe be a "Low Level"-Method of accessing the device and restoring SPL.
Can't think of that there is no way of formatting the device on its lowest level (mtty) or transferring the original SPL per MTTY. Hmm...there should always be a way
Olipro, no way? ;(
if I remember right, the polaris hardSPL is based on an MFG bootloader.
this means you can use mtty commands (mw) to unpatch the write protection then flash the stock SPL.
if I don't remember right, and it is not MFG, then you can still use another mtty command with a special file, but this is more complicated and was not fully tested. you can contact me in PM and we can see.
(you could transfer SPL via mtty, but that is also blocked in hardspl because the mtty transfer uses same code to flash the SPL in this SPL common base)
by the way task 8 is exactly designed to just do a soft reset. nothing wrong with that command.
they really meant task 28. this does a hard reset. you can try that. I guess you already did, but just in case!
edit: I just remembered another way if task 28 doesn't help. ifyou don't mind that the device will stop booting SPL, then you can just do task 2a command in mtty. this will erase SPL, and because of hardSPL overwrite protection it will fail to flash it back from the temporary RAM backup.
the result is that the device will not even boot SPL, it will be black screen. it will boot to the radio bootloader only and O2 won't know what SPL was on it before erase.

New member needs help!!

I unlocked a Cingular 8125 and went to load TNT Professional ROM. The phone kept losing communication at 99% and when I went to reload the original ROM from HTC's site, now I have NO O/S. I DO have another one, but my wife is using it until we get her a pink BlackJackII. I really like these phones, and can't believe I crashed this one! I don't have any Mini-SD cards. Any way to rebuild this thing?
Nobody has any ideas for me? I really need to get this phone running again!
Your not using Vista are you?
Most comm errors are due to weak or discharged battery,not having enough juice to complete the the flash,get it fully charged and try again,secondly,Yes! don't use winVista.
Download the official stock rom and flash to recover back.Get the phone in Bootloaders (RGB screen) hook up the phone and watch small usb appear at the bottom of the Bootloaders,if its there,run the rom to flash,it'll start to flash,but if small usb is not present than most probably its a comm fault.
I was using a Win2K machine. I had 2 batteries that were fully charged. I have a friend that will lend me his miniSD adapter and use my 1gig microSD card to get the info off my wife's phone and copy it to this one. He has a Sprint version of the AT&T Tilt. Might see if he wants to check out this site.
OK. I have access to a miniSD card now. Do I just take my wife's 8125, make a backup from it, then put the card in the bricked phone and load bootloader?
Read this thread for more specific instructions :-
But this method will only work if both the devices are already CID unlocked.Secondly,most important,both the devices shud be of same DOC Chip version,G3 or G4.If you back up a rom of G3 on a G4 device,it'll brick it and vice versa,make sure both the devices are of same DOC Chip version.
They are both G3's. I think they may even be from the same batch. If I unlock hers, won't I lose all her data?
YUP ! but first make a back up of all the personal data on her phone to your pc,for this use either 'PimBackup' or any similar back up application and than unlock it.Its necessary to have both phones CID unlock,otherwise,this method won't work.
OK, I used Lokiwiz 3beta and superCID unlocked the other one. When I run mtty, and use the r2sd all command, I get
R2SDBackup()-Download type=5
usTotalBlock= 1 sizeof(SDCARD_SIGNATRUE_TABLE)=512
I have left it sitting there for an hour and nothing else happens. Isn't it supposed to have several more lines of text scroll by? Also, I can't figure out how to get the dead one to boot to the miniSD.
ok,did you read the method carefully,the link I posted above ? you are getting it correctly.
This methods involves many steps.
Step 1.
Back up all the data on your wife's phone to your pc with 'PIMbackup',than downgrade to IPL/SPL 1.xx either through flashing 'Button's Rom 1.05 or you can even flash official stock rom Aku1 for this,when getting IPL/SPL 1.xx either way,apply lokiwiz02b and not lokiwiz 3beta to CID unlock your wife's phone,or you can use WST_4.2.2 tool also to CID unlock it,but its must to have IPL/SPL 1.xx to CID unlock in both the ways.Only after getting the phone CID unlocked,you can Backup the rom on a miniSD card.
Step 2.
After successfully back up of the rom on miniSD card,insert this card in your dead phone and get the phone into Bootloaders mode (RGB screen).
Step 3.
Run the MTTY command to back up from miniSD card.This is only possible if you already have this phone CID unlocked,otherwise it won't work.
Both the devices must be CID unlocked.
Although,I'm still not sure if it works,but there's no harm to try,may be it gets going.
Is the progress bar supposed to change back and forth from blue-green to red while flashing?
YUP ! it changes during flash,but it'll become green on 100% completion and the phone reboots.
OK. I can't get this thing to take the WizardLove ROM, can't find Button's ROM, but I am trying to load the XDAMiniS ROM now. On my third try and the SPL still says 2.25. Battery is fully charged and I get an immediate connection failure trying to load WizardLove. I really wish I could find the original Cingular ROM for this phone, not the new(er) update.
Download Cigular official stock rom from here :-
Check out this link for all the Roms like Buttons Rom T-mobile 2.26 etc Windows Mobile 6 for newbies
I am just about ready to give up on this thing. No matter what I do, when I try to boot it up regular, it still keeps freezing up and when I try to do a hard reset, I get a format is failed error message.
Last ditch effort
Can I use WST to make a backup RUU from the working phone and flash that to the dead one? All other attempts have failed to restore this phone.
I dont think so
Men you are already doing everything!!!
Does you have mtty... try this please it may works for you let us know what happend please... the man in this thread stucks on splash screen so read just the mtty steps.
BTW does you unlock your wife's phone... is yours unlocked too? before do it...please respond.
The hope dies at the end!!!!! we have so much to´pics about this issue... why you are runing windows 2000? nad make upgrades? or does I missunderstood? extremely recomended Win XP.
I have Vista at home, and I read where many people here say that you can't do reflashes with Vista, so I use my computer at work, which runs Win2K. I haven't unlocked the second phone, but I thought that I did the first one. That was why I went to flash it. I wonder if the unlock didn't take and that put me in this predicament.
I understand now
Maybe a mistake using windows milenium or 2000 or whatever...
So if it say format failed i cant imagine other thing that do the thing i post you... so if you got questions about clear DOC Chip ask everything...
when you already get everything in a XP machine tell us please oh just for a recomendation unplug the minisd and during the process the mtty working on some lines dont launch programs check your USB cable maybe with a little scratch and moving makes a false contact at all.
