Do I Upgrade my operating system? - MDA, XDA, 1010 Software Upgrading

Im new to this XDA and i was wondering if i should upgrade my operating system to the new OS Available from the O2 Website. Version 31413.
Was Just wondering what people thought.


Upgrading to Windows Mobile 2003 with SER

Hi guys!
I'm currently using a Qtek XDA 1010 that's been upgraded already with the XDA Developer's Special Edition ROM. I'm planning to install the Windows Mobile 2003.
1) My phone used to be simlocked, but due to the SER now it's openline. If I upgrade to Mobile 2003 will the simlock be active again? Hope not.
2) If I upgrade to Mobile 2003, will it have any negative effects on the radio functions? I've been reading notes that a lot who've upgraded their RSUs totally wrecked their phones.
3) Is it worth the upgrade?
Many thanks! 8)
jaspernetix said:
Hi guys!
I'm currently using a Qtek XDA 1010 that's been upgraded already with the XDA Developer's Special Edition ROM. I'm planning to install the Windows Mobile 2003.
1) My phone used to be simlocked, but due to the SER now it's openline. If I upgrade to Mobile 2003 will the simlock be active again? Hope not.
2) If I upgrade to Mobile 2003, will it have any negative effects on the radio functions? I've been reading notes that a lot who've upgraded their RSUs totally wrecked their phones.
3) Is it worth the upgrade?
Many thanks! 8)
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tried the wm2003 for a day, and had a lot of issues with it... extremely laggy, hard to receive and make calls, call quality is bad (pops), and just plain buggy i suppose. was using 4.00.1 i think... Ali's version. Flashed the SER 1.2 instead! a lot stabler, but darn! so many extra icons? :lol:

Novie in ROM Upgrade

Hello everyone. I have a two month old xda 1 and I am thinking of upgrading the ROM (OS) to WM 2003. I have created the ROM (4.00.05) at and downloaded the exe. I have also read the pitfalls of how upgrading the ROM can completely render my xda useless. Are there any steps that I can take so that if the upgrade fails then I restore my pda's old OS and functionality (being a DBA it would be bit like a database restore)? Those users that have upgraded successfully, are there any pitfalls to look out for or any literature on the upgrade process? One more question, when I do upgrade the OS, will the phone work as normal or do I have to do something to "link" it to the OS?
Thank you for your advise.
Read more posts...way more and don't use the .exe to upgrade your device. Download the OS Toolset, backup your current ROM, and then upgrade the ROM with an .nb file which you can create in the kitchen. FYI 4.00.11 is more stable than .05.
Where can get my hands on the OS toolkit. Also, will the 4.00.11 work on a UK o2 XDA? As far as a US ROM working in the UK...I don't know. It should for the OS is independant of the radio stack. Just back up first to be safe and don't use an .exe to upgrade or you won't be able to go back without difficulty!

Windows Mobile 2003 Second Edition

Hi all,
I've searched this site & the whole net for the new Windows Mobile 2003 Second Edition ROM, but unfortunately I didn't find any kitchen for it! :?
I've heard that many people are using it now on their XDAs!
Can anyone tell me where can I find those ROMs??
Thanks alot..
ezzkht said:
Hi all,
I've searched this site & the whole net for the new Windows Mobile 2003 Second Edition ROM, but unfortunately I didn't find any kitchen for it! :?
I've heard that many people are using it now on their XDAs!
Can anyone tell me where can I find those ROMs??
Thanks alot..
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Did you get anywhere? Im looking for advice on upgrading from PocketPC 2002 on my uk O2 XDA.
I found the free upgrade from PPC2002 to Windows Mobile 2003 (AT&T services) on this site, but it updates not only the operating system, but also the radio stack:,00.html
Afterward, I wanted to unlock my phone and used the xda-developers special edition ROM. I guess it put the older PPC 2002 back on my XDA, but unlocked my phone AND I have fabulous reception where I had no signal before! Some of the new things from WM2003 are gone BUT I have great reception. The WM2003 nk.nbf file left on my computer is just under 32MB, and that is, I guess, the actual operating system upgrade w/o the radio stack changes the link above gave me. Trying to be brave enough to load it back onto my XDA... as I don't want to lose the fabulous reception I now have.
ezzkht said:
Hi all,
I've searched this site & the whole net for the new Windows Mobile 2003 Second Edition Can anyone tell me where can I find those ROMs??
Thanks alot..
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No such thing called XDA version Windows Mobile 2003 SE.
It doesn’t exist.
Windows Mobile Second Edition? Not until summer/fall.
Microsoft is suppose to launch the second edition of Windows Mobile aka Pocket PC 2003 towards the end of summer/beginnning of autumn. The only device they've announced to support the updated OS is the Motorola MPx200. Until it's release, Windows Mobile is the most recent OS for Wallaby devices.
WIN 2003 SE!
ah ok, so the new Windows 2003 SE has not been released yet!
I have the Microsoft Windows 2003 SE emulator images, but i guess it won't work for any device! I can only use the SE version on emulator, so thats why I was wondering if they've released it on real devices!
so what about the latest ROM version for XDA I??
I have found that 4.01.16 ENG (from is the latest Windows 2003 ROM among all the kitchens!
Is there any newer version ??
I also found a ROM called A.30.09 ENG.. What does that mean?? Does this ROM works on XDA I ?
Thank you all
4.01.16 from T-Mobile or 30.09 from AT&T are the latest WM2003 ROMs available for XDA I ... however, A30.09 has a silly sound issue (clipping).
Well, I believe the SE edition has been released. Is there any way for us xda 1 users to get this thingy working on our units?
the SE is released for OEMs only ... it's a matter of time before it's commercially available especially the PE
ThAnKs dude I will install the T-mobile 4.01.16 ENG then..
FYI: I've seen WM2K3SE running on an XDA I device at the MDC last week in use by a MSFT. I was not able to inquire as to it's functionality as I'm sure it isn't optimized yet - much like the beta version I received for my hp iPAQ h2210.
Pity you didnt get a rom dump on an sd card
oh yes, good idea to take an image of the installed ROM on SD card!
I am going crazy searching the net for win2003SE!!!! I can't find any
I just have it on my emulator, its fast & i guess its well optimized more than previous versions!

Roms, Windows, upgrading, info help?

I am downloading, I plan to upgrade my O2 XDA II, to the latest 2003 SE, Whats with ROM, and Extended Rom? Should I upgrade that? Also whats going to happen if I hard reset my PDA, does it restore to the original 2003, I want it to be permaent 2003SE =/ I am new to XDA II's, and know nothing about them basically, I just want the new stuff.

T Mobile MDA System Upgrade

Sorry if this has already been addressed some where. I have a T Mobile MDA unlocked and running off Suncom service. It is running on ROM version WWE I want to upgrade it but T Mobile will not let me, due to not having their service. My question is what ROM version should I be looking for and where should I be looking?
just grab one of the ones from the clean is one that i would reccomend. i have it mirrored on my site as well....

