email app - Essential Phone Questions & Answers

Does anyone have the old email app, I hate using Gmail...

networx2002 said:
Does anyone have the old email app, I hate using Gmail...
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And if it's needs it for exchange,
Haven't tested on this device but should work. Over time I've just gotten used to Gmail to help my paranoia of any possible security measures being outdated now. Lol.

Which Email app are you referring to? I don't think there was a specific one for AOSP... If you hate using Gmail app for Google Mail try Inbox. It took a little getting used to but I can't use Gmail anymore on my desktop or phone.

Inbox is great.

I don't use Gmail. I want tho aosp email. The one that was posted above is the one I wanted, but it wants me to update it to Gmail.
Sent from my PH-1 using Tapatalk

networx2002 said:
I don't use Gmail. I want tho aosp email. The one that was posted above is the one I wanted, but it wants me to update it to Gmail.
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Maybe try using an older version on the site. Uninstall first then downgrade (a few downgrade if needed) and see if it still does. Could be something they added in the app when they were moving away from AOSP originally. Otherwise you may be SOL.

I'll try it
Sent from my PH-1 using Tapatalk

I don't like the Gmail app either. I used Type App.

What's the difference between typeapp and bluemail? They look the same

I also hate Gmail for my work email. I've been using boxer by VMware. The company is reputable and I like the app so far. No limitations or paid features. It does everything I need and supports exchange with contact sync and push notifications which is what I needed specifically.


I use blackberry Hub app works great used it on my note 5 as-well.

Bluemail is the best out there but I cannot see the icons on the top strip in light mode. Anyone have this problem?

LastQuark said:
Bluemail is the best out there but I cannot see the icons on the top strip in light mode. Anyone have this problem?
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Had the same problem. You need to make it full screen.
Sent from my PH-1 using Tapatalk

I was having the same issue
Sent from my PH-1 using Tapatalk

lpasq said:
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I also use Nine. Love it.
Sent from my PH-1 using Tapatalk

Email by Edison Software. Discovered it last week and it's great

Nine's the best!

I use Nine, as already mentioned, which is great because it can contain a work Office 365/Exchange administrator's access to control your phone, to just within the app. Nine also syncs calendars well, which I really like. I also really like AquaMail. Both apps do fine with Google, Outlook, Yahoo, IMAP, etc.

QD2DC said:
I also hate Gmail for my work email. I've been using boxer by VMware. The company is reputable and I like the app so far. No limitations or paid features. It does everything I need and supports exchange with contact sync and push notifications which is what I needed specifically.
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Is this better than Outlook for Android? Is there anything that will combine one nice email app into one, for both personal and work email? Gmail sucked for my work email as well. Been using Outlook for Android, which is fine, but a bit clunky.


Original Android 2.1 Email Client

For those interested in original client available in "pure" Android 2.1 - here it is!
For me it's much more better than the HTC's one.
PS. God give us root to get rid of all that crappy HTC bloatware
What are the advantages of the original email app over HTC's version?
I like its look and feel,htc's one is too glossy.The same applies to music app.
Just try it yourself,it can be installed in parallel with htc one.
Sent from my HTC Desire using the XDA mobile application powered by Tapatalk
Is there anyway to get the app to delete the original emails off the server?
THANKS!!! it is awsome! Finnaly my emailsending works accross IMAP and TLS. With built in HTC email client it not works.
As for deleting emails - don't know if you're talking about pop or imap. In imap you have to delete mail from trash to get rid of them.
Didn't tested this app with pop3, so don't know if tere is an option to "delete from server after download". But I think that there could be no such option to prevent user from mistakes.
But .... it's source is available via and it can be tuned, or feature can be requested.
Thanks, sorted my mail sending across SSL.
The stock HTC mail app is eating up the memory. After 3 days, I had 30 MB of mail data, and erasing all Accounts did not helped. The 30 MB was still there, so I had to make a Factory Reset. Thanks for this app!!
Thanks for this.
Does this app allow searching of emails, in particular Exchange?
I noticed, or haven't found, the search feature for the HTC Mail app :/
This works great on Legend, nice to see a bit of stock Eclair.
Sent from my HTC Legend using the XDA mobile application powered by Tapatalk
Does not do copy paste though.....
Sent from my HTC Desire using the XDA mobile application powered by Tapatalk
Im having issue with opening HTML attachment through gmail account connected via exchange.
anyone faced same thing?
thank you
chiefmcbeef said:
Does this app allow searching of emails, in particular Exchange?
I noticed, or haven't found, the search feature for the HTC Mail app :/
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I would love to have this feature! I understand WinMob does this on exchange 2007...
I think I overlooked the obvious, pressing the search button!
Didn't give me results for my search, going to look into the number of emails the phone has access to, either copied to phone or on the server. I suspect the string I searched for was too far in the past.
[edit] Shame, only searches sender names and subject line :/
So, i installed this on my incredible and configured it to work with my office exchange account... set it up as push, and it never updated... went into the sync settings and it was in there, but was showing that it wasn't set to auto sync and i couldn't get it to sync from there.. originally when i first set it up, it was able to connect and download my past emails, but nothing after that.. I know i'm in the desire section of the site, so it may just be that ti's not gunna work on my Incredible right now, but i was wondering if root is required to use this?
s4vva said:
I would love to have this feature! I understand WinMob does this on exchange 2007...
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don't know if i understood you correctly but i can search my exchange 2007 mail from my phone...
just open htc mail app and than press the hardware search button...type what you want to search and that's it...
thanks alot, this is so much better than sense's version, actually so much stock android 2.2 stuff is better than sense i'm thinking of rooting for 2.2
This force closes when I have an email with an attachment in my inbox, really annoying.
Does it require root?
Does this application require root access or can I install it even if the phone is unrooted? Another question -- Does this get me the combined inbox?

Vibrant default mail client (Exchange, etc.)

Does anyone know who makes the default "Email" named client that ships with the Vibrant? Is that a Samsung app, Google app, or other? I ask because it seems to be *dog slow* doing even the simplest of things -- opening a message, refreshing, deleting, etc.. Has everyone else noticed this? Any fixes? In contrast, the built-in Gmail app is super-speedy.
On that note, is there a better Exchange-enabled client that I can install on this phone? Can the Android 2.1 client be ported to this phone? I need Exchange (mail, calendar, contacts) sync support. Also, I don't want to use Touchdown.
I had exchange before I moved to google apps for business. Exchange push worked flawless.
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App
Yep, I saw that you said you didn't want to use it.
Touchdown's still my recommendation.
I have no problems getting exchange email in a timely manner via the default client...
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App
It's not that I *can't* get my Exchange email -- the syncing appears to be working fine. The issue is the client itself: very slow and laggy. The Gmail client, by comparison, is fast and responsive.
Are others seeing the "Email" app slowness as well?
Lastly, does anyone know who makes the included Email app? Google? Samsung?
the default exchange client in the nexus had zero lag.
yipcanjo said:
It's not that I *can't* get my Exchange email -- the syncing appears to be working fine. The issue is the client itself: very slow and laggy.
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It also can't display HTML messages, doesn't highlight complicated URLs correctly (ones with & or = symbols), and has no copy & paste. At least, not from what I can tell.
Sent from my Samsung Vibrant
Can we install the apk from the nexus on the vibrant?
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App
I have not had a problem with the default email program. It has been fast and syncs all my email that I want it to. I did increase the size of the mail since our work uses a jpeg as a sig.
Minker17 said:
Can we install the apk from the nexus on the vibrant?
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App
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I second this. Anyway to grab the Nexus One mail client and install onto the Vibrant?
Have you tried K-9 mail?
I hate the default email app. Tried touchdown but it is not great. I switched to Google apps for business and migrated from my exchange server and I'm much happier all around.
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App
I agree. I just moved my exchange to google apps for business too.
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App
Yes, Google Apps is a fine solution, and I'm using that for my *personal* email, but my work uses Exchange 2007.
Anyhow, I'm trying out K9 Mail and MailDroid, though I can't get either of them to connect just yet. I'll keep trying.
Otherwise, this really looks like a "wait until Froyo" situation, since the initial 2.1 solution didn't support Exchange calendar syncing. Version 2.2 should have what we need.
Hurry up and wait
K-9 is much better, although it randomly goes for long amounts of time without getting some email, even though I can get them on my computer.
If it's mission criticle to get your emails on time, it's not very reliable, unfortunately (neither is the stck client).
WHOA! Hold the phone (no pun intended)...
I was looking at the "stalling" issues threads, and came across this *FIX* (Method 1) that was pretty easy to do:
Assuming that you're rooted, just install Busybox and Terminal Emulator (from the Marketplace). Alternately, you can use ADB from your computer, though I've never been able to get this to work. I was able to complete these commands directly on my phone from the emulator and reboot.
Anyhow, after applying this change, the default mail app is ABSOLUTELY FLYING. I kid you not. Just as fast as the Gmail client, if not somewhat faster. Really amazing. To be honest, the entire phone is much, much faster all around -- not just this mail client.
The downside? Well... technically the "app data space" is limited after this update, but I was only using 28megs (of 130megs total). Not too concerned. On that note, they give you the command to check your app data space, if you're wondering.
So....I am absolutely good for now. Happy with the mail clients and their performance.
Thanks for your help, everyone.
The e-mail app in Android 2.2 is pretty great, I was running it on my G1 before I switched up to a Vibrant last week.
The e-mail clients from Google (before 2.2) were/are dismal, but I'm pretty sure they hired Marc Blanc, the guy who wrote the excellent ChatterMail client for the Palm Treo, who then went on to begin developing AndroidMail in 2009. I was a beta tester for AndroidMail, and in the middle of the beta he announced Google was soliciting his input about some sort of secret project. There was never another AndroidMail update after that, much to my dismay.
Then about eight months later I got my hands on the Froyo e-mail client in CyanogenMod6, and I had this nagging feeling I'd seen it somewhere before. Eventually I realized it looks like a super-polished version of what Marc was doing in ChatterMail and AndroidMail.
This is huge for me, because the problems in earlier Android e-mail apps were becoming a serious problem.
So my recommendation would be to sit tight, 2.2 is just around the corner...
For what it's worth, I don't see any slow down or lag with the Exchange client. It is just as responsive as the GMail client and everything else on the phone.
Flak_Munky said:
For what it's worth, I don't see any slow down or lag with the Exchange client. It is just as responsive as the GMail client and everything else on the phone.
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Glad to hear it... but clearly I am *NOT ALONE* on this issue: there was some serious lag going on specifically with the default mail client. To the point that I really tried to avoid checking the email in that client at all, if I could avoid it. It was really, really slow....and the Gmail app was snappy & fast.
Anyhow, the "fix" I posted has totally resolved that issue, as well as speeding up a number of other apps/functions. Really amazing!
Out of curiosity, did you ever apply a "factory reset" that many folks seem to recommend? I never did.
Nope. No factory resets. No lag fixes. No GPS fixes. Only thing I have done is root and install Clockwork. Everything has been working great for me since day one. Guess I got lucky.

Moving from WM (HTC Sense) to the Atrix, email seems missing

So I'm new having just moved to Android from WM, and have configured all my accounts on the phone (that's 7 email accounts under Accounts), now my problem is simple I see no way to actual see existing messages in the inbox's, when I get a mail it shows up in notifications, but other than the gmail accounts (all 5 of which are available from the gmail app if separately), getting to the yahoo, msn or aol accounts (mostly used of IM, but mail does go to them some times) is just not easy. I really expected more from Android when it comes to email accounts. I've seen programs like Enhanced Email or Pure Messenger in the market place, but before I went and sent money, I thought I'd ask if there was something I'm missing built in or free?
On the same note I'm finding the Widgets that are provided for Google voice, are ugly and others say for email are simply not present at all. All of this is making me miss my HTC Sense interface on WM. However there I'd expect solutions for all of these issue, which is what I'm looking for.
You'll find all your emails in the messaging app
Sent from my MB860 using XDA App
I know the app you are suggesting, but so far it always says no emails, yet the gmail app shows well over a hundred, so as far as I can tell its not working, also like to crash on me, so I do not think it is a solution.
You can try K9-Mail for an e-mail client. Works amazing for me.
egandt said:
I know the app you are suggesting, but so far it always says no emails, yet the gmail app shows well over a hundred, so as far as I can tell its not working, also like to crash on me, so I do not think it is a solution.
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have you configured the email accounts in their respective sections in MESSAGING app as has already been suggested? the app works fine here, so if you are having problems, factory reset and try again. i dont really understand what the problem is. your question originally was how to access them, then when told how to access them you say it's not working. if its not working, start there and figure out WHY its not working......THAT would be your problem, wouldnt it?
not trying to be hostile or funny here, but if you love HTC Sense, you do know there are plenty of androids running HTC sense right?
or you can wait for a HTC Sense ROM
I have five accounts running with no problem. Try a factory reset like someone else suggested.
Sent from my MB860 using XDA App
By default its only set to sync the past 3 days of mail. Go into account settings from the messaging app and bump it up to 30 days. 30 days is the max which is a bummer. On my past win mobile you could tell it to sync all mail.
Sent from my MB860 using XDA App

Apps that show your MS Exchange calendar appointments

Being new to the Android world having come from the Windows Mobile environment I am perplexed to see how I can display my calendar details from my work's MS Exchange server. I have the emails and contacts working fine but all the Apps and Wiggits I have seen so far don't seem to work for the calendar. Surely someone else other there wants to have their work calendar on their S4 so could you advise me how you have done it? Many thanks in anticipation.
jcodde said:
Being new to the Android world having come from the Windows Mobile environment I am perplexed to see how I can display my calendar details from my work's MS Exchange server. I have the emails and contacts working fine but all the Apps and Wiggits I have seen so far don't seem to work for the calendar. Surely someone else other there wants to have their work calendar on their S4 so could you advise me how you have done it? Many thanks in anticipation.
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You can Try this app called touchdown by nitrodesk... install the trial version from play store and you can evaluate if the app satisfy what you need.
Sent from my GT-N7100 using Tapatalk 2
I suggest you download Google calendar from Play Store and then go into the options and select the calendars you wish to show. It has got this neat widget too. I'll try to attach a screenshot
Sent from my GT-N7100 using xda app-developers app
iznee said:
You can Try this app called touchdown by nitrodesk... install the trial version from play store and you can evaluate if the app satisfy what you need.
Sent from my GT-N7100 using Tapatalk 2
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Many thanks. I have actually done that and while it works for email and contacts, the calendar doesn't sync. I has contacted the company for advice but also noted a number of discussions around the wider problem of sync'ing between MS Exchange and Android devices. Would be interested in knowing if there are any widgets out there that show your appointments stored on MS Exchange?
I use my business email via exchange server using the stock email app,
Widget calendar and email works flawlessly,
Sync also does push in realtime
Sent un Samsung Galaxia S Quatro LTE

[Q] what other e-mail application you use

example has K9, Maildroid and others.
what is your application for you which is good, reliable and secure
your opinion
Have been using AquaMail for almost one year now, or maybe more, and nothing comes close. K9 is decent too.
Nothing is as bad as Gmail app anyway.
devilsdouble said:
Have been using AquaMail for almost one year now, or maybe more, and nothing comes close. K9 is decent too.
Nothing is as bad as Gmail app anyway.
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I am also using AquaMail
I have tried others
for information and curiosity wants to hear from others people
Kaiten Mail (the same as k9) just because they have a real dark theme.
Cloud magic is good, give it a try
For private correspondence I use Thunderbird, for company purposes: MS Outlook 2013 via exchange.

