x720 battery empty, can't charge - LeEco Le Pro3 Questions & Answers

Hello everyone
I have a coolpad cool s1, virtually identical to the le pro3 x720. Stock rom (version 19. something if I remember correctly, default one from grossoshop), rooted.
The other day, the battery was 3%. I plugged it in the charger when I went to sleep and it didn't show charging. I didn't make a big deal out of it, because the power extension cable has bad contact. Thought I would figure it out the next day. Next day I couldn't get it to charge in other plug. Phone has since died. At first, the red indicator light would blink whenever I would plug it into a charger, now it doesnt even do that anymore. I've tried about 5 different adapters (quick charge, non quick charge, laptop) and 3 different cables. I've tried holding down pretty much every combination of buttons for two minutes, in the charger, out of the charger, just before charging. I can't get the phone to do anything at all. When its in the charger its still very cold so I assume its not charging at all.
I've seen some other posts on here, but none really offered me a working solution. I've tried to get the phone in qualcomm recovery mode, but laptop is not detecting any device.
I've had the phone in use for about half a year, I can send it back if I want but it takes long time and I would like to keep my data if possible. Any suggestions? Phone is a literal brick right now.

Here could be part of the problem it is not a leeco le pro3.
You should be not flashing are ROMs on it.
At best try different cables it may not work at all because you flashed are ROMs on it.
Sent from my LEX720 using xda premium

I didn't flash any ROM. still on grossoshop international ROM that it came with when I bought it 6 months ago

L0laapk3 said:
I didn't flash any ROM. still on grossoshop international ROM that it came with when I bought it 6 months ago
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Get new cable let it charge around two hours.
Then unplug a then press power up to one minute repeat if needed.
If this don't work battery may be dead.
Never let your battery go under 15%.
Sent from my LEX720 using xda premium

mchlbenner said:
Get new cable let it charge around two hours.
Then unplug a then press power up to one minute repeat if needed.
If this don't work battery may be dead.
Never let your battery go under 15%.
Sent from my LEX720 using xda premium
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I've tried this several times with a third party cable, with multiple adapters. No result. I normally always charge my battery when I can, but I had just come home from a trip. So the images I took were not synced yet either

One last thing to try will your battery show charging?
Hold down power bottom and plug charging cable hold for 30 seconds.
If this fails you could have bad battery.
Try this hold volume up and down and hold down power button same time and plug in charger hold for 30 seconds.
Sent from my LEX720 using xda premium

mchlbenner said:
One last thing to try will your battery show charging?
Hold down power bottom and plug charging cable hold for 30 seconds.
If this fails you could have bad battery.
Try this hold volume up and down and hold down power button same time and plug in charger hold for 30 seconds.
Sent from my LEX720 using xda premium
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Thanks for the suggestions I'll try these things again with normal and quickcharge charger. Nothings happening right now but I'll let it sit for some hours in the charger, you never know.
Fingers crossed :fingers-crossed:

L0laapk3 said:
Thanks for the suggestions I'll try these things again with normal and quickcharge charger. Nothings happening right now but I'll let it sit for some hours in the charger, you never know.
Fingers crossed :fingers-crossed:
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Well, don't be too worried. Replacing the battery on this phone is a fairly straightforward process. It has the same internals as other LeEco phones: http://www.myfixguide.com/manual/leeco-le-pro-3-teardown/
Also, never ever let a lithium-ion battery, AKA any smartphone battery drop to less than 15%. You'll ruin the battery for good that way.

sk8223 said:
Well, don't be too worried. Replacing the battery on this phone is a fairly straightforward process. It has the same internals as other LeEco phones: http://www.myfixguide.com/manual/leeco-le-pro-3-teardown/
Also, never ever let a lithium-ion battery, AKA any smartphone battery drop to less than 15%. You'll ruin the battery for good that way.
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I try my best not to when I can
The thing is, the battery still had excellent capacity before this happened. I don't understand that it would be broken, seems more likely that something with the charging circuit is broken. Or I found 1 guy on a youtube video who had seemingly exactly the same problem and claims that just disconnecting and reconnecting the battery will fix it.
The phone is only half a year old and bought from within europe from reseller, I contacted grossoshop and they say they will RMA, but I don't want to be without good phone for two months, will have to consider my options..
Or if anyone here comes up with any revival suggestions that would be even better

Hi, just to chip in, I have the exact same issue .. will try the above steps and report back

jeetash said:
Hi, just to chip in, I have the exact same issue .. will try the above steps and report back
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Not wanting to take a heatgun to my phone, I ended up sending it back over warranty. If I knew that they would take so much longer than promised, I would have fixed it myself
Also the warranty note from what I assume comes from leeco itself, they claim to have replaced battery + charger circuitry + charger itself.
I do have to add that since it returned from warranty, I could not get my phone to charge using any of the android 8 roms so I'm stuck with an android 7 rom :s

L0laapk3 said:
Not wanting to take a heatgun to my phone, I ended up sending it back over warranty. If I knew that they would take so much longer than promised, I would have fixed it myself
Also the warranty note from what I assume comes from leeco itself, they claim to have replaced battery + charger circuitry + charger itself.
I do have to add that since it returned from warranty, I could not get my phone to charge using any of the android 8 roms so I'm stuck with an android 7 rom :s
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Thanks for the update... i have had no luck .
It did start up with 4% battery and started charging when i pressed vol down and power .. but when i disconnected the power cable to move it it refused to charge again .

jeetash said:
Thanks for the update... i have had no luck .
It did start up with 4% battery and started charging when i pressed vol down and power .. but when i disconnected the power cable to move it it refused to charge again .
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You could try using an EDL cable such as this one: https://www.amazon.com/MagiDeal-Qua...-4&keywords=EDL+cable+for+all+Qualcomm++usb+c
Also the 4PDA website has a whole section dedicated to this phone. You may get some better feedback there. Even though the S1 is pretty much the same phone as the Leeco, Leeco users will not relate to the steps you took to turn it into a leeco pro 3. Next, one resolved you may consider using the most Miui roms, ( see last few pages of miui thread) The Ares rom uses S1 fingerprints, and the S1 Vulkan kernel, I enjoyed that Rom quite a bit, until I found dotOS, which is better.

Thank you for the reply, I had seen your reply but I was in a pretty busy period so I just decided to just roll with the android 7 rom for a while. However recently I've decided to give it another shot, I would really like to have that aospextended rom
tsongming said:
Also the 4PDA website has a whole section dedicated to this phone. You may get some better feedback there.
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I had tried that in my struggle, but I got shadowbanned instantly for not speaking russian.
tsongming said:
Next, one resolved you may consider using the most Miui roms, ( see last few pages of miui thread)
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I was using that one for some short time, but it gave me a poor battery life
tsongming said:
The Ares rom uses S1 fingerprints, and the S1 Vulkan kernel, I enjoyed that Rom quite a bit, until I found dotOS, which is better.
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I had already tried the dotOS rom, but I will try it again when I have a chance thank you


Battery failure during 1st extended usb trickle charge

Well, I don't think I had seen any yet but I might be the first device/battery failure as a result of using one of the new superior charging kernels.
I have been using the Netarchy 4.2.2 beta kernal (aggressive with havs) I believe and everything has been fine for the past week or so.
This afternoon I plugged my phone into USB and laid down for a nap. I woke up not long ago and my phone is completely dead now. It will not power on or indicate that it is plugged in or anything. I don't have another battery to test, but could it just be a battery failure? Or is it possible the whole device is hosed?
deathsled said:
Well, I don't think I had seen any yet but I might be the first device/battery failure as a result of using on of the new superior charging kernel.
I have been using the Netarchy 4.2.2 beta kernal (aggressive with havs) I believe and everything has been fine for the past week or so.
This afternoon I plugged my phone into USB and laid down for a nap. I woke up not long ago and my phone is completely dead now. It will not power on or indicate that it is plugged in or anything. I don't have another battery to test, but could it just be a battery failure? Or is it possible the whole device is hosed?
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Anything is possible. Chances are that it was not the kernel though. Try a different charger and maybe a different battery. If all else fails take it in for repair.
How full was your battery before you plugged it in? You could try pulling the battery and waiting an hour or so before putting it back in and powering on.
I was down to about 30% when I plugged it in so it was getting a full charge. I remember getting a phone call during my nap that I ignored. When I finally got up the device was completely dark. I've got it unplugged and the battery out for now. Hopefully it will power back up in an hour or so....
If not I will have to try a buddy's battery in here tomorrow to see if that does anything. If not I'm simply out the device, there is no "taking it in for repair for me" unfortunately.
I hope it powers back up for you. If not, it would be good to try your friends battery so you could start trouble shooting.
Was this the original stock battery?
Sent from my blah blah blah blah
Try a different cable. A little while back I thought my phone borked on me as it would not charge even though the charge light was on. When my wife's did the same thing I got suspicous and tried a different cable. Like magic, the problem went away.
I don't think the phone is hosed, might be just the battery, I had that exact situation happen to me back in december, when plugged in theres not even a light. I tried drastic measures to get it working even heating the battery to 120f for 5 min then letting it cool for 10 over and over, it finally worked when I got to a sprint store and they plugged it in to one of their wall chargers, I was shocked after hours of doing things with no results. to this day im still using the same battery and it has the same life as when new
still using sbc kernels too
been running SBC and have had no negative effects
Original red oem battery. I've tried my usb cable and my 2 wall chargers so far. Still no lights.
I did see the screen blip on for a fraction of a second a moment ago while pressing at the the power button, so that gives me glimmer of hope. About to see what happens with a car charger on the way over to my friend's to try another battery.
Wish me luck!
The fact that you where using the SBC can mean absolutely nothing. I have a friend with an Evo as well, I flashed every experimental kernel and Rom I can find and have had no real issue, hardware wise. Him, on the other had, had only updated via the Sprint OTA, never flashed any custom roms or kernels, never even Rooted.
one night while texting a reply to me, his phone flat out died. it was plugged in and everything, just went black and charge light went out. I put my battery in his phone the next day, swapped SD cards, etc,etc. nothing brought it back to life, it was gone.
Sprint actually replaced it for him, just tell them that you where simply charging it and it wouldn't turn on the next day. they won't be able to get it to boot up because it's dead.. no idea why his did it, I kindof feel that is what happened with yours. I don't think the kernel had anything to do with it.
Well it's been confirmed to be the battery by trying another one.
Today is the first time I've ever let the phone do an extended charge over USB using one of these sbc kernels and the battery just happens to take a **** during the process? That's one killer coincidence...
try the battery again tomorrow out after sitting for a bit, it will charge and work again
deathsled said:
Well, I don't think I had seen any yet but I might be the first device/battery failure as a result of using one of the new superior charging kernels.
I have been using the Netarchy 4.2.2 beta kernal (aggressive with havs) I believe and everything has been fine for the past week or so.
This afternoon I plugged my phone into USB and laid down for a nap. I woke up not long ago and my phone is completely dead now. It will not power on or indicate that it is plugged in or anything. I don't have another battery to test, but could it just be a battery failure? Or is it possible the whole device is hosed?
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This happened to me when I was using a Zendroid kernel a couple weeks ago. You should be able to just plug your phone back in and charge it again. The orange light may blink at first or not turn on for a couple minutes, but it should charge.
I'm honestly not entirely sure, though. I put my dead battery in my sister's Evo, and the light thing is what happened to me. I let it charge in my sister's phone, and it turned out fine. Worked in the morning. Hopefully, you can do it in your own phone if you don't have another way to charge it.
deathsled said:
Well, I don't think I had seen any yet but I might be the first device/battery failure as a result of using one of the new superior charging kernels.
I have been using the Netarchy 4.2.2 beta kernal (aggressive with havs) I believe and everything has been fine for the past week or so.
This afternoon I plugged my phone into USB and laid down for a nap. I woke up not long ago and my phone is completely dead now. It will not power on or indicate that it is plugged in or anything. I don't have another battery to test, but could it just be a battery failure? Or is it possible the whole device is hosed?
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4.2.2 should not have SBC.
It would not be surprising to hear that a stock battery just quits working. Sprint replaces these for peeps all the time. Li-Poly batteries are cheap to produce and like anything else, there are always bad ones in the bunch.
Seriously doubt it was caused by whatever is loaded on the phone otherwise there would be more coming up with same issue. Unless there is something with the beta and USB charging method. Still doesn't sound very likely.
deathsled said:
Well it's been confirmed to be the battery by trying another one.
Today is the first time I've ever let the phone do an extended charge over USB using one of these sbc kernels and the battery just happens to take a **** during the process? That's one killer coincidence...
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What does your Battery Monitor Widget log say?
deathsled said:
Well it's been confirmed to be the battery by trying another one.
Today is the first time I've ever let the phone do an extended charge over USB using one of these sbc kernels and the battery just happens to take a **** during the process? That's one killer coincidence...
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That is a killer coincidence...but I do believe it is just a coincidence. I am at CES right now (well prep meetings and such) and the only way I charge when I travel is through USB. I have been using the 4.3 with SBC straight off of Net's thread (http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=719763) and have had no issues. Good to see you have your phone back, but I am willing to bet it was a faulty battery, not the kernal.
Hope it doesn't turn you away from the SBC kernals, it is so much nicer to see it stay between 100% and 90% for hours on end instead of 10 minutes like before.
It's the kernel from my experience mostly tied to sbc kernels. My phone did the exact thing. I mean exact. Pulled battery, used different cables etc. One thing I did not use was the OEM HTC charger. I have PCs around me all the time or the car charger. My phone died in my room where I have other wall mounted usb chargers. Didn't think anything of it. A few hours later phone died. It was 54% or so when I plugged it in. I came back to a dead phone. Nothing i tried initially worked. Sprint tech support same thing. I knew they couldn't resolve it. I have spare batteries but this OEM battery was too new. I wanted to know the problem so as to not repeat it. Sprint offered to replace my phone but I said let me get back on that. Since I knew the kernels were playing with voltage and that over or under voltage can mess with the phone. I plugged the OEM HTC wall adapter in and sure enough I had a orange blinking light. I waited for a few mins. Booted into recovery and installed a nandroid backup with sense. It booted great and guess what my battery percentage was? 55%. The battery did not die but the system shut down and it wanted the exact voltage from the HTC charger to kick start it. Since then for me personally I have stayed away from sbc kernels. It might work for some but not for me.
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA App
mrmomoman said:
It's the kernel from my experience mostly tied to sbc kernels. My phone did the exact thing. I mean exact. Pulled battery, used different cables etc. One thing I did not use was the OEM HTC charger. I have PCs around me all the time or the car charger. My phone died in my room where I have other wall mounted usb chargers. Didn't think anything of it. A few hours later phone died. It was 54% or so when I plugged it in. I came back to a dead phone. Nothing i tried initially worked. Sprint tech support same thing. I knew they couldn't resolve it. I have spare batteries but this OEM battery was too new. I wanted to know the problem so as to not repeat it. Sprint offered to replace my phone but I said let me get back on that. Since I knew the kernels were playing with voltage and that over or under voltage can mess with the phone. I plugged the OEM HTC wall adapter in and sure enough I had a orange blinking light. I waited for a few mins. Booted into recovery and installed a nandroid backup with sense. It booted great and guess what my battery percentage was? 55%. The battery did not die but the system shut down and it wanted the exact voltage from the HTC charger to kick start it. Since then for me personally I have stayed away from sbc kernels. It might work for some but not for me.
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA App
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Um, SBC and undervolting/HAVS aren't the same thing.
SBC is a new, experimental charging method that "just" came out.

How many got N4 bricked because of Red Light

I just wonderding how many ppl here got red light issues?
had this problem just now. discharged battery and wont turn on.
Ive had it 4 times lol get to bootloader flash to stock reflash rom all good to go
Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk 2
joshndroid said:
Ive had it 4 times lol get to bootloader flash to stock reflash rom all good to go
Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk 2
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i've tried all the power + volume combos...how did you get to bootloader?
If people just let their phones charge undisturbed overnight and tried the next day to boot, that number would be -80%..
I bricked my N4 by accidentally flashing a wrong bootloader - a simple error that proved fatal!
Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 2
jchoong said:
I bricked my N4 by accidentally flashing a wrong bootloader - a simple error that proved fatal!
Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 2
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That would brick basically any phone. You don't play around with flashing the bootloader unless you're sure.
Got the red light once while doing benchmarks.. But i was able to get into bootloader mode reflash system img.And bam i was good to go..
Dang man, this same problem is happening to the LG Optimus G. There is a thread on xda for that phone and the op says to take the back cover off, disconnect the battery then reconnect it and that fixes it. Maybe worth a shot on the nexus.?? That is if you don't want to reflash the phone.
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda premium
lyall29 said:
Dang man, this same problem is happening to the LG Optimus G. There is a thread on xda for that phone and the op says to take the back cover off, disconnect the battery then reconnect it and that fixes it. Maybe worth a shot on the nexus.?? That is if you don't want to reflash the phone.
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda premium
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Why you want to do it the hard way that void the warranty than the easy way?
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda premium
I plugged on my friend's car charger and suddenly my phone turned off and wont turn on.
When I plug on charger or USB and keep holding power, red led blinks many times, faster and faster.
My computer wont recognizes it.
Any solution?
rsb007 said:
I plugged on my friend's car charger and suddenly my phone turned off and wont turn on.
When I plug on charger or USB and keep holding power, red led blinks many times, faster and faster.
My computer wont recognizes it.
Any solution?
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Holy crap. It's literally IN THIS THREAD.
Leave it on your charger for several hours and see if it boots. If not, it's probably RMA time.
It's plugged for about 10 hours and nothing.
I live in Brazil, no sells here yet and it was bought on USA.
richteralan said:
Why you want to do it the hard way that void the warranty than the easy way?
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda premium
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I was just mentioning other options just in case someone couldn't get into the bootloader. What if you send the phone to lg because you couldn't get into the bootloader to reflash and they can by disconnecting the battery and find out that you are unlocked and rooted when the phone boots back up, which would also void your warranty. Although I would not take the back cover off if the phone was stock, might as well send the phone back if you can't get it to boot.
Sent from my Nexus 7 using xda premium
rsb007 said:
It's plugged for about 10 hours and nothing.
I live in Brazil, no sells here yet and it was bought on USA.
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I am in exactly the same situation as you. Prospects to resuscitate our bricked Nexus 4 are extremely dim!
Im wondering if what is posted Here may cause this issue?
Please, any advice will be thanked.
donchele said:
Im wondering if what is posted Here may cause this issue?
Please, any advice will be thanked.
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You seem to know very little about how chargers, batteries and charging circuitry works. To put your mind at ease, a USB 2.0 port is rated at 5V DC, 500mA. That will charge a Nexus 4, albeit slowly. Your 0.7A charger isn't going to fry anything, as there are multiple safeties built in, unless something is SEVERELY wrong with it, meaning faulty construction.
estallings15 said:
You seem to know very little about how chargers, batteries and charging circuitry works.
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Yup, that is the reason im asking
estallings15 said:
To put your mind at ease, a USB 2.0 port is rated at 5V DC, 500mA. That will charge a Nexus 4, albeit slowly. Your 0.7A charger isn't going to fry anything, as there are multiple safeties built in, unless something is SEVERELY wrong with it, meaning faulty construction.
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So you are telling me that, unless there is any issue with the charger (faulty construction) there is no reason to worry about that it will lead to this "Red light of death" or any other issue (lowering battery lifetime for example)?
This is totally off topic but, Do you (personally) think it's true what people say that charging a cellphone with a lower output charger increases its battery service?
Quick question:
Does this red light issue appear when battery is drain to 0% (among other factors)
donchele said:
Yup, that is the reason im asking
So you are telling me that, unless there is any issue with the charger (faulty construction) there is no reason to worry about that it will lead to this "Red light of death" or any other issue (lowering battery lifetime for example)?
This is totally off topic but, Do you (personally) think it's true what people say that charging a cellphone with a lower output charger increases its battery service?
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There is no reason to worry unless the charger or your phone is faulty, in other words, hardware failure on either side. Unfortunately there would be no easy to foresee that.
The charging circuitry will only use what it needs to do it's job. As long as the voltage is within range and the current is not too LOW, you're OK. The N4 is rated at 900 mA to perform a standard charge. It will accept as low as approx. 500 mA to charge in USB mode. That idea is rubbish.

[Q] Galaxy s4 stops charging off wall charger.

I somewhat recently got an AT&T Galaxy S4 and it was working great, until I went to charge it. It seems that most of the time, when I plug my phone in to charge at night, it stops charging after about 10 minutes. I am already asleep by this time so when I wake up, I'll have like 40% battery left.
I have tried different chargers, cables, sockets, just not a new battery.
Any tips to try before buying a new battery to test? Also, what's a good slim battery for a general user?
xProtify said:
I somewhat recently got an AT&T Galaxy S4 and it was working great, until I went to charge it. It seems that most of the time, when I plug my phone in to charge at night, it stops charging after about 10 minutes. I am already asleep by this time so when I wake up, I'll have like 40% battery left.
I have tried different chargers, cables, sockets, just not a new battery.
Any tips to try before buying a new battery to test? Also, what's a good slim battery for a general user?
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Personally I think you should call it in to get it replaced. See my thread here:
Faluzure said:
Personally I think you should call it in to get it replaced. See my thread here:
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I was hoping I wouldn't have to switch it. Oh well, as long as it works. Thanks!
xProtify said:
I was hoping I wouldn't have to switch it. Oh well, as long as it works. Thanks!
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Yeah... well i mean it may not be the same issue I had but it's better safe than sorry, you know? The warranty is still valid, so might as well take advantage of it.
But in your case, at least it's charging and you're maintaining some sort of usable phone. Mine was dead for 2 whole days.
I would go ahead and call today because they ship Next Business Day. Meaning you'd get it tomorrow (if it's not too late). I had to wait 2 days because of the 4th of July.

Heating problem

Last night I've put my phone to charge until morning, and I've put the phone under a pillow because I have a one person bed and I don't want to hit it with my legs. In the morning, when I took the phone out....
The phone was extremely HOT! And I know where the parts are in this phone, and not the motherboard heatead up so much, the battery! I was so scared because this thing could explode in my hands or could've exploded last night.
Also, when I saw the phone the notification led was blinking blue, but after cooling the phone I couldn't see any notification. Is that a alert or something to say that your phone is hot?
I don't want to have a "note 7" clone when charging in my house.
I have this phone for just 6 months. Also the battery right now drops percent like per minute, really weak.
Does anyone had this problem too?
Here are screenshots:
Also, I am not using original charger because was too slow. I am using an 5V 2A charger. Now my battery stays at "normal" at 40C°
Is that normal?
XTutorials said:
Here are screenshots:
Also, I am not using original charger because was too slow. I am using an 5V 2A charger. Now my battery stays at "normal" at 40C°
Is that normal?
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I have found this in my manual. I will keep my eyes all day on my phone and will see if I will go to the service or not.
But I have bootloader unlocked, the phone was disassembled before, the water indicator is red, so I'm going to have to pay.
It happened to me. One thing I noticed that my phone was in wake lock. It never happened to me again. I think I was using LOS 14 at that time.
Suleiman01 said:
It happened to me. One thing I noticed that my phone was in wake lock. It never happened to me again. I think I was using LOS 14 at that time.
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I am using persona78's B600 mod. I hope this thing doesn't happen to me again too.
XTutorials said:
I don't want to have a "note 7" clone when charging in my house.
Does anyone had this problem too?
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Every phone has heating problems. Few days ago i readed some articles and that stated: consumers should remove the custom cases when charging the phone. Do not keep your phone while charging on surfaces that stores heat (eg. your pillow), and try to not keep your phone on charge overnight. Even if its at 35-45% you should leave it so and wake up 30 min earlier every morning and charge again if you need more battery. 100% charge its not a good idea.
Remember you cant change battery easy, removing the back case its a pain, try to take care of your device, or you gonna buy a new phone soon
XTutorials said:
Here are screenshots:
Also, I am not using original charger because was too slow. I am using an 5V 2A charger. Now my battery stays at "normal" at 40C°
Is that normal?
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Of course not......You are using 2A charger.....It would obviously heat your device up
and yes ......2 A charger won't help with speeding up charging it would burn your IC instead..Your phone won't take in more than 1 Amp thats a factory limit and can't be unlocked without a custom kernel but still it's not safe.. Don't use that charger .....It's a placeboo that it charges faster ?
HaiderHady said:
Of course not......You are using 2A charger.....It would obviously heat your device up
and yes ......2 A charger won't help with speeding up charging it would burn your IC instead..Your phone won't take in more than 1 Amp thats a factory limit and can't be unlocked without a custom kernel but still it's not safe.. Don't use that charger .....It's a placeboo that it charges faster ?
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What the ****, thanks. I will come back to the original charger.

12 Hours For Full Charge

Hi all,
My phone takes 12 hours to get full fully charge, whether it's being charged while turned on or off, which means that it's not an app related issue.
The battery lasts for most of the day and does not seem to be completely depleted, even though i'm getting less battery time than when it was new.
It behaves the same with multiple chargers\cables combination that i tried, including the original ones.
Can that be a battery issue if the battery is still giving me a relatively ok (though nothing like when it was new) operation time?
Thank you
ferez said:
Hi all,
My phone takes 12 hours to get full fully charge, whether it's being charged while turned on or off, which means that it's not an app related issue.
The battery lasts for most of the day and does not seem to be completely depleted, even though i'm getting less battery time than when it was new.
It behaves the same with multiple chargers\cables combination that i tried, including the original ones.
Can that be a battery issue if the battery is still giving me a relatively ok (though nothing like when it was new) operation time?
Thank you
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Either the battery or damaged pins
Skickat från min HUAWEI NXT-L29 via Tapatalk
Leo_83 said:
Either the battery or damaged pins
Skickat från min HUAWEI NXT-L29 via Tapatalk
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Thank you for your reply,
Iv'e tried to visually speculate the pins, they seem mostly ok, so battery it is?
I always thought that a faulty battery that takes excessive time to charge, will also give very little usage time, so you say it's not always the case?
ferez said:
Thank you for your reply,
Iv'e tried to visually speculate the pins, they seem mostly ok, so battery it is?
I always thought that a faulty battery that takes excessive time to charge, will also give very little usage time, so you say it's not always the case?
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There other reasons could be faulty charger, wrong charger (500ma/1A model) , software on the phone draining battery when on charge (some apps can operate in different ways when on charge), check your power graph, the charge cycle should be a steep line up, anything else may be one of the above.
Yeah, that's why iv'e mentioned that i tried multiple chargers\cables (Including the original which is in very good shape), and while the phone is shut down and charging it behaves the same, so that takes software issue out of the equation.
I'm just curious to know if that is possible for a faulty battery to behave like that = very slow charging times, but still giving an acceptable usage time
Just replaced the battery to anew one....phone still behaving the same....
Assuming it is not a charger or a cable issue, the only suspect is the USB PCB board in my phone, isn't it?
Iv'e replace the battery, and also the USB circuit board, but no change in charging time!
I'm puzzled :S
ferez said:
Iv'e replace the battery, and also the USB circuit board, but no change in charging time!
I'm puzzled :S
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I had the same problem for a long time.. still do.. asked a lot of people about the solution but finally I found one by chance.
Use a charger which is 4amp 5volt .. trust me.. it works.. if you can't find it anywhere, look for oppo service center . Buy the charger for oppo f1 plus..
gandotratushar said:
I had the same problem for a long time.. still do.. asked a lot of people about the solution but finally I found one by chance.
Use a charger which is 4amp 5volt .. trust me.. it works.. if you can't find it anywhere, look for oppo service center . Buy the charger for oppo f1 plus..
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So with this kind of charger, how long does it take to fully charge the phone?
ferez said:
So with this kind of charger, how long does it take to fully charge the phone?
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Not more than an hr and a half...
gandotratushar said:
Not more than an hr and a half...
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Thank you man,
It's still a workaround but it can greatly improve things and extend the life cycle of this device.
