T Mobile MDA System Upgrade - 8125, K-JAM, P4300, MDA Vario General

Sorry if this has already been addressed some where. I have a T Mobile MDA unlocked and running off Suncom service. It is running on ROM version WWE I want to upgrade it but T Mobile will not let me, due to not having their service. My question is what ROM version should I be looking for and where should I be looking?

just grab one of the ones from the ftp....mr clean is one that i would reccomend. i have it mirrored on my site as well....



As a new xda user I have been reading up on flashing my machine to the Windows Mobile 2003 Pocket PC Phone edition. I am trying to find out if every rom will work on my phone.
I have an 02XDA
Bootloader 5.17
Rom Version 3.14.17 ENG
Rom Date 10/11/02
Radio version 4.17
Protocol Version 32s54
I was looking forward to updating it to the new version but o2 Asia (I assume my xda is the asian model) says that an upgrade is unlikely.
Can I update it with one of your roms or possibly the WM2003?
Yup, you can upgrade it, and anyone should.
If you asked me two days ago you would get a negative answer. But last night for the second time I upgraded my XDA again to WM2003, and very very happy with it. Specially the telephone and SMS facilities.
When I upgraded first time last week, I was not happy at all, my application programs somehow hang the XDA, most probably Battery Pack older version. Now I am using Spb Pocket Plus instead.
If you want to upgrade to WM2003, just make sure that all your application program can run in it. You cannot trust the signal bar, so I use an excelent program called IP Dashboard test it.
My old set-up was exactly like yours, and now:
ROM version: 4.00.01 ENG
ROM date: 05/16/03
Radio version: 4.21.00
Protocol version: 32S54
Help X2
Ok then.
To make mine look official, where can i get a proper copy of WM2003? I know its not officially endorsed or anything but I want it to at least look the part.
I'm one of these people who love having the newest look to their mobile and as its new I havn't put any extra programs on it yet. (Apary from the sms fix)
and how would I go about getting it and resoring it if the update failed. ?
You may not be able to get an 'official' copy of WM2003, but there are plenty of developer-releases floating around :wink:
Search the forums and read as much as you can and you will have your XDA upgraded in no time.
If I'm not happy with WM2003 can anyone tell me if it is possible to downgrade with the official Programme a/b that can be downloaded from the 02 website.
I downloaded it just in case I had any problems a while ago. Touch wood *knock Knock* It hasn't been a problem for me.
you can down-grade. the best way of doing it is to down-grade to XDA-developers v1.2 then to O2 3.xx

Unlocking an MDA with the new T-Mobile 2003 rom installed

I've managed to upgrade my MDA I with the new T-Mobile 2003 ROM Version: 4.01.16 ENG, Radio Version: 6.25.02
Any idea how I now unlock the thing so that I don't need to use a T-Mobile SIM?
I know I could install a different version of 2003, but I actually do want to use the T-Mobile one.
UPDATE: I now think that my problem is not that I have a sim lock, as it is not telling me that my O2 sim is not supported in this T-Mobile device. I think this may be an issue with the radio version. I have tried going back to my old 2002 install and also the XDA developers special. But no matter which one I install I always have the new radio version of 6.25. Does any one know how to "downgrade" my radio to an older one?

Putting T-Mobile Software on AT&T SX56

I recently purchased an AT&T SX56 and had it unlocked so that I can use it with T-Mobile service. It works great but it still has the old AT&T software on it Pocket PC 2002. I would like to upgrade to PPC 2003 which is available on the T-Mobile site, but I am concerned that flashing the device with T-mobile software will kill it. Has anyone had an experience with this? Will it work?? I can d-load the PPC 2003 from siemens for AT&T but I would rather have T-mobile.
Download it but only flash the ce rom part of it, dont flash the radio if you have a good working phone already, there is nothing there to damage your phone, people on this site have used roms from everywhere without problems, it is better to use the sd method for flashing using xdatools.
I tried the t mobile upgrade
but it told me my rom version was not compatible and aborted the upgrade. I have an att sx-56 that I unlocked by loading the special rom 3.17 ENG. So I'm running on that rom until I spot the next plan on here.
This rom is cool but can anyone tell me how to get the buttons to work when the phone is off again? Also the calendar language is not english any idea on where to set that?
Thanks love this site and the great people on here!
Use the kitchen at http://xda.weblink.net/ to cook a TMO 4.01.16 ROM and use the SD card method to over come the version verification.
Finished... for now anyway
Did as suggested above and then used t-mobile released version to upgrade radio... Now have the official t-mobile version of OS ROM and Radio. I miss the old special edition rom already!
Thanks everyone!

Which ROM upgrade should I apply? Please help!

I just received my SX56 two days ago. I have T-Mobile USA service. I'm trying to figure out the Windows Mobile 2003 upgrades and all that. I found the ROM cook site. So, from what I understand, I can cook the ROM from the site, download it and run it to upgrade my SX56, right? I will not need to do anything else. Everything's included in the ROM downloaded from the site? Also, what version should I update to? A.30.09 or 4.01.16 or something else? Please help!
Also, is there a way to have Bluetooth enabled in SX56 or is it a hardware restriction?
Thank you.
for now i would stick with what you got
and no a rom change could not make it do bluetooth
not even make it work with sdIo Bluetooth cards
I have used PPC2003 before and I have bought few applications that only work with Windows Mobile 2003. That's the reason why I want to upgrade SX56 to 2003. Could someone please guide me to the correct version number for T-Mobile? Thank you.
The 4.01.16 is quite good and stable. (does not have the audio bug).
Ps: There's also the SD Erasure!!! buggy WM2003

hello guys,pleasssse help me

i have from today htc hd2 on contract from o2,and after reading about this phone i was find out i have all old softwares,i was trying update on htc web site but this link dont like me after when i was writing my serial number.
At the moment i have OS.Vers:5.2.21864(21864.5.0.81), Manila vers: 2.5.19202525.0 and my ROM Version is !!! : (70315)WWE ,well to be honest with you guys im not sure what to do with that?i was upgrade from that popular iphone3gs,they don't do it this for the users buuuu
Thanks for any help,would be great if i will know what i can update on my phone
if that is important i running windows 7 home premium 32bit
what version were you trying to upgrade to?
If you only just got it today, try it for a bit first, i got an o2 one two weeks ago, no problems at all. Dont go rushing to update if you dont have to till you need to.
The O2 HD2 also have a branded ROM, so you wont be able to download from HTC unless O2 permit. Even if you get a hold of the ROM it will still fail unless you HSPL (or other method).
As samsamuel said. I've also not had the problems that others have written about. That's probably the reason O2 haven't issued an upgrade.
Leave it be and enjoy
nutmegy said:
what version were you trying to upgrade to?
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HI MY OS version is 5.2.21864(21864.5.0.81)
Manila version 2.5.19202525.0
ROM veraion
what i can change?what i can upgrade?on my htc i don't have wifi router or radio don't know why?
I starting hate it O2 lol
thanks for any help or information
at present you cant upgrade unless you hack the phone using hspl or wait for an offical rom from o2

