Help please on and off phone - Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge Questions and Answers

Strange one.. I bought a phone today s7 edge lady told me it no longer works I like to play with things and it was dirt cheap so hey thought why not.
It's clearly been dropped at some point as the screen has damage however I got it home stuck it on charge as it didn't turn on apparently.. Hey Presto it charged up a little so I turned it on and it worked.. I messaged the lady to tell her it was working and that she can have it back because I felt bad it was this easy.. However she had now got a new phone and really wasn't bothered she just wants to come and get her stuff off it.. However
In the process of contacting her I turned the phone off put it back on charge and left it m. Came back to it on 11% the lady was going to come and have a look and get all her things off it however it won't turn back on it seems I have the same issue she did.. I've tried different chargers and all the button combination possible for minutes at a time and nothing. No charging is happening no led no nothing.. However plug it into a pc and it dings and flashes up it is setting up exynos8895 I think the numbers were..
Any idea what could be wrong with it? I read it's a safety feature of the battery? That's a new one to me and I have never heard of that before. This has got me stumped and I've searched all around I really want to get this lady her things back now and hopefully can sell the phone and donate to my local kids home as that's what I do in my spare time can anybody please help me

just a quick update as the back glass was damaged i was going ahead and sorting out the glass i got the heat on and got the glass off and low and behold the phone came on . twice now when it has been heated it turns on ... however i tried to disconnect the battery and then reconnect and this didnt work either its now dead again the only way it seems to work is if it is heated up
i am stumped any help please ?


8525 Dead? NO! Wait yes?

Okay here's my fun little scenario that I searched for and hadn't come across anyone with the same scenario. Phone was working fine one day and next it would only display a white screen, thought something went wrong with the software. Tried a reset, tried a hard reset, tried a flash started getting some screen showing and then distorting and whiteing out also on startup would get crackled sound. Tried a few more resets and so on. Removed the battery for 3 seconds-20mins-8plus hours still having a problem. Distortion gets worse when pushing the battery in the back it seems and will eventually just go to white screen. Now I had bought a new battery recently and just for kicks threw it in, seemed to eliminate my problems. Except now as I just for kicks again am charging my old battery in the cradle along with the phone and the new battery it seems to be having similar issue although it hasn't been nearly as bad as before. Now I just took the "bad" battery off the charger and it seems to be just fine in the cradle at this moment, nevermind it's flickering again. Is more poor little Hermes on it's death bed, please tell me no. I paid $200 on it being used from a company who only warranties it for 14 days, I am almost at 30 now. I bought an warranty with it being used and all however they wont help me untill I reach 60 days I guess so I may be out of luck for 30 days before I might get it fixed or my money back. Sucks too because I switched to the $40 data plan with AT&T about 5 days ago and now I guess will be paying for something I can't really use. Okay it seems as though with random pressure on the back seems to cause it. I'm leaning towards some sort of a battery contact issue perhaps? What should I do to clean/fix the contacts?
For those that wonder why I just seemed to rant about my broken phone and seemingly figured out the problem on my own and are wondering why I am still posting all of it the answer is simple: To benefit someone else who may be experienceing the same problem or who may read it and have the problem down the road they will know what they should do. That and it's late and I'm tired
the screen issue is known to be caused by the D-pad connector coming undone
Okay I had run into that as a possibility however would that affect the sound to make it crackle? Also in experimenting some more this morning with the "old" battery in place it seems to be much much more sensitive to pressure, almost to the point of holding it in the palm of your hand causes the screen to go nutty and wash out to white screen and come back etc.. However with the new battery in its much more stable and I need to apply more pressure in order for it to reproduce these symptoms. I know you've been a member for longer than me and you also work for AT&T however my gut feeling is something else may be the culprit here. I tried recording a video using my backup phone last night except I couldn't seem to get it uploaded to show what the screen is doing. Oh well I really want use of the phone but I also don't want to void the warranty, namely my extra warranty which I can't file a claim for the next month.

Lets say I want to stop my phone from turning off..

Lets say I am sick and tired of my 8525 turning off on it's on randomly during the day and I have loaded 10 different roms all the way back to the stock one, I have ran it with NO aftermarket programs, I have replaced the battery, and I have added support to the sim card to make sure it isn't losing contact and still the phone turns off randomly on it's on.
Sometimes I have noticed that it will turn itself off if I slide the keyboard out (maybe 3 times out of 100 turn offs), but 97% of the time it will do it on it's on sitting on the desk untouched.
If I was going to take my phone apart, is there any ideas or general consensus to what parts might be causing the phone to turn itself off? Should I get a new sim card maybe?
Really sick and tired of my buddy with an Iphone throwing this bug in my face telling me what crap HTC is as well as missing calls.
If the phone is turning all the way off, over and over, then send it in for a replacement. If you mean the screen is just turing off after a certain amount of time, you can adjust that under: "Settings->System (tab)->Power->Advanced->then uncheck Turn off device if not used for x minutes. See if that helps, or maybe its just ur phone and you need a replacement. I sent mine in to ATT and got one back after my screen stopped turning on"white screen of death", heh. So it could just be a hardware issue that you cannot really solve urself...
The phone is turning all the way off on it's on. I have to boot it back up like I had just installed a battery or something.
I am out of warranty and do not want to pay for a refurbished phone since this is my third phone from them during the warranty already (and this ones been the best till now). I would rather someone tell me the board/part and I take it apart and fix it myself. I have the tools, the instruction manual in PDF someone posted a while back, a website with almost every internal part for sale, and experience taking small devices apart (ipods and such) and replacing items, I just want to know if anyone knew of which part could most likely be the part causing something like this before I start replacing things blindly. I plan to go ahead and take it apart and check ribbon cables since I want to replace the whole housing anyway.
Unfortunately, my D900 has the same problem with yours, it turned off when i just sending messages or just touching the screen, and my replacement battery is already on the flight, when i get it, i will test it again. Hopeful, i can get a sweat result~~
Mine doesn't seem to do it when it is in use. I have had to get in the habbit of looking at the LED on the phone to make sure it is still turned on. Gets real annoying trying to say the Iphone isn't all that people think, but then have this little problem and the fact I am on my third HTC product in the year time frame. But the others died within 30 days, this one has lasted 10 months thats why I want to keep it.
Well I think I figured it out. I took it apart and it looks like the black box that has the battery connectors to it and is soldered to the main board has broken loose. I am trying to fix it, but does anyone know how much the main board is if I need to replace it?

Possibly trashed my G1

I'm wondering if someone can lend me a hand here. I was rock climbing last weekend, left my phone in my jacket pocket, and I suspect someone may have stepped on / thrown my jacket.
In any case... it's not working right now. It doesn't start up, and there's no light when I plug it into the USB/wall chargers. Any hints on whether this thing is totally trashed? The phone was in its case the whole time, and its exterior looks completely undamaged as far as I can tell, with no scratches, etc. Another possibility is that it got rained on, but I highly doubt that the water penetrated the outside of the phone (especially given that it was in the case the whole time).
If anyone can help me getting my phone working again I would be eternally grateful.
you're kidding me,right? your phone doesn't start,no led comes on when you plug it in,and you want someone to tell you if it's trashed? did you check that the battery is properly seated?
hey whats going on? Heres what I suggest, take it to the tmobile store and tell them that the phone was charging and it started acting funky so you turned it off, and than it never came back on. From there they will switch out your battery, than if that dosent work they will just give you a new phone right there in the store. Long as no water damage which i dought it does. Just do that and you will be ok, I have done that many of times lol.
>did you check that the battery is properly seated?
Yes. I also wiped the contacts on the battery and the device.
mikesx4911 said:
hey whats going on? Heres what I suggest, take it to the tmobile store and tell them that the phone was charging and it started acting funky so you turned it off, and than it never came back on. From there they will switch out your battery, than if that dosent work they will just give you a new phone right there in the store. Long as no water damage which i dought it does. Just do that and you will be ok, I have done that many of times lol.
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Unfortunately it isn't quite that simple for me. I live in Canada; I purchased this phone several months ago basically new off eBay (it was used for a couple of weeks). Funnily enough, my iPod which was "naked" in the same pocket as my phone is also undamaged and continues to function normally. Are there any tests I can do to better determine the location of the problem?
sorrofix said:
Unfortunately it isn't quite that simple for me. I live in Canada; I purchased this phone several months ago basically new off eBay (it was used for a couple of weeks). Funnily enough, my iPod which was "naked" in the same pocket as my phone is also undamaged and continues to function normally. Are there any tests I can do to better determine the location of the problem?
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You're gonna need some technical know how. Open the phone and check the mobo for any disconnected cable and/or water damage. There is really nothing you can do that you haven't already done from the outside of the phone. If possible, find a local repair shop and have them take a look at it.
Update: so basically I took out the battery, waited a day or so, put it back in, and all the buttons lit up on the phone (but the LCD remained blank and so did the charging light).
Took the battery back out, waited another day, put it back in, and the phone suddenly turned on and has been working fine since. Anyway, thank you everyone for your help.

[Q] x10i wont turn on

Hi, need some help my girlfriend through my x10 at me and cracked the touchscreen digitizer which i replaced with a genuine one.The thing is when i went to turn it on nothing happened so i charged it for about a day when eventually the red battery led started flashing sometimes but still the phone wont turn on.with more charging and disconnecting the battery etc i got the green led to come and when i turned the phone on i got a short vibration and green led but nothing tried updating with seus and finally it seen my phone and told me my software was up to date so i tried to re-install but kept getting errors so still phone wont turn on and now green led does cut a long story short i took apart the phone again and noticed the lcd had a line down the middle which seems like its cracked also.My question now is if the lcd is cracked would that be why the phone wont turn on i would of thought it would have came on but just had colours splurted all over the screen.Oh and just so you know battery is sitting at 3.7v so is well charged,im thginking the motherboard is gone,please advise me what to do next.
did she throw the phone at you coz you wrote her a letter without paragraphs?
lol,can you help me
lol not really
but it does sound like the motherboard is screwed. not sure how the 2nd screen got cracked tho.
Why haven't you taken the phone in yet? is it not on contract?
O.k., I agonised myself throug you post....
PLEASE make your first post easier to read, as there are several non-native english speakers here. (Like me ).
Can you please write something about what happened to the phone?
- Did it work fine before you repaired the touch module?
- Why was the old module defective (Did the phone fall down or did anybody sit on it).
- Is there some waterdamage?
The more information, the better....

[Q] Black screen of death, then too bright with lines, now normal??

I got the Galaxy S4 yesterday morning. Today around 9pm the screen was completely black. I could hear sounds and the buttons would light up but nothing worked. I pulled the battery and sim card as suggested via google search and still nothing. I got home and the screen came back on but it was really super bright with horizontal lines that were slightly shifted in one spot on top of each other. I plugged my usb from the charger into it a few times and eventually got a battery charging logo to come up. Had to do that a few more times before I got the screen back up. Now the screen appears normal but I'm scared that something happened to it. Either the screen is going to die soon or maybe it somehow over heated and that is why the screen was acting wierd. I just hope that since it seems normal now that I can get it replaced in store even though I can't duplicate the symptoms.
I'm curious as to what your take is on what's wrong with my phone? It had at least 75% charge before it started acting crazy. I don't want to keep it thinking it's fine and then after 15 days it goes out again and I'm stuck waiting for a repair to be shipped back to me.
I just did a live chat with a Samsung Tech guy. He says it's because I installed an app or had a sd card inserted. He told me to uninstall Facebook and any ebook reading Apps and see if that fixes the problem. Do they think people fall for this? So incredible stupid if that's how they train their techs.
I was able to replicate the symptoms again. I bought the s view cover and when installing it had to press a little hard on the edges to snap into place. The screen went black again and did the same thing. Plugging to power then restarting fixed it. I found out that when I press the top right corner around where the time is, the screen flickers black and looks like I wants to cut out. Is there a sensor or digitizer located at that spot. If it's an issue when putting on a case, I see this is going to not bode well for the life of this phone. I went back to the dealer today and she gave me the number and location of a local samsung repair center. I'll have to give them a call tomorrow I suppose. Just be careful of any pressure being applied to the screen, even though mine has been acting up on it's own.
Just checked it now and it went totally black again and is not coming on. I've only had it a few days so not even enough time to load much stuff on it or customize it. I'm with Wind Mobile in Canada. It's getting boxed up and taken to the store asap tomorrow.
