Backing up ROM ? - HD2 General

Hi gents
I havnt played with a WinMo phone since I had a Motorola Windows Mobile 2003 phone.
I have a UK O2 Branded HTC HD2, currently with ROM WWE and Radio
I have ran HSPL ready for any cooked ROMs i might fancy
However, I am wondering if it is possibly to backup the current O2 rom incase i need to go back to it..restoring it to facotry settings if you will.
Is this possible?
Also, will an official ROM update both rom and radio and anything else ?
Thanks alot !

As far as I am aware you can't backup a rom in the way I think you mean, ie if it all goes pear shaped you would like to restore the o2 rom from scratch.
If you search around (look in the wiki, not been there for a while) you might find an o2 rom in the repository. If so then you can copy it somewhere ready for if/when you need to "burn" it back in.
Unless you have a particular reason or lurve for the o2 rom you could just use the standard HTC rom if ever you needed to go back to a stock rom.
I take it you have read the threads on here about using roms, etc?
Answer to your other questions: an official rom will update rom and radio. However if you use Bepe's SPL method then that only updates the rom (his method is good for updating cooked roms).
You can also use the goldcard method to update official roms and radio's only Or go onto HTC's site and do it from there). Best bet is to go and have a really good read of these threads and get to thoroughly understand the subject matter including the risks!.


WM2003 problems

I have a WM2003 (ROM version A.30.09 ENG) on my SX56, that I had upgraded after putting in the SER to unlock the phone. Now WM2003 is much too buggy for me!
- the phone rings just once on an incoming call
- the system hangs every now and then
- apps take too damn long to start up
- ring volume is not very high
and on & on & on.......
I'd like to upgrade something more stable - either WM2002 or 2003 (if there's a stable version out there). Did go to LumpiStefan's kitchen but there are several options within the 2003 ROM's itself.
Can someone pls recommend to me which ROM would be best for me. And can I put in a T-Mobile ROM into the SX56?
A30.09 is known to have some issues with the sound.
TMO 4.01.00 is a very good and stable ROM, and yes you can use it with SX-56 device as long as you don't touch the RSU.
Thanks Biso007.
OK, so if I go to LumpiStefan's kitchen and cook a ROM there and put it into the phone, I would only be changing the PDA OS (and not doing anything to the RSU), correct? Just want to be sure before I go and experiment
How about the 4.01.16 ENG ? The kitchen says that it is the official TMO release? Can I go for that, since it guess it is the most recent release ?
4.01.16 ENG is working perfectly!
I would strongly recommend this ROM.. its WM 2003 version.
AND, I recommend the SD Card method.. flawless installation!
Question regarding newer ROM for the SX56
I have the older ROM and have not experienced any problems with anything that was mentioned. Am I just extremely lucky or is thing something I should expect to arrive shortly, considering I downloaded my newer ROM recently from the Siemens Site. I use everything on my phone and have no problems at all, only sh_ _ _ _ signal strength, damn AT&T! I would switch but still own then a year on my contract, so I won't go on and on about that.
Please let me know the pros to this newer ROM, at least in terms of stability and performance, if that is possible from someone that has loaded it.
Oh - one more Question...
Would I have to reload all my installed applications after flashing my ROM, or can I simply back them up and then restore them from backup without having to enter all the keys, and licenses that you would normally have to put in on the installation?
mraj said:
4.01.16 ENG is working perfectly!
I would strongly recommend this ROM.. its WM 2003 version.
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Some people encountered problems with 4.01.16, so I didn't want to risk especially that when I checked the system files and DLLs of this ROM I found that they are dated the same as the 4.01.00 ones!!
chalil said:
I have the older ROM and have not experienced any problems with anything that was mentioned
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I 'm refering to A30.09 and its known sound bug (clipping) ... which ROM you mean ??
Wokay, 4.01.00 it is then
Thanks everyone, especially Biso007, appreciate your help.
Thaks everyone for your help, successfully upgraded to 4.01.00, though i lost all my contacts :-(
I had backed them up on a SD card and when I tried to restore that after upgrading, nada!
any ideas how i can get them back (i didn't sync with oputlook before the upgrade).
SD backup can be restored only to the same ROM version
It's a silly task if you really want your contacts back (long list I mean) .. flash your ROM to the old version, restore the SD backup, sync with outlook, flash the new ROM version, sync with outlook again ...
Don't you think that keying your contacts is easier ??

Need the latest HTC TOUCH HD ROM for Orange uk

could somebody help me with the latest HTC TOUCH HD ROM for Orange UK.
RUU_Blackstone_Orange_UK_1.19.61.1 Dump
or older shipped
RUU_Blackstone_Orange_UK_1.19.61.1 Dump
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I downloaded and installed that ROM - It's 1.14 not 1.19!!
Where do these get released? Or haven't they been released?
I'm intrigued to find where the latest HTC Firmware will appear if Orange get round to messing with it.
That is why you are here -----
It is due to the fact that carriers don't upgrade and want you to run out of contract and buy a new toy (thus with a new rom).
This is why we cook roms (off the new toys for old boys).
I have yet to see an offical GER (german rom) come out from my or any other carrier including HTC (who are not carriers).
Now after saying all that wiki does have a orange ship.exe
Still unsure about flashing the ROM
So the ROM supplied in the above links will upgrade the Orange ROM and keep all the horrible things that Orange have done to the handset to cripple it.
I only ask as my phone is company supplied and I do not want to screw up the handset.
My ROM is WWE and the operator version is
Forgive my ignorance about these matters
it´s very simple: if you like to keep your device at it is, there´s no need to flash another rom. if you like to get rid of that orange rom and take part of the better ones install one of the very good rom available here.
BoobBoo said:
So the ROM supplied in the above links will upgrade the Orange ROM and keep all the horrible things that Orange have done to the handset to cripple it.
I only ask as my phone is company supplied and I do not want to screw up the handset.
My ROM is WWE and the operator version is
Forgive my ignorance about these matters
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I also want to get rid of my Orange ROM. I have read the wikis and am confident enough to be able to do it. One thing I am unsure about is, the ROM I would like to try is Panosha`s Black Pearl but as I understand it, it is based on a 1.56 ROM. and my ROM is I can get USPL onto my TouchHD but am unsure as whether I can flash Panosha`s ROM onto my device without first flashing a 1.56 ROM. I`ve searched the Orange website and at the moment there is no 1.56 ROM.
If you are going to flash a cooked rom, then why panic about flashing the stock 1.54/1.56 roms first.
I`m not panicking, just unsure about whether I have to. I`m sure I read in the wikis that I need a 1.56 ROM on my device to flash a 1.56 based cooked ROM. Can`t find this statement any more so maybe I imagined it.
Just noticed a statement on Panosha`s ROM page which says "First flash 1.56.xxxx ROM"
davemazo said:
I`m not panicking, just unsure about whether I have to. I`m sure I read in the wikis that I need a 1.56 ROM on my device to flash a 1.56 based cooked ROM. Can`t find this statement any more so maybe I imagined it.
Just noticed a statement on Panosha`s ROM page which says "First flash 1.56.xxxx ROM"
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Yup, you need the 1.54 SPL version from Stock first which comes with the 1.56 ROM.
Read the tutorial for more info
Then any issues just ask in that thread, loads of people will help... its what we're here for
Thanks mate, I thought so. I went ahead and did it but I now have the green screen issue so I`ve obviously not done it right. Just need to read up now how to fix it. I flashed USPL 2.5 first and then one of Duttys 1.56 ROMS which all went on fine until it rebooted. Maybe I`m not understanding the flash process as much as I thought.
Check your SPL version by turning off the phone, holding down the volume button and pressing power once. It should go to the tri colour screen and say SPL- 1.56, if it doesn't it answers why your phone has gone green screen. The SPL and the ROM numbers need to match.
It's quite simple to solve, don't worry, your phone isn't bricked.
You just need to run hard SPL 1.54 which you can find on this forum. run it via PC whilst in activesync with your phone and it will do the rest. Let us know if you still have problems after this.
Thanks. I have spl 1.14. I knew I hadn`t bricked it, just caused the green screen problem because of my own stupidity not fully understanding the procedure. The ROM is showing as 1.56Dutty, do I have to flash Hardspl 1.56 or the older one. Also does the phone have to be unlocked. I thought I had all this cracked but it just gets more & more complicated the more I try and correct my **** up.
This may seem like a silly question..but .. if I install a cooked Rom
Will my connection setting for Orange as my service provider be retained?
yes. its detected automatically after you flashed the ROM. if you hard reset (which you ought to do) then youll just go through the customisation process where you confirm that your service provider is orange.
I'm obviously a newbie
Thanks - I was bricking myself anout this.
Orange UK ROM's
I went to upgrade , found I I cant ( as abouve ) my friend could ( he brought his phone unlocked etc )
HTC gave teh responce :
Dear Customer, Thank you for contacting our Customer Support Center. An IMEI check of your device indicated that it is an exclusive product, branded to the HT849KD09700 mobile network. SN :HT849KD09700 IMEI :353xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Part Number :99HHxxxxxxx Part Description :SKU,ORANGE,English-WWE,GBR,HTC,UMTS 900/2100,Regional_ID_Low,Sophisticate Black,w/SIM Lock,BLACKSTONE-A2 Customer Name :Orange P.C.S Limited We can only offer limited technical support for network branded handsets, as both software and hardware can be altered by the network provider. For this reason, contact your provider for any support that you might need, including repairs and software updates. As your handset is an exclusive product from a distributor, you will also not be able to get the HTC website support files as this is only for genuine original HTC branded devices.
I called / emailed orange , they have no plans to release the update on there phones.
BoobBoo said:
So the ROM supplied in the above links will upgrade the Orange ROM and keep all the horrible things that Orange have done to the handset to cripple it.
I only ask as my phone is company supplied and I do not want to screw up the handset.
My ROM is WWE and the operator version is
Forgive my ignorance about these matters
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you already have the latest Orange ROM
I thought I was ready to go before I came accross this thread and it's left me hesitant.
I too have an Orange branded phone. SPL 1.14 ROM WWE.
I thought that all I needed to do was:
a) update windows 7 USB driver so I can sync from the tri-colour screen.
b) run HSPL 1.56.OliNex
c) flash a new 1.56 ROM
edit: Do I need to update to stock SPL 1.54 before step b?
As davemazo says, does it need to be Orange unlocked to do this? dgattenb saying he can't flash the 1.54 HSPL onto the phone has put this on hold.

Which ROM

I found my O2 XDA mini s in a draw yesterday, and as I have never played with ROMS or anything like that I though it was about time. SO...
Its an O2 Mini s - i have found the FTP site and can see there are 2 or 3 O2 UK ROMS, but which one is the best, most stable etc?
Also what if I dont like, it - can I downgrade the ROM back to the original from somewhere?
Any input would be fantastic - thanks
I suggest you to try an WM6.1 or WM6.5 rom. To do that you must first CID & SIM unlock your phone. Read this guide very carefully.
Now there are 2 cooks that make Roms for our Wizard, xda2_haseeb & CRACING. They both make great roms. Visit their threads & see for your self. Those Roms are not UK but WWE. They are fully English roms if your problem is the language.
If someday you decide to revert to the original / stock Rom (I don't see why) it's easy. You just have to download the Rom from the provider of your phone for your country & just flash it to your phone. When you do this your phone will be locked again so if you want to reflash it with an other not stock Rom you must unlock it again .-

Yet Another ROM Query (Hopefully My Last!)...

Hi all,
Okay, after weeks of deliberating I think I'm finally ready to take the plunge and flash my ROM to Dutty's 3.1XT. I have read all of the forums many times over to get a better understanding of the procedure (thanks to CrackWhore, Olinex and co.), however I still have some queries:
Firstly my current specs are a stock Orange ROM ( WWE) which is CID locked and stock 1.14 SPL.
Could someone please confirm that all I need to do is to flash the latest version of HSPL, prior to flashing with Dutty's ROM? Could it really be this easy now?!
The release of HSPL to support flashing ROMs after 1.54 seems to have made the process a lot simpler, but I would like you to clarify that this is fact the case, even with an Orange CID lock.
Finally, in case I don't get on with Dutty's ROM (which sounds doubtful), please could someone re-post the official HTC ROM (RUU_BlackStone_HTC_WWE_1.56.405.1_Radio_52.62.25.3 4_1.13.25.24_Ship.exe) as the Mediafire link to it on the following WIKI page doesn't appear to work:
I assume that with HSPL in place I should be able to run the stock 1.56 ROM without the upgrade problems my current Orange one presents?
With your answers in front of me and a bank holiday weekend ahead, hopefully I can crack this once and for all (it's been niggling me for ages!)
Thanks in advance guys...
Bump - anybody?
read thru the guide here it'll answer all your questions. i personally think the USPL approach is better than HSPL.

HTC HD 2 on o2(UK) Firmware 1.43

Hi everyone,
My htc hd 2 is branded by o2 and still runs under firmware 1,43.
I keep asking o2 when they are going to release the new version but they are unsure
I am using bsb tweaks atm which is very good but I would like to upgrade to ver 1.48 or ver 1,66
Is this poss
yeah just flash it then pick a rom,mines on vodafone and don't know if they will ever release a upgrade so using one of duttys roms which is awesome.
plenty to choose from on here.
Vodafone here too, currently running a Miri rom.
Read this and you won't go wrong:
I will do some reading first to see if its safe.
I dont want to brick my htc
I wouldn't wait for o2, they're so far behind and don't seem to care about offering support for the HD2 from my contact with them. I got rid of the o2 1.43 as soon as the goldcard method was put up here, and since use the HSPL. the HSPL is great... if you have any problems installing a cooked ROM, just install an official one again, and try a different one. you'll want to make sure you upgrade your radio if you're coming from 1.43, battery usage and sound quality seem to be greatly improved now
search this forum for the o2 stock ROM, that way you have some thing to fall back on if you wanna return it!
there are a couple of threads with links to the download!
lee2305 said:
I will do some reading first to see if its safe.
I dont want to brick my htc
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i had a scary moment flashed a rom when it stopped at 9% and crashed i just reflashed the hspl and all ok,as long as u follow the guides you won't go far wrong,its worth doing as vodafone won't release sod all and u want to get the most out of your it don't be afraid.
Flashed my O2 Leo numerous times now, I've tried Dutty's but can't seem to get it stable so have settled with Miri's v1.5 Sense 2.5. It works well and I've tweaked a few more things to get it how I like it. You won't regret it, just get hold of the original O2 ROM and HSPL and away you go. You can always go back to the O2 ROM by flashing directly off the SD card and nobody will be any the wiser if you're concerned about warranty issues!
+1 to most posts here. O2, like my own provider T-Mobile, and probably most other resellers tend to update their own official roms very slowly.
Getting HardSPL onto your phone is simple, and once that's in place it's actually very difficult to brick your phone. It's also pretty easy to remove the HardSPL if you need to send it back for warranty repair.

