Issues with charging port? - Nokia 6.1 Plus (X6) Questions & Answers

Has anybody else found that they struggle to charge the device because the USB-C cable/ports aren't making a good connection?
Started about 2 weeks ago, and has become steadily worse. I have multiple different cables, and they all have the same issue?
So, it looks like it's the port, not the cables? When I wiggle it, it connects, but if it moves slightly, it disconnects - so I wake up in the morning and my phone hasn't charged overnight! Which is obviously really, really annoying...

If you can return it ASAP. I had slight issues with mine during the return period, but it got worse and worse and now barely charges with any cable and the retailer won't take it as a return. The phone's only 3 months old, too.

admiralnerf said:
If you can return it ASAP. I had slight issues with mine during the return period, but it got worse and worse and now barely charges with any cable and the retailer won't take it as a return. The phone's only 3 months old, too.
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Not an option, as I ordered it from Gearbest, and I live in Europe, where we have no Nokia service points. I'm going to have to pay to get it fixed now...

i was in the same situation like you. So i show a video in you tube how to open the phone, after i noticed that the proccess is really easy i ordered the following items the total cost was 20 euro and repair time like less than an hour:
link to video:

Parts ordered, they're going to take a month to get here, So i'll update later if I don't misplace the phone beforehand! haha

We are talking about the same thing here:


Rant: Second Replacement

So, I just replaced my second Epic due to the charger port going out and no longer charging on the phone. I knew it was happening Saturday because the symptoms were the same as before. The phone thought it was charging and even counted up, but as soon as it was unplugged, it dropped faster than normal, or a restart made it *reset* to the actual phone battery level.
Today, it would not even recognize the charger at all. Luckily, Sprint had a replacement for me in-store this time, so no week wait.
Has anyone else experienced this problem?
VassagoX said:
So, I just replaced my second Epic due to the charger port going out and no longer charging on the phone. I knew it was happening Saturday because the symptoms were the same as before. The phone thought it was charging and even counted up, but as soon as it was unplugged, it dropped faster than normal, or a restart made it *reset* to the actual phone battery level.
Today, it would not even recognize the charger at all. Luckily, Sprint had a replacement for me in-store this time, so no week wait.
Has anyone else experienced this problem?
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I think mine is going bad too. Sometimes it charges and sometimes it doesn't ... did they charge you to replace your phone? How long you've had it for?
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA
I bought mine pre-order and picked it up the day it came out from Best Buy. My first replacement was right at the one year mark. This last one didn't last a year, but since it's refurbished, there's no way to tell how much wear there may have already been on the port.
I have insurance through Sprint, there was no charge.

My Xoom learned a new trick...

...Play dead.
We all know how brilliant a design the charge cord adapter is, I myself am on to my third one in almost two years. Well, the tablet stopped charging today and no matter which wall outlet I used or how much I wiggled the lead I could not make the light come on. Seeing that my Verizon contract is all but done at the end of this month and rather than buy another charge cord I decided to buy a new tab. I just picked up the new Asus Transformer Infinity, not too bad so far. Anyways, about 20 minutes after getting home with neither tablet charged to a useable level, the power goes out for a couple hours- just my luck too. When the power came back on suddenly the light on the Xoom came on. I hadn't touched it since I gave up on trying to get it to charge. Now here I am with two tablets and a $500 hole in my pocket. I know I was bound to get a new one eventually so I'm going to hang on to it but I never saw it happening like this.
Has anyone else had any issues regarding their chargers? Or anything unusual occur in general? I'm sure I'm not alone.
Ouch I would hate to folk out another $500 dollars for a new tablet even though my old one still works. I don't use my tablet for any intensive apps like games, so a new one would be pretty pointless for me. I never had any issues with my charger, well one time one of my charger did blow up, but that's because the battery was faulty for my jump charger for my car. Other than that, you might have some dust in the charger pin hole? Just a guess really.
I'm on my third charger since March. Original Motorola one died, second one (off eBay) burnt out, current one (off eBay) still working but I can't use the touchscreen while unit is charging.
I live remote using an off-grid power supply so this may have something to do with it.
Chelseablue said:
We all know how brilliant a design the charge cord adapter is, I myself am on to my third one in almost two years.
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Huh. I have four of them, from the original back in Feb '11 to one I was given a few months back, and they all work perfectly- and most of 'em are used every week (two at home, one in the office, one for travel).
agreed with kcrudup, ive been through 2, the only reason being i snapped the connector on the first one when i pulled it out at a bad angle
The charger that came with my refurbished Xoom lasted almost through the first charge. I thought I was going to have to send the whole thing back until I took it into the Verizon store and verified that it charged with a different charger. I've since got one off eBay and another with the standard dock. Both have been holding out so far.
Oh and my Xoom touch screen doesn't respond while charging either. Somewhere I read that a factory reset will fix that... but I'm waiting until my 90 day warantee is up to put EOS on it since my BT mouse works while it is charging.
My original charger is still working and I got my tablet 8 months back. I think the charger has lasted pretty well. How long did peoples original ones seem to last?
ByteWrencher said:
Oh and my Xoom touch screen doesn't respond while charging either. Somewhere I read that a factory reset will fix that
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That's an electrical problem (noise and/or grounding issues with the charger raise the "noise floor" so the touchscreen controller has trouble determining what's a valid touch) and can't be cured by any reset, factory or full or ...
Your issue is your charger- try another.
xoom chargers
Chelseablue said:
...Play dead.
We all know how brilliant a design the charge cord adapter is, I myself am on to my third one in almost two years. Well, the tablet stopped charging today and no matter which wall outlet I used or how much I wiggled the lead I could not make the light come on. Seeing that my Verizon contract is all but done at the end of this month and rather than buy another charge cord I decided to buy a new tab. I just picked up the new Asus Transformer Infinity, not too bad so far. Anyways, about 20 minutes after getting home with neither tablet charged to a useable level, the power goes out for a couple hours- just my luck too. When the power came back on suddenly the light on the Xoom came on. I hadn't touched it since I gave up on trying to get it to charge. Now here I am with two tablets and a $500 hole in my pocket. I know I was bound to get a new one eventually so I'm going to hang on to it but I never saw it happening like this.
Has anyone else had any issues regarding their chargers? Or anything unusual occur in general? I'm sure I'm not alone.
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Just a quick note.. I've had the ebay sourced chargers fail on my xoom ( and other devices). I found that the power ratings on some of them are rather optimistic... they simply are running at the outer limits to charge the tablet and failure can be internal to the power case.. or worst case failure dumps overvoltage or raw AC power to the tablet.
Fortunately my failed units were of the internal power supply version.. and aside from bad smells no real damage was done.
I have successfully built charger/power units after scavenging the connector from my failed power supplies and using a minimum 1.5 amp 12v dc supply... they seem to work fine.. and keeping one handy is much more convenient than wondering where I last used it :fingers-crossed:
as always.. your mileage may vary
Hmm, that's interesting. Unfortunately this charger is from Verizon and i would surely hope that their stuff work to the correct specs. I wonder sometimes that maybe the problem could be with the contact inside the tablet. Could that have something to so with it?
Chelseablue said:
Hmm, that's interesting. Unfortunately this charger is from Verizon and i would surely hope that their stuff work to the correct specs. I wonder sometimes that maybe the problem could be with the contact inside the tablet. Could that have something to so with it?
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I think the Motorola/Verizon chargrs are good. I think the earthing issue is with the cheap chargers from China.
When I lost my cellphone charger I had to buy a Chinese one, well, when charging it looked like possessed by the Devil itself lol! The screen started acting strange and I wasn't able to control it... Then I found my original charger and the exorcism was complete lol^2! BTW, a guy on X10 mini pro community (one of the best developers I ever met - my favorite one ) lost a cellphone with a Chinese charger, so what can I say - be careful with it!
Sent from my MZ601 using XDA HD Premium using 1/8of my brain, the other 7/8 is thinking in my love Isadora

not charging

im down to 13%, i did a full reset.
i have it turned off currently, it shows a charger is plugged in for about 2 seconds and then that one is not plugged in. i have tried about 5 different chargers now.
anyone else have this? any ideas?
it is at&t stock. never rooted or rommed
i have removed the sim and sd-card.
could it be the battery?
i still have it turned off and plugged in. it had a quick flash of a red battery.
It's been charging for about 30 minutes turned off, powered it up, is taking a charge, just slowly. I think it's a bad battery. I work for att, I'll swap the battery out tomorrow and report if it was a bad battery or not so if others have this issue they will know what's wrong.
OK, went and got a new battery and it did not fix it.
Anyone got any ideas?
I just factory reset it as well, so to recap,
Factory reset, and new battery, 6 different chargers tried. Im assuming bad phone unfixable by me.
Are you rooted?
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-N900A using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
same problem
got the unbranded version in the Netherlands. No special stuff going on (i.e. no root or exotic cables/chargers)
had this a couple of days earlier but after removing the battery, swapping wall outlets, (several) Usb2 and usb3 cables it started charging again. I don't know what set it off to start charging again
with the phone on, it did display in the status bar that is was charging, just the battery didn't fill up. So it did recognize the fact that there was power coming through the cable
before it started charging, when the phone was turned off and i put the cable in it, the phone started vibrating with intervals and a line appeared on the screen at longer intervals.
after turning the phone off, the charging led indicator did not burn even though the charging cable was connected
since i've been able to recharge it a couple of times since, i thought it was an one-off freak incident
Just now the problem came back and i'm going through all the stupid things described above: pulling out batteries, switching chargers, blowing down the connecor in case some dust or something else was blocking the pins.
No luck so far.
suggestions are welcome
This happened to my exynos version (India ) yesterday. I remember charging through my laptop before this happened. Strangely after i reconnected it to power it would not charge though the charging icon was showing up. After sometime somehow it started charging again. This has never happened before and I am not sure what's wrong. If this continues I am done with Samsung.
Sad to say I'm having the same issue on my week old Note 3.
It charged fine for the first few days but now I've determined that I have to put slight pressure on the cable to maintain a charging state. Basically if the phone is face down, I have to press down slightly on the USB3.0 connector.
Since I've rooted and flashed I'm not too keen on taking the new phone in for service so I've ordered another cable to test.
I read on another forum that people were having problems charging with the original OEM cable but no problems with USB2.0 cables and replacement USB3.0 cables. Hope that's the case, but it seems to me that the charging port may be bad.
Mine doesn't charge at all via computer when the screen is on (it shows charging, but the charge goes down), only through wall is going on?
If the phone barely charges or not at all when turned on, yet it still detects a charge, there's something running that drains more power than is being supplied. Start by checking active apps.
I had this on the IC Amsterdam - Berlin when I was playing a game, it kept going down at full rate even with the charger connected (The DB has powersockets in their trains, the thing the NS is too cheap to do.). Turned out the game was still running in the background even though I had quit it.
Force-quit everything non-critical in running applications and voila, it started charging. Slowly, but it did.
Another thing that bears relevance to mention is that sometimes there's not enough charge coming through a socket, usually when there's already too many devices on a single group or the socket is limited (like in trains, campsites, planes...)
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im having the same problem. im startint to think its is an issue with the usb socket on the phone.
I read some where that if you let the phone go completely flat and then let the phone charge without turning it back on it (just leave it on the sceen with the battery charging icon). I've tried and this seems to help (I only did this yesterday and pluged the phone in again after some use this morning and its charging again).
But I think there is an underlying issue with the hardware sometime my phone indicates that it has connected to dock when this isn't the case, only for a second but I think with the problems charging and the issue with the false dock connection would suggest that there is something wrong with the usb port itself.
Im probably going to take mine in for repair.
mines completly stock. no root etc
mjneil.81 said:
But I think there is an underlying issue with the hardware sometime my phone indicates that it has connected to dock when this isn't the case, only for a second but I think with the problems charging and the issue with the false dock connection would suggest that there is something wrong with the usb port itself.
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This usually happens when there are metalic particles in the USB port.
Have you tried cleaning it with a needle/toothpick? Dont forget under the USB pin.
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ShadowLea said:
This usually happens when there are metalic particles in the USB port.
Have you tried cleaning it with a needle/toothpick? Dont forget under the USB pin.
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Thanks, I had a close look for any sort of dirt/conductive sort of material but it seems to be clear.
I keep the phone in a case which protects the ports and keep everything as clean as possible. The phone is only a couple of weeks old so it's still quite fresh.
But i know what you mean the usb terminals are small it would only take a small bit of something to cause a problem.
mjneil.81 said:
im having the same problem. im startint to think its is an issue with the usb socket on the phone.
I read some where that if you let the phone go completely flat and then let the phone charge without turning it back on it (just leave it on the sceen with the battery charging icon). I've tried and this seems to help (I only did this yesterday and pluged the phone in again after some use this morning and its charging again).
But I think there is an underlying issue with the hardware sometime my phone indicates that it has connected to dock when this isn't the case, only for a second but I think with the problems charging and the issue with the false dock connection would suggest that there is something wrong with the usb port itself.
Im probably going to take mine in for repair.
mines completly stock. no root etc
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ShadowLea said:
If the phone barely charges or not at all when turned on, yet it still detects a charge, there's something running that drains more power than is being supplied. Start by checking active apps.
I had this on the IC Amsterdam - Berlin when I was playing a game, it kept going down at full rate even with the charger connected (The DB has powersockets in their trains, the thing the NS is too cheap to do.). Turned out the game was still running in the background even though I had quit it.
Force-quit everything non-critical in running applications and voila, it started charging. Slowly, but it did.
Another thing that bears relevance to mention is that sometimes there's not enough charge coming through a socket, usually when there's already too many devices on a single group or the socket is limited (like in trains, campsites, planes...)
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[email protected] said:
Mine doesn't charge at all via computer when the screen is on (it shows charging, but the charge goes down), only through wall is going on?
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denasqu said:
Sad to say I'm having the same issue on my week old Note 3.
It charged fine for the first few days but now I've determined that I have to put slight pressure on the cable to maintain a charging state. Basically if the phone is face down, I have to press down slightly on the USB3.0 connector.
Since I've rooted and flashed I'm not too keen on taking the new phone in for service so I've ordered another cable to test.
I read on another forum that people were having problems charging with the original OEM cable but no problems with USB2.0 cables and replacement USB3.0 cables. Hope that's the case, but it seems to me that the charging port may be bad.
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This might sound crazy, but try this... Drop your phone from a height of about 2 feet onto probably a hard foam or soft wood or that kinda thing.. Drop it on it's back of course. Anyways, 2 Feet is a very short drop for phone to get damaged. Just try.
stanley08 said:
This might sound crazy, but try this... Drop your phone from a height of about 2 feet onto probably a hard foam or soft wood or that kinda thing.. Drop it on it's back of course. Anyways, 2 Feet is a very short drop for phone to get damaged. Just try.
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Had a similar problem recently. Phone just wouldnt hold a charger longer than around 60 minutes.
I was able to take my phone back into the store and get a replacement. It was only 2 weeks old.
Try that
is there a way you can reset the battery as you do when in root?
stanley08 said:
This might sound crazy, but try this... Drop your phone from a height of about 2 feet onto probably a hard foam or soft wood or that kinda thing.. Drop it on it's back of course. Anyways, 2 Feet is a very short drop for phone to get damaged. Just try.
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Apart from the fact that it would take me longer to calculate how much 2 feet is than it takes for the phone to fall, I think I can speak for most people here when I say I'm rather hesitant to let a 700 euro/1200 dollar phone fall off anything.
The idea alone is rather disconcerting...
You could just as well give it a good whack with your flat palm, as the idea is to jar the wiring into place.
'Apply blunt force', One of the more classic troubleshooting approaches. No longer advisable these days, technology is ever so much more fragile than it was in the days of Nokias that could be used to commit murder by means of blunt force trauma and tv's that could electrocute you just by looking at it.
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mjneil.81 said:
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Because that is EXACTLY how I fixed mine!
ShadowLea said:
Apart from the fact that it would take me longer to calculate how much 2 feet is than it takes for the phone to fall, I think I can speak for most people here when I say I'm rather hesitant to let a 700 euro/1200 dollar phone fall off anything.
The idea alone is rather disconcerting...
You could just as well give it a good whack with your flat palm, as the idea is to jar the wiring into place.
'Apply blunt force', One of the more classic troubleshooting approaches. No longer advisable these days, technology is ever so much more fragile than it was in the days of Nokias that could be used to commit murder by means of blunt force trauma and tv's that could electrocute you just by looking at it.
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Mate 2 feet is like 2 notebooks high, or 1 closed laptop high. And it's not falling of something, it's likee playfully dropping ur phone. But of course! You shouldn't try it if you don't want to, ok?
And I don't know where you guys buy your phones or what the currency situation is in your countries, but I got my phone for $700 (510 euros) in my country on release day. Which includes 2 years ADH warranty and 2 years regular warranty. :victory:
stanley08 said:
Because that is EXACTLY how I fixed mine!
Mate 2 feet is like 2 notebooks high, or 1 closed laptop high. And it's not falling of something, it's likee playfully dropping ur phone. But of course! You shouldn't try it if you don't want to, ok?
And I don't know where you guys buy your phones or what the currency situation is in your countries, but I got my phone for $700 (510 euros) in my country on release day. Which includes 2 years ADH warranty and 2 years regular warranty. :victory:
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1000USD+ is very normal for a smartphone in the EU. Long live the Euro... NOT.
The price is still 678euro in the Netherlands (which they make look less cheap by fooling everyone into thinking the price is 578, which it actually is with 100 euro cashback after you buy it... And of course they all fall for it, some even use it as arguments )...
The Note 3 was 750 Euro in the Netherlands (699 Germany where I got it) upon release day, a whopping 1400USD in the exhange ratings at that time. 'So buy it here/there/whereever and have it shipped' (I've had this discussion a thousand times with all those americans) No, there was no regionlock away or even root at that time yet.
All electronic prices are ridiculously, pointlessly high here.
Would that be a 17.3" or 15" laptop? Horizontal or vertical?
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ShadowLea said:
1000USD+ is very normal for a smartphone in the EU. Long live the Euro... NOT.
The price is still 678euro in the Netherlands (which they make look less cheap by fooling everyone into thinking the price is 578, which it actually is with 100 euro cashback after you buy it... And of course they all fall for it, some even use it as arguments )...
The Note 3 was 750 Euro in the Netherlands (699 Germany where I got it) upon release day, a whopping 1400USD in the exhange ratings at that time. 'So buy it here/there/whereever and have it shipped' (I've had this discussion a thousand times with all those americans) No, there was no regionlock away or even root at that time yet.
All electronic prices are ridiculously, pointlessly high here.
Would that be a 17.3" or 15" laptop? Horizontal or vertical?
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Oh well! Bad for you guys! I bought my S4 for $650, sold it $500 after 5 months of use! Then didn't hesitate in spending $700 on the Note 3
2 feet is 0.6096 meters. I said a closed laptop. Not opened. And it's not like its a sure/known fix.. I just said try...

Charging port became loose

So is there anyone out there who has faced the same issue that now the charging port has become loose and automatically keeps on charging and discharging when connected to power all of this happening within this short span of time
Kayc.kc said:
So is there anyone out there who has faced the same issue that now the charging port has become loose and automatically keeps on charging and discharging when connected to power all of this happening within this short span of time
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Kayc.kc said:
So is there anyone out there who has faced the same issue that now the charging port has become loose and automatically keeps on charging and discharging when connected to power all of this happening within this short span of time
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I have the same exact problem. It was fine until a couple of days ago, it started to become loose and now it's so hard for me to get a stable charge, did you fix it?
dfikz.dfox said:
I have the same exact problem. It was fine until a couple of days ago, it started to become loose and now it's so hard for me to get a stable charge, did you fix it?
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I contacted the service centre but they don't have the components for the phone yet to get it replaced
Same here
Kayc.kc said:
So is there anyone out there who has faced the same issue that now the charging port has become loose and automatically keeps on charging and discharging when connected to power all of this happening within this short span of time
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I'm facing the same issue
So how did you fix it?
Kayc.kc said:
I contacted the service centre but they don't have the components for the phone yet to get it replaced
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Oh, did they replace the components? How long did it take them to fix it?
I had the same issue, but i went to service centre they replaced the sub board. Now its working fine.
Sukumara4 said:
I had the same issue, but i went to service centre they replaced the sub board. Now its working fine.
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Where do you live in India and what was the charge for the repair?
I have the same issue. Although it doesn't seem to port is loose, just that the cable doesn't make a good connection. I have to wiggle it a bit to get it to connect & charge, but if it moves, it stops charging...
Maxpayne123GTX650ti said:
Where do you live in India and what was the charge for the repair?
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Iam from Karnataka, Mangaluru.
As my phone is in the warranty period and also the problem is not caused by water damage they replaced it for free
I contacted Gearbest, and all they could do was give me a small refund. As there are no Nokia service centres in Europe. And my phone is a Chinese version, with the international ROM, not the actual international version. Bloody brilliant. ?
yes the size of cable or the tip is not the exact size of the port thats why its loose
mine also is loose but charging is not disrupted
Planning to get this phone, but wondering if we can check whether the phone will have lose charging port or not. Is it Nokia's design flaw?
Kayc.kc said:
So is there anyone out there who has faced the same issue that now the charging port has become loose and automatically keeps on charging and discharging when connected to power all of this happening within this short span of time
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No bro I don't have any such problems in either of my two Nokia 6.1 plus.
In love with the device since December security patch!?
Facing same issue . Anyone have solution ?
Tried many other charge cables instead of the original one, but it didn't help. The cable is loosing, but the charging mode works fine yet.
Nokia 6.1 charge port loose
nikash07 said:
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My Nokia 6.1 had the same issue with it being only 4 months old. I Purchased it at as well. Chatted with them. Sending it back and possibly receiving a refurbished one back left a sour taste in my mouth. They refunded me a small amount. I checked with Nokia to see if they had a repair depot in the Vancouver, Canada area. There wasn't. I ended up breaking down and getting it repaired close to my home. $180 Cdn later it was fixed. The charging port was poorly soldered at the factory. A good resoldering fixed it. What a burn for repairs. I'm not impressed with Nokia's so-called warranty.
3 weeks have past since the repair, the problem is back. I brought it back to the techs that originally did the repair. They did more diagnostic on it and found it could be either a faulty charge port or some issue with the motherboard. I'm hoping it's the charging port.
this is very serious problem with nokia 6.1 plus, Cable comes with box is loose but its charging phone very well if we don't disturb it while charging. I guess its more with cable, as i tried oneplus 6 phone original box charging cable & its very tight, we can use phone while charging. Then also tried my old google pixel original box charging cable, & its too loose, sometimes it comes out automatically.
we need to try with different charging cables trial & identify which one is best suited. Its trial & hit method.
but I'm worried as over the period of time, phone charging port should not be deteriorated...
Mine has become a bit loose and I faced the problem of charging disconnected a couple of times. But afterwards it went back to normal. What's the time required to replace the charging part ?
Fz6rguy said:
My Nokia 6.1 had the same issue with it being only 4 months old. I Purchased it at as well. Chatted with them. Sending it back and possibly receiving a refurbished one back left a sour taste in my mouth. They refunded me a small amount. I checked with Nokia to see if they had a repair depot in the Vancouver, Canada area. There wasn't. I ended up breaking down and getting it repaired close to my home. $180 Cdn later it was fixed. The charging port was poorly soldered at the factory. A good resoldering fixed it. What a burn for repairs. I'm not impressed with Nokia's so-called warranty.
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I was thinking of getting it fixed. Gearbest only refunded me €30, cheap bastards. They also offered a refurbished replacement - if I sent the faulty one back at MY expense. Which, from Malta to China, was prohibitively expensive. Screw manufacturer's warranty, eh?

Device temperature too low, can't charge oneplus 5

I own an OnePlus 5 that I have used for a couple of months with stock OOS and locked bootloader and unrooted. I have always used an original dash charger and cable. However, few days ago the phone became unresponsive to the charger and after the battery died. When I reconnect the charger now, it gives a message that device temperature too low, can not charge and when I turn it on the battery shows 50% charge when I remove the charger it turns off after a short while. The phone didn't suffer any drop or water damage or any other kind of accident. The phone is not under warranty so, I need to find a way to charge the phone. I have searched for the problem on many forums and some point out to a faulty temperature sensor on the battery and others point to the daughter charging board while some say there's an issue with the motherboard. Is there anyone who could troubleshoot the problem precisely.
Or, Is there a way, to flash a custom kernel which could turn off the temperature sensor on the battery, if it's there.
Also, needed to know that will the problem go away after a battery replacement?
I have wiped cache and data, downgraded the phone from Pie to Oreo and nothing seemed to work. Some people suggested putting it to rest for 24 hours, I also did that, but to no avail.
seems like the thermistor in the battery died ,i suggest to swap the battery with a new one
steve-fox said:
seems like the thermistor in the battery died ,i suggest to swap the battery with a new one
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Are you sure that the temperature sensor is located on the battery or inside the battery? Because, if I buy a new battery that would mean I can not get it replaced if the issue is not with the battery.
I have to order it online as the battery is not available in the local market.
Abuzar991 said:
Are you sure that the temperature sensor is located on the battery or inside the battery? Because, if I buy a new battery that would mean I can not get it replaced if the issue is not with the battery.
I have to order it online as the battery is not available in the local market.
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yes sir ,that why batteries have more than 2 pins ?..swap it and you will be good to go
steve-fox said:
yes sir ,that why batteries have more than 2 pins ..swap it and you will be good to go
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Sorry for being overly cautious about the issue. I have searched some forums where people couldn't get the issue resolved even after changing the battery.
Still, I am thankful regarding your input and replies.
But is there, a custom kernel available where the battery sensor could be bypassed for the cell to charge?
Before buying anything or opening the phone yourself contact OnePlus. If the phone is under warranty probably they will take care of it. (even if, many times, the battery doesn't have the same warranty as the rest of the phone)
Abuzar991 said:
Sorry for being overly cautious about the issue. I have searched some forums where people couldn't get the issue resolved even after changing the battery.
Still, I am thankful regarding your input and replies.
But is there, a custom kernel available where the battery sensor could be bypassed for the cell to charge?
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i haven't faced this issue on the op5 ,but in the past i have faced it in other phones (not charging with battery is too cold message)either way a replacement is pretty cheap i would go for it ..(i don't think it's a good idea trying to dissable it ,the same sensor is responsible for the current that the battery is receiving so i don't think you can dissable it at all because the phone will not know at what amps to charge the battery,i bet it won't charge or extremely it will become galaxy note 7 bomb :silly: )
steve-fox said:
yes sir ,that why batteries have more than 2 pins ..swap it and you will be good to go
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steve-fox said:
i haven't faced this issue on the op5 ,but in the past i have faced it in other phones (not charging with battery is too cold message)either way a replacement is pretty cheap i would go for it ..(i don't think it's a good idea trying to dissable it ,the same sensor is responsible for the current that the battery is receiving so i don't think you can dissable it at all because the phone will not know at what amps to charge the battery,i bet it won't charge or extremely it will become galaxy note 7 bomb :silly: )
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Thanks dear for the suggestion. Building up the courage to order a replacement. ??
daniel_loft said:
Before buying anything or opening the phone yourself contact OnePlus. If the phone is under warranty probably they will take care of it. (even if, many times, the battery doesn't have the same warranty as the rest of the phone)
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Dear the problem is that the phone is not covered under any warranty. I purchased it locally from a shop that doesn't provide warranty for any phone. I live in Pakistan, I tried contacting OnePlus but seems like they don't have any official stores in Pakistan. I guess, there's a service centre with whom they have partnership for services.
I guess, I have to contact them.
Abuzar991 said:
I own an OnePlus 5 that I have used for a couple of months with stock OOS and locked bootloader and unrooted. I have always used an original dash charger and cable. However, few days ago the phone became unresponsive to the charger and after the battery died. When I reconnect the charger now, it gives a message that device temperature too low, can not charge and when I turn it on the battery shows 50% charge when I remove the charger it turns off after a short while. The phone didn't suffer any drop or water damage or any other kind of accident. The phone is not under warranty so, I need to find a way to charge the phone. I have searched for the problem on many forums and some point out to a faulty temperature sensor on the battery and others point to the daughter charging board while some say there's an issue with the motherboard. Is there anyone who could troubleshoot the problem precisely.
Or, Is there a way, to flash a custom kernel which could turn off the temperature sensor on the battery, if it's there.
Also, needed to know that will the problem go away after a battery replacement?
I have wiped cache and data, downgraded the phone from Pie to Oreo and nothing seemed to work. Some people suggested putting it to rest for 24 hours, I also did that, but to no avail.
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Hi, just curious about the update on this one? I've also encountered the same issue on my OP5 and still waiting for the battery replacement I ordered hoping that it is a faulty battery.
I didn't have the low temperature issue but my charging port did start to fail so I replaced it and the battery last month. The hardest part is getting the back off. The screen snaps in much tighter than most phones I've worked on which were glued shut.
I got my parts from E-Trade supply but I never will again. The charging port I got for an iPhone 6 I'm repairing was defective and they would only credit the part and not the $22 in shipping I paid them. They eventually did, but only because I bought several items over the past few years and I started putting up bad reviews on them. Never again.
The parts for the OnePlus 5 were okay although the brand new battery is only at 91% health. The original 16 month old one was 83% still a gain.
Hey brother, did the battery replacement fix the issue?? I have been having the same problem since today morning.
[Update] Was able to bring my OP5 to a local tech who is trusted to fix OnePlus devices but unfortunately the problem on my phone is with the motherboard. Tech already tried replacing the battery as well as the charging port to no avail, so I may have to stick with my OnePlus 5 permanently connected to a power source while I wait for the upgrade(OnePlus 7) to be released.
The same thing with me, I trying now to fix this, but... I can,t
Mobo issue
After almost a month with the local tech, he was able to order a spare part for the issue with my OP5 motherboard. Fingers crossed hoping that it will be fixed within this week, it already cost me $100 :crying: I'll update on which part needs to be replaced if the issue is with the motherboard itself.
aanishjangra said:
Hey brother, did the battery replacement fix the issue?? I have been having the same problem since today morning.
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[UPDATE] A Battery replacement by OnePlus solved my problem. It also fixed certain other issues I was having like 3hr SOT, random shutdowns before reaching 0% etc. Cost me ₹1600 (around $22.5)
Jhem OP5 said:
After almost a month with the local tech, he was able to order a spare part for the issue with my OP5 motherboard. Fingers crossed hoping that it will be fixed within this week, it already cost me $100 :crying: I'll update on which part needs to be replaced if the issue is with the motherboard itself.
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Good luck. I hope your issue gets fixed soon
Man I paid about the same for the battery and replaced it myself. But at least I didn't have to send it away. Unfortunately my only other phone (HTC one M8) doesn't work on my carrier.
[Update] My OP5's alive and kicking again. It cost me $40 for the board to be fixed, $60 for the front glass replacement.
Here's the pic of what was replaced on the motherboard
Sad to hear this is still going on with OnePlus phones. I had this problem with my 3T. Replaced everything, except the motherboard. I'm figuring it's that, but at this point I don't care. A replacement is anywhere from $80 to $150. You could buy a new 3T outright for that price.
