Novie in ROM Upgrade - MDA, XDA, 1010 Software Upgrading

Hello everyone. I have a two month old xda 1 and I am thinking of upgrading the ROM (OS) to WM 2003. I have created the ROM (4.00.05) at and downloaded the exe. I have also read the pitfalls of how upgrading the ROM can completely render my xda useless. Are there any steps that I can take so that if the upgrade fails then I restore my pda's old OS and functionality (being a DBA it would be bit like a database restore)? Those users that have upgraded successfully, are there any pitfalls to look out for or any literature on the upgrade process? One more question, when I do upgrade the OS, will the phone work as normal or do I have to do something to "link" it to the OS?
Thank you for your advise.

Read more posts...way more and don't use the .exe to upgrade your device. Download the OS Toolset, backup your current ROM, and then upgrade the ROM with an .nb file which you can create in the kitchen. FYI 4.00.11 is more stable than .05.

Where can get my hands on the OS toolkit. Also, will the 4.00.11 work on a UK o2 XDA? As far as a US ROM working in the UK...I don't know. It should for the OS is independant of the radio stack. Just back up first to be safe and don't use an .exe to upgrade or you won't be able to go back without difficulty!


O2 XDA - Needs help on upgrading current ROM to WM2003 ROM

I'm practicaly a newbie! so pls be patient if some of my questions would sound dumb to many of you techy ppl. I have recently upgraded my stock rom and radio to rom 3.20.06 and radio version 4.21.00 which I got directly from the O2 Xda site. And by accident I've stumbled accross this incredible site " Jeff's Kitchen " which allows XDA users like me to further upgrade our ROM to the latest WM2003. Unfortunately, I am completely blank on how to go about this... Also, I have no idea on what ROM to apply from the ROMs listed on his site. Out of curiousity, I experimented on burning my own ROM and selected 4.00.16 ENG T-Mobile US and to my surprised the capacity meter indicated "overload" when in fact my XDA RAM size is 64mb, flash size is 32mb and SD card is 256mb. Lastly, when I upgraded my ROM to 3.20.06 everything was as simple as a click of a button.
When you go to the kitchen, you choose which rom you wish to download, I would suggest not using the T Mobile roms unless you are a t mobile customer, once you have chosen the rom you will see next to it the space it will take up in your rom space, the reason for the overload message is you have too many extra items listed, these are shown lower down the screen, just untick all of these, then add the bits you want within the constraints of the memory space available in rom, at the top of the screen it will show you if it will all fit and how much space you have to play with. I always download the rom in .exe format, that allows you to execute the file from desktop and carries out a "normal", upgrade of rom over usb cable/cradle. Always backup existing rom before attempting any upgrades, preferably via the sd method, read about on the forum for this method. This ensures you can always get back to a working system should an error occur. Oh, and moving your mouse over the extra bits in the kitchen will bring up a short note on what that particular program does, also some of the progs are specific to wm2002 or wm2003 which is also shown on screen.
I really appreciate the help but one more thing---somebody told me from another forum that there's no difference if I download ROM 4.00.16 ENG T-Mobile US due to the fact they are the same XDA unit. So what's your comment about this?
I've downloaded and applied successfully the ROM 4.00.11 ENG to my O2 XDA unit, unfortunately the upgrade did not include the Radio Stack upgrade that's why I'm still using the old radio version 4.21.00. Where can I download the latest version for the Radio Stack upgrade? and what would be the most reliable and stable version applicable for my unit?
We should create a newbie forum!
Regarding the radio stack issues, I really do suggest you hunt around on the forum for info about this, some radio stack upgrades can be problematic if you wish to go back to an earlier build, please make sure you are aware of any pitfalls before carrying out any changes.
Would it be safer for me to just stick to my old radio stack version 4.12.00 since it's been running perfectly well under my old ROM? will it produce conflicts with my newly applied ROM?
Well I am of the school of "if it aint broke leave it alone".
If ever I choose to do a retro-active installation, like going back to my old ROM--should I be doing the same .exe procedures? since I still have my ROM 3.20.00 ENG .exe

best ROM upgrade for xda I at the moment?

what's the best upgrade i can install now on my xda I? And where can i get it from, and also if possible, just to install it by running the dowloaded program, because the other methods like bootloader and xdatools etc, i'm not good at it...
thanks for your help.
well xdtools are not all that diff to use but if you only want to do it
exe style then i suppose you have to stick with official EU releases (where non are 2003 as far as i know)
or cook your own rom at and choose a rom which is not us based
A.30.09 from Siemens

WM2003 problems

I have a WM2003 (ROM version A.30.09 ENG) on my SX56, that I had upgraded after putting in the SER to unlock the phone. Now WM2003 is much too buggy for me!
- the phone rings just once on an incoming call
- the system hangs every now and then
- apps take too damn long to start up
- ring volume is not very high
and on & on & on.......
I'd like to upgrade something more stable - either WM2002 or 2003 (if there's a stable version out there). Did go to LumpiStefan's kitchen but there are several options within the 2003 ROM's itself.
Can someone pls recommend to me which ROM would be best for me. And can I put in a T-Mobile ROM into the SX56?
A30.09 is known to have some issues with the sound.
TMO 4.01.00 is a very good and stable ROM, and yes you can use it with SX-56 device as long as you don't touch the RSU.
Thanks Biso007.
OK, so if I go to LumpiStefan's kitchen and cook a ROM there and put it into the phone, I would only be changing the PDA OS (and not doing anything to the RSU), correct? Just want to be sure before I go and experiment
How about the 4.01.16 ENG ? The kitchen says that it is the official TMO release? Can I go for that, since it guess it is the most recent release ?
4.01.16 ENG is working perfectly!
I would strongly recommend this ROM.. its WM 2003 version.
AND, I recommend the SD Card method.. flawless installation!
Question regarding newer ROM for the SX56
I have the older ROM and have not experienced any problems with anything that was mentioned. Am I just extremely lucky or is thing something I should expect to arrive shortly, considering I downloaded my newer ROM recently from the Siemens Site. I use everything on my phone and have no problems at all, only sh_ _ _ _ signal strength, damn AT&T! I would switch but still own then a year on my contract, so I won't go on and on about that.
Please let me know the pros to this newer ROM, at least in terms of stability and performance, if that is possible from someone that has loaded it.
Oh - one more Question...
Would I have to reload all my installed applications after flashing my ROM, or can I simply back them up and then restore them from backup without having to enter all the keys, and licenses that you would normally have to put in on the installation?
mraj said:
4.01.16 ENG is working perfectly!
I would strongly recommend this ROM.. its WM 2003 version.
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Some people encountered problems with 4.01.16, so I didn't want to risk especially that when I checked the system files and DLLs of this ROM I found that they are dated the same as the 4.01.00 ones!!
chalil said:
I have the older ROM and have not experienced any problems with anything that was mentioned
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I 'm refering to A30.09 and its known sound bug (clipping) ... which ROM you mean ??
Wokay, 4.01.00 it is then
Thanks everyone, especially Biso007, appreciate your help.
Thaks everyone for your help, successfully upgraded to 4.01.00, though i lost all my contacts :-(
I had backed them up on a SD card and when I tried to restore that after upgrading, nada!
any ideas how i can get them back (i didn't sync with oputlook before the upgrade).
SD backup can be restored only to the same ROM version
It's a silly task if you really want your contacts back (long list I mean) .. flash your ROM to the old version, restore the SD backup, sync with outlook, flash the new ROM version, sync with outlook again ...
Don't you think that keying your contacts is easier ??

Typhoon ROM

Sorry to bother but is there any (english) WM10 ROM existing right now? (expept wm2005)
Does the french orange rom include english (t9 etc..)?
Else, can somebody tell me which is the lates i-mate sp3 ROM existing? (i have
Please provide a link for the Rom if you have one..
just got some info a new build of wm 2005 has been on the net...
OS 5.1.29 (Build 14728.0.0.0) this will be great again to try it out...
Here you got the lastest from Orange. It starts in Dutch by default, but you can select english on it.
Is a official release, so i think this link is legal.
Orange has it own WM10 rom in english:
Where can I find the new WM2005 build? Does it work on the Typoon?
wm5 will work on the typhoon, it is not worth the upgrade. too many problems if you want to go back to 2003se. I would stick with what you have until you either see a non beta official upgrade or you buy a device with it on there. wm5 has made my life a living hell. i am stuck with it, can not get back to any version of 2003se at all beause i did not back up the old rom correctly. nbftools has been a start of understanding the parts of rom and the upgrade packages but dont upgrade to wm5
WonkaBar said:
wm5 will work on the typhoon, it is not worth the upgrade. too many problems if you want to go back to 2003se. I would stick with what you have until you either see a non beta official upgrade or you buy a device with it on there. wm5 has made my life a living hell. i am stuck with it, can not get back to any version of 2003se at all beause i did not back up the old rom correctly. nbftools has been a start of understanding the parts of rom and the upgrade packages but dont upgrade to wm5
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look the link for downgrade....
WonkaBar said:
wm5 will work on the typhoon, it is not worth the upgrade. too many problems if you want to go back to 2003se. I would stick with what you have until you either see a non beta official upgrade or you buy a device with it on there. wm5 has made my life a living hell. i am stuck with it, can not get back to any version of 2003se at all beause i did not back up the old rom correctly. nbftools has been a start of understanding the parts of rom and the upgrade packages but dont upgrade to wm5
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I don't see any reason to downgrade from WM5 on the Typhoon. It is at least as stable as WM2K3se but quite faster.
Spanish ROM?
Does anyone knows if there is a version of WM 5.0 available in Spanish?

Backing up ROM ?

Hi gents
I havnt played with a WinMo phone since I had a Motorola Windows Mobile 2003 phone.
I have a UK O2 Branded HTC HD2, currently with ROM WWE and Radio
I have ran HSPL ready for any cooked ROMs i might fancy
However, I am wondering if it is possibly to backup the current O2 rom incase i need to go back to it..restoring it to facotry settings if you will.
Is this possible?
Also, will an official ROM update both rom and radio and anything else ?
Thanks alot !
As far as I am aware you can't backup a rom in the way I think you mean, ie if it all goes pear shaped you would like to restore the o2 rom from scratch.
If you search around (look in the wiki, not been there for a while) you might find an o2 rom in the repository. If so then you can copy it somewhere ready for if/when you need to "burn" it back in.
Unless you have a particular reason or lurve for the o2 rom you could just use the standard HTC rom if ever you needed to go back to a stock rom.
I take it you have read the threads on here about using roms, etc?
Answer to your other questions: an official rom will update rom and radio. However if you use Bepe's SPL method then that only updates the rom (his method is good for updating cooked roms).
You can also use the goldcard method to update official roms and radio's only Or go onto HTC's site and do it from there). Best bet is to go and have a really good read of these threads and get to thoroughly understand the subject matter including the risks!.

