Update Windows 10 on Lumia 950 beyond FCU (1709) - Microsoft Lumia 950/950 XL

Has anyone figured out a way to upgrade Windows on a Lumia 950 beyond Fall Creator's Update 1709? It doesn't have to be the 1909 update. It would have to be sideloaded, I know.

As Windows 10 Mobile has been discontinued since December 2019, there is no way to get a new version of the Mobile OS. There is the LumiaWOA project, but since it's fairly slow, buggy and lacks features (cameras, Windows Hello face unlock and more) I don't recommend you use it unless it's for LOLs.
For reference, the latest W10M version is 10.0.15254.603

I've read about installing things like Android on the phone, but as you said, things like the camera will be lost, so what's the point? Rats!
So far, I've managed to come up with workarounds with my "daily driver" 950, but what may eventually get me will be when the web browsers that work on the 950 series get eliminated. I'm going to hold on to the bitter end. They can have my Windows Phone when they "pry it from my cold, dead hand".

Yes, there was an Android FFU for the XL, but that's in very unusable state as basically just the display and touch work (and it was more of an April Fools thing anyways.
Drivers for everything else, from the graphics processor to charging capability need to be made based on Windows drivers and if possible, some can be picked from devices with a similar board.
Not sure if anyone is willing to bother with that though... I think we all would love to see an effort from Microsoft, but it's very unlikely to happen so all we can do is dream and hope it'll remain usable for those who do daily it.

I switched on my 950 XL today just for fun after a year or so, an update was waiting. It does it now (second pack) for 4 hours, almost finish. Have a look at what's happened when finished.

I'd be very interested in what number your update is. Theoretically, the 950 and 950XL are identical from an OS standpoint. Maybe the 950XL is eligible because it's an octa core processor.
I've heard that some guys have managed to install Windows 10 ARM on the 950, and I have a spare 950. But I've heard that there are issues with that route.


[Q] Windows 8 arm

Hey i have a question like when is the win 8 arm gonna come im tired of waiting already or is it possible to run any other microsoft os on acer iconia tab a500, or can you run win xp with qemu or something like that please help me really need it. thanks for all
aivashc said:
Hey i have a question like when is the win 8 arm gonna come im tired of waiting already or is it possible to run any other microsoft os on acer iconia tab a500, or can you run win xp with qemu or something like that please help me really need it. thanks for all
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Nobody really knows when or.. now IF it will come.
Microsoft seems to be hitting issues with and there is not much news in this lately. Somewhere i read is to not expect it until mid 2013 if ever..
NO as far as running any windows os on the iconia. What ever qemu is. if thats a emulator i never seen one to work correctly..so its unlikely and if so would be very slow and buggy..
Sell your A 500.. GET A W500.. i have considered trying to trade mine..
You can use an app like Splashtop to mirror what your home PC is doing. It will look like it's running Windows...
You can use some Win 8 wallpaper and replicate a Metro look
You can even change the Force Close message to "This program has ended unexpectedly...." AKA Exception Error, AKA General Protection Fault.
ive had this conversation so many times its not even funny.
Mainly, forget about it.
Chances are virtually nonexistant you'll be able to buy windows 8 ARM. Even if there was a way to legally port it, which there isn't, it'd still require a whole new set of drivers (which would be incredibly hard to create) and a proprietary, closed source pre-boot environmentwhich would need to bbe illegally modified to make the os run.
Its pretty much impossible without Microsoft helping, which you know they won't do.
And I also feel it nessarry to point out that you won't be able to run windows x86 programs on windows 8 arm, making it a largely useless platform - you only have access to metro apps, and/or windows phone 7 apps. Stay with android, you'll thank me later.
Android rom on windows hardware . CAN I PLEASE..
Can i install the update .zip .. rom from my tablet to my Windows 7 AMD FUSION Cpu notebook..
can i can i can iiiii can i please....
Windows 8 requirements to battle fragmentation:
Tegra 2 can run Windows 8 !
@akram_1 - Your 2nd link refers to the Jan 2011, presentation at CES where MS talked about running Win 8 on a Tegra 2 Tablet but it got no further and as Erica Renee said in post above yours, the whole idea of that setup bit the dust during 2011 when MS decided to quietly back away from the idea.
In Jan 2012 again at CES, MS Windows Chief Marketing Officer demonstrated Win 8 on ARM but this was on a special one off unit using the Tegra 3 chip and Metro.
So please don't hold your breath waiting for Win 8 on ARM running on the A500 otherwise you'll end up in the Guiness Book of Records as the "A500 owner with the bluest face and least detectable pulse rate".
Windows 8 on ARM? Absolutely
Windows 8 on the A500? Highly unlikely
Apparently there will be Windows 8 tablets coming out by the holiday shopping season. If any device will be able to natively run either Android or Windows (or even both in a dual-boot environment), it would most likely be on a device designed and marketed for Windows. In fact, now that I think about it, Android 5 (Jellybean?) will be expected around the same time. Seeing how Android has matured over the last few years, I expect this next version to blow us away. With any hopeful wishing, some tablet manufacturers may release the same hardware built to run both Windows and Android and sell them side-by-side. For example, a hypothetical Acer A900 and W900 would be exactly the same hardware, only difference being the OS, in which case they might just name such a tablet the T900A and T900W. Of course, this is just speculation. Also, I'm expecting a lot of these next-gen tablets to copy the design of the Transformer and Transformer Prime. These tablets will ship with a dock, and the UI will change according to how it's being used. In tablet mode, it will be in the Metro UI, then switch to a more familiar Windows UI when docked. If the hardware is being used interchangeably between Windows and Android, maybe Jellybean will feature different UI's based on which mode is being used. Take Cornerstone for example. Speculation once again, but this is what I'd like to see.
But yeah, as far as Windows on the A500... keep dreaming
Better luch if MS makes a tablet with a arm processor and some no decides to port it. Then you would have wp7 or whatever version they call it. I think right now that is the best you could hope for.
I agree with the above for the most part. I do belive Microsoft under estimated the efforts they would need to put into getting windows to run On arm.When and well If They do get a releasable product
(1) It will surely have one of the 3 fallowing problems . It will maybe run windows LIKE!!! programs And suck battery life.(BAD BAD AND A FAIL)
(2) It will Run windows Program like But be so Huge because of the extra batteries it will be to heavy to be useable.(Like the Current win 7 tabs.To big or no battery life.) This to would BE A BIG FAT FAIL.
(3) It will be a extension of the win phone operating system. The one that people complain about and toss and run back to android. Closed SOURCE very little development for it. Few but expensive apps.. WELL NOTHING MORE TO SAY BUT..
THIS TO IS A Near FAIL . They are huge and bulky or die Quickly..
I have 3 friends that have them. and pack charger and spair battery with them all the time..
The above are what i have been reading all over the web in one form or another..I also think there is something going on in the background behind peoples back.. I THINK LOCKING Devices to the installed OS will eventually be a non flash-able rom chip. with a secondary rom to incorporate updates and fixes to the first.. This would make devices obsolete much Quicker. Its becoming harder and harder for developers to break the boot loaders on these devices.
THE BOOT LOADER and its magic .. i feel is the reason acer has not release ICS. AND I BELIEVE THEY WILL NOT UNTIL THE FIX THIS
Just my Opinion. from what i have read over the last few months . There should be a international Protest NOt TO ACER OR ASUS or samsung .. BUT TO THE WORLD MANUFACTURERS. To get a law to disallow them to lock down NON CONTRACT DEVICES....

Golden opportunity for Intel and AMD!

And maybe for people who want Windows 8 tablets.
I've been thinking about this one. Windows 8 RC1 (or whatever the new name is supposed to be) is supposed to be out the first week of June.
A smart x86 chip manufacturer could begin shipping tablet computers at that point. They can't ship Windows 8, but according to reports from Paul Thurott and others the Windows 8 upgrade is cheap. Something like $15. http://www.winsupersite.com/blog/supersite-blog-39/windows8/windows-8-pro-pc-upgrade-cost-15-143077Windows 8 Pro PC Upgrade Cost is Just $15.
Eventually Microsoft will announce a free upgrade date as they always do. "Any purchase of Windows 7 after xx/xx/xxx will qualify for a free upgrade."
The big opportunity here is for x86 tablet makers to be able to bring their product to market 4+ months ahead of the ARM versions.
Buy a Win 7 tablet the first week of June, install the Win 8 RC1 for free and upgrade later for at most $15.
The ARM has to ship with the OS installed and has to wait until October.
If I was a vendor of x86 machines I'd be salivating at the opportunity to get ahead of the market. Nothing illegal going on. Still just selling a device that Microsoft says will be compatible (a Windows 7 PC will be compatible with the Windows 8 OS). Microsoft is making the OS available to the public in June, why wait to make the hardware available? The consumer preview was over 1,000,000 downloads on a quick search. People obviously aren't afraid to install the OS themselves.
Just a thought. Would you buy a x86 based Windows 7 tablet in June if the features were right and the price was right?
I don't want windows 8, personally, I think this would be great. A nice thin, light ivy bridge windows 7 tablet would be awesome for me.
Or maybe the lava xolo could run windows 7. I'm keeping an eye on the forums to see if any enterprising devs try this hehe.
Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk 2
there is a fundamental flaw in your suggestion
you are wanting manufactures to ship Win 8 hardware now with win 7 on it to allow an upgrade at a later date?
ok but what you have forgotten is that right now, every OEM out there is scrambling to shift as much dead stock of older Win 7 generation as they can before it is completely devalued.
The only OEMs that would do as your suggesting is new starts without Win7 hardware, or OEMs that have already sold out, the latter is extremely unlikely.
But even then you need to take in to account devices already in the supply chain, Mega PC shop who still has 1000s of units wont want to push newer ones if the older ones will get left to gather dust, they have already paid for these devices and sure as hell wont want to waste that money.
So its a nice idea, but its a bit ideological.

[Q] windroid 8?

Can someone point or steer me in the right direction?
I am a IT/hackit type person, and I am searching for the best "do it all" system. I don't mind glitchy/buggy systems so long as I can always boot or flash the system stable if I need/want to.
(Read below, if you want to know why/how I got here)
I am largely clueless about windows 7, 2008r2, 8, 8rt, and all post wince phone varients, but I want to expose myself to it if at all possible. I really want to re.perk my interest in linux/android/windows and anything else I am not up on (Facebook/twitter/cloudXYZ intigration).
I haven't used an iphone/ipad much (I had an early ipod, one of the USB sticks with no screen). Other than almost always smooth interface, and high res display, it hasn't perked my interest much. That may just be all the guppies, itunes, closed mindedness, and general leash to many of them wear. If I ever got one, it would either need to run android (or heck, windows, bsd, anything), or there would need some other compelling reason ( runs android/google play apps, has a 3rd part app store, or I dunno, something).
Anyways, back on topic...
I am seeking hardware that can do all, or most all, of the following:
Run android ICS/JB
Has a somewhat active community
Can operate as a tablet and phone (preferably gsm/3g with native phone support)
Can run whatever flavors of windows are interesting (Windows 8, windows 8 rt, etc)
If needed, I can jump ship to x86, but I don't know how unusable android might be.
I'm willing to virtualize or split hardware if I must. (I.e. voip, vmware, terminal, etc.)
A nice plus would be incredible hardware specs (4 core or >1gb ram), even if price is high.
Right now I have a 2 month old galaxy tab 7.7 (p6800). It died, and is in the process of being fixed/replaced/refunded. It's demise prompted my search for a replacement, which in turn, brought me across some windows 8 articles. All I know about windows 8 is what I read in the past hour or so. I came across some stuff about an ARM capable windows (though limited by secure boot), some dual booting of windows x86 tablets, and I think some ICS/win7phone?, etc. I couldn't figure out where to start reading and/or if I should skip it or split it.
Welcome to my personal short story. In short, I have been very ill, and offline for the past 4 years. Prior to that I haven't gone more than a day or two since 1986 without in some way using a computer. I have always hovered at the bleeding edge, and started my career pushing customized solutions, documentation, and "proof of concept" designs.
Fast forward to 2007, using my IT skills I switched to a more top end systems/workflow design, decision matrix, and proof of concept (often centered around server consolidation, virtualization, and terminal emulation (everything from bsd/linux to dos/windows). I also touched countless applications from legacy to high end multimedia/desktops. Most all of my off time was spent pushing hardware, network(+internet), operating system, and virtulalization/duel booting/cross platform interoperability.
Shortly before 2004, I had a life saving surgery, and was good to go (at my best). Then, in 2007/2008 I suffered several major relapses in health. From then until early this year (2012), I was so sick, I couldn't do much at all. Being an early adopter of the original motorola droid, I did manage to stay in touch. I did some very simplistic modding, but didn't have the brain power to do much. My family got me a droid x and a xoom tablet later on, and I had a couple good spells where I rooted and did lite modding.
Why all this detail? It's my best effort to show my perspective and maybe where I am trying to come at or re-enter the IT/hackery world. I really want to catch up, start having fun again, and get cleared to work again!
Thanks for reading this, any pointers to hardware, ariticals, forums, and/or just some search terms would be greatly appreciated.
-D0c5i5 (aka. Jon or JonC)
There is nothing
I believe there is an old 2.x version of Android running on x86 meaning you could buy a normal x86 device and install Win 8 and Android
using win RT devices with android isn't possible yet
installing RT on Android devices isn't possible yet
Windows phone was never "hacked" as such so if MS insisted on the same level of security its highly unlikely we will have dual boot ARM devices any time soon.
as for dual boot x86, well, youd better get on to the android folk for that one
dazza9075 said:
There is nothing
I believe there is an old 2.x version of Android running on x86 meaning you could buy a normal x86 device and install Win 8 and Android
using win RT devices with android isn't possible yet
installing RT on Android devices isn't possible yet
Windows phone was never "hacked" as such so if MS insisted on the same level of security its highly unlikely we will have dual boot ARM devices any time soon.
as for dual boot x86, well, youd better get on to the android folk for that one
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There's also BlueStacks for emulating Android apps on Windows. I don't believe they have an RT version, though.
JihadSquad said:
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Known issues
•Suspend and resume doesn't work on some targets.
•Not support Ethernet.
indeed, its been updated to ICS

[Q] Buying first WP8. Which one?

Hi all,
im looking for a new phone and have fallen in love with WP8, I have been using Android for 2 years. I have looked at apps. and found the most important ones to be available on WP, the ones I could not find was: Steam, TwitchTV & an app. to watch Anime on. (not crucial)
I wanna know if there might be something that im gonna miss if I swap to WP. I expect WP to have the basics of any other smartphone (WiFi-hotspot, a proper GPS/Maps app. to get guided both in car and on foot, News, Notes, Calculator etc. etc. etc.) but if theres something it does not have that I might be used to in Android, please let me know.
Would also love to know how updates are handled. Is it through manufacturer (Nokia, HTC etc. like Android), or through MS to ensure all phones gets updated?
Last but not least, im considering buying the HTC 8S, as it seems to be the cheapest of 'em all. I would love to buy Lumia 920, but im afraid if I dont love the system, or feel like it lacks something I need (such as apps...), im gonna be stuck with a very expensive phone over 2 years.
I hope someone can give me some detailed, personal insight on swapping to WP from Android, and if HTC 8S would be a good choice.
If you don't wanna buy something really expensive, wait up a bit till lower end phones pop up. SO far, we only have flagships and a couple of mid ends.
mcosmin222 said:
If you don't wanna buy something really expensive, wait up a bit till lower end phones pop up. SO far, we only have flagships and a couple of mid ends.
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I dont consider HTC 8S expensive, its around half the price of Lumia 920 here. The reason I back when I bought my first smartphone went with a top model was because I knew Android - back then - still had frame rate issues with its UI (HTCs Sense did at least), so I wanted the fastest phone.
From what I read though WP8 should run smooth on any phone that has it right now, including 8S (also seems smooth in videos). So that is why im hesitating buying Lumia 920, because the system experience is gonna be identical on both phones (same features, both running smooth UI), and since im on a single-core phone atm., its gonna be a step up either way. Basically im in doubt if I should pay the double for the overall better specs plus PureMotion HD+ & NFC.
Im still interested in hearing personal opinions and stuff I listed in first post.
Windows Phone OS works differently than Android. It always focuses the CPU to what the user does, and background is left for when the phone is idle.
The 8s will run just as fast as lumia 920, the 1Ghz dual core is more than enough for the system
There are other things you need to look at
1) Storage space: 8s only has around 1.5GB available for user. Although it has an SD card for personal data, you still have only 1.5GB for apps.
2) Camera: Lumia 920 has a vastly superior back camera, and a front camera.
3) Lumia 920 is a Lumia, therefore it has access to some very cool apps. Nokia releases a new feature for its phones every month or so, whereas HTC is really not s active as Nokia.
4)RAM: 8s only has 512, some premium games will require 1GB
mcosmin222 said:
Windows Phone OS works differently than Android. It always focuses the CPU to what the user does, and background is left for when the phone is idle.
The 8s will run just as fast as lumia 920, the 1Ghz dual core is more than enough for the system
There are other things you need to look at
1) Storage space: 8s only has around 1.5GB available for user. Although it has an SD card for personal data, you still have only 1.5GB for apps.
2) Camera: Lumia 920 has a vastly superior back camera, and a front camera.
3) Lumia 920 is a Lumia, therefore it has access to some very cool apps. Nokia releases a new feature for its phones every month or so, whereas HTC is really not s active as Nokia.
4)RAM: 8s only has 512, some premium games will require 1GB
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Thank you for the very informative post, 1.5GB doesnt seem like much for apps. I did read that apps. cannot be stored on an SD card, but then again I didnt think the system would bring the phone to 1.5GB from 4GB.
The reason I considered (yes, considered - defo wont get it now knowing those facts) the 8S is because I simply hate being charged for 24 months!!! Even though we dont pay interest here, its like a never-ending bill. Maybe I should wait for Mobile World Congress, see whats revealed in the Windows Phone world, maybe it will lead to Lumia 920 being dumped in price!?!??
Nokia plans to release a lower end lumia, similar to 8s but with bigger storage space (8GB build-in+SD).
And yes, the system does bring it down that much.
You could always wait for my review of the 8S which will be up later in the week
Sent from my RM-825_eu_euro1_217 using Board Express
Anyway, this forum is pretty great, has options for every Windows Phone 8 known to man that's been released. You can check the respective forums to figure out how other users feel about the phone.
Use the find your device textbox up top the page.
mcosmin222 said:
Nokia plans to release a lower end lumia, similar to 8s but with bigger storage space (8GB build-in+SD).
And yes, the system does bring it down that much.
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Do you mean Lumia 820? Cause I Googled abit and it was the only model I could find that people refer to as "the little brother" of Lumia 920.
The Jones said:
You could always wait for my review of the 8S which will be up later in the week
Sent from my RM-825_eu_euro1_217 using Board Express
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I will, thanks for the heads up.
Juusuhako said:
Do you mean Lumia 820? Cause I Googled abit and it was the only model I could find that people refer to as "the little brother" of Lumia 920.
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I think we are talking of the Lumia 620 here. Will be a good budget priced option by the looks of it, similar to the 8S but with more internal storage and all the Nokia apps.
Juusuhako said:
I wanna know if there might be something that im gonna miss if I swap to WP. I expect WP to have the basics of any other smartphone (WiFi-hotspot, a proper GPS/Maps app. to get guided both in car and on foot, News, Notes, Calculator etc. etc. etc.) but if theres something it does not have that I might be used to in Android, please let me know.
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Some things I 'miss' not having are:
The Bluetooth and micro USB not allowing keyboards.
The Bluetooth and micro USB not allowing gamepads or controllers.
Video out restrictions via microUSB.
No PC software that can control the phone, so you can sit at a desk PC and control the phone, type, etc.
Juusuhako said:
Would also love to know how updates are handled. Is it through manufacturer (Nokia, HTC etc. like Android), or through MS to ensure all phones gets updated?
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On AT&T in California, USA, both Microsoft, Samsung and AT&T have pushed updates related to their own software, hardware and firmware though the phone and Zune update.
Juusuhako said:
Last but not least, im considering buying the HTC 8S, as it seems to be the cheapest of 'em all. I would love to buy Lumia 920, but im afraid if I dont love the system, or feel like it lacks something I need (such as apps...), im gonna be stuck with a very expensive phone over 2 years.
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I normally don't fear buying a phone and then if it doesn't work out, selling it on the open market. I normally get a high % of the phone's value back and can pay the new phone fee or pay off the contract (we have subsidized phones where I am at).
Have you looked at the lower end Nokia's? Like the 820?
I wanna know if there might be something that im gonna miss if I swap to WP. I expect WP to have the basics of any other smartphone (WiFi-hotspot, a proper GPS/Maps app. to get guided both in car and on foot, News, Notes, Calculator etc. etc. etc.) but if theres something it does not have that I might be used to in Android, please let me know.
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I am Android user for 3 years (Huawei, Xperia, HTC, Samsung) and finally switch to WP.
Damn like quantum leap improvement for speed and reliabilites, while iPhone interface is boring.
I use Lumia 800, now wanna upgrade to Lumia 820.
- WiFi Hotspot already exist in my 800
- Proper GPS Map from Nokia is nice. Offer offline tunr-by-turn navigation and, City Lens (Bing Eye) is amazing.
- News, you can get NewsRoom from Marketplace easily. This is my fave app since Palm WebOS, Android.
- Note is many apps around there from MP, but using built-in Office Note amazing. Uploading on SkyDrive
- Calculator, the amazing SmartBoard you can get from Marketplace, instead of default MS Calculator
The Jones said:
I think we are talking of the Lumia 620 here. Will be a good budget priced option by the looks of it, similar to the 8S but with more internal storage and all the Nokia apps.
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Ah, I see. But thats just on top of MWC, might aswell wait and see reveals then. I wish there was more info on 820, it says it would release this year, but I cant find it available anywhere. Must be delayed.
Thresher said:
Some things I 'miss' not having are:
The Bluetooth and micro USB not allowing keyboards.
The Bluetooth and micro USB not allowing gamepads or controllers.
Video out restrictions via microUSB.
No PC software that can control the phone, so you can sit at a desk PC and control the phone, type, etc.
On AT&T in California, USA, both Microsoft, Samsung and AT&T have pushed updates related to their own software, hardware and firmware though the phone and Zune update.
I normally don't fear buying a phone and then if it doesn't work out, selling it on the open market. I normally get a high % of the phone's value back and can pay the new phone fee or pay off the contract (we have subsidized phones where I am at).
Have you looked at the lower end Nokia's? Like the 820?
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I never used keyboards or controllers, so thats fine. Same with controling phone via pc.
I wouldnt wanna bind myself for 2 years of payment only to sell it at a lower value and still having to pay it off, that would be throwing money out the window.
Yes, I have looked at 820, but as far as I can tell its not released yet??? Am I wrong?
AREMA said:
I am Android user for 3 years (Huawei, Xperia, HTC, Samsung) and finally switch to WP.
Damn like quantum leap improvement for speed and reliabilites, while iPhone interface is boring.
I use Lumia 800, now wanna upgrade to Lumia 820.
- WiFi Hotspot already exist in my 800
- Proper GPS Map from Nokia is nice. Offer offline tunr-by-turn navigation and, City Lens (Bing Eye) is amazing.
- News, you can get NewsRoom from Marketplace easily. This is my fave app since Palm WebOS, Android.
- Note is many apps around there from MP, but using built-in Office Note amazing. Uploading on SkyDrive
- Calculator, the amazing SmartBoard you can get from Marketplace, instead of default MS Calculator
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I might get Nokia just for the GPS maps they have, seems like nice software. Thanks for heads up about basic apps.
Yes, I have looked at 820, but as far as I can tell its not released yet??? Am I wrong?
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Different country, different release date.
In Indonesia, Lumia 920 and 820 will release on Dec 22, 2012.
And I have pre-ordered ticket for it. To upgrade my amazing Lumia 800 into Lumia 820 (for screen size/slim reason)..
Now, actually Lumia 800 getting official update 7.8
Hello im sick about Android.
Iphone to restricted and way tooooooo expensive.
I will take the HTC 8X ! But i will wait at least 3-4 months. Buy it cheap and see how wp8 is performing and developing.
AREMA said:
Different country, different release date.
In Indonesia, Lumia 920 and 820 will release on Dec 22, 2012.
And I have pre-ordered ticket for it. To upgrade my amazing Lumia 800 into Lumia 820 (for screen size/slim reason)..
Now, actually Lumia 800 getting official update 7.8
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Read Lumia 820 releases in January here. :/
mek84 said:
Hello im sick about Android.
Iphone to restricted and way tooooooo expensive.
I will take the HTC 8X ! But i will wait at least 3-4 months. Buy it cheap and see how wp8 is performing and developing.
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Thing is, I really wanna get my hands on a new handset, just to have it and try it. However, im currently home-going till March where I start college again, and my current phone just stands in my dock all day long and I barely use it. I think if I got a new phone it would also just sit and not be used, that is until I start college again. But thats in March, maybe by then there are better options available.
Such a difficult choice, cause I hate waiting.
I suggest HTC 8x, it has beautiful design and thin, beast audio is great so. you can read more review of htc 8x here : http://360dmobile.com/reviews-htc-8x-is-the-best-windows-phone-8-handset-out-there/
I just suggest dont get anything with less than 8gb of memory in it if you want to enjoy apps...and a lot of them. Personally my rule is 16gb, so I can have lots of apps, a bunch of music and a few videos but, my next phone MUST have 32gb...
Just to reinforce that the 8S is bad ... the browsing awful (slow, reflow issues, bugs, low features), somehow even though Microsoft tried to prevent fragmentation they were not capable of coding a browser for a smaller resolution. Lots of random screen taps too.
Sounds like an isolated issue with your phone since no review I've found has any problems with it and they all consider it being the best of the mid-range WP8's.

Lumia 950/950 XL Android ROM possibly found?

I have read the closed threads here. I found a ROM site but I'm not sure what to make of it because it seems to work only with Android installed by design?
Which, for the 950 series hasn't seemed possible. If Microsoft was abandoning the project, why didn't they go back to having an Astoria enabled ROM as the final version?
I'd like to attempt it. Microsoft has been progressively disabling features in every app that competes with Skype for free video calling.
Oh, and for months now, Skype video calling is upside down on all 950 series.
Why MS even bothered if they are abandoning the OS is just really malicious towards customers.
I keep looking for alternatives because the hardware was really good.
Just the MS OS development was managed by absolutely deaf morons.
Spare me the insults. I'm just looking at possible solutions.
I am a proud (not so much anymore) owner of a Lumia 950 myself and I have been looking everywhere for an answer to your question.
I myself have found the same link you posted and have been wondering whether it is something that would work or not. The device has very impressive specs and I would like to use it for something more than a (relatively) expensive paperweight! However I find all the root/flash/whatever Lumia X50 series sites a bit too odd. The writing of the content is as if the device is already running Android and seem to be old. They "smell fishy" to say the least.
To add to the doubt, I have been following the news on Android for Lumia for a long time now and the development has been very slow to say the least. Nothing actually works on the device with the current state of the ROM. It is quite unfortunate but I don't think it will ever do. Porting Android to Lumias looks like too much work, plus even though the specs are impressive they are already dated with how smartphone tech is "advancing".
I know that this is not an answer per se but I hope it will give you some perspective.
As for many of the decisions that MS has made with the whole Windows mobile scene, don't get me started there!
I know this is an old thread, but I too am interested since MS is killing bits off of WM10 starting with Cortana as an assistant since last week. I have a new 950xl I was thinking of putting WoA on, but not so sure anymore since it's still not polished as an everyday OS yet. I'm still dailying my 3 yo black Friday XL/950/dock package from 2016, but pissed that Cortana is now only a glorified search bar.
I see no reason why someone couldn't get a decent version of 'droid on these. The hardware is more than up to task and would keep a familiar feeling in our hands. I hate to say it, but MS forced us here.
