Vibration for no reason - OnePlus 6T Questions & Answers

My OP 6T vibrates for no reason as if I've received a notification. Anyone else faces this problem? Someone who was able to solve this?

IKnowIRock! said:
My OP 6T vibrates for no reason as if I've received a notification. Anyone else faces this problem? Someone who was able to solve this?
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Same here. No fix yet.

TheROMGuy said:
Same here. No fix yet.
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Oh so this is a known issue? That's a relief lol Let's hope an update will fix it if it already hasn't been fixed in the recent update.

Make sure it's not a Bluetooth request. I found that when you reset your phone your Bluetooth devices still try to request to connect. Just a thought may be reconnect to all of your Bluetooth devices

insang-droid said:
Make sure it's not a Bluetooth request. I found that when you reset your phone your Bluetooth devices still try to request to connect. Just a thought may be reconnect to all of your Bluetooth devices
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Happens when Bluetooth is turned off and no Bluetooth devices are closeby. I suspect if it's an app running in background causing the vibration but there are no notifications visible at all.

Same here. I think it's the download app because I randomly received a download notification on ambient display from an old download. Cleared data and cache of that app and haven't had any issues since then.

No Problem here.

Same here. No bt on.

It looks like a Pie bug.
I have the same on my OP6T and Nexus 6P running Pie

This happened for me at midnight once. When I checked my notification log I saw that some of the notifications now had 12:00am for their time kinda like it remade the notification at that time. I only saw this happen once when I was on OOS 9.0.5 and have not seen it since upgrading to OOS 9.0.6.

Try clearing download app data and cache. Haven't had a any issue since I was given that tip.

What fixed it for me was turning off download notifications in Google Chrome, haven't had a random vibrate since.
Sent from my ONEPLUS 6T using Tapatalk


Delayed Notifications

It's really annoying to get a message and be notified minutes after. I don't really care for email notifications because most of them are not urgent, but I also use WhatsApp and yesterday I received a notification 1 HOUR after the person sent it to me. It's crazy. I think it has something to do with google talk? The delay is in both WiFi and 3g/hspa. Does anyone have the same issue? Or know how to fix this? Thanks
Same here.
The problem is not the notifications themselves, it's something about the data and the phone.
Gmail does not get the email pushed. When it does, the notification goes off immediately.
But the new email can take as long as 20-30 minutes to get to the phone.
Same about whatsapp, FB... everything that has to do with data.
I tried on wifi and 3G - same behavior, meaning, it is not related to the wifi-when-screen-is-off thread or any change to the QOS in the router, as suggested in other threads I've found.
I am sure I am not the only one to experience this.
Not sure if this is a Nexus 4 or an Android 4.2.1 issue.
Who else has this prob?
Any ideas as to what we can try to do to get to the bottom of this?
i have the same problem on wifi as well as 2g/3g
zerohunk said:
i have the same problem on wifi as well as 2g/3g
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Congratulations, you just revived a thread that's been dead for 7 months for no reason at all!
i had 3 nexus 4 an they all have the same 2g/3g delay.. i think is some mobile provider fault,they use network technology or something ...
vanmarek said:
Congratulations, you just revived a thread that's been dead for 7 months for no reason at all!
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Better than opening a new one

Hangouts message delays on nexus 4

Are there anyone feel that there are some delays when you receive hangouts message on nexus 4 from other device?
I tested out there are no problem on HTC one x and iPhone.
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda premium
There are universally delayed notifications on the Nexus 4 when on Wi-Fi. I find that hangouts, as well as messages from services like WhatsApp are delayed on WiFi. That said, hangouts seems to be quicker and instant when on mobile data than WhatsApp for me, which can be a bit slow.
Yes, you are right. I tested out when Wi-Fi is turned on.
Is that kind of software or hardware problem?
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda premium
ysihaoy said:
Yes, you are right. I tested out when Wi-Fi is turned on.
Is that kind of software or hardware problem?
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda premium
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FYI - I have no such issues on wifi or 3G.
One suggestion is maybe it's your wifi network being of "poor" connection so your phone (temporarily) stops using it. There's a setting in advance to disable it.
Remoteconcern said:
There are universally delayed notifications on the Nexus 4 when on Wi-Fi
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... for some people.
Just wanted to point out that it's not totally universal, it seems to be dependent on the exact type of WiFi hardware being used.
Sent from my Nexus 4
shotta35 said:
FYI - I have no such issues on wifi or 3G.
One suggestion is maybe it's your wifi network being of "poor" connection so your phone (temporarily) stops using it. There's a setting in advance to disable it.
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There is no problem with my wifi and connection is perfect.
How come other service is no problem and just this one?
I have the same problem. I get delayed notifications of hangouts messages and I am even missing video calls from that service.Some times I get the delayed messages the moment I open the app. I am on stock 4.2.2 not rooted.
Vintos said:
I have the same problem. I get delayed notifications of hangouts messages and I am even missing video calls from that service.Some times I get the delayed messages the moment I open the app. I am on stock 4.2.2 not rooted.
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Same here. For me WiFi or gsm data makes no difference. I get missed video calls 30 mins after the call was actually made, and usually only receive messages 30+ minutes after they're sent. It seems the service is only instant if I'm actively using my phone.
I have the occasional delay on What'sApp, but it's far, far worse on Hangouts. This makes Hangouts worse than useless... since people see that I haven't read the message 30 mins later and end up calling/txting anyway.
I have the exact same problem. Thought It was because of WiFi but it happens on data as well
originalnabisco said:
I have the exact same problem. Thought It was because of WiFi but it happens on data as well
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Same here regardless the connection (wifi or 3g).
I just hope Google fix this notification problem on the Nexus 4.
Otherwise I am jumping ship from the Nexus line (for the first time since the 1st Nexus came out) and possibly buying a SGS4 (yuk, but least it should work).
chrisgtl said:
I just hope Google fix this notification problem on the Nexus 4.
Otherwise I am jumping ship from the Nexus line (for the first time since the 1st Nexus came out) and possibly buying a SGS4 (yuk, but least it should work).
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Yeah +1. Google should solve the data issue problem and the Wifi direct problem too. its really annoying.
originalnabisco said:
I have the exact same problem. Thought It was because of WiFi but it happens on data as well
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same.. even worse on 2g/3g.. i am selling my phone because of this bug
I had the same problem.
Wiped Dalvik Cache.
Fixed it.
t4li3sin said:
I had the same problem.
Wiped Dalvik Cache.
Fixed it.
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can you give me some more details?? are you on stock or root??? did the problem get solved forever whether on stock rom or any custom rom???
After the update of Hangouts to 1.1 and the 4.3 update the problem seems to be solved, at least for the moment.
if its that you guys arent getting messages when the screen is off, raise your voltage at 384mhz to 800mV or higher. if the issue was the delayed notifications with the screen off, than this should fix it.

Severe delay in all kinds of notification on my Nexus 6P until I wake up phone screen

So I am seeing this issue increasing on daily basis. My phone is usually in my pocked (not in doze) or some times lying around on the desk (dozed/not dozed, but still notification should deliver late). But I have noticed that in both situations, I don't receive any notification until I actually turn on the screen. As soon as I turn the screen on, notifications start to come in all together.. (around 4-5 notification comes together). It seems that they were pending to be delivered but were never delivered to the device until I woke it up and data connection restored.
I understand that in doze mode, notifications are delayed but are delivered, but in my situation they are not even delivered until I turn on the screen and wait a couple to 5 seconds.
A few P.S.
- I am on Stock Android without anykind of root (systemless or regular).
- I don't have any kind of advanced battery saving mode on or app installed (greenify or clean master etc).
- I don't have battery optimization for whatsapp still no notification comes in :crying:
- I see it on both Wifi and LTE..
- Cellular notifications like sms, mms or calls are not affected with this issue, they come on time.
Bumping up this thread!
Anybody else experiencing this issue or do you have any suggestions to resolve this issue?
This is a known issue and does not need to be bumped as not only are their multiple threads about this issue but google is already actively working on a fix....
Bounty44 said:
This is a known issue and does not need to be bumped as not only are their multiple threads about this issue but google is already actively working on a fix....
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But isn't it just for gmail notification discussion? I am talking about any notification
ragavbpl said:
But isn't it just for gmail notification discussion? I am talking about any notification
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The thread doesn't just cover gmail. If you look past the title, they are working on fixing issues relating to push notifications in general. Gmail was just the first app reported as having issues. Push notifications currently aren't functioning correctly on the 6P. Google is working to fix the issue. If you actually google notifications not showing up on 6P, quite a few news articles and Android forums will give you the same answer I was trying to give you.
I only experience this when I turn my phone on first thing in the morning, otherwise no.
I have notification issues on almost every Android phone, when on WiFi. It seems to be a known issue but been around/unresolved forever.
I use an app called DNSet, it runs automatically at startup and fixes this issue.
mickliq said:
I have notification issues on almost every Android phone, when on WiFi. It seems to be a known issue but been around/unresolved forever.
I use an app called DNSet, it runs automatically at startup and fixes this issue.
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Thanks for the suggestion, i'll try it myself.. and report back.
Right now I am using Push Notification Fixer and results are really mixed. It works sometimes and others are as bad as no notification for minutes or hours until screen is turned on.
Please update following defect at google bug tracker stating you are also experiencing this issue.
Well, also if I have another phone (an Xperia) with Nougat 7.1.1 I have the same issue, which I also faced on older version of Android (eg on a Wiko Rainbow Jam with Lollipop)
I'm doing some tests in the generic section of the forum:
ragavbpl said:
Thanks for the suggestion, i'll try it myself.. and report back. Right now I am using Push Notification Fixer and results are really mixed. It works sometimes and others are as bad as no notification for minutes or hours until screen is turned on.
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I know you said it's happening on both LTE and Wi-Fi, but many people look past their carrier / geographic location as the culprit. Please update your XDA profile with that information. Everyone should have this most basic information in their profile. Thanks.

Android N notification sound bug

Hey, have you guys encountered this weird behaviour?
I do get the notifications. But the sound doesn't play sometimes, sometimes it plays like for 0.5 seconds. Other times it works fine.
Both my Nexus 6P and my friend's 5X has this happened, both are upgraded to Android N.
Is this a common bug?
Got same issue. Noticed no sound but had a couple texts. Definitely would have heard them. In the same
Sent from my Nexus 6P using XDA-Developers mobile app
Can confirm this happens to me to, it will play the sound and cut off half way through, rather annoying ????
I have the same bug on N, some times notification sound plays completely but some times plays like a half of the full sound
Enviado desde mi Nexus 6P mediante Tapatalk
Same. This release is disappointing. This notification issue is annoying. Also getting delayed notifications in general. Battery life is worse on Nougat also.
Same problem here since DP4. The new october update hasn't even fixed this.
For me the problem doesn't affect Phone ringtone or hangouts message ringtones.
Whatsapp group notifications are almost always affected.
Hangouts calls and calls via hangouts dialer never even ring.
I've tried changing the default notification tone, individual tones from within the apps and nothing has fixed the problem.
I've even done a clean wipe and the problem seems to be okay for a day and then the whole thing completely breaks and never fixes itself. Clearing cache doesn't even do anything.
I'd like to know if someone isn't being affected by this, because this is a huge issue.
edit: running stock, no root, no apps intercepting notifications.
edit 2: this not only affects notification sound, but if you have vibrations on it will also cut off the accompanying vibration short.
So glad to see other's having this issue. I thought I was just going crazy. I've had the same issue, but I just chalked it up to me not paying attention, but never had the issue in the past (before nougat update). I've been thinking more and more about downgrading to marshmallow; so far the issues outweigh the benefits of the update (I really like responding to texts, facebook, etc from the notification shade).
Same problem here...and like cheeseshake said it comes from N DP4 and it happens when I receive 2 or more messages simultaneously
My annoying bug is when I pull down notification and select clear all and then a few seconds later I hear the notification sound. That is freaking annoying!!!
Sent from my Nexus 6P using Tapatalk
nags92 said:
Can confirm this happens to me to, it will play the sound and cut off half way through, rather annoying ????
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For me too. Never happened before 7.0.
Skickat från min Nexus 6P via Tapatalk
TonzaTheChosenOne said:
Hey, have you guys encountered this weird behaviour?
I do get the notifications. But the sound doesn't play sometimes, sometimes it plays like for 0.5 seconds. Other times it works fine.
Both my Nexus 6P and my friend's 5X has this happened, both are upgraded to Android N.
Is this a common bug?
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nags92 said:
Can confirm this happens to me to, it will play the sound and cut off half way through, rather annoying ????
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I still have this annoying problem.
When I get the notification/call the sound starts to play but then stops for about 0.5 seconds and then it continues. Other times it works fine.
It's really annoying!
Have you guys done something to fix this?
Does everyone on 7.0 encounter this? Or just a few? I haven't done a factory reset but I have cleared cache in recovery but it didn't help.
jocke_lulle said:
I still have this annoying problem.
When I get the notification/call the sound starts to play but then stops for about 0.5 seconds and then it continues. Other times it works fine.
It's really annoying!
Have you guys done something to fix this?
Does everyone on 7.0 encounter this? Or just a few? I haven't done a factory reset but I have cleared cache in recovery but it didn't help.
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I am guessing that everyone using stock 7.0 rom encounters it, but they just haven't noticed it yet.
TonzaTheChosenOne said:
I am guessing that everyone using stock 7.0 rom encounters it, but they just haven't noticed it yet.
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Maybe you are right. I guess I wait with a factory reset until I get the next update. Hopefully Google fix it.
Skickat från min Nexus 6P via Tapatalk
Here a 6P on DP 7.1 and I have the same issue....
TheFrozen4 said:
Here a 6P on DP 7.1 and I have the same issue....
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Ooo, that's sad to hear :/
Skickat från min Nexus 6P via Tapatalk
This even happens on the Pixel sometimes.
NishantM said:
This even happens on the Pixel sometimes.
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That's weird.
Never happened on marshmallow (I have had 6p since December 2015).
Let's hope they fix this soon.
My wife phone has the same problem. her phone also has no sound: no ring on incoming call, no sound from youtube. I need to restart the phone to have the sound back, but for 1 or 2 days, the problem happens again.
Same here. I kept checking to see if notification sounds were on and they always were. Now I know that it seems to be a problem for many and not just me. 7.1.1 NPF10C
I have never had this issue until using the 6P on 7.0, but I have noticed a partial notification multiple times with Messenger. Definitely going to report it to Google; hopefully they will get on it soon, seeing it seems to be a widespread issue.

Continuous notification problem

My wife and I both have a 6p. She is running the latest lineageos and I've got Resurection's latest rom. Both of our phones have the same problem. The notification tone will randomly go off continuously for 30+ seconds and when unlocking the phone and checking, there are no new notifications. I've had the problem on lineage, stock, resurrection and weta roms. I've spend days searching xda without any luck. Is anybody else having this issue or know of a cure?
jrkelley85 said:
My wife and I both have a 6p. She is running the latest lineageos and I've got Resurection's latest rom. Both of our phones have the same problem. The notification tone will randomly go off continuously for 30+ seconds and when unlocking the phone and checking, there are no new notifications. I've had the problem on lineage, stock, resurrection and weta roms. I've spend days searching xda without any luck. Is anybody else having this issue or know of a cure?
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It's odd to be sure, especially since you say you can reproduce on both phones running the stock ROM. I've never heard of it. Emergency alerts maybe? Which carrier?
Try disabling NFC under Settings--> More.
v12xke said:
It's odd to be sure, especially since you say you can reproduce on both phones running the stock ROM. I've never heard of it. Emergency alerts maybe? Which carrier?
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We use straight talk service with Verizon SIM. I thought along the same lines but they both do it at different times. I was in a meeting yesterday and it started going off and then later in the evening hers went off in the middle of a movie. I don't even know where to begin to start to figure out the cause of it. It's not deal breaker, just annoying.
jrkelley85 said:
We use straight talk service with Verizon SIM. I thought along the same lines but they both do it at different times. I was in a meeting yesterday and it started going off and then later in the evening hers went off in the middle of a movie. I don't even know where to begin to start to figure out the cause of it. It's not deal breaker, just annoying.
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Turn off emergency alerts, and flash one back to stock? Never heard of a similar issue.
I'm having similar issues with notifications sounds too. I get one notification, check it, turn screen off, and not getting any sound for 30/60 secs, even if one or more notification arrives ( I can see it from the led notification).
Really wierd... I'm running s-aosp but I don't think the ROM is to blame. Maybe aggressive doze from greenify or maybe a Google play services bug, I noticed that removing some permission of play services caused delay in notifications, never noticed it till a week ago and then I started noticing it continuosly...
v12xke said:
Turn off emergency alerts, and flash one back to stock? Never heard of a similar issue.
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I've been thinking of going back to stock anyways because of the rumor off fingerprint gestures in the new beta update so maybe I'll try it again and see what happens.
jrkelley85 said:
I've been thinking of going back to stock anyways because of the rumor off fingerprint gestures in the new beta update so maybe I'll try it again and see what happens.
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Not only are the fingerprint gestures working, but Google finally released the full image on their beta page, which makes things really easy.
