Is the stock email app available in the Play Store? - LG G6 Questions and Answers

I did not know the G6 does not come with the usual stock email app. I'm coming from an HTC One (M7). Does anybody know if the stock email app is available in the Play Store? If so, what developer name is it in? I don't like the Gmail app because it is so slow and don't sync properly. There are emails which don't get downloaded for whatever reason. I also tried the Microsoft Outlook. It's fast, but there is no way to prevent downloading of images used by spammers to know when an email gets opened by the target recipient.

sp_1st_timer said:
I did not know the G6 does not come with the usual stock email app. I'm coming from an HTC One (M7). Does anybody know if the stock email app is available in the Play Store? If so, what developer name is it in? I don't like the Gmail app because it is so slow and don't sync properly. There are emails which don't get downloaded for whatever reason. I also tried the Microsoft Outlook. It's fast, but there is no way to prevent downloading of images used by spammers to know when an email gets opened by the target recipient.
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There are enough alternatives, I prefer K9 as email app

Edison -Email.
Best ive ever used.

basicreece said:
Edison -Email.
Best ive ever used.
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I see it offers unified inbox. How does it accomplish that? Does it pass your email through Edison's server?

dwasifar said:
I see it offers unified inbox. How does it accomplish that? Does it pass your email through Edison's server?
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No idea.
But it's fast, smooth and emails come through instantly.

dwasifar said:
I see it offers unified inbox. How does it accomplish that? Does it pass your email through Edison's server?
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Yes, gmail account seems to be accessed by some ip address from USA.

basicreece said:
No idea.
But it's fast, smooth and emails come through instantly.
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I've sent them an email asking.
Unfortunately it's not always easy to tell which email apps do that, and I don't really trust the ones that do. There are a lot of new ones cropping up that do, all supposedly from different developers and yet all coincidentally having the same pidgin English in their descriptions: "This application gives you to login for all your other accounts. The best feature is auto detect server, we will detect server of your all emails."
Not saying Edison is in that bunch; pretty obvious that they are legit, and I'm sure their service works very well. But still, I don't want all my emails and login credentials made available to an unvetted third party's server.
---------- Post added at 03:23 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:22 PM ----------
simeoni said:
Yes, gmail account seems to be accessed by some ip address from USA.
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Does the IP resolve to an Amazon AWS instance or a Linode instance, by any chance?

dwasifar said:
Does the IP resolve to an Amazon AWS instance or a Linode instance, by any chance?
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I didn't check because I uninstalled Edison email immediatly.

simeoni said:
I didn't check because I uninstalled Edison email immediatly.
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I imagine you changed your email login credentials right away, too. I've done the same thing with another service, BlueMail I think it was.

dwasifar said:
I imagine you changed your email login credentials right away, too. I've done the same thing with another service, BlueMail I think it was.
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No, I just removed access rights from Edison in

May I also recommend the BlackBerry Hub for email? I think it's one of the best email clients out there.

normally the g6 already has an original mail client app, at least on mine it is from the beginning (European model, without operator)
on the other hand it's the opposite, I do not like this application and I use gmail instead :angel:
Sent from my LG G6 using XDA Labs


[Q] From desire to SGSII Happy but...

Hello I just switched from HTC Desire (very good phone) to the SGSII (Better)...
And i am quite happy with my desicion. I have only two things that are a problem right now.
1. I am missing the Sense Mail widgets.
2. GPS Inaccuracy.
So my questions are:
1. Mail widget...
I am looking for a mail widget that binds to a specific account. So i have 4 email accounts and i want to bind the widget to one of them.
So if I want to use all mail accounts I will have to place 4 widgeds and configure them for each maill account. And preferebly they should show the subject.
2. GPS inaccuracy in Navigon
I was driving a road and where my desire had pinpoint accuracy, the Sammy thought I was about 60 meters to the right, and started to bark all kind of instructions to get back to the road (where i already was on)....
So anybody can help me? (Need mail widget the most) the widgets from launcher pro are what i need but I wat to jump to the correct mail client (that shows the message as it should be) Launcher pro has it's own mail renderere and that's not what i want.
The GPS in SGS2 works very well for me, so that is not a general issue.
But maybe the circumstances were bad at the time, you can only compare with Desire if you had it with you at at the same time, because satellites are moving and weather is changing etc.
Did you have big buildings close to the roads? That can cause disturbances.
Do you have A-GPS enabled? (enable "use wireless networks" in Location settings menu).
Can you explain why you would not want to push all your different email accounts from where-ever to one Gmail account and only use that one?! There should be plenty of gmail widgets on the market.
buddy01 said:
Can you explain why you would not want to push all your different email accounts from where-ever to one Gmail account and only use that one?! There should be plenty of gmail widgets on the market.
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1. Hotmail is my privat email.
2. Exchange is corporate with required pin
3. Gmail = rubbish mail....
So I only want to be notified when I receive a Private or corporate mail....
and if i look, i want to see private or corporate depending on what I am doing.
Maybe I am a bit old, but i don't want a unified inbox. I want it organized as it was on my HTC.
I could do thi son my HTC without rooting and it worked like a charm....
I Really like the speed and screen of the SGII but i really do miss my Sense widgets...
I have spend a lot of money in the appstore opnly to get this functionality, I tried a lot, Pure Messenger widget and everything... Needed root, but could not read my exchange mail, uninstall and find the mail app broken, had to flash (now on KG2)
But a HTC has this functionality out of the box with no extra charge.....
How is Gmail rubbish when you can have all those corporate mail and hotmail and whatnot in there and they are not unified but you can access them separately via the gmail app? To me it seems that you are just stuck to 90's
Edit *i have my own business mail account there (own domain), my second work (work for another company) mail there (2 domains) and my personal gmail there. I also have multiple different email addresses from my own business there unified for a seperate account. All organised and working like a ****ing BOSS!
buddy01 said:
How is Gmail rubbish when you can have all those corporate mail and hotmail and whatnot in there and they are not unified but you can access them separately via the gmail app? To me it seems that you are just stuck to 90's
Edit *i have my own business mail account there (own domain), my second work (work for another company) mail there (2 domains) and my personal gmail there. I also have multiple different email addresses from my own business there unified for a seperate account. All organised and working like a ****ing BOSS!
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I think he meant that he uses his gmail acc as a spam account? for marketing emails,etc.
stoney73 said:
I think he meant that he uses his gmail acc as a spam account? for marketing emails,etc.
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Sucks to be him then.. like it takes 2 secs to setup account [email protected] and have all your work **** ([email protected], [email protected]) pushed there. HE can also answer with the original address etc etc. He just old fashioned and stuck on his ways, lol.
buddy01 said:
Sucks to be him then.. like it takes 2 secs to setup account [email protected] and have all your work **** ([email protected], [email protected]) pushed there. HE can also answer with the original address etc etc. He just old fashioned and stuck on his ways, lol.
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Well are you telling me that it is possible to have google sync with exchange and get contacts mail, calender and all the good stuff and not have the lockstreen policy ?
I am not old fashioned, but I use hotmail for mail and google for searches.....
No need to give them all info......
But..... If it is possible to have google read my Excahnge account so i do not have that dumb policy enforced on my pone i would consider a switch.
And i guess you are telling me it's possible ?......
well0549 said:
Well are you telling me that it is possible to have google sync with exchange and get contacts mail, calender and all the good stuff and not have the lockstreen policy ?
I am not old fashioned, but I use hotmail for mail and google for searches.....
No need to give them all info......
But..... If it is possible to have google read my Excahnge account so i do not have that dumb policy enforced on my pone i would consider a switch.
And i guess you are telling me it's possible ?......
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There is an app called touchdown for exchange mail, works pretty well and you won't be enforced to set a pin to the lock screen. You just need to set a pin to open the app.
Sent from my GT-I9100 using XDA Premium App
I think you have to try Copilot Live navigator it's perfect for me...
kirdroid said:
There is an app called touchdown for exchange mail, works pretty well and you won't be enforced to set a pin to the lock screen. You just need to set a pin to open the app.
Sent from my GT-I9100 using XDA Premium App
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Thanks for your help. Do you happen to know if that will work with pure messenger ?
buddy01 said:
Sucks to be him then.. like it takes 2 secs to setup account [email protected] and have all your work **** ([email protected], [email protected]) pushed there. HE can also answer with the original address etc etc. He just old fashioned and stuck on his ways, lol.
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Do i get my contacts, my calender and stuff also in g-calender, i have been looking a bit and i see no way to get an automated sync between our corporate Exchange Server and Gmail.....
Not everything is as simple as you think.... Oh wait..... for you it probably is..... (but that's probably due to a lack of processing power.....)
If I would give you 1% of my thoughts your brain would probably overload....
Now buddy, be a real budddy and show me how it's done...... ( and then i will say you were right and apologize ) otherwise, go and bother some other thread with that 1 brain cell of yours !
well0549 said:
Thanks for your help. Do you happen to know if that will work with pure messenger ?
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Its just for exchange email, it can sync your exchange calender, tasks and everything else exchange related.
I doesn't work as messenger, just email.
Sent from my GT-I9100 using XDA Premium App
kirdroid said:
Its just for exchange email, it can sync your exchange calender, tasks and everything else exchange related.
I doesn't work as messenger, just email.
Sent from my GT-I9100 using XDA Premium App
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Thanks for your help !.
I tried it and I still could not read the Hotmails.....
So Installed KG2 firmware, rooted it, wiped etc.....
And now Pure messenger is able to read the default mail accounts so my problem is solved.
But thanks for your help anyway !

gmail attachment issue question

I had read or hear somewhere that there is an issue with attachments in gmail on the note 10.1 Is this confirmed by users who have one and use gmail or just a bad reviewer. Still trying to decide on Infinity or 10.1 and this is very important to me.
Thanks in advance.
I assume you mean using the stock e-mail client. I don't imagine the GMail app would behave any differently on the Note than it does anywhere else.
rap6388 said:
I had read or hear somewhere that there is an issue with attachments in gmail on the note 10.1 Is this confirmed by users who have one and use gmail or just a bad reviewer. Still trying to decide on Infinity or 10.1 and this is very important to me.
Thanks in advance.
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Just install a file manager app like Astro and you will be able to attach any file in the GMail app.
rap6388 said:
I had read or hear somewhere that there is an issue with attachments in gmail on the note 10.1 Is this confirmed by users who have one and use gmail or just a bad reviewer. Still trying to decide on Infinity or 10.1 and this is very important to me.
Thanks in advance.
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I don't have this problem.
No probs with attachments here, neither Samsung client nor original Gmail.
The Samsung client only sometimes won't download integrated pictures in emails like company logos.
No issues for me either. Just bad reviewers.
No he didn't mean the stock email client he meant gmail. Within gmail you only get these options (gallery or dropbox) stock for attachments but you can also send stuff initiating outside gmail using the share options in what ever app your in.
Also as gdirks says installing a file manager will let you choose whatever.
iamchocho said:
Within gmail you only get these options (gallery or dropbox) stock for attachments.
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I have to admit that's pretty stupid. In my pics that's GMail being used via ActiveSync and you can see the stock e-mail client has Samsung's My Files app as the number one option. It also gives the option of sending content created in the S-tools. There's no reason (that I can think of) that the GMail app shouldn't behave the same way. At least to your point the problem can be solved by installing a third party file manager.
iamchocho said:
No he didn't mean the stock email client he meant gmail. Within gmail you only get these options (gallery or dropbox) stock for attachments but you can also send stuff initiating outside gmail using the share options in what ever app your in.
Also as gdirks says installing a file manager will let you choose whatever.
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yes that is correct, installing a file manager like x-plore or solid explorer will work just fine.
Thanks all for your response. I will check things out a bit more.
BarryH_GEG said:
I have to admit that's pretty stupid. In my pics that's GMail being used via ActiveSync and you can see the stock e-mail client has Samsung's My Files app as the number one option. It also gives the option of sending content created in the S-tools. There's no reason (that I can think of) that the GMail app shouldn't behave the same way. At least to your point the problem can be solved by installing a third party file manager.
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Yup, agreed it shouldn't but it's samsung's terrible software design at work here. Maybe it was an honest oversight and they will fix it. I say we pressure them to do so. I'm sure someone will figure out how to fix it soon enough on xda but the whole point is that we shouldn't have to fix things like that, it should work just like stock aosp android.
I really don't want to setup gmail as active sync.
A friend also had the same issue. On my Galaxy Note 10.1 I had a slection for "attach video". Fixed the problem with this app: [I'm not allowed to post links- sorry]. Go to Play Store and search on "Attachments [Gmail Attach]"
I have no relationship with this developer. Cheers, David

[WARNING] [Alert] samsung SPIES on us and READS our emails and passwords!

Warning for everyone who uses the Samsung applications for (at least) email!
If you use the Samsung email application then YOU JUST GAVE SAMSUNG your username(s) and password(s)!
How did I find out about this? Easy, and you can try it too if you know how to run an email server.
I run my own IMAP email server. So I configured email on the phone and then I synchronised my email.
Then I had a look on my server to see what my phone was doing.... and HOLY SHIITAKE! It wasn't my phone's IP address... it was Samsung's IP address195.124.9.34 which is
That means your phone logs into Samsung's servers and Samsung's servers log into the email server.
Yes, I'm extremely worried by this. Just think about how many politicians, CEOs, sysadmins, and ordinary people use Samsung's email program! We know Google does this on their own servers but if you use a different IMAP or POP3 server for email then you wouldn't expect Samsung to read over your shoulder!
Is this even legal???​
What type of connection did you establish between your IMAP server and the phone? Do you have it set to periodic polling (check every few minutes) or have you set it to "push" mail of some sort.
If the latter one is the case, i believe there is no alternative to letting the samsung server check for new mail and send the notification to your phone when it arrives. Otherwise your phone would have to send/receive your IMAP info all the time and would be battery dead in no time.
brittonberkan said:
What type of connection did you establish between your IMAP server and the phone? Do you have it set to periodic polling (check every few minutes) or have you set it to "push" mail of some sort.
If the latter one is the case, i believe there is no alternative to letting the samsung server check for new mail and send the notification to your phone when it arrives. Otherwise your phone would have to send/receive your IMAP info all the time and would be battery dead in no time.
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It happened during a manual synchronisation. But even if it were periodic, IMAP has an IDLE command. My HTC One S can do this in exactly the same way without using HTC's servers. That is why this is so alarming. You never knew your password would be used by Samsung.
this is one of the most stupidest things i have ever read
whats so special if it goes through samsung's server
your emails are hosted on gmail servers does that mean google spies on us ? maybe maybe not
bluefa1con said:
this is one of the most stupidest things i have ever read
whats so special if it goes through samsung's server
your emails are hosted on gmail servers does that mean google spies on us ? maybe maybe not
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Third party knowing your password is a huge security problem.
Stop smoking so much hash
Sent from my GT-I9100 using xda premium
Who actually cares
Sent from my GT-I9100 using xda premium
This is stupid mate what a waste of thread...its not like you discovered america mr colombus. We all know our username and passworda are stored in email the heck are you excpected to log in and out of your email accounts ??
Close this off man...its a waste.
Sent from my GT-I9100 using xda app-developers app
drowsy1982 said:
This is stupid mate what a waste of thread...its not like you discovered america mr colombus. We all know our username and passworda are stored in email the heck are you excpected to log in and out of your email accounts ??
Close this off man...its a waste.
Sent from my GT-I9100 using xda app-developers app
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bluefa1con said:
this is one of the most stupidest things i have ever read
whats so special if it goes through samsung's server
your emails are hosted on gmail servers does that mean google spies on us ? maybe maybe not
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Don't be so quick on that guys, he's pointing out a legitimate thing.
When you setup an IMAP Server yourself (like [email protected]) and you add it to an IMAP Mail client (like the "mail" app), there should be no reason to contact a third server which has nothing do to with your IMAP server (unless that server adds some functionality, like the push mail i suggested).
IMAP CLIENT (Has username/PW) --------> IMAP SERVER (any server, checks username/PW, sends mail to client)
IMAP CLIENT (Has username/PW) -------> SAMSUNG SERVER (transmits username/PW) -----> IMAP Server (any server, checks username/PW, sends mail to client - or samsung?)
So, i think we should look into this. Not because i don't trust Samsung, but it's an unnecessary step which shouldn't be taken. And it hans over your credentials to a third party, usually without you knowing about it.
thanks for the effort mate.. lol!
brittonberkan said:
Don't be so quick on that guys, he's pointing out a legitimate thing.
So, i think we should look into this. Not because i don't trust Samsung, but it's an unnecessary step which shouldn't be taken. And it hans over your credentials to a third party, usually without you knowing about it.
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Exactly. People can call me stupid or they can not give a sh* about their own privacy, but these are legitimate concerns. I don't care if people who work their boring job and don't have much self worth aren't able to see the worthyness of pointing out this issue, but it does not mean that there is no issue to begin with -- there is, really, there is.
Just imagine the following examples where only private (non-gmail, non-hotmail) servers are being used.
1) You work at Apple. You're a big shot. But you like android more, so you bought a Galaxy. You configure your corporate email account on it. You don't realise all emails, usernames and passwords are being sent via Samsung. The emails include corporate secrets, patents and so forth.
2) You're a Korean dissident emailing in secret using your Galaxy S2 on human rights abuses.
3) You're a Russian diplomat working together with North Korea.
3) You're a politician. You work in the EU on the Digital Rights Assembly.
4) You're a judge and work on copyright and patent cases.
Do I really need to point out the implications of any entity secretly reading these emails?
that should only happen if you use the advanced imap stuff, which i guess is samsung's way to do push for non-push enabled server types.
I really don't care..I'm not a spy or anything
Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk 2
fatjivi said:
I really don't care..I'm not a spy or anything
Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk 2
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You really don't get it do you? I am saying you are being spied on!
Just pretend you would care: what would you do if you would care?
heldchen said:
that should only happen if you use the advanced imap stuff, which i guess is samsung's way to do push for non-push enabled server types.
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This happens for all servers, not only servers that don't support push.
Thank god i never used samsung email app. And also i never used any chinese app due to sevuriyy reasons.
Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk 2
First: to all who say "what do I care, I'm not a spy, I've got nothing to hide" - you're the stupid sheep who give up your privacy and freedom, who don't care about your rights, who will happily accept invasive "security measures" which destroy people's private life, who will accept any government abuse in the name of "security". If you "don't care" that your email (and others) can be so easily snooped, I guess you will not complain when a bored hacker gets a copy of them and publishes them online, so everyone will see your medical records, your sex life details, your "innocent" flirting with the new secretary at work, etc. Sheep !
There, cooled off a bit now. Ah, and if you say "Google has my emails anyway": yes, they do, but that's a free service which you're paying with your personal details in order to get advertising. If you're holding private/sensitive information there, be wary.
@voidzero: have you tried capturing the traffic sent from the phone ? if you enable SSL for your IMAP server, it should at least trigger a warning about certs being wrong, IMHO. Use Maildroid in the mean time, much better than the Samsung client.
never had the time to check this but I was pretty sure that if not all but most of the 'traffic' that is in "your" phone is going through samsung or whatever the app you are running. Its a privacy issue and probably a serious one, thats why you should be carefull on what you use and post with your phone. The ppl who doesnt cares about their privacy, sooner or later they will release they were very wrong, when their information be used againt them.
It's probably Samsung's push servers.
I just sent an email stating "Samsung can suck my ****" and my Samsung TV exploded!
Coincidence? I think not.
Sent from my GT-I9100 using xda premium

[Q] Galaxy S4 Stock Email App. So many flaws?

Got my new Galaxy S4. What is up with the email app? are you able to have it push email? i dont want it to poll every 5 minutes, i need my emails instantly...
I turned on sync in the email app, which apparently this is not push, anyways, throughout the day when i open the email app i get a popup saying email sync disabled. Why?
Can anyone confirm that the search function works?? I have my email set up as an imap account, whenever i want to search something in my email i get 0 results, and if i hit the search on server, it does not bring up anything either. This happens with all my email accounts on my phone, and my wife's accounts on her GS4. Any idea why??
I have a rooted S4, not using a custom rom. I have tried K9 email but it is just plain ugly. I actually like how the stock email app looks but nothing works!
I searched all over the internet and i dont see anything on most of these issues so im assuming im doing something wrong if nobody else is talking about this. Please, any help would be awesome. My wife wants her iphone back because of this.
I use the stock email app with no issues. I have it set to recieve from my work exchange account, my outlook and gmail accounts. All are push, and all of mine are searchable with no issues.
You may try erasing the account, and then resetting it. I know my outlook account is also an exchange server, but the gmail I think is IMAP. All mine have the check box "sync email" checked, and I set all to push notifications. Be sure you are setting up the account in the email app itself, that may help.
aawshads said:
I use the stock email app with no issues. I have it set to recieve from my work exchange account, my outlook and gmail accounts. All are push, and all of mine are searchable with no issues.
You may try erasing the account, and then resetting it. I know my outlook account is also an exchange server, but the gmail I think is IMAP. All mine have the check box "sync email" checked, and I set all to push notifications. Be sure you are setting up the account in the email app itself, that may help.
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Where do you see the email push setting? only see sync, and whenever i turn on sync, i get a popup a few hours later when i open the app that sync has been disabled. Even when i enable sync, it gives me the option for sync schedule for at most every 15 minutes.
As far as the search, i use godaddy imap and yahoo. I cant search anything out of what is showing when i open the app. It shows me default of i think 25 emails when i open the app and if i scroll to the bottom it starts to load more. When i do a search, it only searches through what is loaded and when i do continue searching on server i get nothing more. The only results is what is in the 25 loaded messages, or 50 messages if i scroll down at let it load more...
crammer04 said:
I searched all over the internet and i dont see anything on most of these issues so im assuming im doing something wrong if nobody else is talking about this. Please, any help would be awesome. My wife wants her iphone back because of this.
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The email app on the iphone is far better than the stock email app on the SGS4. I think the stock email app on the SGS4 is utter crap, at least with IMAP. Maybe it works better with exchange. I use Kaiten, which is an upgraded/updated version of K9. Another one that I looked at briefly was AquaMail.
GeorgeP said:
The email app on the iphone is far better than the stock email app on the SGS4. I think the stock email app on the SGS4 is utter crap, at least with IMAP. Maybe it works better with exchange. I use Kaiten, which is an upgraded/updated version of K9. Another one that I looked at briefly was AquaMail.
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The thing is i actually really like the email app on the GS4. I think the layout is nice and the email app is one of the few times i actually feel that the air view feature is really useful. The problem is, is that it is not reliable. I need my emails instantly and the email app is not getting it for me. I just figured out the search problem i was having. If i just change in the settings messages to load from 25 to "total" all of my messages will be there and search is fine. I still wish there is a way to have my emails come instantly rather than every 15 minutes. Aside from the push issue, what else do you dislike about the stock app that the other apps have? The only thing i noticed on the iphone is the push option...
GeorgeP said:
The email app on the iphone is far better than the stock email app on the SGS4. I think the stock email app on the SGS4 is utter crap, at least with IMAP. Maybe it works better with exchange. I use Kaiten, which is an upgraded/updated version of K9. Another one that I looked at briefly was AquaMail.
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on the app go to settings, tap on the account, then on Sync Schedule, set it to Push.
aawshads said:
on the app go to settings, tap on the account, then on Sync Schedule, set it to Push.
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You must be talking about an exchange account. You don't have that option with IMAP.
I dont see the push option, here is what i see
aawshads said:
on the app go to settings, tap on the account, then on Sync Schedule, set it to Push.
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I dont see the option for push, this is what i get-
View attachment 1998784
View attachment 1998785
crammer04 said:
Aside from the push issue, what else do you dislike about the stock app that the other apps have? The only thing i noticed on the iphone is the push option...
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Four major issues are (and there are other minor issues):
- Lack of IMAP IDLE (push)
- When you reply to someones message, the text in their message is reformatted in your reply (font changes and line spacing changes). Looks unprofessional for work email.
- html hyperlinks are sometimes not properly parsed and are unclickable. I get a news service hyperlinks to articles. None of the hyperlinks work on the stock email client. I have to forward the message to gmail or something to click on the hyperlinks.
- emails sent from stock email client do not sync properly and have a different format on my outlook client.
Kaiten has none of these problems. These are not problems with the iphone app either.
GeorgeP said:
You must be talking about an exchange account. You don't have that option with IMAP.
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plus, to update on the syncing being disabled. I set the sync to on, reboot my phone, opened the mail app and i get the pop up that says sync disabled. I open the settings and the sync option is no longer checked.
Just tried Kaiten...It was downloading so many copies of my emails. It showed each email at least 4 times...uninstalled...
They are correct, the one I looked at was my email address, and my work address. The gmail address shows the same thing as yours.
I guess the news hasn't gotten around fully. Gmail accounts to do not support push with anything other than the native stock android gmail app anymore (since, when exactly, I don't remember. March or April of this year?). In that particular case, it's not the fault of the Samsung email app. No other app besides the official "gmail" app will receive emails by push from a gmail account, and that includes any email applications on any other system from iphone to any other operating system. Blame gmail.
The only thing I miss by using the stock email app is that I can't get it to come up in the combined inbox by default...I have to select it each time which is a bummer.
itiskonrad said:
I guess the news hasn't gotten around fully. Gmail accounts to do not support push with anything other than the native stock android gmail app anymore (since, when exactly, I don't remember. March or April of this year?). In that particular case, it's not the fault of the Samsung email app. No other app besides the official "gmail" app will receive emails by push from a gmail account, and that includes any email applications on any other system from iphone to any other operating system. Blame gmail.
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If this is true its embarrassing.
Is there any workaround?
this is strange cause i have a s4 and only get the 15 minute option, but on my note 3....i get the push option!!! that very strange
Use solmail....
Works with gmail and has neat interface
crammer04 said:
I dont see the option for push, this is what i get-
View attachment 1998784
View attachment 1998785
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you think you got it bad, i paid for unlock code on a rogers 1337m and had the push option.
when i inserted a telus sim and and unlocked it, it force reset the phone, force factory reset rather, and now i dont have push.
i also picked up some crappy apps from telus

email app

Does anyone have the old email app, I hate using Gmail...
networx2002 said:
Does anyone have the old email app, I hate using Gmail...
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And if it's needs it for exchange,
Haven't tested on this device but should work. Over time I've just gotten used to Gmail to help my paranoia of any possible security measures being outdated now. Lol.
Which Email app are you referring to? I don't think there was a specific one for AOSP... If you hate using Gmail app for Google Mail try Inbox. It took a little getting used to but I can't use Gmail anymore on my desktop or phone.
Inbox is great.
I don't use Gmail. I want tho aosp email. The one that was posted above is the one I wanted, but it wants me to update it to Gmail.
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networx2002 said:
I don't use Gmail. I want tho aosp email. The one that was posted above is the one I wanted, but it wants me to update it to Gmail.
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Maybe try using an older version on the site. Uninstall first then downgrade (a few downgrade if needed) and see if it still does. Could be something they added in the app when they were moving away from AOSP originally. Otherwise you may be SOL.
I'll try it
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I don't like the Gmail app either. I used Type App.
What's the difference between typeapp and bluemail? They look the same
I also hate Gmail for my work email. I've been using boxer by VMware. The company is reputable and I like the app so far. No limitations or paid features. It does everything I need and supports exchange with contact sync and push notifications which is what I needed specifically.
I use blackberry Hub app works great used it on my note 5 as-well.
Bluemail is the best out there but I cannot see the icons on the top strip in light mode. Anyone have this problem?
LastQuark said:
Bluemail is the best out there but I cannot see the icons on the top strip in light mode. Anyone have this problem?
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Had the same problem. You need to make it full screen.
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I was having the same issue
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lpasq said:
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I also use Nine. Love it.
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Email by Edison Software. Discovered it last week and it's great
Nine's the best!
I use Nine, as already mentioned, which is great because it can contain a work Office 365/Exchange administrator's access to control your phone, to just within the app. Nine also syncs calendars well, which I really like. I also really like AquaMail. Both apps do fine with Google, Outlook, Yahoo, IMAP, etc.
QD2DC said:
I also hate Gmail for my work email. I've been using boxer by VMware. The company is reputable and I like the app so far. No limitations or paid features. It does everything I need and supports exchange with contact sync and push notifications which is what I needed specifically.
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Click to collapse
Is this better than Outlook for Android? Is there anything that will combine one nice email app into one, for both personal and work email? Gmail sucked for my work email as well. Been using Outlook for Android, which is fine, but a bit clunky.

